Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally
Issue 90 April 2022
th The 37 tival es F k c o Bald e m m a r Prog Inside
Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages
Welcome Welcome to our 90th issue! Did anyone else feel like that week of sun was a bit of a dream? How lovely was it to have a few days of sunshine as early as March. In true British fashion there were lots of shoulders out and BBQs on - any excuse! Quite a contrast to the wild winds we had in February, hopefully lots more sun to come. Easter is just around the corner, the first quarter of this year has flown by! I hope you are all looking forward to some time off over the bank holiday weekend. The schools break up for the Easter holidays in a couple of weeks, whatever the two weeks has in store for you, we hope you and your family have a lovely time. This month's issue features the much anticipated Baldock Festival program for the first time. In its 37th year this is the first time the program has not been self published and we are honoured to be sharing it with you. The festival kicks off on 29th April and is jam packed with events and special occasions including, you've guessed it, the Baldock Beer Festival! The Big Lunch returns to the High Street on 5th of June, this year is an extra special Jubilee edition! Of course we must mention the wider world. With the all eyes on the conflict in Ukraine I'm sure you will join us as we send our thoughts to the brave people of Ukraine.
The news is certainly hard to digest at the moment however there are plenty of ways, big and small, for us all to help. Unfortunately there is no gallery page in this months issue, we simply ran out of space, but we're looking forward to bringing it back in the May issue with some lovely spring pictures! We are pleased to announce that Slimming World Baldock has a new consultant, the lovely Kirsty Brown, who tells us a little bit about herself on page 53 and the Slimming World recipe returns this month. Enjoy your Easter
Paul & Jacqui
info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk or 07973 788418
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1st Baldock Beavers This term 1st Baldock beavers have been very busy comple ng a huge range of ac vi es and enjoying some outdoor fun when the weather allowed. As the nights in January were both cold and wet we spent our me indoors comple ng our Emergency Aid and Safety badges. We all now know how to treat minor injuries and how to stay safe when we are out and about. On a very clear but dark night we made an expedi on out to Quickswood where we spent me looking at the night sky and iden fying some stars and planets as part of our Space badge. We have also completed 2 local li er picks as part of our World Challenge badge. Both Tuesday and Wednesday beavers organised an hour of li er picking in and around our own Scout
Hut. We managed to collect 6 bin liners full of general rubbish, mostly food wrappers, bo les, paper and surprisingly quite a bit of polystyrene. It was quite an eye opener to all our young people how much rubbish is dropped on the streets, rather than taken home or disposed of properly. One of our highlights this term has been a visit to Chesfield Downs Golf Club where we received some expert tui on and enjoyed learning how to hit a golf ball at their driving range. Lastly let's not forget the pancakes. It was lovely to be able to help the beavers make their own pancakes, choose their favourite toppings and then watch them enthusias cally eat all their hard work! Coming up we have some fun ac vi es planned now the nights are drawing out and we look forward to spending more me outdoors, hopefully making camp fires, toas ng marshmallows and visi ng some more exci ng places… A big thank you to all our leaders and our many young leaders who enjoy scou ng in Baldock. We couldn't do all that we do without you.
If anyone is interested in volunteering, even on a part me basis please contact the below email: Jacqui Wakefield gsl@1stbaldockscouts.co.uk or visit our website www.1stbaldockscouts.cp.uk.
Friends of Baldock Green Spaces Bu erfly species in the Baldock area... Your help is needed! We intend to discover exactly how many bu erfly species are in Baldock Town, Weston Hills wood, Clothall Common Heath and Ivel Springs. We have got a great mix of habitat. We speculate maybe up to 28! We are beginning today. So any reports please let us know via our Facebook page h ps://www.facebook.com/fobgs Please advise if you see new species throughout the year. And if you can get a photo please send it to us!
Baldock Town Twinning Bonjour and Guten Tag, Baldock! It has been a busy year so far for Baldock Town Twinning and it looks to con nue that way. We have a number of events planned in 2022 and hope that you will enjoy them with us. First up is our Easter Egg Hunt in collabora on with Leysbrook Estate Agents and Baldock Events Forum- a fun ac vity for all the family! For £3 you receive an answer sheet with a crossword and map, then look around Baldock to find all the eggs and fill in your crossword. As a reward, you will receive two Creme Eggs and, if you find the hidden word in the crossword, you will be entered into a prize draw for a hamper from Leysbrook. You can buy your sheet online from 1st April at h ps:// nyurl.com/b aeeh or pick one up from Café Luna from 9th April. Once you are finished, return your completed sheet to Café Luna or email it to us at baldocktowntwinning@gmail.com before midnight on 17th April. On 7th May, our popular Murder Mystery Evening returns as part of Baldock Fes val. The play begins at 7.30pm and ckets will be available for £20 through Baldock Fes val to include an evening of
entertainment, a hot dinner plus dessert. A reasonably priced bar will be open on the night. Will you be able to guess whodunit? Most importantly, our exchange visits will recommence a er a two-year break. In August, our members will spend a long weekend in Sanvignes-Les-Mines and in September we welcome our friends from Eisenberg to Baldock. Abigail Hucker, Hon. Secretary, Baldock Town Twinning Associa on
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Designed To Be Dynamic
The G70 embodies Genesis' commitment to Europe through its body style, coupled with an expression of the athle c elegance demonstrated in all the luxury marque's vehicles. The saloon is sexy, has room for five-up and delivers power in spades. Yes, this is a motor that will sort you out on your commute and the school run (if you have kids). But it's also a car you can hoon around bends on your own all day long. The interior demonstrates an authen c blend of comfort, sophis ca on, and state-of-the-art technologies. It is clear that quality materials have been used, and, along with an excep onal finish, a fighter jet cockpit appearance emerges. Award-winning technology and classleading safety come as standard for the G70. Furthermore, with a dedicated Genesis Personal Assistant as well as home delivery and collec on, you'll be guided through the en re buying and ownership experience. Like all Genesis models, there is a firm focus on driver engagement and entertainment. Yet, the G70 is also for fied with the versa lity and func onality that allows it to meet the
varied needs of motorists with ac ve lifestyles. Thump is derived from a couple of commendable four-pot units. You can have a 2.0-litre turbo petrol or a diesel with 2.2 litres of turbo-powered get-upand-go. I got behind the wheel of the dieseldriven version. See, new, heavy oil propelled motors aren't dead yet (at least un l 2030 in the UK!). The powerplant makes cruising a breeze, and, with bags of torque, you get the feeling the car could pull a tree out of the earth (or something comparable, if you get my dri ). But it is no agricultural sounding diesel – this is a refined saloon car. The eightspeed automa c gearbox changes as effortlessly and slickly as peanut bu er spreads on warm toast. And, on a straight sec on of blacktop with your shoe buried into the shag pile (almost) carpe ng, you'll find 62mph is accomplished in just 7.4 seconds. But, as touched on earlier in this piece, this Genesis G70 also makes light work of corners. And the incisive steering generates confidence about what's going
on between rubber and tarmac. Developed with the Genesis brand's trademark a en on to detail, passion, and excitement, the all-new G70 also packs the same technological features and luxurious character as its brother the G70 Shoo ng Brake. In summary, if you're thinking about a new car and picture a German compact execu ve saloon, then think again and check out Genesis. The South Korean G70 is a worthy compe tor and should be on your shopping list, alongside the likes of Mercedes-Benz's C-Class, Audi's A4 and BMW's 3 Series.
Fast Facts Genesis G70 2.2D Sport Line Auto as tested: Ÿ Max Speed: 143 mph Ÿ 0-62 mph: 7.4 seconds Ÿ Combined mpg: 41.8 Ÿ Engine layout: 2,199cc four-cylinder turbo diesel Ÿ Max Power: (PS): 200 Ÿ CO2: 171 g/km Ÿ Price: £40,480
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What is Acupuncture & How Does it Work? You may not know that there are several forms of Acupuncture - Tradi onal Chinese, Western Medical, Japanese, Korean, and Indian. Tradi onal Chinese and Western Medical Acupuncture are the most common types prac sed here in the UK, with over 4 million people in the UK having treatments each year. The treatment involves the inser on of sterile, fine hair-like, needles into the body in order to produce a therapeu c benefit to the person being treated. Different tradi ons have different views on how Acupuncture works. In Chinese acupuncture, it is believed that pain is caused by an invisible "life force" called "Qi" (pronounced chee) not being able to flow smoothly through the body or not moving in a harmonious way. Acupuncture is believed to unblock and harmonise the flow of Qi as it makes its way through a network of meridians. Western Medical dispenses with most of these tradi onal views and instead uses
western anatomy and science to explain how Acupuncture works and how to treat pa ents using this method. For example, a point may be chosen for needling because, it is located in the muscle of a tendon that is painful, because it is innervated by the same segment of the spinal cord, or because research studies have shown a point to be beneficial for the condi on being treated. There is already a lot of science to explain how Acupuncture works e.g.it has been shown to ac vate one of the body's own natural pain killing systems, called the "endogenous opioid system", both in the ssues being needled, but also throughout the body. Scien sts have even observed beneficial changes in the structure of the brain a er a course of Acupuncture. Acupuncture is not something to be scared of. The treatment has a long history of beneficial use and is considered safe when prac sed by well-trained individuals, like the Acupuncturists here at Amber Health. The Amber Team - 01462 490141
Happy 6th Birthday
Bea blumenau 20th April 20th
Lots of love Granny, Granpa & Ruby Tuesday x Happy 2nd Birthday
Jake Howell
We l o ve you to the moon and back, l o ve Mummy, Daddy and Henry xx
Irene Hoy
Lots of love on yo b thday A pril 1st, La a & Violet x
Happy Birthday
Victoria Mead
Love mum dad and Joshua XX
Megan Castlerd Happy 23
Birthday th
25 April
Lots of Love Mum & Paddy Daddy xxx 12
As we look in horror at the hardship faced by the people of Ukraine, it is important that we do not forget the needs of the people in our own towns and villages as they face rising costs for food and fuel. The Baldock Futures Fund is here for you and your family, talk to us about your situa on and we will do our best to support you. Our experience has been that with a bit of help people become more posi ve about their future, and knowing that people care is
powerful to help them go from strength to strength. The Baldock Futures Fund could also help those from Ukraine who come to our town to seek refuge. Baldock and District Ac on Aid has been set up to support refugees from Ukraine. They are working closely with the Ukraine community in Her ordshire as well us residents who want to offer their homes to refugees. The Baldock Futures Fund is no
stranger to suppor ng people seeking refuge in Baldock. We have supported women and their children coming from London fleeing from domes c violence, during the pandemic. We have a reputa on for responding to those in need quickly and efficiently. We will work closely with the other fund - raising groups in the town, especially the Rotary club who will match whatever we raise to support Ukrainian refugees. We also con nue to work in partnership with the Stephen Boddey Fund to help local people as well as refugees start up their own businesses, if they wish or have been forced to take a new direc on in life. Please contact either the Vivienne Reed (Hon Chair ) Baldock Futures Fund – Baldockcs0@gmail.com contact 07815308124 or apply online www.baldockfuturesfund.co.uk. Anthony Bidder(Founder) Stephen Boddey Stup Up Fund sbsf@adelphifund.co.uk For Baldock and District Ac on Aid contact Facebook groups baldockanddistrictac onaid or email Baldockcs0@gmail.com .
Karen Perry 'Custom Fit Supportive Orthotics’ Home Visits or Baldock Surgery
March jewellery clinics at the Baldock Community Centre are 6th & 20th April from 11am -2 pm
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STOP PRESS ... If you are reading this before 3pm on sat april 2nd there is s ll me … Letchworth Rugby First team started the season hoping for a top six finish in the highly compe ve league that is LONDON 2 having suffered a torrid me over the past three seasons and finishing just above the relega on zone . With a new coaching team led by Bedford star prop BAZ Basra there were expecta ons of be er mes this year and indeed these have been met and surpassed by both squad and their coaches. Things did not start to well with a disappoin ng performance against Ealing side Old Priorians and a 20 point loss but since then the team have improved exponen ally especially since the middle of November their last defeat away to Old Streetonians at Hackney Marshes which produced no less than 13 tries 7 of them to Letchworth but Streets kicker won them the game! From then to now Legends have gone 12 games unbeaten producing 423 points for and only124 against . In that period they have beaten all the other teams in the league bar OPs including previously
unbeaten HAC in a pulsa ng ba le at Legends Lane 8/7 …. This was the same HAC ratche ng an average of 45 points against all opposi on who acknowledged they had been in a real contest that February a ernoon. Most impressive is the improvement of game management for a side who play an a rac ve brand of running rugby deligh ng the home support but can also mix it with the ten man game when required. Skipper Liam Fi s has always led from the front and also had the honour of helping Hitchin Boys Under 15s win the Na onal School's cup at Twickenham with his coaching skills along with fellow Legends old boy Chris Bajak. The side have used a small squad of players from old warhorses Adam Amos and Sco Quarmby to young colts captain Josh Stra on who do ed down for a try on his second senior appearance. From the front row of Oscar Robinson , Rambo Hughes and Conor Turner , right through to full back Chris Gibbs via four Johals in the backs the players have combined to produce the founda ons to go from strength to strength next year as they have already been promoted a er
Photo Laurence Browne
the match at Ruislip. But now one elephant in the room awaits before Legends can claim second place and also an unbeaten home record at fortress Legends Lane and that is of course Old Priorians , so o en party poopers , at home on April 2 nd kick off Three o clock! There then remains the celebratory annual dinner on April 8 th with lions legend John Bentley and a Herts Cup final on Saturday April 30 th . So as stated at the start of this ar cle …… If you are reading this before three o’clock on April 2 nd come up to Legends Lane (rear of the Leisure Centre) and cheer the lads on in their final league match of the 21/2 Season
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The 37 Baldock Festival Programme of Events th
Friday 29th April - Sunday 22nd May
Message from the Chair A er a couple of very difficult years, it is a pleasure to be able to welcome you all back to the Baldock Fes val. 2022 now sees the 37th Baldock Fes val in its 39-year history and we’ve got a great line-up of events from so many of the groups, businesses, and organisa ons around the town! So many events that we’ve expanded the fes val to THREE weeks this year, star ng with the incredibly popular Baldock Beer Fes val on the 29th April! We see the return of some of the town’s favourite Fes val events, such as the Gin, Wine, and Whisky tas ngs, the Bingo Night, Fes val Fun Quiz and the Classic Car Show. The Street Fair returns on Saturday 14th and, as usual, will have tons of entertainment, food, drink, and so much more going on!
We also have the Ecofest on the High Street, joining the Fes val on Saturday 7th, alongside the Book Fair and Baldock Bake-Off in the Community Centre! Tickets go on sale Saturday 9th April at Baldock Community Centre, so make sure to get yours asap before they all go! Finally, I must thank every one of the brilliant hard-working commi ee members and volunteers who give up their me for free to organise, run, and dy up the Baldock Fes val. I, and I’m sure that you, will all join me, in par cularly thanking Bob and Liz Eversden, Maureen Maddren, and Sue Cass who, a er founding the Baldock Fes val 39 years ago, are, a er this year’s Fes val, passing on the torch to their fellow commi ee members and will finally be able to sit back and relax every May from now on! Enjoy our wonderful fes val! Alistair Willoughby, Chair
Tickets on Sale from 9th April 2022 Tickets and entry forms will be available from Saturday 9th April at Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock Tel 01462 894109 The Community Centre’s opening hours are: Saturdays: 9.00am - 12.00pm Sundays: Closed Wednesdays: 9.00am - 9.00pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 9am -12.30 & 3.30 - 9pm
See page BF for ma 28 po venue f s
Keep an eye on the website for the latest information: www.baldockfestival.org
And It’s Back We can't tell you how happy we are, to be able to say a er a two-year Covid break 'The Independent Baldock Beer Fes val' is back! What started as a group of friends being challenged to put on an event in 2007 as part of the Baldock Fes val, has grown year on year. We know we have achieved that thanks to the support from local people and businesses. We are really proud of the community event we all love that has raised significant sums of money for our community. Given the success, we set up the Independent Baldock Charitable Trust in 2016, and to date we have donated in excess of £85,000 within the local community. However, this year we are going to have to change our format. To successfully run the event takes a lot of planning and a significant financial outlay. Infla on and the current difficul es in sourcing materials means that this year our costs have risen to around £75,000, (yes, our jaws dropped too!), which we have to spend before the event opens and we pour our first drink. The budget covers the mul ple marquees, extra 'Balstock' stage, generators, heaters, insurance, toilets, musicians, security, and a rather large amount of money spent on ale, cra beer, con nental beer, lager, cider, red wine, pink wine, white wine, gin, so drinks and food!
We have had two years where we haven't been able to raise funds and bring up the reserve to meet price increases. Therefore, this year in order that we can cover the costs, we are going to charge a £5 entry fee for adults. In return you will get a wristband that will cover your entry for the whole weekend. Children under 18 will remain free, they too will receive a wristband but will need to be accompanied by an adult to be allowed admi ance. The commi ee have debated long and hard about charging, but we feel we cannot operate the event without an entry fee. As this event is staffed en rely by volunteers, anyone who volunteers over the weekend will receive free entry and can nominate local chari es or ournominated charity of the year The Bri sh Red Cross, given the current situa on in Ukraine. We will be opening on Friday 29 April at 5pm up to 11pm and then the usual 12 noon to 11pm on Saturday 30 April and 12 noon up to 10pm on Sunday 1 May. The usual format of drinking, a range of food and music (over 30 bands and ar sts across the two stages) will be on offer all weekend, with children's ac vi es added 12 – 6 on the Saturday and Sunday on the top field (bouncy castles, face pain ng, miniature train. For 2022 we will be going 100% contactless with card readers at the
entrance and behind the bars. So, no need to go to any cashpoints before you come. This year we will have 80 cask real ales, 30+ con nental style & cra keg beers and over 30 ciders, with a good range of hot and cold food, so drinks and entertainment including an amazing line up of bands and ar sts across the whole weekend. We need to say a couple of Thankyou's this year especially to Woodforde's brewery who are suppor ng us with some free beer, alongside Mildstone Brewery and Pinkster's Gin. Finally, we are proudly working with Odell's Skip hire to try to recycle 100% of the waste at the event. All food containers and items from vendors are going to be 100% compostable and can go in the compost bins. Please help us to recycle by placing your rubbish in the correct clearly marked bins at the event. So if you can please come down to Brandles School, Weston Way, Baldock, have a drink and help support this great charity event, or volunteer and don't worry about the weather as we have large marquees with heaters!
Multi-Day Events Experience Foods of the World Friday 29 April to Sunday 22 May The Engine, Sta on Road, SG7 5BS. All day. Throughout Baldock Fes val, the Engine will be hos ng a wide range of nights where you can experience different foods from around the World. Ÿ 29th April - 1st May - Italian (Penne pasta with chicken and mushroom in a cream sauce) Ÿ 3rd - 5th May - Spanish (Paella) Ÿ 6th - 8th May - German (Braurst) Ÿ 10th - 12th May - Thai (Thai curry) Ÿ 13th - 15th May - Mexican (Loaded Nachos) Ÿ 17th - 19th May - Belgian (MoulesFrites) Ÿ 20th - 22nd May - Portuguese (PeriPeri Wings) Food is served from 12 noon to 8pm Mon-Sat and 12 noon to 6pm Sun. FREE entry: This is a non- cketed event but all dishes will be £6 and they can upgrade to get any draught pint included for the price of £10. Fes val Scarecrow Compe on Friday 29 April to Saturday 14 May Baldock Town and surrounds. All day New for this year, the Fes val Scarecrow Compe on should ensure some fun sights around the town and surrounding area with great prizes for both the best adult and best child entry. Your Scarecrow needs to be in view from the road, either on the front of your property or rear if that is be er from the road, or through a window. To enter, you must collect a form from Baldock Community Centre - cost of two pounds per entry and return it with a photograph of your Scarecrow(s) by Friday the 13th of May (or before). Judging will take place during the following week, with the Fes val Commi ee picking the top five in each category. The winner will be chosen by public vote on Street Fair day on Saturday 14th May, from a display of all your photographs on the Fes val Commi ee Stand. Entry forms: £2 per scarecrow, from Baldock Community Centre. New Horizons Tex le Group Open Wednesdays and Saturdays un l Saturday 14 May Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR. 11.00am - 3.00pm Members of this group are exhibi ng contemporary tex le work on the theme of 'Home' in the first floor
Gallery of the Arts & Heritage Centre. Tea/coffee is available. FREE event. Baldock Museum - Baldock in 1881 Open Wednesdays and Saturdays un l Wednesday 11 May Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR. 11.00am 3.00pm Baldock in 1881, a display based on newspaper ar cles, the trade directory and the census showing the life of the late-Victorian town in all its aspects: the breweries and mal ngs, pubs and shops, churches and schools, entertainments and events and much more. FREE event. Baldock Museum - Royal Jubilee Open Saturdays and Wednesdays from 14 May Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR. 11.00am 3.00pm Royal Jubillee, this new display to celebrate the Pla num Jubilee looks back at Baldock's extensive celebra ons to mark the Queen's corona on in June 1953, amongst which, the Soap-Box Derby even a racted na onal interest. The display also shows how the town came together to celebrate earlier royal events, such as Victoria's jubilees, in great style. FREE event. S ll Life and Linocuts Open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 18 May. Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR. 11.00am - 3.00pm Tilly and Nick Wonham are jointly exhibi ng in this new exhibi on which opens on Wednesday 18 May and can be seen un l 27 August. Tilly's work is abstract s ll life and landscapes with a strong sense of pa ern and decora on, while Nick is a printmaker mainly producing linocuts in limited edi ons. This is a good opportunity to be among the first to view this exci ng new exhibi on. FREE event.
Before The Festival Faith and Climate: A talk by Chris an Aid on the effects of climate change - Tuesday 26 April 7.30pm, St. Mary's Church, Hitchin Street, SG7 5AE. Phil Evens, local representa ve for Chris an Aid, will be speaking about the work of this humanitarian charity and how his Chris an faith has influenced the decisions that he makes in this area. There will be locally-sourced refreshments and stalls celebra ng products that do their best to reduce the
impact of climate change. FREE event (dona ons welcome for Chris an Aid Climate Ac on). Baldock Country Market Friday 29 April, 9.00am - 11.30am The Victoria, Sun Street, SG7 6QA. Baldock Country Market where we make it ourselves, grow it ourselves or bake it ourselves will be back at the Victoria Public House in Sun Street on Fridays. We look forward to seeing you all at 9.00am. Don't forget we also have free range eggs and apple juice and lots of fresh vegetables as well as many cra ed items. The coffee bar will be open serving teas and coffees including la es and cappuccinos. FREE entry.
Friday 29 April Baldock Beer Fes val Brandles School, Weston Way, SG7 6EY. 5.00pm - 11.00pm (see also Saturday 30th April and Sunday 1st May) This year's 13th Baldock Independent Beer Fes val will bring live music on Friday evening from 5pm, all day Saturday and 12noon un l close at 10pm on Sunday. Over 80 local and na onal real ales, 40 ciders and a large selec on of con nental draught beers and lagers. There will be a separate prosecco, wine and Pinkster Gin bar and a wide range of hot, cold, vegetarian and barbecued food with plenty of sweets, so drinks, ice cream and free ac vi es, including fun games and challenges to entertain the children during Saturday and Sunday. Any surplus made during this event is donated back to local causes, for more informa on, including band and beer lists, see the website baldockbeerfes val.org or Baldock Beer Fes val Facebook page. Contact info@baldockbeerfes val.org Adult weekend cket: £5 payable on entry. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all mes. No under 18s a er 8pm. Hen and Chickens Live Music: Open Mic Night The Hen and Chickens, South Road, SG7 6BZ. 7.30pm Come and join us at The Hen and Chickens for the last Friday of the month Open Mic Night on Friday 29th April and Friday 27th May. For more details keep an eye on our Facebook Page: facebook.com/TalithaTalle FREE entry BF7
Saturday 30 April Cocktail Masterclass Chez Burton, High Street, SG7 6BJ. All day Chez Burton brings an opportunity to learn how to make three of their fantas c cocktails with the top mixologist Richard! During your session you will be provided with everything you need to recreate some of Chez Burton's infamous cocktails, you will also be entertained with some fun and games along the way, and small plates and nibbles. All of this is included in the cket price! Sessions must be pre-booked with Chez Burton. Make sure to book your's early as spaces are very limited! There will also be an opportunity to preorder cocktail kits to take home with you! Contact: contact@chezburton.com or visit their website: chezburton.com Tickets: £50: from Chez Burton. Fire Sta on Open Day Baldock Fire Sta on, Weston Way, SG7 6EY. All day At the me of going to press we cannot confirm whether this great community event will go ahead because of the emergency services restric ons due to Covid guidelines. However please check out the Baldock Fes val website and our Baldock Fes val Facebook page for updates. FREE event. Baldock Beer Fes val Brandles School, Weston Way, SG7 6EY. 12.00pm - 11.00pm See Friday 29th April for more details. Adult weekend cket £5: payable on entry. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all mes. No under 18s a er 8pm. Band Night at the White Lion The White Lion, High Street, SG7 6BJ. 8.00pm - 10.30pm We're the pride of Baldock and we like aparty, so we always have plenty of events and live music planned for you to enjoy. The band on will be Bad Rabbit, a four-piece Rock group, who will be playing your favourite tunes from Foo Fighters, Muse, The Police, Arc c Monkeys and many more. FREE entry.
Sunday 1 May Clothall Common - 2000 years of history Meet on Wallington Road by the Clothall Common sign, SG7 6RS. 10.45am for 11.00am start (See also Monday 2nd May and Sunday 8th May) Local historian Jane Havercro will take you on a stroll around Clothall Common to discover 2000 years of its history from the Romans to the present day. This gentle walk, with frequent stops, will last about 1.5 hours. Tickets: £5, from Baldock Community Centre and must be purchased before the event and are limited to 20 for each walk. Messy Church St. Mary's Church Hall, St Mary's Churchyard, Hitchin Street, SG7 5AE. 11.45am - 2.00pm Family friendly event aimed at primary school-age children. Come and join us for lunch, cra s and ac vi es and a short service on the theme of Mee ng Jesus. Lunch will be tuna pasta bake (with vegetarian op on) followed by dessert. If you can please e-mail: messychurchbaldock@gmail.com so we can get an idea of numbers for catering purposes. FREE event. Baldock Beer Fes val Brandles School, Weston Way, SG7 6EY. 12.00pm - 10.00pm See Friday 29th April for more details. Adult weekend cket £5: payable on entry. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all mes. No under 18s a er 8pm. Danny's Disco The Victoria, Sun Street, SG7 6QA. 7.00pm - 11.30pm Come and boogie the night away with the ever-popular Danny's Disco playing all your favourite hits and tracks from across the ages! FREE entry. Hen and Chickens Live Music: So 80s The Hen and Chickens, South Road, SG7 6BZ. 8.00pm As part of its regular Sunday Live Music sessions, The Hen and Chickens will be hos ng all the best of the 80s performed by the amazing duo of Duncan Maletka and Marcus Rex. FREE entry.
All Tickets and entry forms available from Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock Tel 01462 894109
Monday 2 May Netball is FUN! Netball Courts, Avenue Park, West Avenue, SG7 5AY. 10.00am - 2.00pm Come along and try out the fastestgrowing sport in the country Netball!!! All ages and abili es welcome, so come and see what it's all about. All you need are your trainers and a sense of fun! FREE event. Clothall Common - 2000 years of history Meet on Wallington Road by the Clothall Common sign, SG7 6RS. 10.15am for 10.30am start (See also Sunday 1st May and Sunday 8th May) See Sunday 1st May for details. Tickets: £5, from Baldock Community Centre. Baldock Irish Fes val The Cock, High Street, SG7 6BG. 12.00pm - 7.00pm County Baldock's 13th Irish Fes val The Fleadh is back for 2022. The aim is to recreate a small Irish town fleadh (fes val) with a great day of Irish Music and dancing across three venues. Musicians will gather for vouchers in The Cock from 12, and across the other two venues: The White Lion and Café Luna on the High Street. Music will switch between the three venues and then the Irish dancing from the Maria Grant school of dancing will start from 3pm across all three venues, through into the evening . Any queries, requests to play or help please contact Brian Burke on 07768274037. Come and enjoy the music and Craic ... Cheoil Agus Craic! FREE entry. Cricket Match Avenue Park, West Avenue, SG7 5AY. 12.30pm - 3.30pm A nail-bi ng match will be played between Baldock Cricket Club and the Orange Tree All Stars (plus special guests), with coaching available at the nets if you want to give ba ng or bowling a try. Just turn up from 12.30pm and play from 1pm! For more details please phone Sean Smith on 07530532172. FREE event. Keep an eye on the website for the latest information: www.baldockfestival.org
Monday 2 May-
Bowls Club Open Day Avenue Park, West Avenue, SG7 5AY. 1.00pm - 5.00pm Come along and try your hand at bowls. There will be people from the club on hand to give you coaching. You are asked to wear flat shoes to protect the greens. Tea and biscuits will be available in the pavilion a erwards and the bar will be open. For more informa on phone the Club on 01462 892059. FREE event.
Tuesday 3 May Ghost Walk Meet outside The Cock, High Street, SG7 6BG. Three med walks at 7.45pm, 8.00pm and 8.15pm, advance ckets only. This guided walk will take you around the ghostly sites of Baldock, star ng from The Cock and ending at The Orange Tree. Tickets: £5, from Baldock Community Centre. 2-4-1 Burgers at the White Lion The White Lion, High Street,SG7 6BJ. 6.00pm - 9.00pm Burs ng with character, the White Lion sits proudly in the middle of the High Street in Baldock and has been here since at least 1839 when the first publican, John Li le, was recorded. We have a huge, fully-enclosed beer garden and plenty of room inside at the bar too. We serve a selec on of real ales, ciders and lagers and a comprehensive selec on of wines and spirits. On Tuesday nights all burgers will be two for the price of one. FREE entry: pay for food at the venue. Tuesday Night Bingo The Hen and Chickens, South Road, SG7 6BZ. 7.30pm Bingo is back at The Hen and Chickens every Tuesday evening. Come early to ensure ge ng a table. Cash prizes up to £100!! For more details keep an eye on our Facebook Page facebook.com/TalithaTalle FREE entry, pay for games on the night. £10 for the first full round of 4 ckets + £2.50 each if you wish to have more. Orange Tree Quiz The Orange Tree, Norton Road, SG7 5AW. 8.00pm - 10.30pm The usual Tuesday pub quiz at The Orange Tree with a fes val theme. All profits from the Quiz to support the Baldock Fes val. Contact The Orange Tree on 01462 892341 to book a table. Entry: £3 per person payable on entry.
Wednesday 4 May Tradi onal Fish and Chips Supper The Mal ngs Fish and Chips, High Street, SG7 6BJ. 6.45pm - 9.00pm Come and join us at a new event and sit down for a two-course meal in the newly refurbished Mal ngs restaurant on the High Street. You can eat your tradi onal cod and chips (veggie alterna ve available on request) with a so drink and pudding, whilst you listen to a few sea shan es and a very fishy playlist. Tickets: £15, from Baldock Community Centre. Enigma: A Brief History of Bletchley Park's Opera ons during World War II The Knights Templar Templar School, Park Street, SG7 6DZ. 7.00pm The Baldock Fes val commi ee is delighted and proud to host, once again, the curators from Bletchley Park Trust who will deliver an honest and entertaining talk covering the history of Bletchley Park's Opera ons during World War II. A new talk for this year with the highlight of the evening remaining the opportunity to see, experience and touch a real, working, Enigma machine - as used by Benedict Cumberbatch from 'The Imita on Game'. A truly memorable evening for all who a end. Refreshments will be available. Tickets: £5 Adults & £2.50 Children, from Baldock Community Centre. Quiz Night at the White Lion The White Lion, High Street, SG7 6BJ. 7.00pm On the first Wednesday of each month we have quiz night, come with a team and pit your wits against the brains of Baldock - with a bar tab to the winners! Entry: £2 per person, payable at the venue on the night. The Old White Horse Quiz Night Old White Horse, Sta on Road, SG7 5BS. 7.00pm Come and join us for our quiz night every Wednesday at 7pm. 1st prize £50 voucher. Entry: £2 entry per person, payable at the venue on the night (max of 6 people per team). Fes val Whisky Tas ng The Orange Tree, Norton Road, SG7 5AW. 7.30pm for 8.00pm start We are honoured to welcome Dr Nick Morgan for an evening tas ng fine and rare whiskies. Nick will also talk about his new book, 'Everything You Need to Know About Whisky: (But are too afraid to ask)' and you'll be able to buy copies
of the book for Nick to sign on the night Strictly for over 18s only. A endees are advised to eat before a ending and not to drive a er the event. Sponsored by The Whisky Exchange. Ticket Only Event : £25, from Baldock Community Centre. Open Evening in the Tower St. Mary's Church, Hitchin Street, SG7 5AE. 7.30pm - 9.00pm Meet by Peter's Door at the foot of the tower to the le of the main door. If you have ever fancied having a go at bell-ringing or wondered how it was done, this evening will give you the chance to find out. Access is fairly challenging—there are 44 worn steps in the spiral staircase, so appropriate footwear should be worn. No previous bell-ring experience is necessary. Tickets in advance only Tickets: FREE, from Baldock Community Centre in advance. (Max 5 Places).
Thursday 5 May Cheese and Wine Night at the White Lion The White Lion, High Street, Baldock, SG7 6BJ. 6.00pm - 9.00pm Buy any bo le of wine and get a free cheeseboard. FREE entry - pay for wine at the venue. A Life in Cooking at The Arbury The Arbury, Whitehorse Street, SG7 6QN. 6.30pm for 7.00pm Join Mar n the Chef/owner of The Arbury on their communal table for an interac ve supper club and cookery demonstra on. Featuring a selec on of dishes from his illustrious career, the evening will be full of ps and tricks to help with your own cooking and a few anecdotes to go along with each course thrown in for fun. Canapés, bread, four-course menu, oh, and I nearly forgot, we will even throw in matching wines to drink with your dinner. Please see website for full menu. Please note on this occasion we will not be able to cater for any alterna ve menu choices, allergies or intolerances. Tickets: £85, from Baldock Community Centre.
Friday 6 May Baldock Country Market The Victoria, Sun Street, SG7 6QA. 9.00am - 11.30am See Friday 29th April for more details. FREE entry.
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Friday 6 May Baldock Country Market The Victoria, Sun Street, SG7 6QA. 9.00am - 11.30am See Friday 29th April for more details. FREE entry. Pla num Jubilee Fun Trail Hartsfield School, Clothall Road, SG7 6PB. 3.15pm - 4.30pm The Hartsfield Pla num Jubilee Fun Trial - A fun outdoor event exploring the seventy years of the queen's reign. An event for all ages with prizes for the children. Refreshments will be on sale. Entry: £1 per person (under 4s free) on the door. Drumming for Beginners Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, SG7 6DH. 3.30pm – 6.00pm An introduc on to drumming for primary age children, where par cipants will be taught how to perform a tune from a choice of two. They will be taught by Ed Stacey as a part of his gold DofE. Ed is in lower sixth of the Knights Templar School in Baldock. During the session students will have a short demonstra on of the tune they have chosen, they will then be taught it with the final few minutes to be used to perform the tune. Parents or carers must be present at all mes. Each lesson is 20 minutes long and can be booked at Baldock Community Centre. All proceeds will go to support the KTS DofE programme. Children aged 12 or under, no prior drumming experience required. Tickets: £4, from Baldock Community Centre. Bingo! St Mary's Junior School, St Mary's Way, SG7 6HY. 6.30pm – 11.00pm Doors open at 6.30pm, first call at 7.30pm. We will be running a raffle and a licensed bar with lots of tasty treats and snacks to keep you going all evening. Eyes down everyone… Tickets: £20 for 10 games, from h ps://bit.ly/BaldockBingo2022 (purchase online) Beetle Drive United Reformed Church, Whitehorse Street, SG7 6QQ. 7.00pm Come along and support the URC and have a fun evening at the same me. Refreshments will be available. Entry: £4 per person on the door.
Fes val Fun Quiz Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, SG7 6DH. 7.00pm for 7.30pm start We welcome the ever-popular Fes val Fun Quiz with a brand new Quizmistress, for the usual light-hearted quiz for all abili es. Entry by form only – no entries accepted on the night as this is always a sell-out. Limited to 25 teams only, so get your entries in as soon as possible. Licensed bar with table service. Tickets: £16 per team of 4 from Baldock Community Centre. Flanders and Swann St. Mary's Church, Hitchin Street, SG7 5AE. 7.30pm Come and enjoy all your old favourites including 'The Gnu', 'Transport of Delight', 'The Slow Train' and of course 'The Hippopotamus'. Join us for an evening of unashamed nostalgia and fun with plenty of chances to join in. Rosy glow guaranteed! Pay bar and complimentary canapés included. Tickets: £10, from Baldock Community Centre rce.co.uk/fosm. £12 on the night. (Children Free).
Saturday 7 May The Great Baldock Bake Off! Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, SG7 6DH. 10.00am Do you make tea- me tempta ons? You are invited to take part in the Fes val's cake-making compe on! Sponsored by Days of Ashwell and judged by their own Paul Hollywood, Bakery Manager of Days, Clive Draper. There are two ages of entrants: adult and child up to the age of 13 and each age group has three categories for judging: Ÿ Decorated Cakes - inspired by the Fes val's theme 'eco' Ÿ Undecorated Cakes Ÿ Biscuits You can either take your entry home a er judging or leave to be sold in aid of the Garden House Hospice. Registra on forms can be obtained from Baldock Community Centre up to 6 May or downloaded from the Baldock Fes val website.Bring your cakes down to the Community Centre at 10am, judging will take place at 12 noon. Happy baking – look forward to seeing you on the day! FREE entry Cocktail Masterclass Chez Burton, High Street, SG7 6BJ. All day See Saturday 30th April for more details. Tickets: £50, from Chez Burton.
Book Fair in Aid of Garden House Hospice Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, SG7 6DH. 10.00am - 4.00pmEvery year, thousands of pre-loved books are donated to this wonderful event. Our annual Book Fair regularly raises about £800 for Garden House Hospice, so come and pick up some bargains and, if you like, donate your own spare books at the Baldock Community Centre. FREE entry - and very cheap books!! Rubbish or Treasure? Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR. 11.00am 3.00pm Local Archaeologist Keith FitzpatrickMa hews will be on hand to iden fy any interes ng objects, from any period, you might have found in your a c, garden or the countryside, and to answer ques ons about our ancient town. Metal detectorists welcome. FREE event. Ecofest 2022 Baldock High Street, SG7 6AX. 12.00am 5.00pm Join Baldock Beats Waste for this free event, on the High Street, which encourages us all to think about climate change, going green, and how we can all live more sustainably by providing an opportunity to meet and chat with various groups and organisa ons. There will also be an assortment of stalls selling fantas c sustainable and green products plus food and drink. FREE event. 'Hints and Tips for Improving Your Mobile Phone Photographs' Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR. 2.30pm Peter Freeman will demonstrate easy ways that you can improve the photographs you take from your mobile phone. Tea/coffee/biscuits included in cket price. Tickets: £5 from Baldock Community Centre, bahc.co.uk or on the door.
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Saturday 7 May ‘Fake': A Murder Mystery presented by The Town Twinning Associa on St. Mary's Church Hall, St Mary's Churchyard, Hitchin Street, SG7 5AE. 7.30pm This year's play, organised by The Town Twinning Associa on and again wri en by one of their members, is set on Eurostar in 2022 as it pulls into the Gare du Nord in Paris. The characters and scenarios are fic ous but will delve into the murky world of global internet da ng. The cket price covers your entry fee, a hot supper and dessert, a reasonably priced bar (no BYO, please) as well as the murder mystery entertainment and a raffle. This event sells out quickly and numbers are limited this year to 80 ckets so that everyone has a comfortable and enjoyable evening. Tickets: £20, from Baldock Community Centre. Please men on any dietary requirements when you buy your cket Fes val Gin Tas ng Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR. 8.00pm - 10.30pm Perfect for any gin-lover, you will be
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introduced to six unusual, fine gins for tas ng this year! Your hosts, Tara and Alistair, will guide you through the subtle aromas of the botanicals and the nuances they contribute to the overall taste and flavour. Not only that, you'll be shown the perfect serve for each drink to give maximum enjoyment. There are only 80 ckets available so get them early before they go! Strictly over-18s only. You are strongly advised not to drive or operate machinery a er this event. Tickets: £20, from Baldock Community Centre.
Sunday 8 May Conserva on Task at Ivel Springs with Friends of Baldock Green Spaces Ivel Springs. Meet at North Road Allotment car park. 10.00am - 3.30pm Join Friends of Baldock Green Spaces at Ivel Springs to help your local green space be a great place for wildlife and walks. You will be assis ng with path clearance, li er picking and tree management! Please wear suitable clothes and strong boots and bring food if staying all day. Tools, training, protec ve equipment and hot drinks will be provided. Children under 16 are welcome if accompanied by
an adult. For more informa on please contact the Friends Team on email: fobgs1@gmail.com or facebook.com/fobgs FREE event. Clothall Common - 2000 years of history Meet on Wallington Road by the Clothall Common sign, SG7 6RS. 2.15pm for 2.30pm start (See also Sunday 1st May May and Monday 2nd May) See Sunday 1st May for details. Tickets: £5, from Baldock Community Centre. Gregynog Ensemble Baldock Methodist Church, Whitehorse Street, SG7 6QB. 3.30pm The Gregynog Ensemble returns to play the wonderful Clarinet Quintet by Brahms, along with a new work by Frederick Na el called Soliloquy, Nocturne and Scherzo. The Quintet comprises Rob Hughes and Lesley Pearce on violins, Heather Birt on viola, Lucinda Wright on cello and Baldock clarine st, Alison Eales. Refreshments will be available at the interval. Tickets: £10, from Baldock Community Centre or on the door.
Live Music: Eminence Front The Hen and Chickens, South Road, SG7 6BZ. 4.00pm As part of its regular Sunday Live Music sessions, The Hen and Chickens will be hos ng Eminence Front. They got together towards the end of summer 2021, when the five experienced members came together to form a new band. Their music will cover a fine selec on of classic rock covers, mainly 70s with a couple of 50s, 60s and a few surprise songs thrown in. Loud and lively! FREE entry. Kids Pizza Masterclass Old White Horse, Sta on Road, SG7 5BS. 4.30pm - 6.30pm Bring the kids down for a fun and educa onal lesson in the art of pizza making!! Learn from our professionally trained pizza chefs and enjoy ea ng something that you created!. Arrive from 4.30pm, kids will be given pizza dough and a range of toppings. Create your own pizza, get it cooked in our wood-fired oven and then eat your delicious crea on. Also included is ice-cream and unlimited squash. Tickets: £10, from Baldock Community Centre.
Hymns and Desserts, hosted by Pam Rhodes of BBC Television's 'Songs of Praise' St. Mary's Church, Hitchin Street, SG7 5AE. 5.45pm - 7.00pm Pam Rhodes will lead us in a selec on of her favourite hymns from 6pm at St Mary's Church. The choir and audience, if they wish to sing along, will be accompanied by the organ before a variety of desserts are served. The cket price includes a choice of puddings. Tickets: £6, from Baldock Community Centre or www. cketsource.co.uk/fosm
Monday 9 May Cel c North Herts Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR. 7.30pm A talk by Keith Fitzpatrick-Ma hews on a li le-known aspect of local history. Tickets: £6.00, from Baldock Community Centre. Euchre Cards Hen and Chickens, South Road, SG7 6BZ. 7.30pm - 11.00pm The Euchre (yu'ker) comes to Baldock. Three keen Euchre players are hoping to enthuse others in Baldock about this great card game o en played in the seaside towns of Devon and Cornwall. Two sets of pairs compete to win tricks -
similar to Bridge/ Whist however there is a twist!! Don't worry all will be explained. You don't need to be a couple, tables of four will be created on the night. The numbers are limited to enable an 'expert' to supervise each table. No need to bring anything, except a willingness to join in. Start me 7.30 for 8pm. Minimum me will be an hour, however you can play ll closing me. Ticket price will also include a drink. Tickets: £5, from Baldock Community Centre (includes a drink). Tuesday 10 May 2-4-1 Burgers at the White Lion The White Lion, High Street, SG7 6BJ. 6.00pm - 9.00pm See Tuesday 3rd May for more details. FREE entry: pay for food at the venue. Brass Band Concert United Reformed Church, Whitehorse Street, SG7 6QQ. 7.30pm The Sto old Salva on Army Band will play a medley of tunes and hymns to delight and entertain you. Refreshments will be served in the interval. Tickets: £5.00, from Baldock Community Centre or on the door. For up-to-date information on Festival events Find us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter :
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Tuesday 10 May 2-4-1 Burgers at the White Lion The White Lion, High Street, SG7 6BJ. 6.00pm - 9.00pm See Tuesday 3rd May for more details. FREE entry: pay for food at the venue. Brass Band Concert United Reformed Church, Whitehorse Street, SG7 6QQ. 7.30pm The Sto old Salva on Army Band will play a medley of tunes and hymns to delight and entertain you. Refreshments will be served in the interval. Tickets: £5.00, from Baldock Community Centre or on the door. Tuesday Night Bingo The Hen and Chickens, South Road, SG7 6BZ. 7.30pm See Tuesday 3 May for more details. FREE entry, pay for games on the night. £10 for the first full round of 4 ckets + £2.50 each if you wish to have more. World's Biggest Pub Quiz for Shelter The Orange Tree, Norton Road, SG7 5AW. 8.00pm - 10.30pm Come to The Orange Tee and join with thousands of pubs quizzing this week to raise funds for Shelter. Contact The Orange Tree on 01462 892341 to book a table. Entry: £5 per person payable on entry.
Wednesday 11 May Teddy Bears' Picnic Weston Way Nursery School, Weston Way, SG7 6HD. 3.15pm - 4.30pm This Teddy Bears' Picnic, run by Weston Way Nursery School, is for children aged seven and under who must be accompanied by an adult. There will also be a Teddy Bear raffle. Premier Sports will be on site for an hour delivering a range of fun ac vi es including football, music and more. There will be ac vity sta ons around the nursery grounds which the children will have access to for a taster of each ac vity. Bring your own picnic and teddy, too. If wet, the event may be postponed un l 18th May or cancelled; phone Weston Way Nursery to check: 01462 892172. Admission: Children £1.50, Adults, babies and teddies FREE. Garden City Brewery Visit Meet at Garden City Brewery, The Wynd, Letchworth Garden City SG6 3EN. Three Sessions to book onto: Ÿ First Session - 6.30pm - 7.30pm Ÿ Second Session – 7.30pm to 8.30pm Ÿ Third Session – 8.30pm to 9.30pm 16 BF
On this tour Ben, the brewer, will show you around the set-up, talk you through the process and answer any ques ons. There will also be the opportunity to learn about the selec on of grains and hops used in the beers. The tour includes three halves of Garden City Brewery or Guest Cask Ales. Garden City Brewery has been brewing in a small 2½ barrel brewery in Letchworth Garden City since 2016. To find out more details about the brewery see:h ps://gardencitybrewery.co.uk/ab out-us/ . Tickets: £10, from Baldock Community Centre (limited availability for each session!) Tradi onal Fish and Chips Supper Mal ngs Fish and Chips, High Street, Baldock SG7 6BJ. 6.45pm - 9.00pm See Wednesday 4 May for more details. Tickets: £15, from Baldock Community Centre. Baldock Folk Club The Orange Tree, Norton Road, SG7 5AW. 7.00pm - 10.00pm Baldock Folk Club is delighted to host interna onally acclaimed duet Cathryn Craig and Brian Willoughby to open their contribu on to this year's fes val. Cathryn has built a strong reputa on as both singer and songwriter. She is no stranger to Tennessee's Nashville recording studios, working with Chet Atkins, The Righteous Brothers and Garth Brooks amongst many others. Brian is well known for his virtuoso performances on electric and acous c guitar with progressive folk/rock band Strawbs. He has for many years been a session player/sideman in much demand, playing with the likes of Mary Hopkin, Monty Python, Joe Brown, Jim Diamond and Nanci Griffith. With a superb selec on of music, together with many humorous stories of their travels on the road of life, this will be a very special night for Baldock Folk Club. Tickets: £10, from Baldock Community Centre (30 ckets available). The Old White Horse Quiz Night Old White Horse, Sta on Road, SG7 5BS. 7.00pm Come and join us for our quiz night every Wednesday at 7pm. 1st prize £50 voucher Entry: £2 entry per person, payable at the venue on the night (max of 6 people per team).
Faith and Climate: A Talk about Groundswell - The Weston Sustainable Agriculture Show St. Mary's Church, Hitchin Street, SG7 5AE. 7.30pm Groundswell - The Regenera ve Agriculture Show and Conference was founded by the Cherry family on their mixed farm in Weston, Her ordshire. John and Paul Cherry have farmed for over thirty years, conver ng to a no- ll system in 2010. John Cherry will be speaking about his farming and Groundswell and how his Chris an faith has influenced his decisions in this area over the years. There will be locally sourced refreshments and lots of stalls celebra ng products that do their best to reduce the impact of climate change. Free event (dona ons welcome for Chris an Aid Climate Ac on).
Thursday 12 May Home Cookery Workshop for Young People (16-18yrs old) The Arbury, 8 Whitehorse Street, SG7 6QN. 6.00pm - 8.00pm Leaving home and/or heading to university? Join Mar n, the Chef/owner of The Arbury, for a fun, informa ve and interac ve demonstra on to help show the next genera on of young people leaving home, a few simple and basic dishes that are nutri ous, tasty and great value. Whether you are a novice or like to dabble a li le, come along for a 2-hour demonstra on. All recipes will be provided and the a endees can ask as many ques ons as they like. Full details available on the Baldock Fes val website. Tickets: Free, available from Baldock Community Centre (max 20). Cheese and Wine Night The White Lion, High Street, Baldock, SG7 6BJ. 6.00pm - 9.00pm Buy any bo le of wine and get a free cheeseboard 6pm – 9pm.FREE entry - pay for wine at the venue. Fes val Wine Tas ng Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR. Doors open 7.15pm for 8.00pm start Join Jamie from Hedley Wright and The Orange Tree's Rob Scahill as your hosts for an evening of tas ng 10 wonderful wines. There will be a small amount of cheese and biscuits to reset the palate between tas ngs, but feel free to bring your own too! The bar will be open. Tickets: £20, from Baldock Community Centre (This is a cket only event and Strictly over 18s only).
Friday 13 May Baldock Country Market The Victoria, Sun Street, SG7 6QA. 9.00am - 11.30am See Friday 29th April for more details. FREE entry. History in the A ernoon: 'Verdi - The Man of Stone' Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR. 2.30pm This History in the A ernoon Special is a journey through the life of the great Italian composer, Giuseppe Verdi, with songs by Laura Valen ne, and accompaniment by Margaret Johnson. Tickets: £6, from Baldock Community Centre or on the door. Third Annual Beer Fes val at The Cock The Cock, High Street, SG7 6BG. 5.00pm - 11.00pm The third annual Beer Fes val at The Cock pub in Baldock from Friday to Sunday Live Music in the pub and beer garden with a selec on of 20 cask ales from local and na onal breweries, real ciders from local and na onal producers, cra beers and street food. An event for all of the family celebra ng the 37th Baldock Fes val. FREE entry
Salsa Night with Fabian Velez and Orquesta Mambarito Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, Sg7 6AR Join local Salsa teacher Fabian Velez for a Salsa dance lesson from 7pm, and then dance the night away to the incredible 11-piece Orquesta Mambarito, who are simply the best salsa band in the country. Tickets: £15, from Baldock Community Centre Herts Variety Concert Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, SG7 6DH. 7.30pm (See also Saturday 14th May) Herts Variety invites you to come along for an evening of music and comedy. Sec ons include Rock and Roll, Barry Manilow and Music Hall. Everyone is encouraged to sing along. All their proceeds go to local chari es. Tickets: £6, cons £4 from Baldock Community Centre or Linda on 01462 743968 or 07494441478.
Saturday 14 May Historic Baldock Street Fair Day Baldock Street Fair is one of the must a end days in the Calendar, with stalls and free shows down the High Street and around town.
Baldock High Street. 10.00am - 4.00pm Ÿ Cra and Charity Stalls – Local Charity and Cra stalls will line the High Street. Ÿ Medieval Combat Society is back to educate us in Medieval warfare and to entertain us with their ba les. Which knight will you support? Make sure you try the armour and weapons. Ÿ 'Tricky Micky' is back again with five 30-minute performances including Punch and Judy. Shows star ng at 10.30. Ÿ Fairground rides - James Harris will again be bringing his fairground rides to delight the children. Ÿ Morris Dancing Day of Dance will take place outside The White Lion and other venues around the town. These tradi onal Morris sides and other groups from all over the east of England will bring music, dance, fun and colour to add to the fantas c atmosphere of the Street Fair. Star ng at The White Lion at 10.30. Ÿ Local schools will be showcasing their choirs, dancing and music. Ÿ Solar Viewing with Letchworth and District Astronomical Society (LDAS) (see below).
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Saturday 14 May-cont. Baldock Community Ceentre. 10.00am4.00pm Ÿ Exo c Explorers Zoo - A small licensed zoo will be a ending with a wide variety of exo c animals, many of which are unwanted pets and rescue animals. The animal keepers will be on hand to answer your ques ons and offer you the opportunity to touch or hold many of their animals. FREE event. Ÿ Cra displays with cra ac vi es for children Ÿ Introduc on to drumming for children (see below for details and prices) Ÿ Crea ve Chef for children (see below for details and prices) Ÿ Refreshments – tea and coffee will be available in the coffee bar from 9am to 4pm Baldock Arts and Heritage Centre. 10.00am - 4.00pm Ÿ Gallery Exhibi on: New Horizons Tex le Group – Members of this group are exhibi ng contemporary tex le work on the theme of 'Home' in the first floor Gallery of the Arts & Heritage Centre. Ÿ Baldock Museum – Royal Jubilee – This new display to celebrate the
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Pla num Jubilee looks back at Baldock's extensive celebra ons to mark the Queen's corona on in June 1953, amongst which, the Soap-Box Derby even a racted na onal interest. The display also shows how the town came together to celebrate earlier royal events, such as Victoria's jubilees, in great style. Ÿ Refreshments – tea and coffee will be available in the coffee area St. Mary's Church. 10.00am – 4.00pm Ÿ Tower Trips will take place, weather permi ng, throughout the day, come and see Baldock from a different perspec ve! No entry for children under 8. Sensible footwear is required. Ÿ Tickets: £5 adult / £1 child (8-16) on the day. No Advance Tickets Ÿ Display of Mini Eco Gardens - Display of eco gardens in a seed tray or shallow container. Prizes for the most eco-friendly features in one display. Come along and vote for your favourite garden! More informa on and entry forms from ecochurchbaldock@gmail.com Ÿ Refreshments tea, coffee and cake will be available in the Church. Coffee Morning Baldock Methodist Church, Whitehorse Street, SG7 6QB. 10.00am - 12.00pm Ÿ Ÿ
All are welcome to a end this Coffee Morning on Street Fair Day. FREE entry Crea ve Chef Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, SG7 6DH. 10.00am and 2.00pm Calling all school-age children, come and join Crea ve Chefs for fun-filled cooking sessions. We will be crea ng Pizza and Pudding plus there will be fun and games. Booking essen al. Parents drop off and leave. There will be 2 sessions to book:10.00am – 11.30am and 2.00pm 3.30pm Tickets: Call or email to book your place 07887573798 angie@childrencrea vechefs.co.uk The Circus comes to St Mary's St Mary's School, St Mary's Way, SG7 6HY. Three 50-minute shows at 11.30am, 2pm and 4pm Roll up, roll up to St Mary's School playing field behind St Mary's Junior School for an a ernoon of fun and mayhem as PaZaz Circus takes you on a magical adventure. There will be fairground rides as well as food and drink so come and join in all the fun! (U3s are free but will be required to sit on parent/guardian's lap). Tickets: £7 online only via h ps://CircusSaturday2022
Solar Viewing The White Lion, High Street, SG7 6BJ. 12.00pm - 4.00pm We have all looked up at the night sky and marvelled at the stars and the moon swirling above us. Some of us may have used binoculars or a telescope to look in more detail. But how many of us have looked at the sun? Not very many...........why? Well, it's very bright, hurts your eyes, and if you put a lens in the way it will burn and start fires! It's dangerous! Letchworth and District Astronomical Society (LDAS) in conjunc on with The Baldock Fes val has organised a solar viewing day to change this! Come along when there will be specialist equipment and members of LDAS available to let you look at the sun safely and join the small group of people who have observed the sun! FREE event. Drumming for Beginners Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, SG7 6DH. 12.00pm - 4.00pm An introduc on to drumming for primary age children, where par cipants will be taught how to perform a tune from a choice of two. They will be taught by Ed Stacey as a part of his gold DofE. Ed is in lower sixth
of the Knights Templar School in Baldock. During the session students will have a short demonstra on of the tune they have chosen, they will then be taught it with the final few minutes to be used to perform the tune. Parents or carers must be present at all mes. Each lesson is 20 minutes long and can be booked at Baldock Community Centre. All proceeds will go to support the KTS DofE programme. Children aged 12 or under, no prior drumming experience required. Tickets: £4, from Baldock Community Centre. PomPom Making Wool-n-Things 3-5 Hitchin Street, SG7 6AL. 1.00pm - 3.00pm Pop into wool-n-things and join us for some fun pompom making. All materials will be provided. FREE event. Cocktail Masterclass at Chez Burton Chez Burton, High Street, SG7 6BJ. All day See Saturday 30th April for more details. Tickets: £50, from Chez Burton. Third Annual Beer Fes val at The Cock The Cock, High Street, SG7 6BG. 11.00am See Friday 13 May for details FREE entry.
KTS Jazz Spectacular Knights Templar School, Park Street, SG7 6DZ. 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start This year's Jazz Spectacular, in associa on with The Baldock Fes val, promises to be a fantas c evening featuring the All-Stars Big Band, the Li le Big Band. This year the students have chosen a selec on of their favourite pieces which will cover a wide range of styles and composers. The KTS Parents' Associa on will run a cash bar at the event offering beer, wine and so drinks. Tickets: £10.00 (£7.00 concession), from Knight Templar School. Tickets: £10.00 (£7.00 concession), on sale from 19th April from Knight Templar School Recep on or e-mail sbond@kts.school. Tickets will not be available on the door. Herts Variety Concert Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, SG7 6DH. 7.30pm - 10.00pm See Friday 13 May for details Tickets: £6, cons £4, from Baldock Community Centre or Linda on 01462 743968 or 07494441478. All Tickets and entry forms available from Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock Tel 01462 894109
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Saturday 14 May-cont. Traffic Light Social Café Luna, High Street, SG7 6BG. 7.30pm - 10.30pm Join North Herts Pride and Café Luna for their Traffic Light Social! A chance to meet like-minded and friendly people in an LGBTQIA+ safe space, at your own pace! You don't need to be LGBTQIA+ to join in, all are welcome to come along for a good me! Choose a s cker to pick your social mood, whether you're a green cha erbox, a cau ous amber, or a red who's just looking to have a good me with their friends, there's something for everyone. Tickets can be purchased from Café Luna, and all cket sales go directly to North Herts Pride to fund future events for the LGBTQIA+ community. Tickets: £2, from Café Luna.
Sunday 15 May Baldock Classic Car Show Baldock High Street, SG7 6AX. 10.00am - 4.00pm The ever-growing Baldock Classic Car Show will once again be part of Baldock Fes val and is open to any vehicle over usual we will have lots of prizes on offer,
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the age of 20 years old; 'interes ng' newer vehicles are also welcome. As awarded by our expert. For further informa on or enquiries please email: baldockccs@gmail.com Free to visit: £5 per vehicle - pay on arrival - register in advance. Open Gardens Gardens in and around Baldock, SG7 6AX. 1.00pm - 5.00pm This event, organised by Baldock Rotary Club, gives you another chance to look around some of Baldock's hidden gardens: large and small. Details of the gardens open to you and a map will be provided when you buy your cket. A minibus will operate to and from Baldock Community Centre to gardens on a requested basis. Refreshments available in the youth wing of the Baldock Community Centre (between 2.00pm and 4.00pm) . All proceeds from this event will go to the charitable causes that Rotary is suppor ng throughout the year. Tickets: £6.50 (incl. map of gardens) from Baldock Community Centre in advance and on the day. (Accompanied children under 16 are free.) Baldock Jumble Sale Trail Around Baldock. 1.00pm - 5.00pm The Baldock Jumble Sale Trail is finally
back and it's going to be bigger than ever! On May 15th stalls will be popping up outside people's homes all over town. Pop along, pick up a bargain, explore the town and meet your neighbours. Maps will be available from the Community Centre, the fes val website and on our Baldock Jumble Sale Trail Facebook page, where you'll also be able to see sneak peaks of the stalls and plan your route. Got clu er to clear? Join in the fun with a stall of your own. Email baldockjumble@gmail.com or find the 'Baldock Jumble Sale Trail' page on Facebook for more informa on. The event is run to raise funds for Merry Go Round Nursery. Suggested dona on of £5 - or pay what you can afford.
Sunday 15 May-cont. Live Music: Black Squirrel Band (formerly The Raw Dealers) The Hen and Chickens, South Road, 4pm As part of its regular Sunday Live Music sessions, The Hen and Chickens will be hos ng the Black Squirrel Band (formerly The Raw Dealers), who are a five-piece Rock Covers band based in Baldock, fronted by the talented Tim Bruin, who aim to rock the house with high octane rock and roll, powered by guitars of Steve Wilson and John Kemp and driven by the rock-solid rhythm of Dave Sumner on bass and pounded into submission by the relentless drumming of the legendary Mr Jim Hays. A Good Old 60s/70s inspired rock band? FREE entry.
Third Annual Beer Fes val at The Cock The Cock, High Street, SG7 6BG. 11.00am See Friday 13 May for details FREE entry.
Monday 16 May Euchre Cards Hen and Chickens, South Road, SG7 6BZ. 7.30pm - 11.00pm See Monday 9th May for details Tickets: £5, from Baldock Community Centre (includes a drink).
Tuesday 17 May 2-4-1 Burgers at the White Lion The White Lion, High Street, SG7 6BJ. 6.00pm - 9.00pm See Tuesday 3rd May for more details. FREE entry: pay for food at the venue.
Tuesday Night Bingo The Hen and Chickens, South Road, SG7 6BZ. 7.30pm See Tuesday 3 May for more details. FREE entry. Fes val Music Quiz The Orange Tree, Norton Road, SG7 5AW. 8.00pm - 10.30pm An evening of music ques ons with themed rounds that you can play your joker on. Entry fee split between the prize fund and suppor ng the Fes val. Contact The Orange Tree on 01462 892341 to book a table. Entry: £5 per person payable on entry.
Wednesday 18 May Tradi onal Fish and Chips Supper Mal ngs Fish and Chips, High Street, SG7 6BJ. 6.45pm - 9.00pm See Wednesday 4 May for more details. Tickets: £15 from Baldock Community Centre. Baldock Folk Club The Orange Tree, Norton Road, SG7 5AW. 7.00pm - 10.00pm The Folk Club is proud to present local legends Skimmington Ride for their second fes val event. Reb, Paul, Joe and O'Clogger are Skimmington Ride, who embody elements of Irish folk music legends such as The Dubliners, The Pogues and others in-between. From Kelly to MacGowan via Bogle and McColl and more! Come and join us for our third rumbus ous night of Righteous Ruaille Buaille! (Cheerful Mayhem!) It's rough music! It's 'a pirate's pxxx-up!' It's 'different gravy!' It's 'folk music but shouty!' The boys have played all over the area and draw enthusias c support wherever they go! Phone John at The Orange Tree on 01462 892341 to book places as we are limited to 40 or so and this night will be a right rip roarer! FREE event, but please bring cash for the raffle and hat collec on!
TICKETS AVAILABLE From Baldock Community Centre Simpson Drive, SG7 6DH Check our website for the latest information: www.baldockfestival.org
Wednesday 18 May-cont. Baldock Chef at Home takes over the Arbury The Arbury, Whitehorse Street, SG7 6QN. 7.00pm Chef at Home will be taking over The Arbury for one night only during the Baldock Fes val. They are a local, family-run business with Kish behind the stove. He will be preparing a delicious five-course menu showcasing all that Chef at Home do, with a focus on Bri sh produce which will include a Bri sh cheeseboard. More details about the menu on the Baldock Fes val website or contact Kish: info@baldockchefathome.co.uk Tickets: £52, from Baldock Community Centre.
Thursday 19 May Bun ngford Brewery Tour & Tas ng Meet in front of Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, SG7 6DH. 2 Sessions Available: · 1st Session - Meet at 6.45pm for set off at 7pm, returning at 8.30pm · 2nd Session - Meet at 7.45pm for set off at 8pm, returning at 9.30pm This experience includes a guided tour
around Bun ngford Brewery, half a pint of each of the current six ales on offer, and a branded pint glass! With transport organised and included in the cost by Baldock Fes val, you will arrive at the brewhouse for an introduc on into the processes and workings of a larger scale Micro Brewery. Limited availability for each session! Tickets: £20, from Baldock Community Centre. Cheese and Wine Night The White Lion, High Street, Baldock, SG7 6BJ. 6.00pm - 9.00pm Buy any bo le of wine and get a free cheeseboard. FREE entry - pay for wine at the venue. Baldock Community Orchestra: Spring Fes val Concert United Reformed Church, Whitehorse Street, SG7 6QQ. 7.30pm This year's Spring Fes val Concert will be a selec on of popular and classical music with a touch of spring. We're a friendly group of local amateur musicians. Our musical abili es vary, but we all love playing in an orchestra together. We rehearse Thursday 89.30pm at Letchworth Free Church and we'd be delighted for you to join us at our next rehearsal! Recently we
welcomed someone who had not played for 40 years. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are considering playing again. All ages are welcome, for more informa on check our website: baldockorchestra.weebly.com or Facebook page: facebook.com/BaldockOrchestra1 Tickets: £5, from Baldock Community Centre and on the door (subject to space).
Friday 20 May Baldock Country Market The Victoria, Sun Street, SG7 6QA. 9.00am - 11.30am See Friday 29th April for more details. FREE entry. Tas ng of the new Brewpoint beer range Old White Horse, Sta on Road, SG7 5BS. 7.00pm for 7.30pm start Come and sample six beers from the new Brewpoint range accompanied by classic Italian nibbles. We will introduce each drink to you. When you have found your favourite beer you are welcome to stay and buy a few more at the bar! Tickets: £12, available from Baldock Community Centre.
Three weeks of various dishes from around the world 29th April - 1st May Italian 3rd - 5th May Spanish 6th - 8th May German 10th - 12th May Thai 13th - 15th May Mexican 17th - 19th May Belgium 20th - 22nd May
The Engine 3 Station Road, SG7 5BS
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01462 490576
Friday 20 May-cont. Murder At Lovelace Manor St Mary's School, St Mary's Way, SG7 6HY. Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. You are invited to a charity evening held at the home of Lord and Lady Lovelace, raising money for 'The Lovelace Charity for Des tute Boys'. The eccentric Lord has decided to hold a dinner but the evening takes a turn for the worse when a horrific murder is commi ed! Through deduc on and the discovery of evidence, dirty secrets and sordid lies are brought to the fore and we need your help to solve this most devious of murders. Our professional actors will ensure you have an amazing evening! All profits from cket sales will go to Baldock 2nd Scouts who are looking to revamp their camping equipment ready for this summer's outdoor ac vi es. Sponsored by Leysbrook - The Community Property Experts. Over 18s only! A welcome drink, dinner and dessert will be provided and is included in the price of your cket. Tickets: £28 before 29th April (£30 therea er),Only available online from h ps://bit.ly/BaldockMurder2022 Film@BAHC: The Father Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old Town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR. Doors and bar open at 7.00pm. This award-winning film stars Anthony Hopkins playing a man struggling with demen a – with Olivia Colman as his daughter. Watch the film in the relaxed atmosphere of the Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, where the bar is open throughout and members of the audience are welcome to stay on a erwards to discuss the film or make sugges ons for further showings. Tickets: £5 bookable through the BAHC website or available on the door. Licensed bar.
Saturday 21 May Chris an Aid Big Breakfast St. Mary's Church Hall, St Mary's Churchyard, Hitchin Street, SG7 5AE. 8.30am - 10.30am A Big Breakfast in support of Chris an Aid (Chris an Aid week is 15-21 May). Choose from a tradi onal cooked breakfast or con nental pastries, accompanied by tea, coffee or fruit juices. A Prosecco pay bar is available. Last orders at 10.15am. Tickets available on the door subject to space and food. Tickets: £6 per person, £1 per child (max 3 children per adult), from Baldock Community Centre.
Cocktail Masterclass Chez Burton, High Street, SG7 6BJ. All day See Saturday 30th April for more details. Tickets: £50, from Chez Burton. Football Fun Morning: An Introduc on to football for 4-7yr olds The Buffs Club, Clothall Road, SG7 6PE. 10.00am - 1.00pm A new event for the fes val, bring your 47yr olds along to a Football Fun Morning: an introduc on to football, in associa on with Baldock Town youth football club. All coaches are FA approved, DBS safeguard qualified. Come along and have some fun. Who knows maybe Baldock has a future Pele or Marcus Rashford! (P.S. apparently, you can't compare Pele and Rashford but you know what we mean!) Trainers required. Refreshments will be available from the Buffs Club. FREE event. Baldock and Clothall WI Tea and Coffee Morning United Reformed Church, Whitehorse Street, SG7 6QQ. 10.30am - 12.30pm Baldock and Clothall WI will be holding a drop-in Tea and Coffee Morning. Pop in for some homemade cake or scones etc. and a nice cuppa. Hope to see you there Tickets: £4.50 on the door. Apple Co age Cider Open Day Radwell, collect map with ckets. 12.00pm - 7.00pm A chance to get some exercise with a leisurely walk to Radwell and visit Apple Co age Cider. Approximately two 2 miles from Baldock via the Letchworth Greenway. You will be able to walk around and look at the equipment and buy a cider from the fully-licensed bar, sausages from the BBQ or an ice cream. Strictly walking only, no cars are allowed past the lake as there is no parking available. Wellbehaved dogs and children are welcome. Maps will be added to the website nearer the event. Disabled facili es are limited on-site so please contact: team@appleco agecider.co.uk in advance. You will also be able to order boxes of Apple Juice and Cider at the event, for free delivery to Baldock at a later date to save you carrying home. If you don't fancy the walk home a er or fancy making a weekend of it: camping, glamping and BnBs are available at Radwell Mill: www.radwellmill.co Entry: Ticket includes a free half pint of cider or apple juice on arrival. Tickets: £5 each (free for Children), from Baldock Community Centre.
Football Match: Baldock Football Coaches vs Baldock Cricket Coaches The Buffs Club, Clothall Road, SG7 6PE. 2.00pm Come and watch the local friendly derby game of football between the BCC v BTYFC coaches. Kick-off will be at 2pm. Refreshments available from the Buffs. If your child plays for BTYFC or BCC youth cricket, please get them along to cheer and support their coaches. FREE event. Sublime Schubert Soirée with the 'Trout' Quintet St. Mary's Church, Hitchin Street, SG7 5AE. 7.30pm Schubert's Piano Quintet nicknamed the 'Trout', with its unusual instrumenta on of piano, violin, viola, cello and bass, holds a special place in the repertoire for its sublime intensity and astonishing beauty. Named by many music lovers and professionals as a favourite piece of chamber music. In aid of Revivel, trying to save the upper River Ivel, a rare chalk stream near Baldock. RevIvel would love to see brown trout in the river again! www.Revivel.org Montagnana Ensemble including: Emma Crossley Violin, Georgina Payne Viola, Catherine Wilmers Cello, Jill Morton Piano, Melisande Lochak Bass. The cket includes canapés and there will be a pay-bar Tickets: £12, from Baldock Community Centre or cketsource.co.uk/fosm, £15 on the door. Fes val School Disco with Danny Speck The Orange Tree, Norton Road, SG7 5AW. 7.00pm Time to dig out that old school e and head down to The Orange Tree to take you back to the 80s with Baldock's top party DJ! Fancy Dress mandatory, otherwise deten on will be given. The management of The Orange Tree ask that you please don't hang around in Big Park drinking 20/20 and White Lightning before you arrive, or they will tell your parents. FREE entry, dona ons and raffle in aid of Revivel.
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Sunday 22 May Pla num Jubilee A ernoon Tea St. Mary's Church Hall, St Mary's Churchyard, Hitchin Street, SG7 5AE. 4.00pm Come and experience a 1950s tea whilst singing along to some tradi onal patrio c songs, as we celebrate 70 years of the reign of our monarch, Her Majesty the Queen. A pay-bar serving beer and Prosecco will be available. Bring your Union Jacks and come dressed appropriately for the period if you would like to. Tickets: £6, from Baldock Community Centre. Beans and Biscuits The Hen and Chickens, South Road, SG7 6BZ. 4.00pm As part of its regular Sunday Live Music sessions, The Hen and Chickens will be hos ng Beans and Biscuits, a fun Western Swing ou it from rural Her ordshire. These guys play both kinds of music in their own inimitable fun style. Fronted by Mar n (Fatman) Spencer (Teenbeats; The Runs; The Brains Brothers; Sheriffs of Hong Kong; The Big Ears Band) you will be entertained and amused by their
personal take on the great Bri sh and American songbooks. FREE entry.
After The Festival Live Music: Open Mic Night The Hen and Chickens, South Road, SG7 6BZ. Friday 27th May, 7.30pm Come and join us at The Hen and Chickens for the last Friday of the month Open Mic Night on Friday 27th May. For more details keep an eye on our Facebook Page facebook.com/TalithaTalle FREE entry Jubilee Baldock Big Lunch Sunday 5th June, Baldock High Street, SG7 6BG. 12.00pm
This year's Baldock Big Lunch will be really special! To celebrate the Queen's Pla num Jubilee, we are holding a Big Lunch with a Royal Theme. All your favourites will be there – fair rides for the children, live music and face pain ng, as well as a fantas c selec on of different menus to choose from, all lovingly prepared by local suppliers. The Baldock Events Forum is commi ed to making this year's Jubilee Big Lunch the best ever and we look forward to welcoming the wonderful people of Baldock to dine 'al fresco' and enjoy an a ernoon of community togetherness in the sunshine. Let's make this year's Big Lunch really special! Tickets: will be available from Pixies Café and online at www.baldockeventsforum.org.uk.
Venues Map 1 The Arbury 2 Avenue Park 3 Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre (Old Town Hall) 4 Baldock Community Centre 5 Baldock Fire Sta on 6 Baldock Methodist Church 7 Brandles School 8 Buffs Club 9 Café Luna 10 Chez Burton 11 The Cock 12 The Engine 13 Hartsfield School 14 Hen & Chickens 15 Ivel Springs, North Road Allotment Parking 16 Knights Templar School 17 Mal ngs Fish & Chips 18 Netball Courts 19 Old White Horse 20 The Orange Tree 21 St Mary’s Church 22 St Mary’s Church Hall 23 St Mary’s School 24 United Reformed Church 25 The Victoria 26 Wallington Road 27Weston Way Nursery 28 Wool-n-Things 29 The White Lion Garden City Brewery and Radwell venues are located outside this map.
Acknowledgements Grateful thanks are due to the following people, organisa ons and sponsors for their help and support in arranging this fes val. The Baldock Beer Fes val, Baldock and Clothall Women’s Ins tute, North Herts Council, Baldock Events Forum, Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Baldock & Letchworth Folk Club, Old White Horse, The Cock, Apple Co age Cider, Baldock Community Associa on, Baldock Guild of Bellringers, Baldock Museum & Local History Society, Café Luna, Baldock Midnight Morris, Baldock Rotary Club, Brian Burke, Bun ngford Brewery, Chez Burton, Day’s Bakers, Gregynog, Bowls Club, Town Twinning, Garden City Brewery, Friends of Hartsfield School, Friends of St Mary’s, Harlequin Costume Hire, The Hen & Chickens, Herts Variety, Garden House Hospice, The Victoria, Methodist Church, Knights Templar School, Hartsfield JMI School, The Orange Tree, St Mary’s Parish Church, The Buffs Club, The Arbury, St Mary’s School PTA, Rob Scahill, Jamie Ellis, Nick Morgan, United Reformed Church, White Lion, 28 BF
Wool-n-things, Weston Way Nursery, Mary and Michael Muir, The Engine, Sto old Salva on Army Band, Mal ngs Fish and Chips, Chapman’s Butchers, Herts Na ve Trees, and all who have helped in any way, par cularly those who help with pu ng up and taking down stalls on Street Fair Day! We would also like to thank all those at On Our Doorstep involved in prin ng and delivering the programme. The Commi ee would like to offer special thanks to North Herts Council’s Ashley Hawkins for his support and the many Baldock businesses who also supported the Fes val. Baldock Fes val 2022 was arranged by the Baldock Fes val Commi ee: Alistair Willoughby (Chair), Tara Geere (Vice Chair), Ken Brady (Secretary), Kathryn Stacey (Treasurer), James Willoughby, Sue Cass, Paul Edwards, Bob Eversden, Liz Eversden, Ed Hartley, Maureen Maddren, Katy Ma hews, Anna Ramsey, Sean Smith, Duncan Stacey, Edward Stacey. Programme published by Paul Calver, On Our Doorstep magazine.
Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp
Spring is here. Now I've said that it will probably snow, and we will get weeks of sub-zero temperature. Not really very likely these days as global warming is bringing what we call spring earlier and earlier; it's suggested that daffodils are often as not flowering three weeks earlier than they did fifty years ago. It's difficult to remember back that far and confirm that suggestion, but eminent researchers now have the records to prove it, so where does that leave us, gardeners? It's difficult to say with any confidence. Although it's great to get rid of winter much quicker, the problems already being seen are longer allergy seasons and troubles with pests and diseases starting earlier; the most serious could be for the fruit we all love to eat. Seeds know when its spring and time to start growing in a number of ways, one being due to a hormone called gibberellin (ga); they also have the hormone abscisic acid (aba), which sends the signal to stay dormant the two push and pull helping the seed decide to remain dormant or start growing. Seeds need to imbibe water in order to soften the seed coat; without softening the seed won't germinate (this is called serotiny) The process of absorbing water also activates enzymes stored in the seed, converting them into chemicals used in early growth. Heat and oxygen are also important, some need heat, some require an alternating warm and cool. Plants need a certain number of chill hours, each requiring various times and temperatures. Apple trees, for example, need the temperature to be lower than six degrees centigrade but above freezing. For some reason that is still not fully understood, temperatures below freezing don't add to the required accumulated chill hours; some varieties will not flower and subsequently fruit if they do not get to the required hours. Spring flowering bulbs require a chill time of between ten to fourteen weeks at temperatures between one point six degrees to seven point two degrees centigrade. Being exposed to these cold temperatures
stimulates a bio-chemical response that turns on flower formation and also initiates root growth. Daffodils require a little more time, some up to sixteen weeks. Here's the likely problem, one of the spring triggers for growing is the warming of the soil temperatures; if this trigger is getting earlier, as suggested, then daffodil bulbs and many other plants will not achieve their required chill hours, so they may not flower, growing blind. Spring is after winter and before summer, the season when plants begin to grow; in the northern hemisphere, it is March to May; in the southern hemisphere, it is September to November. As I said, plants need chilling and try to hold on to dormancy until they have the required amount. It doesn't matter if we get a few days of warmth in the middle of winter, but if we get a succession of warm days in early spring, it will break dormancy in most plants. Once broken, plants will not go back into dormancy and start growing, developing foliage and soft extension growth; if we get a hard frost, we will be in trouble. Something else now takes over, photoperiod response. Plants contain a molecule called Photochrome, and it is this molecule that tells the plant the nights are getting shorter and summer is coming. It was believed that plants worked on the fact that days were getting longer; in fact, it is the reverse, and it is the night getting shorter that is the trigger for flowering and fruiting. Some plants work the opposite way and require shorter days and longer nights, and some that are day-neutral and will flower and fruit starting in the spring and go through to autumn. Strawberries are a type that covers all three, spring fruiting, autumn fruiting and day neutrals. By growing all three types in your garden or allotment, you will be able to pick strawberries all season long. No matter how much feed or other stimulants you give a strawberry plant, it will only provide a set amount of fruit. Professional growers use all sorts of tricks
to get the maximum crop and keep the picking season going as long as possible. They take day neutrals and keep them in cold storage at the prescribed temperature to give them the chill hours they need, usually well past the usual planting times; once the chill time is passed, they can freeze them to keep dormancy until wanted for planting. Once thawed out and planted, the plants, usually multi crowned, will grow rapidly, flower and produce a huge crop. Most plants require a warming soil to start moving water from the roots to the top of the plant; this is called transpiration. Water is absorbed by the roots and moves about halfway up the plant by capillary action through tubular cells fixed together into, for want of a better description a pipe system, these cells are called xylem; they are actually dead and made of lignin a type of cellulose. Capillary action can't take the water to the top of the plant, so suction takes over; the leaves of the tree produce this by releasing water in the form of vapour through stomates. This release draws the water the rest of the way. All the time, the sun shines, and it is warm the plant can move water for free from the bottom to the top. When it is cold, the plant must use carbohydrates and other solutes in order to draw water into the tissues via osmosis. This is not free, the plant uses this system of moving liquids in early spring when in lower temperatures to produce new leaves. If cold weather persists or they have been tricked into breaking dormancy too early, then plants run the risk of running out of osmotic pressure and the tops of the plants will suffer, wilt and die off. Frost, if severe, will cause ice crystals to form in the delicate new growth rupturing cells and causing death. Let's hope this spring doesn't give us too many of these problems this year.
Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre
Slimming Wld Recipe Supplied by
Kirsty Brown
Strawberry Cup Cakes These cute strawberry cupcakes are perfect for picnics, parties or enjoying with a cuppa. Perfect for a healthier sweet treat.
Ingredients 3 eggs 60g low-fat spread 6-8 level tbsp sweetener granules 110g self-raising flour 2-3 drops vanilla extract ½ tsp strawberry flavouring To Decorate Ÿ 8 level tsp icing sugar plus 1 level tsp for dusting Ÿ 2 drops pink food colouring Ÿ 8 fresh strawberries, hulled and halved Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Method 1. Preheat your oven to 180°C/fan 160°C/gas 4 and put 16 paper cases in a mini muffin tin. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, low-fat spread and sweetener. Sieve the flour into the bowl, then fold into the egg mixture along with the vanilla essence and the strawberry flavouring. 2. Divide the mixture equally between the paper cases, then bake for 15-20 minutes, or until cooked and springy to the touch. Cool on a wire rack. 3. Mix a few drops of water and the food colouring with the icing sugar. Divide equally between the tops of the cakes. Decorate with halved strawberries and dust with icing sugar.
** NEW CONSULTANT ** Baldock United Reformed Church White Horse Street Mondays 5pm & 7pm Tuesdays 9:15 Call Kirsty on 07517944461
07572 532618 www.bb-carpentry.co.uk APRIL
Screen this months new releases
THE BAD GUYS Out 1st April
Out 8th April
After a lifetime of legendary heists, notorious criminals Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Mr. Piranha, Mr. Shark and Ms. Tarantula are finally caught. To avoid a prison sentence, the animal outlaws must pull off their most challenging con yet -- becoming model citizens. Under the tutelage of their mentor, Professor Marmalade, the dubious gang sets out to fool the world that they're turning good.
Leonard (Mark Rylance), a master English tailor who's ended up in Chicago, operates a tailor shop with his assistant (Zoey Deutch) where he makes beautiful clothes for the only people around who can afford them: a family of vicious gangsters. One night, two killers (Dylan O'Brien, Johnny Flynn) knock on his door in need of a favour... and Leonard is thrust onto the board in a deadly game of deception and murder.
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Certificate 18
Running Time
92 mins
Running Time 106 mins
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THE LOST CITY Out 15th April
Professor Albus Dumbledore knows the powerful, dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald is moving to seize control of the wizarding world. Unable to stop him alone, he entrusts magizoologist Newt Scamander to lead an intrepid team of wizards and witches. They soon encounter an array of old and new beasts as they clash with Grindelwald's growing legion of followers.
Reclusive author Loretta Sage writes about exotic places in her adventure novels that feature a handsome cover model named Alan. While on tour promoting her new book, Loretta gets kidnapped by an eccentric billionaire who hopes she can lead him to an ancient city's lost treasure from her latest story. Determined to prove he can be a hero in real life and not just on the pages of her books, Alan sets off to rescue her.
Certificate PG-13 Running Time 120 mins
Certificate PG-13 Running Time 112 mins Answer-phone on both numbers & will return all calls
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Going Against the Grain During the month of march, we celebrated Interna onal Woman's Day. This led me to thinking about Feminism (as its meant to I suppose). As some of you are aware, interna onal days of awareness irk me a li le. I realise that they are designed to promote par cular causes and interests, but Pork Pie Apprecia on Day does nothing for me personally and is somewhat irrelevant to those of us not in the business of Pork Pie promo on. I would venture to suggest that women in Britain and many other countries have won the Feminism fight. Equal pay is enshrined in law, if I do the same job as a man, it is illegal for an employer to pay me less, or more, than my male colleagues. We can vote, we have an official voice. We have every right that a man has. The brave ladies that fought so hard for our equal rights throughout the last century did a sterling job and I am forever grateful for their sacrifices and the fact that I now have choices that my grandmother never had. I am not completely naive and do understand that not all in the feminist garden is Rosey. There are s ll pockets of resistance, but for the most part we are there in this country. I ques on the need for feminism per se, I certainly ques on the need for an organiza on that puts the needs of woman above men. Whilst we are unequally equal, men have their own issues and needs, it seems to me that men's issues are somewhat sidelined in favour of women's. Is this because we've had to fight hard for so long that we don't realise that we are now shou ng over the needs of our men folk?
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Yes, misogyny exists, but so does misandry, and I can't help but feel that the modern feminist movement is (in part) a man ha ng mechanism. Both men and women are abused and oppressed. Both men and woman have the weight of the world on their shoulders. Both men and women deserve be er. I guess my point here is that maybe its me for a change, maybe it's me for World Humani es Day (21st June) to be promoted as well as IWD, maybe IMD (19th November) needs as much voice as IWD. I do like the thought of a special day where both men and woman celebrate each other. Where we don't strive to see ourselves as the be er sex or in need of more than the other but accept and celebrate that we all bleed the same blood and only by coming together and looking out for each other can we move forward and ensure that no one is le behind. Gosh that was a li le heavy wasn't it. To finish on a lighter note, I woke up this morning and realised that it is now Spring. I love that day four mes a year when despite what the calendar says, you can physically see the change in the seasons. I li le while ago I was walking Eddie and was delighted to see some snowdrops peeking through. When I see this, I know that this is the promise of the coming of Spring. I'm no longer traveling to and from work in the dark. This morning I looked out of my bedroom window and the trees are full of blossom, I could have sworn it wasn't there yesterday, so Spring landed for me this morning. On the downside, the garden has woken up. This means the
dreaded first lawn cut is imminent. I know you avid gardeners are already on it, but as you are aware I'm not an avid anything, least not anything that involves manual labour. I had what I thought was a good idea. For Mother's Day (this is definitely not on the meaningless promo onal days list) I asked the li le cherubs that blight my life to form a working party and help me bring the garden back to some kind of Summer habitable space. The responses were as follows: ‘I didn't ask to be born’ ‘No’ ‘What if we all came round and watched while you did it and comment on how you are doing it all wrong.’ The li le one is yet to comment, but as he just treated me to a trip to London and a show, I think I can forgive him. He's probably the wisest of them all for abstaining from making any comment that might be held against him.
Nicky Advertising from £20 per Issue info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally
www.onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk villages Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding
Raising awaren of what’s ess on & where to find things locally
of what’s on & where to find things locally
Issue 74 December 2020
Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages
email allshedsandmore@yahoo.com Saunders Close, Green Lane, Letchworth
The Power of Books Weston Way Nursery got lost in the world of stories as they celebrated this year's World Book Day on Thursday 9 March.
Children got dressed up as their favourite book characters or came in their pyjamas clutching their favourite bed me book. Earlier that week, they also opened their new story shed in the nursery garden giving the children a cosy space to enjoy sharing a book with a friend.
As the many across the country felt saddened by the news of the passing of Shirley Hughes just the day before this celebra on, (some of you may remember her for her imagina ve crea ons of Lucy and Tom, Alfie, Dogger and many more) our families took the opportunity to think about what books are special to us and the reasons as to why. Is it because they spark a memory, or we read them in a special place or with a special person, is it because they s rred emo on in us – they made us laugh or they made us cry, is it because they took us on a journey? Whatever the reason, what hooked us to want to read it over and over? Reading opens us to a world of possibili es, which is why at Weston Way Nursery, we value the power of a good book. We no ce how books ignite children's interests and allow children to be crea ve, curious and collabora ve. In the word of Dr Seuss, “The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you will learn, the more places you'll go.”
Come and visit us at Weston Way Nursery to see how we can capture your heart and encourage a love of reading from the very start. If you would like to learn more about what we offer our children, please contact us on 01462 892172 or emails us at admin@westonway.herts.sch.uk and in the mean me, we hope you all take the me to get lost in a good book – enjoy your adventure! Mrs Kelly Nichol, Weston Way Nursery Headteacher
Advertising from £30 per Issue info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally
.uk www.onourdoorstepbaldock.co villages Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding
Raising awaren of what’s ess on & where to find things locally
of what’s on & where to find things locally
Issue 74 December 2020
Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages
5 minutes with... ... Kirsty Brown from *Tell us a bit about yourself: Lots of people would describe me as loud, energe c and drama c. Some may say the biggest drama queen in Baldock. Growing up in Weston I have lots of connec ons to the people and the community in Baldock. Although living in Biggleswade now, I have le my mark at The Knights Templar School where I a ended as a student and worked as a teacher for a number of years. If you've ever met me, you won't forget my zany energy. However, under neither it all I am an extremely kind individual who understand the struggles we face in society, and within ourselves, when it comes to losing weight. I am extremely passionate about my job as a Slimming World Consultant, wan ng to help as many people to lose weight as possible and to change their lives, just like it changed mine. *What got you into Slimming World? When I finished University I was at my biggest I'd ever been, wearing a size 18-20. A er being diagnosed with Epilepsy when I was 18 years old I had completely lost control of my body. It took months for the doctors to find a carefully balanced prescrip on to control my seizure. However, as the weight piled on, the medica on stopped working and my health deteriorated. Determined to gain control of my life again, I stepped through the doors at Slimming World. A er losing nearly 4 Stone, not only did I feel great about fi ng into a size 12-14 but my Epilepsy was
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be er than ever. Combining my passion for Slimming World and my skills as a teacher, last year I decided to become a consultant. I made a promise to myself that I would help as many people as I could to lose weight and feel as amazing as I did. I am so proud of all of my members and what they have achieved so far and I can't wait to help more people in Baldock to find their fabulous! *What makes Slimming World different form other diets? Our Food Op mising plan is a flexible healthy ea ng plan to fit all lifestyles. Our 'free foods' allow you to eat unlimited amount of low energy density foods keeping you full up whilst you slim down. The list of foods you can enjoy is endless and you will never go hungry. Ea ng proper food that can be enjoyed by everyone at home. *What do you eat in a day? Breakfast: Full English Cooked Breakfast Lunch: Smoked Salmon Dip with Crudi es Dinner: Hunters Chicken Lasagna with Salad Snacks: Nutella dipped Strawberries *What would I benefit from as a Slimming World Member? As a member you will gain access to an App. This is full of mo va onal stories for other successful members, thousands of delicious recipes, a bar code scanner that is a quick and easy way to find food to fit the plan, a meal daily planner. You will have access to a members only Facebook group, a community of fellow members to connect with, share meals ideas and talk about your journey. A weekly support group to help and support you from of friendly faces that are on the same journey. A group where you will receive praise and recogni on for every milestone you reach and genuine care during the touch mes. And finally, me, a consultant with top training in The Slimming World plan and the phycology of slimming to help you every step of the way. *How and where do I join? Groups run every Monday Evening at 5pm & 7pm and every Tuesday morning at 9:15am at Baldock Reformed United Church on White Horse Street. You can come just turn up, no need to book, and follow the signs to the New Member Area. If you'd like a friendly chat with or have any ques ons before joining you can always contact me on 07517944461.
to make an appointment or for a free consultation call Jacqui
07973 788418 01462 640307
baldock I letchworth I stevenage I stotfold APRIL
Glowforge Pro - The Award Winning 3D Laser Printer The last two years have seen a surge in home-based business startups, par cularly with cra ing and homemade products coming to the fore. So, I was par cularly excited to be given the opportunity to try out the Glowforge Pro 3D Laser Printer which has been enthusias cally received in the USA and has now landed in the UK. The Glowforge comes in 3 guises, all having the same footprint of 38" x 20.75" x 8.25", namely the Glowforge Basic, Glowforge Plus and Glowforge Pro. The Basic and Plus can cut, score and engrave material up to 19.5" (495mm) x 11" (280mm) in size, the Pro has a passthru slot which allows for material 19.5" wide x ∞ (ie. any length). The Basic and Plus keep the material in a sta c posi on whereas the Pro allows you to feed material gradually and clever technology and cameras allow the correct alignment of the material during the print. The Basic and Plus have 40W lasers and the Pro has an enhanced 45W laser and superior cooling system to allow for all-day use. The Pro version which I have been tes ng out is capable of cu ng, scoring and engraving various materials up to 1/2" (12.7mm) thick, such as wood, fabric, leather, paper, plexiglass, mylar, rubber, foods and much more. It is also able to engrave the materials men oned and also glass, coated metal, marble, anodised aluminium, tanium and some phones, tablets and laptops. Glowforge supplies their own 'Proofgrade' supplies of various materials such as plywood, MDF, hardwood, leather, acrylic and more. Proofgrade materials are laser safe and specifically manufactured for laser cu ng, they also come with a QR Code which is recognised by the printer automa cally and it adjusts its se ngs accordingly to give the best results. You can however use other materials, but you should check that they are 'laser-safe' before a emp ng to cut them as some materials can expel unpleasant chemicals during the cu ng process. There are plenty of specialist suppliers of laser-safe material in the UK. 54
The Glowforge Pro comes in extremely large (and heavy!!) packing boxes and needs at least two people to li it onto an appropriate table or desk. Once in posi on, installing the print-head which a aches magne cally in posi on. There is an exhaust hose that can be hung out of a window or fi ed to a wall extractor vent. In my case, I also had the op onal air filter meaning no ven ng it necessary, so I connected the hose to this instead. Once switched on, you are instructed to visit the Glowforge setup page run through the installa on process, which in reality is a process to connect the printer to the internet, once completed you are ready to go and see a live preview of the print-bed on your screen. Now I decided to try out a few of the 'Proofgrade' materials included with the printer. I picked Medium Cherry Plywood. A er placing the material on the print bed, Glowforge immediately recognised it correctly and the se ngs for cut, score and engrave were set automa cally for this material as every material has different proper es. I have created a PDF graphic of the On Our Doorstep logo, I added this to the printed preview and resized it, I was able to tell the so ware to engrave the logo onto the plywood and cut a box around it. When I was happy everything was aligned and focussed correctly, I click 'Print'. At this point, the image is sent to Glowforges servers, op mised and sent back to the Printer. You always know when this is ready as the bu on on the Glowforge starts flashing.
My print took around 2 minutes to complete, first, it scans back and forth as it begins engraving the image. Engraving is the slowest mode because it has to lay down the image in a bitmap, scoring is
much faster, but only produces outlines. When the engraving had finished, the Glowforge immediately con nued by cu ng around the logo and then the job was complete! When the light switches off, you are safe to open the lid and remove the finished work, however, opening the printer at any me, stops everything midprint, again for safety reasons. Proofgrade materials are coated in masking paper on either side which avoids scorch marks and soot from the cu ng process. It's really straigh orward and the so ware is very easy to use directly if you are not au fait with design so ware. Your designs are saved in your Glowforge account, so you can call them up at a later date and print them again. So what can be made with a Glowforge? Well in my case, I have made a phone stand, a clock, rulers, cocktail s rrers, LOADS of keyrings and wallets, coasters, illuminated signs, boxes and much more!! The possibili es are endless and you could run an en re business from the items you make using the device, it is excellent!
So, now to price. The Glowforge is certainly not cheap, the base model Glowforge Basic is £2,9995, the Glowforge Plus is £3,995 and the Glowforge Pro is £5,995, the Air Filter is £999. Each Glowforge comes with a pack of Proofgrade materials valued at £100 and delivery is free, shipped within the UK. In summary, the Glowforge Pro is a truly excellent product, designed in a way that will happily not look out of place in a home office or even a dining room. Anyone looking to add to their cra ing or crea vity business could certainly benefit from owning one. You can find out more about all three Glowforge models and get up to $500 discount on your own purchase, by visi ng this link:thhps://revw.uk/glowforge or scan this QR Code
A reminder that there’s a New Evening Running Group in Baldock, that started on Thursday 24th March, following on from the success of the weekday morning Run Talk Run group. It’s an easy paced 5k run on various routes in and around Baldock. All ages (18+) and abili es welcome - whether you want to run or walk and jog - no one is le behind! Meet at the Old White Horse from 18:45 for a 19:00 start weekly from the 24th March. We are a friendly bunch and people are welcome to stay for a drink a erwards. If you are planning on coming along - please register here (where there is more info on the group too): h ps://link.heylo.co/uFE6 Reflec ve clothing required for the first week (un l the clocks go back!)
Easter Egg Hunt 1st-17th April Complete our fantas c egg hunt around Baldock town. Hunt out the eggs images and they're clues, enter the answers into your crossword grid and be in with a chance to win a fabulous hamper from Leysbrooke, filled with treats to enjoy. Order your map and crosswords grid online, to print at home or pick up in person from Café Luna on the High Street. £3 to enter includes two cream eggs to enjoy on comple on of the crossword
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Grants for Baldock Groups Five community groups have been awarded a total of £4,692* following a mee ng of the Baldock Commi ee on 14 March. Ashwell Pre-school was awarded £850 towards venue hire costs for one academic term to help the group run. Founded in 1975, it is a registered charity currently catering for 23 families. As with many groups, the ongoing pandemic has impacted numbers a ending and the group's ability to fundraise. Ashwell Tennis and Sports Club was awarded £980 towards costs for a new clubhouse at the venue which will be used for changing, mee ngs, equipment storage and simply as an area to keep dry when it is raining. The Club has been providing tennis since 1961 for all ages and currently has 300 members. The total cost of the clubhouse is around £20k and is subject to planning permission. Knights Templar School was awarded £862 to buy gardening and li er picking equipment that will be used by two extracurricular groups at the school. Due to the pandemic, the school garden has been somewhat neglected for the last two years and needs clearing and replan ng. Students also give a great deal to the community and conserva on of the area, which has included helping to plant a new woodland at Ivel Springs with Baldock Rotary Club, organising li er picks and nature-focused ci zen science projects and suppor ng work carried out by the Friends of Baldock Green Spaces and Baldock Beats Waste. The new equipment will enable more students to get involved in conserva on ini a ves and community projects.
Nigh ngale Residents' Associa on was awarded £1,000 towards costs for repair and maintenance works at Nigh ngale Park including the remarking of the basketball court, which is well used by young people in the area, and repair works to the bench in the community garden area which has been vandalised. The Park is a well-used facility located off Weston Way in Baldock. The Residents' Associa on is also working with se le on a larger project to replace one of the basketball posts and to install fencing to stop balls from hi ng park users in the conserva on area. Nova Wellness CIC (Community Interest Company) was awarded £1,000 towards running group wellbeing therapy events for 20 carers based in Baldock. Nova Wellness provides holis c therapies and treatments to improve people's wellbeing. Two, one-hour sessions will help carers who look a er a member of their family, to have quality me to themselves, recharge their ba eries and support them in their role as primary carers. The sessions will include guided relaxa on and insigh ul therapy demonstra ons, tasters, and short treatments, for example acupuncture, sound bowls and relaxing shoulder massage. Ian Couper, Resources Service Director, said: "The council is pleased to help fund this diverse range of groups, covering a wealth of different community services and ac vi es for local people of all ages.
Baldock’s favourite for 30 years Thirty Years Ago….
Calling All Football Fans Calling all football fans and social media detec ves. This team photo of a mid 1950s football team was found in the offices of North Her ordshire District Council around 20 years ago. Nobody working at the me recognised the people in the photo - do you recognise the team, trophy or people in the photo? We would love to put names to faces and get to the bo om of the mystery! If you do recognise a familar face contact via facebook @northhertsmuseum or email them at northhertsmuseum@north-herts.gov.uk
A local farmer stood in an empty grass field next to the Buntingford Road, Baldock, on a Saturday morning. He wondered (rather like Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams) if 'they would come' Part of the field was fenced off with barrier tape and staff were on hand to ask visitors “Seller or Buyer?” Twelve sellers put their wares out on stalls and about forty buyers came to look for a bargain. The first sellers plus some more, even turned up the following Saturday. Fast-forward thirty years, same field, same much-older farmer and a different generation of sellers and buyers. Since the first sale we have clocked up an incredible 42,258 stalls, helped over 2000 charity's and many hundreds of thousands of buyers have enjoyed free entry to this 'Field of Bargains'. Thank You Baldock! We're back on 23 April 2022 6.30 sellers, 7 am buyers See you there!
01462 892041 58
Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice Samaritans
03444 111444 0300 300 8136 116 123
Councils North Hertfordshire District
01462 474000
Doctors Baldock Surgery
01462 892458
Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery
01763 313869
Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut
0800 111 999 0800 7838838
Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH
01438 314333 01707 328111 111
Library Baldock Library
0300 123 4049
Police Police
01707 354000
Schools Knights Templar Hartseld St Johns St Marys Infants St Marys Juniors Brandles
01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892156 01462 892189
Travel Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line
08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608
Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre
01462 895579
Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round Peanuts Preschool
01462 892172 01462 896322 07736 124327
Play Groups Magic Moments Merry Go Round
07709 618434 01462 896322
Plumbers Maben PE James
07949 120911 07816 586777
Window & Door repairs JML Windows Repairs Warrens Windows
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