Ong yeokho 603404 Final Submission

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Table of Contents 2 INTRODUCTION 4  Part A: CONCEPTUALISATION 5  A.1 Design Futuring 7  A.2 Design Computation 10  A.3 Composition/Generation 14  A.4 Conclusion 15  A.5 Learning Outcome 16  A.6 Algorithmic Sketches 17 References 20  Part B: CRITERIA DESIGN

My name is Yeok Ho Ong, a third year architecture student from University of Melbourne, Australia. I am a Malaysian and came to Melbourne about two years ago to pursue architecture under the Bachelor of Environments. I have always loved designing but architecture had never been my first choice until recent years. The first reason why I entered architecture was rather mainstream and stereotypical, because I wanted to create beautiful and pretty buildings. However, after taking my first studio subject, I was proven that the thought was wrong. Architecture is more than aesthetics. It is not just about beauty, but also about reasoning, logic, cultures, construction, ideas, technology and most importantly, it is about people and environment. Although I struggled with designing, and still am, I find myself understanding and knowing more of architecture. Architecture is a course of many facade and it impacts greatly on the world and humanity. In this semester, I will be learning more about computational design. Having some experience in Virtual Environments, I hope that this studio will give me more indepth understanding of computer design. In this studio, I will be able to learn more about parametric and digital design. Truthfully, I am not sure what I will be getting from this subject and what kind of design I will be producing, which I think also makes every design project exciting for me as they do not have a known outcome and my peers will all be producing different designs. Hence, I hope that this semester will be enjoyable (although tiring) and one that I can learn more about architecture and parametric design.

21  B.1 - Research Fields 23  B.2 - Case Study 1.0 28  B.3 - Case Study 2.0 34  B.4 - Technique: Development 41  B.5 - Technique: Prototypes 46  B.5 - Technique: Proposal 51  B.7 - Learning Objectives & Outcome 52  B.8 - Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches 53 References 54  Part C: PROJECT PROPOSAL 55  C.1 - Design Concept 62  C.2 - Tectonic Elements & Prototypes 69  C.3 - Final Detail Model

A.1 Design Futuring There is a need to change and rethink design as the world is changing and there is a risk of defuturing. All these while, we have been treating the world as if it is infinite and this mindset needs to change1. Therefore, Fry suggests that the change need to accommodate for a more sustainable future. However, he also said that it is unfortunate that not all designers think of this. An example that represents how architecture needs to be considerate of sustainability is the controversy of Zaha Hadid’s Olympic Stadium in Tokyo where it is criticised as being unneccessarily big which is unsustainable and unefficient 2. After being opposed, it has been decided to have the stadium scaled down. It is extremely important that designers keep in mind that great ideas need to be considerate of human and environmental needs. “Design democracy” allows for more and cheaper deisgn software available for everyone3. It lowers the barriers of entry to designing, hence more people can now access to designing more easily than ever. With more people being involved in design, there would be more and newer ideas produced that could possibly be groundbreaking to the world.


An example of an idea that is relatively new in this world is the Dubai Dynamic Tower(Fig. 1). It has not been built yet but the idea and concept is an aspect that could be further experimented and serve as an inspiration to future architects.

Dubai’s Dynamic Tower is potentially the world’s first rotating tower that has been planned in 2009 by architect David Fisher 5. This is revolutionary as there are almost none of such building yet in the world. It changes architecture even a step further with an idea that has not been achieved and practised. It is the start of dynamic architecture. According to the architect, it is the first building that rotates, moves and changes shape 6. The full rotation within one to three hours enables 360 degrees view for all tenants which solves the problems of views in most skyscrapers. In cities such as Dubai, having a good view is essntial. It is also environmentally sustainable and easily built by being prefabricated7. Construction was expected to complete in 2010 but as of right now, it has not even started probably due to financial problems and property slowdown in Dubai 8. As it is more of the financial constraint, it might be realised if the project is scaled down. In London, a similar rotating tower is going to be built 9. The idea of rotation provides a solution for problems that require a more flexible opproach. The dynamic movement offers a more variety of experience of the users of the building. By creating something that could move or adjusts by itself, a building becomes flexible and adaptable to different environments.




A.2 Design Computation

Greg Lynn has created a prototype, RV Prototype (RV=Room Vehicle)(Fig.2) accommodated for a more compact living style. It is a machine-like cocoon that could rotate to provide spaces for sleeping, relaxing and bathing. According to Lynn, the spaces would provide for three basic function. Zero degrees is for living, 90 degrees for kitchen and bath while 180 degrees is for sleeping and relaxing. Lynn is partly inspired from the recliner chairs where everything is within arm’s reach but he also wants to create a more active lifestyle. Therefore, the users would have to clamber around to achieve what they want to have, thus moving their muscles and body. It needs 60 square meter to space to accommodate this prototype. Because of the compact and small space, it uses less materials and space efficient. Its dynamic ability to move and rotate around also gives it flexibility to adapt to the weather, daylight and temperature10.

Although this project is much smaller in scale as compared to the Dubai’s Dynamic Tower, they have similarities of providing flexibility. The practicality of using the RV Prototype might be questioned as it might not be suitable for normal lifestyle. However, similar as the Dubai Dynamic Tower, it could serve as an inspiration for the futur. In our LAGI competition, I could perhaps make use of the concept of dynamic design that could be flexible to different conditions. As of now, architecture that could be rotated might seem rather idealistic and most projects are only prototypes, models and experiments. However, the concepts are still being explored and perhaps with better technology and computer programs in the future, this would change architecture to being more dynamic. This is probably a change in design thinking11, as Tony Fry has suggested designers to do, where computer softwares will help build a more sustainable future.

Is computation limiting creativity? With computer technology and it’s possibilities, more flexible forms and shapes could be produced, a depart from traditional rigid form. Computational design becomes a tool that aids free form. Although computation programs offer more possibilities, at the same time, its complexity also becomes a limiting factor. Programs do not always behave in ways intended by the designers and this causes some ideas to be abandoned. However, the root of the probem might lie in the users of these programs rather than the program itself. If the skills of the users are lower, less intended designs could be achieved. There is no explicit limitation of these computation programs. Learning the technical skills of these programs is similar to learning the traditional sketching. In traditional hand sketching, it is an essential skill for designer to express their ideas and computation design plays the same role.

With the emergence of digital production, the process of designing has changed as well. Diagram below is a comparison of both traditional and integrated design process (Fig.3). Design process has become more integrated wtih computational programs1. This change in process plays a major role in creating and determining not only what forms could be done but also how they are done. More integration allows designs of more variations and considerations to be achieved. There is a more holistic approach towards each projects such as integration of engineering, building system, experience and environmental sustainability. A design can offer variations of different aspects of designing, thus allowing a more complex system to be achieved.






Simultaneously, there is also an emergence of software available for energy and structural calculations6 . Various aspects of architecture can be tested out with the convenience of iterating designs. This has an impact on the relationship between architects and engineers as the design process is now more integrated, the relationship can also be more collaborated7. A biologist-turn-architect, Doris Kim Sung, takes inspiration from the biology world and turn them into architecture. Her works involve mostly thermal bimetals, a material that expands and contracts as the temperature swings, which also acts as sun shade and ventilation system, where it is inspired from the human skin. Her work depends largely computational softwares to explore forms, fabricate, analyze and test their performance8.

Thermal biometals is an example of how flexible materials can be created by these programs. With the use of thermal bimetals in Doris’ works, buildings can now self-shade, self-ventilate and self-operate9. It is only with these computational programs that it is possible to create such complex system. Its ability to adapt to different environment and temperature represents a more dynamic system that I could adopt in my project. As the LAGI competition is related to environmental sustainability, a more flexible approach could be used such as how Doris uses thermal bimetals in her works.


Computational programs depend heavily on mathematical concepts. For example, lines or points can be moved by vectors. Algorithm is logic that uses mathematical concepts through association2. This enables designs to be changed by changing the parameters. Multiple forms can then be created. This is a benefit of computational programs. Various iterations can be produced and tested out quickly and the most suitable iterations will be chosen3. Various aspects are considered through these prototypes depending on each project. This reduces the chances of making mistakes and failure in the final design.

Another project by architect and computer programmer Michael Hansmeyer, in his Subdivision project, produces complex designs of columns using mathematical algorithms4 (Fig.4). According to him, algorithms can produce shapes that are impossible through tradtional method and yet, it very flexible where variations can be achieved by tweaking the parameters5. Hansmeyer’s project is a simple one where his goal is to produce complex form of different columns. By understanding his project and using similar approach, I can take advantage of these computational programs to produce iterations by inserting inputs and rules that I want to impose into my design process which then helps me generate a variety of iteration. (FROM LEFT)FIG.1.5, 1.6, 1.7 & 1.8: THERMAL BIMETALS AND ITS APPLICATIONS




A.3 Composition/Generation

The human imagination and creativity, although powerful, is still limited to a certain extent. Human ideas are also often subconsciously influenced by cultures, previous experiences, education, emotions which sometimes limit what could have been explored and experimented with. Michael Hansmeyer in his TED talk1, explained that if we could remove all these bias in us, what could we have possibly designed? In his projects, he attempts to explore this using the mathematical logic of algorithm. Computers are the impersonal machines that helps remove the subconscious bias of humans. It works on fixed and finite set of information which are not affected by personal factor. Thus, computers could generate a great amount of unimaginable forms. Essentially, we are not designing the form, but the process2. In the design of columns by Hansmeyer, he did not imagine the end result of the forms of the columns, and this is a form of computational design. The complexity of the folds is too detailed for the human imagination that we could not have possibly imagined every detail (or we might have to take a long time to do so)3. Understanding how the logic of logarithm works and how the inputs affect output is known as logarithm thinking.

Specialist rm

External specialist consultancy


Lone software developer/ designer

Computationally aware & intergrated practice FIG.1.9: RESTRUCTURING FIRMS

The ideal situation would be where designing and computatational techniques becomes a natural combination5. The traditional hand drawing was Impact of Computation thought to be the default skills needed for designing. It is hoped that one day, computational design would be As mentioned in the previous week, computational as important as hand drawing was in the past and only design impacts greatly on the design process (Fig.3). This also impacts on the structure of some contemporary then, “we no longer need to discuss digital design as something different” and “computation becomes a true architectural firm. Technical skills of computational method of design for architecture”6. We are still not at programs has become one of the most important skills in designing. However, not all designers are skilled in that stage yet as computer design is adopted mostly by technical aspects and vice versa. This is a challenging younger contemporary architects. The older generation of problem as technical skills are extremely important architects might still not be familiar with them. However, in. This is similar to the traditional approach to we are developing and perhaps in the future, computer architecture where skills of hand drawing is essential. design will be the true method. Many contemporary firms now have great emphasis engineering and Can architects still design if they do not have the sufficient technological research with the designing aspects of skills? architecture such as Foster + Partners and Herzog & de Meuron. This shows the shift in architecture field where As not everyone is skilled at both designing and technical architects are not having the autonomy of decisions skills, architectural firms have responded by restructuring anymore as in the past. Because of the complexity of these designs, there are more emphasis on the to allow both aspects to overlap. As explained by interdisciplinary collaboration between everyone. Peters, there are 4 types of structure (Fig. 9) 4:




The Cathedral of Artemis (Fig.10) uses parametric tools to generate forms that are similar to caves or ruins, which are aggregates of natural components. It is a bottom-up process that creates iterative design7. Simple inputs are used to generate a more complex form. In the Cathedral of Artemis, there are 3 goals 8: 1) Create a parasitic aggregation 2) Create an object to object relationship and constant feed between the site and the building 3) Implement the idea of controlled organics: the randomization of growth with a special output. Bottom-up process is a process where its final output is not known9. However, despite that, general concepts are still established before that. Although we depend on computer programs to generate forms, we are still depending on human judgment as a guide for general ideas. Therefore, while we are not explicitly designing the form and shape, we need to be aware of our goals.

In the Cathedral of Artemis, goals are known and it is only then, computers are used to generate specific forms based on the parameters. Three points on the site are labelled where the cathedral would respond to and the spaces are defined by parameters. Spaces are created by the systems that have been implemented10. After that, human judgments are used to decide on the best design. It is the method of using computation to solve problems that impacts greatly on the quality of designing. This project uses computational programs to generate a random pattern and arrangement that could be dynamic. In terms of the LAGI project, it would convenient for me to develop a similar concept where I could make use of Grasshopper to generate multiple iterations for me based on the inputs that I control. Because of this, I can potentially design a structure that serves multiple purposes or experiences that becomes the “rules” in my inputs, keeping in mind that they are in line with my general concept. CONCEPTUALISATION 11


The Urban Reef(Fig.11) is a housing proposal in New York that attempts to solve the problem of local discontinuity and physical isolation within a larger urban area by proposing a highly connected master plan with housing, commercial and recreational areas. It needs to have 3000 housing units and is done by having a series of mid-high buildings to ensure structural continuity that are interconnected with each other. This will maximise the space usage and essentially, encourage social integration11. This project works by logic of imposing some rules that are required . A plan of infrastructural nodes are developed with pedestrian counts at each junction. After that, each note are assigned a value in relation to the pedestrian count. With the rule of inputs, an output is established where there is optimisation of a path network of connections between the notes . This will then generate a series of ground apertures that defines the position and height of the buildings. From the generation of multiple scenarios, the one with the continuous housing is chosen. This is an example of algorithm logic with fixed unambiguous rules which would produce multiple iterations based on modification of the inputs. 12


Fusion principle is used to investigate differentiation of housing typology according to parameters such as height, orientation and position12. The relationship of these parameters are crucial. A change in the ground network set out will cause a change in the entire urban form. As the scale is large, a minor tweak in the parameters might cause change as a whole. These inputs have relationship of dependency with each other. This could be inconvenient as designers might want to have more autonomy in each input without affecting its whole. With the Urban Reef project, different parts of the system can be cut off from the system to achieve more autonomy and working in reverse order13. Computer programs have made projects such as the Urban Reef more convenient. With multiple site constraints that can make designing challenging and time consuming, these programs can solve these problems by converting them to mathematical values that is quantitative. However, the problem with this is that there are many factors that cannot be converted into mere quantitative values.

In the building scale, very often, building system and construction performance are quantitative, hence they are easily solved. However, with larger urban projects, perhaps factors such as cultures, public acceptance, aesthetic impacts on landscapes are not easily computated using programs and would require human judgments. While computer programs can easily generate forms, human judgments are still essential when it involves more qualitative factors. Therefore, when designing, I generate forms that that is flexible in its functions and experiences. Grasshopper is a suitable platform for this and hence being able to provide a structure of more variations. With it, I could explore with multiple iterations before making a conscious judgment call for the best design.


A.4 Conclusion

A.5 Learning Outcome

Logarithmic thinking is an essential aspect in computational design. Logarithm is a concept based on association of inputs that produces a certain output. This simple concept of thinking has helped changed architecture so much over the years. Designers are now able to produce free-form designs which are revolutionary and unprecedented before this. Dynamic and flexible designs are created by taking advantage of these computational programs. More importantly, there is now a more holistic approach towards architecture. These computer softwares have also allows structural and building performance to be tested, thus also creating new material system. Architecture firms and design process have also changed to adapt to this revolutionary design approach. Design is becoming an integrated component that includes various aspects of architecture which leads to a more interdisciplinary collaboration between architects and people from other disicplines. Although there is a heavy depence on computers in this approach, it is not an indication that we have delegated the entire design process to computers. Human judgment is extremely important to choose the best design, which essentially means that computer programs are just a tool, designers are still the creator.

In these 3 weeks of Part A, I have developed more understanding on computational design. It important to understand that computational design is more than its aesthetics and form. It is the process and system of computational design that is truely groundbreaking in architecture. The convenience of these computational softwares provide a platform for me to create a more flexible and dynamic design that could adapt to different environment. The capacity of these programs to create more complex designs also allows me to create a design that embodies more variety of experience and functions within a space or a structure. I could potentially create a system that is able to perhaps transform, changes or move to adapt to a suitable situation. This would mean that the structure would be able to adjust itself automatically. I could also choose to incorporate different experiences into a structure. These goals are possible because of these computational programs that allow me to set my own “rules� and then generating multiple iterations for me which I could then test and choose. In relation to the LAGI project, a flexible and dynamic structure could produce a sustainable structure, which essentially, is the goal of LAGI.

Computational designs allows us to create structures that are constrained by multiple factors and also to create a more variety of experience and functions in the structure.Hence, we would be able to create complex and large scale designs that are more efficient and essentially, more sustainable to the world.




A.6 Algorithmic Sketches

References A.1 - DESIGN FUTURING

This is the first iteration I did in Grasshopper. It is from here that I realised how easy it is to tweak the control points in Grasshopper that immediately changes the loft form. Hence, because of this, I do not have to keep lofting repeatedly and could produce multiple iterations quickly.

I can produce many types of panellings easily such as creating a geometry and adding it onto the panels. These panels can then be easily manipulated by using controlling the uv surface divide where Grasshopper will update its form immediately.

1 Fry, Tony “Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice” (Oxford: Berg, 2008), p1 2 Fry, Tony “Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice” (Oxford: Berg, 2008), p3 3 Rosenfield Karissa, “Toyo Ito and Fumihiko Maki Petition Against Zaha Hadid’s Tokyo Olympic Stadium”, ArchDaily, 14 August 2014, accessed on 30 July 2014 4 Fry, Tony “Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice” (Oxford: Berg, 2008), p6 5 “Dubai Plans ‘Moving’ Skyscraper”, BBC News, 26 June 2008, accessed on 14 August 2014, 6 “Dubai Plans ‘Moving’ Skyscraper”, BBC News, 26 June 2008, accessed on 14 August 2014, 7 “Da Vinci Tower”, SkyscraperPage, accessed on 14 August 2014,

Intersections will produce a lattice-like pattern on the surfaces. Textures that are initially simple and smooth when lofted can be changed and modified along the way in algorithm, thus changing their looks dramatically and potentially creating complex structures that could obey all the rules.

This is an example of how Grasshopper forms by following and obeying the inputs that I control. I combine list items, added spheres onto the surface. I then added solid difference so that the surface would form cutouts from the spheres forming holes on it. These are the simple rules and condition that I design (designing the process rather than form) for Grasshopper to generate. With more complex projects, I can design more variety of parameters so that Grasshopper could generate a suitable outcome.



Grasshopper can also change a shape entirely also by controlling its parameters. This allows me to deform shapes thus creating organic and curvy forms which are transformative. A simple form can be used to create a more complex form. This is similar Hansmeyer who started his column designs from a basic cylindrical form.

Grasshopper gives us the flexibility of deciding what we want. Although it works based on logarithm and dependency, there are commands that could break up this dependency such that we could have more autonomy. Here, using surface divide and list items, I am able to place the spheres just at the perimeter of the surface.

8 Hope, Bradley “Towers Take Turn for the Worse”, The National Business, 29 June 2009, accessed 14 August 2014, towers-take-turn-for-the-worse 9 “London”, Dynamic Architecture, accessed 14 August 2014, atid=6:dynamic-projects&Itemid=16&lang=eng 10 Chalcraft, Emily “RV Prototype (RV=Room Vehicle) by Greg Lynn”, DeZeen Magazine, 30 October 2012, accessed 14 August 2014, http://www.dezeen. com/2012/10/30/rv-room-vehicle-by-greg-lynn/ 11 Fry, Tony “Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice” (Oxford: Berg, 2008), p16

IMAGES Fig. 1.1 Fisher, David “Dynamic Architecture” in Dynamic Architecture, accessed on 14 August 2014, content&view=article&id=7%3Auae&catid=6%3Adynamic-projects&Itemid=15&lang=eng Fig. 1.2 DesignBoom “greg lynn: RV prototype house at biennale interieur 2012” in Designboom Architecture, 25 October 2012,




1 Roudavski, Stanislav “0.2 Design Computation”, University of Melbourne: Melbourne, 2014

1 Hansmeyer, Michael “Building Unimaginable Shapes”, TED, Jun 2012, accessed on 17 August 2014,

2 Issa, Rajaa ‘Essential Mathematics for Computational Design’, Second Edition, Robert McNeel and associates, p22 3 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge), p3 4 Karen, Cilento “Subdivision/Michael Hansmeyer”, Archdaily, 26 May 2011, accessed on 16 August 2014, 5 Karen, Cilento “Subdivision/Michael Hansmeyer”, Archdaily, 26 May 2011, accessed on 16 August 2014, 6 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge), p4 7 Galloway, Andrew “When Biology Inspires Architecture: An Interview with Doris Kim Sung”, Archdaily, 14 May 2014, accessed on 16 August 2014, http://www.

2 Hansmeyer, Michael “Building Unimaginable Shapes”, TED, Jun 2012, accessed on 17 August 2014, 3 Hansmeyer, Michael “Building Unimaginable Shapes”, TED, Jun 2012, accessed on 17 August 2014, 4 Peters, Brady. (2013) ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought’, Architectural Design, 83, 2, p11 5 Peters, Brady. (2013) ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought’, Architectural Design, 83, 2, p11 6 Peters, Brady. (2013) ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought’, Architectural Design, 83, 2, p11

8 Galloway, Andrew “When Biology Inspires Architecture: An Interview with Doris Kim Sung”, Archdaily, 14 May 2014, accessed on 16 August 2014, http://www.

7 Tahinos, Alex “Cathedral of Artemis”, SuckerPunch, 5 June 2014, accessed on 17 August 2014,

9 Galloway, Andrew “When Biology Inspires Architecture: An Interview with Doris Kim Sung”, Archdaily, 14 May 2014, accessed on 16 August 2014, http://www.

8 Tahinos, Alex “Cathedral of Artemis”, SuckerPunch, 5 June 2014, accessed on 17 August 2014, 9 Loew, Michael “Bottom(s)-up or is the Top-down? A Working Definition of Systems Engineering,, 1 Novermber 2013, accessed on 17 August 2014,

IMAGES Fig. 1.3 Roudavski, Stanislav “AIA California Council, comparing project phases between traditional and integrated delivery” in “0.2 Design Computation”, University of Melbourne: Melbourne, 2014 Fig. 1.4 Hansmeyer, Michael “Columns Large” in Michael Hansmeyer, accessed on 16 August 2014, html Fig. 1.5 dO|Su Architects “When Biology Inspires Architecture: An Interview with Doris Kim Sung” in Archdaily, 14 May 2014, accessed on 16 August 2014, http://

10 Tahinos, Alex “Cathedral of Artemis”, SuckerPunch, 5 June 2014, accessed on 17 August 2014, 10 Grigoriadis, Kostas; Palacio, Alexander R; Shamma, Irene; Feroes, Pavlos “/// AADRL- Urban Reef: Parametric Urbanism Project by Shampoo ///”, SHAMPOO, accessed on 17 August 2014, 11 Grigoriadis, Kostas; Palacio, Alexander R; Shamma, Irene; Feroes, Pavlos “/// AADRL- Urban Reef: Parametric Urbanism Project by Shampoo ///”, SHAMPOO, accessed on 17 August 2014, 12 Grigoriadis, Kostas; Palacio, Alexander R; Shamma, Irene; Feroes, Pavlos “/// AADRL- Urban Reef: Parametric Urbanism Project by Shampoo ///”, SHAMPOO, accessed on 17 August 2014,

Fig. 1.6 dO|Su Architects “When Biology Inspires Architecture: An Interview with Doris Kim Sung” in Archdaily, 14 May 2014, accessed on 16 August 2014, http://

13 Grigoriadis, Kostas; Palacio, Alexander R; Shamma, Irene; Feroes, Pavlos “/// AADRL- Urban Reef: Parametric Urbanism Project by Shampoo ///”, SHAMPOO, accessed on 17 August 2014,

Fig. 1.7 dO|Su Architects “When Biology Inspires Architecture: An Interview with Doris Kim Sung” in Archdaily, 14 May 2014, accessed on 16 August 2014, http://


Fig. 1.8 dO|Su Architects “When Biology Inspires Architecture: An Interview with Doris Kim Sung” in Archdaily, 14 May 2014, accessed on 16 August 2014, http://

Fig. 1.10 Tahinos, Alex “Cathedral of Artemis. Section-1” in Sucker Punch, 5 June 2014, accessed on 17 August 2014, Fig. 1.11 Grigoriadis, Kostas; Palacio, Alexander R; Shamma, Irene; Feroes, Pavlos “/// AADRL- Urban Reef: Parametric Urbanism Project by Shampoo ///” in SHAMPOO, accessed on 17 August 2014, Fig. 1.12 Grigoriadis, Kostas; Palacio, Alexander R; Shamma, Irene; Feroes, Pavlos “/// AADRL- Urban Reef: Parametric Urbanism Project by Shampoo ///” in SHAMPOO, accessed on 17 August 2014, Fig. 1.13 Grigoriadis, Kostas; Palacio, Alexander R; Shamma, Irene; Feroes, Pavlos “/// AADRL- Urban Reef: Parametric Urbanism Project by Shampoo ///” in SHAMPOO, accessed on 17 August 2014,




B.1 - Research Fields

The material system is decided upon is stripping/ folding. With this, it can potentially create structure that suggests movements and dynamism. Slicing Opacity Pavilion is a series of visible floor slabs on top of one another. This repetition of slabs form an effect of visual dynamism on the structures. Figure 2.1 is the perspective view of the layered slabs which forms a view to the “infinity”, due to the horizontal slabs leading the eye beyond.






B.2 - Case Study 1.0 Case Study 1.0 definition: Biothing Pavilion


Figure 2.3 is a folded surface that forms a repeated pattern. The density of the folds are higher at the bottom and gradually decreases at the top. It is more compacted initially and then as it goes on, the folds becomes bigger and wider, becoming more liberated. This is an effect that I want to adopt in my design where the gradation in the intensity. I could possibly do this by having just having a simple tweak of position of my control points from equal to gradual widths.



Combining with the effects from Fig. 2.1 and 2.2, I could produce something that that is dynamic and emphasizes movement that has gradation.


The Biothing Pavilion is done by using magnetic forces in Grasshopper which are then elevated upwards. Internal cocoon spaces are formed through the space which builds up “differentiated interlaced field�1. In this project, it is evident how parameters in grasshopper are dependent on each other. During iterations, small changes in just the number sliders can produce unexpected results. Therefore, in this exercise, having and understand the skills of arranging and editing these interdependent parameters is essential2.


1 2 3 4 24



Selection Criterion

Species 1 I manipulate how each points are distributed around the curve by using graph mapper. They are able to produce uneven distribution of points. By using this, I explore with I can produce different effect on the form. I thought about how these distribution can enable a structure that has a path which directs users and at the end of the path, the higher density of the points becomes the destination. I also thought of how using graph mapper, I can manipulate the distribution of points based on perhaps other parameters that can possibly be considered. Species 2 I try to breakthrough the original definition to produce something different. I explored with other possibility of the magnetic field, such as using spin force. I realised how spin force can change the entire form of the structure greatly, just by tweaking the number sliders. Greater magnetic force produces a denser and more compact form while lower force produces the opposite experience. I found that I can produce dense, compact and fluid form after some iterations which is the quality that I want to capture in my design.

In this iteration, I find it interesting how by manipulating points distribution of a curve, I could produce a form that varies so much from the original form. This form produces a very interesting and dynamic experience. It is very simple but I thought of it is the simplicity that it could create a very interesting experience within the space.

Among all the interations, I find this most represent the quality that I am searching for. The curvy and fluidity of the pipes produces a very dynamic experience. The density of the pipes also produces a gradual experience within the space. I thought of how I can manipulate different experiences with forms similar to this.

By tweaking just the number sliders in Grasshopper, this form can produce a different effect from my previous iterations, while still capturing the same quality. Just by changing the number of curves, I can produce either a denser or less dense space. It reminds me that sometimes the solutions to my problems are really simple and there is no need to change everything in order to create somethign different. Grasshopper is convenient is such a way that by understanding and having the skills needed, different forms can be achieved very easily.

This form is achieved when I do not set any boundaries or purpose when exploring with the iterations. Although accidental, it is able to capture the quality that I want. The simple and repetitive element of the curvy strips can produce a form that is seemingly complicated and rich.

Species 3 I explore further with what the magnetic force can produce by using other ways other than pipes such as lofting the curves and using cylinders Species 4 I try to explore with other random functions and shapes. It is a random exploration as I do not have a specific purpose that I want to achieve but rather, I allow Grasshopper to produce forms that I could not have thought to be possible. Although I did not find any form which I am satisfied of, this is an important aspect as rather than designing a form which I want to have, I do not set any boundaries and allow impossible forms to be achieved. With this, I may sometimes accidentally produce a form that would be interesting.




B.3 - Case Study 2.0

The bars that seem to be intersecting as you move around the cage looks different from different perspective. Although a homogenous use of material and structure, it offers non-homogenous experience for the users. The interesting arrangment of the steel bars may seem ornamental but they are layered and organized in a way that it is rigid and structurally stable. It serves more than as a decoration and there is also logic as to how they are arranged and the experience that it produces. These are done using algorithm and computational method where they are looped and connections are made.


La Cage Aux Folles is a public structure that occasionally hosts musical performances and lectures 1. It is an interactive space that allows users to have fun. It is a series of whitel steel bars that are connected to form a semi-opened space that at the same time, also provides protection and enclosure from the external environment 2. It is inspired from the concept of a cage which is something that contains another object. A cage can be for birds but it also represents a body which is a human’s cage 3. Folly represents exploration and breaking free from the traditional way of doing things 4. Folly has also been described as being ornamental - meaning that they serve no particular purpose except as decorations. However, this project has brough ornaments into something useful, functional and practical. These steel bars provide an experience for the users to connect both enclosed and opened space within a structure. Its interesting bars although simple, offers a dynamic experience as your enter a cage. 28


In the Function of Ornament, ornamentation has developed and changed it meanings through time5. A more contemporary explanation for ornament emerges from the material substrate, construction, assembly and growth 6. I think this project represents a rather good example of this. The simple form of pipes could produce very interesting affect while still being relevant to the logic of its construction and assembly. The experience that it is creating complements its construction methods while still maintaining a playful place to be. It is, as mentioned by Moussavi, “ornament is therefore necesary and inseparable by the object” 7.




Reverse Engineering
















Final Outcome

To recreate the form requires only very simple solutions. It is done by having a series of curves with distributions of points. These points are then connected and interpolated to produces the pipes. The challenge, however, was to recreate the internal spiral curves insides the cage. I did this by drawing a singular upward spiral curve in Rhino. Multiple arcs are then reprocudes and they are inter interpolated to produce similar results to the original project. I am able to produce the general form quite similar to the original design. However, I am still not able to produce its internal curves which are more complex and interlocked together. The internal spiral curves do not look the same as the original project, where i feel that I might have used my techniques differently. From this reverse engineering, I explore with the possibilities of the piping element in Grasshopper. I find that it is very flexible and almost not limited to any form that I want to produce. I feel that I can take advantage of this aspect of the pipes to produce a form that would otherwise been thought impossible.




B.4 - Technique: Development






Initial exploration by tweaking the curves to produce different results. The placement of the pipes will alter the form and experience greatly. Slanted pipes is more dynamic compared to straight pipes.






Further exploration of the form by changing the curve to a greater extent to experiment with the different results it will produce. By altering the curves, I am able to produce forms which is completely different from the original reverse engineering form that I did. The curves could produce bold and dynamic form that








Experimentation with the pontential forms when I change the curves entirely. Some of the forms are simple but they kickstart the affect that I am trying to achieve, which is to produce a dynamic form such as the precedent in my reverse engineering. I explored with multiple pipes intersecting with each other.











I used magnetic fields and spin force to produce unexpected results. With magnetic fields, I allow the pipes to curve in ways I do not expect and they are able to produce forms which are very different.







Once again, I changed the curves entirely to explore what different results can be achieved. The spin forces can produce dynamic spiral effects that is dense and compact, depending on the force and number of curves, which are altered by tweaking just the number sliders.









I explored with other types of panels and elements other than pipes. Although some are interesting, they do not really complement my ideas and what I want to do.








Therefore, I continued exploring around with pipes and its possibilities. I find it interesting how intersecting and interlocking pipes can produce complex forms and designs.










Adopting the technique used in Biothing Pavilion, I further explore with what results can be achieved with magnetic field. Type and strength of force will alter the forms greatly.






Relating it to the LAGI brief, I initially thought of having protruding holes for solar energy. However, I did not like the results produced and hence, did not explore further with it.






I thought of how people can move through space and the structure and I wanted to create something of gradual experience. Hence, I explored with how the forms that would enable me to achieve such result.








Experimentation with the panelings and how I can place my solar panels on the structure. I used a technique of spreading curves to create gaps where the PV panels fit but there are multiple problems with it . I then used graph mapper to manipulate the distribution of points in such a way where I can control the distance between the pipes for PV panels.


B.5 - Technique: Prototypes

Design Criterion

Prototype 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

This iteration reflects the dynamism that I want to capture in my design. The fluid movement it produces is an affect that I want my design.

The curves that intersect produces interesting pattern formed on the surface. The intersected pipes is also very dynamic that offers great experience when users move through the structure. However, I was concerned with fabricating it has there is a large amount of pipes that are moving randomly.

Pipes are curvy by its nature. I cannot unroll it because of its curves. Therefore, in order to do fabricate it, I had to approximate the curves and turn them into straight and flat surfaces.

8 9

I turn them into meshes made up of individual flat surfaces. I explored with the mesh surfaces to achieve a desirable outcome. The mesh cannot consist of too few or too many surfaces. Too few of them will alter the form of the pipes (4, 5 & 6) while too many surfaces will be impractical when fabricating as it will be too time consuming to make a physical model out of it (1 & 3). However, upon making the physical model, I realise that by approxomating the pipes and turning it into mesh, there is a compromise to the design quality that I want to achieve. The straight edges and surfaces are not the affect that I want as it does not a dynamic form, an aspect which I want to preserve.

I thought this is interesting as the curving pipes also captures the quality that I want in my design. The magnetic field allows of the curve to move according to the force which I think is dynamic. The outcome of the pipes are unexpected as I did not control them.



The smooth curve of the pipes capture the quality of movement that I want to adopt in my design. I thought that this easily fabriated compared to other iterations. Its form also brings people through a narrow space to an open space.


Prototype 2

Prototype 3

After using cardboard to construct the model, I realise that boards are two dimensional and it will limit the form that I want. I then thought of using wires as it is a very flexible material. In human scale, the structure will be made of steel tubes. Using steel wires can best represent this. To support the wires, there are structural ribs which are kept to a minimum, to avoid it looking too much like waffle grid as it is not what I want. However, in order to bend and shape using wires, I will need a base, or a “template” where I can bend my wires base on that. Therefore, in order to do so, I decided on making a “formwork” and then using wires, I manually bend them accordingly. I do not think this is the most time efficient method of making the model. However, this is the only method I could think of. Using wires, I am able to solve the problems that occur in Prototype 1 and Prototype 2.

The second prototype made was by turning the pipes into flat surfaces so that they can be cut by FabLab. It is similar waffle where where strips are connected by slits. In order to hold the strips together, I made a circular connection detail with slits. This produces a better outcome than my previous prototype. Although flat, it still maintains the curvy shape of the original pipes. Upon making the model, I realise that it is quite filmsy, perhaps due to the material. I used mounting board which is not hard enough. The problem with this is that it can only be done if the surfaces are flat. Hence, if the form is curving 3 dimensionally, the same technique could not be adopted. With my design that consist of many curves, there is limited forms that I can do with this approach of fabrication.




Unfolded strips



Fabrication Template


B.5 - Technique: Proposal

Side Elevations

Front Elevation

Back Elevation

The proposed design is a structure that starts from a narrow space which eventually leads to a bigger space. As users move through the space, PV panels are gradually revealed on top of the structure. Panels’ size will vary according to where there is the most solar energy, such as the east and west. This can be done by using attractor points to adjust the sizes of the panels. Currently, the relation to solar energy is still being developed. Perspective 46



Site Plan

View towards the site

The Little Mermaid

Design Location

View from the site

The design will be placed on the site in such a way where it leads people through a narrow tunnel and eventually coming to an open space. It occupies half of the site, which is rather big. Although big, the structure helps to impose on the view in such a way that the users will be exposed to the view only after they have gone through the structure. From the site, a wide angle of view can be seen as seen in the Figure above. From the opposite of the river, the structure can be seen clearly from the Little Mermaid statue.




B.7 - Learning Objectives & Outcome

Current issues and further development

One of the problems with the current design proposal is that it is too high, a mistake I found out too late. It is currently 170m high, whereas the maximum height specified in the LAGI brief is 130m high. Fortunately, this problem can be quite easily solved by decreasing its height. However, I am not sure how that will impact on the design and experience, an aspect that I am going to continue exploring in the following weeks.

Another issue to addres is the placement of the PV panels. They are to be placed on top of the structure but it has to be supported. Currently, I thought of having support structure with the form of “X” and PV panels can be placed on top. However, this may compromise my design quality as it is mainly dominated by the curvy pipes. By having the structural element, it may dominate my structure instead.


During the presentation, the feedback to my design was that my form is less interesting compared to my reverse engineering project, which I agree. In my precedent project, the cage is a folly of architecture, where it is a space that is fun and interesting. Currently, my deisgn lacks to this aspect. In the next few weeks, I intend to shift my design towards this direction. I want to have a space where users enjoy and can have fun being there. By having a more enjoable space, perhaps the awareness of solar energy can be spread to the users more easily. Part B is where I depart from the theoretical concept that I learnt in Part A to a more practical approach. I then realised that it is extremely important that I have a good understanding of mathematical concepts and how the functions and commands of Grasshopper works. Very often when I am facing problem, I find that it is because I do not understand some commands well enough. Once I am able to grasp these concepts, I am able to create a lot of forms without much complications. With a good understanding of algorithmic thinking, I can solve the problems in multiple ways. I realise that there is no one way of solving but rather, the solution sometimes lies on our creativity. I also realise that there are some compromise that has to be done when making physical model. Although Grasshopper could produce an elegant model in the computer, very often, it is very different from the real life model. I realise that there are a lot of decisions and judgment calls that I have to make in this subjects. I often need to think about which aspects of my design do I want to give up and which to preserve. In Part A, I learnt that computational design is often designing the process, not the form. However, human’s judgment will be essential as our decision on which form to choose impacts greatly on the design. In general, computational design may often be challenging and requires a very good understanding. However, when I am able to understand them, I find that it is much easier to manipulate and produce iterations, which helps me greatly in form finding. It is only using Grasshopper that I am able to produce more than 50 iterations in one week. This would not have been very possible if I were to use the traditional method of sketching and drawing.




B.8 - Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches


B.2 - RESEARCH FIELDS IMAGES Fig. 2.1 te Kloese, Danny “Slicing Opacity Pavilion Completion” in In Silico Building, accessed on 4 September 2014, Fig. 2.2 te Kloese, Danny “Slicing Opacity Pavilion Completion” in In Silico Building, accessed on 4 September 2014, Fig. 2.3 te Kloese, Danny “Slicing Opacity Pavilion Completion” in In Silico Building, accessed on 4 September 2014,

B.3 - CASE STUDY 1.0 1 Biothing ‘Seroussi Pavilion/Paris//2007”, Repository of Computation Design, 24 March 2010, accessed on 4 September 2014,

This is done by using attractor curve. I find it interesting how I can make an “S” shape from the different sizes of the cuboids. It is similar to image sampler where I can make an identifiable shape from this. Using this technique, I may be able to control and manipulate the form of design and how I want people to move through.

Using attractor point, I am able to produce cylinders of different heights depending on their distances from the attractor point. This technique can be used to maximise solar energy harvested by placing an attractor curve at where the sun is. The sizes of the panels will adjust accordingly depending on where their positions are.

2 Woodbury, Robert ‘How Designers Use Parameters’, Theories of Digital Architecture, London; New York: Routledge, p155

IMAGES Fig. 2.1 Biothing ‘Seroussi Pavilion/Paris//2007”, Repository of Computation Design, 24 March 2010, accessed on 4 September 2014, http://www.biothing. org/?cat=5

B.4 - CASE STUDY 2.0 1 Macleod, Finn “This Whimsical Cage Redefines Public Space”, Archdaily, 31 August 2014, accessed on 10 September 2014, this-whimsical-cage-redefines-public-space/com/?p=505016 2 Macleod, Finn “This Whimsical Cage Redefines Public Space”, Archdaily, 31 August 2014, accessed on 10 September 2014, this-whimsical-cage-redefines-public-space/com/?p=505016 3 Macleod, Finn “This Whimsical Cage Redefines Public Space”, Archdaily, 31 August 2014, accessed on 10 September 2014, this-whimsical-cage-redefines-public-space/com/?p=505016 4 Macleod, Finn “This Whimsical Cage Redefines Public Space”, Archdaily, 31 August 2014, accessed on 10 September 2014, this-whimsical-cage-redefines-public-space/com/?p=505016 5 Moussavi, Farshid; Michael, Kubo “The Function of Ornament”, 2006, Barcelona: Actar, pp5-14 6 Moussavi, Farshid; Michael, Kubo “The Function of Ornament”, 2006, Barcelona: Actar, pp5-14 7 Moussavi, Farshid; Michael, Kubo “The Function of Ornament”, 2006, Barcelona: Actar, pp5-14

IMAGES Fig. 2.1 Warren Techentin Architecture “This Whimsical Cage Redefines Public Space”, Archdaily, 31 August 2014, accessed on 10 September 2014, http://www Fig. 2.2 Warren Techentin Architecture “This Whimsical Cage Redefines Public Space”, Archdaily, 31 August 2014, accessed on 10 September 2014, http://www

This is a technique I use regularly when making iterations for my design. This form is done by using surface normals where the cuboids are orientated in such a way that is normal to the surface. I thought of how this will produce interesting and dynamic form. 52


Using image sampler, I can produce surface that resembles a picture. I thought of how this technique can be used to form panels on the structure which will produce interesting results.

Fig. 2.3 Warren Techentin Architecture “This Whimsical Cage Redefines Public Space”, Archdaily, 31 August 2014, accessed on 10 September 2014, http://www


C.1 - Design Concept

This is the proposed design during the interim presentation. However, it was rather bland and less exciting compared to my Case Study 2.0. Besides, the size of the structure was unneccesarily big.


Following the feedback of the interim presentation. I made some improvements on the structure whereby there are more interlocking pipes along the structure where people can walk through. However, my structure was so different from my case study project that I’ve not preserved the original intention of the project.

I then decided to revisit my previous iterations and think about how the interolocking pipes produces an interesting and interactive space for the users to move around. I then made new iterations by keeping in mind that I need to keep the intended quality. The concept is to create a structure that creates an intimate space within the structure where the interlocking pipes form aesthetically appealing space.




summer sun

winter sun


The intimate space and structure becomes an architectural folly in the site where people have fun, rest and relax while moving around the site. The structure does not hold any hidden symbols, meanings or metaphors and instead, it forms a space that people enjoy being at. The structure suggests that architecture does not need to educate people by being “serious” and instead, its education is through being folly. The structure that is ornamental to the site attracts people to find out and hence, be education on the purpose of the structure: which is to raise awareness of solar energy. Therefore, this is a structure can be both educational, functional and fun.


80 degrees summer sun

30 degrees summer sun 3

Solar cells are placed on the pipes angled from 30 degrees to 80 degrees to accommodate for winter and summer sun and maximise solar energy, based on the location of Refshaleøen. By having the solar cells located on the structure where it can be seen easily, it raises the awareness of the purpose of solar energy.


Location of design on site. 1

As the site is rather big, it would take about 5-10 minutes to walk through the site from one end to the other. Therefore, I decided that my structure should be easily and conveniently positioned such that people who pass by can access it easily. The structure is thus located on the edge of the site where it is near the walkway. The water taxi terminal is also just located right beside the structure so it can be easily seen. The human traffic is higher here as compoared to other parts of the site. Shorter distance to the structure enables the users to approach and engage with the space more effectively hence being able to communicate with them more effectively of the purpose of the structure.

easy access



easy access


Technique Diagram



Curves are drawn in Rhino



The curves are then divided into 12 and 25 points



Lines are interpolated to join the points.

Inner and bottom frames are lofted and their surfaces are divided.


The interpolated curves are lofted. Circles are made for joints at the the core area.



Slots and slits for the joints are formed using surface difference.


Construction Process

Construction Process

Construction of the structure is based at the core area at the centre of the structure. There are joints at the center which holds and support the entire structure. These joints connects the branches that enable the structure.

Slots where connections are made from the top.




The joints need to be designed in ways where the connections are feasible.

Slits where connections are made from the side.

core construction



The inner most part of the structure are first joined and connected.

The bottom parts are connected.

After the inner most and bottom structure are done, they are then connected together.



The outer parts of the structure are then added.

Finally, the outer most parts are added onto the structure.


C.2 - Tectonic Elements & Prototypes

Prototype Process

I used wires as I initially thought that it is bendable and flexible. It is also representative of the real materiality which would be made of prefabricated steel tubes.

The wires are coiled around the lofted surface to produce the form of the structure.

The lofted surface serves as a “formwork� so that I can shape the wire accordingly to make the structure.

The wires are then connected by the joints to hold the entire structure together. Design of the joints are crucial to the entire structure as they are the main core elements. They need to accommodate for efficient connections and to ensure that connections are not intersecting one another when being overlapped. Therefore, I explored with the different placement and density of the pipes so that the constructability is feasible.




Prototype Problems



Prototype Problems


Prototype Problems



Prototype Problems


C.3 - Final Detail Model

Design Proposal Iterations

Final Model Process - Top View

Due to constructibility constraints, changes had to be made to the design to ensure better constructability. Therefore, instead of using pipes in grasshopper, they have been changed to using planar extrusions which can be easily sent to laser cutter and modelled.





This will produce a neater and better model which also saves more time. Final model will be made using plywood where all the parts of the model that have been precut will be joint easily.




Final Model Process - Perspective















Exploded Axonometric

Unrolled Surfaces

12 outer extrusions

11 outer most extrusions

12 inner extrusions

9 bottom extrusions




Solar Energy Generation

summer sun

winter sun






Site plan






















C.4 - Learning Objectives & Outcomes

I also thought of how instead of having multiple of the same structure scattered along the site, they can be joined and connected to create a more continuous experience while maximising solar energy generation by customizing them in such a way that the PV cells are facing east and west directions.

During final presentation, I’ve had multiple feebacks. In my design proposal, I need to consider properties of my materiality which is timber such as how much it can bend. Besides that, I should also consider more of the site context as curretly, there is not enough relation to the site yet. There should be more variations when the designs are placed on site such as variation in sizes. In order to maximise solar energy, there should be more consideration of the orientation of my design. I then thought that instead of having multiple of my design throughout the site, each of them should customised and changed to maximise the solar energy which is to orientate the solar cells on both east and west directions.

During the feedback session, I was also told to have my design slightly bigger as it is currently too small and users would not be able to fully experience the space. However, I thought that it should remain small as intimate space is an aspect that I want to achieve. Similar to my Case Study 2.0, I want to have a cage-like experience when users enter the space.

Throughout the semester in this studio, the main objective is being able to use Grasshopper as our design tool. The concept of algorithm is the main component in simplifying and making designing more convenient. Iterations can be done quickly whereby I can manage to produce more than 50 iterations in just a week, simply by tweaking numbers and sliders. Using the knowledge of computation, I am able to produce a more complex design. The interlocking extrusions and joints are able to be built by using surface difference in Grasshopper. Grasshopper does not only able to produce complex design but also makes model making simple and more convenient. Application of surface difference to produce the joints enables model making with accurate connections. In this semester, I’ve learnt to create my own Grasshopper definitions based on my own rules. By applying the same rules and tweaking some parameters, I would be able to create many other different versions of my design. For example, I would then be able to customize each design to maximise solar energy by changing just changing the curves in Rhino which then changes the entire form based on the logic of logarithm. Therefore, Grasshopper is able to create designs that can accommodate for different situations.



Computational design, while flexible, is often a challenge to work with. Grasshopper commands may not always produce the result that I desire and has its own limitations too. For example, commands such as solid geometry may produce unexpected results. These unexpected problems can be hold my design back and limit my design ideas. However, as mentioned in previous learning outcomes, problems often occur when I have lack of understanding towards the program. Therefore, the obstacles may not be due to the program itself but rather the skills I have on Grasshopper. This studio has exposed myself to a very different approach to design where we use a different tools to designing as opposed to the tradtional sketching. Grasshopper is essentially, a tool that aids us in designing and produces iterations where we can choose from. Hence, it is important to understand that it does not replace design but complements and enhance design possibilities.


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