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Resource Directory
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Appell Center for the performing Arts
Featuring two historic theaters, the Appell Center enriches the community through performing arts, education, and entertainment, offering some of the biggest names in live, professional performing arts along with impactful education programs. 50 north george Street, York, pA 17401

See our ad on page 7.
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50plus e Xpos e xpopA.com
50plus EXPOs are lively, one-day events that bring businesses and communities together on a personal level. Look for them in Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, and York counties.
Women’s e xpo
Premier women’s expos in the Susquehanna Valley featuring demonstrations, shopping, live makeovers, the latest in women’s health, and much more!
Since 1895, we have provided traditional funerals, cremation services, pre-planning services, and celebrations of life to the local

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–––––– home CARe / home he Alth Se RviCe S ––––––Medical and non-medical services to qualified individuals in their home or in another community-based setting. Pennsylvania requires that all home care agencies and registries be licensed.