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Team Member Retires After 30-Year Railroading Career

Longtime railroader Derrick Davis is preparing to say goodbye to his team at the Austin Western Railroad (AWRR). After spending 10 years as a conductor at the Watco short line and 20 years in the industry, he’s set to retire on June 3.

The team is going to miss Davis, who is the second most experienced conductor on the AWRR. General Manager Anthony Hoyte said: “He’s a wealth of knowledge when it comes to railroading. The team listens to him.”

Davis’ experience makes him an excellent peer trainer. Rather than telling new conductors what to do, he’s known for showing new conductors how to safely do their jobs.

Trainmaster Rhett Summar recounts how Davis trained him when he first joined the AWRR in 2017. He said: “The biggest thing for me personally, I wouldn’t be where I’m at in this industry if it weren’t for him. He took me under his wing and showed me all the ins and outs.”

So, what’s next for Davis? He plans on spending more time with his children, grandchildren, and his parents. Additionally, he plans on spending time outdoors hunting, mountain biking, and ice fishing in Pennsylvania.

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