BRASIL T h e N o r d e st e b y t h e c oast
——————— a feature by ———————
S TA N I S L A S FA U T R É ——————
From Fortaleza to São Luis, in the heart of the Nordeste region, 1,000 kilometers of coastline adventures, driving a buggy. Welcome in the Lençóis maranhenses, a desert dune-studded by blue lakes. A godsend...
Len莽贸is maranhenses National Park. Lagoa da Gaivota.
Len莽贸is maranhenses National Park
Len莽贸is maranhenses National Park
Len莽贸is maranhenses National Park
Jericoara beach. Fishermen coming back from fishing on their Jangadas
Fisherman on the Rio Negro Sparrowhawk fishing on the Preguicas river
Fisherman and jangadas on the beach of Flexeiras
Port of Camocim
Fishermen at Tatajuba
Len莽贸is m Lagoa da G
Harbour o
maranhenses National Park. Gaivota.
of Camocim
Hair-dresser, city of Alcantara.
Beach near Fortaleza
Len莽贸is maranhenses National Park. Lagoa da Gaivota.
Jericoara beach
Jericoara beach
Harbour of Balsas in Parnaiba City
Harbour of Camocim
The market of Camocim
Orixas Art Hotel in Flexeiras
Casa Inglesa in Parnaiba
Alazans Villa
Church of Alcantara City
age in Petits Len莽贸is
Tutoia Village
Church of Alcantara City
City of S達o Louis
Alcantara City
Horseman in Polino Neves
Len莽贸is maranh
henses Nat. Pk.
Rio Alegre at Santa Amaro
In the dunes of Jericoara
The NoRdeSTe By The coAST
BRASIL ——————— a feature by ———————
S TA N I S L A S FA U T R É ——————