STONE HOUSES. Best in ecology

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La piedra natural en la arquitectura moderna es considerada un material sostenible y noble que transforma edificios y viviendas, la mejor opción en durabilidad y ecología. Las casas que a continuación os presentamos están diseñadas bajo los estándares del bioclimatismo y son consideradas una genialidad en el diseño exterior por la utilización y combinación de los materiales.

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Stone Houses

BEST in ecology

In modern architecture natural stone is now thought of as a material that provides both elegance and sustainability, which can transform both residential and commercial buildings and is a first choice for both its durability and ecological qualities. The houses we will present below have been built in line with bioclimatic principles and have all received high praise for the ingenious combinations of materials used in their exterior design.

Stone Houses

BEST in ecology


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