New Arrivals Mickaela and John Doyle announce the birth of their daughter, Charlotte “Charlie” Suzanne Doyle, born on September 18, 2020. Charlie weighed 7 pounds and was 19 ½ inches long.
Mickaela is the Senior Vice President of Investments at the Overland Park, Kansas, office.
A Special Watco Birthday
Tate Nail, son of Savannah & Old Fort Railroad Roadmaster Jasper Nail, celebrated his sixth birthday on September 18. Tate loves all things railroad, and especially anything Watco Companies. So, it was no surprise to his family that he requested a Watco cake to celebrate his big day. Tate had a great celebration and looks forward to one day following in his father’s footsteps and working for Watco.
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October 2020 | The Dispatch 9