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Interiors for Singles New Trends

En todas las ciudades del mundo el crecimiento de la población, así como el aumento de hogares monoparentales, confiere al apartamento una gran importancia como tipología de vivienda. Un buen interiorismo puede ayudarnos a transformar estos espacios en lugares únicos, de diseño contemporáneo a la vez que prácticos para el día a día. Presentamos una amplia variedad de soluciones de diseño que se adaptan a diferentes tipologías de espacios: desde un pequeño estudio hasta un apartamento estilo loft, encontrando en todos ellos las últimas tendencias en diseño, que lo convierten en fuente de inspiración tanto para el propietario como para arquitectos e interioristas.


Due to the population growth in cities around the world, together with the rising number of single-parent households, apartments now represent an indispensable form of housing. With the help of some interior design know-how we can transform these spaces into unique habitable living space, combining contemporary looks with practical designs for day to day living. You’ll find a wide variety of design solutions in our book, all adaptable to various typologies of accommodation, from tiny studios to a spacious loft apartments, all last trends designs, sources of inspiration as much for owners as architects and interior designers.

Interiors for Singles New Trends



small apartment in born district | Barbara Appolloni Barcelona, Spain


single apartment larco | Oneto / Sousa Arquitectura Interior


tsd2 | Marià Castelló Martínez


Lima, Peru

Ibiza, Spain

3d apartment | Héctor Ruiz Velázquez

Madrid, Spain


mini house | Francesc Rifé


Jehona | Vehap Shehi / VSA concept

52 60 68 78 88 94

Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Spain

Brussels, Belgium

apartment in CHAMBERÍ | DEDENTRO (Decoration: Diana Díaz-Berrio Ibáñez)

Madrid, Spain

Dubrovska | Za_Bor Architects

Moscow, Russia

apartment in Itaim | FGMF – Forte, Gimenes & Marcondes Ferraz Arquitectos

São Paulo, Brazil

loft apartment in calle Atocha | Beriot, Bernardini Arquitectos

Madrid, Spain

Attic in Tribeca | Jeff Brock, Belén Moneo/Moneo Brock Studio

New York, NY, USA

Greenwich Village Penthouse | Andres Cova/SPG Architects New York, NY, USA


apartment Castelletto | Factory3studio


apartment in Lisbon | HBG


Grand Street | Labodesignstudio


Dwelling for a single | esé studio


Genoa, Italy

Lisbon, Portugal

New York, NY, USA

Athens, Greece

apartment in east side | Labodesignstudio

New York, NY, USA


small apartment in Born district Barbara Appolloni Barcelona, Spain © Christian Schallert 538 sq ft | 50 m2

Located in the cosmopolitan Born district, the transformation of such a small apartment into a flexible and liveable space is a demonstration of the architect’s expertise. The intelligent distribution of furniture and spaces permits overlapping uses. The remodelling extends as far as the terraces, which function as an extension of the home.

Situado en el cosmopolita barrio del Born, este piso es una muestra de la pericia del arquitecto para transformar algo tan pequeño en un espacio elástico y habitable. La inteligente distribución de muebles y espacios permite solapar sus usos. La reforma llega hasta las terrazas, que funcionan como una prolongación de la vivienda.

small apartment in Born district | 9

Longitudinal sections

The combination of convertible built-in furniture and accessories transforms this bed into a sofa and the table embedded in the wall into a desk. La combinaci贸n de muebles convertibles y accesorios empotrados transforma esta cama en un sof谩 y la tabla incrustada en la pared, en un estudio.


small apartment in Born district | 11

Apartment floor plan


Upper terrace floor plan

small apartment in Born district | 13


single apartment Larco Oneto / Sousa Arquitectura Interior Lima, Peru 漏 Vinicius Barros 506 sq ft | 47 m2

The remodelling was authorized by the owner of this apartment. The kitchen occupies the middle of the first floor and is the linchpin around which the living room, the lounge and toilet all gravitate. The high ceilings, bare plaster and concrete walls give the space an airy and contemporary feel.

El propietario de este apartamento es quien firma su reforma. La cocina ocupa el centro de la primera planta y es su piedra angular, alrededor de la cual gravitan la sala de estar, el sal贸n y el aseo. Los techos altos y las paredes desnudas, enyesadas o de hormig贸n, confieren al espacio amplitud y modernidad.

single apartment Larco | 15


single apartment Larco | 17


Upper level plan

Lower level plan

single apartment Larco | 19

The available height permitted here the creation of a loft space to accommodate the main bedroom and bathroom, which face towards the large window on the lower level. La altura disponible permite crear un altillo descubierto que aloja el dormitorio y el ba単o principal, encarado hacia el ventanal del nivel inferior.


single apartment Larco | 21


tsd2 Marià Castelló Martínez Ibiza, Spain © Estudi EPDSE

The aim of this apartment renovation was to convert rational seventies architecture into wide-open, minimalist spaces. The budget was tight. Furniture was stripped back to the essentials. The walls that separated the hall, kitchen and dining room were torn down and some of the finishes were changed. It was enough. As Mies van der Rohe said: less is more.

La reforma de este piso pretendía convertir la arquitectura racional de los años setenta a los espacios diáfanos del minimalismo. El presupuesto era ajustado. Se quitó mobiliario hasta dejar lo indispensable. Se tiraron abajo las paredes que separaban vestíbulo, cocina y comedor, y se cambiaron algunos materiales. Fue suficiente. Mies van der Rohe ya lo dejó dicho: menos es más.

TSD2 | 23

Floor plan before the remodel


Floor plan after the remodel TSD2 | 25


«The old furniture bore loyal testimony to when the apartment was built», say the architects. Furniture firmly anchors a house in time. Change is visceral. «El mobiliario anterior», señala el estudio, «era un fiel testigo de cuándo se construyó el piso». Nada se ancla tanto al tiempo como un mueble. El cambio es visceral.

TSD2 | 27


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