One World Citizens Annual Report 2020
2020 OWC Global Concept
OWC Global Program: 4 sub programs
One World Citizens Annual Report 2020
● Living Legends Community platform ●
48 SDG Challenges, 605 youngsters! #WeGrowTogether
Report One World Citizens 2020 Content ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Introduction Vison development How we work OWC Organizatinal Chart Living Legends team Eye openers 2019 Global Goals Concept Living Legends Community Platform Global Program: 4 subprograms 48 SDG Challenges by 605 youngsters Financial report 2020 2021: the year of further implementation Partners 2020 Contact
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One World Citizens A global network and grassroots movement working from the Power of the Community and Youngsters to achieve the Global Goals for sustainable development by 2030 with #NoOneLeftBehind, by #DailyAction and making #WorkOfBasicNeeds We unite young people to exchange visions and experiences, to share ideas and good examples, to help each other and to work out ideas for social & sustainable into local projects and start-ups. #WeGrowTogether OWC Core Team 2020: 25 Living Legends from 12 countries
Vision development in co-creation with youngsters from all over the world We started One World Citizens (OWC) in 2012 as we noticed that the youngest generations were born to shape the new, sustainable society and world for the near future and next generations. Between 2012 up to 2015 we started the development of a Global Concept and Program by which youngsters, aged from 10 to 30 years, could share ideas for change online and help each other to work out their ideas into local projects or start-ups. The Concept and Program were about education on social and sustainable issues, ICT & Technology and Social Entrepreneurship. In 2015 the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development (the SDGs) were launched by the UN with the call for action: No One Left Behind. We embraced this ‘global instrument’ as base of everything we would do in OWC because we saw: all change that we need worldwide is covered by these goals. To contribute directly to the SDGs with No One Left Behind we chose SDG 4, 8 and 17 as the base goals of OWC and the SDGs 2,6,7 and 10 as our frame for the projects and start-ups that would create by & for youngsters in the OWC Community. From 2015 to 2020 we completed the Global Concept and Program by online collaboration, by learning by doing, by & for youngsters, working in their local communities. Sharing ideas, experience, outcome and feedback. During these years we invited youngsters from Nepal, Kenya, Kurdistan-Iraq, Rwanda, Austria, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, France, Ireland, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden and Ukraine to the Netherlands for work visites of 2 months and Conferences, to work together on the international basic program that we were developing. By doing this we created a unique Community and Program by which the youngest generations are able to take action towards the better society and future they want to achieve in collaboration with local governments and partners who want to work with them as partners for change together!
How we work
In One World Citizens we facilitate change, made by youngsters for youngsters from all kind of backgrounds, communities and countries through help & development of: ● ●
their ideas for change skills to undertake their idea into action/start-ups
With support from the OWC community of youngsters and partners.
We work ... 1. 2. 3.
From the Power of Youngsters and their Communities By a Grassroots Movement of proactive youngsters from all over the world & the Mindset We Grow Together With No One Left Behind, because we can’t succeed our achievement of the Global Goals in 2030 if half of the world is held back!
One World Citizens Organizational Chart
OWC Board In 2020 three new board members join the OWC Board. Therefore, OWC could be guided by 4 Board members & a Director
A core team of 25 Living Legends, role models with inspiring examples for change! In 2020 we worked on 48 SDG Challenges starting from the ideas and help questions of Living Legends from 12 different countries
Eye openers, deepening of vision & what we learned from 2019 In our open innovation & experimental approach for design of the Global OWC Concept & Program with Youngsters in the lead and focus on achievement of the SDGs with No One Left Behind, 2019 brought us these insights and the steps forward to make in 2020. 1st eye opener It’s very important to organize SDG Challenges by involving youngsters from different backgrounds and countries, meeting online, during school- or free time, to work on practical solutions. In these projects the OWC approach is: ● SDG challenges always begins with sharing ideas or helpquestions of youngsters from developing countries. They also have smartphones and smart ideas for change in their communities. ● SDG challenges can also start from local needs for sustainable change. ● By this focus youngsters can work during projects of 8 weeks to 6 months during school assignments, minors, internships or free time online with each other on concrete SDG solutions. By the 48 projects we organized in 2020 we learned how to work together during SDG Challenges to create working prototypes and concepts that can be implemented in the local community directly after the SDG challenges are finished. For us very important! Because we don’t want to create ideas and suggestions for change only. We want to make huge impact in Daily Life and change of our Life Style all together. 2nd eye opener 2020 should become the year of ‘implementation’ to make the change that youngsters create in OWC reality! On one hand it is important and possible to connect youngsters from European countries with youngsters from developing countries to work on working prototypes and concepts together, but on the other it is also important to take responsibility for implementation of the solutions as soon as possible after finishing the working prototypes and concepts. Because these types of projects create solutions and hope among the involved young people and communities in developing countries. That is why we (young people and partners participating in the SDG Challenges) must also ensure the necessary budget for implementation. This is why funding became a focus in 2020.
The OWC Global Concept In 2020 we continued to work on the development of the Global Concept, consisting of the 4 elements. The basis of a new ecosystem for quality education and action for change by and for young people
The Living Legends (Pop Up) school To learn about the 17 Global Goals and share ideas, knowledge, expertise, good examples for change. To train each other in ICT and (Low-)Technology. And help each other to work out ideas into projects or start-ups by training and coaching each other for development of all the needed skills.
Global Goals (Pop Up) Hub To inspire, teach, empower & support each other offline & locally, to meet local parters for collaboration and to conduct the Dialogue with local policy makers.
OWC Global Community became the Living Legends Community To share & copy ideas for change and help each other to work out ideas into local projects or social startups 24/7, online & with free access for all youth.
Global Partnerships To build a global network of partners who support sustainable initiatives for achievement of the Global Goals, undertaken by youngsters.
The Living Legends Community Platform In 2020 we started the development and design of the Living Legends Community Plapform to create our own online community and share all projects with partners for collaboration. With the shown succes we will use 2021 for publishing the the projects to the outside world. So that we can join hands with more young people and partners for implementation! The platform also offers e-learning and opportunities to work in teams. It is online, but is in a testing phase and still under construction.
The OWC Global Program
In 2020 we simplified our Global Program from 7 into 4 program activities ● ●
A total program for Quality Education, Empowerment and Start-ups/job creation for sustainalbe development, organized by & for youngsters. To achieve the global goals through #DailyAction with #NoOneLeftBehind in 2030.
1. 2. 3. 4.
YOUth for the Global Goals FUTURE ROOTS for Inclusion Work of Basic Needs We Grow Together
click on the images to open the presentation of the 4 programs All 4 program activities are complementair. They are given by youngsters for yougsters. They can be spread throughout the world by a Train the Trainer approach and online training/coaching in the Living Legends Community.
15 Global Goals topics 48 SDG Challenges 605 youngsters from 15 countries working online & offline together during projects from 8 weeks to 6 months
By the Corona situation, 2020 became the year of many, many SDG Challenges! Since 2012 we work online to create Awareness, Education and Empowerment for achievement of the Global Goals by 2030. In 2012-2019 it was not so easy to find schools and universities who were willing and used to work online with youngsters from developing countries during projects, but this changed dramatically in 2020! Due to the corona situation and lock downs, many students from the Netherlands had to return from their internship abroad and all schools and universities had to work 100% online. As a result, many teachers and students were eager to participate in the SDG Challenges. By this "coincidence" we were able to demonstrate the importance of online collaboration for the SDGs and many young people were able to create wonderful prototypes and concepts together.
2020 started with a 2-months visit of Pradeep from Nepal and Augustine from Kenya in the Netherlands From 2016 to March 2020 it was possible to annually invite our Living Legends from Nepal, Kenya and Kurdistan-Iraq to the Netherlands. To learn about the situation and opportunities in their countries and to work on a common program and smart solutions to SDG challenges in their communities. In January - February 2020 Pradeep and Augustine were in the Netherlands to work with students, to visit partners and work on a total concept for the Smart Farming Center in Nepal and the UBUNTU Community Center in Marsabit Kenya, where all education, experiment, empowerment and implementation of innovation would come together. By finishing both Centers and plans on paper, we decided: Let’s make it reality! Let’s work together to make implementation of solutions for Water and Food reality in 2020! That’s why we organized many projects with students for these centers in 2020. Successfully!
15 Global Goals topics - 48 SDG Challenges - 605 youngsters from 15 countries - working online & offline together
Projects about .. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Online and offline Youth Community building Global Goals Awareness Smartphone & ICT basic training Electricity, ICT, Education for youth in rural areas Clean drinking water & Payment of water filters Renewable Energy by solar panels and low tech windmills Gender equality and job creation of young moms Agriculture Innovation & Greenhouse Technology by IOT Low Tech Tools for Agriculture Innovation Rain water catchment & Regreening Social inclusion of & Partnership with Young Newcomers Anti-racism Awareness & Education by & for youngsters Informal Education about Money & Finance by & for youngsters Sustainable & affordable (Tiny) Housing Fundraising app & activities for implementation by youngsters
Locally & Globally Locally & Globally in Rwanda, Kenya, Nepal, Kurdistan-Iraq in Rwanda, Kenya in Kenya in Kenya, Nepal in Rwanda, Kenya in Nepal, Kurdistan-Iraq in Nepal in Kenya in the Netherlands, Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina in the Netherlands in the Netherlands in the Netherlands in the Netherlands, Rwanda
Working Concepts Social inclusion of young newcomers, Youth community building & Global Goals Hub
Working Concepts January-February: 2 month visit in the Netherlands by Pradeep (Nepal) and Augustine (Kenya)
Working Prototypes & Concepts SDGenius app and Action Box for SDG Awareness, Tiny house community for affordable, social, sustainable housing, Supply and demand website for youngsters and companies to find each other to work on sustainable projects together.
Working Prototypes & Concepts Water solutions, Greenhouse technologies, Low tech tools and Irrigation in Nepal and Kurdistan-Iraq
Working Prototypes & Concepts Peace football tournament, Shepherd school, Rainwater catchmen, Water filter start up, ICT Basic training and Regreening in Kenya
Working Prototypes & Concepts ICT Basic training, ICT Bus & Country FM Radio in Rwanda
Working Prototypes & Concepts Training, Screen printing and production of ‘Made in Rwanda’ fashion by young moms in Rwanda
Financial report 2020
Social Capital is the power of our network & sustainable base for change
Financial report 2020
* The yearly statements have been controlled in accordance with the 4-eye principles. Overall all invoices and payments have been double checked resulting in fully reconcilled financial statement for 2020. * OWC works with the concept of setting the budget per dedicated activity based on expected costs, for which the budget is asked for. With our organisation based on volunteers and youngsters, the salary costs are limited so that most of the budget goes to the project itself. In case the budget is not used, the excess balance is paid back to the sponsor, so that the sponsor is guaranteed that the donation is used for its purpose. * in 2020 the key focus was on local initiatives in Den Bosch, and our core countries abroad Rwanda, Nepal, Kenia and Kurdistan-Iraq. In Rwanda we supported the setup of a local radio station, helped 50 youngsters with ICT training, supported a group of 35 young moms to start the GAAFAADE COLLECTION start-up. In Kenya we supported the Peace Football Tournament, the Shepherd school, the ICT Center and WORK of Water startup for water filters. And in Nepal we supported development of Low Tech tools for agriculture innovation and preparation of a greenhouse and irrigation technics to make the local farmers self-sufficient and better resistent for local weather changes. In centre so that all good initiatives can be shared within the OWC network by the youngsters themselves instead of consultants.
2021: the year of further implementation
Preview 2021
After a year with so many useful output of the SDG Challenges we realized that the focus and next steps for 2021 should be: 1.
2. 3.
Implementation of the working prototypes and concepts in Rwanda, Kenya, Nepal and Kurdistan-Iraq to find out how implementation of these can lead to new start-ups and employment for sustainable change in the developing countries. Completion of the Living Legends Cmmunity platform to improve the report of all the wonderful projects of youngsters. Finding different ways to financially support implementation and new start-ups. Financial support by crowdfunding by youngsters, funding partners and small grants. So that the way of financial support can be scaled up and copied in other cities, towns and countries.
In November 2020 our grant proposal for the SDG grant from ‘s Hertogenbosch Netherlands was awarded with € 10.000,00. By this grant we would be able to start 2021 by building the Greenhouse in Nepal, the Shepherd school and Trade center in Kenya, to organize the education program for street children in Sudan, the Screen printing Community Factory and transport the ICT Bus from the Netherlands to Rwanda. A wonderful end of a challenging year by Corona but a successful year by the online collaboration of youngsters for the SDGs!
Our Mindset: UBUNTU I am because WE are
Let’s make it happen together! 29
In co-production with
In co-production with
Contact One World Citizens Monique van Dam +31 646 505 065 (w’app)