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Coming together to make adifferenceinthe metro

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By bringing togethergiftsof all sizes— United Wayof the Midlands (UWM) makesthemost of everydonated dollar. We keepour pulse on community needsand ensureall funds are awarded to programsmaking thebiggest communityimpact.

For TimBurke withOmahaChamber of Commerce, 2018and 2022 Campaign Chairwith hiswife, Terri,supporting United Wayisaneasy choice. “It’s about helpingthoseinneed,” Burke said. “And UWMisone of themost-effectiveand efficientorganizations,with more than 95 centsof everydollar raisedgoing directlyback into thehands of those whoneedit.”


Rob Reed with PhysiciansMutual, incoming 2023 CampaignChairwithhis wife, Stacie,sharesa similarsentiment. “United Wayhastremendous impact ontheOmaha-CouncilBluffsmetro, a community we proudlycallhome,” Reed said. “Beinginvolved at thislevelis a way for us to show our gratitude to a community we caresomuchabout.”

Communityimpactalsoinspires Theresa McDermott and her husband, Greg, CreightonUniversitymen’s basketball coach, to donate.“Wechose United Wayasoneof our ‘charities of choice’becausethey support a diverse portfoliooforganizationsand programs that keepdonations local,which is

Youcanhearfrom more community membersonwhy theysupport UWM by scanning theQR code important to us,”McDermott said. For MattDwyer withGreenslate Development,donating to UWMisall aboutgivingback.“Iamlucky. I was born with my healthand very few obstaclesin my path,”Dwyer said.“If Icanbehelpful to anyone who wasn’t quitethat lucky, thenitis my obligation to doso.”

John P. Nelson withSilverstoneGroup, alsobelievesin givingback.“United Way reaches so many oftheoftenunderserved families,” Nelsonsaid.“I believe thatthoseofus who have been fortunate have an obligation to help thosewho have fallenondifficult times.” Responsibilityandimpactalsoinspire PaulMaass ofScoular and hiswife, Julie. “Theonethingthat stands outis the impactUWMhas across manynonprofitorganizations.Ifirmlybelieve their processesdrivegreatereffectiveness of our community’s philanthropic efforts,”Maass said.“Webelieve it is our responsibility to give back…and we hope thethings we dowillinspireothers.”

Aninterestinphilanthropy and volunteerism led Ty Kreitman,incoming chairofUWM’s Emerging Leadersgroup, to United Way. “I was introduced to them through my employer’scampaignsand was inspired tocontribute moredirectly,” Kreitmansaid. “Aggregating our resources to build a strongerandmore resilient community takes collective action andaltruisticleadership.UWM leadsthateffortwitha foundation of kindness,empathy and compassion.”

And CyncHealth, in addition to being a 211Helpline partner, alsochooses to runanemployee-givingcampaign to supportUWM.“Wedon’t oftenget to seethedirectimpactofour work,” said Rachel Heinzwith CyncHealth.“But by partneringwithUWM, we cansee theimmediateeffectsof our donations throughprogramsthat are present and involvedin our ownneighborhoods.”

Relationshipsare trulythe heart and soulofUnited Way. Today we areproud to say we work withmore than 600 organizationsand 40,000donorswho believe in the work we doand theimpact we make.

If you’d like to jointhese individuals and get involved,go to UnitedWayMidlands.org/Donate

Since the TocquevilleSociety wasfirst founded in1987 by 12 charter members —Andyand MarianAndersen, The Buffett Foundation, Alan and Marcia Baer Foundation, RobertDaugherty, Mr andMrs.CharlesDurham,Charles M. Harper, AllanandAnnMactier, Carland JoyceMammel, Walter andSuzanneScott, RobertH. Storz,Billand Jan Strauss, Michael and Gail Yanney itsmembers have beenchampioningthe work of United Wayand encouraging others to dothesame

To date, morethan $120million in Tocquevilledonations have been investedinto our community Andthanks to theleadership of 2022 CampaignChairs Tim and TerriBurke, this year,UWM achieved403 Tocquevillemembers —surpassingMr. WarrenBuffett’s Tocqueville Membership Challenge for thethird yearina row! This means Mr.Buffett increasedhis generous match to 10%ofUWM’s total campaignand more money willbeinvestedinto the OmahaCouncilBluffs community.


Writers: Carmen Steele,LaurenKimball

GraphicDesigner: AndyMeza

Photographers: AndyMeza,Catherine Mischo, Katie Sharpe, KaLynn Wood

Additional contributors: Shawna Forsberg, TravisKlein,Dr. PamSchwalb, Krissy Suski,Laura Tatten,Matt Wallen, MaureenIrish,BekahNoxon, KaLynn Wood,MichaelBlue,LizChristensen, OBICreative

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