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A special message to the Omaha-Council Bluffscommunity
AsUnited Way oftheMidlands celebrates 100 years ofserving theOmaha-CouncilBluffs metro, we aresograteful for the supportand caringspirit thathasmadethis workpossible
Sinceour verybeginningas The CommunityChest in1923, we’ve workedalongsideour valued partners to build awarenessof communityneedsand form a Circleof Support to address those needs. We remove barriers, create opportunityand strengthenthe systems that people relyon whentheyare looking for assistance
By bridging the business,not-for-profitand governmentsectors, we’reable to raisefundsand invest in programs anddirectservices to address unmetneeds.And by remaining flexible andadaptive, we continually evolve to ensure the path to opportunityisopenand accessible in our community.
As you explore thisspecialsection, we hope youwilllearn more about United Way’s strong heritage inthemetro, the work we do withour partners to show how strong our communitycanbeand thecurrentchallenges many of our neighborsare dealing with. You’ll also seewhypeoplefromall walksoflife choose to joinwith us to impact thefutureoftheOmaha-Council Bluffsmetro and how youcanbe partofour100-year anniversary celebration.
Lookingahead, we are uniquelypositioned to tacklethe challengesand celebratethe successesofthenext100 years thanks to the continuedsupportofthis generous communityand peoplelike you.
With gratitude,