Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally
Issue 57 July 2019
www.onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages
Welcome The sun is starting to make a comeback and we couldn't be happier! June was a particularly busy month in our house as we celebrated our youngest daughters and Jacqui's birthdays, shortly followed by our silver wedding anniversary. 25 years isn't bad going, even if we do say so ourselves! Baldock High Street has really started to come to life as Summer gets started. Beautiful hanging baskets provided by Tapp's and funded by Baldock Beer Festival and the Rotary Club have created a colourful back drop for this year's Summer fun. We are pleased to welcome two new businesses to that very colourful High Street. Anna's Flowers has opened its doors, creating incredible flower arrangements and bouquet. Turkish BBQ Kitchen has also joined the line up, offering a diverse selection of traditional and contemporary Turkish food. The Baldock Cycle Challenge is back in July! There are a couple of route options available depending on how far your legs can take you. We hope everyone that takes part has a great day and hopefully the weather stays nice and bright. We received lots of positive comments about the Routemaster on last months front cover. It turns out that some of you used to catch that very same bus back, in the day. It was lovely to hear all of your feedback and stories after the bus bought back many fond memories.
Exam season is over now giving students a few weeks to relax after their gruelling GCSEs and A Levels before results come out in August. Hopefully all of the hard work paid off but if you don't get the results you had hoped for then don't panic, there are so many options out there! Not long now until the long school summer holidays are upon us - if only we could all relax for six weeks in the sun! Hopefully some of you will get the chance to take a break during the Summer whether it’s overseas or a well earned staycation, enjoy your Summer
Paul & Jacqui info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk Jacqui Calver 07973 788418
Disclaimer All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however On Our Doorstep Baldock cannot take any responsibility for the content of adverts or services provided by the advertisers. Reproduction on whole or in part of this publication without prior permission from the publishers is strictly prohibited.
ANATOLIAN FOOD Welcome to Turkish BBQ Kitchen Turkish BBQ Kitchen is a re-invention of authentic Anatolian food. We aim to promote traditional dishes and avours whilst exploring new tastes and experiences. A fusion of Turkish cultures is the key to creating our killer kebabs and marvellous meze.
Turkish Kitchen is an authentic Turkish Restaurant, serving traditional and contemporary dishes showcasing the diverse cultures of Turkey. Marvellous meze, killer kebabs, Beyti, borek, brilliant bar and more!
FABULOUS GLAMPERVAN Just pick up and go – The motorhome is fully equipped ready for you to start your holiday. Available for short breaks and longer holidays all year round.
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Weston Primary & Nursery School One of our topics this term is the study of our local area. Our Yr 4s, 5s & 6s have toured Weston under the guidance of Ally Walker, a local historian, who was able to share many stories about the wonderful history of Weston. Did you know that bearskin hats were once made in Weston for the Queen's Guards or that Jack O'Legs, a local Robin Hood, is buried in the churchyard? We are very lucky to be surrounded by so much history and wonderful countryside. To make the most of our surroundings and to enhance
our learning we put in an applica on for some Lo ery Funding for an outdoor classroom/gazebo to be built on the school field, next to one of the exis ng paths. We are pleased to announce that the applica on was successful. It will include some new outdoor sea ng and will help our staff to take more of our children's learning out of the classroom. Our recent Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (or STEM) Day was a great example of how we can use our lovely outdoor environment to enhance children's learning.
Proven Methods
Qualied Teachers
Free Assessments
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Baldock Rary visits Toftlund, Denmark A small group of Baldock Rotary members and their wives met with their counterparts in To lund, Denmark for the biennial mee ng of the two clubs. The get together involving the two clubs was ini ally established in 1970 and has remained a biennial custom since that me. Despite the early start, alarms were set for 3.00am, to catch the 7.20am flight to Billund, the weekend was one of great hospitality, an excellent programme, too much food and drink and too li le sleep…..the perfect way to spend me with friends. The programme included an excellent dinner at the local golf club where speeches were kept to a minimum and to complement the entertainment there was the tradi onal singing of Danish and English songs by all those in a endance. The challenge for the 'visitors challenge trophy', tradi onally won by the visitors on these visits was a mini version of the 'Danish Open' golf tournament and as a result of the Danish dropping a couple of shots on the 'final hole', the trophy returned to Baldock for the next two years.
The day out required a rela vely early start for the trip to the Tirpitz museum, an hour and a half drive northwest of To lund to the Jutland coast. The museum is a rela vely new a rac on, having opened in 2017, and features a daun ng second world war bunker built by the Germans and is complemented with displays featuring an exhibi on of the 'Army of Concrete', the 'Atlan c Wall', 'stories of life on the west coast' and a display of amber, the 'gold of the west coast'. Following me to tour the museum we enjoyed a hearty lunch and then it was me to jump back into the cars for the return to To lund. An excellent evening was spent in small groups with dinner hosted by To lund Rotary members who were not hos ng visitors.
The following day consisted of a visit to Chris anfeld a town in Kolding Municipality in Southern Jutland. The town was founded in 1773 by the Moravian Church and named a er the Danish king Chris an VII. Since July 2015 it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Following a guided tour of the town and the purchase of 'honningkage', a tradi onal honey and gingerbread cake it was me for the next meal, a Danish buffet in a local hotel. There was me to relax in the a ernoon before the midnight arrival back home. Overall, a most enjoyable visit to see our Danish friends whose hospitality is outstanding. We look forward to welcoming them to Baldock in 2021. Rotarian - Paul Lucke
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Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Planning Group Comple ng the Consulta on Thank you to everyone who took part in our consulta on last month. By the me you are reading this ar cle the consulta on will have closed. Your responses will help us to finalise the Neighbourhood Plan before we submit it to NHDC. We would like to share the results of the consulta on with you. There will be a public mee ng in the Small Hall of the Community Centre on Monday 8th July at 7.30pm. It will be a short mee ng to summarise the feedback that we have received and answer any ques ons you may have. What Next? When we have passed the Neighbourhood Plan to NHDC there are s ll some steps that have to be taken before the Plan can be formally accepted as part of the official planning policy for Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall, alongside the NHDC's Local Plan.
NHDC will appoint an Examiner for the Neighbourhood Plan to ensure that we have correctly followed the guidelines and provided sufficient evidence that our policies are valid and supported by residents. If the plan passes this stage then you, as residents, will be invited to say whether or not you support the Neighbourhood Plan. This will be through a local referendum. We do not yet know when this will take place but we hope that, by the me it does, the plan properly reflects residents' wishes, on those aspects of development that we are able to influence. Why does this ma er? It might be hard to visualise the impact that the Neighbourhood Plan will have, but it is an opportunity for local residents and businesses to influence the future developments, whatever they may be. The commi ee have thought carefully
about where NHDC's policies fall short and how we can create a posi ve vision for the town and local area. We appreciate your support to try to ensure that Baldock keeps its special character and con nues to be a community that we would all like to be part of in the future. If you would like to know more please visit our website www.bbplan.co.uk.
LEAFLET DISTRIBUTION Baldock, Ashwell & Weston
Cards, Flyers, Menus & Leaflets per 10 We can deliver them all 00 Call Jacqui 07973 788 418
21 Birthday st
Georgina Crowther
Lots of Love Mum & Dad MARCUS CROWTHER
Lots of love Mum, Dad, Jess & Georgina
Sam Allan
16 July
Hope you have a fantastic day, love Janet, the kids and grandchildren xx
Love Mum, Dad & Ford 18th July 10
Do You Feel Anxious at According to a recent survey, approximately 3 million people in the UK suffer from anxiety. In reality, most people suffer from anxiety at some point in their life yet they don't seek any help. Most of us are able to deal with the everyday anxie es but there are mes when it just feels a bit too much. Anxiety is a physiological feeling. We might experience symptoms, such as palpita ons, dry mouth, restlessness, or shortness of breath. The reason why we experience these symptoms is that our body is trying to tell us something. It's trying to 'warn' us about nega ve feelings we are ignoring. These nega ve feelings can include fear, sadness, anger,
Times? worry and/or frustra on. This is where counselling can be very beneficial. Counsellor can help you to process the underlying feelings and gain confidence in managing them so that they don't turn into anxiety anymore. We at Hollinton Health understand that you might feel apprehensive about star ng counselling, hence we offer a free 30-minute introductory session. It gives you an opportunity to meet the counsellor, and have a further discussion about your mental wellbeing. Don't forget, we all have mental health as well as physical health – they both need looking a er. Please don't ignore yours. Eeva Whybrow Reg. MBACP
The sales market goes from strength to strength “Our sales team continue to be very busy, with the volume of new instructions and property sales higher then the same period last year. Encouragingly, we are seeing growth in the middle to upper level of the market and we are achieving some high profile sales for our clients. The market up to £500,000? Very busy, with a real sense of urgency amongst our buyers out bidding each other to secure a property.” Simon Walton – Sales Valuations
Our Lettings Business is growing “Alexander and Nicola have joined our team and their in depth knowledge and experience of the industry is already attracting praise from our clients. Our team is now well positioned as we move forward with plans to double the size of our business, grow our market share and continue to grow yields for our landlords.” Salim Uddin – Lettings Valuations
#WHATAYEAR Blimey! I've been droning on for a whole year now. Who would have thought that when Paul asked me to write something about my family's passion for rugby, I would s ll be bending your ears a year later with my inane wi ering's? Bless you all for bothering to read. I've had a few reports back that my li le ar cles make for good toilet reading. I can't complain, at least they are being read. I don't want to labour this, but is that a man thing? Not that I've done a survey or anything, but it seems like a man thing. Us girlies don't have the me or the luxury for such frivolity. The feedback I get from these ramblings are all ways so posi ve; My friends seem to enjoy them anyway (I think there's a clue there) so, if you don't mind, I'll s ck with it, well I will for as long as Paul and Jacqui allow it. You're stuck with me for now folks. Enjoy! I sat my GCSE exams last week, (It's a strange thing, when wri ng this, I always have to remember that you don't get to
see it for a few weeks, so when I say last week, I mean the start of June) OMG! What a shocker that was, its been just over thirty years since I sat an exam and I don't remember a thing about it. It was really stressful; I cannot begin to explain to you just how emo onally and physically exhaus ng it is. I've put a year of my life into just 3 ½ hours that will stand in judgement of me for the rest of my life, I know that sounds drama c, it is just me judging a er all, but that really is how it felt. The exams were held on the Tuesday and Friday, 1 hour 45 minutes each. I was cramming (technical term used by us students) from the Saturday before right up un l the start of paper 2 on Friday. I was completely blindsided by my response to the first exam. I couldn't sleep the night before, similes, allitera on and personifica on kept dancing around in my head. My brain constantly taunted me by asking stupid
metaphor Nicky? How important is sentence structure? Why use a semi colon? Full stops and comma's waltzed in front of my eyes, and when I did sleep, I dreamt a rather unwholesome dream of Mr Darcy (least said about that the be er). When the exam was finished, I was u erly exhausted, seriously knackered. Whilst doing my own exams I had to help out with all of our other exams that were taking place, a er all it is my job. I've always known that exam me is stressy for both staff and students. We (the staff) put on our swan show, we glide around the college looking professional guiding, helping, calming the students whilst paddling furiously under the waterline pu ng out small fires as we go. Having now seen it from both sides, I am in awe of our students and how they cope with it all. Whilst I only deal with 5 GCSE exam days, they will be trying to juggle mul ple exams. Some students will sit ten or more different exams and assessments, all at this me of year. Its just madness for them. I did these exams for pleasure (how wrong was I?) They have no bearing in my life, they will not get me a be er job or enhance my CV. The results will be
meaningless to anyone except for me. But for our children they mean so much. They are measured (wrongly in my humble opinion) by these last few months of their lives. The ques on I ask myself now is this: If I felt the way I did when it means nothing, what would it feel like when it means everything? We put so much pressure on our kids to produce good results. We do this because we want the very best for them, we want them to have the best chance at the career they have set their sights on, we want them to have a good life, a be er life that perhaps only good exam results can bring, and rightly so. But a er seeing (and now feeling) this immense pressure -especially on those of us less academically endowed – I wonder if there is a be er way to judge and quan fy a person's ability to perform in the working environment. Students work damn hard for their grades, and I will not take that away from them, but they are not a measure of the person. How many of you know highly educated people that have not a jot of common sense about them? Exam results don't give any insight to personality or emo onal intelligence, maturity or the ability to think through a problem and resolve an issue. Sorry, I seem to be going on a rant. Change of subject
required before ge ng myself in trouble. The Rugby World Cup is nearly upon us, I know! How exci ng is that? I can't wait. Letchworth Rugby Club had a stall at the Food Fes val in Letchworth recently. Rugby players eat and drink so there is a connec on, honest guv! I did my bit and meandered around taking in the amazing smells and tas ng the delicious treats whilst pushing leaflets on anyone that looked like they'd like a game. I managed a bit of people watching while I was about it and played Spot the Footballer. There are rugby players and there are football players. I know I'm being completely and unashamedly sexist and objec fying the men folk, but I do love the build of a rugby player. What can I say? I had a fun morning; I didn't give leaflets to the footballers. Anyhow, if you miss playing and fancy ge ng back into it, or you've never played and always wanted to, training starts this month. All ages welcome, six to sixty. Just google Letchworth Rugby Club for more info. Something I've learned this year… Do something different, unexpected and exci ng. You never know where it will take you.
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Spring and summer are lovely seasons for taking long walks on the green with our dogs...but be careful about grass seeds! In fact, grass seeds are in the terminal part of shrubs of grasses and at some point, they become dry and hard and can detach from the rest of the plant or fall on the ground. their shape makes them very insidious and able to enter the skin and progress in the deep ssues or in a body cavity they can get everywhere! Common loca ons are between the toes, where they can make a ďŹ stula under the skin and cause infec ons, or they can get inside the nose, making your dog sneeze very o en. They can also go in the conjunc val sac and cause a painful eye infec on, or in the ears and make your dog shake the head and make his ear very sore, in very serious
occasions dogs can inhale a grass seed, and if not retrieved in me it can cause serious infec ons in the lungs or in the abdomen. So avoid if possible walking your dog in places with a lot of grass seeds and always check your pet a er a walk, paying special a en on to the paws, ears and eyes. Think about keeping short hairs in those areas if it makes the job easier. And if you no ce your pet shaking their head, sneezing a lot, limping with a ďŹ stula or a puncture between the toes/pads, or suddenly having a bad cough, then seek for veterinary advice.
4 for the price of 3 for Wormers in July, Aug, & Sept
(25 miles, 30 miles or 55 miles - you choose your distance!)
n O s ’ t a h W Letchworth Parkrun A free 5km run every Saturday at 9am, Grange Recreation Ground, SG6 4PN. Very welcoming for new runners - see www.parkrun.org.uk/letchworth for details
Baldock Country Market Every Friday morning until Christmas - The Victoria pub Sun Street Baldock 9.30am - 12pm
Monkey Music Classes Every Friday classes running from 9.30 at the Baldock Community Centre contact Katherine on 01462 -626735
The Royal British Legion Baldock Branch Third Monday of every month - The Orange Tree Norton Road -7:30pm
StreetFood Hero’s Saturday 5th July - Steetfood heros return the Baldock High Street. Tacos & nachos, Paella, Soul Food from the USA, Pizza, Indonesian Rendang Curry, cakes & bakes, brisket, pork, bbq chicken and a mobile Bar & DJ
Open-Air Cinema - Grease Saturday 6th July - Gates open at 6pm, the Priory School, Hitchin SG5 2UR. In aid of Keech Hospice 01582 707942 or www.keech.org.uk/grease
Summer Beer Festival Friday 5th, Saturday 6th an Sunday 7th July - Music, craft beers, BBQ, Pimms and Mojito bar and kids corner. At The Fox in Willian SG62AE
Cricket World Cup Day (theamed) Sunday 14th July - Adult T20 match 1pm - evening, youth matches from 10am, Ladies softball from 12,Bar & BBQ. Weston Cricket Club SG47BY
Pedigree Jazz Friday 19 July 7.30pm. Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre, Old town Hall, High Street, SG7 6AR. For the 4th year running, we are delighted to welcome back Pedigree Jazz for an evening of traditional jazz. Licensed Bar. Tickets: £12 per person available online from www.ticketsource.co.uk/baldockartsandheritagecentre or from the Arts & Heritage Gallery Coffee Bar (open Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 10am - 2pm). Price includes cheese and biscuits.
Cricketers Family Fun Day 2019 Saturday 20th July 2019 from 12:00-17:00. Beer & Cider, Bouncy Castles, BBQ & Pizza, Candy Floss and Live music. At The Cricketers in Weston SG4 7DA
Baldock Beats Waste Monday 22 July 7.30pm. Open meeting turning back the clock on plastic and waste. at The Orange Tree, Norton Road, Baldock, SG7 5AW. All welcome
Open- Air Cinema - Mary Poppins Returns Thursday, 25 July 2019 from 13:00-15:10. Sundown Cinema at The Cricketers, Weston If you would like to have your event included FREE in the next issue please email us at info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk by 15th July 2019 JULY
Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp
July 2019 First I would like to start with an apology, you will have noticed that last months write-up was incomplete, unfortunately, before I could write the last part of it I had a bit of an emergency and rushed off to the Lister hospital and from there to Addenbrookes. So I'm very sorry if it made little sense, I've not been brave enough to read it. This month I have been asked to cover vegetable growing /production. In 1966 at the age of twelve, I got a parttime job working in a large Manor house garden. The garden was a bit daunting for a young lad there was so much work. It didn't help when the head Gardener Tom Young when showing me around for the first time declared with high authority as we walked through the gate of his two-acre veg garden that it would be my duty to have the whole area dug before the end of winter. It took quite a few weeks for me to realise it was all a big joke. We grew just about everything in the veg world in that garden, and it was an excellent opener for me. We had heated greenhouses with heated benches, cold frames, holding beds and enough final planting area to have proper crop rotation. We were able to supply the big house with fruit for all of the traditional season with some extension with barn storage for apples and pears and vegetables of some description all of the year. The big walled garden was laid out traditionally ten to twelve-foot beds around the walls for fruit bushes, fruit trees and various flowers perennial and annuals for the house. There was a pathway around the garden just inside of the wall beds the centre was divided into four equal parts to allow for the four-year rotation these were divided by permanent beds of asparagus, Gooseberry bushes, raspberry and blackberries. The four large beds would themselves be divided but strictly kept to the rules of rotation. The four-year rotation would be Legumes, Salad/roots, Potatoes and Brassicas. The rotation is then kept very strictly in order. The potato bed would be deep dug preferably double dug; deep digging is when a spade or fork is used to dig the soil in the plot and used two to three inches
deeper than the blade or tines, this is quite difficult and not a very often used technique. Double digging is when a trench is dug out at the start of the bed and wheelbarrowed to the far end where you will finish, so the idea is then to dig the same amount from the bottom of the first trench, so it is "Double" the depth of regular digging. The next thing to do is dig the next section or spit and place it into the starting trench; the third goes into the second, and the fourth goes into the third and so on. Keep repeating until you get to the end where you will find the soil from the first trench, place this into the final trench and level it off. Double digging is an excellent opportunity to get some organic matter into your soil by placing it into the bottom of each double spit trench before covering it from the next one. This process will give you very deep soft aerated and of course fertile soil; this is the site for your potatoes. There are hundreds of varieties of potatoes, so I won't go over that now if you want an excellent all-around potato I grow Kestrel I've used it for early and main crop and everything in between. Kestrel is suitable for chips and bakers, it can be a bit flowery for boiling so use them early, but they do make good roasters. So if you don't have much room that could be the one for you. Brassicas are the next in the rotation so here is where you can modify the rotation if you want or if you are prone to club root. As Brassicas are next, you could apply some lime in as you are preparing your double dug bed, what you can also do is change to a five-year rotation and slip in a fallow year ( grow nothing) so resting the soil. I would suggest you apply the recommended amount of lime dig in normally and leave it for the season with nothing growing in it I would cover it with a weed-suppressing cover to give a good clean area. For the brassicas check the fertiliser levels with an of the shelf test kit and apply accordingly and again if you suffer from club root apply some more lime.
St Johns
Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre
Choose your brassicas with care as some of them have long seasons and may encroach into the next season, making it impossible to dig the plot for your legumes that go in next. Don't include runner beans into your rotation if you have room for a permanent bed or use them as one of the fixed dividers between your beds as they are one of the few crops that can be grown on the same site year after year. Brassicas produce their own nitrogen, so do not apply too much in your fertiliser regime. Adding some iron, magnesium and other trace elements will give healthy green plants. Beans will be cleared early enough to get the plot dug over ready for the next crop. You are now able to grow leaf crops and root crops together this time. Salad such as lettuce spring and bulb onions, leeks, parsnips, carrots radish etc. be careful on your fertiliser application on some of the root vegetables or they will bolt and become tuff and inedible especially if it is hot and dry. That's your rotation set out in simple terms, as with all things in the garden it will never go how we want so you will undoubtedly have to modify it as you go along. Rotation of crops is a long time proven technique and will fit into many regimes, especially the organic system as it controls many pests and diseases. Rotation is challenging if you have a small garden or allotment but try your best, and you will see a significant improvement in cropping. I hope that helps. It's not easy to describe the rotation system in the small space I have to write in here. I probably need a short book. More on vegetables next month. Enjoy your gardening. Cheers, Graham.
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JULY MOVIES JULY 2nd - SPIDER-MAN - Far from Home Peter Parker returns in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Our friendly neighbourhood Super Hero decides to join his best friends Ned, MJ, and the rest of the gang on a European vacation. However, Peter's plan to leave super heroics behind for a few weeks are quickly scrapped when he begrudgingly agrees to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of several elemental creature attacks, creating havoc across the continent!
JULY 5th - MIDSOMMAR Dani and Christian are a young American couple in a relationship on the brink of falling apart. But after a family tragedy keeps them together, a grieving Dani invites herself to join Christian and his friends on a trip to a once-in-alifetime midsummer festival in a remote Swedish village. But what begins as an idyllic retreat quickly evolves into an increasingly violent and bizarre competition at the hands of a pagan cult.
JULY 5th - The QUEENS CORGI Since his arrival at Buckingham palace, Rex lives a life of luxury. Top dog, he has superseded his three fellow Corgis in Her Majesty's heart. When he causes a diplomatic incident during an official dinner with the President of the United States, he falls into disgrace. Betrayed by one of his peers, Rex becomes a stray dog in the streets of London. How can he redeem himself? In love, he will find the resources to surpass himself in the face of great danger...
JULY 19th - THE LION KING Simba idolizes his father, King Mufasa, and takes to heart his own royal destiny on the plains of Africa. But not everyone in the kingdom celebrates the new cub's arrival. Scar, Mufasa's brother -- and former heir to the throne -- has plans of his own. The battle for Pride Rock is soon ravaged with betrayal, tragedy and drama, ultimately resulting in Simba's exile. With help from a pair of new friends, Simba must figure out how to take back what is rightfully his.
JULY 26th - TEEN SPIRIT This is a charming musical fable set in the uk about a lonely immigrant teenage girl. Violet is a shy teenager who dreams of escaping her small town and pursuing her passion to sing. With the help of an unlikely mentor, she enters a local singing competition that will test her integrity, talent and ambition. Driven by a pop-fueled soundtrack, Teen Spirit is a visceral and stylish spin on the Cinderella story.
JULY 26th - HORRIBLE HISTORIES -Movie Roman teenager Atti is forced to join the Roman Army when one of his clever schemes falls foul of Emperor Nero. He is sent to "miserable, cold, wet Britain" where "the natives are revolting, quite literally". Things go from bad to worse when Atti is captured by Orla, a feisty teenage Celt desperate to prove herself as a warrior. Atti uses his Roman know-how to help Orla save her grandma who's been kidnapped by a rival tribe.
Call Jacqui 07973 788418
Answer-phone on both numbers & will return all calls
fro Baldockre MOT Cent is relocating to
01462 440684 Way, 74 Icknield 5AN SG7 Way Baldock, 9 Wallance
01462 Hitchin 895933 SG4 0SE
5 minutes with... ...Tom Glindon from *What the best thing about being an Osteopath? The best thing about being an Osteopath is the sa sfac on of helping people who are really in need. It's not just about making them pain free, it's about allowing them to do things they didn't think were possible and helping them achieve their goals. *Why do you do the videos on the Amber Facebook page? I do videos on Facebook because everyone else here is camera shy... all jokes aside we want to try and con nue our pa ent educa on and spread it amongst the community. The more educated our community the more they will be able to take care of themselves. *What the most common condi on you see in clinic. Could pa ents prevent this? The most common condi on I see is any form of lower back pain. The key to avoiding this is building in the founda ons of basic health (good sleep, suitable weight, suitable diet and exercise). On top of these factors making sure exercise features an element of core muscular work is incredibly important as well as regular stretching and mobility exercises. Finally knowing your limits and recognising when your body is star ng to struggle are very important in avoiding injury. *1 in 5 of us gets osteoarthri s (wear and tear) in the UK. It can't be cured but can Osteopathy help? Osteopathy can absolutely help with arthri s. We can help manage pain, prevent it from ge ng worse and also provide exercises so you can do this yourself at home. Many people see us on a regular basis such as once a month to have treatment to help.
*What's the most sa sfying outcome you have had recently? I recently helped a lady get rid of some fairly debilita ng headaches and back pain she was suffering with, following mul ple surgeries for broken bones in her shoulder, ribs and wrist a er a horse-riding accident. She had been suffering since last year but came to see me a er she had completed a course of NHS physio. Amber Health is well known for Osteopathy but how do the other treatments Amber offers fit in with that? All the treatments complement each other. The team work very closely together, and we'll refer a pa ent to one another if we know that their treatment will be more effec ve, or we'll work in tandem to offer a more rounded treatment plan. An example would be Osteopathy with Podiatry, especially with athletes, if they have biomechanical issues from their feet. Counselling also helps us work on a pa ent's mental wellbeing as well as their physical health, as the two are intrinsically connected. *Away from trea ng pa ents what do you like to do? When I am away from the clinic I love to go mountain biking and running. I am currently training for a marathon. I love travelling and enjoy making movies of my holidays from GoPro and drone footage post holiday. See some of Toms videos on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/AmberHealthClinics
Everyone's heard the cliche' 'break out of your comfort zone'. But there's an awkward problem, a happy and fulfilling life feels comfortable too. So how do you dis nguish between the good and bad sorts of discomfort? And once you've decided to leave a stagnant job, rela onship or lifestyle, how do you actually do that. Comfort is pleasure plus safety, but some sa sfac on in life are incompa ble with safety, to reach them you must enter the unknown. By wai ng un l you feel en rely secure about your next step you are misunderstanding the nature of change. What you can do, however, is reduce those feelings of uncertainty and anxiety un l the hurdle is low enough to jump.
In other words...We always do what we always did because doing something new doesn't usually feel good! You may think you're hopelessly stuck, change is too scary and we are experts at convincing ourselves not to take risks, so find a quite place, close your eyes, take some deep breaths and then ask: “What do I need to do next” In the seconds before the safety related thoughts bubble up you may find your answer. Wri ng down such thoughts serves as a halfway house between keeping them inside and pu ng them into prac ce. By externalising them you take away their power to terrify. You gain the self discipline to change by learning to tolerate discomfort. But you start very small building up your tolerance put your foot down and say 'no' to just one unreasonable demand from a colleague or partner, or try something you have never tried before for instance.
Major changes always involve leaping over a chasm of fear, Hypnotherapy can help to reframe and change the way you think, recognise unhelpful thinking and changing it into a more posi ve way of thinking, then with effort and a bit of work along with the support of a hypnotherapist you will soon be breaking out of your comfort zone. Kim Holloway www.total-therapy.co.uk
Copy deadline for the August issue is 15th July
August 24
Sand Schl Upda Year 5 and 6 had an ac on packed week at Belchamps Scout Ac vity Centre. They had an amazing me trying a wide variety of ac vi es including the assault course, air rifles, climbing, abseiling, bungee run, fire ligh ng, fencing, crate stacking and many more. The wet weather didn’t dampen our sprits; every member of our group challenged themselves in some way. Our instructors complimented our perseverance and resilience. On the last night we enjoyed a fantas c sing -song around the campfire. Thank you very much to Mr Jinkerson and Mrs Wilson, for their enthusiasm and dedica on. As we told you last me we have new raised beds. As part of our grounds project we are crea ng a quiet garden. Mrs Darton has very kindly created a co age garden bed for us in the quiet garden. The children have been busy plan ng seeds and plants, weeding and watering. We tend to the beds at lunch mes, monitoring the growth of the plants and thinking about what else we would like to grow Congratula ons to Isabella Cannon who
won the Year 4 Eastern Region category of The Primary and Secondary Engineering Awards – 2018 -2019 – East. Classes 1 and 2 entered this compe on and they had to design an inven on that would improve the lives of others. Isabella and her family a ended an award ceremony at The University of Her ordshire Sandon School (in it’s current loca on) is 80 years old. We would like to invite former pupils and staff to join us at school on Friday 27th September for a celebra on. This coincides with our Macmillan coffee morning. The current building opened at the beginning of 1939 and we have some interes ng documents we would like to share with the wider school community. If you have further sugges ons for events to celebrate this anniversary please email: head@sandon.herts.sch.uk Emma McGill - Headteacher
On July 14th Baldock will host the 7th annual Baldock Cycle Challenge. This very popular event gives riders of all abili es the opportunity to ride one loop or two through the beau ful countryside and villages of north Herts, Beds and Cambs. Whether you are a club rider or just ride for fun this event is for you. Regular check points on route allows, those that want to, the opportunity to stop, take on refreshments and enjoy the hospitality of the local villages. For more informa on and how to enter, go to the BEF website. www.baldockeventsforum.org.uk/
In this era of the £1000 smartphone, it's easy to expect 'gadgets' to be very expensive and with the advent of smartwatches, you can look to be paying even more than that! In fact, the 'Apple Watch Hermès Stainless Steel Case with Fauve Barenia Leather Single Tour Deployment Buckle' aside from sounding like something Patrick Bateman would wear in American Psycho, will set you back almost £1500! With this in mind, I began looking for a gadget from simpler mes and with the current retro craze, I found a gadget which first gained prominence in the Michael J Fox movie, Back to the Future, yes the calculator watch has returned in all its former glory in the shape of the Casio CA53W-1. This is a watch, which is also a calculator, stop-watch, alarm and 'dual me' piece, It has the basic func ons of hour, minute and second with the op on of displaying it either 12 or 24-hour formats, It has the op on of hourly 'chime' and alarm func on. A er se ng the date, the 'day of the week' displays in an abbreviated format at the top of the screen. There is a single bu on on the right-hand side of the watch, with a recessed bu on to set func ons, you also have 16 bu ons under the digital dial which can perform several func ons such as switching between me formats and se ng the hour chime.
Lawn Care & Landscaping Specialists
Hedgecutting Weekly/fortnightly visits One off clearances Patios Fencing Decking Artificial grass and so much more...
Pressing the single bu on cycles through even more difficulty actually pressing the watch func ons, the first being the them! calculator. The watch will perform the But this is not the point of this watch. basic add, subtract, mul ply and divide This is a statement, telling people that we func ons, nothing spectacular, but are in fact just as cool as we were in 1985 enough to work out the p if you are out when Back to the Future was released. to dinner with friends. Next is the stopWe might not own a DeLorean or a watch func on with lap- mer, and finally Hoverboard, but we are wearing one of is the DT or dual me screen where you the greatest examples of '80s electronics. want to add a different me-zone (useful The absolute best thing about this for the globe-tro ers amongst us). gadget is its price. I picked up a brand Interes ngly the watch has NO backnew Casio CA53W-1 for under £20, yes light func on. The watch is very thin and you are reading this correctly, it cost me light and comes in a comfor ngly £18. straigh orward black case with rubbery If you would like to pick one up breathable strap. It's quite thin and light yourself, go to www.amazon and search too which makes it feel comfortable on Casio CA53W-1 the wrist. You can even wear the watch Ma Porter - The Gadget Man whilst swimming, but according to Casio, you should avoid snorkelling. But, let's be absolutely honest, this is not a prac cal Crash Care Centre Hitchin Ltd watch, it isn't something that you are going to be using to run your life on a day to day basis. In fact, unless you have 20-20 pilot vision youare going to Ÿ All Types of Bodywork struggle to read the teeny bu ons on the Undertaken front of the watch Ÿ PAS125 Accredited and perhaps have
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New Drinking Fountains Visitors to North Her ordshire’s parks and outdoor pools can now quench their thirst for free now that a number of public drinking fountains have been installed by North Her ordshire District Council. The new fountains are a permanent fixture and will provide an all-year-round fresh supply of drinking water for visitors to these sites. Each fountain also has a bo le filling tap for topping up reusable water bo les. The drinking fountains have been installed at: Avenue Park, Baldock Priory Memorial Gardens, Royston Howard Park and Gardens, Letchworth Bancro Park, Hitchin Hitchin Swimming Pool Letchworth Swimming Pool It is hoped that the fountains will reduce the use of single use plas cs at the parks and
pools by encouraging visitors to refill their bo les, rather than buy bo led water.
The installa on of the fountains follows the passing of a Council mo on in July last year on single-use plas cs. As a result, the Council is launching a Plas c Free North Herts campaign, to encourage residents and businesses to reduce, reuse and correctly recycle plas cs. Cllr Steve Jarvis said: "These water fountains will provide a quick and easy way for people to find a drink when visi ng parks and outdoor pools. If we get a hot summer like last year, I’m sure they will be in high demand.
‘WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT* your existing home insurance renewal quote in the SG postcode.’ For most people their home is the biggest investment they will ever make and the things they keep in it are their most prized possessions. As your local broker our role is to select the policy most suited to your individual needs. Ensuring peace of mind for our customers is at the heart of what we do. To make sure your most treasured possessions are properly covered contact the Emperor of insurance. QUOTE REF: DOORSTEP
Everyone at Key Conveyancing is committed to making the experience of moving house as simple and straightforward as possible. Ÿ A fast, personal and professional Ÿ
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Call our dedicated team on 01462 892221 for a free quotation 3b Whitehorse Street, Baldock. SG7 6PX
Slimming Wld Recipe Supplied by
Sandra Lloyd
Stuffed Butternut Squash Gratin These colourful 'vegetable boats' make a great starter on their own, a tasty light lunch served with salad, or a main meal alongside grilled meat or fish.
Ingredients 2 medium-sized butternut squash 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed Juice of 1 lemon A pinch of dried red chilli flakes 1 tsp fresh thyme leaves 1 courgette, cut into 1cm pieces 1 red pepper, cut into 1cm pieces 4 baby leeks thickly sliced Low calorie cooking spray Salt and freshly ground black pepper 200g cherry tomatoes Breadcrumbs from 1 slice wholemeal bread (from 400g loaf) Ÿ 2 tbsp finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley Ÿ 2 level tbsp grated Pecorino cheese Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
Method 1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/180°C Fan/Gas 6. 2. Cut the squash in half, scoop out the seeds then cut criss-cross patterns into the flesh of each one. 3. Mix together the garlic, lemon juice, chilli flakes and thyme and brush this mixture over the flesh. 4. Place the squash in a baking dish, cut side up, and bake in the oven for about 30-40 minutes or until the flesh is tender. 5. Meanwhile make the stuffing: put the courgette, red pepper and leeks in a separate baking dish and spray with low calorie cooking spray. Season and bake for about 20-25 minutes until tender and starting to brown at the edges. 6. Add the cherry tomatoes and cook for another 10 minutes. 7. Mix the breadcrumbs, parsley and grated Pecorino together. 8. Arrange the roasted vegetables in the squash halves, scatter with the breadcrumb mix and bake for a further 10 minutes or until golden. Tip: Serve with a large garden salad, steak or lean meat of your choice.
01462 440684 JULY
MARTIN BALL PLASTERING R.H GARDEN DESIGN The Garden Specialists Some of our many services offered include:
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Regular maintenance Garden Make-overs Jungles tamed Patios Fencing Turng Planting Articial grass Decking Driveways Pressure washing of patios and drives
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Baldock in Blm Hopefully you will have spo ed the lovely hanging baskets around the town. Tara Geere, chair of the Baldock Beer Fes val has worked with Stuart Ma hews from SRM security and Graham and Susan Tapp from Tapps Garden centre and Paul Brenneck from N Herts Joinery to get them all up.
email allshedsandmore@yahoo.com Saunders Close, Green Lane, Letchworth
BB Carpentry & Builders Ben Blows 7 Farriers Close Baldock Herts SG7 5BQ
TEL: 07572532618
Local businesses have contributed along with Baldock Rotary and the Baldock Beer Fes val, who have funded baskets for the library, hospice shops, community centre and the Baldock Arts and Heritage Centre (old Town Hall), who would not normally have the budgets.
Tara told us “we wanted to build on the great success of last year's ini a ve that Tapp's Garden Centre started with Brandles School, in Whitehorse street to extend this across the whole of Baldock”. The idea was to enhance pride in our lovely town and get as many people and businesses involved as possible. Who knows, if we can keep it going we might be able to enter the Britain in Bloom na onal compe on next year !! I am really grateful for everyone's support, especially Graham and Susan Tapp for sor ng the baskets at cost and for the love shown on our town's social media.
01767 317429
Courtlands Riding Stables & Pony Club Centre Always fancied horse riding but don’t know where to start? Why not come down and have a chat and see what we have to offer Our friendly staff and clients are always around Saturdays and Sundays 9am -12pm
A safe and relaxing environment for the whole family
acorngaragedoors@btconnect.com www.acorn-garagedoors.co.uk Pony club rallies and activities Indoor & outdoor riding facilities
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Courtlands Riding Stables, Old Chanrty Lane, Todds Green, Stevenage, Herts, Sg1 2JE
Contact Phil Allen on 01462 834411 or 07909 716631 or email allentrees@btinternet.com
July Gallery
Please send your local snaps new or old to our facebook page or email info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk
1st Baldock's Group Camp at Phasels Wood and camp ď€ re Nick Howell
Baldock Town U11's Warriors, joint winners in their age group Coaches Dave Joy, Anthony Gale & Tony Gale
Bike mad Jackson with his dad at Baldock Clasic Car show - Shelley Robson.
Baldock dog walking convoy - Carolyn Rutherford
Lifelong Charlton Athletic fan Brian Fidock at Wembley celebrating them winning the playoffs! Busy Bee Matthew Bartlett
Saturday evening rainbow - Thomas Connolly One man and his dog Pam Hall
The Baldock Big Lunch BEF
Poppies behind Weston Woods Cara Richardson
Village Cricket Ashwell Cricket Club
Dragon Fly enjoy a Baldock garden Emily Hertbert Bambi, taken just up the road in Stotfold Linda Parcell
Someone’s getting told off Chris Dover
Baldock Town U10's after wining the cup Kerry Thrower
Do you need to make a Will or update your existing Will? We offer a FREE initial appointment to discuss your circumstances, offering advice on Wills including ringfencing your home from care and guidance regarding inheritance Tax Nill Rate Bands. HOME VISITS ARE AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE WITHIN A 5 MILE RADIUS OF BALDOCK. SATURDAY MORNING appointments available on the following date* SATURDAY 13th JULY 2019 FREE WILL SERVICE for the over 55's through the Cancer Research Free Will Scheme For more information please contact:FISH HILL CHAMBERS, 2-3 FISH HILL, ROYSTON, HERTS, SG8 9JY Tel: 01763 241 121 t.pilcher@walkerspartnership.co.uk
Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice Samaritans
03444 111444 0300 300 8136 116 123
Councils North Hertfordshire District
01462 474000
Doctors Baldock Surgery
01462 892458
Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery
01763 313869
Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut
0800 111 999 0800 7838838
Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH
01438 314333 01707 328111 111
Library Baldock Library
0300 123 4049
Police Police
01707 354000
Schools Knights Templar Hartseld St Johns St Marys Brandles
01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189
Travel Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line
08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608
Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre
01462 895579
Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round
01462 892172 01462 896322
Play Groups Magic Moments Merry Go Round
07709 618434 01462 896322
Plumbers Maben PE James
07949 120911 07816 586777
Window & Door repairs JML Windows Repairs Warrens Windows
01438 906300 01462 261401
Florist Blooms of Baldock
07747 195325
Barbers Micks of Baldock
01462 895002
Locksmith Lock and Glaze
Airport Taxi Greenacre Transfers
07555 707848
Funeral Directors Shires - CPJ Field Balodck
01462 491149
Come along and view our full range of products on display in our new show room. Kindlelight’s friendly staff will be on hand to assist with any queries. Everyone is welcome. Ample parking and refreshments available.