Week 1 Journal- Architecture as Discourse

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Air Studio Journal (In Progress)

Content (In Progress)

-Week 1 Introduction Previous Work My Favorite Architecture

In progress


I am On On Tam from Macau China--as known as the Asian Las Vegas. I am currently doing the Bachelor of Environments and major in architecture. It is my second year second semester I love what I am studying. Although I am neither good at any technic, I’m trying to have more improvements during the study in Melbourne. The major studios I have taken before is the virtual environments, architecture studio: water and a landscape studio: site tectonic. I knew primary skills of Rhino, Autocad and photoshop, etc. Th I do not know about this subject a lot before. As it always is the core subject, sometimes in campus I can see exhibition of previous students in showcases around the campus. The physical model is really amazed me and found it seems so cool. So my expectation to this studio is to design and finish a cool project.

Previous Work Virtual Environments

In progress

Previous Work Architecture Studio: Water

In progress

Previous Work Landscape Studio: Site Tectonic

In progress

My Favorite Architecture

Falling Water Frank Lloyd Wright, 1935, Mill Run, Pennsylvania The Falling Water is one of my favour residential building. I believe the Falling Water is a dream house to nature lovers. The surrounding environments are so amazing. Not only the house was built upon the water fall is spectacular, but also the landscape is changing by seasons. This masterpiece is an innovation to the modern architecture. Mr. Wright was challenging the way of people’s thinking at that time. The site he chose to built upon the fall was beyond many expectations. Moreover, Wright was passionate about Japanese Architecture. He noticed the important of nature and cared about people--the users of an architecture. “The Falling Water is one of the great critiques of the modern movement in architecture, and simultaneously one of its masterpieces.” Frank Lloyd Wright had great distribution to the organic architecture and the modern architecture. He also practiced architecture as an individual work of art and showed architecture as a discourse that dedicate the explication and advancement of architecture’s design process rationality.

My Favorite Architecture

Seattle Library Rem Koolhaas, New York

In my mind, library is always a serious and formal study place. Few stories height in grey concrete and with steel frame windows,etc. For example, the Bailieu Library in Melbourne Uni. But this Seattle Public Library is really marvellous and break the normal design idea of a library. Rem Koolhaas is a contemporary architect and urbanist. He created an interesting interior space inside which can see from the images aside. People can enjoy reading and observing the building at the same time. Indirectly cultivate people’s reading habbit. Even the form of the building is irregular and seems no rule on it, the functional area of the library is arranged in order and logical. New York city is one of the international financial center in the world. The Seattle Library is perfectly matched with the urban facade and is part of the functional part of the city. The Seattle Library is a contemporary innovation. More importantly, it shows architecture can engage with it as visual culture as discourse and architecture’s philosophical , social or professional realm.

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