beyond50 Resource Directory – York County

Page 6

2023-2024 York County

presented by in partnership with area agency on aging

———— Thanks To our sponsors ————

Copyright ©2023 by On-Line Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the express written permission of the publisher.

Each edition is carefully reviewed to assure accuracy. The publisher cannot, however, guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein nor does the publisher endorse services or products represented.

PLEASE NOTE: We will not knowingly publish any advertisement or information not in compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act, Pennsylvania state laws, or other local laws. We reserve the right to revise or reject any advertising.

–––––– ADvoCACY ––––––

Organizations that promote the health, dignity, rights, and quality of life of seniors and the disabled.

–– Alzheime R’ S/DementiA CARe (See Reti Rement living o ption S) ––

–– ApAR tment S (See h ou S ing o ption S) ––

–––––– ARe A AgenCY on Aging ––––––Provides aging services and information on financial aid and local benefits programs in York County. york

–––––– ASSi Stive te ChnologY/Devi Ce S ––––––These technologies and devices can make the lives of seniors and the disabled easier.

pennsylvania’s a ssis T ive Technology f

i ni T iaT ive on a ssis T ive

–––––– CARe ASSe SSment Se RviCe S ––––––Looks at a person’s needs and works with them to find the best methods to provide care, support, and specialized services.

–––––– CARegive R ASSi StAnCe

AlCohol &

AbuSe Se RviCe S ––––––Organizations offering prevention, treatment, and recovery programs.

Steinmetz Coins & Currency


currency; gold/silver bullion; foreign coins

currency; and jewelry. We will travel.

2 beyond50 Resource Directory – York County
published annually by On-Line Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 8049 • Lancaster, PA 17604 • (717) 285-1350 •
Resource Directory beyond50 Resource Directory is
aarp (888) 687-2277 a merican civil l iberT ies u nion (717) 238-2258 cen Ter for advocacy for T he righ T s and i nTeres T s of T he e lderly (carie) (800) 356-3606 communi T y acT ion commission – Tri-coun T y (717) 232-9757 consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555 d isabili T y righ T s n e T work of pennsylvania (800) 692-7443 nami – york (717) 848-3784 o ffice of b lindness & visual services (866) 375-8264; (888) 575-9420 (TT y) o ffice for d eaf and hard of h earing (odhhh) (717) 783-4912 ( v/TT y) pennsylvania advocacy and resources for auT ism and i nTellecTual d isabili T ies (717) 236-2374 pennsylvania a ssociaT ion of area agencies on aging (717) 541-4214 pennsylvania homecare a ssociaT ion (717) 975-9448, ex T. 28 pennsylvania h uman relaT ions commission (717) 787-9780 york/adams mh - idd ................................................................. (717) 771-9618 york counT y area agency on aging .............................. (717) 771-9610 ––––––
a merican council on alcoholism & addicT ion (205) 989-8177 clari T y way d rug & alcohol rehab cen Ter ................... (717) 969-9125 colonial h ouse ouT paT ien T ................................................. (717) 792-9702 d rug and alcohol abuse h elpline.................................... (877) 683-7818 narcoT ics anonymous (717) 848-9988 naT ional council on alcoholism & d rug d ependence .................................................................. (800) 622-2255 n ew i nsigh T s ii (717) 845-2079 whi Te d eer run (866) 769-6822; (877) 907-6237 york/adams counT y d rug & alcohol commission (717) 771-9222; (800) 441-2025
on aging (717)
counT y area agency
voice (484)
Technology (piaT) (800) 204-7428
oundaT ion TT y (888) 744-1938;
york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610
––––––chris T ian companion senior care (717) 249-1700 family caregiver supporT program (717) 771-9610 york counT y area agency on aging .............................. (717) 771-9610 –––––– Clothing ––––––communi T y progress council i nc. (717) 846-4600 goodwill – hanover (717) 637-0397 rouTe 30 (717) 819-4125 shrewsbury (717) 227-4775 york (717) 846-5780 harves T of b lessings i nc. (717) 808-4209 salvaT ion army (717) 848-2364 souT hern york counT y cloT hing bank ........................... (717) 235-2156 –––––– Coin S & CuRRenCY –––
m ichael Steinmetz .................................................................... (717) 757-6980 2861 prospect Road, York, pA 17402 ....................................... (866) 967-2646 ...........................
all U.S. coins


Since 1895, we have provided traditional funerals, cremation services, pre-planning services, and celebrations of life to the local community. 324 hummel Avenue, lemoyne, pA 17043



ad on page 5.

Share yours: #MyLotteryLove

See more:

beyond50 Resource Directory – York County 3
ConSume R pRote
tion/Compl Aint S ––––––consumer producT safe T y commission (800) 638-2772 e nvironmen Tal proTecT ion agency (800) 424-9346 e quifax fraud alerT .............................................................. (888) 766-0008 e xperian fraud alerT (888) 397-3742 federal Trade commission (202) 326-2222 m edicare/m edicaid fraud (800) 447-8477 pennsylvania bureau of consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555 pennsylvania d eparTmen T of banking .............................. (717) 787-1854 quali T y i nsigh T s of pennsylvania (877) 346-6180 Transunion fraud alerT (800) 680-7289 welfare fraud (800) 932-0582 –––––– CounSeling Se RviCe S ––––––alcoholics anonymous (717) 234-5390 cen Ter for i ndependenT living (717) 849-0991 cen Ter for m en Tal h ealT h ..................................................... (717) 771-9618 communi T y progress council (717) 846-4600 crisis i nTerven T ion (800) 673-2496; (717) 851-5320 family caregiver supporT (717) 771-9610 long-Term l iving bureau of i ndividual supporT (800) 692-7462 ombudsman services .............................................................. (717) 771-9610 pennsylvania counseling services (717) 840-0984; (717) 848-6116 proTecT ive services (717) 771-9610 psychological a ssociaTes of pennsylvania (717) 755-0921 red land communi T y acT ion program (717) 938-4621 salvaT ion army: york (717) 848-2364 True n orT h wellness services ................... (717) 632-4900; (800) 315-0951 york counT y area agency on aging –counT y services cen Ter (717) 771-9610 york counT y vicT ims a ssis Tance cen Ter (717) 771-9600
CRem Ation Se RviCe S ––––––
Resource Directory ––––––
usselman Funeral home
Players must be 18 or older. Please play responsibly. Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-800-GAMBLER

A shared, statewide approach for long-term service and support for all populations — regardless of age, income, or ability — including all payers: federal, state, local, and private.

4 beyond50 Resource Directory – York County
–––––– DentAl Se RviCe S ––––––communi T y progress council (717) 846-4600 d en Tal lifeline n e T work (717) 776-3262 d en Tal services T hrough m edical a ssis Tance (800) 692-7462 –– DevelopmentAl Di SAbilitie S (See Di SAbilit Y Se Rvi Ce S) –––––––– Di SAbilit Y Se RviCe S ––––––The arc of pennsylvania...................................................... (800) 692-7258 The arc of york counT y (717) 846-6589 d isabili T y righ T s of pennsylvania...................................... (800) 692-7443; (877) 375-7139 (T dd)
and Disability Services
Resource Directory
pennsylvania link to Aging
Serving York County ............................................................... (800) 753-8827 See our ad on this page. pennsylvania menTor (717) 657-2073 souT h cen Tral pennsylvania h ealT h care quali T y u ni T (717) 771-9618 u ni Ted d isabili T ies services (uds) (888) 837-4235 • Developmental/physical • o ffice of d evelopmen Tal programs .............................. (888) 565-9435 • m ental health/i ntellectual • b ell socializaT ion services (717) 848-5767 crisis i nTerven T ion program .............................................. (717) 851-5320 m en Tal h ealT h a merica of york/adams counT ies (717) 339-0511 m en Tal h ealT h a merica — york counT y .......................... (717) 843-6973 m en Tal h ealT h a ssociaT ion of pennsylvania (866) 578-3659 nami ............................................................................................. (717) 848-3784 pennsylvania behavioral h ealT h & aging coali T ion (717) 541-4219 –––––– Dome StiC violenCe ––––––baTTered women’s Jus T ice proJ ecT .................................... (800) 903-0111 naT ional domes T ic violence hoTline (800) 799-7233; (800) 787-3224 (TT y) pennsylvania address confiden T iali T y program (acp) (800) 563-6399; (877) 349-1064 (TT y) pennsylvania coali T ion agains T domes T ic violence (800) 932-4632 Are you on Medicare? Could you use help with Medicare costs? You may be eligible to receive financial assistance to help pay for your Medicare Part B premium and prescription drug costs! Contact us for more information. This project was supported, in part by grant number 2201PAMIDR-00, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201 Phone: 1-800-783-7067 Call us about Medicare Extra Help and Medicare Savings Programs. York County PA MEDI 717-780-6130

–––––– elDe R pl Anning, e StAte pl Anning & pRobAte ––––––

bellomo & Associates

We have the estate planning and elder law knowledge you and your family need, and more importantly, we have your back. 3198 e ast m arket Street, York, pA 17402 ................................. (717) 845-5390 ...

–––––– e me RgenCY ––––––

–––––– e mploYment ––––––Training

to help prepare you for the workforce.

beyond50 Resource Directory – York County 5
pennsylvania coali T ion agains T r ape (888) 772-7227 proTecT ion from abuse (pfa) ................................................(717) 771-9662 safe h ome (hanover) (717) 632-0007 york counT y area agency on aging: proTecT ive services (717) 771-9610 york counT y d is TricT aTTorney (717) 771-9600 york counT y vicT im wi Tness cen Ter ................... (717) 771-9600, e x T. 314 ywca (717) 845-2631
Resource Directory
a merican red cross,
chap Ter (717) 845-2751; (800) 347-2751 e mergency services d eparTmen T (717) 840-2990 e mergency shelTer (717) 632-0007 n ew h ope m inis Tries (717) 432-3053 pennsylvania coali T ion agains T violence (800) 932-4632 safe h ome program – ywca hanover (717) 637-2125 salvaT ion army ........................................................................ (717) 848-2364 souT h cen Tral communi T y acT ion program: e mergency a ssis Tance (717) 334-7634 u ni Ted way of york counT y (717) 843-0957 vicT im wi Tness a ssis Tance program (717) 771-9600; (877) 326-8262 whi Te d eer run of york (866) 769-6822 ymca – m en’s shelTer (717) 854-7291 york/adams mh - idd program: d isas Ter crisis ouTreach and referral Team (717) 771-9618 york rescue m ission: Transien T shelTer (717) 845-7662 women’s shelTer ...................................................................... (717) 845-5947
and services
ahedd of york counT y (717) 840-6202 communi T y progress council (717) 846-4600 crispus aTT ucks (717) 848-3610 o ffice of vocaT ional rehabili TaT ion (ovr) (800) 762-6306 pennsylvania careerl ink (717) 767-7600 senior communi T y services e mploymen T program, i nc. (717) 846-4600, ex T. 272 souT hern communi T y services (717) 235-0446 Ticke T To work program (717) 771-4407; (800) 442-6352 york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610 –––––– e ne RgY ASSi StAnCe ––––––$1 e nergy fund (dollar e nergy fund) (800) 683-7036 communi T y progress council i nc. (717) 846-4600 cus Tomer a ssis Tance referral and e valuaT ion program (800) 774-7040 low- i ncome h ome e nergy a ssis Tance program (liheap) ................................................................... (866) 857-7095; (800) 991-0929 low- i ncome u sage reducT ion program (liurp).......... (800) 675-0222 naT ional fuel gas n eighbor for n eighbor h eaT fund (800) 365-3234 n ew h ope m inis Tries – d illsburg (717) 432-3053 dover (717) 292-3441 paT hs Tone ....................................................... (610) 925-5600; (800) 888-6770 pennsylvania power company reach hardship fund (800) 720-3600 pennsylvania power & ligh T (ppl) o nTrack (800) 342-5775 pennsylvania uT ili T y commission o ffice of consumer advocaTe (800) 684-6560 peoples naTural gas company ......................................... (800) 654-6335 souT hern communi T y services (717) 235-0446 ugi uT ili T ies i nc. – o peraT ion share (800) 276-2722

Resource Directory

–––––– ente RtAinment ––––––

Appell Center for the performing Arts

Featuring two historic theaters, the Appell Center enriches the community through performing arts, education, and entertainment, offering some of the biggest names in live, professional performing arts along with impactful education programs. 50 north george Street, York, pA 17401

See our ad on page 7.

–––––– e vent S ––––––

50plus e Xpos

50plus EXPOs are lively, one-day events that bring businesses and communities together on a personal level. Look for them in Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, and York counties.


Women’s e xpo

Premier women’s expos in the Susquehanna Valley featuring demonstrations, shopping, live makeovers, the latest in women’s health, and much more!


6 beyond50 Resource Directory – York County
(717) 846-1111
(717) 285-1350 www.50plus
senior games – york counT y area agency of aging (717) 771-9610
box 8049, lancaster, pA 17604..........................................
box 8049, lancaster, pA 17604..........................................
g reatWaytoSpend
eYe CARe Se RviCe S ––––––a merican council of T he b lind (800) 424-8666 b lindness & visual services (866) 375-8264; (717) 787-7500 pennsylvania a ssociaT ion for T he b lind (717) 766-2020 –––––– FinAnCiAl Se RviCe S ––––––i lgenfritz Financial g roup York County’s #1 senior financial planning firm. Ask us about our taxreduction strategies. Call our office today for details. 1603 Rodney Road, York, pA 17408 ......................................... (717) 854-0900 ................................................. See our ad on this page. William Ilgenfritz, LUTCF, RFC 1603 Rodney Road, York, PA 17408 717.854.0900 York County’s #1 Senior Financial Planning Firm Ask us about our safe money strategies. Are your CDs paying low interest rates? Is your portfolio losing value? Would you like to have income for life? Is your Social Security being taxed? Protect what you have earned –Call today to learn how! Read 50 plus Life online!

Since 1895, we have provided traditional funerals, cremation services, pre-planning services, and celebrations of life to the local

beyond50 Resource Directory – York County 7
• Benefits • york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610 york counT y a ssis Tance o ffice (717) 771-1100 • e mergency • a merican red cross, york-adams chap Ter .................. (717) 845-2751; (800) 347-2751 communi T y progress council i nc. (717) 846-4600 pennsylvania d eparTmen T of h uman services (800) 692-7462 salvaT ion army (717) 848-2364 u ni Ted way – york (717) 843-0957; (800) 673-2529 york counT y a ssis Tance o ffice .......................................... (717) 771-1100 york counT y d eparTmen T of ve Terans (717) 771-9218 york counT y h uman services d eparTmen T ..................... (717) 771-9347 –––––– Fitne SS ––––––keys Tone sTaTe games (570) 760-0352 ymca of york and york counT y dover branch (717) 292-5622 hanover (717) 637-2125 souT hern branch (717) 235-0446 • eDucation/counseling • The family h ealT h council of cen Tral pennsylvania (717) 761-7380
e mergency fooD • a merican red cross, york-adams chap Ter (717) 845-2751; (800) 347-2751 communi T y progress council i nc. ................................. (717) 846-4600 n ew h ope m inis Tries – d illsburg (717) 432-3053 dover (717) 292-3441 our daily bread soup k i Tchen (717) 848-1674 york counT y h uman services d eparTmen T (717) 771-9347 • fooD Banks/pantries • caT holic harves T f ood panTry .......................................... (717) 846-8571 communi T y supplemen Tal senior f ood program (800) 733-6251 hanover (717) 632-9191 york (717) 846-4600 e mmanuel f ood panTry (717) 854-6567 greaTer hanover red cross f ood pan Try (717) 637-3768 harves T of b lessings (717) 808-4209 harves T of h ope f ood pan Try (717) 792-6070 Jewish family service – kosher food ................................ (717) 843-5011 m ason- d ixon communi T y services (717) 456-5559 our daily bread soup k i Tchen (717) 848-1674 salvaT ion army (717) 848-2364 souT hern york counT y pan Try (717) 235-6370 The well (717) 852-7345 windy h ill senior cen Ter (717) 225-0733 york b enevolenT a ssociaT ion (717) 854-2494 york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610 york counT y f ood bank (717) 846-6435 york counT y f ood panTry clearing h ouse (717) 846-8899 • fooD s tamps • pennsylvania d eparTmen T of h uman services (800) 692-7462 york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610 • m eals on Wheels • sep Tember h ouse ...................................................................... (717) 848-4417 whi Te rose senior cen Ter (717) 843-9704 york counT y area agency on aging –counT y services cen Ter ......................................................... (717) 771-9610 yorkTown senior cen Ter (717) 854-0693 –––––– Fune RAl Se RviCe S ––––––m usselman
Resource Directory
Funeral home
community. 324 hummel Avenue, lemoyne, pA 17043 ............................. (717) 763-7440 See our ad on page 5. theatres charm entertainment BIG CITY SMALL TOWN TWO HISTORIC 717-846-1111 APPELLCENTER.ORG
8 beyond50 Resource Directory – York County
–––––– gove Rnment ––––––• local • carroll Township (717) 432-4951 chanceford Township (717) 927-6401 codorus Township (717) 235-4634 conewago Township ............................................................ (717) 266-2122 dallas Town borough (717) 244-6626 d elTa borough (717) 456-6248 d illsburg borough (717) 432-9969 dover borough (717) 292-6530 dover Township ....................................................................... (717) 292-3634 e as T h opewell Township (717) 993-6529 e as T m anches Ter Township (717) 266-4279 e as T prospecT borough (717) 252-0177 fairview Township ................................................................... (717) 901-5200 fawn grove borough (717) 382-4153 fawn Township (717) 382-4834 felTon borough (717) 246-6493 franklin Township (717) 432-3773 franklinTown borough ....................................................... (717) 432-4047 glen rock borough (717) 235-3206 goldsboro borough (717) 938-3456 hallam borough (717) 755-0810 hanover borough (717) 637-3877 h eidelberg Township .............................................................. (717) 225-6606 h ellam Township (717) 434-1300 h opewell Township (717) 993-2027 Jackson Township (717) 225-5661 Jacobus borough ................................................................... (717) 428-1752 Jefferson borough (717) 229-0545 lewisberry borough (717) 938-3596 loganville borough (717) 428-3938 lower chanceford Township (717) 927-6401 lower windsor Township ..................................................... (717) 244-6813 m anches Ter borough (717) 266-1022 m anches Ter Township (717) 764-4646 m anheim Township (717) 229-2862 monaghan Township (717) 697-2132 mounT wolf borough ............................................................(717) 266-3211 AdvocAcy. Action. Answers on Aging. Chester County Area Agency on Aging 610.344.6350 Cumberland County Aging and Community Services 717.240.6110 Dauphin County Area Agency on Aging 717.780.6130 Lancaster County Office of Aging 717.299.7979 Lebanon County Area Agency on Aging 717.273.9262 York County Area Agency on Aging 717.771.9610 Responding to the Needs of Americans 60 and Over Responding to the Needs of Americans 60 and Over Contact your local agency for assistance Contact your local agency for assistance
Resource Directory

FRequentlY CalleD numbeR s

beyond50 Resource Directory – York County 9
n ew freedom borough (717) 235-2337 n ew salem borough .............................................................. (717) 739-6053 n ewberry Township (717) 938-6992 n orT h codorus Township (717) 225-4812 n orT h h opewell Township (717) 246-2398 n orT h york borough (717) 845-3976 paradise Township .................................................................. (717) 259-0385 peach boTTom Township (717) 456-5083 penn Township (717) 632-7366 r ailroad borough (717) 235-5042 red l ion borough .................................................................. (717) 244-3475 seven valleys borough (717) 814-1516 shrewsbury borough (717) 235-4371 shrewsbury Township (717) 235-3011 spring garden Township (717) 848-2858 spring grove borough ........................................................ (717) 225-5791 springe TT sbury Township (717) 757-3521 springfield Township (717) 428-1413 sT ewarT s Town borough (717) 993-2963 warringTon Township (717) 432-9082 washingTon Township ............................................................(717) 432-9814 wellsville borough (717) 432-3395 wes T m anches Ter Township (717) 792-3505 wes T m anheim Township (717) 632-0320 wes T york borough (717) 846-8889 windsor borough .................................................................. (717) 244-6615 windsor Township (717) 244-3512 win Ters Town borough (717) 825-6463 wrigh T sville borough (717) 252-2768 yoe borough ............................................................................ (717) 244-5904 york ci T y (717) 849-2221 york haven borough (717) 266-7261 york Township (717) 741-3861 yorkana borough (717) 755-6780 • county • d ivision of vi Tal records (724) 656-3100 regis Ter of wills (717) 771-9607 ve Terans affairs (717) 771-9218 york counT y area agency on aging .............................. (717) 771-9610 • s tate • legislaT ive reference bureau (717) 787-4223 penn doT ............................................... (800) 932-4600; (800) 228-0676 (T dd) pennsylvania d eparTmen T of aging (717) 783-1550 • f e Deral • naT ional passporT i nformaT ion cen Ter (877) 487-2778 U.S. State Department 24-hour automated appointment system. social securi T y adminis TraT ion (800) 772-1213; (800) 325-0778 (TT y) u s adminis TraT ion on aging (202) 401-4541 u s capi Tol (202) 224-3121 Senate and House of Representatives switchboard. u s ci T izenship and i mmigraT ion services (800) 375-5283 (800) 767-1833 (T dd) whi Te house commenT line (202) 456-1111; (202) 456-6213 (TT y)
Resource Directory
Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone: Name: Phone:
10 beyond50 Resource Directory – York County
–––––– he Alth Re SouRCe S ––––––als a ssociaT ion (lou gehrig’s d isease) (800) 782-4747 alzheimer’s a ssociaT ion of pennsylvania .......(717) 651-5020, ex T. 124 (800) 272-3900 a meri can a ssociaT ion of i nTellecTual and d evelopmen Tal d isabili T ies (aaidd) (202) 387-1968 a merican cancer socie T y (888) 227-2345 a merican d iabe Tes a ssociaT ion (800) 342-2383 a merican h earT a ssociaT ion capi Tol region d ivision (800) 242-8721 a merican lung a ssociaT ion .............................................. (800) 548-8252 apprise (717) 771-9008 The arc of T he u ni Ted sTaTes (800) 433-5255 The arc of york counT y (717) 846-6589 auT ism york (717) 801-1272 commission on accredi TaT ion of rehabili TaT ion facili T ies (carf i nTernaT ional) (888) 281-6531 d eaf & hard of h earing – luT heran social services (717) 854-3971; (888) 404-3500 e pilepsy f oundaT ion of wes Tern cen Tral pennsylvania (800) 336-0301 family f irs T h ealT h – hanover (717) 632-9052 lewisberry (717) 938-6695 york ......................................................................................... (717) 845-8617 i nTernaT ional re TT syndrome f oundaT ion (513) 874-3020 lupus f oundaT ion of pennsylvania (800) 800-5776 m en Tal h ealT h a merica (800) 969-6642 mulT iple sclerosis f oundaT ion (888) 673-6287 naT ional alliance on m en Tal i llness (nami) ................ (800) 950-6264 naT ional aTT en T ion d efici T d isorder a ssociaT ion (800) 939-1019 naT ional council on i ndependenT living (844) 778-7961 The naT ional down syndrome socie T y ........................... (800) 221-4602 pennsylvania Toure TTe syndrome alliance, i nc. (800) 990-3300 pennsylvania’s advocacy and resources for auT ism and i nTellecTual d isabili T ies........................... (717) 236-2374 souT h cen Tral york counT y senior cen Ter (717) 235-6060 spina b ifida a ssociaT ion (800) 621-3141 Tobacco cessaT ion e ducaT ion (717) 849-5463 ucp of souT h cen Tral pennsylvania, i nc. (717) 632-5552; (800) 333-3873 u ni Ted cerebral palsy (800) 872-5827 u ni Ted spinal a ssociaT ion (800) 404-2898
Resource Directory

–––––– home CARe / home he Alth Se RviCe S ––––––Medical and non-medical services to qualified individuals in their home or in another community-based setting. Pennsylvania requires that all home care agencies and registries be licensed.

beyond50 Resource Directory – York County 11
york/adams i nTellecTual d isabili T ies program (717) 771-9618 york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610 –––––– he AlthCARe ––––––apprise (717) 771-9008 d eparTmen T of h uman services (717) 771-1100 family f irs T h ealT h (717) 845-8617 m edicaid ................................................................................... (800) 537-8862 m edicare (800) 633-4227 m edicare e x Tra h elp (800) 772-1213; (800) 325-0778 (TT y) naT ional i ns T i TuTe on aging (800) 222-2225 n ew h ope m inis Tries – d illsburg (717) 432-3053 n ew h ope m inis Tries – dover ................................................ (717) 292-3441 pace/pacene T and pace plus m edicare programs (800) 225-7223 pennsylvania d evelopmen Tal d isabili T ies council (717) 787-6057; (717) 705-0819 (TT y) ve Terans h ealT h care b enefi T s (800) 409-8771 york/adams i nTellecTual d isabili T ies program (717) 771-9618 york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610 york counT y a ssis Tance o ffice .......................................... (717) 771-1100 york counT y communi T y progress council –gas & e lecTric (717) 846-4600
he ARing
RviCe S ––––––bureau of b lindness & visual services (800) 622-2842 (866) 830-7327 (TT y) cen Ter for i ndependenT living of cen Tral pennsylvania ............................................................................. (717) 731-1900 h earing loss a ssociaT ion of a merica (301) 657-2248 naT ional a ssociaT ion of T he d eaf (301) 587-1788; (301) 587-1789 (TT y) penn sylvania relay ........................................................................... d ial 711
Resource Directory
a h elping hand home care services, llc ........................ (717) 698-8258 addus h ealT h care (717) 843-7845 almos T h eavenly h ome care (717) 417-3025 aveanna h ealT hcare (717) 848-2303 com f orcare senior services (717) 718-9393 comforT keepers ......................................................................(717) 942-1055 compassionaTe h earT s h omecare (717) 757-2273 d edicaTed n ursing a ssociaTes, i nc. (717) 900-6000 e ncompass h ome h ealT h (717) 767-8772 f irs Tl igh T h ome care services ............................................ (717) 755-7400 geisinger h ome h ealT h (717) 650-2778 h earTland h ome h ealT h care (717) 840-9750 h ome h elpers (717) 244-9090 h ome i ns Tead senior care (717) 741-9999 homeland homeCare and homeland homehealth
of your
vartan Way, Suite 270, harrisburg, pA 17110 .............. (717) 857-7400 www. h omelandat h
our ad on
m axim h ealT hcare services ................................................. (717) 781-8655 m emorial whi Te rose h ome healT h (717) 843-5091 oss h ealT h aT h ome (717) 848-4800 patriot home Care Patriot Home Care provides waiver services. We will get you through the
process. We work with state insurance companies. Serving York County (717) 798-9008 See our ad on page 10. penn cares (717) 767-6300 preferred h ealT h sTaff (717) 432-2354 righ T aT h ome ............................................................................ (717) 757-7148 senior h elpers (717) 862-5176 spiri Trus T luT heran h ome care (717) 757-0774 visi T ing angels (717) 751-2488 visi T ing n urse a ssociaT ion of hanover & spring grove (717) 637-1227 wellspan vna h ome care ..................................................... (717) 812-4433 Like 50 plus Life on Facebook
Homeland’s expert team is dedicated to providing a continuum of at-home services … from non-medical personal assistance to skilled nursing, cardiac care, and rehabilitation in
home. 2300
page 12.

Resource Directory

Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, and high residentialenergy users to reduce energy costs.

illness no longer responds to cure-oriented

Providing a higher level of rehabilitation for recovery from an illness, injury, or surgery. Services include physical, occupational, and speech therapy.

12 beyond50 Resource Directory – York County
mpRovement S
–––––– home i
warmwise: audi T s & rebaTes (888) 460-4332 weaT herizaT ion programs (866) 466-3972 york counT y h ome i mprovemen T program (717) 771-9870 –––––– homele SS Se RviCe S ––––––york counT y h uman services d eparTmen T: h omeless a ssis Tance program referral (717) 755-1000 york counT y planning commission –con T inuum of care program .............................................(717) 771-9870 –––––– hoSpiCe Se RviCe S ––––––
a life-limiting
treatments. a seracare h ospice (717) 845-8599 compassionaTe care h ospice, i nc. (717) 747-0047 e ncompass h ospice ................................................................. (717) 767-8772 grane hospice (717) 757-1526 h earTland h ospice (717) 840-1002 h ospice & communi T y care (717) 885-0347 m emorial whi Te rose h ospice ............................................. (717) 843-5091 pappus h ouse (717) 893-5310 spiri Trus T luT heran h ospice (717) 757-0774 –––––– hoSpitAl S ––––––The breas T cen Ter aT upmc pinnacle m emorial (717) 849-5775
ncompass health
Provides comfort and support to patients and their families when
1850 n ormandie
.................................. (717) 767-6941 See our ad on
oss o rT hopaedic hospi Tal (717) 718-2000 upmc m emorial ouT paT ien T surgery cen Ter ................... (717) 849-5659 upmc pinnacle m emorial (717) 843-8623 wellspan pinnacle hanover (717) 316-3711 wellspan surgery & rehabili TaT ion h ospi Tal (717) 812-6100 wellspan york cancer cen Ter ............................................ (717) 741-8100 wellspan york hospi Tal (717) 851-2345 Compassion. Dignity. Trust. When your loved one needs help, join hands with Homeland. We are privileged to o er a continuum of care options and to be part of your caregiving team. For a tour, please call 717-221-7901. Volunteers are always welcome. Your Choice. Our Privilege. Save the Date! Sept. 30 2300 Vartan Way, Harrisburg 717-857-7400 1901 N 5th St., Harrisburg 717-221-7900
Drive, York, pA 17408
page 16.
beyond50 Resource Directory – York County 13
hotline S ––––––aarp .............................................................................................(888) 687-2277 alcoholics anonymous (717) 854-4617 alzheimer’s h elpline (800) 272-3900 a merican cancer socie T y i nformaT ion cen Ter (800) 227-2345 a merican d iabe Tes a ssociaT ion ........................................ (800) 342-2383 a merican h earT a ssociaT ion (800) 242-8721 a merican l iver f oundaT ion (800) 465-4837 a merican lung a ssociaT ion (800) 586-4872 a merican parkinson’s d isease a ssociaT ion (800) 223-2732 a merican sTroke a ssociaT ion (888) 478-7653 arT hri T is (800) 283-7800 a s T hma & allergy f oundaT ion of a merica (800) 727-8462 bureau of consumer proTecT ion (800) 441-2555 cdc naTional d isease conTrol & prevenTion hoTline ... (800) 232-4636 crohn’s & coli T is f oundaT ion of a merica, i nc. (800) 343-3637 e nvironmen Tal proTecT ion agency (800) 424-9346 e nvironmen Tal proTecT ion agency e mergency (800) 438-2474 f ood safe T y m eaT & poulTry h oTline ................................ (888) 674-6854 k idney f oundaT ion h elpline (800) 622-9010 long-Term l iving h elpline aging & d isabili T y resource cen Ter (866) 286-3636 m edicaid d eparTmen T of h uman services h elpline (800) 692-7462 m edicare ................................................................................... (800) 633-4227 naT ional cancer i ns T i TuTe (800) 422-6237 naT ional domes T ic violence (800) 799-7233 naT ional h eadache f oundaT ion (888) 643-5552 naT ional i ns T i TuTe on aging (800) 222-2225 naT ional parkinson’s f oundaT ion (800) 327-4545 n uclear regulaTory commission (800) 368-5642 n urse a id regis Try (800) 852-0518 n ursing h ome complain T s (800) 254-5164 o rgan donaT ion referral ................................................. (800) 528-2971 pace (800) 225-7223 penn doT (800) 932-4600 pennsylvania crime sToppers (877) 409-4321 pennsylvania d eparTmen T of aging e lder abuse h oTline ........................................................................... (800) 490-8505 r adon h oTline (800) 237-2366 recycling (800) 346-4242 social securi T y i nformaT ion (800) 772-1213 sTroke & n eurological i nformaT ion (800) 352-9424 Tobacco qui Tline ................................................................... (800) 784-8669 u s d eparTmen T of ve Terans affairs (800) 827-1000 u s producT s safe T y commission (800) 638-2772 welfare fraud (800) 932-0582 whi Te d eer run .......................................................................... (866) 769-6822 york counT y area agency on aging –counT y services cen Ter ............................. (717) 771-9610; (800) 632-9073 –––––– houSing ––––––• assistance • habi TaT for h umani T y (717) 854-6168 h omeowners e mergency morTgage a ssis Tance program (hemap) .................................................................. (800) 342-2397 h ousing d iscriminaT ion h oTline (800) 669-9777 h ousing o p T ions of york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610 pennsylvania housing search (877) 428-8844 souT h cen Tral communi T y acT ion program (717) 334-7634 souT hern communi T y services .......................................... (717) 235-8068 york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610 york counT y h ousing auT hori T y (717) 845-2601 york counT y progress council (717) 846-4600 Join us at the EXPO! Shopping • Seminars Entertainment Health & Wellness and more! Visit to Learn More!
Resource Directory ––––––
14 beyond50 Resource Directory – York County
• f inancial assistance • caT holic chari T ies .................................................................. (717) 845-2696 crime vicT ims compensaT ion program (800) 233-2330 d eparTmen T of h uman services (800) 692-7462 h omeowner & morTgage a ssis Tance (800) 342-2397 pennsylvania d eparTmen T of h ealT h ................................ (877) 724-3258 properT y Tax/ren T rebaTe program (888) 222-9190 salvaT ion army (717) 848-2364 souT hern communi T y services (717) 235-8068 ve Terans adminis TraT ion (800) 827-1000 york counT y a ssis Tance o ffice (717) 771-1100 york counT y h ousing auT hori T y (717) 845-2601 • rental assistance • caT holic chari T ies (717) 845-2696 communi T y progress council.......................................... (717) 846-4600 ren T rebaTe claims (800) 362-2050 salvaT ion army (717) 848-2364 souT h cen Tral communi T y acT ion program (717) 334-7634 u ni Ted way ................................................................................. (717) 843-0957 york counT y h ousing auT hori T y (717) 845-2601 york counT y h uman services d eparTmen T (717) 755-1000 –––––– houSing optionS ––––––• apartment-s tyle • Independent living
alwood aparTmen T s (717) 244-1030 alTman m anagemen T company (215) 884-0500 a merican h eri Tage properT y m anagemenT, llc .................................................................... (877) 931-7368 aparTmen T gallery aT cool creek (717) 921-1419 aparTmen T s aT waTerford (717) 840-9774 broad park m anor (717) 854-1415 cameloT arms .......................................................................... (717) 757-6638 cen Tral park Town h omes (717) 846-8278 clearview Terrace i & ii (717) 632-8081 cloverfield – k ings Ton h ouse (717) 764-5464; (717) 848-2927 cool creek m anor aparTmen T s (717) 252-2596 counT y squire aparTmen T s (717) 292-5865 | 717-848-4800 HIGH QUALITY ORTHOPAEDIC CARE Orthopaedic Services • Joint Replacements • Robotic Assisted Surgeries • Spine Care • Pain Management OWNED & OPERATED BY OSS HEALTH PHYSICIANS • Foot & Ankle • Orthopaedic Urgent Care • Physical Therapy
Resource Directory
in a residential area. Generally does not have programs designed specifically for residents.

york commons (717) 755-8521

york counT y h ousing auT hori T y (717) 845-2601

york h ills aparTmen T s (717) 845-4111

york Towne h ouse .................................................................. (717) 845-2857

york village (717) 632-5053

• life sharing/family living resi Dences •

Supportive living that allows individuals with intellectual disabilities to live with independence and dignity with the assistance of a caring and experienced staff.

m argare T e moul h ome (717) 767-6463

The york counT y cen Ter for i ndependenT living ......... (717) 849-0991

–– Reti Rement living (See Reti Rement living o ption S) ––

–––––– hum An Se RviCe S ––––––

• pennsylvania Waiver programs •

Waivers offer an array of services and benefits such as choice of qualified providers, due process, and health and safety assurances.

acT 150 (717) 787-8091

h ome- and community-based program for people with physical disabilities. To be eligible you must be able to choose and supervise your care worker(s), manage your own finances, and manage your own legal matters.

adulT auT ism waiver

(866) 539-7689 provides long-term services and support to the specific needs of adults age 21 or older with an autism spectrum disorder (asd).

aging waiver (Transi T ioned To communi T y h ealT h choices)

(888) 753-8827

a long-term living program that provides older pennsylvanians the help they need to live independently in their homes or community.

aids waiver

(800) 922-9384

f or individuals 21 years of age or older who have symptomatic hiv disease.

commcare waiver ................................................................ (877) 550-4227

f or individuals with traumatic brain injury (Tbi).

communi T y living waiver

(717) 787-1870 provides community participation support, education support services, assistive technology, benefits counseling, home accessibility adaptations, and more for individuals with autism and id of all ages, and individuals with dd ages 0-8.

consolidaTed waiver for i ndividuals wi T h i nTellecTual

d isabili T ies

(800) 692-7462

f or individuals with an intellectual disability. d esigned to help them live more independently by providing a variety of services that promote community living.

beyond50 Resource Directory – York County 15
dairyland aparTmen T s (717) 246-0145 d elphia h ouse (717) 843-1064 d illsburg h eigh T s aparTmen T s (717) 432-4457 doverTowne aparTmen T s ...................................................... (717) 292-7073 d uTch k i Tchen (717) 846-5281 e lm spring residence (717) 840-7676 The fairmon T (717) 774-5009 green m eadow aparTmen T s ................................................ (717) 432-2556 The greens aT wes TgaTe (717) 764-5999 greenspring aparTmen T s (717) 755-5700 h ighland m anor aparTmen T s (717) 993-6541 h udson park Towers — communi T y builders (717) 845-5682 l incoln ridge aparTmen T s (717) 792-0412 morgan communi T ies — The reserve aT copper chase (717) 792-0711 n ew freedom aparTmen T s (717) 227-9653 oakview m anor aparTmen T s (717) 630-2754 o pera h ouse i & ii ..................................................................... (717) 246-6688 park view aT Tyler run (717) 854-6909 poplar creek aparTmen T s (717) 266-3311 powder m ill m anor aparTmen T s (717) 741-3829 rolling h ills aparTmen T s ...................................................... (717) 792-3602 scharTner h ouse aT carroll village (717) 432-1670 senior residence aT hanover shoe –m anagemen T o ffice (717) 637-5444 sherman properT y m anagemen T (717) 699-2229 shrewsbury courT yards i (717) 235-9943 shrewsbury courT yards ii .....................................................(717) 227-4941 spiri Trus T luT heran – The village aT shrewsbury (717) 235-6895 spring h ollow aparTmen T s (717) 757-7807 springe TT s m anor aparTmen T s (717) 757-1565 springfield aparTmen T s ......................................................... (717) 764-1344 springwood overlook (717) 741-4225 sTonewood village Townhouse aparTmen T s (717) 767-6907 sTony brook gardens (717) 718-7777 sunse T ridge .............................................................................. (717) 764-3744 wes Tmins Ter place aT carroll village (717) 432-1670 wes Tmins Ter place aT sTewarT s Town (717) 993-3809 york aparTmen T s (717) 843-8944
Resource Directory

Resource Directory

i ndependence waiver (Transi T ioned To communi T y h ealT h choices) ........................................................................ (800) 692-7462 f or adults with severe disability. may help them live or remain in the community and live as independently as possible.

life (l iving independence f or The e lderly) program (844) 824-3655 a federal program that helps adults 55 and over meet their healthcare needs in the community.

n ursing h ome Transi T ion (nh T) program (800) 833-5196

The nhT was developed to assist and empower consumers who want to move from a nursing facility back to a home of their choice in the community. nh T provides the opportunity for individuals and their families or caregivers to be fully informed of all long-term service and support options.

obra waiver (877) 550-4227 covers services available for pennsylvania residents age 18–59 with severe developmental physical disability, helping them to remain as independent as possible.

o p T ions program (717) 299-7979

an array of community-based long-term care provided by the a rea agency on aging to help consumers function at optimal level while remaining in the most appropriate setting.

pennsylvania i ndependenT e nrollmenT broker ........... (877) 550-4227

a contracted statewide entity that facilitates and streamlines the eligibility/enrollment process for applicants seeking services.

person/family d irecTed supporT waiver (800) 692-7462

d esigned to help persons with developmental disabilities live more independently in their homes and communities and provides a variety of services that promote community living, including self-directed service models and traditional, agency-based service models.

16 beyond50 Resource Directory – York County
again. Find out why rehabilitation, like dancing, works best when you choose the right partner at ©2023:Encompass Health Corporation:1724601_3A 1850 Normandie Drive York, PA 17408 717.767.6941 thank you for utilizing the Resource Directory If you would like copies for your organization, please call: (717) 285-1350
Joe chose ENCOMPASS HEALTH, Francine dances

Resource Directory

–––––– i nFoR m Ation AnD Re Fe RRAl ––––––

–– i ntelle C tuAl Di SAbilitie S (See Di SAbilit Y Se Rvi Ce S) ––

–––––– legAl Se RviCe S ––––––

Patriot Home Care provides waiver services. We will get you through the entire process. We work with state insurance companies. Serving


oSS health o rthopaedic u rgent Care

Wait minutes, not hours. Let the caring orthopaedic experts at OSS Health fix your muscular and skeletal sprains, pops, twists, and breaks. 1855 powder m ill Road, York, pA 17402 ................................. (717) 848-4800

See our ad on page 14. Bringing

beyond50 Resource Directory – York County 17
linc h elpline................................................................................................. 211 souT h cen Tral communi T y acT ion program (717) 334-7634 york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610 york counT y h uman services d eparTmen T (717) 755-1000
i nsurance i nformaT ion h oTline (800) 318-2596 york counT y area agency on aging (apprise) ............ (717) 771-9008
–––––– i nSuRAnCe ––––––
m id penn legal services (717) 848-3605 pennsylvania bar a ssociaTes referral service (800) 692-7375 pennsylvania legal a id n e T work (800) 322-7572 proTecT ive services of york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610 seniorlaw h elpline (877) 727-7529 york counT y area agency on aging .............................. (717) 771-9610 york counT y bar a ssociaT ion (717) 854-8755 york counT y courT adminis TraT ion (717) 771-9234 york counT y d is TricT aTTorney (717) 771-9600 –––––– libRARie S ––––––arT hur h ufnagel public l ibrary – glen rock (717) 235-1127 collinsville communi T y library – brogue (717) 927-9014 d illsburg area library (717) 432-5613 dover area communi T y library ......................................... (717) 292-6814 glaTfelTer m emorial library – spring grove (717) 225-3220 guT hrie m emorial library – hanover’s public l ibrary (717) 632-5183 k alTreider- b enfer library – red l ion (717) 244-2032 kreuT z creek valley library – h ellam (717) 252-4080 m arT in m emorial library – york ....................................... (717) 846-5300 m ason- d ixon l ibrary – sTewarT s Town (717) 993-2404 paul smi T h library of souT hern york counT y –shrewsbury (717) 235-4313 red l and communi T y library – eTTers (717) 938-5599 salem square library (717) 650-2262 village l ibrary – Jacobus .................................................... (717) 428-1034
m e D iCAiD ––––––patriot home Care
York County (717) 798-9008
D iCAl e quipment & Supplie S ––––––apria h ealT hcare i nc. . (800) 277-4288 brockie pharmacies (717) 854-9028 dynamic h ealT hcare services ............................................ (717) 764-8300 family h ome m edical supply (717) 779-0900 l incare (717) 741-6682 m innich’s pharmacy (717) 848-2312 peak mobili T y (717) 428-1222 u ni Ted d isabili T ies services (uds) ........................................ (888) 837-4235 young’s m edical e quipmenT (717) 699-5511 –––––– m e D iCARe ––––––• counseling • The apprise h ealT h i nsurance counseling and a ssis Tance program (717) 771-9610 york counT y a ssis Tance o ffice .......................................... (717) 771-1100 –– m entAl h e Alth (See Di SAbilit Y Se Rvi Ce S) –––––––– oRthope D iCS ––––––
our ad on page 10. –––––– m e
employers and potential employees together!
JoBs717 Job Fair

Resource Directory

–––––– poliCe DepARtment S ––––––

In the event of an emergency, dial 911.

18 beyond50 Resource Directory – York County
carroll Township (717) 432-3317 codorus sTaTe park police ................................................... (717) 637-2816 fairview Township (717) 901-5267 hanover borough (717) 637-5575 h ellam Township (717) 434-1310 lower windsor Township (717) 244-8055 n ewberry Township (717) 938-2608 n orT h h opewell Township (717) 246-2398 n orT heas Tern region (717) 266-6195 n orT hern region (717) 292-3647 penn Township ...........................................................................(717) 637-8751 souT hern region (717) 235-3944 souT hwes Tern region ............................................ (717) 225-1333, exT. 100 spring garden Township (717) 843-0851 springe TT sbury Township ...................................................... (717) 757-3525 sT ewarT s Town borough (717) 993-5308 wes T m anches Ter Township (717) 792-9514 wes T m anheim Township (717) 632-7059 wes T york borough (717) 854-1975 wrigh T sville borough (717) 252-2500 york area region (717) 741-1259 york ci T y (717) 846-1234 –––––– poSt oFF iCe S ––––––brogue (717) 927-6506 codorus (717) 229-2493 craley (717) 244-6815 dallas Town (717) 244-2555 d elTa (717) 456-5512 d illsburg (717) 432-3035 dover (717) 292-7318 e as T prospecT ........................................................................... (717) 252-3814 e migsville (717) 764-8713 eTTers ........................................................................................... (717) 938-6137 fawn grove (717) 382-4365 felTon .......................................................................................... (717) 244-5520 franklinTown (717) 439-9833 glen rock (717) 235-1546 hanover (717) 637-5496 Jacobus (717) 428-1105 lewisberry .................................................................................. (717) 938-6690 loganville (717) 428-2293 m anches Ter – m anches Ter sTree T (717) 266-2466 m anches Ter – shady l ane (717) 764-5475 mounT wolf (717) 266-1418 n ew freedom ............................................................................ (717) 235-2100 n ew park (717) 382-4112 r ailroad (717) 235-4421 red l ion (717) 244-2525 seven valleys (717) 428-1607 shrewsbury ................................................................................ (717) 235-3012 spring grove (717) 225-3666 sT ewarT s Town (717) 993-6288 Thomasville................................................................................ (717) 792-1471 wellsville (717) 432-9823 windsor (717) 244-7411 wrigh T sville (717) 252-3411 york – carlisle road (717) 845-3791 york – concord road ........................................................... (717) 751-4612 york haven (717) 266-1517 york n ew salem (717) 792-0931 –––––– pRe SCRiptionS ––––––• assistance • b enefi T scheckup – naT ional council on aging (888) 268-6706 m edicare e x Tra h elp (800) 772-1213; (800) 325-0778 (TT y) pace/pacene T and pace plus m edicare programs ..... (800) 225-7223 parTnership for prescrip T ion a ssis Tance (888) 477-2669 salvaT ion army (717) 848-2364 souT hern communi T y services (717) 227-0048 u ni Ted way (717) 843-0957 ve Terans h ealT h care b enefi T s – lebanon va m edical cen Ter ....................................................................... (800) 409-8771 york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610 • referral services • free i nformaT ion and referral service Teleline (800) 673-2529

–––––– RetiRement living optionS ––––––

• assiste D living resi Dences •

providence place Senior living of Dover (York)

Our age-in-place community offers independent living, assisted living, and two levels of memory care close to home.

3377 Fox Run Road, Dover, pA 17315. ..................................... (717) 767-4500 ...................................

• Dementia care •

providence place Senior living of Dover (York)

Our age-in-place community offers independent living, assisted living, and two levels of memory care close to home.

3377 Fox Run Road, Dover, pA 17315. (717) 767-4500

–––––– RetiRement pl Anning ––––––

i lgenfritz Financial g roup York County’s #1 senior financial planning firm. Ask us about our taxreduction strategies. Call our office today for details.

1603 Rodney Road, York, pA 17408 ......................................... (717) 854-0900 .................................................

See our ad on page 6.

–––––– SenioR Cente RS ––––––

Great places to meet for social interaction and cultural and recreational activities. They are places to make new friends and maintain relationships with old friends.

patriot home Care

–––––– SenioR Se RviCe S ––––––

Patriot Home Care provides waiver services. We will get you through the entire process. We work with state insurance companies.

Serving York County ................................................................. (717) 798-9008 ..............................

See our ad on page 10.

pennsylvania link to Aging and Disability Services

A shared, statewide approach for long-term service and support for all populations — regardless of age, income, or ability — including all payers: federal, state, local, and private.

Serving York County ............................................................... (800) 753-8827

See our ad on page 4.

–––––– Se RviCe oRgAniz AtionS ––––––

A club of professional or businesspeople organized for their coordination of and participation in public service. l

–––––– SuppoRt gRoupS ––––––

A group of people whose members exchange, give, and receive both emotional and practical support, share ideas, and provide each other with information.

beyond50 Resource Directory – York County 19
Resource Directory
crispus aTT ucks a ssociaT ion ............................................... (717) 848-3610 d elTa area senior cen Ter, i nc. (717) 456-5753 d illsburg senior acT ivi T y cen Ter, i nc. (717) 432-2216 golden connecT ions communi T y cen Ter (717) 244-7229 golden visions senior communi T y cen Ter, i nc. (717) 633-5072 h eri Tage senior cen Ter, i nc. (717) 292-7471 n orT heas Tern senior communi T y cen Ter (717) 266-1400 red l and senior cen Ter, i nc. (717) 938-4649; (717) 938-4640 sep Tember h ouse senior cen Ter .......................................... (717) 848-4417 souT h cen Tral york counT y senior cen Ter, i nc. .......... (717) 235-6060 sT ewarT s Town senior cen Ter, i nc. (717) 993-3488 whi Te rose senior cen Ter, i nc. (717) 843-9704 windy h ill senior cen Ter, i nc. (717) 225-0733 york Town senior cen Ter, i nc. (717) 854-0693
clubs pennsylvania sTaTe
(717) 564-2586
alcoholics anonymous (717) 234-5390 alzheimer’s auTumn house wes T (717) 845-7214 counTry m eadows of leader h eigh T s .......................... (717) 741-5118 counTry m eadows of york (717) 764-1190 hanover hall (717) 637-8937 m anor care – york souT h (717) 741-0824 providence place of dover (717) 767-4500 res T haven of york ............................................................. (717) 843-9866 righ T aT h ome of greaTer york – hanover (717) 757-7148 spiri Trus T luT heran – The village aT kelly d rive (717) 848-2585 spiri Trus T luT heran – The village aT shrewsbury (877) 743-4677 sprenkle village skilled n ursing cen Ter (717) 767-5404 a mpuTee supporT Team ........................................................... (717) 944-2250 cancer socie T y ...................................................................... (800) 227-2345 caregiver – york counT y area agency on aging (717) 771-9610 cen Tral pennsylvania aTaxia supporT group (610) 996-5814 e pilepsy (800) 887-7165

i lgenfritz Financial g roup

York County’s #1 senior financial planning firm. Ask us about our taxreduction strategies. Call our office today for details. 1603 Rodney Road, York, pA 17408 .........................................

See our ad on page 6.


e ncompass health

Providing a higher level of rehabilitation for recovery from an illness, injury, or surgery. Services include physical, occupational, and speech therapy.

See our ad on page 16.

–––––– tRAnSpoRtAtion Se RviCe S ––––––

Support from a governmental unit or the general public. May be free, reduced fare, or donations depending on entity.

n ew h ope m inis Tries – d illsburg..........................................

–––––– vete RAnS Se RviCe S ––––––

pennsylvania link to Aging and Disability Services

A shared, statewide approach for long-term service and support for all populations — regardless of age, income, or ability — including all payers: federal, state, local, and private.

See our ad on page 4.

Funds are offered to income-eligible homeowners, especially low-income persons, the elderly, persons with disabilities, families with children, and high residentialenergy users to reduce energy costs.

(717) 432-3053 dover

r abbi T Transi T

souT hern communi T y services

sTaying connecTed (J ff) .......................................................

(717) 292-3441

(800) 632-9063

(717) 227-0048

(717) 843-5011 –– utilitie S (See e ne RgY ASS i S tAn Ce) ––

20 beyond50 Resource Directory – York County
f orsigh T vision (717) 848-1690 grief/crossroads for m en ................................ (717) 755-0089, ex T. 121 h earT failure ............................................................................. (717) 851-6000 menTal healTh a merica of york and adams counTies (717) 843-6973 nami (717) 848-3784 survivors of suicide loss supporT group (717) 650-6447 york lyme d isease supporT group (717) 741-2473
Resource Directory
aarp f oundaT ion Tax-a ide (717) 640-5006 counT y senior ci T izens council – ycaaa (717) 771-9610
–––––– tAX ASSi StAnCe ––––––
(717) 854-0900 .................................................
irs i nTernal revenue service (800) 829-1040 properT y Tax rebaTes f orms (800) 362-2050 vi Ta – volun Teer i ncome Tax a ssis Tance program (717) 854-2244; (888) 629-4095
the RApie S
1850 n ormandie Drive, York, pA 17408
adams counT y ve Terans affairs
337-9835 pennsylvania d eparTmen T of m ili Tary and ve Terans affairs (800) 547-2838
York County
ve Terans healT hcare benefi T s (800) 409-8771 ve Terans ouTreach cen Ter (866) 906-8387 york counT y d eparTmen T of ve Terans affairs (717) 771-9218 –– vi S ion (See eYe CARe Se Rvi Ce S) –––––––– voluntee R oppoRtunitie S ––––––u ni Ted way of york counT y (717) 843-0957 york counT y spca (717) 764-6109 york rescue m ission (717) 845-7662
We Athe Riz Ation pRogRA m S ––––––
T of ve Terans affairs .................................(800) 827-1000
weaT herizaT ion a ssis Tance program (717) 334-7634, ex T. 134; (800) 451-9869 warmwise: audi T s & rebaTes (866) 956-0308 york counT y weaT herizaT ion program (717) 771-9870 Shopping • Fashions Entertainment • Beauty and more! Spend Your Day at the Expo! Visit to Learn More!

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