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Resource Directory
i ndependence waiver (Transi T ioned To communi T y h ealT h choices) ........................................................................ (800) 692-7462 f or adults with severe disability. may help them live or remain in the community and live as independently as possible.
life (l iving independence f or The e lderly) program (844) 824-3655 a federal program that helps adults 55 and over meet their healthcare needs in the community.

n ursing h ome Transi T ion (nh T) program (800) 833-5196 obra waiver (877) 550-4227 covers services available for pennsylvania residents age 18–59 with severe developmental physical disability, helping them to remain as independent as possible. o p T ions program (717) 299-7979 an array of community-based long-term care provided by the a rea agency on aging to help consumers function at optimal level while remaining in the most appropriate setting. pennsylvania i ndependenT e nrollmenT broker ........... (877) 550-4227 a contracted statewide entity that facilitates and streamlines the eligibility/enrollment process for applicants seeking services. person/family d irecTed supporT waiver (800) 692-7462 d esigned to help persons with developmental disabilities live more independently in their homes and communities and provides a variety of services that promote community living, including self-directed service models and traditional, agency-based service models.
The nhT was developed to assist and empower consumers who want to move from a nursing facility back to a home of their choice in the community. nh T provides the opportunity for individuals and their families or caregivers to be fully informed of all long-term service and support options.