Week 5

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Digitization - Contouring

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After modification from Module !, this is my final model. However, as I need to loft the model digitally from my clay model, I decide to simplify my clay model into its basic shape so that it will be easier to be contoured.

Digitization - Contouring


1. Contours are produced by tracing. I drew lines on the clay model and then traced them on rhino to produce contours. The different contours are represented by different colours. 2. The contours are then moved back according to the arrangement of the colours recorded. Rather than based on exact measurement, some of the lines are moved based on intuition. This is because the shape of the loft does not seem smooth enough if the contours are moved based on the exact measurement. Hence, there are some lines that I moved according to the distance that I think is suitable. 3. They are then lofted. The control points of the lines had to be adjusted to get the form that I want. I wanted a more random and curved surface, so I adjusted my control points so that they are more irregular.



Digitization - Paneling

I started panelizing the lofted form. I first explored with all the available 2D patterns in Rhino. However, none of it produce the results that I want to . Many of the shapes and forms are distorted and looks difficult to be prototyped.

I then explored with 2D custom panelling. I incorporated my pattern into the custom panel and then panelized it. It is separated into 3 triangles as I thought triangles are the most basic shape that is the easiest to work with.

I tested with the different u and v of the grid panels. The higher the u and v are, the more irregular the form is, which is an effect I am trying to achieve. However, this makes the panels really complicated to model. The lower the u and v, the less complex and bigger the panels are, which makes it easier to model. However, this also means that there are less uneven surfaces and more flat surfaces, which alters how the form of the original loft. However, my 2D custom panel does not seem to work well as the lines produced are only curves with no surfaces, not panels. I cannot move on to producing prototypes with this problem. I was then advised that it is better to work with 3D panels.

Digitization - Paneling

Pyramid 2

Pyramid 1



Prototype 1 I produced the prototype for the panels to test out the lighting effect. This prototype is relatively easy to be made as they are made of only 4 triangles joint together per panel. I can predict that it will be really easy to produce final model with this panel as it is simple. However, it does not really reflect the pattern which I am doing which is the floor cracks. I explored with the different forms of the available 3D patterns in Rhino. I thought that Pyramid 2 would be the most suitable panel compared to the rest. I like the movement of the triangles which are in different directions, giving it an irregular form. I then offset the borders for light to pass through and produce shadows.


Digitization - Paneling

After that, I decide to explore further with my own 3D custom panel. The images on the right are the 3D custom panels that I experimented with. I incorporated my pattern into the panels. I was advised to work on straight lines as they are easier to work with. Hence, I modified my pattern into straight lines with triangular segments as triangle is the most flexible shape. However, when they are panelized, I realise that the panels are too long, which I think is not aesthetically appleasing. Hence, I make a smaller panel




With square panels, it would probably be easier to work with. I experimentsedwith different border offsets, from 0.3 to 0.2. I thought that with smaller value of offset, the pattern would be emphasizing on the thinner lines , hence making the pattern to be expressed more clearly, looking more like the lines of the cracks.

Digitization - Paneling Prototype 2

Panels with offset border of 0.3.

Prototype 3 This prototype is a slightly more difficult to do compared to Protoype 1, although nothing too hard. However, when unrolled, they are overlapping each other. Hence, I had to explode them, and then paste each of them one by when making the prototype. This is a little time consuming and it might be too much to do when making the final model.

The amount of light that is passing though is just right and produces a nice shadow effect. However, the thickness of the lines does not really give emphasis on the lines of different directions, which I do not think is expressing the effect that I want well enough.

Prototype 3’s processes are the same as Prototype 2. The only difference lies on the thickness of the lines, where this is done with offset borders of 0.2. The lines are thinner, which I think, is the most similar to my pattern of crack lines. I like how the borders give emphasis on the lines, making my pattern even more obvious. Panels with offset border of 0.2. My concern with this form is that there might be too much of light that passes through as the opening is quite big.

Digitization - Paneling Prototype 4

For the fourth prototype, I tried experimenting with no offset borders. With this panelling, there are no shadow effects that are shown which might seem a little dull and less interesing However, I like the how the lines are shown on the lines, where it could represent my pattern well. I glued the end tabs of each panel together to achieve this effect, which gives the lines a sense of depth, instead of cutting one end of the tabs like I did in other 3 prototypes. I also think it is almost like Miss Maple’s lamp which is a lamp I draw my inspiration from, as I hope to achieve the same effect. As this is my desired effect, I finally decide this as my final model.

No shadow effects that are formed.

Miss Maple’s Lamp Isometric View

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Digitization - Paneling Materiality and Other details to take care of I bought my white paper from 2 places, Officeworks and from Fablab. I then realise that there are slight differences in colour although both are white. I will make sure to get my materials from the same place to avoid mistakes like this for my final model.

My final model also has to be done delicately and attentively so as not to appear too messy. They must be glued tightly to ensure there is no gap between them. This is to avoid light passing through and that the lines shone will not look messy.

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