Id unit 3

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Interior Design Unit 3 OMAR KHAN

DESIGN BRIEF Gallions Reach shopping park is, the first purpose built shopping park within the M25; procuring popular high street names such as TOPSHOP, H.SAMUEL, Dorothy Perkins, JD Sports, as well as restaurants including Nandos. These top high street names have attracted customers of East London and is a popular shopping destination for customers on the outskirts of East London as well. It provides a convenience which cannot be offered by no other shopping destination around. In an area which escalates to around 60 acres of space, it consist of 35 major stores/restaurants comprising a free parking area accommodating 2000 vehicles, on site bus terminal and a DLR station adjacent to it. Since its opening in the Christmas season of 2003, it is now rivalling the likes of Oxford Streets as one of the best shopping destinations in the country. The Council & Investors have proposed for the development of a Gym. The area currently lacks any leisure facility, however the location is highly convenient for a gym because it will benefit from the consumers which the surrounding shopping retailers attract, and it has an already established parking area, with a local bus station and DLR station. The arrangement of the location, must be taken advantage of, with a nearby river Thames & city airport, it can provide a landscape which opposing gyms would not be able to acquire.

Existing problems •

With over 20 million members (In England) belonging to fitness clubs including gyms/leisure facilities already, the market is still escalating rapidly. Studies show the growth is driven through an increasing number of birth rates, many females are attending fitness groups to recover from their post natal.

With Health care budget cuts aggravating, members in society are being persuaded to stay healthy by attending fitness and leisure facilities. Specifically doctors suggest people who are near or are at an obese size to attend and complete fitness activities.

For many members, local leisure facilities do not consist of everything which is needed. Often it may be a case of a facility having one thing and no the other for example it may have a gym but not a pool. Members would like a facility which suits all their needs and provides extra for them. With the heavy increase in memberships space within a leisure facility must be maximised

Over 25% of members are the age of 55 years or over. This is the largest growth in memberships since studying fitness gym trends in 1998. The staggering amount of members of this age group is also due to the recommendation from doctors to stay fit. Regular exercise reduces the risk of health conditions including cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, dementia and depression. Exercise also slows down the rate of aging itself.

Studies suggest, public gyms/unisex gyms do not attract as many women due to an aura of intimidation caused by men. Most gyms do not segregate spaces for men and women and this often detracts interest from women.

Over 60 % of membership owners are parents, a problem they face when intending to attend the leisure facility is finding suitable supervision for their children.

Access to a leisure centre/gym must be easy, many gyms do not have an ease of access. Most members are likely to travel using public transport and therefore the DLR & Bus station being close to the gym is vital. An alternative way of getting to the gym would be a car, and this would require parking accommodation.

Target Market

Primary Identified target market: Women, over the age of 30 or new mother in particular *Secondary target market: Females aged 16 or over

Function •

While you can get a very effective workout at home, a gym offers a wider variety of exercise options than most people can afford in their houses. Similar to this the entire facility itself should offer a swimming pool and sauna, which consumers should be attracted to as this is also not easily applicable to homes. Leisure centres are now also a popular area for socialising, it offers a chance to meet other people, gain support of a partner whom you can trade techniques and knowledge with. The aspect of getting to interact with large groups of people who share similar interest is hugely attractive to people as it is refreshing and reassuring.

Design a leisure centre, which will mainly consist of a gym, pool. Indoor sports, sauna.

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The facility should provide maximised space, for users to proceed with activities in a non clustered environment. The facility should be able to accommodate all activities at a convenience for the users.

Existing Structures Sketch Responses In order to gain some initial ideas and inspiration, I had visit the City of London to view the variety of architecture the capital city has to offer. Skyscrapers were a popular theme, perhaps it could be said that sky scrapers are the ideal form for structures of modern day, consuming minimal ground surface yet being able to provide extensive space. However I had come across other structures which did not reach the extensive height of the Shard but did have similarities in the use of straight lines, parallel lines, giving the buildings a straight edge. Symmetry was also key concept in many buildings particularly the St Pauls Cathedral displaying a clear and iconic architectural presence.

Research Sports Centre Zaanstad Zuid

Here are two elevations which I have created as a technical study of the sports center above

The Zaanstad-Zuid sports center was completed and opened in 2015, it has been built in the Poelenburg district in the Netherlands. It is situated in an urban environment surrounded by a school, college and a religious center. Users of the sports center have access to the playground to carry out sports, whilst the gymnasium in the sports center is offered to the school and college during the day to carry out physical educational lessons. As I was designing a leisure center I felt it was necessary to study a structure which had a similar purpose. The sports center has a very cubic form, in that it appears to be a ‘boxy’ structure, this is perhaps due to its function, as the form works well to accommodate the activities which take place within such as; tennis, basketball etc. The expansive spaces allow create the right atmosphere needed for the facility. The structure does look modern and represents perhaps key elements of contemporary architecture, consisting of a minimalistic style but perhaps does not stand out as an outstanding structure or revolutionary. It fulfills its purpose, but I feel it does not appeal to me, and looks rather negatively simplistic.

Above is a sketch of intersecting lines and parallel lines, this is an idea I have gained from the Sports Centre above, From the drawing I can view how perhaps open spaces with parallel walls or direct lines can create an open atmosphere. This could be effective in my own design.

Response Experiment

In my study of the Zaanstad Zuid Sports centre I I had acknowledged the rather simplistic design, however I was also able to identify the series of intersecting lines/forms the structure had and this was very much the style of the building, with one block intersecting another. In response to this I have created a series of models made out of wire which features this intersecting style, It will not exactly work as a function able model itself but I have drawn three basic elevation drawings in what I can visualise from these models. Also I created two spaces with intersecting lines above, to understand how interior spaces can be follow this intersecting style.

Exploring Understanding existing spaces In order to explore the way existing spaces function I have decided to create some elevation s in response to existing buildings. This will help me understand how to allocate or use certain spaces for my own design

This building elevation displays an infrastructure which consist of a sense of curvature particularly on the rooftop sealing a cuboid like base. Made-up of several floors , the building is accessible through dual routes. In particular, the shape interest me most as it is not a usual shape, the way in which it Is moulded into a obscure shape makes the structure more intriguing and aesthetically pleasing.

The second building , displays an elevation of a dance hall. With a sole function, the space is not required to offer multiple space to fulfill its needs and therefore this single space which spreads across a long platform fulfils its purpose whilst also being incorporated in a dynamic exterior form. Specifically I like the prominence enforced by the ascent of the building, seperating it from the ground gives it a tree house like essence which could be a nice feeling for the users in the space.

This third building, is a simplistic structure which includes a few rooms and a theatre space. The majority of the building runs across one floor whilst the theatre space features a diagonal escalation. The diagnol escalation of the theatry space is quite an intriguing idea, I do not understand if it benefits the building in any way, but it could become more.

In the second set of drawings above I have developed my elevations from the previous slides. In this set of drawings I have made a more detailed and realistic form of a building, considering what I have understood from the elevations I made of existing spaces.

Primary Research City Of London Information Centre The City Of London Information Centre was established in 2007 after a 3 year project. The structure is situated opposite a architectural ancestor; St Paul’s Cathedral. The designed emphasizes a charismatic and contemporary form of urban architecture. It exemplifies the modernized urban culture found through out the city. The design almost contradicts and antagonizes the design of St Paul's Cathedral which is found opposite the facility. It could also illustrate the growth in the Architectural society, laying a platform for future designs in London to follow its suit.

The design is rather compact and small in its scale, as the facility does not require a large space, whilst the exterior forms a shape which expresses it self into its environment, the interior only holds space for a reception with space for perhaps 1012 people at a time. The area which it holds is 135 square meters. This provides enough space for it to perform its function. The design expresses a simple yet distinctive visual impact on its environment. The form impersonates an aerodynamic profile of a paper aero plane, mantling the internal accommodation. The building has been efficiently engineered to meet environmental standards. Covered by 220 prefinished stainless steel panels, providing a high insulation, the dynamics of the designs shape allows it to collect rainwater to use in nearby toilets and irrigate planting.

Model In response to C.O.L Information Centre

This is a model which I have created in response to my research into the C.O.L information centre. The design persist of a similar form, in regards to its appearance where it has a geometric form consisting of triangles and quadrilaterals combined to form a rather irregular shape which looks conspicuous. The initial model was formed by card, I had cut several pieces of card which was then folded in various nonspecific areas. Each piece of card combines to form in theory an immense space. To accommodate all the needs of my client It would have to be on a more grand scale compared to the one I have researched and perhaps the model itself.

Research Zhonghe Sports Center After my initial model, I was struggling to understand how this space could be utilised. As I found from my research earlier in the Sports Centre (Zaanstad) the structure fulfilled the purpose however it does not look appealing which is why I chose to look at the C.O.L building which had a dynamic and sharp appealing form. After creating my own conceptual idea based on my model, I could not visualise how the space can be utilised and therefore I have chosen to study the Zhonghe Sports Centre. Located in New Taipei City, the Zhonghe Sports Center provides public facilities for a range of sports and activities including badminton, basketball, rock climbing and hockey.The various sports halls and fitness suites are enclosed into a bulky yet compact structure that rises above the surrounding trees. It features a hexagonal formation, with a grey aluminium skin and a multi-storey wall of glazing.. According to the architects, the 38-metre-high form was a response to a strict budget, but also a desire to avoid creating a building that looks like an office block which was perhaps the problem with the sports centre I researched earlier. In contrast to that this facility offers emphatic spatial and visual qualities.

Model Model in response to city hall

Here I have created a model in response to my research of the Zhonge Sports Centre The model consist of several strips of card carved into a series of strips in a curved formation. The idea was inspired by the hood like structure which is found in the Zhonge Centre, I felt that this idea allowed me to create a n instinctive form on the exterior whilst still providing the possibility to create a functionable space within. From my research I found that the sports centre's consisted of an immense scale and this may be a factor to consider in this design, particularly on considering how the form is utilised. I will now create some drawings to gain a better understanding of this model.

Model Exploring the use of the space

Following My model work, I have created a several drawings and identified each key area on one in order to identify how the design can function as well as realise changes which must be made. I had understood that the immense scale could provide space for a large Olympic style swimming area, with seating surrounding it. The structure could work with two, possible three floors with certain section designated to specific activities such as; swimming, gym, changing etc. Large spaces are particularly necessary for areas which include swimming pools considering the amount of people using it and the purpose of it.

Diagram created over a drawing of the space. The colours highlight selected areas of the space e.g. seating, exit passages

Research McBride Architects McBride Charles Ryan (MCR) Is an Australian architectural practice based in Melbourne. MCR, approach a definitive concept of architecture which eliminates ‘categorisation’. Their projects express an innovative and expressive form of urban contemporary architecture which engages with complex issues including the representation of a city's culture. Taking inspiration from extraordinary elements including a tree branch, MCR have develop simplistic inspirations into commanding and complex designs.


Elevation created in Illustrator


Klein Bottle House Adjacent to the ocean beach(Rye), This topological spatial home is a defiant structure designed by McBride architects. The reason I have chosen this study this structure is, because I believe consist of a similar dynamic to my model. The name Klein Bottle taken from mathematical terminology, explains its extraordinary shape. In particular taking the front elevation into consideration, the geometric, shape I am able to withdraw resembles that of my own model. I have chosen to study the plan to indicate how my model can function.

Developed Model Inspired by Klein Bottle House

An illustration of how it may look from a plan view

Developed Model Inspired by Klein Bottle House Having created this model, I am now investigating how it can work and function as a design. Taking the similar form which it has to the Sidney opera house into consideration I have drawn an outline of the Opera House to identify where the key shapes and elements lie. I have than transferred this into my own work. I created an elevation sketch of my drawing adding key details for example the placements of transparent material; windows/glass. The exterior from is situated onto a base layer resembling the layout of the opera house. However after doing so I realised this is not something which I liked, neither did I believe it was appropriate for my clients needs.

Elevation of model This is a development from the previous model. I have rather drastically changed the structure in terms of the shape however I've tried to keep the formation similar. Contrasting to the previous curvaceous design, this developed model consist of a more defining, and visually sharp design.

Development Function of spaces Floor plan sketch I have drawn a floor plan of how I believe the building will function. The building design consist of six volumes which interconnect throughout the building creating a large united space. The shape flows a growth and decrease throughout the space found in the building.

This area, the smallest area can be utilised as a reception space, with seating and computing space for staff and customers or users of the facility. I believe the space is suitable to include desktop furniture, sofas and other small furniture elements.

The second space, is business wise to the leisure facility. suitable to be utilised as a cafeteria, or socialising area. In this space the users of the facility can relax and take rest from the activity they have completed. It would also be resourceful for guardians whom are waiting for some one else within the facility. Food/drinks can be offered here and will provide positively .

The third space being the central figure and largest volume in the building would be suitable to be utilised as an area for swimming consisting of the pools, and changing/shower facilities. Considering the size and scale of the building I believe it may be a struggle to include two large pools and may have to settle for smaller pools should the accommodating necessities be included.

The fourth and fifth spaces can be used as a combination to create a large space, consisting of a majority of the gymnasium equipment; treadmill, exercise bike et.c Or alternatively they can be used as segregated areas.

This space due to the shape of the volume is not suitable to be used by the leisure facility users however it can have external use to secondary purposes.

Model Developed CAD Model

This a developed model made on sketch up. This model illustrates a more thorough detail of the design which I am creating. As shown by the model, its consist of a total of 6 volumes, which are interconnected through translucent material. The design almost follows a similar form to that of a hedgehog with its sharp and emphatic outer body shape.




Experiment - To consider layout, floor plan, allocated spaces

Primary Research Heatherwick’s Boiler Suit

This undulating facade is a creation of Thomas Heather wick, used to conceal the boiler house which is a part of Guy’s Hospital. The boiler suit is made up of woven steel panels, which create a free flowing, teetering spherical effect. The boiler within provides the power for Guy’s hospital, it cost an approximate 2 million pounds to create.

The presentation of the large steel panels, appear to be similar to the form of clothing/laundry baskets. With interconnecting and crossover of singular lines or braids. This idea was referred to as ‘Basketry’ and the resemblance is more clear on the image below which shows a single panel on its own. Using Photoshop I created an illustration with the element of ‘basketry’.

Model Experimenting in response to ‘Basketry’

Primary visual Inspiration - Basket.

After my insight into Heather wick's boiler suit, and the so called ‘basketry’ I created a model in response to this idea. First I had collected a visual source – of a basket itself to refer to as I created the model experimenting with the overlapping form. The model was simple but effective. It has the large enclosing space shape which I found in my research of the Zhonge Sports Centre earlier. The overlapping formation is quite pleasing to the eye as the series of stripped card form a spirally appearance, The image below perhaps best displays the style which I was going for with this model.

Model Second Response

This was a development of the model found prior to this slide, in this second attempt I had change the cart strips to a different shape. Opting to use a t point strip of a triangular form to develop the spirally form I spoke of earlier. However I feel now that the previous model was more successful, I feel this is a bit clustered and inconvenient for the function of the space. It could possible work as an interior space, or a social hub possibly even for the cafĂŠ area, but as an exterior form I do not think this would be successful.

Development Exterior form The way Heatherwick enclosed a boiler room into a ‘suit’ which has a basketry design made me think about my previous models. Particularly the fact that a simple change or articulate display on the outside can hide the ordinary or mundane purpose and look in the inside. I was able to relate this ‘basketry’ concept to another project; The Eden Project features environmentally friendly form of architecture consisting of several biomes; which enclose a collection of plants. I have implicated the idea found onto my own work.

Response Experimenting with alternative material

This is a development of my previous model following the work of Thomas Heatherwick. My previous model consisted of only a section consisting of the element of ‘basketry’ withdrawn from Heatherwick’s work. With this model I have taken a similar approach to Heatherwick on the boiler suit, by which I have formed a sculpture to surround a core. I chose to use cardboard as this was a material which I have not used much of. The sculpture could surround the entire building or a certain section, I believe in most cases it mainly serves a visual purpose which is evident in the boiler suit the than that it is not much useful however it does expose how a plain object can be visually more pleasurable by adding this.

Research Daniel Libeskind

Daniel Libeskind is a Polish-American architect. A decade after his iconic Jewish Museum opened in Berlin Libeskind designed another German museum opened in – Dresden’s Military History Museum. Both consist of a juxtapose concept, which aggressively avant-garde design and decidedly pre-modernist structures. Both demand a renewed emotional and intellectual focus on history. In particular, the obstruction of Libeskind development on the museum is well intended to make it self apparent with its, defining shape exposing itself, with an outburst from the museums core. Interrupting the original buildings symmetrical essence the massive, five-story 200-ton wedge of glass, concrete and steel slicing through the centre of the 135-year-old original structure illustrate a rather violent and brutal theme. The new façade’s openness and transparency pushes through the opacity and rigidity of the existing building just as German democracy pushed aside the country’s authoritarian past.

On the left I have created a model which initially arose From Daniel Libeskind’s obstruction concept, which then incorporated Heatherwick’s basketry idea. Firstly I hade take to general shapes made from foam board and positioned an unusual polygonal shape made from straw which was positioned in a space of my likening. The latter image illustrates the same model, however in this case it consists of the shapes which I had made via illustrator to implement the ‘basketry’. Not satisfied with the shape I must now vary it and perhaps create two distinct concept which induce the theme of both architects.

Obstruction & Basketry

Inspiration Objects

Up to this point I have noticed I have been looking at rather sharp and straight edged structures for inspiration, I have now chosen to look at few objects which have similar qualities. These are four different crystals which found in the Natural History Museum.

These crystals have an out bursting figure, which seems become quite narrow towards the end. The style of the shape could work as an exterior form, or a monument within the interior. I particularly like the unusual and defining shape of the crystals. I think if I am unable to implement this on the exterior, this should be something to consider for the interior as it could be an attraction to please the users inside, as compared to making the structure being aesthetically pleasing from out.

Drawing of how a crystal like form may interact, respond with users within the space

Drawing of crystals in various formations

Response Experimenting making crystal forms

Key shape outlines


Conceptual drawings

In response to the objects – crystals I looked at for inspiration, I have used fragments of black card and crafted it into a combine form in attempt to replicate the forms of the crystals. I used nails which ran through the fragments to hold them togather and other another dimension to the model, the nail helped present the folded form. I had completed this experiment as I wanted to see thy physical forms which I could translate from the artefacts found in the museum. I feel the response I have created is works as a concept, and have created some visual responses to develop my ideas.

Digital illustrations

Second Response Development

Visual analysis of drawings


GLASS Digital drawings, developing form

This is a second response which I created, again using the combination of black card and nails. After doing so I created a set of drawings, considering on how they could become a part of my design, initially I had thought of the idea of it being an obstruction and perhaps a figure amongst the main structure of the design. II also created a set of digital drawings developing the form by applying key tones to represent steel and glass..

CAD Model Considering Libeskinds work

Following my research of Daniel Libeskind’s and his methods of design, I have taken this concept of obstruction and implemented it into my own design. Carrying forward the triangular design I have taken a prism like shape which has been inserted in and between two ‘previous forms’ or ‘bases’. The outcome is successful in my opinion and seems functional. I believe the design contains flair as it has fundamentally induced a renovation on appearance on what was two plain and simple shapes.

Model Development I felt my initial model was a little too similar to Libeskind work, in the sense that it was one outstanding form accompanied by two less significant forms. I still much appreciate the work and style of Libeskind so I used Sketch up to develop my model, creating an alternative one which still induces his style. However in my second attempt I found that this new form was rather inconvenient in its use of space. It appears to be very creative however it does not suit is purpose.

Research Haven Point Leisure Center

An Elevation I created of the site

Adding a Libeskind style feature to the original building- Elevation ANALYSIS Haven Point Leisure Centre designed by LA Architects is an RIBA Award winning Leisure facility in to North East. This design quality is consistent, from the visibly inventive interior to illuminating and landscape dominating exterior. I chose to look at this facility because I particularly liked its contemporary build, and felt its success was something I could learn from after my struggle to find a way of functioning my previous model. The leisure function of this building works well and is a visually engaging building that connects with its users. The immense block atmosphere is great for the leisure activity inside. Despite its block form for its main building, this does not have the mundane appearance which I found in the Zaanstad Zuid spots centre. Perhaps this is because of its illustrious glazing on which runs round the building, or the contrast of the main structure to the rest of the space. The building entrance and circulation feel light and generous evoking a calm and comfortable atmosphere.

Developing ideas for final design

I have found a real interest in the style of Libeskind, however from my models I found problems in making them function. After my research into Haven Point Leisure Centre, I feel I have found a more suitable concept in which I can induce the methods I have learnt from my work in response to Libeskind. In this section I develop my ideas in preparation for the final design considering what I have learnt and the pros and cons of my designs.

Floor Plan Developing Final Ideas Using ArchiCAD I have created a floor plan for my final model. The final model will consist of three floors including the basement. The spaces have been allocated in accordance to the way they need to be accessed. From my research into the Haven Point Leisure Centre I understood the importance of establishing the layout of the space, before considering its final form. The reception is on the first floor and is the first space which will be accessed by any incoming user, from this space a user can access the swimming area, cafĂŠ or hallway towards the changing area and sauna facility. The second floor consists of a smaller swimming area, respite game room, gymnasium and staff room. The basement only consists of the sports hall and can be easily accessed from the changing area. Following the floor plan I will now begin to design the final outcome.

43 meters

50 meters


Ground Floor On the ground floor you will find the reception, cafĂŠ, swimming pool area, changing area and toilets, medical area and sauna

First Floor On the first floor you will find the gymnasium with all its equipment, second pool area, table games area and staff room

Basement This is where the indoor sports hall is located

Final Design Structure Elevation

East Elevation

West Elevation

North Elevation

South Elevation

Final Model

Final Model

Project Evaluation For My A2 Course work project, my brief was to design a leisure facility. This leisure facility would be dedicated to women, and be a women only gym. In order to gain primary visual information I had visited central London to inspire some ideas for my project. My visits was beneficial as London is dominated by diverse range of modern infrastructure. In particular I found skyscrapers dominated the city, perhaps to avoid the clusters of the densely populated city. I had created some sketches during my trip to stimulate some initial ideas, to gain a better understanding of what I needed to design, and how to make it successful I began looking at an existing leisure facility in the Zaanstad Zuid sports centre. I had not found much inspiration from this in regards to aesthetics, however the way the design functioned was perhaps its best and most important success. In regards to research, I found looking at Architect Daniel Libeskind work and The Haven Point Leisure centre was most beneficent in my project. Looking at these two, I was able to combine the way the Haven Point Leisure Center functioned with the stylistic forms inspired by Libeskind and create a final solution which looked visually appealing as well as meeting its purpose. Admittedly I found some difficulty in this project, in the sense that I wanted to create unique outcome however I found trouble in making it suitable function wise, In my development stages I took influence from existing designs, and eventually understood how to adapt design aesthetics to function able spaces. As the project required me to create a leisure facility, the requirements were very direct and was something which had to be considered throughout. This is why the designs were carried forward or left as I had to decide whether the activities which would be carried out in these spaces would be able to do so without any difficulties as this was part of the specification. The space needs to be open an provide freedom for the users within, this is why most spaces a very large and will create an energetic atmosphere as the users move about when n in use. Looking at crystals, and my research into Libeskind, perhaps had the most influence on the appearance of the building, as the polygonal glazing found on the exterior of the building has risen from that research and models. I feel this feature is what s stamps its mark and makes the building stand out, it is very much the identity of the design.

I feel my outcome is successful, in order to reassure my self of this I had asked a series of people on their opinion, the response was positive and the contemporary build of the structure was also praised. The design will also suit its location, it has a modern appearance which could represent the way forward for architecture in gallions reach. The current buildings in gallions reach shopping park have a block formation, this design will be able to embed it self in this despite the contrast in appearance as it still has a cubic form suiting the surrounding buildings. Overall considering the development stages of the project , I feel the project has come along well. I was bale to try different things and be creative in terms of model making. Creating analytical drawings in response to the models and research helped me to develop my ideas and consider how to and where to make changes. I believe that the primary target audience and my client will approve of the outcome and it will meet their requirements.

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