Cloning Essays

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Should Human Cloning be Legal?

Cloning captured the public's attention when Scottish scientists startled the world in July of 1996 when they announced the birth of a sheep named Dolly which they had cloned from the nucleus of an adult mammary cell and a sheep egg. Ever since this spectacular event occurred people have been thinking about the possibility of cloning humans. What would a clone be like? His/herphysical appearance would be the same as the person he/she was cloned from, but depending on the society it would be brought up in it's personality would be totally different. Many people in this decade more content...

Why clone human embryos? There are many legitimate reasons for investigating cloning. Embryologists believe that the research could help improve the lives of further generations. "Cancer research is possibly the most important reason for embryo cloning. Oncologists believe that embryonic study will advance the understanding of the rapid growth of cancer cells. Cancer cells develop at approximately the same phenomenal rate as the embryonic cells do. By studying the embryonic cell growth, scientists may be able to determine how to stop it, and also stop cancer growth in turn (Watson 66)." Another important reason for embryo cloning is to remove genetic diseases out of the embryo's DNA and replace it with regular DNA, but this procedure is only theoretical. This is another reason cloning should be allowed to find out if this procedure is possible. "Also, doctors hope that by being able to study the multiple embryos developed through cloning, they can determine what causes spontaneous abortions. Contraceptive specialists also believe that if they can determine how an embryo knows where to implant itself, then they can develop a contraceptive that would prevent embryos from implanting in the uterus (Watson 66)." One questionable procedure is cloning an embryo to use the bone marrow of the clone for a critically sick child. these are many

Cloning Essay
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Cloning Essay

Many have imagined what it would be like to have a clone of themselves.

Many have also feared the thought of having a clone. Due to popular belief that a clone would be an exact duplicate. An incorrect presumption made by many. Proceeding along side is the religious beliefs and the controversial ethicality and morality aspects of human cloning. Astance taken by many religions and their congregations. In reality the public has a very narrow sense of what human cloning is. Rather than research and understand the scientific aspect of human cloning, they instead take faith in what the media and movies portray human cloning to be. It is from this information source that a majority base their decision on more content... Presenting the idea of a rogue government creating an army of elite clone soldiers or to create a totalitarian society.Silver concludes that this scenario is of low probability due the fact that it would require that cooperation of many women in order to birth to these soldier or totalitarian clones. Silvers article is agreeable

considering the fact that many people believe what they see in the media and movies, many are not willing to research the subject of cloning to find out what it is. Instead they let the media and movies decide weather cloning is right or wrong. In actuality seventy percent of the time the media and movies are bias, only showing one aspect of human cloning. Which unfortunately happens to be the negative aspect, because it makes the most money in television and movie ratings. Then there is the claim made by many that human clones are soulless vessels which is completely incorrect. Once taken into consideration the human cloning process is quite similar to that of invitro fertilization, both take place outside of the females body and both embryos are then placed into the mother where they are conceived, within nine months a child is born just like any other child. Since cloning brings up the possibility of clone armies or totalitarian cloned states created by rogue Governments, it should be pointed out that these scenarios are highly unlikely.

Considering that a government would

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What would you do if you could live forever? With improvements in cloning technology, the promise of almost endless life is closer to us now then ever before. In 1952, when cloning was first completed successfully, it was only attempted on small animals. At the most basic of levels, humans are nothing more than advanced animals, and since cloning has been proven to work on animals, it should, therefore, work on humans as well. Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal. Pyrenean Ibex cloned after the species became extinct, rendering them temporarily de–extinct for 7 minutes. These events lead to the discovery of various medical applications of cloning, such as exact matches for organs. Christians may try to claim that it against the more content...

This process allows for a chance to prove the "if I could do it over again I would..." scenarios hopefully improving the world. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." (Albert Einstein). Time has proven even two people who seem to be the same never really are. Unless the testing environment is the exact same there will always be a variation in the results. Identical twins share the same DNA but still end up liking different things and people with different personalities. This proves that a child can only be replaced never exactly recreated. What if your child wasn't killed at a young age but instead had an accident which limits his life expectancy?

With cloning it is fully possible to make a clone of you to use as a donor with an exact match of your organs in case something happens to them. a body will only accept certain organs due to various factors, and organs that are genetically identical to your own cannot be rejected. Organs are not always available for transplant, and when an organ needs to be replaced soon, but not immediately, a clone could be made to harvest the required organs. A clone is a copy of the original, and despite being an artificially made being, ahuman nonetheless, although without proper legislation, could be considered nothing more than a medical tool some might try to claim this as inhumane to raise copies purposely with defects and illnesses

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Cloning Technology Essay

Cloning is the process of making a genetically identical organism through the use of a DNA sample. After the first cloned sheep dolly was created, many people were keen in knowing more about cloning and its benefit to society. Additionally, many of us want to know the pros and con the disadvantages and possible risks it may have on society and mankind. Most importantly, there are three types of cloning, therapeutic, reproductive, and embryonic cloning. These types of cloning are all ways of scientists trying to find ways to produce a living organism or organs. Undoubtedly, cloning is a topic that raises many question when brought up within society. However we can't dismiss the fact that the process could benefit the lives of more content...

This is a form of therapeutic cloning in which scientists use embryo to grow human organs. Most importantly, it could be used to improve the quantity and quality of our foods products. However, this form of cloning is actually destroying our human embryos, which initially causes many to wonder whether this idea of cloning id worth it in the end. Recently, there has been the idea of scientists trying to clone animals for food. Although products from cloned animals are more likely to be safe, we still have to do a more comprehensive study to examine the safety of the foods. Mellon (2006) argued that "If consumers aren't going to be told if their meat is from a clone, FDA has to be certain that meat is safe (para.2)". It's important that consumers know what is entering their body because if the cloned products causes the consumer to get sick, then the consumer have the right to take any legal action against the FDA. In addition, just because a cloned organism may appear normal, doesn't mean that it may not have any genetic defect; cause most of the time many cloned organisms always seem to have a genetic defect that causes them to die at an early age.

Unquestionably, cloning is a good way for scientists to find new developing cells or genetically transform an organism. However, it could have an enormous impact within our society. Many scientists are now starting to realize that cloning could lead to psychological harm upon


Benefits of Cloning Essay examples
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Is Human Cloning Ethical?

Imagine that you have just been diagnosed with lung cancer. You have been told you have six months to live unless you can find two replacement lungs. But, you are told and realize you are a clone and have to give your life to save another. Is that ethically right? Would you, the original human want to do it? I feel that cloning human beings is ethically and morally wrong. Cloning seems to be a big issue in the world today. The issues of cloning became a reality in 1997. On February 27, 1997, it was reported that scientist produced the first clone of an adult sheep, attracting international attention and raising questions of whether cloning should take place. Within days, more content...

The third is it impacts on societal relations. The fourth and final is the potential effects on the human gene pool. The Americans and cloning experts just don't know the harms that will come from cloning. Some people say limit cloning of humans to just research or for medical reasons, but it's the same thing. Producing clones for research or to use their parts is unethical. Cloning for just medical research is still harming another human being to save another. That is wrong in my mind, ethically and morally. Its ethically wrong because I fell that a humans morals aren't to kill other human for body parts. It's morally wrong because it's not the right conduct of a human to do such a thing. Even if cloning is limited to medical research, there is still the risk of cloning humans. We simply cannot play God and create life because it is ethically wrong and sinful, and most importantly, dangerous. It would be against the code of ethics of a doctor to harm a clone. Harming a clone would be such using one of its organs to save the original life. The question shakes us all to our very souls. For humans to consider the cloning of one another forces them all to question the very concepts of right and wrong that makes them all human. The cloning of any species, whether they be human or non–human, is ethically wrong. The clone would be a human being and deserve

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Is Human Cloning Ethical?

Human Cloning

While we have the state of the art technologies and the result of a successful cloning of the infamous lamb known as Dolly, should we take the next step and begin human cloning? If I were to carry the super DNA that scientists are wanting to explore in the lab, would I allow myself to be duplicated? Absolutely not! Replicating ahuman is not only wrong on ethical grounds but also a threat to our existence! The biggest concern is how far will humans attempt to control nature? Therefore, I do not believe that cloning should be allowed based on my teleological outlook. Diversity diminishes, and the human population decreases. It shifts the process of natural evolution. For hundreds of generations, our ancestors developed through a gradual process of changes from their ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. By hindering this process our specie will suffer. The negative outcomes are far greater than the positives. Maybe cloning can and will allow for possible answers for diseases and cures, however it still interferes with the natural order of life; the human life–cycle. We must put into consideration the time and money spent on the experiment with the cloned lamb. After years of several failed attempts prior to creatingDolly, can we, as humans, walk with a clean conscious knowing the amount of safety and harm caused toward a developing child–clone and those involved in the process (DNA holder, scientists, etc.)? This paints a clear picture of how cloning a human will be far more difficult, dangerous, and unethical. As a mother, I strongly oppose of this idea due to the consequences of how we, as a society will view these cloners, and how these cloners will affect my children's lives. Will my children lead a normal life if they are deemed having a weak and undesirable DNA? Undoubtedly, a loss of individuality and diversity is created. Our genetic make–up is what makes us unique. It gives an individual a sense of self and distinctiveness. Eventually, the population starts to lack uniqueness. Two people wouldn't be sitting down having a conversation on their diverse backgrounds, rather everyone else will have almost the same thoughts and ideas. How can a society grow and learn about all the Get

On Human Cloning
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The question to clone or not to clone is currently center stage of scientific debate. Since the birth of Dolly, the sheep, in 1997 the controversial question of cloning has been paramount throughout the entire globe. The question is no longer whether it can be done, but whether is should be done and to what extent. We have already cloned goats, mice, monkeys, cattle, and pigs (Cloning factsheet). Scientists are now trying to get approval to clone humans or at least parts of them (Eccleston, CNN). All of these clonings have led to much criticism and controversy, but the latest attempt at cloning is that of endangered and possibly already extinct species in hopes of preserving them. This short more content...

In the case of this next example, 692 embryos were cloned, of those only 81 grew sufficiently to implant, of those 42 were implanted into 32 cows, but only eight cows actually became pregnant (Lanza, R., Dresser, B., Damiani, P. 2000). Most of the cows had spontaneous abortions and one had a very late–term abortion. These low statistics led to only one cow making it to full term so far (Lanza, R., Dresser, B., Damiani, P. 2000).

What does this have to do with endangered species?

Next month, November 2000, the first cloned, endangered species is scheduled to be born. Noah, as he has already been named, is a gaur: a large ox–like animal from India with a current population of only about 36,000 left in the wild (Lanza, R., Dresser, B., Damiani, P. 2000). The reasoning behind cloning endangered species according to scientists at Advanced Cell Technology (ACT), is ultimately the preservation of their gene pool and propagation of these animals until their natural habitats can be restored, at which point they could be reintroduced back into the wild (Lanza, R., Dresser, B., Damiani, P. 2000). The interesting thing about what scientists at ACT are doing, is that they are not cloning the genes of one species and introducing them into the same species, they are transferring the gene carrying eggs into another species entirely. Noah, the gaur, will be brought into this world

Cloning Essay example
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For hundreds of years man has wondered what it would be like to clone human beings. With the idea of cloning comes many different opinions and positions. The idea of creating an army of "super humans" has long been a dream of many people. Others have feared what would happen to the world if cloning were possible and if cloning is morally correct. Overall, religion and ethics play a vital role in the both of these viewpoints and greatly effect many positions on the topic of cloning. In February of 1997 Dr.Ian Wilmut, a 52–year–old embryologist at the Roslin Institute in dinburgh announced the cloning of a lamb named Dolly 1. He had replaced the genetic material of sheep's egg with the more content...

Many individuals also stated that now that the technology is available, its use is inevitable. Randolfe Wicker, a New York businessperson, founded the Clone Rights United Front after reports of the successful cloning. His goals are to continue to push for more research and to defend people's rights.3 These examples show the rights of the individual, but ironically many people who fight for the rights of individuals, form groups to do so. In his Tuesday, February 25, 1997 article 'Should We Fear Dolly?' James K. Glassman, a writer for the Washington post discusses his favorable views on cloning. He points out that cloning is something that could someday be used for treatment to cure human diseases, and the ability to produce organs for transplanting as benefits for all of society. Also, he points out that while cloning people is against the law in other countries, it is not in the United States. He said, "I don't think it should be certainly not at this stage . . . Trying to stop intellectual progress, in any form, is a terrible mistake. Furthermore, the technology is not, in principle, policeable. In other words, you couldn't really stop research on human cloning if you wanted to." 4

Most of the scientific community favors the cloning of animals. Many, including Dr. Wilmut, argue that the potential for medical and

Cloning Essay
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With the technological knowledge in the world growing from day to day, there is no way to predict where science may lead us in the future. Just a few years ago, cloning was something of a fictional nature that most scientists had thought about, but never seriously considered it as an experiment. Recently, animals have been cloned, andcloning has become no less than true reality. In a few more years, the knowledge on how to clone humans could be present. Before that advancement arrives, we need to ask ourselves if this knowledge of cloning is a beneficial idea or a destructive one. Cloning will have negative effects on our society in the future because: cloning devalues uniqueness of the individual cloned, clones could be used in more content...

With statistics that strong, it proves that the extent to the public's opposition to the cloning of humans. The Vatican has always been known to be truthful to what they say. The church has a great deal of influence on many people's opinions, and the church believes that human cloning is also immoral because it violates the human dignity of the individual ("Vatican"). How would you feel if you found out that you were a clone? You probably wouldn't feel like a person that was truly meant to step foot on this earth. You would probably feel like a nobody, someone's creation. John Colvin, a writer for The Humanist magazine, says that if cloning is used frequently in our society, "...human biodiversity will be diminished and human evolution will cease" (Colvin 39). People will start to look and act more like each other, and if one person's genes contains vital information for the future and he/she doesn't reproduce sexually, it would be shared with another individual and evolution of the human race will never take place again. Fr. Frank Pavone, a well–respected writer for the church, feels that clones would also feel less of human beings because "value is intimately tied to uniqueness" (Pavone). If people were being cloned one after the other, then there wouldn't be much diversity in the society. This will also diminish the value of uniqueness. Some other possibilities of cloning that can also upset our economy include

Cloning Essay
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Cloning Right or Wrong? Have you ever heard of cloning before? Well it has a lot of ups and its downs, many people are against it and many are for it? In my paper you will hear and of the good things and the bad things that happen in cloning and you can decide if you think it is right or wrong.


When I looked up the definition for cloning on www.m–w .com it stated that cloning is to propagate a clone from or to make a copy of. A book on cloning that I read stated that cloning is genetically identical cells. Cloning's history is as early as 1952 and the first cell transferring was in 1970. The cell process was not 100 percent accurate every time. Back in the 1970's many scientists struggled with trying to clone something and it more content...

When people talk about cloning the bible is usually taken out on a person that is for cloning. Religion now a day has just decided to pretty much ignore the topic and forget about it. If humans were cloned they say that there would be a huge inbreeding problem and the world will start having even more population than what is necessary. Cloning is pretty much just a huge issue without an end; it's something that you can argue on and on about. I looked up a chart and found one on about people's thoughts and what they think about cloning. The poll was taken on 1997 and consisted of 1,005 American Adults. These are the results

93% of people felt that the cloning of humans was a bad idea

66% thought that the cloning of animals, such as sheep was a bad idea

69% are scared of possibility of human cloning

74% believed that it is against God's will to clone things; while only 19% say that it is not.

A later poll was then take in 2001 by CNN and these are the results for that poll

90% of people still thought that cloning was a bad idea

67% of people that that cloning of animal was a bad idea

Only 45% of people thought that it was possible to have human cloning within the next 10 years or so.

69% of people think that it is against God's will and should not be done; 23% say that it is not.

Laws on Cloning

Only fifteen states have their own law on cloning even South Dakota. This is South Dakota's law: Prohibits

Cloning Right or Wrong? Essay
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The most significant problem our world has with newfound controversies is that most people take one side on the issue before they become educated on the topic at hand. This is the same problem that I see with the controversial issue of cloning. Whether one argues for or against the cloning of humans or animals, most people leave out the ethics and morals behind the issue. People see movies like Multiplicity, starring Michael Keaton (a movie in which Michael Keaton clones himself multiple times in an attempt to make his life more enjoyable), and they think to themselves that cloning themselves might be pretty cool. A poll taken by CNN1 on the issue of cloning found that 7% of Americans would clone themselves. This shows more content...

If we don't do this, it takes away from us what it means to be human. The poll taken by CNN1 seemed to focus wholly on the morality of cloning, and why shouldn't it. When asked the question, "Is it morally unacceptable to clone humans," 89% of the people said, "Yes, it is morally unacceptable to clone humans." This seems to me to be a good outcome, but it also tells me that 11% of the people need to be "turned around." I believe one of the most important factors in the population's reasoning on the issue of cloning is their religion or lack of religion. Being a Catholic, I believe that we were created by God and that God should be the only one who should have the power to make a human. It would almost be a spit in the face of my religion to see some fallible human creating a person. What good will this knowledge be in the future. I can see no logical use for the cloning of a human. I am not willing to sacrifice my values and morals for worthless knowledge. During the same poll, the question was asked, "Is cloning humans against God's will?" 74% of the people answered "Yes" to this question. Because this percentage is less than the one before, this tells us that 15% of the poll defines morals differently from their religion or that they do not believe in or understand God's will. Nonetheless, this shows us that the majority of the population does see what is morally and ethically wrong with meddling

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Cloning Essays

Cloning Essay


In recent years, the issue of cloning has been up for debate worldwide. Cloning is the production of one or more individual plants or animals that are genetically identical to another plant or animal. There are two different types of cloning procedures, embryo cloning and adult DNAcloning. Embryo cloning occurs when sperm and egg cells are mixed in a glass dish. After conception, the zygote (fertilized egg) is allowed to divide and nutrients are added to promote cell division. The cells then fuse with an ovum which has the nucleus removed. Adult DNA cloning is taking cells from mammary tissue from an adult. Cloning can have many good results to help humans, but others argue that it is wrong because it is immoral. more content...

Scientists are researching by splitting embryos to execute experiments to find data relating to cell differentiation, the use of stem cells, and genetic screening. Fertility clinics use this service to help couples when a mother or father has a genetic disorder. A fertility clinic will clone an embryo, then test it for genetic disorders. If the embryo is tested negative for genetic disorders, then the fertility clinic implants a clone of that embryo. This should guarantee that the child would not have any genetic disorders.

I view cloning with mixed feelings, but I agree strongly with cloning being right. I do not believe that cloning humans to make more humans is right, but I do think cloning human organs to replace a defective gene is right. In England, scientists are heavily researching the embryo for stem cells. Right now the British scientists can use early embryos to study specific problems such as infertility, congenital diseases, contraception and prenatal diagnostics. Cloning good stem cells and using them for babies with these problems would prevent the diseases from ever happening. The reason for using the stem cell is because the cell is so versatile. Stem cells are taken from human embryos and fetal tissue. The cell, when never used, like in embryos, can be turned into nearly any cell type of the whole body. Scientists also expect that when using cloned embryos a person would easily overcome the problem of Get

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Human Cloning For the last few decades, cloning was a fictitious idea that lay deep within the pages of sci–fi novels and movies. The very idea that cloning could one day become reality was thought to be a scientific impossibility by many experts. But on February 22, 1997, what was thought to be purely science fiction became reality. That day, a team from the Roslin Institute, led by Dr. Ian Wilmut, changed the history forever by revealing what looked like an average sheep. And its name was Dolly. Dolly became one of the most famous if not the most famous sheep in modern day. She was the first ever clone of a mammal. She was an exact biological carbon copy, a laboratory counterfeit of her mother. This news shocked the world more content...

Soon after in the mid 1990's, a team from the Roslin Institute, the creators of Dolly, discovered a new and more efficient method ofcloning. A method that was so simple, any in–veto lab could have done it fifty years ago. This method of cloning was one of great similarity to the procedure created in the 1950's. An egg cell was taken from the udder of a Finn Dorset ewe and placed in low concentrate to allow the cell to stop dividing. Then the nucleus of a Black face ewe along with its DNA was sucked out leaving an empty cell with all the necessary cellular machinery to successfully produce an embryo. Using the two cells, the cell from the Finn Dorset and the cell from the Black face, an electric pulse was created by placing them next to one another. Then another electric pulse was created which mimicked that of the one before it. This summoned the cells to begin divide. As the cells grew in number, an embryo slowly began to be made and soon it was ready to be injected back into the body of another sheep (DeMuth 8). Using this same or a similar procedure, a human clone may one day be born. When Dolly came to existence, people realized that this breakthrough could be a door to unimaginable technology, not all necessarily positive. The notion that this discovery could change the world and peoples lives was beginning to threaten the minds of activists and others. Many of the fears that come with these theories are within Get more content

Human Cloning Essay

The thought of cloning human beings can be exciting for some but scary for others. Some people find cloning to be one the most spectacular invention while others think it is not a great idea to clone themselves. Another issue here is that some people feel that we if we are cloning human beings, we will be taking the role of God. What exactly does this means? Well, people who have a religious background feel that this can be stepping out of religion boundaries because it's scientists that will be involved in the process instead of God and this is not done naturally. People have viewed cloning is just making another human being but what about artificial insemination? "Artificial insemination have been used to create children who would not have existed without help or interference of modern science" more content...

But without this method a lot of women and men will not be able to have a family because of medical issues. Just like anything else that is unnatural such as antibiotics, vaccinations, surgery, hair dye, people who are not against it feel that those who are should object to these things. Most people think that we don't know how our child will turn out and what qualities they will have. But this is not so true anymore. Those who are creating a child through sexual intercourse can actually find out now certain qualities of their future children. And with the IVF technology, it makes it possible which embryo to implant after the DNA analysis is performed. "It is even possible, with preimplantation diagnosis (PID) to implant one identical twin and freeze the other future use" (Anderson). We also are not able to predict everything that will happen with the person that is created. Predictions can be made but it is not possible to know exactly what will happen. There was a poll that was taken by CNN, about 7% Americans wanted to cloned. Therefore, there are people still not agreeing with

Essay On Cloning
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Cloning is an unethical action that should not be tampered with physically in any animal form regardless of what it is. This is a genetically engineered process by humans, in which, perfectly generated genes from someone or something is copied into its own life form to be an exact replica. In the article "Calves cloned to produce drugs" there are two cows involved with cloning. People should not be tampering with this, but letting God create people and animals the way he has it planned out to be. Not to mention, no two or more life forms should ever be exactly alike with the exact same genes (except for plants who are that way anyhow). With this happening to animals now and evolving toward humans, it more content... No one should ever try and alter genes to any animal coming into this world, therefore in this news article, the cows should have never been cloned. In an article in Time magazine, Richard Seed (a welleducated man that graduated from Harvard)

Page 2 wanted to start up a commercial cloning clinic. As soon as that was released to public, "President Clinton blasted the idea as 'untested and unsafe and morally unacceptable'"(Nash 58). People around the country reacted nervous and uneasy. This was an example of one person that has the desire and knowledge to do such a thing as this. If we don't stop him now, then there will be many more doctors who will follow and set up this idea of cloning around the world. Then the next thing you know, there will be hundreds of people identical and healthy everywhere. There is nothing wrong with the people being healthy, but not becoming that way from cloning. Being healthy should be our job as humans to keep up with our own body. As the article continued, Seed posed his whole idea of opening the clinic from his interest in biomedicine and discovered "a technique for transferring embryos in cattle"(58). This is a whole new idea that cloning of animals can lead to cloning of our human race.

Seed began his work with embryos in cattle and now he has expanded his idea to form a human cloning clinic. These are the kind of people that are going to want to go further in the cloning of

Cloning Essay
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Imagine a future where humans are manufactured, a future where humans are created by science, a future where humans are the new lab specimen. Human cloning is like opening Pandora's Box, unleashing a torrent of potential evils but at the same time bringing a small seed of hope. No matter how many potential medical and scientific benefits could be made possible by human cloning, it is unethical to clone humans. Before the ethics of human cloning can be discussed, the mechanics of cloning must be understood first. Cloning is the process of making an exact genetic copy of an organism by a method called nuclear transplantation which is a process of removing a nucleus (the center of a cell which contains all of the biological information) more content...

Human cloning is not always copying and creating a full organism; that is reproductive cloning. Cloning just an organ or tissue is called therapeutic cloning, and is a technology that is not possible yet but scientists feel that it is only a matter of time (Tierney). With that technology, many patients could be cured of previously life–long conditions such as paralysis, chronic heart attacks, and leukemia. A long–term "disease" such as infertility could be cured as well by creating a clone of the female and then transplanting that clone's eggs into the female and then the children the couple has will be their biological children! Even amputees could have limbs regenerated in a lab and reattached (Smith). These medical advances seem like a cure–all, but they are not possible at the moment because we do not know enough about the human genome to see which genes code for certain proteins which shape the function of the cell. With our current technology, we cannot direct a cell to specialize into a kidney cell to transplant into a patient needing a new kidney. Current technology doesn't allow for the creation of "spare parts" but it is possible to create fully functional humans (after many attempts), and then the human that was "created" could then be grown and disemboweled for "spare parts" (Dudley 30). The idea of creating a "Caliban" or a human specifically to act

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Human Cloning Essay


Scientific experimentation has led us to many great discoveries such as: Chemotherapy, heart surgery, and bone marrow transplants. Recently scientists have discovered a new way to heal humans. This is known as cloning. Although they have yet to clone a human they have cloned sheep. Cloning has brought up a huge controversy among the American people. There are two sides to the story. Either you agree with cloning or you don't. The only way to help make that decision is to look at the good and bad points of cloning. There are many positive aspects ofhuman and non–human cloning. Human cloning technology could be used to reverse the number one killer in the United States, heart attacks. Scientists believe that more content...

By combining this technology with human cloning technology it may be possible to produce needed tissue for suffering people that will be free of rejection by their immune systems. Conditions such as Alzheimer's disease Parkinson's disease, diabetes, heart failure, and other problems may be made curable by human cloning. ("Cloning to Save Lives") Now there are also some ways that we are playing god through cloning. For example, infertile parents could easily have a baby cloned using their DNA and women that are at high risk for Down's syndrome can avoid that risk by cloning. Even though this sounds great we are basically changing reproduction, as we have always known it to be. There are also many negative aspects of cloning. To create different organs or limbs in order to help a person to live longer or more comfortably seems to go against nature. The way human life should be created is through sexual intercourse. Harmond Varmus, a schoolteacher, said it best; "Human cloning represents a grave attack on the dignity of conception and on the right an unrepeatable, unpredetermined set of genes." To clone an animal is almost the same thing. We are playing with the way humans and animals have reproduced for years. Is it fair that we clone and then kill an animal just for its organs in order to save a person's life? Scientists are not even sure that the animal's organs will be compatible with the human body. According to the Medical Research

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Cloning Essay examples

24 April 2015

Cloning speech

Suppose that every prospective parent in the world stopped having children naturally, and instead produced clones of themselves. What would the world be like in another 20 or 30 years? The answer is: much like today.Cloning would only copy the genetic aspects of people who are already here said by Nathan Myhrvold.

Cloning is an issue now and will be in the in the future,animals are cloned all the time.Does the human race want to have a copy of itself. We need to understand what is happening to the cloned animals and what could possibly happen to us if we were to be cloned.

Cloning has been around for years from 1938 by Hans Spemann to 1997 when Dolly the cloned sheep was made. Why should we care that cloning is bad? Cloning can have many complications before in the womb, during, and after. Why should we take those risks? The cost of cloning is obviously not a what an average Joe makes.

There are three types of ways to produce a clone first one is gene cloning and that creates a copy of the genes or parts of DNA. Reproductive cloning makes a copy of whole animals. Then Therapeutic makes embryonic stem cells. The most used is therapeutic cloning.

Cloning Speech : Cloning And Cloning
Communications Arts

Some countries like Brazil are discussing if cloning can save endangered species.In 2009 the Brazilian Agricultural Research. Is freezing blood, sperm and umbilical cord cells from animals of roadkill and some other type of

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For many years, the cloning of adults, animals or humans has been mostly the object of science fiction, something unforeseen by man. However, "The world was shocked in February of 1997 when British scientist, named Ian Wilmot announced that his research team successfully cloned lamb named dolly from an adult sheep at the Roselyn Institute in Scotland".(1) For what seemed like a dream for many years quickly turned into reality. The newest and possibly the most controversial phenomena in curing human disease, a phenomenon better known as cloning, was born. Through out the history of man, human disease has been considered a leading cause of death. Since antiquity, physicians explored assorted remedies in order to cure more content...

1995 Ian Wilmut replicates First's experiment with differentiated cells from sheep, but puts embryo cells into an inactive state before transferring their nuclei to sheep eggs. The eggs develop into normal lambs. In February 1997 Wilmut and colleagues at the Roslin Institute in Scotland report they have cloned a 6–year–old adult sheep from an udder cell. They name the sheep Dolly (after Dolly Parton). It is the first clone created from an adult cell. (4)

Although, many believe cloning to be beneficial to mankind, just like with any new discovery cloning has become a widely debated controversial topic. In 1978 the release of David Rorvik's book, In His Image: The Cloning of a Man, sparks a worldwide debate on cloning ethics. (4) Many would argue that cloning has tremendous positive aspects and would only better our way of life. While other groups such as naturalists and religious followers, strongly disagree. Those who support cloning feel that cloning could bring our understanding of evolution and human past to a new heightened level of understanding. Cloning would also allow for organ transplant without a waiting list. "Therapeutic cloning [specific cloning technique] and embryonic stem cell research may represent the best hope for the hundreds of Get

Cloning Essay
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Shortly after the announcement that British scientists had successfully cloned a sheep, Dolly, cloning humans has recently become a possibility that seems much more feasible in today's society. The word clone has been applied to cells as well as to organisms, so that a group of cells stemming from a single cell is also called a clone. Usually the members of a clone are identical in their inherited characteristics that is, in their genes except for any differences caused by mutation. Identical twins, for example, who originate by the division of a single fertilized egg, are members of a clone; whereas nonidentical twins, who derive from two separate fertilized eggs, are not clones. (MicrosoftВ® EncartaВ® 97 Encyclopedia). There are more content...

There Dr. Jerry Hall experimented with the possibility of human cloning and began this moral and ethical debate. There it was concluded that cloning is not something that can be done as of now, but it is quite a possibility for the future. Thesescientists experimented eagerly in aims of learning how to clone humans. Ruth Macklin of U.S. News & World Report writes, "Hall and other scientists split single humans embryos into identical copies, a technology that opens a Pandora's box of ethical questions and has sparked a storm of controversy around the world" ( They attempted to create seventeen human embryos in a laboratory dish and when it had grown enough, separated them into forty–eight individual cells. Two of the separated cells survived for a few days in the lab developed into new human embryos smaller than the head of a pin and consisting of thirty–two cells each. ( Although we cannot clone a human yet, this experiment occurred almost two years ago and triggered almost an ethical emergency. Evidence from these experiments received strange reactions from the public. Ruth Macklin states, "Cloning is a radical challenge to the most fundamental laws of biology, so it's not unreasonable to be concerned that it might threaten human society and dignity. Yet much of the ethical

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Cloning Essay

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