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Resource Directory
Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, and high residentialenergy users to reduce energy costs.
illness no longer responds to cure-oriented york commons (717) 755-8521 york counT y h ousing auT hori T y (717) 845-2601 york h ills aparTmen T s (717) 845-4111 york Towne h ouse .................................................................. (717) 845-2857 york village (717) 632-5053
Providing a higher level of rehabilitation for recovery from an illness, injury, or surgery. Services include physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
• life sharing/family living resi Dences • m argare T e moul h ome (717) 767-6463
Supportive living that allows individuals with intellectual disabilities to live with independence and dignity with the assistance of a caring and experienced staff.
The york counT y cen Ter for i ndependenT living ......... (717) 849-0991
–– Reti Rement living (See Reti Rement living o ption S) ––
–––––– hum An Se RviCe S ––––––
• pennsylvania Waiver programs • acT 150 (717) 787-8091 h ome- and community-based program for people with physical disabilities. To be eligible you must be able to choose and supervise your care worker(s), manage your own finances, and manage your own legal matters. adulT auT ism waiver aging waiver (Transi T ioned To communi T y h ealT h choices)
Waivers offer an array of services and benefits such as choice of qualified providers, due process, and health and safety assurances.
(866) 539-7689 provides long-term services and support to the specific needs of adults age 21 or older with an autism spectrum disorder (asd).
(888) 753-8827 a long-term living program that provides older pennsylvanians the help they need to live independently in their homes or community. aids waiver
(800) 922-9384 f or individuals 21 years of age or older who have symptomatic hiv disease. commcare waiver ................................................................ (877) 550-4227 f or individuals with traumatic brain injury (Tbi). communi T y living waiver consolidaTed waiver for i ndividuals wi T h i nTellecTual d isabili T ies
(717) 787-1870 provides community participation support, education support services, assistive technology, benefits counseling, home accessibility adaptations, and more for individuals with autism and id of all ages, and individuals with dd ages 0-8.
(800) 692-7462 f or individuals with an intellectual disability. d esigned to help them live more independently by providing a variety of services that promote community living.