COLORING BOOK. Neo-Traditional Tattoo

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Tómate tu tiempo para relajarte y colorear: COLORING BOOK NEO-TRADITIONAL TATTOO cuenta con 90 diseños originales de la artista del tatuaje e ilustración Sunny Buick. Puedes colorear estos fantásticos dibujos como mas te guste. En este libro encontrarás castillos de caramelo, calaveras de azúcar, iconos religiosos, símbolos, animales de circo, imágenes del Día de los Muertos, fiestas del té, helados, marineros y Tikis. Una vez terminada tu obra, sólo tienes que sacar la página, escoger un bonito marco y colgarlo en tu pared.

Neo-Traditional Tattoo

Take your time to relax and coloring: COLORING BOOK NEO-TRADITIONAL TATTOO features 90 original designs from tattoo and illustration artist Sunny Buick. These beautiful line drawings can be filled in and colored any way you want. In this book you will find candy castles, sugar skulls, religious icons, tattoo symbols, circus animals, Day of the Dead decoration, tea parties, ice cream, lollipops, cats, sailors and Tikis. When you’re finished coloring, simply remove the pages, place them in a frame, and hang them on your wall.

Coloring Book

90 original illustrations to color and customize!

Coloring Book Neo-Traditional Tattoo by Sunny Buick


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