One Tribe Magazine – April 2019 – Issue 19

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April 2019 19

The definitive style magazine for





Join the world’s most inspirational creative writers living their lives in technicolour.

Wherever YOU are in the world, this is YOUR TRIBE, we together we are ONE TRIBE. Featuring: Millennial Musings When The Outside World Just Isn’t Enough Sumedh Chatterjee Tapping Into The Confidence Within Andrew Gregory How To Stand Out From The Noise Of The Crowd And Get Your Audience’s Attention! Audra Oakes Climbing The Hill To Enlightenment Lyn Halvorsen Paychecks Of The Heart – How To Succeed In Life Vanessa Louise Moore Be Kind To Confidence Karyn Holt The House Of Fear Burt Kempner Unconditional Love Sets You Free Isik Tlabar What Is Living? Christine Saunders How To Get Motivated - Even When You Don’t Feel Like It! Robert Landau Emotional Blindness Is Sickening Madness Samantha Caroline Lavallée Breathe – From Anxiety To Clarity Feela Light Love Is... Samareh Rahnavardi Emotions Are Contagious Winnie Mabena Laptop Lifestyle Malina Bien Feel Happier, More Alive, More Aligned And More Empowered Than Ever Before Jenaya Huxter Environment Is Everything - Where To Even Begin With This Subject? Dawn Bates My Top 10 Inspirational Quotes Alice Landry

Without a continued commitment to being vulnerable (in the right context), and authentic, personal development is limited, making success a more arduous process than necessary. Page 10 s Audra Oake

Our cover features the amazing Audra Oakes (above), a highly respected Author, Blogger and Motivational Speaker from Perth, Western Ausralia. You can read Audra’s insightful article ‘How To Stand Out From The Noise Of The Crowd & Get Your Audience’s Attention!’ on page 10. One Tribe Magazine will transform the way you see yourself and the world around you. So, get ready to LOVE YOUR LIFE, as our creative writers share fresh perspectives, inspiring stories and simple, easy-to-follow steps that will help you find a happy, rewarding and fulfulled life. We would like to thank our fabulous creative writers for their amazing insights and you, our wonderful readers for your continued support over these 19 issues. Have a fabulous month and remember to share the love and live your life in glorious technicolour. – Kenny Ball (Editor and Creative Director) (Please note our writers are from all over the globe where there are variations in English dialect, to preserve authenticity we have retained these variations throughout the magazine). Photos and text are Copyright to the respective authors and OTM. © 2019 One Tribe Magazine | | OneTribe.Media

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Millennial Musings When The Outside World Just Isn’t Enough Sumedh Chatterjee | 04 Tapping Into The Confidence Within Andrew Gregory | 08 How To Stand Out From The Noise Of The Crowd & Get Your Audience’s Attention! Audra Oakes | 10


Climbing The Hill To Enlightenment Lyn Halvorsen | 14 Paychecks Of The Heart - How To Succeed In Life Vanessa Louise Moore | 16

Soul Tribe

Be Kind To Confidence Karyn Holt | 18 The House Of Fear Burt Kempner | 20 Unconditional Love Sets You Free Isik Tlabar | 22 What Is Living? Christine Saunders | 24 How To Get Motivated - Even When You Don’t Feel Like It! Robert Landau | 26


Emotional Blindness Is Sickening Madness Samantha Caroline Lavallée | 28 Breathe - From Anxiety To Clarity Feela Light | 30 Love Is... Samareh Rahnavardi | 34 Emotions Are Contagious Winnie Mabena | 36 Laptop Lifestyle Malina Bien | 38


Feel Happier, More Alive, More Aligned And More Empowered Than Ever Before Jenaya Huxter | 42 Environment Is Everything - Where To Even Begin With This Subject? Dawn Bates | 46


My Top 10 Inspirational Quotes Alice Landry | 48

Find your HAPPY!


Subscribe TODAY | 3

We have to recapture the knowledge that we can’t impress or make everyone happy, and so we need to stop trying. – Sumedh Chatterjee

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Millennial Musings When The Outside World Just Isn’t Enough Sumedh Chatterjee | Peak Performance Coach & Creativity Catalyst We have all heard the term “selflove” before, and if this was the late 90’s, you’d probably be thinking of something a bit risque in terms of what it meant. We definitely don’t mean it in those terms anymore, and in fact, self-love is becoming something that gets thrown around in the mainstream a heck of a lot. What exactly is self-love? How do we practice it? What does it achieve? Is it really just something that nouveau hippie, spiritualist types toss around haphazardly, in order to try to make a point or make themselves sound more emotionally advanced than the rest of us? Perhaps, but it really is something that we can all achieve and use to better our immediate environments, ourselves and ultimately, our world. We need to crush that stereotype. How many times in a day do you catch yourself thinking about how you feel empty, hollow, and like your life is worth so much more than making an already rich man richer? Maybe you work in a job you thought was going to be ‘ultra cool’ when you went to University for it and now that you have to work the daily hustle, it’s turning out to be anything but what you imagined. Maybe you have been sold the thought that imagery is everything and you find your monthly

bank balance dwindling while you purchase more and more useless consumerist garbage in order to fill a void that you continue to find less and less filled, despite spending more and more money. I know, I’ve been there. It’s okay. Take a deep breath. The world today thrives and revolves around the concept that people who feel out of touch with themselves will be likely to buy that flash handbag or cute sports car in a desperate attempt to garner attention. It’s almost as though through the purchase of items and things we are yelling out to the world “Look at me! I matter! You should like me because look at all my cool things!”. Quoting James Franco’s character of what he said in Spring Breakers “Look at all my sh*t!” What is that really all about? Are we really proud of these “cool things” we possess or are we actually screaming out for someone to notice us, love us and approve of us? It’s a little bit of everything to be completely honest. With the world today we’re so busy working to impress others that we forget to impress ourselves in the process. “I see all this potential, and I see it squandered. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting

tables - slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need. We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war... Our great depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won’t. We’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.” - Tyler Durden, Fight Club That’s essentially the crux of the issue. We’re so busy working for others that we lose ourselves in the coming and going, the to-ing and fro-ing and the ever prominent, pressing insistence that we adhere to some archaic version of life that has been passed down to us by people who have destroyed not just the planet and the environment, but the entire basis on which our lives are supposed to be lived according to them. It’s no wonder when this is the case that the Millennial generation is the one generation where it seems that depression and mental illness has become a common byproduct of existence. Mental illness is essentially the calling card of the 21st century. | 5

So how do we practice self-love and self-care when all the world seems to conspire against us and force us into a way of living that no longer fits with the way the world is moving? It certainly isn’t easy, especially when we have so many demands on our time. It can get to the point where we even find that hanging out with friends that we used to enjoy hanging out with has become an enormous chore. The is a huge, seemingly selfimposed taboo surrounding the use of the word “no” in our society. “No” seems to have a negative connotation attached to it, one which we allow power in our lives. We have become so afraid to use the word “No” that it begins to affect us in negative ways. We agree to things we don’t want to do in order to keep our image of being the social butterfly or in order to maintain our relationships or to appear fun so people will like us. It’s easy to say that the ability to use the word “No” comes easier with age. It does, but that doesn’t help someone struggling with self-love now. Using “No” is the first step we can take in order to start caring for our own wellness and care. No allows us to put ourselves first and to do the things we value and care about instead of putting other people’s opinions of us first. This sounds scary and it can be, but the benefits are huge. So what happens after we use “No”? That depends on the situation in which you use it! Sometimes nothing happens except you get to stay in for once and watch that film you have been putting off because someone keeps insisting you go out for drinks. Sometimes you miss out on extra money on a paycheck. Sometimes you hurt someone’s feelings or you upset someone. That’s part and parcel of life though - we have to recapture the knowledge that we can’t impress or make everyone happy, and so we need to stop trying. 6 |

We need to understand that selfcare is equally important, for our mind, body and soul. For our mind we can keep a list of compliments we’ve gotten from people, we can stare at the mirror and repeat “You are my best friend”. For our body, we can laugh, release those happy endorphins, write it on your hand if you have to, look at situations in a way that makes you chuckle. Narrow your food choices to healthy ones and soak up the good sun. Don’t take naps for granted, they are called power naps for a reason. For our soul, we can splurge on a memory that will last, have a “me day” or spend time with fuzzy adorable animals. When does self-care turn vicious, though? Narcissism is essentially where we think so highly of ourselves that we belittle the existence of others and their opinions. This form of thinking can come from an overinflated belief of self-importance but can be stopped in its tracks before it gets out of hand. Sometimes we need our egos to get a reminder. Self-love, on the other hand, is simply believing in the fact that we can’t give ourselves to others if we aren’t on top form. Each person is different and if we have friends or family who need our help, we can’t provide this if we’re burnt out from being “on” all the time. Narcissism serves no one except the individual. Self-love is all-encompassing and helps us to be our best selves so that we may adequately serve those around us. Authenticity is a form of self-love as well. Inauthentic people may lie or agree with the status quo of a group in order to fit in and cause no ruffled feathers with others. A mild example would be when a friend asks if an outfit makes them look fat. Everyone in a group may insist that it doesn’t, but then talk about the fact that it does indeed make them look fat when that friend isn’t around. Inauthenticity can be contagious, especially when we

want to make people like us. It also harms us though. We begin to lose ourselves and lose our own opinions, instead opting to go with the general opinions of a group of people instead of ourselves. Becoming authentic can be a painful, but beneficial process. Ditching herd mentality and deciding to be an individual with our own thoughts and beliefs helps us to understand that we are people too who are worthy of being afforded the same care and respect we give to others. Additionally, we can start to become the best versions of ourselves, which often leads us to healthier thinking patterns and realisations that perhaps the subject we’re pursuing in University or the job we’re working aren’t actually the things we want to do, helping us to make decisions to move on to things that serve our lives in much more healthy, enjoyable and beneficial ways.

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Tapping Into the

CONFIDENCE WITHIN Andrew Gregory | Confidence Coach

can have a huge impact on making you feel your best and in turn help give your confidence a boost, that area is wellbeing.

What would your initial reaction be to being told you have an abundance of confidence within you? If you are anything like I was the reaction is going to be a big “Yeah, right!?” with your eyes rolling in their sockets.

This may be a term you are well aware of and practice already, in which case, fantastic! If not, wellbeing is the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy and taking care of oneself. Whether this is physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, the options to enhance your wellbeing is limitless.

However, there is not a person out there that doesn’t have confidence, even if you truly believe you don’t. There are many activities that we do on a day-to-day basis that require confidence, however; we do them with such regularity that the impact of what it takes has faded. The result? We take them for granted. Let’s put that to the test for a minute, if I asked you to walk up and down the stairs? Brush your teeth? Use a smartphone to send a text message? Send an email from a computer? More than likely you would have no issue in doing this. However; at some point, these “simple” tasks would have been brand new to you, and as a result, you would not have been confident about doing them. It took time to understand the task and then practice until you got it right. This may not be something you think about and granted some of these skills would have been developed when you were a child, but it is still worth understanding that you do have confidence in these areas i.e. you are confident. Confidence, like the above-mentioned tasks, is a skill that requires learning. 8 |

Firstly by discovering how you are going to tap into it, followed by practising with it, applying it effectively, assessing the results and then modifying as required. Then? Repeat. Sounds like a lot? Were you hoping for a quick fix? Yeah sure there are going to be things that are going to give your confidence a boost but looking back on your own experiences would you say those things were long lasting? Probably not. The only way to get real confidence is by putting in the work. However, and not to scare you from trying to achieve that, there are ways of making the journey more enjoyable thus giving you the boosts required to keep your journey of tapping into the confidence you have on course. And that is what this article is going to focus on. We are going to look at just one of those areas which I believe

In essence, it is finding activities that are going to make you feel at your absolute best and then making them “must do’s” in your daily life. Now I know what you may be thinking, “That’s all very good but I do not have time, I have work, I have kids, I have chores to do, where am I going to find time to be able to fit this in.” I know, I have been there too. But I have also been on the darker side where I was stretching myself to thin and not making time for myself. I was run down, I was losing weight, I had zero confidence and that little voice in my head was full of resentment and distain. Something you may have seen or heard people say before, how can we love and take care of others if we cannot love and take care of ourselves? When you are so drained are you really giving the best to those that you love and are around you. At some point, it will all come tumbling down. The great thing

about taking care of your wellbeing is that it doesn’t have to be drastic changes to your day-to-day life, they can just be simple enhancements to areas that you are already undertaking. For example, taking a shower. Something that most of us do every day but when was the last time you stepped into the shower and just enjoyed it rather than it being solely a means to an end. Really taking the moment to enjoy the feeling of the warmth of the water on you, actually smelling the products that you use, switching off your mind to just being in the moment? It can be simple small alterations like this that make a task seem like an experience and in turn help us feel at our best. Again find what makes you feel at your best and do it often. Time is always an excuse for not doing something new, however not having enough time is just a limiting belief we have conditioned ourselves. When really we have all the time we need. Again this may take some small adjustments but in the long run, is going to benefit you greatly. Take the time at night to do tasks that don’t need to wait for the morning, lay out your clothes that you are going to wear the next day, make your lunch, find and lay out everything that you need for the day ahead. These little elements will make your morning routine more manageable and put you in a better piece of mind. With that, try getting up earlier, yes this one can be a pain but if you have everything ready and you can even give yourself half an hour more time to wake up then you will start the day on the right foot, reducing the stress of running around and in turn doing wonders for your wellbeing. These are just a small amount of examples and inevitably it comes down to you to find what is best for you and help you on your way to tapping into the most confident version of yourself.

Keep up to date with Andrew on: FaceBook

Time is always an excuse for not doing something new, however not having enough time is just a limiting belief. – Andrew Gregory | 9

How to stand out from the noise of the crowd & Get Your Audience’s Attention! Audra Oakes | Author / Blogger / Motivational Speaker

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Authenticity. This is a word that we hear very often nowadays. On social media we are connected to worlds we would not have connected with before. We hear the opinions, arguments, teachings and promises of many “professionals” in various areas and industries. How can we as leaders navigate these waters so as not to be irrelevant? Being authentic with your message is critical. How can we as healers, creatives, entrepreneurs and leaders ensure we are being authentic? We will discuss that in this article. I am a Mother, Blogger, selfpublished author and Counselling Student. I realised the desire to help others heal from trauma, abuse, addiction and gain a positive mental attitude increase by the end of writing my book. I enrolled in University and began my training to become a Counsellor and immediately fell in love with the course content. Studying to become a counsellor has made me even more aware of the importance for authenticity and how being authentic as professionals enable us to enrich our professional practices. My course has a Personal Development unit as a foundational unit of the course where we explore our own concerns, learn, grow, make goals and work towards them with clarity and authenticity. In this safe place, we get to discover who we are, what motivates us, what areas we need further development in, and set our goals accordingly. It has been my own experience time and again that personal development is essential to being authentic and enriching our professional practice. As written in my own autobiography, My Red Sea: Journey From War To Peace,childhood trauma from abuse and circumstances beyond my control had a detrimental effect on my mental health. I became reclusive, depressed and felt powerless. As a way to deal with my emotional pain, I suppressed memories that held unresolved

emotions and mindsets and became inauthentic in my representation of self. Through the course of personal development by way of receiving counselling, journaling and changing my mindset, my life changed for the better.

therapist relationship. I would have effectively put a mask on to hide my own truth. This will effectively put a barrier between myself and my client which would be detrimental to the client-therapist relationship which is needed to make therapy effective.

I define personal development as the ongoing commitment to operate at the highest level one can, by continuously improving skills, knowledge and abilities in their chosen field and applying these to self where relevant. A commitment to personal development empowers a professional to be effective in their chosen field as it ensures the tools and strategies taught in training are properly explored, and applied first with self, then with the client. By being committed to personal development, a professional is in a better position to remain authentic. So how do we separate ourselves from the noise and stand out in our chosen fields? One way is by being vulnerable.

In the aforementioned book by Dr Brené Brown PhD, LMSW, she also stated that “Vulnerability is not knowing victory or defeat, it’s understanding the necessity of both; it’s engaging. It’s being all in. Vulnerability is not weakness, and the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement. Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and the clarity of our purpose; the level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection”.

I do not like being vulnerable but I have come to see that being vulnerable enables one to acknowledge the challenges and solutions necessary for their personal development. Allowing oneself to be vulnerable is necessary in order for personal development to be possible. Being vulnerable allows one to acknowledge the issues and challenges we are facing in our professional practices and the coping mechanisms we have utilised to help us deal with them. Even better, being vulnerable allows us to see with objectivity which strategies we are utilising or not and which ones are beneficial and sustainable in the long term. According to Brené Brown, “vulnerability is showing up and letting ourselves be seen”, (Daring Greatly, Brené Brown Page 2). Without being vulnerable, I, for instance, would not be fully engaged, or be able to build an effective client-

We must, therefore, make ourselves available to gain feedback from our clients, ask the questions that we need answers to without fear of judgement and admit to our mentors, teachers and our selves when we need guidance to improve our professional position. This leads us to the path of being truly authentic which truly resonates with our audiences, clients and colleagues. Authenticity can be defined as being true to one’s own self. I was challenged to be authentic. It was either be true or be irrelevant. Embracing authenticity has allowed me to stand out, gain attention from the right audience and partner with the right individuals. I was recently invited to speak at an event in Perth Western Australia, organised by “One Billion Rising”, from an authentic connection I had made with a fellow colleague who happened to be part of the planning committee for the event! It was my first speaking engagement and I was stoked to see so many people come up to me and | 11

tell me that the speech had touched and resonated with them This is what happens when we decide to be vulnerable, authentic and reject the fear to remain just another voice in the crowd. In being authentic, I can lead my client to be the same in the search for the goals they choose to set and the realisation of those goals. A client who is authentic in their presentation of self and the issues they wish to resolve will no doubt be in a better position to effectively receive personal development and the outcome they hope for through therapy. I recently wrote an essay backed by academic research, and experience which concluded that personal development enhances professional practice by producing a professional who can truly understand the process and relationship required with their audience and clients. This in turn to leads to one’s professional practice being enriched and successful. Without a continued commitment to being vulnerable (in the right context), and authentic, personal development is limited, making success a more arduous process than necessary. In making personal development a practice, a professional ensures they are authentic and equipped to attract and connect with their true client base, identify needs and introduce relevant and timely solutions. This is also essential to building and enriching our brand, reach and social impact. If you have a side hustle or full-time gig, you are leaders, warriors, healers and creators! Be authentic. Be you. Be faithful in bringing your true message to light and thereby connecting with your true audience needs.

Keep up to date with Audra on Facebook

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Allowing oneself to be vulnerable is necessary in order for personal development to be possible. – Audra Oakes


Climbing the hill to

Enlightenment Or if at first you don’t succeed... Lyn Halvorsen l Creative writer and blogger. Have you ever had times when you get disillusioned or feel that you can’t get where you want to be? You aren’t alone – I know there are times when I think I’ve ‘cracked it’, and have found my way – but then – wham, down I come to earth. But I guess if we had life all fathomed out we could become complacent or even a little smug. There is a reason why there are so many self-help books out there. People are always searching to find a new way of dealing with life; a new angle that might just make everything become clear. It’s a big industry, but I’m not knocking it. I have found several books and audio tapes over the years that have helped me through rough times, and are still helpful today. I’ve followed some inspiring gurus too. ( I loved to listen to the late motivational speaker Dr Wayne Dyer, who always sounded warm and friendly and came across as a lovely man when I attended some of his seminars.) Sometimes just reading or hearing one illuminating story can offer up a ‘light bulb ‘ moment that gives us the answer we have been looking for. Here is a story of one man’s quest for enlightenment….. There was once a man who wanted to find the meaning of life. He spent many years listening to all sorts of gurus and read many ‘self-help’ books. He tried yoga classes and quite enjoyed them and soon learned how to ‘Salute the Sun’. He learned how to meditate, and once he had stopped his busy mind wandering off and thinking about what to eat for his 14 |

supper, he more or less got the hang of it. He ate an amazingly healthy diet with only a few slip-ups (he had rather a liking for donuts). He took plenty of exercise and breathed in the invigorating fresh air in the woods behind his cottage. He gave up his stressful job and decided to live simply and he put on sandals. But with all this to help him there were still times when he felt he hadn’t quite ‘got it’. So the man went up to the top of a mountain, made himself a simple camp, and stayed there for five years. He contemplated his life. He relaxed and completely ‘chilled out’. He prayed for peace in the world. He felt at one with the universe. Occasionally, the odd climber or two came up the mountain and he smiled at them most benignly, bestowing calmness upon them. That felt good. One day he woke up and thought ‘I’m ready to go back and face the world and nothing will phase me now.’ Gleefully, he set off down the mountain. But he had forgotten

how steep it was and by the time he got to the bottom, his feet were a bit sore and he was thirsty and tired. He walked into the café at the bottom of the mountain and asked for a bottle of water. No one heard him. He asked again but the staff were busy and ignored him. After five more minutes, he felt the anger boil up inside him and banged his fist on the counter, and demanded to be served. A waitress rushed over and nervously placed a bottle of water in front of him mumbling an apology. He grabbed the water and drank it down without a word. From a table in the corner an old friend spotted the man and walked over to him. He asked him how he was getting on with his quest for enlightenment. Without a word the man turned and walked out of the café. He headed back up the mountain. This is just a reminder that we can all fail from time to time no matter how far we think we have come. But it is okay. It happens to us all and it is never too late to try again. The man was just human like we all are. And remember – nothing good is ever lost. ‘Today is a new day; there is no need to focus on yesterday’s mistakes. Just as the pathway will sparkle again in the sunlight, so will you sparkle again too’.

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Today is a new day; there is no need to focus on yesterday’s mistakes. Just as the pathway will sparkle again in the sunlight, so will you sparkle again too. – Lyn Halvorsen . | 15

Paychecks of the Heart How to succeed in life

Vanessa Louise Moore | Transformational Mentor & Speaker.

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““Pretend everyone you meet has a sign around their neck saying ‘make me feel important’. This is how to succeed in life” - Mary Kay Ash In an ideal world wouldn’t we all choose to live with Love, Connection and Abundance? Where we would be living examples for each other and random acts of kindness were the normal everyday occurrence whoever and wherever we are. On a daily basis, we would be describing how we feel as Joyful, happy, fulfilled, energised and excited about our well-being and our lives. So why are we controlled by fear, concentrating on our lack and competing with each other? Because we are brainwashed into believing that money and status are what’s important and what life is all about. One of my all-time favourite heroes and a woman who is admired and respected by many is Mary Kay Ash. Mary Kay Ash is a true woman of substance and exemplifies love, courage and kindness. Overcoming great adversity, she built a multi-million dollar company based on the golden rule “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” with the intention to positively impact and enrich women’s lives. I once heard Mary Kay Ash use a phrase that really touched me after she was complimented and thanked. She said, “you have just given me a paycheck of the heart”. Can you imagine a world where we paid our way in life with love, gratitude and kindness? Every time we spoke loving words, expressed our gratitude or gifted someone with our kindness, our bills would be paid and our bank balance grew and grew. If only we placed more value on paychecks of the heart rather than the paychecks were given at the end of the month.

and act upon the calling from their heart. Where so many others are following the masses and chasing the dollar, brave is the person who chooses a paycheck of the heart. For so many years I was scared to be different for fear of being judged. Scared to challenge the Status Quo for fear of being criticised. Scared to BE me for fear of being rejected and unloved. All of this resulting in me hating myself and living with the inner conflict of so desperately wanting to express my true self but hiding myself away for feeling I wasn’t good enough. I now know I am not alone as the majority of others feel the same as I did, one way or another. So when a brave and loving soul like Mary Kay Ash is courageous enough to listen to her hearts calling and BE the person she was destined to BE, surely it illuminates the way for us all. I know I have been touched, moved and inspired by her tenacity and her willingness to touch the lives of others by living a life based on her principles and creating a company and business model where P & L is people and love rather than profit and loss, while emanating love, courage and kindness in all she does. I invite you to join me in giving ‘paychecks of the heart’ away every day as your chosen way of being, knowing that you will receive ‘paychecks of the heart’ in return. This way there is an equal balance of giving and receiving love…. and surely that is what makes the world go round.

Keep up to date with Vanessa at:

In today’s world, I truly believe it takes a courageous person to choose to listen to | 17

Be kind to


Karyn Holt Hypnotherapy & Confidence Coach at Transform Be You.

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Phenomenal confidence is something that we are born with … in abundance! When we are babies we don’t know what we look like or care about our looks either. We have lots of people coo-ing over us, we hear how gorgeous, cute, cuddly and lovable we are. We thrive on these compliments, our subconscious mind takes in all of the amazing words we are hearing. Although we can’t actually see very well, our sense of hearing is fully developed. We have been hearing everything said around us, about us, whilst we were in the womb and our subconscious mind has been absorbing every single word we have heard. As we grow our sight improves, we now see and hear everything around us and our subconscious mind continues to absorb all of this information, it starts to attach tags to everything we see, hear, feel, taste and smell. As babies, we are fed that sweet, sugary nourishing milk and we only drink what our body needs until we feel satiated and happy. Our subconscious mind tags this is pleasurable because our hunger is satisfied with something sweet. This is one of the reasons why, in later life, we reach for chocolate, biscuits and cakes when we feel the need to be happy if life isn’t going so great! As we progress through our younger years, we do age appropriate things like not eat all of the food placed in front of us because we’re no longer hungry. Our bodies don’t want any more food because we’re full our hunger is satiated, just like when we were a baby and we stopped drinking the milk. However, adults around us can sometimes get angry and tell us that we have to eat everything otherwise we can’t go out to play, watch TV or “there are starving children in this world”. Our subconscious mind then tags this event that we MUST eat everything on our plate whether we want to or not. This can lead to a pattern of overeating and obesity because we are made to feel so guilty for not eating all food placed in front of us. We then start to pile on weight, think so badly of ourselves that our confidence starts to plummet. We

and the negative. Every person wants to raise happy, confident, positive children, it’s our role as adults. But not every person is familiar with the workings of the subconscious mind so they do not understand how their words and actions can influence a child’s thoughts and beliefs from an incredibly young age! This applies to parents, the wider family, teachers and anyone who has contact with children!

begin to feel worthless and unloved, like we’re just not good enough any more. We can be sitting in our parents bedroom as our mum gets dressed, watching her looking at herself in the mirror and crying. We hear her say that’s she “fat” and “ugly” and that she’ll never be thin, when in reality she isn’t! Our subconscious mind takes in these images and words and starts to create the tag that a certain size is fat! Whilst the comments seem innocuous to our mum, our brilliant subconscious mind has set the pattern “you’ve got to be thin to be beautiful”. As a parent myself, I can confess that I have been guilty of some of the above because I didn’t know any different then! I hadn’t studied Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy so I had no idea that the words and images I was saying was creating tags in my daughter’s amazing subconscious mind and how detrimental that could be! I was setting her up to believe that to be beautiful and loveable she had to be thin! I recoil in horror now knowing that I had a negative impact on my daughter’s confidence, that I had instilled these negative thoughts and beliefs in her brilliant, wonderful subconscious mind. When what I should have been doing was loving myself, being positive and confident, showing her that she needs to be her true self, confident and positive and happy in her own skin … loving herself for being amazing and unique! Children’s minds really are like sponges, they absorb all of the words and pictures around them, the positive

So I would like to ask people to reflect on how they vocalise their beliefs about themselves and others in front of children. Let’s encourage children to embrace that special talent or gift that they have. After all not everyone is academic but that doesn’t mean that they are stupid, it simply means that they are brilliant at something else. Let’s embrace children’s creativity, participate in drawing or singing or dancing with them, it will make them feel even more connected, worthy and loved. It will also increase your own confidence and endorphins, thus improving your mood and your sense of worth and lovability! Children are our future so isn’t it time to ‘Be Kind To Confidence’ ours and theirs! Let’s love them, praise them, embrace them, encourage them for being their true selves, after all we are born being our true self! We are all unique, yet at the same time we are all the same because of our deep-rooted need to be connected to others. In this Age of Transformation, it is us, the adults, that have the power to ‘Be Kind To Confidence’ … the power to change the things we don’t like about ourselves so that we can be the most phenomenally confident version of ourselves. The Ripple Effect then starts, our happiness, positivity and confidence impact the lives of those around us, especially children! Let’s start raising, encouraging and educating positive, confident, beautiful children today by forgiving, accepting and loving ourselves. Let’s BE KIND TO CONFIDENCE!

Keep up to date with Karyn on: Facebook | 19

The House of Fear Burt Kempner | Independent Writer/Producer & Author Back in 1977, I received a dream assignment from a travel magazine. They were doing a special issue on Greece. The editor was going to cover the mainland and he asked me if I’d like to report on the Islands. We agreed to meet in Athens to make our final plans. I showed up at his hotel room at the appointed hour and knew right away that something was very wrong. The room was littered with those tiny whisky bottles found in service bars, and he was quite drunk, although it was only 10:00 in the morning. “Is there a problem?” I asked. Without a word he handed me a telegram. It was from his publisher, informing him that the magazine had been hemorrhaging money and he had no choice but to shut it down. We were on our own. They’d paid for a round-trip ticket, but I was damned if I was going to come all this way just to take the first flight back to Philadelphia. I wired my bank to see how much money I had left in my checking account: $900. I decided to see how long and how far $800 of it would take me (five weeks and very far, as it turned out). Bidding the tipsy ex-editor farewell, I took my leave of Athens. For the next few weeks I skipped from island to island, meeting new people, seeing new sights and enjoying myself immensely. It began registering in my consciousness that I had constantly been seeing the same woman wherever I went: on ferry boats, at outdoor cafes, at the marketplace. She was in her late 30s, with curly blonde hair, very attractive, always by herself and with a severe look that made people keep their distance. At first I thought there was something in her that frightened people, but then I realized that it was she who was frightened of them. One day on a boat in the middle of the Aegean Sea, I approached

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her and said, “I can’t speak for the others, but you have no cause to be scared of me.” She laughed. Like many people who don’t smile often, her smile utterly transformed her face. Her name was Karin and she was German. For the next couple of weeks we were together all the time, on Ios, Kos and Santorini. I can’t assign the blinding whitewashed walls, blue shutters or rocky coastlines to any one place anymore: they all blend in now. I do remember the incessant firecrackers Easter week, the girl running up to us to give us flowers and the scandalized hotel clerk who made us take separate rooms and stood guard outside your door, never suspecting you’d climbed in my window. The time came for us to return to Athens and home. As the boat pulled into the harbor at Piraeus, she turned to me and said: “The minute we dock, you don’t know me anymore. I won’t even look at you. I have to return to the House of Fear. Promise me you’ll never live there.” We collected out bags. I went out to find a taxi. She got into a black Rolls-Royce. My German was pretty fluent back then, so I know I heard the driver correctly when he said, “Did the Countess enjoy her holiday?” I tried to catch her eye as the car pulled away, but, true to her word, she didn’t even glance at me, and true to mine, while I have dropped in from time to time, I have never taken up residence in the House of Fear.

Keep up to date with Burt on: Facebook | 21


LOVE Sets You Free Isik Tlabar | Transformational Coach, Writer. Workshop Leader.

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It is loving without conditions. Rather than saying “I’m only going to love if you ...”, loving with freedom says, “I’m going to love you either way.” In doing so, you’re actually loving all parts of you as well, without conditions.

• In that scenario, what are you believing about yourself? • When was the earliest time you felt this? • Let that scenario unfold. (For example - you’re 3 and your mum and dad are arguing. Imagine standing in front of them and tell them out loud what you wish you said at the time.

It’s about letting the other person be themselves in all their quirks and everything that makes them who they are rather than shutting them down.

• Imagine seeing the scenario from a higher perspective now, see for what it is. See their pain. Why did they act the way they did?

It’s about not taking each other for granted. You don’t have to be in an open relationship or be polyamorous. Even when you’re in a closed relationship, it’s about setting each other free every day and being grateful for keep choosing each other.

• Can you forgive them for that? If you do, tell them. • Give them a hug. (If you feel like it)

So how do you love with freedom? You don’t expect the other person to resolve your unmet needs as a child. You love them for the sake of sharing the love. Expecting someone you just met to make up for all the times you felt not good enough, unloved or abandoned is not fair on both of you. Go into all your wounds and comfort that little girl or boy in you. Give her the love she wishes she received from her dad. Give him the love he wishes he received from his mum. Then with your partner, you can come back to love. It’s never about them. They’re triggering in you for example how your mum made you feel unloved by being cold and distant or how your dad made you feel not good enough by never showing you how proud he was of you. It’s always your mum and dad playing out, not the person in front of you. It’s not personal. I love this quote by Thich Nhat Hanh (will never know how to pronounce that): “Love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” My friend told me the other day, “I feel like I don’t need to filter anything with you. I can be completely transparent, completely myself. I feel free.” For me, that’s an honour to know that when someone I love hangs out with me, they feel like they’re hanging out with themselves.

• Let that go. Bring your awareness to the situation you have today. My default mode in relationships is controlling, not gonna lie. When I’m triggered or feel like I’m under threat, I try to control. So I know what it feels like to attempt to create safety by controlling, doesn’t work I’m grateful for coming to a place where I can say, “I can love freely now.” If you resonate with the need to create safety by controlling, create that safety within yourself first. Hold yourself and give yourself what you want your partner to give you. Ask each other how you can support one another to feel safe. Ask each other how you feel loved and what your needs are. Same applies to all relationships with your family, friends, colleagues etc, not just in intimate relationships. Love in a way that you want what’s best for them, not what’s in your benefit. Half of my closest friends live in different continents right now. I miss them of course, but I’m so happy for them for following their truth. That’s what love does, it chooses what’s in the highest not what will be more beneficial to you. Here are some steps to come back to loving with freedom:

• Now knowing you’re whole and complete as you, ask “What would be in the highest?” • Act on that. When you feel whole within yourself, you don’t have expectations from one another. You don’t want them to do anything or be anything. You love and appreciate them for who they are. You don’t need anything from them. They can meet you or not meet you, you’re happy either way. That’s freedom. Most importantly, be ok with being on your own. This is one of the most important things you can learn. Find what makes you happy outside of the relationship. Don’t base all our happiness into the relationship so you feel happy either way. When you feel that fulfilment, the most freedom seeking soul wants to stay anyway. But don’t fake your fulfilment to manipulate them to stay obviously Love you

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• Close your eyes • Take a deep breath in. • Notice how you’re feeling. What’s the emotion? Is it sadness, anxiety, fear etc? | 23

What is living? Christine Saunders | Empowerment Coach at Wholehearted Life.

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I am at that age where I look at the older generations like parents, family, neighbors, even strangers in the market and you begin to think about life.

space of being uncomfortable for a tiny bit and let my heart speak to me about the message this dream is intending to send me.

I wonder if people are happy and fulfilled. I wonder if they have regrets? If they have lived the life they dreamed about or if they have settled? What if they are so fearful of uncertainty they are just alive, and not living? Do they love life or just like life?

Three things came up for me in this space.

One recent night, I had a dream where I was floating around my childhood home in the basement. I was playing just as I did as a young girl. The memories came flooding back; the same smells, sights and feelings all so heightened. I hear the warm gentle sound of my mother’s voice as she talks with me while she is doing laundry. You see, she has a very particular way of doing laundry and to watch her at that moment it amazes me. It makes me stop and appreciate how much laundry she has done for me. I smile and go about hanging out, checking out the sewing machine I learned to sew on, the basement is like a time capsule from my childhood. I am suddenly riddled with fear when the lights go out in the basement, all except the ones going up the stairs. What you need to know is I am petrified to this day of the dark. My heart is pounding, I can’t make my feet move fast enough to the opening by the furnace. I clearly see the foot of the steps. I see my mom looking around as if she was making sure everything is in place before she goes. She turns to proceed up the stairs. At this moment I feel a weight on my chest. I yell “mommy” only it’s in my 7-yearold little girl voice. She doesn’t hear me and keeps climbing. I yell even louder “mommy” she stops, turns back as if she heard me. I smile and I feel a little at ease as she continues to climb the steps. But panic sets in again and I began yelling “mommy I’m right here” over and over. But she keeps climbing until I can’t see her anymore. As I am sobbing, I wake up shaking, tears rolling. You see my mother has not been in her basement for a couple of years. Before over analyzing this, because it is, in fact, a dream. I sat in my sadness and

First, I am beyond grateful for the life my mother and father provided and yes still do provide for me! I certainly would not be the women I am today if it had not been for the love and support of my mother and father. For them to recognize my talents, encourage me to follow through and not give up along the way. My amazing work ethic and desire to show kindness and care for others comes from them. The love they show and share to this day is that unconditional 100/100 love we all seek in any relationship. There are no expectations and their love does not waver. Every failure, every tough decision, and every triumph they are there, ready for whatever comes next. They have been there for it all! The good, the bad and the ugly!! Their children are the most important. My fondest memories are when I was very small. My father worked for the telephone company and he had a phone in his car and I am talking about an old desk style phone. It was the early 80’s and he let us kids call mommy from the driveway to the house phone. It was amazing we are calling mommy from a car! And my mommy said, “I love you, kids”. The second is a conversation I had with my father not too long ago. We were speaking about the days after his retirement and how he had a picture of what his days would look like. He pictured freedom; travelling to see places, camping, enjoying the world. What reality looked like was different than he had envisioned. His reality and all that matters to him is caring for what he loves the most in life, my mama. He said, “I love your Mother, in sickness and in health”. With health complications, he focuses on loving and adoring her. Now, what you must understand is I have been a daddy’s girl all my life and to see him care for my mama is the most beautiful thing a daughter can witness. I can see the deep love for her in his eyes and his care for her. People have asked me

where I get my empathic approach... um, my papa and my mama. Second, this also brings to the surface to enjoy every second of every moment we have on this earth with everyone we have contact with. To truly understand and remember that every day is a gift we are given. Every morning we wake up is an amazing day! There will be challenges, there will be triumphs, there will be sadness and most important there will be pure joy! Honor every moment! I mean really honor those moments. Ok, let’s pick on the more challenging moments for just a tiny bit. These moments show us opportunities to grow wiser, love, harder, and love more WholeHearted. These are the times when we are at our most vulnerable, where we can create, build, and repair relationships. In true moments of vulnerability comes deep authentic connection. These strong connections we build provide trust and community. In our communities, we celebrate our successes and victories; from the small to the large. Third and lastly, I am thinking of my own immortality and the impact I want to have in the world. I believe that operating from my mission of easing suffering for whoever I can whenever I can is the first step. I want to be known as the person who is, kind, empathetic and in service of others. Ultimately making the world a better place. Although this dream has brought up some intense emotions it has also brought up joy and gratitude for the amazing life I have, the women I am, and the strength to keeping fighting for what I stand for. There is power in knowing where I need improvement and that is fuel enough to keep living and loving with my Wholeheart.

Keep up to date with Christine on: Facebook | 25

HOW TO GET MOTIVATED Even When You Don’t Feel Like It!

Robert Landau | Motivational Speaker, Certified Life Coach & Published Author.

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See if you can relate to the following; It’s first thing in the morning. After a long and restful sleep, you all of a sudden hear the sound of something invading the amazing peace you found throughout the night. It’s your alarm clock! It happens to be ringing so loud you just want to pick it up and throw it across the bedroom. The day has finally arrived. The big meeting is happening in just two hours and you realize that you have so much to do to get yourself ready. You’ve been preparing for this for weeks and it’s finally here. While it all looks good on paper, the emotions you are feeling connected with this event are an entirely different story. You realize that you just aren’t motivated or even the least bit excited about the day ahead. “I just don’t feel like it,” you say over and over to yourself. “If I’m going to get this done and get through it, I’m going to have to find some energy somewhere and at least pretend that I care. This isn’t good, it just isn’t good!” You wish you could just stay in bed for the entire day promising yourself that someday, hopefully, sooner than later, you’ll be able to do just that for as long as you wish because retirement and a true life of leisure are looking pretty good right now. Does this sound familiar? So many times we’ll reach a place in life where we just aren’t motivated to take the next step that appears before us. The question then becomes; How do we move forward in a positive way if we don’t really feel like it? The answers are easier than you think. I believe we are naturally motivated beings. That’s who we were when we got here and that special energetic spark stays with us as we continue to move down our life’s path. It is only when we forget the essence of our true being that the storm clouds set in. Here are some helpful ways to help you reconnect with your true motivational essence…

1 - You’re only human It’s unnatural to feel totally psyched about everything all the time. If we did it just might be that we aren’t being totally honest and in touch with ourselves. To not feel totally into everything you’re supposed to be doing is OK. That’s life. 2 - Be kind to yourself in the midst of feeling negative Give yourself a break and understand that experiencing the lows in life are equally important as feeling life’s highs. It is often said that to experience happiness we also must experience unhappiness from time to time otherwise how could we truly know what real happiness is? We live in a world of duality so as long as we strive to create a healthy balance between the two, all is good. Learning by way of negativity and pain is a part of the journey. 3 - Do you believe that you can be motivated concerning the issue at hand? Life is about learning how to convert negatives into positives. The only way that will happen is if you choose to do what it takes to get there. If you don’t want such a shift to occur or if you happen to have a deep-seated belief that it’s just not possible...then it’s safe to say that it won’t happen. You are the sum total of your thoughts. What you choose to believe becomes the foundation on which your tomorrow is built. The question becomes, are you in control of your thoughts or do you allow your thoughts to control you? 4 - Just do it! Figure out what it will take for you to feel motivated once again. Consider the possibility that it might not be as difficult as you think. What three simple things you can do right now to get yourself back in line with feeling up to the task at hand? There usually are at least three. You might have to dig deep to find them but they are there just waiting for you to discover

them. The joke’s on us because they’ve been there all along. Focus on the positives you’ve found, feel what they feel like within you. That alone can create the shift you need to light the flame of motivation. 5 - You’ve got the power You have been gifted with the power to move forward. You are a winner, even when you’re feeling anything but. Are you a victim of your life’s highs and lows or might you really be a willing co-creator? The “True You” knows the answer to that question. You are an amazing person and you came here to prove to yourself that you are just that. When you happen to forget how amazing you truly are, realize that remembering is just around the corner. Clouds are always temporary and can only obscure the light of a crystal clear day for so long. Feeling motivated or the lack thereof is a choice. The same energy it takes to feel a lack of motivation is the same energy it takes to feel totally motivated. You are in control. Be your own best friend. Make the choices in life that serve you in a positive and productive way, even if your mindchatter of an ego tries to convince you otherwise. Feel your power, believe in yourself, do it! You are motivation in action.

Keep up to date with Robert at: | 27

Emotional Blindness Is Sickening Madness Samantha Caroline Lavallée | Writer & Lover of all things soul at Beautiful Disaster. Emotional blindness is sickening madness. Emotional maturity is thriving aliveness. We all have feelings. We all have the capacity to feel. It’s basic universal nature. However, why is it that our feelings are shamed, judged, blamed and treated like some factory defect that is being constantly measured with unsettling uncertainty as to who & when or how & where it can be hinted at, let alone fully expressed to varying guarded degrees?... What a f**king mess we’ve made of our natural humaneness. People walking around seeking to connect with everything, yet nothing all at once. People boiling with unexpressed emotions that ravages the spirit and creates a visceral exhaustion that can’t be napped away or prescribed away or detoxed away in a snap your fingers abracadabra kinda way... People diagnosed to no end with endless tongue twisters that can even be pronounced only to piled in a lump of statistics that offer no solution to the “supposed” problem! Emotions are the very subconscious nature of who we are that needs space to be fully expressed. No matter the emotion felt. Consciously we understand this, yet as if stunted in some way we merely continue to impress upon it without allowing the necessary means to be fully translated. To know and to do requires a balance that can only be harmonized with a growth mindset that serves the emotional state in such a way it

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liberates and leads to healthier states versus being a slave to the predominant feelings that have the capacity to dissolve any semblance of clarity and any hope for ease. Simply, yet with more than just a tinge if vulnerability emotions need breathing room to motion through and evolve into maturity. It must be felt. It must be sat with It must be seen. It must be held. It must be loved. It must be understood. It must be appreciated. As is. No censor. All acceptance. Emotion like everything else in nature is but a temporary state, not permanent. Surrender we seek even though we’ve lived by suppressing everything. Connection we desire even though we’ve been running with our disconnected hearts for so long. Separation hurts. Yet reconciliation is always a breath away. With self.

Re-discover your emotions and how you navigate them... This is emotional healing and cultivating a maturity that brings harmony to your life. To your innate being. A conscious choosing to commit to that of which nurtures your ease and helps restore your peace by becoming an active participant responding to your emotional health needs rather than a vicious cycle of chain reacting to all that life brings you based on what lives inside of you. This will begin to create monumental shifts in your life that will positively impact the quality of your life if you keep your heart and mind open to growing into your emotional maturity with sincere kindness and fun-loving playfulness. It doesn’t have to be as difficult as we make it out to be. Besides, you got nothing to lose and everything to gain. “Empower your Emotional Health. There is great strength there, even though it is deeply vulnerable, as this is all well intended as to nurture your suppleness within all this harshness is to embrace your very aliveness. “

For self.

With loving awareness and courageous living for creating wild peace and a wickedly awesome reality my loves,

With life itself.

2019©Beautiful Disaster

Through self.

Allow what you feel to be felt. Don’t manipulate or coerce it into something it’s not. Observe and Respond. Find yourself a safe person with whom you can trust and receive the loving nurturing space needed to express your own pace.

To receive weekly inspirational reminders and heartfelt reflections straight to your inbox from Samantha’s heart to yours SUBSCRIBE HERE

Empower your Emotional Health. There is great strength there, even though it is deeply vulnerable, as this is all well intended as to nurture your suppleness within all this harshness is to embrace your very aliveness. – Samantha Caroline Lavallée | 29

Breathe From anxiety to clarity Feela Light | Healer and Mentor at Heal with Feela

Before you carry on reading, I’d like you to close your eyes, breathe in deeply through the nose, and exhale slowly through the mouth. As you breathe in, let your stomach come out and when you breathe out, let your stomach come in. Let the exhale be longer than the inhale. With every exhale, intentionally letting go of stress, anxiety, disease and any negativity. I encourage you to let out a sigh and a sound. Repeat these 5 times. Remaining your focus always on the breath. 30 |

Breath is life. To breathe is to live and without breath, there is no life. Man can go without food and water for a pretty long period of time, but could you imagine what would happen if you couldn’t breathe? Breath is life, but it is also a powerful tool that we can use to improve our emotional, mental and physical well-being, such as to release stress, develop clarity and inner peace, ground and centre, heal from past

trauma and overall find our inner calm. We live in a time where things are not slowing down and it is up to us to take care of ourselves if we wish to not just to survive but to thrive in all areas of our life. To really enjoy our life, happy and healthy! Can you relate? I wake up, as my eyes open, I’m already thinking about all I got to do to get ready. As I’m eating breakfast, I’m already on my way to work,

dreading the rush hour. As I’m on the tube, my mind is on the endless list of things I got to do at work. As I arrive at work, I can’t wait for lunch, what will I have, I ask myself? As I’m eating my lunch, I’m thinking how long until I got to go back to work. Once I’m back at work, oh I can’t wait to leave! As I’m on my way home, I’m already thinking about what I’ll have for dinner. As I’m eating dinner, I’m thinking about having sex with my partner. As I’m having sex with my partner, I’m already thinking about when it’s finished and we got to go sleep. As I’m going sleep my mind is already thinking about tomorrow! This was me x10! I had anxiety and panic attacks, I was depressed, always stressed, filled with fear, doubt, worry and thoughts of suicide. My mind was always racing and I was always reacting to every thought, so I always have done everything to escape from it or numb it using alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping because I didn’t know any different. When I say I had a problem, I mean it was out of control! And, I found myself in a vicious never-ending cycle which just got worse and worse, taking me to a darker place until I hit my rock bottom. After coming back from living in Ibiza for 6 months, I was pregnant, with STD`s, a knife in my hand, a life that was a mess and I couldn’t bear to even look at myself in the mirror. I hated everything I had become. As I asked the question “How did I get here?” I heard a voice say “You created everything!” While I didn’t fully understand, and it was painful, every word resonated. I could feel it calling me to look within! It was the first time I took responsibility for my life and I found acceptance within myself to admit I had a problem not just with alcohol but my mental and emotional state and overall lifestyle. As I got really honest with myself, looking at everything I had suppressed and hid from, everything I was ashamed of and angry as I

felt lighter. I felt hope and began to see the light at the end of the tunnel, knowing that I can create a different future for myself. I didn’t know how, but I was okay with that. This was the first day when things began to change because I chose to be my own saviour.I am ever so grateful and blessed for the darkness, trauma and pain in my life because it gave me the opportunity to rediscover my inner power and my healing abilities, which we all have within. I am no different from you, if I can do it so can you!More so, it`s because of it I am able to do the work I do, so how can I not be grateful?I welcome you to find the gratitude and blessings from your pain, trauma and darkness then watch the healing that takes place.My journey to healing, growth and transformation began! I started reading books, changing my diet, exercising, spending more time in nature, letting go of toxic relationships, meditating in silence days in and days out, I stopped smoking and drinking, I spent hours on top of hours on my own, exploring and questioning. I worked with coaches, therapist and mentors. I attended events, workshops, silent meditation retreat and working with

plant medicine. I started travelling solo, hiking in the mountains of the lake district, attending ceremonies, doing things I had never done before. Most of all I kept studying and implementing everything I studied, I kept looking within, always! Asking myself the questions: How did I create this? What Can I learn from this? What is this reflecting back at me? What did I contribute to this? How can I show up differently next time? Remember, the work you do this year is creating the results for next year! It doesn’t matter the work you do while everyone is watching when nothing is going on behind closed doors! There are many powerful yet simple tools I used on my own journey that I also now use with clients. One of the top tools that I believe can change and improve anyone’s life is conscious intentional breathing. My journey with breath started, working with a breathwork therapist in Estonia. It was mindblowing and transformational. She was incredible at what she has done, with a pure heart and knew how to hold space. But that doesn’t mean it felt good at the beginning. After my few experiences I decided to | 31

become more aware of how I breathe and practice intentional breathing consistently so one day it becomes natural. Still to this day I am amazed at the power of breath! Here is more about breath…When one lives their life continuously in this state of being, of not being present one will experience stress. Stress for the mind, body and soul! Who would like a bit of that? Stress which leads to anxiety, depression, aches, pains, tension, illness, disease and disconnect from their spirit. Why is it that you really enjoy 1-hour yoga, dance, meditation, art class, a cup of your favourite something or when you take that 10 mins to read your book? Any ideas? Because you are present. When one is present, they feel good, their body is relaxed and their mind is not in the past or future. When one is not present, one is most likely not also breathing properly, their mind is always somewhere else, which causes stress for the mind and body because they are connected.Let me just add that most of us are not breathing properly! Now, imagine where it would lead to when one is most of the time in a state of stress, what that does to the body, your emotional and mental state? When one is present with a task, one is able to focus all their energy into that task, one is able to be and do their best. One will be more efficient and is bound to get better results because they feel good within. Not just that, but when one is present, one can begin to find the joy in your everyday mundane task, such as washing dishes or hoovering. One will also begin to notice the beauty that surrounds them at all times. One will experience a more peaceful, joyous life! While it’s great to do an hour here and there, could you imagine if you lived in that calm, centred, clear state of mind? How much your life would improve? What you could achieve or experience? How good you’d feel? 32 |

For me, things really changed when I decided to bring this meditative state that I experienced during meditation, into my everyday life. While I would meditate in the morning and evening and while it was a tool that took me also on a journey of rediscovery and finding my inner calm, I realised that conscious intentional breathing is something I can practice every day, where ever I am and whatever I am doing. I realised that it’s one of the fastest ways in any given moment to bring me back to the present, to begin to live in a meditative state, whether I was experiencing anxiety, confusion, conflict, or intense emotions whether I was about to work with a client, on the tube during rush hour, working at the salon. Try it out yourself the moment you experience anxiety or something similar, just begin to breathe. Notice how in moments you feel calmer and have a clear head. Breath takes you to stillness and silence and that’s where the Magic lies! Did you know that every emotion has its own rhythm of breath? This is why conscious intentional breathing is so powerful because you have the ability to influence your inner experience whether it’s mental or emotional in a positive way, it helps you release anything emotional with ease and break the pattern of mental chatter, that vicious cycle of thought that can be pretty hard to get out of, once you’re in it. It brings you back to your natural state of love.The breath helps you to slow down your inner world. Here are some simple, easy yet powerful tips and techniques for your journey. • Practice the technique which I shared with you at the beginning of this article, 5 times every morning, evening and any other time if you like. • Become aware of your breathing throughout the day. Can you find the link between your breathing and emotional/mental/physical state?

How are you breathing? Are you mostly in a rush throughout the day? • When you find yourself in confusion, conflict, experiencing anxiety or stress close your eyes for just a moment. Even if you are out travelling, you can step aside and close your eyes. Take your focus to your breath and slowly begin to breathe in and out. • Another technique to help you connect with your heart, womb, gut and body is similar to the one we practised at the beginning. But here you put one hand on your heart and another on your stomach. You begin to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Breathing deep but slow with the intention to connect with your body. • Join a breathwork class or better yet work with a breathwork therapist. • Do some research and studying yourself, there are many books out about the power of breath.

Keep up to date with Feela on: Facebook



True love is unconditional and is selfless` and understanding, it is kind and it’s patient,` and we all are guilty of failing at it over and over again. – Samareh Rahnavardi

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Love is... Samareh Rahnavardi Human Behavior Specialist. International Speaker. Life & Success Coach. When I was a little girl I use to be obsessed with a brand of a chewing gum called “Love is…” It was written exactly as I said, Love is and three dots. Every time you would buy a gum you would get a new message of what love is and I would keep them all and I created a little book where I kept all my “love is…” messages. I was fascinated with all those writing about what love would be and the pictures on it. I would be such a good girl so I could every day ask my grandmother or mom for a reward and I wanted a “Love is…” gum. Only if you saw that little face of mine with the biggest smile when I would get my gum you would know how truly excited and happy I was to read my message of the day, of what love is! If you do a little research on google and just search for “Love is…” chewing gum it will actually pop up and you’ll see what I mean and why I would get so excited and I wanted to have them all. But what is love? The messages would be something like: Love is… When you are somebody’s valentine. Love is… When you watch TV together. Love is… Heartbreaking without that special person. Love is… Lending him/her the money that you know will never return. Love is… Not trying to impose your ideas to others. And so much more ….. And I think it was from that simple idea of someone making chewing gums with messages of love that I got so inspired to learn more and more about what love really truly is? I kept saving all the messages I use to get and read them for my friends and taught them what it is trying to say. I

would get so deep with the idea and the meaning of it all that I would lose interest in the actual chewing gum, yet all they would want to grab would be the gum. Since a child, I was amazed by the wisdom of love and I had an intense feeling of understanding the truth of love with wisdom. I very soon understood what love really truly was and I am for sure here to tell you that the real love which is true unconditional love has nothing to do with the romantic love that we all seek or feel deprived of. I don’t have anything against romance please don’t take it wrong, I do times to time miss a moment of romantic interaction or a romantic gesture, it is all beautiful, but the truth is that love is what really truly means has nothing to do with the word romance, yet romantic love can be one of the different kinds of love, which to be honest is a selfish one too, I am winking and smiling. Have you notice when you just get involved with someone and you have a romantic relationship, you kind of deep down want to keep that person all for and to yourself, you may feel a little jealous when he/she spends time with some other friends more than you, even if you hide it with a big smile, or if you won’t get involved in some gathering you may get so hurt thinking oh why he/she didn’t take me with and so much more. Yes, that is what I’m trying to explain, that romantic love can be selfish at times, but yet it is a beautiful and very exciting time of a relationship. Yet love is something so much deeper and so much more profound than all those. True love is unconditional and is selfless and understanding, it is kind and it’s patient, and we all are guilty of failing at it over and over again.

love is a breeding ground for addicted, craving, grasping feelings and behaviors that cause more pain in the world than almost anything else. Yet we all still crave it and at some point experience it. Everyone wants that feeling of belonging and feeling of being a part of a little family or commitment, but believe it or not funny enough those that don’t have it seek it and those that have it want to somehow get away from it. Well, welcome to being a human being. Love comes differently. Sometimes in the form of one and sometimes in the form of many. But unfortunately, when we set our focus on finding the one, we lack the recognition of that love that comes in the form of many. So with all said I am now going to leave you with three elements of true love and I leave you with your beautiful thoughts to see what you would love to choose as experiences of love, and in your beautiful world I leave you to think it, desire it, claim it and bring it to reality and live it. But remember that love is rather to be given that received. Once you give and express it freely and genuinely, you will get it tenfold back, and that fact is the beautiful truth my friend. Three elements of true love are: • True caring • Freedom • Patient May you give it, share it, receive it, express it, demonstrate it and become it!

Keep up to date with Samareh on: Facebook or Instagram

The truth is that romance has been planted in our psyches as a model of love, and I believe that needs to be undone. What we consider romantic | 35

Emotions are

CONTAGIOUS Winnie Mabena | Author and Founder of The Knowledge Effect

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Usually when asked; “ how are you?” we tend to say fine or okay even when we are not, because that is the response we have subjected our minds to respond. While this goes on, the person on the other side is mostly waiting for a response … the words that to listen to a response by checking eye contact or heart to heart connections and listen to what the face says. This may result in emotional suppression from both sides especially the respondent; the respondent will think the person asking is not caring enough to be trusted to pour out his or her pain while the other party may have noticed the respondent is going through something painful but he can’t offer a solution as he assumes answering fine is saying it’s personal and I don’t want you to know about it. The person hiding pain is mostly in touch with others while out of touch with self. This has happened to a lot of us, we have in one way or another hidden our pain mostly for feeling ashamed, for fear of rejection and lack of trust for people we think of to console us in those needing times. Just like suppressing a disease, suppressing emotions does not mean the emotion will go away but it subsides, sinks deeper while slow suicide of self takes its course. This implies that, as we choose to suppress our emotions and hold them inside, we consciously decide to live with an infection that when left untreated can lead to death, depression, suffocation and denial. However, some believe that emotional suppression is essential to survive traumatic experiences and protecting oneself from abuse and violence. This follows believing that being real to feel some emotions shows your weaknesses and often lives room for others to undermine your ability especially to lead self. Regardless, it’s best to find a healthier way to deal with our emotions as they can result in damaging experiences which include causing misunderstandings or conflict in families, relationships, at the workplace and other. It’s important that those that you love with or care for know exactly when you are happy, sad or needing support. This will help you to stay content while those giving you support will help you review yourself and positively criticise you if need be but from a place of saying “ I want the best of you to manifest

beyond this challenge”. To get this done we have to be willing to let out emotions freely, acknowledge our weaknesses and acknowledge that we need help. Take a pose for a moment; did you know that emotions are contagious? Well, think through this again when you begin to think denial is survival. It must be clear at this point that life’s best resolution for abundance is not in suppressing emotions but helping self to generally control emotions by learning to control thoughts. Remember that we use our mind to develop clear ideas and develop distinct objectives that will get you into a habit of making effective decisions to react upon situations and events than suppressing your emotions or how you feel or look at something. Thus running away from what is will never be a solution and sometimes you may run to what’s deeper than what you left. Learn to apply emotional intelligence to face the giants of what may occur in life so you can better improve yourself by developing strategies for thought control like learning to shift your emotions from the unpleasant to the pleasant while you seek solutions for your pain. You must also be aware that sometimes what we so much want to feel can drain us because the response may not be as our expectations. It is then important to know whether or not you are well, need help or support than to harbour heavy emotional pain believing it will eventually go away in the space of time. For this reason, I recommend accepting what is as a first step to addressing pain in any situation. Accepting that this is what it is, for now, will help you identify the depth of the problem, its urgent need for a solution and best strategies to deal with as this will allow you to express your realities. In a case of needing healing for the loss of a loved one in death or circumstance say breaking up with your boyfriend, or losing a job, or failing an interview; accepting that healing takes time is not just a solution to suppressing emotions but recovery. To deal with the emotions you so much desire to hide, I urge you to always work at maintaining a hopeful attitude believing that this too shall pass and you have the ability to solve that problem all you need is to learn how. Of course, it’s important to allow your self to be you but this can

be achieved by staying in the space of those that let you be you without judging you. This will help you release those fears especially positive fears, fearful emotions and talk about it in a way that will lead you to find a solution or what next. This coupled with embracing your spiritual life whenever you fall in a challenge is grace to attain supernatural powers to face emotional trauma while believing that “ I am a core creator and so I am in charge, not the problem or I am the actor in this “drama” “. Always know that a release for your spirit is very important for emotional healing and for exuding steady emotions. No matter what we go through in life, our values, dignity, skills and principles and everything else will always remain unbroken and so why not deal with the emotions which can destroy our destiny if not treated?..... Be positive!

Keep up to date with Winnie at and Facebook | 37


No business strategy will give you what you want if your mind, heart and soul are not in the right place with the right behaviour aligned with it. – Malina Bien

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LIFESTYLE Malina Bien | Intuitive Business Coach For Female Coachesalchemist

Entrepreneurship has been around for a long while but only recently became accessible to so many people. The way we do business, sales and marketing have changed tremendously than ever before and possibilities are endless.

Building your business online is not just knowing all the technical hacks and how the algorithm works but it has a lot to do with yourself and the work you need to do deep down in your soul, heart and mind.

What comes with this amazing time for all of us is that everyone has learned what entrepreneurship is and this new online world has given us so many opportunities to do business and create wealth for ourselves using only our laptops and mobile phones.

Entrepreneurship comes with a lot of learning and having discipline in everyday tasks, the way you work and live if you want to survive and manage a sustainable business.

I wished I immersed myself into this world much earlier but I believe everything happens for a reason and we must have our journey to learn many things and realise things for ourselves first.

I know it sounds scary but it is all for your benefit and along the way when you are evolving and growing as a business owner and a human you start to understand so much more about yourself and life because of this educational journey, the world and your place in it.

What came with this huge boom on entrepreneurship is a new trend to be the person that leads the laptop lifestyle. This is where I recognize two groups of people, those that want to be a part of the trend and is looking for getting rich quick schemes or believe that by sitting with eyes closed every day you will manifest absolute wealth and millions in their bank accounts.

When I stepped into self-development for the first time I could not believe how much I didn’t know but also how much I was holding back myself and how much I have changed since then.

The second group of people are the committed entrepreneurs who found their path and passion and will go a long way to achieve their vision.

Coaching is about working with people so if you do not love others and do not wish them success you are not truly choosing the right path for yourself.

The second group is truly building a sustainable business, at least is committed to building one and understands that this may take time, effort and consistent action

We all want and strive to lead a fulfilling life and in the circle that I am in this is at the forefront of all our action.

Social media I must say has its ups and downs when it comes to how the society changed and I am not a fan of being glued to my phone all day long especially during the family and friends time. I truly believe we must continue cultivating real human connection and without it we are nothing.

Being a business coach and coach of any kind I believe it comes with lots of love for other people and helping other people, curiosity of the world and humans.

Do something meaningful, change lives, inspire but also evolve as a human have the growth mindset! Here’s the truth, those that are highly successful are not luckier than you or smarter, there is no magic trick or secret and it is all rooted in our ability to get out of our head, let go of the blocks and allow our true selves come to life, work on and stretch our abilities and be open to possibilities.

When I started and launched my coaching business I really started from nothing and with consistent action and those simple steps I was bringing 3-5 leads into my business daily and started booking high-end clients and selling my programme in just 5 weeks from starting. This has completely opened up my eyes not only to what opportunities are ahead but also to what I am capable of if I decide to do something and with my full mind, heart and soul commit to it then I am unstoppable and so do you! One thing that is important here to mention is that many coaches out there or aspiring coaches truly overcomplicate things and do not move forward because they are stuck in a search of something that does not exist and overlooks the importance and impact of the simple solution but also the most important part which is your own beliefs, your own attitude and your mindset that creates the reality for you. No fancy strategy will give you what you want if your mind, heart and soul are not in the right place with the right behaviour aligned with it. Conclusion: Everyone wants an instant result and is looking for complicated solutions where in reality simple things that we often overlook because they seem to easy can bring great results. The truth is to support all those strategies you are testing you need consistency in every action you will take or strategy you will implement to see the real results. My best advice is to be patient and actually take consistent action every day to see what works best for you and your business.

Keep up to date with Malina on Facebook | 39

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To be kind to all, to like many and love a few, to be needed and wanted by those we love, is certainly the nearest we can come to happiness. – Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (1542 – 87) | 41

We were put on this earth to be US! Not someone else…. Not for someone else. – Jenaya Huxter

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Feel Happier, More Alive, More Aligned and More Empowered than Ever Before Jenaya Huxter | Self Empowerment Speaker, Educator & Advocate It has allowed me to follow my heart, my gut, my intuition… To tap into that at any moment and ask myself, okay, where to from here? What’s next? Is this a good idea?

It’s interesting, right now I feel happier, more alive, more aligned and more empowered than ever before. I have just walked away from a life we had created interstate. An 11 year relationship with the father of my 2 beautiful little angels & it seems half of my family are upset or disgusted with me about things I am posting on facebook…. But much of that, comes right back down to why I am feeling so happy, so fresh, so alive & so aligned. Recently I made a decision…. One that was purely for ME…. That was, to follow my heart, my soul, my spirit… MY INTUITION or what ever “title” you would like to put on it. Since that moment, and the decision to just tune into me. Follow me. Be guided by me. And not question where that leads… My life has already begun to shift. I created and developed a free online course to help people find their passion, purpose and true core direction in life called UNLEASH YOUR INNER ANGEL, specifically designed to help you find it, and unleash it to the world. I have created some incredible Self Empowerment Content to share with the world that I am really proud of. I shared with the world via Facebook the story of me, my life spent on the “Other” side of Addiction and how I

It’s allowed me to block out that noise in my head that was often overly logical and confusing the situation…. It’s allowed me to get in touch with ME!! At my true source and core…. Unapologetically & say this is me! made the CHOICE & DECISION on how I wanted that to show up in my life. I shared my life, my personal struggles throughout life, how they affected me and taught me lessons the lessons I intend to use to help inspire the world. I have been approached with offers to speak, share, write, collaborate on new & interesting projects because people see me SHOWING UP, coming from an HONEST, REAL, POWERFUL space & they are loving my “VIBE”. We’re launching a Video Series on “Becoming a 6 Figure Action Taker”, looking forward to new projects, collaborations & initiatives to GIVE back to the world & people in it. Though some people have been “triggered” by how raw, open & real some of my content has been….. Making this decision has truly freed me….

It’s allowed me to recognise that there have been signs this whole time, when I am not following my intuition, instinct & heart… When I am feeling resistance…. That voice inside with me that won’t drop it, that keeps pushing me and coming back to that same conclusion, that’s my heart saying ‘DO THIS, LISTEN TO ME!!” And so far it hasn’t failed… I don’t know where the future will lead few of us do. But I know right now I am 100% me, I am doing me, speaking me, walking, talking, acting like me and I don’t intend to spend my time with anyone but those who will encourage that and love me for me. I have come to realise that for years… I pushed down, hid, forgot about parts of me… In an attempt to “do what others wanted”, to “not make a fuss”, to not “cause anything”…. and Look how | 43

The only way we are going to feel truly HAPPY, ALIGNED & FULFILLED in our own life is by being the best versions of OURSELVES that we can. – Jenaya Huxter

that turned out… I wasn’t listening to me, what I really wanted, in many ways I wasn’t even acting like me. I became a shell of myself. People didn’t like me more, it didn’t cause less arguments or fuss…. It just tore me apart from the inside out… It shut ME down.. It told Me I couldn’t just be ME! I am better than that!! We are better than that! We were put on this earth to LIVE, to Breathe, To Speak, to Move, to Love and Create…. We were put on this earth to be US!! Not someone else…. Not FOR someone else… We are all unique in our own beautiful ways, exactly as we were meant to be. 44 |

We each have our own unique gifts, traits and values to give this world.

subconscious fear & protection make it for us?

We are all custom built for our own joy, love, life, experiences and lessons…


We were all put here to LIVE…. The question is how many of us are simply living in a shell of ourselves for the approval of others? For the ease of others…. How many of us are living & embodying our true self? And all that that entails. If we want to say something, do we say it? If we want to do something, do we do it? In that split second or moment when we have the choice to make a decision, do we go with our first instinct (our gut, out heart, our spirit, our soul, our intuition) or are we letting the “noise” in our head of our logic, reason or our

People in this world are going to love us, hate us, avoid us either way. But the only way WE are going to feel TRULY HAPPY, ALIGNED, & FULFILLED in our own life is by BEING the best versions of OURSELVES that we can be. By totally, & humbly embodying US and all we were put here on earth to do.

Keep up to date with Jenaya on: Facebook & Instagram


WEBSITES & BRANDING An exclusive ONE TRIBE MAGAZINE offer. Quote ref: OTM04/19

The creative process is very simple, it all starts with a conversation to explore your goals and aspirations with Kenny Ball Creative Director at One Tribe Media. So if you would like A FREE CONSULTATION on how to become more visible online just email: kenny@OneTribe.Media and we can arrange a convenient time to chat through the amazing possibilities that await you in the digital world


Environment is

Everything Where To Even Begin With This Subject? Dawn Bates | International bestselling author, coach and speaker. On a daily basis, we are faced with so many challenges, the ones in the physical world where we see pollutants dropped into the ocean, litter on the ground, single-use plastics being banned, global warming announcements and a whole lot more besides. We have warnings about mental health problems, physical health problems, schools issues, negative news stories filling our minds and breaking our hearts, and yet many of us do very little to protect ourselves from the situations we find ourselves in. Our relationships with loved ones are strained, we are exhausted from taking care of others and many of us wish to simply hide under the duvet or escape the world of social media and the dramas showing up in our newsfeeds. So what can we do? Well as many of my clients find out during our sessions, it is time to put healthy boundaries in place, cut contact, protect our spaces and clear the clutter; but how do we do this? How do we cut ties with people who have been part of our lives for years? How do we cut ties with family? How do we fire the clients who drain the life and soul from us? How do we walk away from a job that pays for the home we live in, puts food on the table and pays for the clothing we need? For me, it is pretty easy, for others not so much. It hasn’t always been easy for me, in fact at the beginning it was terribly hard. I was reluctant to walk away, came up with excuses such as 46 |

“we’ve been through so much with each other”, “they are lovely people really”, “they are family”, “I need the money” but these were all excuses, and also choices I made. Getting present to the feelings and emotions that came up every time someone messaged me or came into my space was a big indicator as to how the relationship played out with every interaction. Was I excited to get a message from them? Was I happy to spend time in their company, or did I dread opening an email, message or bumping into them in the street? Recently I went through all social media platforms and my phone. Who was in my space that made me roll my eyes? Who was no longer lighting me up? Who was constantly bringing drama in my life, distracting me from what I needed to do? Who did I remember? Who had I said goodbye to years ago and yet still took up space in my phone? All great tell-tale signs of how much we had both moved on in life. Then I went through each and every area of life; my wardrobe, my home, my possessions, and anything that did not belong in the future I was creating for myself. Stuff went to charity shops, the skip or onto a fire. It was liberating! Releasing this negative energy, this clutter was such a relief! So I got ruthless and repeated the whole process again on a monthly basis. There are some people such as family members, who I love dearly, but cannot spend time with, I put a distance between us. I didn’t cut ties, but the distance

was vast. If they were not someone I would spend time with socially, and enjoy spending time with, then they had to go. We are after all the sum total of the five people we spend the most time with; and this includes the clients we work with, the colleagues we work with, people we collaborate with. Evolution is a constant thing. It is a daily, hourly and momentary process. Each piece of information we receive through music, signage, TV and radio, podcasts and films, ALL of it impact us in a variety of ways and we have to get present to the impact it has on us mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We are all energy, and the energy people bring into our lives sticks to us like glue. Imagine walking along the street and standing in chewing gum, and how sticky it feels as we walk along. Do we keep walking on it? Or do we remove it? By leaving it, it becomes less sticky, less uncomfortable, we adjust, we put up with it, and sooner or later we forget it is there. The same goes for energy, and unless we remove the negative energies we become unaware of the impact it has on us. Our bodies compensate for it. We carry ourselves differently, we attract more of the same and we don’t even notice it; until we remove it and then experience life without it. Sometimes those we remove from our lives will attack us, privately and sometimes publicly, sharing their upset and the dirty laundry with anyone who will listen. They behave in spiteful and nasty ways, accusing us of things we haven’t

done, calling us narcissists, attacking our personal appearance or our dreams for the future; confirmation that they really do not belong in our lives. The pain of rejection they feel, the mirror we hold up to them as we move through life towards our dream life, taking different paths can be too much; but this is not our stuff to deal with, it is theirs and only they can heal the wounds within themselves. We are all responsible for our own healing and happiness, our own environments. We are the creators of our own environments, the Kings and Queens of our own domain and it is up to us to ensure it is clean, happy and filled with love, from the inside out. Love is the greatest vibration in which to operate from, and if there are areas of our lives which we do not love, then we have work to do, changes to make and boundaries to set. So embrace the joy. Be open to receiving all the juicy goodness in life. Welcome the abundance the Universe has in store for you. Love areas of self, all areas of the world you are creating and remember, life is an adventure, go live it your way, on your own terms with your kind of people because when you do, you’ll never look back.

Keep up to date with Dawn at:

Life is an adventure, go live it your way, on your own terms with your kind of people because when you do, you’ll never look back. – Dawn Bates | 47

My Top 10 Inspirational

Quotes Alice Landry | Business & Personal Development Coach đ&#x;’Ť

I enjoy helping others connect with their spiritual nature and evolve through a personal journey of discovery and mastery.

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Family, friends, coaches, counselors, and mentors are not here to fix your personal problems. They may offer assistance, guidance, and insights, but it is your job to do the work and heal your life. ***** What you seek in others, you are denying to yourself. ***** You cannot claim your power if you keep giving it away. ***** Love, acceptance, and peace cannot exist where fear, guilt, and anger reside. ***** You are an energetic being with a unique vibrational frequency. Make sure you are dialing into your own source instead of picking up static from someone else. ***** Sometimes you take action. Sometimes you wait in faith. ***** Stop opening the door to repeating life lessons. You can keep the door shut, look through the peephole, and say, “No thank you. Not this time. Not ever again.” ***** Reality is perceived through personal filters. You can see life as having hardships to suffer and obstacles to survive, or you can see life as having opportunities to thrive and relationships from which to evolve. ***** If you don’t think you are worthy and capable of receiving love, abundance, and joy, then the universe won’t send it. ***** Your first responsibility is to yourself. You owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and the world to take charge of your life, connect with your authentic self, and live your greatest destiny. | 49

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For full details visit our website: Precious Piñata™ Collectable Character & Precious Piñata™ © What’s in Your Child’s Stuffing?

Living POSITIVELY Growing Up in one of the rural areas of Zambia Africa. Winnie Mabena was born with the odds set against her. Born into a culture where the society doesn’t see the value in a girls life seemed unbearable. Determined to defy the odds she was born into Winnie begins the journey determined to succeed. Suddenly her life takes a drastic near death turn. Life as she knew it would never be the same. Will Winnie choose to thrive once more or will it be too much to bare and easier to choose death?


Winnie Mabena

Winnie Mabena is an International Speaker, Author, Trainer, Civil registrar and Founder of The Knowledge Effect, a nonprofit company that is working to empower communities by promoting literacy. Winnie is currently serving as Board Chairperson for Young Women in Action and for nearly three years she volunteered with Plan as a National Representative for the Youth Advisory Panel for Plan International Zambia. She has participated in various local and international consultation processes especially on ending child marriage and promoting girls rights. Her tenacity to improve lives is unrelenting thus she uses her life experience so far “ her journey as a girl and living positively” to empower and transform young women like her with knowledge on various issues including promoting education, Surviving HIV/AIDS, ending child marriage, mentorship, living a rural community, and literacy. Winnie envisions a world where people are fully empowered with knowledge to live above social problems through promoting literacy.

Her favorite quote goes by Nelly Ray “I know what giving up looks like, I want to see what happens if I don’t give up”. Her dream is to grow into a voice for the voiceless at a global level. To get to her dream Winnie keeps investing in her education and she currently pursuing her professional course in teaching methodology. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Double Major Degree in Library and Information Science and Public Administration alongside a Diploma in Management Studies from the University of Zambia.


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