NewsBriefs News Briefs Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
By the first week of June, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farmers to Families Food Box Program had distributed more than 5 million food boxes in support of American farmers and families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. “The Farmers to Families Food Box Program was designed to put American farmers and distributors of all sizes back to work while supporting overburdened food banks, community and faith-based organizations, and other nonprofits serving Americans in need, and the program is doing just that,” Perdue says. “It’s encouraging to see the passion with which farmers, distributors and nonprofits have gone above and beyond to make this program work in support of the American people. Although a momentous milestone, this is only the beginning for the program, and with continued support we expect up to 40 million boxes will be delivered throughout the country by June 30.”
First Food Assistance Program Payments U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced the USDA Farm Service Agency has already approved more than $545 million in payments to producers who have applied for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program. FSA began taking applications May 26, and the agency had received more than 86,000 applications for this important relief program by early June. “The coronavirus has hurt America’s farmers, ranchers and producers, and these payments directed by President Trump will help this critical industry weather the current pandemic so they can continue to plant and harvest a safe, nutritious and affordable crop for the American people,” Perdue says. TWITTER: @PEANUTGROWER
“We have tools and resources available to help producers understand the program and enable them to work with Farm Service Agency staff to complete applications as smoothly and efficiently as possible and get payments into the pockets of our patriotic farmers.” FSA will accept applications through Aug. 28, 2020. Through CFAP, USDA has made available $16 billion in financial assistance to producers of agricultural commodities who have suffered a 5% or greater price decline due to COVID19 and face additional significant marketing costs as a result of lower demand, surplus production and disruptions to shipping patterns, and the orderly marketing of commodities. Prices for peanuts did not decline enough to make the commodity eligible.
A Modern Grading System The USDA’s National Peanut Research Lab has been working on the Peanut Shipping Point Modernization Initiative. In ongoing testing, the Georgia Agriculture Federal State Inspection Service collects data that the NPRL uses to refine the process. Results from the 2019 crop was made available in a recent NPRL report. The findings offer pros and cons of the new equipment in relation to the current equipment while referencing how all components are used for loan value calculations. For the in-shell peanut moisture meter, researchers report progress is being made at a rapid pace. Engineers are working to finalize a production scale prototype, with some components anticipated soon. Each component will be tested and then it will be assembled and tested as a unit. NPRL director Marshall Lamb says, “It is our hope that the prototype will be ready for full testing and data collection this fall. Any necessary modifications will be made to the prototype following this analysis. “Based on performance of the unit,
In Brief • Food box program, payments begin with goal of distributing 40 million boxes. • National Peanut Lab continues testing new grading system. • Alabama referendum underway. • Black farmer organization to hold regional field days, showcase technology. • Gypsum shortage, new regulations an industry concern. • To meet a sheller need, a pod breakability machine is built.
we will then seek full scale production and commercial sale.”
Alabama Peanut Association Referendum Scheduled Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Alabama Peanut Producers Association had to delay their referendum earlier this spring. The vote will now move forward, and the deadline is July 23. All persons engaged in the production of peanuts for the years 2017, 2018 or 2019 shall be eligible to vote. The APPA has been certified by the Alabama Board of Agriculture and Industries as the authorized association to conduct a referendum among peanut producers in the state to determine whether or not an assessment shall be collected on all peanuts marketed in Alabama. A favorable majority vote means that the current assessment will continue to be collected. The order from the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries is for all persons, firms and corporations engaged in the business of purchasing peanuts in this state be deducted from the purchase price of JULY 2020 • THE PEANUT GROWER /