Internal GMP Audits Description: This presentation provides a complete system for conducting internal GMP audits. It covers what to do and what not to do in performing internal audits for the purpose of assuring full compliance with the GMP regulations. When FDA audits a firm, they are primarily checking to determine how well the facility complies with the GMP requirements. Prudence requires a facility to regularly check themselves for compliance so they can be certain that nothing has slipped in that may adversely affect the quality of the products they produce. Internal audits are the best way to accomplish this goal. Why Should you Attend: Like the audit itself, it is simply good business to review and analyze their internal procedures to assure continued high levels of operation. This presentation will assist newcomers in creating their internal audit system and will provide insight for others to re-evaluate their current audit system. Objectives of the Presentation: To provide a comprehensive internal audit process with ideas that will challenge the system your firm uses. Who can Benefit: o QA managers and personnel who conduct GMP audits as well as managers of all areas that could be audited. o
Tuesday, January 29, 2013 10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST Live Session for one participant
Price: $243.00 Corporate Live Session 3 to 4 participants in single location. (For muliple location contact customer care)
Price:$486.00 Corporate Live Session 5 to 10 participants in single location. (For muliple location contact customer care)