2 minute read
Our Soul Tribe
By Judi Lynch
Summary: Discovering that we have a soul tribe of others who are on the same quest helps us form a support system of common ground. Kindred souls bring flavor and excitement to our lives, stir our creative minds into action and assist in healing our emotional challenges. Living life in awareness of synchronicity, listening and looking for the messages meant for us, and opening up our incredible metaphysical gifts together, maybe the magic we all need right now.
Throughout our lives, we meet people who resonate with our ‘vibe.’ Through these unique soul connections, we have the opportunity to experience life with the support and acceptance of those who are like-minded. We can feel understood and in alignment through these relationships and ignite our spiritual journeys as we evolve together. Some connections may be brief, and others can last a lifetime. The beauty is recognizing the synchronistic messages and energy we feel in their presence.
We can be uplifted and inspired when we meet kindred souls. They bring flavor and excitement to our lives, stir our creative minds into action, and assist in healing our emotional challenges. It is widely believed in spiritual teachings that we chart these people to come into our lives and that we can recognize them by vibrational frequencies. We may even dream about them before we ever actually meet them in person.
Many of these connections also help us to experience psychic phenomena. When we establish certain relationships, we open portals of great importance to our well-being. There are endless documented accounts where people have received messages or felt the energy of another from a distant location without ever having spoken. We can send out signals without a phone. We can see a vision of someone who may need our assistance or even hear them call our name. Telepathy between souls is a magnificent occurrence that helps us to validate these special abilities.
It can be extremely challenging to have been born into a family with strict religious beliefs that we no longer believe in as we come into adulthood. However, life experiences, outside influences, education, and curiosity, can lead us to investigate our own personal paths in spirituality. Forming new friendships and bonds with others who consistently and consciously practice constant growth with open hearts and minds can help to give us the freedom to choose. We also have to strive to give others the freedom to choose religions and spiritual beliefs or not to believe in anything at all, even if we do not agree. It’s not our responsibility to judge others or try to convince them that their path is wrong. When seeking our own truths and community in which to thrive and evolve, we learn to respect that certain relationships may fall away. We may find ourselves purposely judged and alienated for our beliefs. With courage and grace, we can wish others well while letting go. There is a whole world of information, experiences, and practices we can study to enhance our quest for answers.
The freedom to choose, explore and live life on our own terms can be exhilarating. Discovering that we have a soul tribe of others on the same quest helps us form a support system of common ground. We can grow in the study of metaphysics and spirituality together without the rules and regulations that many religions may require we follow. We can also choose to believe in several things simultaneously if it makes sense to our intellect. Living life in awareness of synchronicity, listening and looking for the messages meant for us, and opening up our incredible metaphysical gifts together, maybe the magic we all need right now.
About the Author:
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read to clients all over the world. To learn more or contact us for a session, see judilynch.com