Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages Issue 94 August 2022to find things locally Raising awareness of what’s on & where

32022AUGUST performances and pub garden parties. If you're looking for something a little more active, the Baldock Cycle Challenge is back on 18th September. There are 2 loops to choose from - 25 miles, 30 miles or tackle both loops for a total distance of 55miles! The decision is up to you so grab your friends and family and make it a team effort.This month Baldock's much loved personal trainer, Jacqui Lemon, is in the hot seat for out 5 Minutes piece. Get to know more about Jacqui and her work on page 29. Until next month
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Paul & Jacqui
Welcome to the August issue! After a cool start to the summer, July turned out to be an absolute scorcher! We hope you all managed to find a way to cool off in the heat and your gardens are looking slightly healthier than ours (RIP green grass). What a way to kick off the school holidays, lots of water fights and paddling pool parties all round! Our youngest officially left school, celebrating the end of an era with her school prom. All the year 11 students were dressed up to the nines and ready for a great night at Knebworth Barns. With prom out of the way our two girls headed off to Mallorca for a week in the sun. We were very jealous parents at the other end of the facetime calls. Hopefully you all get a chance to take a break this summer, whether that's jetting off abroad, taking a staycation or just having a few days off to relax in the sunshine here in Baldock. As we head into August results day is fast approaching for everyone who sat exams in the last few months. Lots hoping to land themselves a place at college, university and beyond. The big move to uni means one thing – big IKEA shopping sprees! Looking ahead to September and anticipation is already building for this year's Balstock festival. Set to be as popular as ever the town will be filled with live or 07973 788418


4 2022JULY

On Friday 15th July Weston Cricket Club celebrated the achievements of our youth players at the end of season awards evening. It's always a 'blink and you miss it' kind of season, but fortunately the weather has been kind with all but one fixture being played. The club has a thriving U8, U9 and U10 youth sec on, and as a small village we are certainly bucking a trend so much so that the we were able to enter two U10 teams into the local league giving everyone the opportunity to play at least one match per week, alongside our Sunday morning trainings. All players have made great progress this season with their bowling, ba ng and Even if cricket isn't your thing, Weston CC hosts a variety of social events through the year including our World Famous in Weston 'Prosecco Rounders' evenings. Our superb facility is also available for hire for events and par es.Forall enquiries please get in touch on Facebook (Weston Cricket Club) or by Henryphone:(Youth/Senior Cricket) – 07999 Steve725894(Social/Events) – 07810 560360
Jason Pelle - Club Welfare Officer & Youth Coach fielding and were well deserving of their par cipa on medals. Some special men ons go to our U10 award winners: Alfie Wick – Development Player of the ThomasSeason Hull – Bowler of the Season Albie Mason – Ba er of the Season Keanu Pelle – Spirit of Cricket Award Weston Senior XI are also having a superb season, currently si ng second in Division 7A of the Herts Premier League. New members are always very welcome and can get involved with nets and training on Thursday evenings (from 6pm) usually followed by a beverage in our quintessen al thatched pavilion.

‘NewSummer FabricCollectionsNowIn’ Weston Cricket Club News

Our House Championship also reached a drama c conclusion with the Red House edging out the other three teams in a close compe on. Every child in school is part of a house and have been working hard throughout the year to earn as many house points as they could to help their team. The Red Team got to celebrate by spending the a ernoon on the field playing any sport they wanted, ea ng ice lollies and dancing to music. It's been another wonderful year of sport at St Marys and we are all looking forward beginning another successful year in September.
Cllr Michael Weeks
St Marys Sports Day 2022 Campervan Weekly Hire Rates MAR, ARP, MAY JUN, JULY, AUG SEPT, OCT, NOV DEC, JAN, FEB Spring Summer Autumn Winter £885 £705 £705£550 Contact us for weekend rates and August, September & October Availability

The children loved the compe ve races in addi on to the sports sta on group carousel. We were so proud of the children for showing such team spirit; encouraging and celebra ng their achievements together. Our school values really shone through! A special men on to the Blue team who were the Champions of Sports Day for the first me in 10 years! Thank you to all parents who a ended as spectators and those who were a good sport by running in races with good humour. There was such a wonderful community atmosphere during the whole a ernoon and smiles all round!

We were so pleased to be able to invite parents to our Sports Day this year! I'm not sure who loved it more; the children, the staff or the parents!
The consulta on period for the Templars Planning Applica ons has now ended which means any further comments against or in support will not be accepted. Seems the Consulta on ended up with 70 odd objec ons and one support. The ma er will not know go before the Planning Commi ee un l December. I will try to get the actual date disseminated via this magazine. Whilst wri ng I would like to correct a statement made earlier that comments sent to NHDC would not give the persons name or address. This is not the case as these details are shown on against the comment on the Planning Portal. I apologise for the error on my part. I repeat though that details will not be shown on the final agenda papers which go before the Planning Commi ee.

Alex said, “What can I say, what a week! So proud of Hannah and I, one of the best championships ever!” Hannah added, “Really enjoyed playing with Alex! We have had the best me. I felt really comfortable throughout with my teammate!” Baldock Town club (Her ordshire) members Ma hew Eversden and Jack Blows were also celebra ng a first ever bronze medal for England with their coach Jonathan Sewell (also a Baldock Town member) in the senior men’s format a er notable victories in the knockout stage against Germany and Turkey, their progress only being stopped by World Champions Italy in the Semi Final, who also went on to prevail in the Final against Belgium.
Jack from Shefford, Bedfordshire said, “It was a great weekend, defea ng some very good countries. The team all performed well in fantas c surroundings. It will take some me for what we have achieved to sink in.” Ma hew from Baldock, Her ordshire added, “We were tested against the toughest opposi on, and came through with flying colours. English pétanque is on the map.”
History was made for England by Hannah Louise Griffin who plays for the Whitnash Windmill Club near Leamington Spa and Alex Spillet from the Meadow Club in Kent who took the podium alongside their coach Jeremy Huntley (who lives in Letchworth) for a silver medal in the inaugural CEP Women’s Doubles a er losing narrowly 9-13 in the Final against Monaco. On the way to the final, they chalked up impressive wins against Belgium, hosts Holland and Spain, all leading pétanque playing na ons.

English players and their coaches are celebra ng two superb results on Sunday at the European Pétanque Championships in 's-Hertogenbosch, Holland. Organised by the European Pétanque Confedera on (CEP), the championships were held in the town’s famous square, The Parade, from 13th to 17th July where 26 covered pétanque terrains were especially created for the occasion.Na ons competed from across Europe in Singles (Men and Women), Doubles (Men and Women) and Mixed Doubles. Thousands of spectators a ended, giving a real carnival atmosphere.
Thank you
Colin Roper, Pétanque England’s Head of Delega on at the Championships said, “These are undoubtedly the best results we have achieved at interna onal level in our sport. This is a very compe ve environment where we face big challenges over an intense few days. We’ve really hit new heights and I’m delighted for our players and coaches.” to all the people that have recommended me as their personal estate agent in Baldock. love working here and the town has always held a special place in my heart, it's just great!!
With 20 years experience selling homes locally

Historic double win for England at PEtanque Championships

Mind you, there's not a tremendous amount of feedback, so judging how much grip you've got at any given moment is not the easiest.
The Mazda 2 is the forgo en city car. While the likes of a Volkswagen Polo or SEAT Ibiza spring to mind when talking about small hatchbacks, it is easily overlooked.Butshould it be? The 2 was faceli ed not so long ago, plus Mazdas are generally underrated cars – and o en well equipped. I tested the top-of-the-range GT Sport Tech trim. Kit includes a 360-degree camera, adap ve LED headlights and front and rear parking sensors, plus a host of safety technology. This tech comprises rear cross-traffic alert, driver a en on alert and pre-crash safety with smart brake support.
The steering is light at lower speeds, but it firms up well when you gather pace.
The Stylish All-Rounder
There are two types of petrol engines –the SkyAc v-G and E-SkyAc v G – the la er includes mild-hybrid technology. Both are 1.5-litre four-cylinder units, but the amount of power (and whether you get a manual or automa c) depends on the trim you pick, ranging from 75PS in the SE-L up to 115PS in my test car. The Mazda 2 now comes in self-charging form, too, where it's available with three different trims, but I'm tes ng the mild hybrid. The 115PS engine isn't lightning quick, but it is no ceably punchier than the others in the range. For example, zero to 62mph takes 9.1-seconds, which should suffice if you're driving around town. The Japanese model doesn't have a vast amount of outright grunt if you're trying to overtake on a motorway. But then, as a city car, it's meant more for ring roads and stop-start traffic in town centres.
2022 Mazda 2

The model under review will do around mid-50s mpg, which is impressive, while CO2 emissions are limited to 113g/km of CO2. I managed almost 50mpg on my test route, which is s ll good for a petrol propelled car. Inside, the Mazda 2 is nicely laid out, but there isn't really much to talk about. There are some round air vents, an infotainment screen - and that's about it. Nevertheless, at least it looks pleasant, helped by lots of silver touches on the air vent surrounds, the steering wheel, and the middle of the centre console. Some trims, including my test car, get dual-coloured interiors, which look the part. And the infotainment system is a walk in the park thanks to a rotary dial on the centre console. You mainly expect to see this feature in premium cars like BMWs. It makes using the system a lot easier to operate on the move compared with rivals who insist you use the touchscreen.Therearea couple of cupholders in the front, and although door bins and a glove box are offered, they don't provide a great deal of space.
The engine under review here is only available with a manual gearbox. So, if you're driving around town a lot, the automa c transmission might make your life easier. But then you'll have to opt for the Sport trim or above. Plus, you'll have to make do with the non-mild hybrid powerSomewhatunits.surprisingly for a city car, the handling is reasonably good. Its firmer suspension set-up means the 2 doesn't lean much when taking a corner at speed. Furthermore, it is rela vely zippy on twisty B-roads.
1 12022AUGUST UNIT 12 BONDOR BUSINESS CENTRE, LONDON ROAD, BALDOCK. SG76HP Despite being well equipped in other areas, the Mazda 2 has no electric seats. But at least the driver's seat has manual height adjustment, so finding a comfortable driving posi on isn't much of a challenge. There is a surprising amount of headroom for a small car, too. The rear isn't as accommoda ng, and if you regularly need to ferry adults about in the back seats, you're be er off looking elsewhere. Most of the Mazda 2's compe tors have a more spacious rear, and it's only really suitable for a couple of children.Thelack of rear space doesn't translate into bigger boot space, which is disappoin ng. In fact, the Mazda 2 has one of the most pe te boots in its class, comfortably beaten by most of its rivals at 280-litres. But it does increase to 950-litres if you fold down the rear seats in a 60/40 split.Overall, the Mazda 2 is a nice li le car, but, despite the mid-life faceli , it's showing its advancing years. Challengers, such as the Ford Fiesta, SEAT Ibiza and Volkswagen Polo, all beat it for comfort and prac cality, especially when it comes to rear-seat space and boot capacity. Despite the drawbacks, it handles reasonably well, and the interior is nice. What's more, if you're regularly going to be the only occupant, then you may find the Mazda 2 more spacious than you might think. Mazda 2 1.5 115PS GT Sport Tech: Ÿ Max Speed: 124mph Ÿ 0-62 mph: 9.1 seconds Ÿ Combined mpg: 56.5mpg (WLTP) Ÿ Engine layout: 1496cc four-cylinder petrol (with mild hybrid technology) Ÿ Max Power: (PS): 115 Ÿ CO2: 113g/km Ÿ Price: £21,575 Fast Facts Advertising from £20 per Issue locallywherewherelocallywherelocally Baldock, Ashwell, Weston villages RaisingRaisingRaisingawarenessawarenesswhat’s&wherewhat’s&wherefindthingslocallyfindthingslocallyawarenesswhat’s&wherefindthingslocally Baldock, Ashwell, Weston surrounding villages to find things things& where&

1 2 2022AUGUST Local talent As you may be aware, I do love to read. I am a self-confessed devourer of the wri en word. My failing is that having had a go at most genres, I am now quite limited in what I read. I tried the roman c comedies; I tried the serious stuff and I've tried the fantasy stuff. Each of which had their merits, but I always managed to find fault somehow. Tolkien is indeed amazing, but I could never get along with all the names and what was where. The films were much more enjoyable, and I finally understood who was who and where in Middle Earth I was. The language in any of the classics is difficult because it's now so out of date, and while most are s ll an absolute delight, again I must confess to preferring the films. My love of reading was reignited on our first proper family holiday with Harry Po er. I picked up the third book at the airport and was instantly transformed into the most ina en ve mother the world has ever seen. For three days I was in Hogwarts. From that me to this I have lived part of my life in someone else's world, far from the madding crowd. My half world is now full of ghosts, demons, vampires, and zombies. Strangely enough, I do not prefer to watch these types of film. Whilst I do enjoy a good ghost film, I cannot deal with gore and visual horror. Let's face it, most of those types of films are blooming awful anyway. I recently read a book that I would not normally read. I found out that one of my colleagues had wri en a book and was intrigued. The author is a local lad, it was his first book and because I am nothing if not suppor ve of my colleagues, I thought I'd give it a go. I found it on Amazon and for the princely sum of £1.75 downloaded it to my kindle in an cipa on of being exported to another place. That didn't happen, the book was far too close to reality for my personal tastes. This doesn't mean it was bad, it wasn't, I do not pretend to be anywhere near capable of commen ng on its literary prowess but will say, it kept me turning the pages, which to me, is a sign of a good book. I found myself invested in the characters and hopeful for their futures. The Author is Paul Linggood, and the book is called Just a Small Town. It is based (to a degree) on his teenage life and the trials and tribula ons of growing up in a small town. I spent the days a er reading this wondering how many local authors, ar sts, and designers there are within a ten-mile radius of me. How many talented folks are quietly crea ng while holding down full- me jobs to support their families whilst dreaming of being able to throw themselves wholly into a world that they love. Let's take an author for instance, whilst I'm not a huge fan of Amazon, it has allowed the small guy to get their work published more easily. If I am buying a real book, I will always support a local book shop, but Amazon has the ability to bring millions of books to us. Quality is not their remit, quan ty is, but with such a selec on, unless we know they are there, we don't go looking, so cannot support local talent in a way we mightWouldn'tlike. it be nice if someone (locally) could design an app. One where you could put your postcode in and your heart's desire and it would bring up all the local talent that have enlisted, you could then go to their website and have a look at their offerings. How nice it would be to find that perfect piece of jewelry, pain ng or book and know that you have supported your neighbour to reach for the stars. Perhaps someone already has, if so, the editor needs to give them a li le free adver sing. Anyway, if you are a reader, please check out Paul's book. You can read the first chapters on Amazon, it will cost you nothing, but £1.75 is nothing compared to the support given to our local talent. Open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-4pm Saunders Close, Green Lane, Letchworth email allshedsandmore@yahoo.com01462 682414 ANY SIZE TIMBER BUILDING MADE TO ORDER Ÿ SHEDSSHEDS Ÿ SUMMER HOUSES Ÿ GARDEN OFFICES Ÿ WORKSHOPS Ÿ POTTING SHEDS Ÿ PLAYHOUSEPLAYHOUSE Ÿ LOG CABIN Ÿ RE-ROOFING Ÿ RE-FELTING Ÿ SHED BASES Ÿ FENCING Ÿ GATESGATES Ÿ TAKE DOWN & DISPOSE OF OLD SHEDS SHEDS Nicky ALLSHEDS & More talent talent

1 32022AUGUST Vehicle Accident Repair Specialists Ti: 01462 441 686 E: W: Ÿ All Types of UndertakenBodywork Ÿ PAS125 Accredited Ÿ Insurance Approved Bodyshop Ÿ Restoration Project Specialists Ÿ Resprays Ÿ Paintless Dent Removal Ÿ Smart Repairs Ÿ Wheel Refurbs Ÿ Collection & delivery Crash Care Centre Hitchin Ltd 07901602227/0176707759106803306179For all enquiries please contact us: Fencing Patios Driveways D TIMMS & SON BUILDING SERVICES

1 4 20221AUGUST 2022JULY

Harriet Kelshall Bespoke Jewellery Named Best in the Southeast

1 52022AUGUST
The best and brightest of the UK's jewellery industry came together to celebrate independent business at Retail Jeweller's stylish awards ceremony, with local business Harriet Kelsall Bespoke Jewellery named winners of the Southeast region. As one of only five winners, the bespoke jewellers were also commended for having “received the most votes of any other business on the en re list this year” which came as a surprise and incredible honour for Head of Design, Rebecca who received the trophy on the night alongside senior designer, Beth. Rebecca commented on the win, saying: “To have been recognised by the jewellery industry itself really highlights just how unique our offering is. We design jewellery specifically for our customers, capturing their story and crea ve something truly one-ofa-kind.”Thea ernoon was made all the more special as it was the first 'Inspiring Independents' event to have been held in person since 2019. The exclusive guest list brought together over 100 members of the jewellery and watch industry at the Pullman St Pancras. The highly decorated HK Bespoke will be adding this pres gious trophy to their ever-growing list of recogni ons, including 'Celebra ng Retail Excellence in the Face of Adversity 2020' Professional Jeweller's Power List 2021, Inspiring Independents 2021 and winner of Bespoke Jeweller of the Year at 2020's UK Jewellery Awards. Harriet Kelsall Bespoke is a team of over 40, recognised in the UK and across the world as a leader in bespoke jewellery design and held na onally as an inspira onal market-leading COPY DEADLINE for the 16thSEPTEMBERtheSEPTEMBERissueisissueisAUGUST16thAUGUST

1 6 2022AUGUST LAWN CUTTING HEDGE PATIOSLANDSCAPINGCUTTING ASHWELL WESTON HappyMarkBirthdayPEACH Lots of Love Joanie and Nathan xxx 2/8/2022 Have a wonderful day, lots of love Mummy, Daddy and Albie xxx Happy 7 Birthday to our lovely Peggy th Lots of love Ray, Gemma, Lee, Angel Jake, Kieran, Georgie &The Grandkids x Happy Birthday Janet Happy 16th Lots of love from Mum, Dad & Oliver xx B thday Mia! JAN CALVER BIRTHDAYCLUB 2ND AUGUST

BMX Stunt Show Joins Horses, Dogs and Birds of Prey A breathtaking BMX stunt display team is set to wow the crowds at this year's Ashwell Show, as it returns a er a two year absence. The much-loved Ashwell Show will take place on its usual August Bank Holiday Monday slot (August 29th) and the show is burs ng with ac vi es to help celebrate its 100 year history.Alongside the BMX stunt riders, the horse show will feature riders of a different kind displaying their own skill

1 72022AUGUST
Prices and Informa on Entry prices: adults £10, concessions and under 18s £5, under 5s free, family cket £25. Free parking. Advance ckets available at a 20% discount from . Gates are open 10am to 5pm. The Ashwell Show is run by volunteers, and over the last ten years, the Show has raised more than £100,000 for local clubs, socie es and organisa ons. Please come and support the show! and showcasing their beau ful horses. Ashwell's other firm favourite – the dog show – is sure to be great fun too, so bring down your pooch to see if he's got the waggiest tail or saddest eyes - enter the compe on on the day and join in the fun. For families, there's hours of fun, with even more free ac vi es than ever before, including: tractor rides, forest school, assault course, circus skills ring, exo c animals expert, face pain ng, children's cra tent, and archaeological dig. All for free! Those who have been to the Ashwell Show before will be pleased to see the event's tradi onal displays, including: the birds of prey demonstra on; hounds display; vintage cars; tractors; cra tent; cra demonstra ons; and shopping stands. When it comes to food, this year's show is set to have more choice than ever before, including yummy cakes served up by the Ashwell WI, fresh food choices with global cuisine, plus a prosecco bar and beer tent. Back! the show


Ashwell Show Returns with a Sterling Line-up for its 100 Year Celebra ons

Why are they called sawflies? The name comes from the saw-like egg-laying organ the females have to lay their eggs on gooseberries; they saw a socket into the leaf and insert the egg into it with apples; they saw a small flap into the forming embryo fruit and lay their eggs under it where the eggs hatch out. Although this appendage (ovipositor) looks a lot like a stinger, it is not, and they are of no cause for alarm to humans.Ihavediscovered that there are over five hundred different saw flies attacking and feeding on numerous plants across the country.
drops and dispose of them the same way.Gooseberry sawflies are a bit different in that they do not burrow into the fruits; in fact, they don't eat the fruit but do eat the leaves; the adults of the common gooseberry sawfly are a bit lighter in colour than the apple sawfly; they hatch into caterpillars that are about 15mm to 20mm long yellow to very light green with black spots and are a silk gloss. They are multi-legged, unlike many other caterpillars with sets of legs only at each end called loopers due to the action they use to move around, but that's for another time. The Gooseberry sawfly caterpillar has three pairs of true legs at the front and pairs of false legs on every other body section, called prolegs they are just sucker-like aids to movement.
The fewer pupa that survives to hatch out means fewer adults to lay eggs on your gooseberry bushes or Apples.
August 2022 For the last two issues, I've been writing about soft fruit, strawberries and raspberries, this time gooseberries and apples; why those two together, you may ask?Many customers have asked me why their gooseberry bushes have suddenly become naked? Not a leaf is left on them, but the fruit is still firmly attached to the bush. They claim that it happened overnight, it might appear that way, but it is probably over three or fourThenights.culprit is what ties gooseberries and apples together in this piece. Sawflies are the pest that devours the leaves, leaving gooseberry-covered skeletons and scarred apples or causing them to drop off altogether. Apples will initially show signs of sawfly by way of a brown corky scar; the larvae will burrow about under the skin and then disappear into the apple. The symptoms then become more disgusting; at the site of entry into the fruit, dark brown poo pellets will be pushed out; yes, will be inedible, so time picking them off in late June or early July will be well spent. each larva is capable of damaging up to four young fruits, so worth your while looking out for Adultthemapple sawflies are active from April to May, often seen flying around the open flowers; they are four to five millimetres long brown to black, looking a bit like a flying ant. Eggs are laid at the bottom of the open flowers; then, just after petal fall at the base of the flowers, the eggs hatch, and the larvae start feeding very soon after. At full size, they are 10mm long and are the typical looking maggot.
The adults are black, about 10mm long, with transparent wings. The larvae look just like small slugs; they are mostly found feeding on the lower side of the leaves but can be found on the tops of the leaves if in a shady area. The good news here is that they cause no longlasting damage, and if your roses are well kept and in good order, it won't be a problem; Rose leaf-roller sawflies hide and feed on the inside of a rolled-up leaf; the rose leaf will be rolled downwards not upwards.
The two types of fuse-horn sawflies are easier to see as they eat their way through your best roses, causing a lot of defoliationofcourse,now I've told you about them, I'm sure you will go out and look forIf,them.after reading this, you have now got a bit of an interest in these weird flies, I've found a great site with a survey page to log on totomechanismThisoffandanmine.hobby,sawflygarden.thesetheresurvey/,foundyoushouldbekeptbusyforyears.WhowouldeverhavethoughtallinterestingthingsareinyourFinally,ifyoudofindthatlookingforlarvaisgoingtobeyournewwhichstrangelyenoughisn'tBeawarethattheywillbekeepingeyeoutforanyonewithaclipboardpen;theywillplaydeadanddroptheirhostplantfallingtothefloor.actionisanaturaldefencetoavoidbeingeaten,sobestplaceasheetofpaperundertheplantcatchthembeforeyoustart.Goodhunting,
That's the horror stuff; now for the good news, well, for us, not them.
Baldock GardensBy Graham Tapp
1 92022AUGUST
Sawflies have many enemies predatory beetles, parasitic wasps, viruses and fungal diseases. The best way to help reduce them to manageable numbers is to expose the overwintering pupae that hide in your soil below the bush or tree. Open the soil so that winter frosts will kill them or birds will find them and eat them. Exposure is reasonably straightforward; just rake the soil over.
One of the sawflies you may have seen but not realised what it is is the rose slug sawfly. On your roses, you may often have seen layers of the leaves eaten off but not all the way through so that they are thin enough to see through; this is called window paining.
If you want to use a chemical cure, you must not spray while the flowers are still showing on the tree or trees near it due to the risk to pollinating insects and bees. In a garden scenario, I would suggest simply picking off the affected fruits and then putting them into your recycling bin, don't forget to pick up the Graham

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Brad Pitt stars as Ladybug, an unlucky assassin determined to do his job peacefully after one too many gigs have gone off the rails. Fate, how-ever, may have other plans, as Ladybug's latest mission puts him on a collision course with lethal adversaries from around the globe, all with connected, yet conflicting, objectives, on the world's fastest train. From David Leitch, the director of Deadpool 2. Stand-up comedy sensation Jo Koy stars as a man who returns home to his supportive yet demanding family for an Easter celebration. What ensues is a lot of bickering, yelling, eating, drinking, laughing, and loving. Along with some other, potentially dangerous activities to boot.This is a personal, outlandish love letter to Koy's Filipino-American community. Atrippy, terrifying sci-fi Western from the creator of Get Out and Us. After random objects falling from the sky result in the death of their father, ranch-owning siblings OJ and Emerald Haywood attempt to capture video evidence of an unidentified flying object with the help of tech salesmanAngel Torres and documentarianAntlers Holst. However, the aliens don't seem to take to kindly to that idea.
BULLET TRAIN EASTER SUNDAY NOPE Out 3rd August Out 5th August Out 15th July Screen this months new releases Certificate RunningTime15 126mins CertificateRunningTimePG115mins Certificate RunningTime15 130 mins August‘From2021 we are shutting the doors in Mansfield Road and will be working from 16 Hurst Close, Baldock SG7 Appointments6TLonly’ Please 07938509672callformoredetailsandtobook ‘For all yourrepairsalterations,and 1:1 sewing classes pleasetophone/textbook Please 16 Hurst Close Baldock, SG76TL16 Hurst Close Baldock, SG76TL16 Baldock, Recently widowed Dr. Nate Daniels and his two teenage daughters travel to a SouthAfrican game reserve managed by Martin Battles, an old family friend and wildlife biologist. However, what begins as a journey of healing soon turns into a fearsome fight for survival when a massive rogue lion, a survivor of bloodthirsty poachers, begins stalking them, through the Savannah Beast Out 24th August Certificate RunningTime15 93 mins 2 12022AUGUST

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2 2 2022AUGUST All Boiler Maintenance, Serving & Repairs I

Osteopathic care is based on the individual needs of the pa ent and so varies depending on your age and fitness levels. They use a wide range of gentle hands-on techniques that focus on releasing tension, stretching muscles and mobilising joints together with exercise advice designed to relieve pain and aid your recovery, You do not need to consult your GP before you visit an Osteopath, although you may like to do so.

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Your Health at Work. Are You Fit for Work? Sunday

2 32022AUGUST

Osteopathic prac ce is a safe and effec ve form of preven on, diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of health issues. Osteopaths see people of all ages from babies to the elderly and everyone in between, including pregnant women and elite athletes. The Amber Health Team 01462 490141 18 September 2022 your
Musculoskeletal condi ons (problems with the muscles, bones, joints and associated ssues) are a major contribu ng factor to workplace absenteeism. The Office for Na onal Sta s cs reports that 30.8 million working days are lost in the UK, each year due to musculoskeletal issues such as back, neck and upper limb pain. Habitual poor posture can contribute to daily aches and discomfort in the workplace (and at home). Whether you work at a desk or have a manual occupa on, your job may expose you to stresses and strains that can cause you pain.Common musculoskeletal condi ons such as scia ca, carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow can be a result of poor Theseposture.simple ps can keep you healthy at work and avoid unnecessary strain on your muscles andFrequentjoints: short breaks away from the computer may help avoid back, neck and eye strain Ensuring that your chair and computer display are adjusted so that the top of the screen is at eye level which may be more comfortable for your upper body and neck Always keep any item you are li ing close to your body. Bend your knees and make your legs do the work. Never li and twist at the same me. When driving make sure you are posi oned comfortably and take breaks at least once every two hours.
25 miles, 30 miles or 55 miles You choose
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2 4 2022AUGUST
North Herts Council seeks views on future waste and recycling servicesNorthHerts Council is invi ng responses on the future of waste and recycling collec ons as it seeks to balance residents' needs with the environmental impacts of services. The council has opened an online survey which asks residents to share their current habits and seek their thoughts on poten al future service changes. It also seeks to understand residents' views on how best the district can minimise waste in the fight to tackle climate change locally. The responses will be used to design the service for procurement next year ahead of the council's contract ending in MayCllr2025.AmyAllen, Execu ve Member for Recycling and Waste Management, said: “The views of our residents are crucial in helping us shape the best services possible – for our communi es, and for our planet. “We know how important our waste, recycling and street cleansing services are to people, which is why we want to understand what's working now and what could be improved for the future. I look forward to hearing everyone's views in the coming weeks.” The survey can be found online at h p:// and is open un l midnight on Monday 22 August 2022.

Baldock Town Youth U12s season 22/23 are looking for players of all abili es.TeamKnights play in the Mid Herts div 1 and are looking for similar talented players to enhance the team with ambi on to progress within the league. Team Templar are in the Mid Herts div 5 and are looking for players and a GK. Team Crusaders play in the Royston Crow div 2 and are looking for addi onal players to create a new development team.Training is Tuesday 6.15pm to 7.30pm star ng 2nd August at Knights Templar Sports Centre, matches are on Sundays. If you are interested or know someone who is please contact Jason Kitchener by jason.kitchener@essenemailing

Next season brings new challenges as the boys move to playing 9-aside, including the offside rule! Mums and dads, get those salt and pepper pots out...!
2 52022AUGUST
Jason Pelle - Head Coach 07960 134623

U10 Knights Most Improved Player of the Season – Alex Supporter'sPugh Player of the Season –Oscar Manager'sRobbinsPlayer of the Season –Olly Brewster
A highlight of the season must be the win at Wa on Youth FC's 5-aside Tournament with our Knights bringing home the Trophy a er a nail bi ng period of extra me and excrucia ng penalty shootout, with coach's son Richie, slo ng home the winning pen – cool as a cucumber!
Baldock Town Youth FC U10 s‘ PLAYERS REQUIRED

U10 Crusaders Most Improved Player of the Season – Oakley Supporter'sKayPlayer of the Season –Thomas Manager'sHullPlayer – Alex Cumins
Baldock Town Youth FC U10s recently celebrated their season's achievements at our awards evening at Avenue Park. With over 40 children now registered across our three teams it was a busy evening in the sunshine with plenty of trophies, awards, fish and chips and speeches! All the boys have made fantas c progress this season and special men ons go to our award winners: U10 Templars Most Improved Player of the Season –Toby Supporter'sRobertsonPlayer of the Season –Ethan Manager'sMakumbePlayer – Albie Mason
2 6 2022AUGUST E. W. M. 07884 430741 Bouncy Castle Hire 07860 950 957

2 72022AUGUST
Baldock Rotary Club has welcomed its new President for the 2022-2023 year.

On the membership front President Michael said how pleased he was with the club's new members and they will be excellent members of the club as we go forward. He also men oned how pleased he was with the progress of the prospec ve Satellite Club which has a racted some very enthusias c new members.
Thirty-seven Rotary members, wives, partners and guests a ended a hand-over dinner at Letchworth Golf Club. Unfortunately, outgoing President, Michael Muir was unable to a end to hand over the reins to incoming President Thom Odd due to covid. A er an excellent meal Rotarian Keith Bri er on behalf of President Michael Muir read a handover speech which reviewed ac vi es undertaken over the last twelve months which included the long-standing tradi on of suppor ng the town's Christmas lights and taking Father Christmas and the sleigh around the streets of Baldock and surrounding villages, organising Open Gardens and establishing the second Rotary Wood in grounds adjacent to the Equestrian Centre. He went on to say that on the fundraising front the Christmas sleigh street collec on and Open Gardens had generated significant funds from which charitable dona ons have been made. He also thanked Carol Bri er for her reless work organising raffles throughout the year which had raised overDona£1,500. onsduring the past year have been made to interna onal chari es including ShelterBox and Seedball to Kenya. Closer to home dona ons were made to Garden House Hospice, Herts & Essex Air Ambulance. con nued support of Lend with Care and many local charitable causes.
Past President Paul Redwood, on behalf of outgoing President Michael Muir then handed the Presiden al regalia over to new President Thom who outlined his hopes and vision for the club in the coming year by saying that we will con nue to do the things we do well and we will introduce new ventures and ac vi es to improve the appeal of the club in an effort to a ract new members, which remains one of our biggest challenges. President Thom then welcomed Keith Bri er as Vice President for the next year. Paul Redwood presented a Paul Harris fellowship award, which is Rotary's award for service within the club and community, to Rotarian Tony Raffel for his excellent work during the year as Almoner, Equality and Diversity chair. Rotarian - Paul Lucke
Baldock Rotary Welcomes New President 01462892041 Advertising from £20 per Issue t’s on & where find things locally Weston and surrounding tototoRaisingRaisingawarenessawarenesswhat’s&wherewhat’s&wherefindthingslocallyfindthingslocallyRaisingawarenesswhat’s&wherefindthingslocally Baldock, Ashwell, and surrounding villages find things locally locallywherewherewhere

2 8 2022AUGUST 07572 532618 Your Local ImprovementHomeSpecialists QUOTE REF: DOORSTEP *T&CAPPLY For most people their home is the biggest investment they will ever make and the things they keep in it are their most prized Aspossessions.yourlocalbroker our role is to select the policy most suited to your individual needs. Ensuring peace of mind for our customers is at the heart of what we do. To make sure your most treasured possessions are properly covered contact the Emperor of insurance ‘WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT* your existing home insurance renewal quote in the SG postcode.’ In July we had 40 degrees, Was too hot to sleep with ease. My neighbours wife, slept naked at night, in their garden under the trees! There'll soon be cause to complain when heat is replaced by the rain. Then don't you know, possibly snow, and then it'll be Christmas again! Baldock Bard! Summer Heat! Baldock’s favourite for 30 years We're back 6.30 sellers, 7 am buyers See you there!

I've now been a Trainer since 2017. In April I opened my own private studio in Baldock. I want to help as many people as I can feel comfortable about where they're at in their fitness journey andexcitedaboutwherethey'regoing.Iunderstandhowtoughit canbetofitfamily,career,friendsandyourownhealthintolife.
I'mamumtotwoboys,DanielandHarrison.A erIhadmyboysI felt really unfit and I struggled to lose the weight that I'd gained.
*HowdoIgetintouchwithyou? You can contact me at or call/message me on 07540776714. You can also have a look at my Instagram @jacquilemon_pt or my facebook pageJacquiLemonPT.Iofferafreefirstsessiontoallowpoten alclientstogetafeel forhowIworkandwhetherit'ssuitableforthemornot. from MARSH

My clients can always contact me on WhatsApp for advice or withanyques onstheymayhave.
2 92022AUGUST

5 minutes with... ... Jacqui Lemon
The session will start with a brief warm-up followed by some mobility work. We then move onto the strength workout. This willbeindividualtoeachclientdependingontheirgoalsandlevel of fitness. The sessions are quite flexible. If my client has a sleepless night because of a li le one or they're working around an injury, we'll tweak the session to keep it effec ve and safe.
Someclientsjustcomeforaworkoutwhilstothershaveatraining programtofollow,again,thisisindividualtotheclientsgoals.
My journey back to fitness led me to become a personal trainer.
Myclientscomefromallwalksoflife.Ihavecompanydirectors, re red teachers and everything in between. I'm proud of how many people I've helped go from thinking they're weak or somehow unable to train to confidently li ing weights and discovering what they're capable of. Becoming fi er, stronger and healthier will transform your life in more ways than you thinkpossible.
Some people are happy to follow their own programme in their own me and place. For those who lack the mo va on or don't know what they're doing, a Personal Trainer can be the answer.

The support, advice and encouragement comes with safe exercisetechniquetohelpyouavoidinjuries.Ieducatemyclients onhowtheycantrainatalevelsuitabletothem.
*Doyouputyourclientsonadietormealplan? No. With my clients, I prefer to look at their current diet and make tweaks there. I find that most of my clients can benefit from including more protein and veggies in their diet. If the goal is Fat Loss then we look at por on sizes and snacking. Finding a rou ne to fit into the individual's circumstances and controlling the snacks can be all that's needed rather than an extremedietoverhaul.
3 0 2022AUGUST 07572 532618

Photo Laurence Browne My name is Vanessa Robson and I am going to be restar ng the 3rd Baldock Guide Unit in September. With the advent of the pandemic and the consequen al loss of leaders in Girlguiding Baldock District, the Guide unit had to close. I was previously an adult leader in Lancashire for 10 years and was disappointed in the closure and decided to volunteer to re-open the unit. If your daughter is 10 years or older, and is interested in con nuing or star ng with Girlguiding, and wishes to try out more independent, interes ng ac vi es then I would love to hear from you. Please see details below to get in-touch. I plan to hold the mee ngs at Guide HQ on Mee ng House Lane, Baldock, Tuesday's 6:30 -8pm. Term me only. My details 3rdbaldockguides@mail.comare: or tel 07947673250Ilookforward to hearing from you. Best wishes - Vanessa Robson

That me is nearing again when the quaint li le town of Baldock erupts into one of Her ordshire’s noisiest events in the aid of charity.
3 12022AUGUST
WHAT CHARITY? You may cry... well 5 different local causes actually: Feed Up Warm Up, Keech Hospice Care (Baldock Branch), Stand-by-me Children's Bereavement Support , Merry Go Round Under Fives and The Lister Area Kidney Pa ents Associa on - (LAKPA). The Balstock commi ee are currently pulling their collec ve hairs out sor ng 3 days of music and arts, due September the 9th, 10th and 11th over 12 venues hos ng around 200 odd acts including Rock Music, Acous c acts, House, Reggae, Cel c, Metal, Ska, Soul, Punk, RnB, Experimental and even Burlesque/Cabaret and Drag!

The BIG ques on is “Will Balstock be on the High Street this year???” The answer at the me of wri ng this press release is …yeah??? We’re pushing ahead with organising the Elaine LaRoche Stage as well as food vendors, family entertainment and funfair. We just need to secure a few finer points with the council and will announce on our Facebook group as soon as we have the go-ahead. So please do join us, empty your loose change into the shakers, buy raffle ckets (1st prize a custom guitarcourtesy of Ric Gordon Guitars), raise your pints, your knees and your spirits and help us make Balstock 2022 the event of the century that doesn’t include coughing! & The Balstock Commi ee


3 2 2022AUGUST Ithascometothattimeof theyear,whenweseehowour childrenhaveflourishedand arenowreadyforthenext stepintheiradventureandthe manychapterstheyareyetto writeintheirlives. Thechildrenhavebeen amazingadventurersandwe haveseenthemplay,learnand growtobecome: Ÿ RespectfulRobins Ÿ AdventurousAnts Ÿ CreativeChameleons Ÿ CaringCaterpillars Ÿ CommunityCats Ÿ InquisitiveIguanas Ÿ FriendlyFrogs! Wearesoproudofeverything theyhaveachievedthisyear andwishthemeverysuccessin their Behindfuture.thescenes,weare preparingforournew adventureinSeptemberwhere wewelcomemanynewfamilies. Ifyoustillhaven'tgota nurseryplaceforyourchild (bornbetweenSeptember 2018toAugust2019)tostart inSeptember2022then pleasegetintouchon01462 892172. Gyt oeods b a WeWsy ta on Nursery 07957 544054 07957 544054 Did you know we can deliver your leaflets inside this magazine 07973 788418 info@onourdoorstepbaldock Prices from £35 per 1000 Contact us now

2. Carefully thread the chicken pieces on to the bamboo skewers. The meat should cover the skewer to prevent it getting burnt when grilling. Cover the tip of the skewer too. To make the brushing oil, put the oil, sugar and coconut milk into a small bowl and mix
3 32022AUGUST 100 Norton Road, Stotfold SG5 4PG 01462 730169 Building Supplies Ltd MJ Ryall SUMMER’S COMING! Time to finish those projects Your CalorlocalStockistGas Logs 4 stalks of lemongrass (use bottom half only) 1kg boneless chicken thighs, cut into10cm-long strips 3 tbsp ground turmeric 0.5 tbsp ground cumin 2 tsp ne sea salt 3 tbsp white sugar 30 wooden satay skewers, For the brushing oil: 100ml vegetable oil 1 tbsp white sugar 50ml coconut milk 1 stalk lemongrass, bruised For the garnish: 1 red onion, cut into thick slices 1 cucumber, cut into wedges

4. When the chicken is cooked through, and is brown and slightly charred, garnish with the onion and cucumber and serve with a peanut sauce
Chicken Satay Skewers

3.well.Satay is best when cooked on a barbecue or a charcoal grill; alternatively you can use a griddle pan. Place the chicken skewers on the barbecue or grill and use the bruised lemongrass to coat them with the oil mixture and keep the moisture in. Turn the skewers to make sure the chicken is cooked evenly.
1. Blitz the lemongrass with a dash of water until smooth, using a food processor or hand blender. Transfer to a bowl and add the chicken, turmeric, cumin, salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Mix thoroughly, then leave to marinate for at least 2 hours, and preferably overnight in the refrigerator.

Chris Squires Sarojini Ellis Simon HoltumChristine Davies Body and Soul meeting

3 4 2022AUGUST August GalleryPlease send your local snaps new or old to our facebook page or Elsie picking strawberries at Graveley Fruit Farm. Elsie loved it especially eating Melaniethem!x

3 52022AUGUST Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice Samaritans Councils North Hertfordshire District Doctors Baldock Surgery Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery Emergency Utilities Gas ElectricEmergencypowercut Hospitals Lister QueenHospitalElizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH Library Baldock Library Police Police Schools Knights BrandlesStStStHartseldTemplarJohnsMarysInfantsMarysJuniors Travel Arriva NationalBusesRail Enquires National Bus line Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round Peanuts Preschool Play Groups Magic MerryMomentsGoRound Plumbers PEMabenJames Window & Door repairs JML Windows Repairs Warrens Windows Travel Agent Amenity Holidays Ltd Locksmith Lock and Glaze Mobile Hair Dresser Hair By Jacqui Funeral Directors Shires - CPJ Field Baldock 03444 111444 0300 300 8136 116 080008000176301462014621234740008924583138691119997838838 01438 314333 01707 328111 111 01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892156 01462 892189 01707 354000 08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608 07709 618434 01462 896322 Useful numbers 07949 120911 07816 586777 07452 832840 01462 338676 07973 788418 01462 491149 01438 906300 01462 261401 01462 892172 01462 896322 07736 124327 01462 895579 0300 123 4049