2 minute read
Soulful Transformations
When we all learn to respect each other, no matter our religions, beliefs, or way of living, we realize that what we have in common is much greater than our differences.
As our lives progress into adulthood, our beliefs can change in incredible ways. What we may have been taught to believe in as a child may cease to make sense as we transform and evolve. Our knowledge and experiences grow over time, which can profoundly affect the religions we practice or the metaphysical beliefs we incorporate.
Many people are born into families who have a certain faith and regularly attend church services, classes, and events as a family. They may expect their children to follow their lead and remain faithful to their parent's religious beliefs. Others grow up without religious training or parents who leave it up to their children to decide what path to take regarding their spirituality, without judgment. While there is beauty in keeping the faith and following certain beliefs throughout a lifetime, it's important to remember that others are free to believe as they wish.
Regular spiritual practice or following a certain religion helps us to feel supported and grounded in our life. It helps calm our anxieties about life after physical death. When we question long-held beliefs and practices, we begin a journey of freedom to explore and seek clarity. Our personal life experiences, flavored with curiosity, can lead us to pursue other paths which feel true to our souls. Someone who is highly intuitive or psychic has unique connections to the spirit world in very profound ways. Unfortunately, certain religions do not accept these attributes and may have strict rules against them. Someone from the LGBTQ+ community can also face criticism and severe judgment. They may want to practice the religion they were raised in but suffered from the lack of support or understanding, becoming fearful of living in their truth. So many are afraid to speak up, and they remain isolated. Others reach out to those who are more accepting and are able to thrive in their newfound community, feeling love and appreciation.
When we seek to have clarity in our souls through expanding our spiritual knowledge, we can gain incredible courage. It becomes extremely important to accept ourselves even if we don't fit the mold of what might be considered 'normal.' We learn acceptance if we believe that we are here with a purpose and know that our struggles and challenges are part of that purpose. We can live without judgment of others, even if we have been judged. Fear can hold us back from expressing ourselves! In the same way, fear causes others to lash out at what or to whom they cannot relate.
As we evolve into our true selves, we are free to live our lives. Finding our soul friends and communities is also key to the feeling we have support from others who live and believe as we do. The Journey of finding new ideals, and leaving others behind, is a process. Our souls crave to find peace and understanding while we live on Earth. When we feel accepted in our quest for spiritual independence, we open up a whole new world of possibilities.
As we examine what resonates with us spiritually, it can be incredibly exciting to discover things we had never considered or been exposed to. The study of metaphysics, energy healing, unexplained phenomena, and psychic ability opens our minds and hearts to other possibilities transforming us for the better. The more we educate ourselves through these studies and all the good of the world's religions, the more we realize there are many ways to celebrate our amazing abilities as soul energy.
When we all learn to respect each other, no matter our religions, beliefs, or way of living, we realize that what we have in common is much greater than our differences.
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OMTimes Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients worldwide. To learn more or contact me for a session, see judilynch.com