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Proposal of Tender Support for Lagardère Services : F&B



All Travel Retail International Development



grandsud # 7 2

lA SAlADE NIÇOISE est faite à base de crudités : tomates, poivrons, oignons blancs, artichauts violets, concombres, œufs durs, anchois, huile d’olive et olives de nice. elle constitue l’une des principales entrées proposées en provence, mais peut constituer à elle seule un repas à part entière. niçoise Salad is made from salad ingredients: tomatoes, peppers, white onions, purple artichokes, cucumber, boiled eggs, anchovies, olive oil and nice olives. it is one of the main starters served in provence, but can also be enjoyed as a meal in itself.

grandsud # 7 2



lA TApENADE a été inventée en 1880, à Marseille. dans sa composition entrent des olives et des câpres (tapena en occitan, d’où son nom).

lE GASpACHO « pROVENÇAl » est une soupe froide délicieuse composée de tomates rouges, poivrons, concombre, basilic et huile d’olive. recette légère et désaltérante, elle sera idéale en apéritif ou en entrée. “provençal” gazpacho is a delicious cold soup made from tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, basil, and olive oil. it is a light, thirst quenching soup that is perfect as part of an aperitif or served as a starter.

Tapenade was invented in 1880, in Marseille. it is made using olives and capers (tapena in the occitan language, from where comes its name).

lA pISSAlADIÈRE NIÇOISE, spécialité culinaire de la région niçoise, est confectionnée avec de la pâte à pain , oignons, anchois et olives de nice. pissaladière niçoise, is the speciality dish of nice and the surrounding area, made from bread dough, onions, anchovies, and nice olives.

La Provence

dans l’assiette

la provence… on your plate

lES pETITS FARCIS NIÇOIS, sont fait à base de légumes tomates, courgettes rondes, poivrons, aubergines évidés et fourrés d’une farce composée de viande, mie de pain durcie bouillie dans du lait, aromates, et cuits au four. les farcis sont consommés aussi bien chauds que froids.


e restaurant gastronomique Le Badiane vous propose sa nouvelle carte estivale, dans un cadre magnifique avec vue panoramique sur la Méditerranée. Les recettes du Chef, d’inspiration largement méditerranéenne, marient couleurs et saveurs : courgettes, filet de bar, thym, sucrine, basilic… A cela s’ajoutent quatre recettes d’une grande finesse imaginées par Guy Martin, chef doublement étoilé et mondialement reconnu pour son talent !

La Badiane gourmet restaurant will unveil its brand new summer 2013 menu, to be enjoyed in fabulous surroundings with panoramic views over the Mediterranean. The chef’s dishes are largely inspired by Mediterranean traditions and unite colours and flavours: courgettes, sea bass, thyme, lettuce hearts, basil... And as if that weren’t enough, there are also four sophisticated dishes from Guy Martin, a chef with two Michelin stars whose talent has been recognised the world over.

petits farcis niçois are made using tomatoes, round courgettes, pepper, and aubergines, scooped out and stuffed with meat and stale breadcrumbs boiled in milk, then seasoned and baked in the oven. They can be enjoyed hot or cold.


Toutes vos boutiques ALL YOUR SHOPS



salle d’enregistrement / check-in-area

Horaires d’ouverture : Le restaurant : 12h - 15h / 18h30 - 21h30 Le bar lounge : 9h - 21h30 Réservations : 04 89 98 52 20 Certification de services


ATRID presentation


Our experts


Some examples of our experience


O2C, Omega Conseil & Communication


Description of the mission


Scope of the mission


How ATRID would work for LS ?




Terms of the mission


General conditions

Hong Kong Airport

ATRID presentation ATRID is a Hong Kong based consultancy company specialized in the development of all types of airport commercial and retail activities: retail, food & beverage, duty free, etc…. For new entrants • Understanding the conditions of the Travel Retail market • Organizing their contacts with airport authorities • Supporting them in the preparation of Tender Answers For established Travel Retail specialists • Penetration of new markets, • Strengthening of existing positions by acquiring new contracts • Supporting them in the preparation of Tender Answers


Hong Kong Airport

Dubaï Airport

ATRID Consulting provides expertise and solutions for the full range of airport commercial activities, ensuring a professional response to all the commercial aspects. Thanks to the experience of our experts, their involvement in tender management and analysis for numerous airports, ATRID can provide an unprecedented consultancy service based on the quality of their network as well as the quality of their know-how on creating state of the art tender documents. ATRID works with a network of specialists in their field to create the difference for the tender documents of its clients : • French Publishing agencies • French, Italian, Spanish, Indian, Indonesian, Chinese translators • French photographs • French and Indian architects


Nice Airport

Our experts Eric Trichot, 48 years After his diploma from the Institute of Political Sciences of Paris and his License in Law, he has developed his experience in the airport retail environment - during more than two decades. He was in charge from 1993 to 2003 of the Commercial Development Department of Nice Airport. Since 2003, Eric Trichot has been consulting with success and appreciation for more than 15 airports.


Milan Airport

Roma Airport

Guy Ponzo, 64 years After his Master Degree in Economics, he has worked for the CASINO group and has been from: • 2003-2006 Commercial Director of Roma Airports • 2006-2009 Commercial Director of Milan Airports Since 2010, Guy Ponzo has been consulting with success and appreciation and for Bologna and Bergamo Airports


Some examples of our experience Eric Trichot between 1993 and 2003, has managed 40 tender processes for Nice Airport: • Duty free shops • F&B • Fashion shops • Watch & Jewellery • Gastronomy shops • Car Rental service • Advertising etc. Guy Ponzo has managed major Tender Processes for Rome and then Milan Airports: • Food & Beverage tenders in Malpensa Airport • Malpensa Airport Hotel & Conference Center They also managed projects for many other airports : >>> Geneva Airport (12 M pax) • Fashion • Watch & Jewellery • F&B • Duty Free


Point à Pitre Airport

Bali Airport

>>> Charleroi Airport (6 M pax) • Duty free • F&B >>> Fort de France Airport (2 M pax) • Duty Free Strasbourg Airport (2 M pax) • Duty Free Pointe à Pitre Airport (2 M pax) • Duty Free Tarbes-Lourdes Airport (1 M pax) • Duty Free Bali Airport ( 14 M pax) • Duty free • Retail+ F&B • Service +Lounges Bangalore Airport (12 M pax) •Duty free • Retail • Lounges 9

© Unifrance

O2C, our Publishing Agency Partner O2C (Oméga Conseil & Communication) has been established just outside Sophia-Antipolis since 1996. This multidisciplinary agency incorporates several departments at a single location:

20 - InterContinental Carlton

• marketing, communication and development • copywriting

Carlton Magazine


• graphic design studio


• photo production

Portrait ho Un homme compliqué A complicated man

92 92

Saga luxe

Rémy Martin Martin,, une u cuvée r Rémy Martin, a rare vintag

• media sales


Saga horlo

Jaeger-LeCoultre, la maje Jaeger-LeCoultre, the ma 104

Well-established in the airport sector, the agency manages

Avis de beau temps sur le A favourable outlook for C




Dainty courgette-flower f Sea bass cooked the way Lobster linguini, Marrons glacés, chestnut marrons and chantilly cre


• “Grand Sud” for Aéroport Nice Côte d’Azur • “ADP Lifestyle” for Aéroports de Paris


Majestic Magazine

its clients include: • Majestic Barrière in Cannes • Grand Hyatt Cannes Hôtel Martinez • InterContinental Carlton Cannes • La Bastide Saint-Antoine in Grasse • Le Lana in Courchevel • Le K in Courchevel • InterContinental Paris Le Grand in Paris • Fouquet’s Barrière in Paris 10


Fins beignets de fleurs de Pavé de loup cuisiné com Linguine de homard, Marrons glacés, glace aux crème de marron et chan

at Aéroport Nice Côte d’Azur and produces the following

With a high profile in the luxury hotel industry,

Cuisine de

La Petite Maison de Nicol It’s not so little!

advertising campaign budgets for shops and services magazines:



Alors que s’ouvre le 66e Festival de Cannes, retour sur la filmographie de celui qui présidera le prochain événement le plus médiatique de la planète. Moteur ! AS THE 66TH CANNES FILM FESTIVAL BEGINS, WE LOOK BACK OVER THE CAREER OF THE MAN WHO WILL PRESIDE OVER THE WORLD’S MOST POPULAR MEDIA EVENT. ACTION!

Dans l’univers de Steven




InterContinental Carlton- 21


©2012 Harry Winston, Inc.


Avec ses 500 adresses exclusives, le groupe hôtelier Hyatt distille sur tous les continents son idée du chic. Le Grand Hyatt Tokyo en est une parfaite illustration. Et fournit un excellent prétexte pour partir à la découverte d’une ville étourdissante. With 500 exclusive addresses, Hyatt hotels brings its idea of what it means to be chic to every continent. The Grand Hyatt Tokyo is a perfect example of this. It’s an excellent reason to discover a stunning city.


e courgette, mme on aime,

x marrons ntilly

fritters, y we like it,

ice cream, crème de eam.


La créativité, la réinvention permanente sont inscrites dans les gènes des Tokyoïtes. Pour les visiteurs, c’est la garantie d’un voyage sur une autre planète, dépaysant, addictif, exceptionnel à tous points de vue... Avec, d’abord, une architecture d’un éclectisme stupéfiant. Ici, de frêles bicoques sans âge cernées de gratte-ciel vertigineux. Là, des autoroutes suspendues qui se croisent en un véritable labyrinthe d’asphalte. Un peu plus loin, un temple bouddhiste côtoie une boutique de luxe. Sur


The model is wearing a black silk sheath dress with a heart-shaped neckline and delicate organza ruffle, embroidered with caviar-coloured sequins.



le. Pas si petite !

Laboratoire urbain

Ying and yang. At the heart of the bustling Roppongi Hills neighbourhood, the Grand Hyatt Tokyo is a Zen sanctuary. It is well known that opposites attract: and these two simply cannot resist each other. One is the frenetic whirlwind of a giant complex, complete with 200 shops and restaurants and a cinema, that draws 100,000 visitors every day on weekdays and 300,000 on weekends. The other is as elegantly restrained as a palace: a real refuge from the surrounding buzz. Tranquillity “Made in Japan”: a discreet, professional welcome, minimalist lines, natural materials and textures, a taupe and cream colour scheme, marble and wood. Here there is only luxury, peace, and pleasure, as imagined by the Nagomi spa. The signature deep


Le modèle porte un fourreau noir en soie, un décolleté en forme de cœur avec un fin volant en organsa, brodé avec des paillettes couleur caviar.


e ciel azuréen Côte d’Azur skies

e yin et le yang. Planté au cœur du bouillonnant quartier Roppongi Hills, le Grand Hyatt Tokyo est un sanctuaire zen. Les contraires s’attirent, c’est bien connu. Et ces deux-là sont irrésistibles. D’un côté, le tourbillon frénétique d’un complexe géant (deux cents magasins de mode et restaurants, un cinéma...), qui aimante quelque 100 000 personnes par jour en semaine, 300 000 le week-end. De l’autre, la quiétude d’un palace, véritable refuge face à l’agitation ambiante. Une sérénité « made in Japan » : accueil professionnel et discret, lignes minimalistes, matériaux et textures naturels, coloris taupe et crème, marbre et bois. Tout ici n’est que luxe, calme et volupté. À l’image du spa Nagomi. Son massage signature, profond, à l’huile de gingembre, est une féerie pour les sens. La détente se poursuit au creux d’un fauteuil moelleux du luxueux et envoûtant bar Maduro, un cocktail Léonard (champagne et fraise) en main. Au moment de passer à table, .LE GRAND HYATT TOKYO EST. difficile de se décider, avec sept restaurants haut de gamme qui .UN SANCTUAIRE ZEN.. déclinent toutes les gammes des saveurs. Ce soir, ce sera the Oak Door et ses délicieuses viandes au .THE GRAND HYATT TOKYO IS feu de bois.

Martinez Magazine

rare ge

esté du temps ajesty of time


Examples of O2C mock-ups HW_PREMIERLADY_230x297_MAJESTIC.indd 1

Grand Hôtel Paris le Grand Magazine

11.10.13 15:54

beAuté zen For the pleasure oF the senses

Au bonheur des sens Majestic Magazine

Le SpA My bLend by CLArinS de L’hôteL MAjeStiC bArrière, C’eSt une pArenthèSe de Sérénité dAnS un quotidien toujourS pLuS trépidAnt. VerSion oiSiVe ou SportiVe, ChACun peut S’y offrir Le MoMent de Son Choix. prêt pour une iMMerSion dAnS un Monde de beAuté et de zénitude ?

t e x t e C é C i l e

O l i v é r O

the My bLend by CLArinS SpA At the hoteL MAjeStiC bArrière offerS A trAnquiL breAk froM our inCreASingLy heCtiC LiVeS. it’S up to you whether you Spend thAt breAk doing exerCiSe or reLAxing. Are you reAdy to iMMerSe yourSeLf in A worLd of beAuty And zen Attitude? 63


Fouquet’s Magazine

Our expertise as a publisher With recognised expertise in publishing high-end magazines, O2C also leverages the know-how to create: • brochures

Dossiers de presse Carlto

• press kits • web sites • luxury books • advertising campaigns Two staff work full time in the marketing, communication and development department, assisted by a team of journalists, graphic designers, website developers and salesmen. O2C has already provided expert services to:

Brochure Majestic

• Maison Tournier • Diffazur • InterContinental Carlton Cannes • Majestic Barrière Cannes • MC Plaza Limousines • La Bastide Saint-Antoine à Grasse • L’aéroport Nice Côte d’Azur • ...



Brochures Centenaire du Carlton

Examples of O2C creations Brochure Majestic

Plaquettes Maison Tournier


DĂŠpliant First GT / MC Plaza

Our expertise as a publisher in the catering industry O2C’s experience and expertise are a significant asset for the catering industry.


Article sur le chocolat - K

Not only are special features included in all magazines produced by the agency (interviews with chefs, articles on specific products, winegrowing estates, luxury hotel cuisine, recipes, etc.), but O2C also highlights haute cuisine and gastronomy in general in the Saveur section of Grand Sud, with a particular focus on the restaurants at Nice Côte d’Azur Airport. This is done by showcasing a selection of products and recipes. Over the years, Maître Jacques (for Bastide Saint-Antoine) and

Shooting Gastronomie

L’Oasis (both also O2C publications) have become essential communications tools for Michelinstarred chefs Jacques Chibois and Stéphane Raimbault.


Shooting Gastronomie Grand Sud Magazine

rubrIquE sAvEurs



grandsud # 7 2

lA SAlADE NIÇOISE est faite à base de crudités : tomates, poivrons, oignons blancs, artichauts violets, concombres, œufs durs, anchois, huile d’olive et olives de nice. elle constitue l’une des principales entrées proposées en provence, mais peut constituer à elle seule un repas à part entière. niçoise Salad is made from salad ingredients: tomatoes, peppers, white onions, purple artichokes, cucumber, boiled eggs, anchovies, olive oil and nice olives. it is one of the main starters served in provence, but can also be enjoyed as a meal in itself.

photos : thierry Malty

grandsud # 7 2



lA TApENADE a été inventée en 1880, à Marseille. dans sa composition entrent des olives et des câpres (tapena en occitan, d’où son nom).

lE GASpACHO « pROVENÇAl » est une soupe froide délicieuse composée de tomates rouges, poivrons, concombre, basilic et huile d’olive. recette légère et désaltérante, elle sera idéale en apéritif ou en entrée. “provençal” gazpacho is a delicious cold soup made from tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, basil, and olive oil. it is a light, thirst quenching soup that is perfect as part of an aperitif or served as a starter.

Tapenade was invented in 1880, in Marseille. it is made using olives and capers (tapena in the occitan language, from where comes its name).

lA pISSAlADIÈRE NIÇOISE, spécialité culinaire de la région niçoise, est confectionnée avec de la pâte à pain , oignons, anchois et olives de nice. pissaladière niçoise, is the speciality dish of nice and the surrounding area, made from bread dough, onions, anchovies, and nice olives.

Un Chef passionnément ChoColat

a Chef passionate aBoUt ChoColate

LoIN dEs bruIssEMENts fEutrés dEs sALoNs coNfortAbLEs Et dEs rEstAurANts AccuEILLANts, uN MoNdE dIscrEt bourdoNNE Et s’ActIvE. cE MoNdE À pArt, coMME hors du tEMps, rEstE uNE éNIGME pour boN NoMbrE dE GAstroNoMEs. LEs cuIsINEs dEs rEstAurANts du kILIMANdJAro Et du k2 soNt L’épIcENtrE cuLINAIrE dEs dEux étAbLIssEMENts. Au cœur dEs cuIsINEs, uNE AttENtIoN toutE pArtIcuLIèrE A été AccordéE À LA pâtIssErIE Et pLus pArtIcuLIèrEMENt uNE chocoLAtErIE, vérItAbLE LAborAtoIrE du chocoLAt. pâtIssIEr dE forMAtIoN, NIcoLAs sALE, chEf ExécutIf dEs rEstAurANts du kILIMANdJAro Et du k2, Est uN pAssIoNNé dE dEssErts Et dE chocoLAt. rENcoNtrE.

fAr froM thE hushEd AtMosphErE of thE pLush dINING rooMs ANd wELcoMING rEstAurANts Is A worLd thAt huMs dIscrEEtLy wIth ActIvIty. thIs worLd ApArt, ALMost bEyoNd tIME, Is soMEthING food LovErs struGGLE to uNdErstANd. thE kItchENs of thE kILIMANdJAro ANd k2 rEstAurANts ArE thE vEry hEArt ANd souL of thEsE two EstAbLIshMENts. hErE, spEcIAL AttENtIoN hAs bEEN GIvEN to pAstrIEs ANd, MorE spEcIfIcALLy, to chocoLAtE crEAtIoNs whIch ArE MAdE IN A rEAL chocoLAtE LAborAtory. As A quALIfIEd pAstry chEf, NIcoLAs sALE, hEAd chEf of both rEstAurANts, Is AbsoLutELy pAssIoNAtE About dEssErts ANd chocoLAtE. wE wENt to MEEt hIM.

La Provence

dans l’assiette


K Magazine

la provence… on your plate

lES pETITS FARCIS NIÇOIS, sont fait à base de légumes tomates, courgettes rondes, poivrons, aubergines évidés et fourrés d’une farce composée de viande, mie de pain durcie bouillie dans du lait, aromates, et cuits au four. les farcis sont consommés aussi bien chauds que froids.


e restaurant gastronomique Le Badiane vous propose sa nouvelle carte estivale, dans un cadre magnifique avec vue panoramique sur la Méditerranée. Les recettes du Chef, d’inspiration largement méditerranéenne, marient couleurs et saveurs : courgettes, filet de bar, thym, sucrine, basilic… A cela s’ajoutent quatre recettes d’une grande finesse imaginées par Guy Martin, chef doublement étoilé et mondialement reconnu pour son talent !

La Badiane gourmet restaurant will unveil its brand new summer 2013 menu, to be enjoyed in fabulous surroundings with panoramic views over the Mediterranean. The chef’s dishes are largely inspired by Mediterranean traditions and unite colours and flavours: courgettes, sea bass, thyme, lettuce hearts, basil... And as if that weren’t enough, there are also four sophisticated dishes from Guy Martin, a chef with two Michelin stars whose talent has been recognised the world over.

petits farcis niçois are made using tomatoes, round courgettes, pepper, and aubergines, scooped out and stuffed with meat and stale breadcrumbs boiled in milk, then seasoned and baked in the oven. They can be enjoyed hot or cold.


Toutes vos boutiques ALL YOUR SHOPS



salle d’enregistrement / check-in-area

Horaires d’ouverture : Le restaurant : 12h - 15h / 18h30 - 21h30 Le bar lounge : 9h - 21h30 Réservations : 04 89 98 52 20 Certification de services

Article sur la Provence - Grand Sud Magazine

Examples of O2C photographs © anthony Lanneretonne

Shooting Gastronomie - K Magazine dessert

tarte au citron meringuée made in Carlton Pâte suCrée : 150 g de beurre, 125 g de sucre glace, 40 g de poudre d’amandes, 1 gr de sel, 60 g de j’aune d’œuf, 315 g de farine. Mélanger le beurre froid, le sucre glace, la poudre d’amande, le sel et la farine tamisée. une fois le beurre bien mélangé, incorporer les jaunes d’œufs et réserver au frais. etaler la pate à 3 mm et foncer les cercles préalablement beurrés. Laisser reposer 30 min et cuire à 160 degrés 15 min environ. GeLée de Mûres : 200 g de Purée de mûres, 30 g de sucre, 1 feuille de gélatine. Chauffer la purée de mûres, ajouter le sucre et la gélatine, laisser refroidir, déposer dans le fond des tartelettes. BIsCuIt CuILLère : 3 blancs, 3 jaunes, 60 g de sucre semoule, 75 g de farine. Monter les blancs en incorporant le sucre petit à petit, verser ensuite les jaunes puis la farine. etaler en épaisseur de 5 mm et cuire au four à 180 degrés 8 min. détailler des disques de 80 de diamètre et les imbiber de sirop praliné et les poser sur la gelée de mûre. sIroP PraLIné : 125 g d’eau, 60 g de sucre semoule, 150 g de praliné. Bouillir le tout et refroidir. CrèMe au CItron : 100 g de jus de citron frais, 185 g de sucre semoule, 185 g d’œuf,175 g de beurre froid, 1 feuille de gélatine, 1 zeste de citron. Faire bouillir le jus et le zeste de citron, mélanger les œufs et le sucre, verser sur le jus de citron et reporter à ébullition, ajouter le beurre froid et la feuille de gélatine. Mixer quelques secondes. Placer dans un moule demi-sphère et faire prendre au congélateur puis démouler et poser sur la tarte. MerInGue : 90 g de blanc d’œuf, 180 g de sucre Monter au batteur à 45 degrés blanc et sucre, faire refroidir. dresser sur feuille de papier cuisson de petites billes en forme de pointe. Cuire 40 min à 100 degrés. disposer autour de la tarte les pointes de meringues. disposer rouelle et julienne de citron confit.


Lemon meringue pie à la Carlton

Sweet paStry: 150 g butter, 125 g icing sugar, 40 g ground almonds, 1 gr salt, 60 g egg yolk, 315 g flour. Mix together the cold butter, icing sugar, ground almonds, salt and sifted flour. when the butter is well mixed in incorporate the egg yolks and put to one side. roll out the pastry to a thickness of 3 mm and line the greased moulds. Leave to rest for 30 minutes, then cook at 160°C for about 15 minutes. BLaCkBerry jeLLy: 200 g blackberry purée, 30 g sugar, 1 leaf of gelatine.Heat the blackberry purée, add the sugar and the gelatine, leave to cool and fill the tartlet bases. Finger BiSCuit: 3 egg whites, 3 yolks, 60 g caster sugar, 75 g flour. whisk the egg whites, gradually adding the sugar, then the yolks and lastly the flour. roll out to a thickness of 5 mm and then cook at 180°C for 8 minutes. Cut out 8 cm disks, soak them in praline syrup and place them on the blackberry jelly. praLine Syrup: 125 g water, 60 g caster sugar, 150 g praline. Boil the ingredients up together then leave to cool. LeMon CreaM: 100 g fresh lemon juice, 185 g caster sugar, 185 g egg, 175 g cold butter, 1 leaf of gelatine. Zest of 1 lemon. Heat the lemon juice and zest to boiling point. Mix the eggs and sugar together, pour the lemon juice over the mixture and bring back to the boil. add the cold butter and the leaf of gelatine. Blend for a few seconds. place in a half-spherical mould and put in the freezer to chill. remove from the mould and place on the tart. Meringue: 90 g egg white, 180 g sugar. whisk the egg whites and sugar at 45°C, leave to cool. on a sheet of greaseproof paper, make small balls of meringue mixture in the shape of peaks. Cook at 100°C for 40 minutes. arrange the meringue peaks around the tart. Finish with slices and julienne of confit lemons. InterContinental Carlton- 145

Shooting Gastronomie - Carlton Magazine


Shooting Gastronomie Majestic Magazine

Restaurant atTarbes-Lourdes Airport

Description of the mission Lagardère Services has to answer every year to many tenders for airports internationally.

• In this context, it is of utmost importance for LS to be assured to maintain a state of the art quality of documents • It is also crucial for LS to be able to answer to more tenders with less time and less costs • It is important for LS to be able to take in count the particular desires of each airports • Finally it is important for LS to be able to adapt its tender documents and presentations with a local touch 16

Restaurant Nice Airport

Duty Free in Charleroi Airport

For all these issues, ATRID is proposing an efficient solution at a reasonable cost.


Scope of the mission General Mission • Compare your existing documents with state of the art tender answers, propose improvements. • Define a new pro-format for the Tender documents in order to increase the ability to provide a quick and performing answer • Define a new pro-format presentation box Per airport Mission • Advise LS on the specific requirements of the targeted airport when possible • Adapt the pro-format documents to each tender • Integrate the Architectural concept and Financial parts • Supervise and organize the delivery of the documents


How ATRID would work for LS ? General Mission per category 7 days >>

• Compare your existing documents with state of the art Tender answers, propose improvements

10 days(1) >>

• Define a new pro-format for the Tender documents in order to increase the ability to provide a quick and performing answer

2 days(1) >>

• Define a new pro-format presentation box

TOTAL : 19 days Per Airport Mission 2 days >>

• Advise LS on the specific requirements of the targeted airport when possible

10 days >> 1 day >> 3 days(1) >>

• Adapt the pro-format documents to each tender • Integrate the Architectural concept and Financial parts • Supervise and organize the delivery of the documents

TOTAL : 16 days

(1) + external costs


Costs • Fee/day: 1,400.00 US$ excluding the withholding taxes. The invoice should be raised as per PO • General Mission (one time) >>> ATRID direct costs 19,0 days of work.......................................................26,600.00 $ >>> Publishing Agency costs...............................20,300.00 $ TOTAL................................................46,900.00 $


• Per Airport Mission (for each tender) >>> ATRID direct costs (with option) 16,0 days of work......................................................22,400.00 $ >>> Publishing Agency costs including packaging...................................20,300.00 $ TOTAL per tender................................42,700.00 $ >>> Travel expenses will be reimbursed on invoice. Invoices schedule:

(payment terms 30 days net invoice)


Duba誰 Airport

Terms of the mission 1. Scope of our work 1.1. Presentations All reports will be presented by ATRID to the project Team. All reports will be presented in PowerPoint. 1.1.2. Participation in various meetings with the Project Team. 1.1.3. Coordination and obtaining agreements between the tenants and the Project team. Coordinating the provision of services and other amenities. 1.1.4. The scope of our work and the main procedures that we plan to implement are detailed in this proposal, we have noted that our report will be presented to all of the team. 2. Calendar 2.1 Is determined by mutual agreement and attached to this contract. 3. The Team 3.1 This mission will be under the direction of Eric Trichot, manager of ATRID company. 4. Fees 4.1 Amount of Fees 4.1.1 Reports and Presentations See page 20. 4.1.2 Business Analyst Support In the current state, assessment of the number of man-days is difficult due to the size of the project and the number of stakeholders that need to be managed. 4.2 Our billing fees and expenses 4.2.1 For reports and presentations


Bangalore Airport

Reports and presentations will be charged and will be payable upon receipt of an invoice: - 100% upon completion of each phase 5. Terms 5.1 This mission statement should be read in conjunction with the General Conditions annexed. 5.2 Regarding these Terms, we would like to draw your attention to the following specific points: • As stated in 1.2 of the General Conditions, our mission will cover what was agreed with you in the letter of engagement points. We cannot guarantee that our work will identify all the topics you have outlined. • As specified in 7.3.1 of the General Conditions, our liability resulting from noncompliance with our obligations, or our negligence, or for any other reason, the damage that we would be accountable for may not exceed the amount received under the terms of Terms Mission fees. 5.3 The smooth running of our work assumes your agreement of our timeline specified in the Annex. 6. Acceptance and Confirmation 6.1 This mission (including the annexes) and the General Conditions attached are the terms of the Mission. 6.2 If the terms of the Mission should receive your approval, we require confirmation by returning a signed copy of this letter. In the meantime, please accept our best regards. Eric Trichot ATRID Confirmation of the acceptance of the Terms of Mission I have read the Terms of Mission described in the present document dated 19/12/2013 (including the annexes) and the General Conditions attached to this document. I agree to the terms of the Mission on behalf of LS and confirm that I am authorized to do so. Signature: ..................................................................... Name and title: ..................................................................... On behalf of LS ..................................................................... Date: .....................................................................


General conditions Introduction ATRID as a common representative (hereinafter referred to as «we»), are pleased to present the General Conditions applicable to the work we do for «you» (as defined in § 11.2 below). These Terms and the Engagement Letter define the terms of the Mission between us. The terms used in these Terms are defined in paragraph 11 below. ATRID is a company domiciled in: 6th Floor, St. John’s Building, 33 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong, 1. Services 1.1. We will carry out the work described in our Engagement Letter (the «Services»). We will use all the resources and skills necessary for the successful completion of our mission. 1.2. Services provided do not cover the legal aspects of the profession and, unless stated in this clause 1.3, we do not engage our responsibility on matters of legal interpretation. Our report or advice will be made on the basis of our understanding of the interpretation of tax legislation, court decisions, regulations and interpretations of the existing law including our written advice on the date mentioned in the report (or if such a date is not specified the date on which the report or letter is signed) («the Effective Date»). 1.3. Changes in law and / or its interpretation may occur after the issuance of our recommendations, or may have a retroactive effect; our liability shall not be liable for any changes in the law or its interpretation occurring after the Effective Date. 1.4. Where Services require analysis of prospective financial data, our work will not be a review and therefore we will not issue a Certificate or Opinion. Insofar as events or unforeseen circumstances may occur later, differences, sometimes significant, may exist between expected results and actual results. We will not confirm our responsibility for the achievement of results forcast. 2. Reports 2.1 Any oral or project report, and any other documents (written, letters, drawings, disks, files) that we provide you with while the project is underway cannot be taken as our final opinion or conclusion. These final files will all be included in our fina report. 2.2 You agree to treat as confidential any oral comment, any project or final document (in whatever form) that we have provided to you as part of the Services (defined below in our «Reports»), unless as part of the exceptions set out in paragraph 2.3, not to communicate to third parties. 2.3 Copies of our reports can be transmitted to: the members of the Board of Directors / Executive Board and your superiors, your employees involved in the project, and your legal team, in each case, you must ensure that adequate measures have been taken to understand that: (I) our reports are confidential; (II) they can only use our reports as part of the project; 3. Confidentiality 3.1 Confidentiality 3.1.1 We will treat the Confidential Information as such. 3.1.2 We may disclose the Confidential Information to our insurers or our legal advisors and with the law or professional regulators if required. 3.1.3 Subject to paragraph 3.1.1 above, and when the project is no longer confidential, we can, in order to illustrate our expertise, report to our customers and our prospective clients our role in this project. 3.2 Relations with other customers


3.2.1 We may be required to perform work for other clients who are your competitors or whose interests are in conflict with yours. We can make no restriction, in accordance with the established relationships with you under the terms of the Mission, on working for other clients. However, we undertake not to use Confidential Information for the benefit of other customers. Similarly, we will not disclose confidential Information received from competitors. 3.3. During our mission, we can be contactable via electronic means. However, the security of electronic transmissions cannot be completely guaranteed: the information can be intercepted, transformed, lost, destroyed, sent with delays or incomplete, or be rendered unusable or damaged deliberately. We recognize that systems and procedures cannot be a guarantee that transmissions will not be affected by such failures but each of us agrees to make appropriate checks on the most common viruses before sending information by electronic means. 3.4 Each of us accepts these risks and allows electronic communication between us. Each of us is responsible for protecting their own systems and interests in relation to the electronic communications and, in accordance with paragraph 7.1, neither of us (including our partners, employees, respective contractors or agents) can be held responsible under any circumstances (in conjunction with the terms of the mission, acts of negligence or otherwise) for any error, damage, loss or omission resulting from electronic communication of information between us, or use. 4. Fees 4.1 You agree to pay for the services. Travel costs and other expenses will incur additional charges. The details of our fees for the Services shall be in writing and agreed with you. 4.2 Our fees are calculated based on the complexity, the need for specialists (including the use of technology, expertise and know-how we have developed) and the time spent, but will take into account the risks inherent to the Mission and its urgency. 4.3 Any estimate of fees that we will provide will be determined in good faith but does not constitute a contractual commitment. Fees may be adjusted based on the assumptions set out, and any independent element out of our control. We will notify you if it appears that these estimates may be exceeded significantly. 4.4 Our invoices are payable in cash. 5. Changes, termination and sustainability 5.1 Each of us can ask for modifications regarding the Services. These changes must be approved by each of us and may give rise to reasonable adjustments to both the fees and schedule. The changes relating to additional services must be approved in writing. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, any additional service provided in connection with the Services (or not having been the subject of a written agreement) is subject to the terms of the Mission. 5.2 Each of us may terminate the Terms of the Mission by written notice with immediate effect. In all cases, you will pay us the reasonable fees and expenses for services provided up to the date of notification, taking into account the factors that led to the interruption of the Services. If you terminate the Terms of the Mission before the completion of the Services, you agree to pay all additional costs generated by such early termination. 5.3 The Terms of the mission continue to bind the two parties in the event of interruption or to the completion of the mission. 6. Liability 6.1 In these Terms of Mission, any exclusion or limitation of liability of a natural or legal identity is valid unless: (I) due to death or injury resulting in temporary or permanent disability, (II) excluded or limited by law, and (III) related to fraud or dishonest acts on the part of this natural or legal identity. Clause 7.1 does not the any rights other than those provided by law. 6.2 Any claim relating to the services provided (in conjunction with the terms of the mission, acts of negligence or otherwise) must be formally commenced within three years after the date of signature of this Report.


6.3.1 In any event, our liability resulting from failure to fulfill our obligations, negligence by us, or any other reason, the damage that we would be liable for shall not exceed the amount of fees stated by these Terms of the Mission. 6.3.2 Where there is more than one recipient in the Engagement Letter, the limit of liability set out in paragraph 7.3.1 above shall be distributed among the recipients. It is agreed that this division will be the sole responsibility of recipients who are not required to inform us, if (for whatever reason) no allocation is agreed, none of the recipients will be able for this reason to question the validity, the applicability or the operation of the limitation of liability. 6.4 While remaining within the limits laid down in paragraph 7.3.1 above, our liability for services (for non-compliance with our obligations, negligence or any other reason) shall be limited to the share of losses caused directly and solely by us or, in the case where losses are due to a number of stakeholders, our liability shall be limited to our level of responsibility, taking into account the responsibility of all those who contributed to the losses (whether or not capable of dealing with responsibilities). 7. Third Parties 7.1 As part of our delivery of services, we, ATRID, will at our discretion, use the resources of other companies, but the performance of the Services will remain our sole responsibility. 7.2.1 Except as permitted in paragraph 2.3, you agree that the information contained in our reports will not be provided to any third party without our prior written permission. In all cases, we will not accept any liability vis-à-vis third parties who may have access to our reports. Clarification to this effect can be included in our reports. 7.2.2 You agree to indemnify us and hold us blameless from any liability for liabilities, losses, costs and other costs that may arise from any claim (in conjunction with the terms of the Mission, negligent acts or other pattern) that would result in one way or another, the permission to access our reports by a third party (whether or not such disclosure is authorized by these Terms of Mission). In case of fraud or dishonesty on our part or the person compensated, no compensation can be obtained. 7.3. You also agree not to prosecute (in conjunction with the terms of the mission, acts of negligence or otherwise) against ATRID or their staff on Services. Services rendus à l’encontre de notre personnel/nos employés à titre individuel, mais ceci ne pourra limiter ou exclure la responsabilité que nous pourrions avoir pour leurs actes ou omissions. 7.4.1 The provisions of paragraphs 8.2 and 8.3 have been expressly stipulated for the benefit of our staff / our employees. You agree that, subject to paragraph 8.4.2, each beneficiary has the right to invoke this clause 8 as if they were the party’s stakeholders in terms of the Mission. 7.4.2 All rights granted to third parties through these Terms are subject to the right of the Mission for you and, by agreement, to terminate or modify any term of these Terms of the Mission, without the consent of third parties. 8. General 8.1 Calendar. Each of us will endeavor as far as possible to meet their respective obligations in accordance with the schedule. However, unless we have both specifically agreed in writing, the dates in the calendar are only for reasons of planning and project management and are not contractually binding. 8.2.1 Property rights and documents. We own the intellectual property rights of any spreadsheet, database, technical systems, methodologies, ideas, concepts, information and know-how developed in the context of the completion of the Terms of the Mission. We own the intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, any copyright) in our working papers, reports and letters. Reports and files that you are given are strictly for the current case to the exclusion of all others, on the airport or any other airport, you are not authorized to reuse our files and reports without our explicit permission. You can, however, make copies of our reports and letters, in accordance with the provisions of the Terms of the Mission. 8.2.2 Upon termination or completion of the terms of the mission, we will keep a copy of any document or file that we have developed, or any other document used in connection with the Services to document our work for needs of the industry. You can keep the original and any copies


of our reports and letters prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Terms of the Mission. 8.3 Validity of Mission Terms. If any provision of the Mission Terms is held invalid, in whole or in part, this clause, in whole or in part, shall be considered excluded from the terms of the Mission. The validity of the other terms of the Mission shall remain in force as long as the terms of the Mission keep their economy and balance. 8.4 Contractual Agreement. Terms of the Mission is the only existing agreement between us relating to the Services. They supersede any and all previous proposals, correspondence, agreements and all other written or oral communication. 8.5 Contradictory provisions. In the event of any inconsistency between the Engagement Letter and Conditions or any other document forming part of the terms of the Mission, the Terms will prevail, except if there is an amendment in the Engagement Letter with specific reference to the corresponding provision of the Terms and Conditions. The Engagement Letter will prevail only in a case of conflict between the Engagement Letter and any attachments thereto or, other than the General Conditions. 8.6 Team. During the period of the Mission or within six months of completion or termination, you and we will not recruit any member of our respective teams. 8.7 Independent Events beyond our control. None of us can be held responsible for any breach of its obligations to events beyond its reasonable control. 8.8 Substitution. None of us can transfer, charge or seek to negotiate its rights or obligations under the terms of the mission without the prior written consent of the other party, except in the case of the transferal of the rights and obligations to any legal authority to take over all or part of its activities. 9. Conflict Resolution and Jurisdiction 9.1 All disputes arising out of or in connection with the present Contract shall be settled finally under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules.» 10. Definitions For purposes of the Terms of the Mission: 11.1 «Each of us» «You and Us» or other similar expression refers to ATRID (2) recipient (s) of the initial / original Engagement Letter and any other recipient. 10.2 «You» or «Target» means (s) Recipient (s) of the initial / original Engagement Letter and any other person (a) you and ATRID have designated in writing as the recipient (s) of the Services and (b) to whom we, ATRID, have agreed in writing to accept responsibility for the Services performed. 10.3 «Confidential Information» means any information or documents we produce or receive through the Services. However, it will not be considered confidential information if it: (I) is or becomes generally public without contravening these provisions, or (II) is known before the commencement of these Services; (III) is received from a third party without obligation of confidentiality. 10.4 The «Terms of Mission» means the agreement between us, as set out in the General Conditions and the Engagement Letter and any changes to the Terms of Mission agreed between us in accordance with paragraph 6.1 above. 10.5 «Engagement Letter» means the letter that was sent to us with the Terms, detailing more precisely the mission and terms of the Mission that bind us. Signature: ..................................................................... Name and title: ..................................................................... On behalf of LS ..................................................................... Date: .....................................................................




All Travel Retail International Development

ATRID Limited, organized under the laws of Hong-Kong, 6th Floor, St. John’s Building, 33 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong E-mail: Registered under the certificate of incorporation N° 1981189

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