Packaging report

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Things of Tomorrow

by Omar Gonzalez

This document resumes the work made between the 14th of September of 2015 and the 7th of January of 2016 by Omar Gonzalez (and with the help of Benoit Manaute in the design phase) for the company of Things of Tomorrow. This report only resumes the creation process that was followed for the conceptualization of the packaging. In it, the reader will be able to look at the analysis phase, the creation phase and ďŹ nally the implementation.

Contents Company Product Objectives Planning

Chapter 3: Implementation 3.1. Art 3.1.1. Seekios 3.1.2. Secure 3.1.3. Pocket 3.1.4. Watch 3.2. 3D models 3.2.1. Seekios and secure 3.2.2. Pocket and watch 3.3. Primary, secondary, tertiary packaging 3.4. Storytelling 3.5. Features 3.6. Guideline 3.8.1. Seekios 3.8.2. Secure 3.8.3. Pocket 3.8.4. Watch 3.7. Unpackaging 3.8. Future lines

1 2 3 4

Chapter 1: Analysis 1.1. Target audience 1.2. Brand identity 1.3. Distribution channel 1.4. Distribution countries 1.5. Trends 1.6. Market research 1.7. Meaning of colours 1.8. Packaging materials 1.9. Possible shapes 1.10. Legislation 1.11. Final strategy

5 6 7 8 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 20

Chapter 2: Creation 2.1. IdentiďŹ cation 2.2. Functionality 2.3. Personality 2.4. Navigation 2.5. Decision making diagram 2.6. Conceptualization 2.7. Concept evaluation 2.8. Concept development 2.8.1. Concept A 2.8.2. Concept B 2.8.3. Concept C 2.8.4. Chosen concept: variants 2.8.5. Chosen concept: art 2.8.6. Concept: ďŹ nal art 2.8.7. Family packaging 2.8.8. Family packaging: concept 2.8.9. Family packaging: art 2.8.10 Final 2 propositions

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Things of Tomorrow is a small Start-Up company formed by currently 8 members. Funded by StĂŠphan Arnas in 2015, the main product is the Seekios. A small GPS tracker that helps locate children, pets and elderly people as well as your personal objects like the car or bike. This product is not new in the technological market, GPS trackers have already existed for at least 2 years. In spite of that, this product will try to make itself a place in this industry by being the best among all the other competitors. As I said, this kind of trackers have been for sale for a long time, but the quality of them lacks in every single aspect: batteries only last 1 day, GPS signal only updates every minute, they are expensive and a monthly fee also needs to be paid and the product’s supports are not adapted for their uses. Due to being a Start-Up company, the money resources of it are not big. New investors have to be found each month in order to continue developing the project. The invested money in the development will only be for making the prototypes, and it will need to be taken into account that the ďŹ nal cost production of the supports will have to be as cheap as possible without risking a minimum quality for the packaging design.





This project has 4 main objectives or contraints. -Analyse the different market tendencies and determine which one suits the best for the company. Once that is made, conceptualize the different packaging styles according to it. -The product will have to be able to be seen in the packaging (therefore, a plastic material will be needed in order to protect the product from external threats). -Create a navigation map between the different products. This map consists of making the different packaging according to one thematic (therefore obtaining a family of products that the user will be able to distinguish by a number, colour or typo). -Create the art of the packaging accordingly with the enterprisesz attributes.



Analysis Target audience Brand identity Distribution channel Distribution countries Trends Market research Meaning of colours Packaging materials Possible shapes Legislation Final strategy

Creation IdentiďŹ cation Functionality Personality Navigation Decision making diagram Conceptualization Concept evaluation Concept development Choosen concept


Implementation Art 3D model Primary, secondary, tertiary packaging Storytelling Features Guideline Unfolded Future lines

CHAPTER 1 Analysis

Target audience


Brand identity


Distribution channel

The chosen place to sell product will be FNAC. FNAC (which means Fédération Nationale d’Achats des Cadres) is a French company specialised in electronic devices, computers, photographic items, books, music and video. Founded in 1954 by André Essel and Max Thèret is the leading company in France selling electronic products where they own 113 stores. A part from that, this company also works in Spain (25 stores), Portugal (22 stores), Brazil (12 stores), Belgium (9 stores), Switzerland (5 stores), Morocco (1 store) and Qatar (1 store). Instead of making a picture research on the internet and deducing from this pictures the store distribution, the store located near the Jean Jaurès Metro station in Toulouse will be observed and studied. The important things to be taken into account from this store will be: how French products are represented (are they in a special place?), where are the trackers located, how many people check the tracker zone in 10 minutes, the age of people checking for the tracker devices…


Distribution channel

In the store, the GPS trackers and generally all the “smart” devices, are located near the mobile phones, in the second floor. They have an own category known as “Objets Connectés”. The first thing that attracts the user to this zone is the presentation stand of the different products. Each company has a stand where the products are displayed alike a small description of the functionalities of the product. Once the buyer gets attracted to this stand, the first packaging that screams for attention is the one designed by Belkin known as WeMo. This product family gets the attention of the user by using a light green colour. The second thing that pops to the mind is the quantity of companies using the white colour in their packaging. Most of the companies try to contrast this white colour with orange, black, blue or even brown. Black doesn’t seem a suitable option due to the fact that the FNAC shelves are grey, and the packaging camouflages in it, losing importance and therefore presence in the product. The only French product that I was able to find was the Wistiki, which was kind of hidden between the different products. In spite of that, the product transmitted properly the values of the brand, making a small packaging but effective where the consumer is able to know what he is buying and what it looks like. In the 15 minutes that I spent in this zone, 27 people got attracted to this zone, 19 looked at 1 product (that was normally from the family of the “nest” or “myfox”), 5 looked to more than 1 product, only 1 stayed long enough to look to all the different products of this category and none of the consumers bought any product. The first things that consumers felt attracted to was the visual aspect of the object (because of the stand), then they searched this product under, and if they felt attracted to the packaging, they took it and looked at the specifications. The age range of the user was between 25-50 years. In conclusion, a part from a creative packaging, it could also be interesting to add a stand in FNAC in order to let consumers interact with the product. If that’s not possible, a packaging like the Wistiki would also work fine.


Distribution countries

FNAC only has stores in 7 countries a part from the ones located in France, taking into account that the product wants to be only in Europe, this product will specifically be designed for France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Switzerland. The 4 countries belong to the European Union, and therefore the cultural values in this countries will be similar. The packaging will first be introduced in the stores of France, and after that a feedback will be waited. If the feedback is positive, the insertion to the Spanish and Portuguese stores will be held. Changes in the packaging won’t be needed for the commercialization of the product in the western European countries, and due to the fact that the 3 country’s borders are next to each other, in spite of having different life styles, the values are the same (in regards to society, religion and family).


Trends Recycling

This trend has been going on for a while, and it seems, that in the following years it will continue growing. People are more and more aware of the world’s situation every day (the climate change, pollution, lack of resources…) and they want to make a change in their lives. This consumers already consume as few as possible in water, electricity… They recycle, and they want to know, that the product they are buying doesn’t have negative consequences in the environment. In spite of having a technological product as the main item of the company, creating a green packaging could improve how the brand is received by other people and therefore increase the sales.


Trends Old School

It is not new that the 60’s and 70’s are back. We live in a world where old school has become cool and hipsters are an everyday life thing. People have started to buy things because of its unique view or characteristics. They want to have outstanding products in order to be able to show them to their friends, and here is where packaging can make a job. By creating a unique packaging the user will feel more attracted to it, therefore increasing the sales. In spite of that, creating a packaging for this tendency could be a risky move due to the fact that it’s new and that it can change any day.


Trends Text

In a world where the consumers seems to get way too many information a new tendency has emerged. A tendency that says as much as possible in the less text as possible. Against all this massive consumerist this trend focuses in getting to the user just the information he needs. This style forgets about all the characteristics of the product and just focuses on what the consumer needs to know. The information is written in a simple way, and the consumer will be able to see and read what he needs. Transparent packaging and simple types help the user in a colour and shaped saturated market. This trend would outstand from all the other products in the market, and could really be an innovative packaging.


Market research


Meaning of colours

Cheerful attention getter. Associated with liveliness and being energetic. Difficult for the eye to take in heavy doses. Energetic warmth and ambition. Denotes new beginnings, enthusiasms and creativity. Emotionally intense. Associated with boldness, love and life. Denotes warning and is known as a colour that encourages appetite. Symbol of nature and organic materials. One of the easiest colours on the eye and is normally associated with safety, optimism, growth, harmony, wealth, luck and stress relief. One of the most used colours. Is often associated with tranquillity, depth, honour, trust and productivity. In spite of that, it is also known as a sad colour. Historically connected to royalty, nobility, power and wealth. It’s known as an artificial colour and it is normally related to feminine aspects of the life. The colour of femininity, love, romance and tenderness. Also known as calming. Solid, dependable, confident and reliable. It is normally related to earth, and depending of the use it can be both conventional and sophisticated. In spite of that, it is also related to boredom. Conservative, traditional and serious. It is sometimes used as a support for stronger colours. It’s communicates authority, security and stability. Power, authority, sophistication and elegance. It is also related to evil, taboo, depth and gloom, making it a difficult colour to work with. Purity, cleanliness, sterility and youth. It’s the absence of colour. It’s used to explain simplicity, goodness and hope.


Packaging materials


Possible shapes



CE MARKING This is probably the most widely used and recognized marking required by the EU. Found in all “New Approach” legislation with a few exceptions, the CE marking demonstrates that a product meets all essential requirements (typically related to safety, health, energy efficiency and/or environmental concerns). THE WASTE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT DIRECTIVE (WEEE) This directive is designed to tackle the rapidly increasing waste stream of electrical and electronic equipment, and complements European Union measures on landfills and waste incineration. Increased recycling of electrical and electronic equipment, in accordance with the directive requirements, limits the total quantity of waste going to final disposal. Indicates that the product is not to be discarded with normal household waste. It is a required mark on batteries. In instances where this symbol cannot be displayed on the equipment itself, it should be included on the packaging. RECYCLING The “mobius loop” (sometimes known as the “chasing arrows”), based on an international standard, may be found on products throughout Europe and is meant to help consumers identify and participate in recycling schemes for product packaging and materials. As well as being used on printed packaging, the chasing arrow symbol is sometimes featured in the moulds of glass, metal, paper, or plastic products.




GREEN DOT The Green Dot system is a scheme in which participating bodies coordinate the collection, sorting and recovery of used packaging. This system is actually administered according to national packaging laws (adhered to by packaging manufacturers, ďŹ llers, retailers and importers), and it should be noted that all participating national systems operate independently. The umbrella organization, PRO-Europe, is responsible for managing the Green Dot labeling system in Europe. BARCODES Barcodes are not legislated by the European Union; neither are they legislated by its member states. It is rare, however, to see products without barcodes. The code system and its use is governed by voluntary industry agreements. Competing systems exist, and importers and distributors can provide advice on this subject.


Final strategy

For the final strategy, the main goal will be to be able to create a product that reflects the identity of the company. In order to do that, the brand identity will be the most important thing to be taken into account. The probability of creating a packaging that plays with the logo name or colours would also be interesting. It will also have to be taken into account, that as this product is going to be displayed in the FNAC, the packaging doesn’t necessarily need to show the product itself due to the fact that the product is displayed in a stand near the packaging, therefore, the user is able to touch and test the product live. It must also be taken into account, that the main user of this product are the families, and therefore, the visual identification of the product can’t be aggressive nor neither too mature. The objective is to have a colourful but yet mature enough packaging so that families feel identified with the product. In order to achieve that, colours, pictures and typos will play a really important role. Finally, stablishing an only tendency limits the creativity and closes the conception process. In order to achieve the best possible result, the 3 tendencies will be used and even mixed between each other in order to achieve a product that a part from being visually attractive, also adapts to 2 or 3 different tendencies, in this way expanding the commercialization field.


CHAPTER 2 Creation


An important thing that needs to be stablished is the “What factor”. What does the brand sell? What category does it play in? What does the user expect from it? Etc. Once this questions are answered, the next step will be able to be taken. Things of Tomorrow sells safety, confidence and relax. The brand wants to let the users know that it’s OK to feel worried but that they don’t need to carry on with that feeling. It wants to let the user know that if he wants, he can start relaxing and taking care of other things. At the same time, the brand doesn’t want to treat the users as persons who want to control everything, in fact, it just wants to help people in their everyday life. This brand competes in a category known as “Objets Connectés”. In the analysis that was previously made in FNAC, one big conclusion was taken, and this was that the product had to have the white colour included in its packaging. No colour transmits the safety, confidence and relax as good as the white does. Also, the competitor companies had similar packaging’s, which at least always included: a photo of the product, the company name, colours of the company and a small definition of what the product was. The characteristic which changed between the products was the support colour to the white, which helped the user look to one part of the stand or to another. When the user buys the product he expects a good quality product with an easy to open package. People are bored of plastic packaging’s that need scissors to be opened, in the ecologically responsible world that the society is being developed in, going green helps the user-company feedback positively. It is also helpful to the user to be able to touch or see the real size of the product, which in the case of FNAC could be either showed in a stand or by making an open packaging. Using cardboard or ecologic materials instead of plastics will also be economically beneficial for the company.



In spite of the difficulty, creating a functional packaging helps stablishing an emotional bond with the packaging and by consequence with the brand. If the users perceive a connexion with the brand, the positive feedbacks will increase, and by consequence the sales. Creating a functional packaging for the range of the products of the Things of Tomorrow company won’t be an easy task due to the fact that the products inside are itself the support. If the functionality can’t be changed, the second option to be taken into account will be the end of life of the product. Talking with ecologically responsible companies can help developing a packaging that won’t affect the environment and become a developing support that won’t affect the world itself.



For families

Quality Future thinkers

Made by young people




The product navigation can be done by many different ways. Starting from putting numbers to the different products to keeping the packaging shape or exterior art. Creating a navigation system between the products is important in order to make the users understand that everything belongs to the same family. A cohesion between the different packagings is a must in order to not lose the company identity. Keeping the shape is something than companies such as H&S do. They keep the basic characteristics of the design (blue cap, white body) and then they add a personalized style to the sticker. In the case of Things of Tomorrow, this option will probably not be viable due to the fact that it is intended to have a square or rectangle packaging. The navigation of the product of Things of Tomorrow will be made by using different size packagings that respect a visual coherence between them. Either by adding the company logo in the same place in all the packagings or by putting the same colour around the corner all the packaging MUST be catalogued as a whole pack.


Decision making diagram

Shopper: Parent “I am afraid that something will happen to our son or daughter� Touch point 1: What are my needs? Wants? Tracker

Mobile phone

Hidden GPS

Mobile phone app

Touch point 2: What size? Small



Touch point 3: What price? Cheap



Touch point 4: Quality? Bad



Touch point 5: Where will I go? FNAC


Telephone stores

Touch point 6: What will I look at? Characteristics







Concept evaluation Trend Safe


Prod. Vis

Recycl. Atraction


Concept development Concept A




Concept development Concept B


Cardboard 30

Concept development Concept C




Concept development Chosen concept variants


Concept development Choosen concept art

In order to develop the concept art of the back part of the packaging a series of descriptions must be stablished. 2 ideas have been taken into account. The ďŹ rst idea was to center the packaging in the characteristics of the product: battery life, how to charge it, protection systems... The second idea was to center the description behind in the use: how it works, the applications, the users... Centering the packaging in the characteristics, the user is able to know the basic things of the product, the design is aimed to be minimalist and to answer the following questions: how long will the battery last?, will it break if it touches the water?, can it be shared? If the packaging is centered in the use, the probability of reaching the user to a more emotional level is possible. The user will feel identiďŹ ed with the packaging because it will explain to him how the product works as well as why he needs it. Both of the ideas work, but yet only one will be more user centered. In order to do that, concepts of each of the ideas will be developed. And each of this concepts will be evaluated according to the following categories: characteristics, use modes, user friendly, emotional level, company identity and design. For the frontal part of the packaging there’s only one idea: make it minimalist but not too minimalist. Too much minimalist would supose a product that is not aimed for families but for elite users. The characteristics to be taken intto account in this category are not many: name, description, design and product.


Concept development Choosen concept art Frontal design










Concept development Choosen concept art Back design

Characteristics Identity

Use mod.


User friendly Emotional conexion

Characteristics Identity

Use mod.


User friendly Emotional conexion


Concept development Choosen concept art Back design

Characteristics Identity

Use mod.


User friendly Emotional conexion

Characteristics Identity

Use mod.


User friendly Emotional conexion


Concept development Final concept art


Concept development Family packaging

Now that the art for the main packaging is selected, the design of the other 3 packagings can be started. From the previous phase, 2 concepts were chosen. You will be able to see these concepts in the next 2 pages. Along with the 2 chosen propositions there is also a design proposition for the rest of the packagings. The proposition of page 39 uses is a simple but always efective packaging. With a lateral, frontal and under opening the buyer will be able to see without limits the product he is buying. A family cohesion is also obtained by making the same style of opening in all the packagings, obtaining a simple but yet offective packaging. On the negative hand though, this packaging is also way too classic. There’s not anything new in it that will drag the user to it. It will need to be checked if what we are searching for is for something simple but which works or if we want to innovate in the market. The proposition of page 40 plays with the user in a more joyful way. With a packaging that adapts to the different forms of the products the user is able to feel a deeper conexion with the packaging. Less mature than the previous design, this one communicates a more human aspect. Although, using this packaging style could also be risky due to the fact that the user might feel that it’s too childish Also, the opening of these packagings is smaller than the previous ones, which gives less angle to the buyer. In resume, choosing the packaging in the left is going classic but safe; but, by choosing the packaging on the right is innovating and at the same time more risky. It will also have to be taken into account the family packaging art (in pages 41 and 42). But no final proposition will be shown until the implementation part, where a part from saying the final proposition: the different characteristics, art, gidelines etc. will also be shown.


Concept development Family packaging: concept






Concept development Family packaging: concept






Concept development Family packaging: art

Characteristics Identity

Use mod.


User friendly Emotional conexion

Characteristics Identity

Use mod.


User friendly Emotional conexion


Concept development Family packaging: art

Characteristics Identity

Use mod.


User friendly Emotional conexion






Concept development Final 2 propositions

Here are the 2 final propositions. It can be seen that both of them explain more or less the same things. In both of the packagings the characteristics are shown as well as a small definition of the product. The results show here are the conclussion of weeks and weeks of work of Benoit and I. These propositions are both influeced by my ideas and Benoits ideas, and both of them were perfectly working propositions. But at the end, one had to be chosen.


CHAPTER 3 Implementation

Art Seekios


Art Secure


Art Pocket


Art Watch


3D model Seekios and secure


3D model Pocket and Watch


Primary, secondary, tertiary packaging

The tertiary package is only supposed to be a box. These boxes will have to be personally created for the company. The sizes of height and depth keep always the same, the only changing factor is the length. The shipment quantity always keeps the same, 40 examples per box.


Primary, secondary, tertiary packaging

To explain the primary and secondary packaging a scheme will be used. This scheme will correspond to Seekios support, but the same distribution will be applied to all the other packagings.






I wish there was a way of keeping an eye in my kid when I’m not around him.

A QR-code? Let’s check where it links to...

Now that I finally have the product in my hand I’m left with all the plastic and cardboard packagings. In order to know what I should do with them I should check for the icons in each of them.


Left simbol appears in the cardboard materials, whereas right simbol only appears in plastic materials. Both of them indicate that it’s recyclable.


I want something that in a future will adapt to my different needs. Also, it would be great if I could control it with my mobile phone.

Seekios Offrez vous un sixième sens

Seekios Offrez vous un sixième sens


Géolocalisez Gratuitement et sans frontières

Mobile app and adaptable to different uses! I still don’t know if I will use it a lot or not, so not having a monthly fee gives me some calm. I’m buying it!




Offrez vous un sixième sens

Offrez vous un sixième sens


These packagings unite the young spirit around the company of Things of Tomorrow and a very unique identity that outstands from the all the other competitors in the market. With the card of being a start-up in the sleeve, taking a chance in a daring packaging design is always easier than if the company is an already well known multinational. The packaging cosists of 2 pieces (a part from the box where the packagings will be distributed and shipped). The first piece is completly made of cardboard. Printed only in one face and which ties all together to form the protective case that surrounds the product. A case whose function is to inform and attract the user. The second part of the packaging comes once the first layer is taken off. In this one, the user will be able to see a transparent plastic box and inside it a green coloured cardboard that is used to emphasise the Seekios (or other supports). The Seekios (or other supports) will be placed in a plastic tray in order to limit the movement of the product whils being transported or checked in a store. It’s frontal and lateral openings help the user making an idea of how the final product looks. It is not new in this market, when companies decide to sell their items completly closed, to only show a photo of the product. We thought, that using a packaging like the mentioned one could led to missunderstandings, and therefore, we stimed that showing the item is as important as using the good explanations. In the back-face of the packaging the user can observe the functionalities of the product (in the case of the Seekios) and the characteristics (in the case of the supports). In the future, some changes might be added to these designs, but the idea will keep being the same. To conclude, a nice and beautiful navigation has been obtained between the different packagings, making them easy to spot in the market and easy to recognize the company identity.


Guidelines Seekios

*Only for demonstrative purposes, not real scale. Offrez vous un sixième sens

Seekios Seekios

Easy Connect

Offrez vous un sixième sens


Géolocalisez Gratuitement et sans frontières

Une gamme de supports est disponible pour répondre à tous vos besoins.

Alerte émise si mouvement


Alerte émise en franchissant une barrière virtuelle

Follow Me

Alerte émise si éloignement

Don’t Move

In Time

Alerte émise si non présence du Seekios dans la zone a une heure définie


Offrez vous un sixième sens


Alerte émise en sortie de zone


Localisez !

Entièrement configurable grace à des modes adaptés à chaques utilisations

Partagez vos Seekios avec vos amis

Notification, Push, Sms, Email, Appel Vocal

Modes Road et Watch

Caractéristiques Techniques Dimensions : 44 mm x 16 mm / Poids : 45 grammes / Précision : 3 mètres / certifié IP67 (protection contre la poussière et l’eau) / Communication GSM / GPRS / 2G / 3G / 4G / Bluetooth 4.0 / Recharge par induction / Port USB Pogo Pin

Fabriqué en FRANCE


Telechargez l’application

Activez votre Seekios


Ac auto tivation mat ique Auto n de 6 omie mois


Chargez la batterie

49 € TTC

La seule balise autonome et configurable s’utilisant gratuitement






Guidelines Secure

*Only for demonstrative purposes, not real scale. Offrez vous un sixième sens

Seekios Seekios

Offrez vous un sixième sens

Easy Connect


Chargez la batterie


Telechargez l’application


Activez votre Seekios


Localisez !

Fabriqué en FRANCE

22 € TTC

Application Multi-plateformes






Guidelines Pocket

*Only for demonstrative purposes, not real scale. Offrez vous un sixième sens

Seekios Seekios

Offrez vous un sixième sens

Easy Connect


Chargez la batterie


Telechargez l’application


Activez votre Seekios


Localisez !

Fabriqué en FRANCE

19 € TTC

Application Multi-plateformes






Guidelines Watch

*Only for demonstrative purposes, not real scale. Offrez vous un sixième sens

Seekios Seekios

Offrez vous un sixième sens

Easy Connect


Chargez la batterie


Telechargez l’application


Activez votre Seekios


Localisez !

Fabriqué en FRANCE

19 € TTC

Application Multi-plateformes







The following explosioned view explains how each of the different part of the packagings interact between each other as well as how the future packaging will be unpacked.


Future lines

Now that all the previous concepts have already been established there is only one thing left to do, see what the future actions will be and which are the next steps to be followed. -The first thing that will have to be made is a real life prototyping of the alrady proposed packagings. Before asking for any prints or any further information in the materials that will be used, it will have to be checked either if the packaging it’s suitable for the products or not. In order to do so, we will either contact the services of a company; or we will produce it ourselves. If the packaging prototype doesn’t fit our needs a dimensional re-design will be needed. Once that i made, we will be able to proceed to the next step. -In spite of not being obligatory, it would also be interesting to give the packaging to different users to see how the react to it, how the interact with it, how the use it, what they make with it... User testing always helps in aknowledging if the planned uses and interactions are the sames as the ones obtained with real testers. -Once the packaging’s form is confirmed, we will need to contact a company which will help us producing the packaging. There are lots of things that will have to be taken into account such as the printers properties, ink properties, material characteristics, cost of packaging production... Ink testings will be needed in order to achieve the desired colours. Communication between a designer and the manufacturing company will be esential in order to achieve the best possible result. -New printing guides will be needed when the production of the packaging comes out. In spite of already having a guideline, this one can only be useful for testing. In a future, new guidelines will be created by the designer which fit the needs and characteristics of the producing company. -Finally, during all this prototype production, a law expert will also be needed in order to concieve the appropiate logos that will have to be included in the packaging as well as an exam to prove if the product and the packaging are adapted to the European standards.


Last words Today, 7th of January of 2016, this project has been concluded. This does not mean that the project is ďŹ nished though. As I said in the previous page, there is still a long way to continue. Sizes might be changed, designs will not keep the same, but what has been written until this point will keep unchanged. If any changes have to be made to the design, this will be the document which will point to the good direction. Future changes, developments, improvements, prototypes... Or whatever is further developed will be attached to this repport as an anex or as a jointed document, including the date, changes and a relationship of the index points to which it affects. As it was written in the beggining, the purpose of this work was not to create one deďŹ nitive packaging design but a ďŹ rst version of it. The work in these 61 pages will have to be completed in the future with the possible advances that this project will have (prototypes, tests, design changes...). To conclude, what you see in this picture bellow is the lastest version of the packaging family. A design which transmits one of the most imporant characteristic of Things of Tomorrow: youth.

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