ONG YEOK HO 603404
“I want to create a feeling of timeline to my visitors, as if they are travelling through time. What I really want out of this park is to allow the visitors to understand the history of Melbourne without using words.”
DESIGN STRATEGY With my agenda, I needed a design that could allow my visitors to have a flow of timeline. The design has to guide the visitors from the past to the future. I need a design that can represent the past so that visitors understand once they look at it. There’re 3 parts that represents different time zones for my design: 1) Aboriginal era 2) 19th century 3) Present Melbourne My design has to ensure that it guides visitors from the aboriginal era to the present Melbourne.
DEVELOPMENT OF DESIGN My analogy is water waves. Therefore, the shape of my design is inspired by it’s shape.
Initial idea is to design the shape similar to water waves. However, the shape is too literal to the shape of water waves. I then changed it into sharp edges instead of rounded edges. The new shape of my design still maintains the basic form of water waves, where there is the more dispersed part of the water and then eventually combines into one.
ONG YEOK HO 603404
DEVELOPMENT OF DESIGN I created a slope so that disabled could get down to the site. It was one of my issues that disabled have problems accessing the field. With the slope, those with wheelchair have the same opportunities to enjoy the memorial park as others. From my contextual maps, I also found that most visitors come from the arrow show. It is then the entrance to my site. Only by walking from this direction the visitors can feel the movement of time from the past to present.
In order to give the feeling of timeline for the visitors, I decide to put my emphasis on what’s on the floor of my design. To represent the aboriginal era, I decide to have aboriginal art carvings on the floor. After that, it was 19th century during John Batman’s exploration. I decide to have bluestones on the floor as it is a significant architectural component during the 19th century Melbourne. After that, Melbourne expands to what is now, which is the modern Melbourne. I decide to use concrete as it is a relatively new material used in new buildings.
ONG YEOK HO 603404
FINAL MODEL Front Elevation
Back Elevation
Top Elevation
Left Elevation
Bird’s Eye Perspectives
Left Elevation In the design, there will be stairs for visitors to get down. By going down, they would feel “disconnected” from the current world and enter the history timeline of Melbourne.
Scale used 1:50
Right Elevation Human Eye Perspectives
PERSPECTIVE PHOTO MONTAGE The design will be located on the right side of the site given. It has the least steep slope, which is easier for visitors as other parts are too steep and dangerous. Materials used will aboriginal carvings on sandstone, as this is what Aboriginals used to do in the past. After that, to represent Melbourne’s 19th century, floor will be made of bluestone and finally concrete to represent the Modern Melbourne. The modern Melbourne can also be represented when visitors look up to the skyline of the city as the field has perfect view of it.
ONG YEOK HO 603404
Where the model is situated from the top view