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Mimusops Flos ca& (Kha jei) 79

Myanmar Herbal Pharmacopoeia Volume II

Synonym(s) - Echites scholaris L. Pala scholaris (L.) Roberty Other name(s) - Alstonie des ecoliers (French) Chatium, Chattiyan (Hindi) Chhatim (Bengali) Dita bark, Indian devil tree, Milky Pine, Blackboard Tree (English) Dita (Philippines) Lame (Sundanese) Popeal khe (Cambodian) Pulai,rejang, Jelutong, basong (Malaysian) Pule (Javanese) Saptaparna,Visalatvak (Sanskrit) Sativn Tree (Indian) Tin ped, palai (Thai)


Part (s) used - Dried stem bark


Alstoniae scholaris Cortex consists of rough, grey, mature stem bark of Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. (Apocynaceae).

Description of the part used

Macroscopic characteristics

The bark about half inch thick; externally mottled brownish and slightly smooth, but marked by shallow fissures. Internally the bark is light brown and slightly striated. Odour pleasant and bitter taste.

Microscopic characteristics

Transverse section of Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br. mature stem bark shows:

1. phellem or cork layer, the outermost part, 10-20 layers of thin-walled, slightly suberized and radially arranged cork cells. Some cork cells filled with brown content. 2. interior to the cork layer, a few-layered of phelloderm composed of somewhat tangentially elongated cells intermingled with sclerenchymatous cells

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