June 2016

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Simon Brooks Photography 2016

Issue 23 June

01462 892041




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Welcome To the June issue of On Our Doorstep, which happens to be our second anniversary edition. May has been and gone as quickly as ever, as did the brief few days of sunshine we had this month! The 33rd Baldock Festival was a roaring success once again this year so a massive well done is in order for Brent Copsey and the whole team for organising all the events. One of my personal favourites was the Classic Car Show in the high street last Sunday. The town was filled with beautiful beasts from the past including Jaguars, Triumphs, MG's as well as a few slightly newer cars from the 70's. We would like to congratulate Georgina from Bows Hair and Beauty who qualified as a finalist in this year's Milkshake Creative Vision Live Awards. And further huge congratulations are in order for Ben Goldscheider of Knights Templar School for competing in the final of BBC Young Musician of the Year 2016 and has now been selected to study at the Barenboim-Said Akademie in Berlin. Looking on to June now and there is a lot of excitement in our household with numerous birthdays and anniversaries approaching including our youngest who is already planing every detail of her party. The Big Lunch is back on the 12th (makes me hungry just thinking about it), always a great day with tickets on sale from Baldock community centre from 1st June onwards. Hopefully the sun will be back on our side by then!

NEXT issue?

Get in tou

c info@onourdo A gentle reminder for any of you orstepbaldock h .co.uk with a brain like sieve(similar to mine) that Father's Day falls on the 19th this month. Let's see if my own kids will read this and remember... The arrival of June also brings some very sad news for the residents of Baldock and the surrounding areas as Gilbert's is closing its doors this month after 62 years on the high street - and incredible feat and we'll be sad to see them go. Thank you to all the lovely readers that emailed over pictures for this month front cover, Simon Brooks pipped everyone to the post again this month with his stunning image. Enjoy June

Paul & Jacqui info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk Advertising

Jacqui Calver 07973 788418 Email: info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk




On the road to success- Rebecca Maynard Rebecca Maynard is a year 13 student who has been involved in compe ve cycling for the last eight years. Star ng at a young age, Rebecca has gained an apprecia on for the sport and the skill set it requires. Cycle racing has taken Rebecca all over the country for na onal and regional compe ons as well as travelling abroad to race in Interna onal youth tours. There are six main disciplines within cycling and Rebecca has competed in three of these; road, track (velodrome) and cyclo-cross (a mixture of road and mountain-biking). Within these disciplines she has achieved a range of results from high placed finishes in road na onal compe ons to winning the regional cyclo-cross league. This has been recognised to the extent that this year Rebecca has been selected to race for a sponsored team. The team is receiving team bikes, kit, mechanics and financial support from Kine c Cycles and Welwyn Wheelers. Their aim this year is a top ten finish in the Na onal Women's team series (currently 8th). As a pe te woman Rebecca has to race with ladies who are up to twice her size and has therefore had to learn to be aggressive in her racing. However, cycling is a very social sport so very few arguments occur off the bike in comparison to when the ladies are racing. Individually Rebecca aspires to get her Category 2 licence this year; this is similar to a league system where points are gained by high placing in races. Laura Tro performs at elite level and Rebecca is therefore only two levels below Laura!!

Rebecca's next local race is the Letchworth Grand Prix on 26th June –look out for her if you are there! Over the years of racing Rebecca has gained a love for her sport which she intends to con nue throughout university, both as a racer and a volunteer. Rebecca intends to study Biology at Manchester University.

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News from Sandon JMI School As I write this piece I am invigila ng my 10 and 11 year olds si ng their final SAT in Maths. We are proud that our pupils have given their best this week amid the media frenzy and leaking of documenta on. This school year has seen not only a new curriculum, but also new assessment arrangements a er the removal of levels. We have tried to make the children feel special, and reduce stress by providing them with breakfast each day and we wrote to each pupil to tell them that the people marking the tests will not know them as we know them. They will not know those that speak two languages or can act and sing. They will not know that our children are kind and though ul. Not every child is going to be academic. There will be dancers, musicians and footballers. I firmly believe a child needs a good grounding in academic subjects, but the tests aren't the be-all and end-all. Children need to be outside riding their bikes, socialising and doing things that open them up culturally. Children need to be resilient hard working and confident to try new things. Music is very important at Sandon and we encourage every pupil to be involved. We are having a string concert where the children perform to their parents to celebrate their progress. This is a great way to showcase the different instruments and encourage others to learn. We are all going to watch The Railway Children at Kings Cross Theatre and eagerly await this trip, because Ella Buky one of our Year 5 pupils will be performing in the produc on. We were delighted and proud to hear of ex- pupil Helen Inman who has achieved the Queen Scout Award and pass on our congratula ons to her. We are always pleased to hear what our ex-pupils are up to.

On 19th June we are hos ng a Fun Run. We hope as many people will put their running shoes on for this fun family event. 10k run star ng at 10am; 5k run/walk for 8 years and over star ng at 10.15am and 1k run for all the family star ng at 10.30am. Our Juniors are all off to The Olympic Park to watch the Hockey World Cup where we were lucky enough to gain ckets for the match Australia v Argen na. Four of our children, all novice tennis players, took part in the Year 3/4 District Tennis tournament at Letchworth Tennis Club. They played 5 matches against other schools and won three of them – a terrific achievement and they should be very proud of themselves. Well done Ruby, Scarle , Blue and Harry! Margaret Gilbert - Headteacher

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Green Fingers at Weston Way The children at Weston Way Nursery School are very busy tending their growing area. Last week they harvested the leeks they had grown. They carefully dug them out of the soil and collected them in their trugs. The leeks were washed and sautéed in a li le bu er in prepara on to be eaten at snack me. Opinion was mixed as to those who enjoyed the taste and those who did not, but most of the children were willing to try them. Carrots were then planted in the space where the leeks had previously been and then carefully watered. .

We also feel very privileged to announce that the nursery school has been selected as one of four nursery schools in Her ordshire to take part in the 30 hour en tlement pilot before the government roll out the provision to all eligible children in September 2017. This enables eligible children to access 30 hours of educa on and care, presently all children are provided with 15 hours of educa on. The 30 hour provision is a new ini a ve from the government to cut child care costs and make it easier for parents to be able to work. Up-coming events: Teddy Bears Picnic, Baldock Open Gardens and a visit later in the month from Sir Oliver Heald MP

Bouncy Castle Hire

We recently received a wonderful dona on from the Baldock Allotment Associa on of; onions, potatoes, assorted seeds, a large bag of compost and a cheque for £30. This was in recogni on for the five years the nursery children have entered their produce in the Annual Baldock Hor cultural Society Show, each year winning a variety of categories.


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RABBIT AWARENESS WEEK 18th-26th June is Rabbit Awareness We e k w h i c h i s r u n b y s e ve ra l organisa ons and chari es, such as Rabbit Welfare Associa on & Fund (RWAF). (A full list is available at www.rabbitawarenessweek.co.uk/pa rtners) The purpose of Rabbit Awareness Week is to raise awareness of a rabbit's requirements to allow them to live as happy, healthy pets. Baldock Veterinary Centre is offering free health checks to all rabbits during this week. If you would like to bring your rabbit for a health check, please ring 01462 895579 to book an appointment. Rabbits have 5 welfare needs that must be met in order to ensure a full, happy life. The welfare needs are as follows – 1.Toys - Toys provide enrichment and s mula on and help prevent boredom. There are plenty of commercially available toys but you can also make your own. A toilet roll tube stuffed with hay makes a great toy and will keep your rabbits entertained. Cardboard boxes and tubes are also fun to play with and can double up as shelters and hiding places. Rabbits love to dig so providing a planter filled with soil will keep them entertained. 2.Friends - Rabbits are sociable animals and live in groups in the wild. Rabbits that are kept alone will o en become bored and lonely and can suffer as a result, for this reason they should be kept in pairs or groups. Rabbits should only be introduced to each other under supervision. Please speak to your Vet or Veterinary Nurse for advice on bonding. It is advisable to neuter your rabbits. This not only prevents unwanted pregnancies but eliminates the risk of uterine cancer. It also reduces the chance of dominance and aggression. 3.Home - Rabbits can either be kept as 'house rabbits' or live outside. If they are kept outside in a hutch, the hutch should be a minimum of 6 feet x 2 feet and tall enough for the largest rabbit to stand fully upright on its back legs. A run should also be provided so the rabbits can exercise. Minimum recommended size for runs is 8 feet long. Hutches should have separate sleeping and toile ng areas and should be kept clean. They should be posi oned out of direct sunlight and protected from the elements. It is recommended to cover the hutch at night to prevent the rabbits becoming scared by predators such as cats and foxes. If you plan to keep house rabbits you need to make sure electrical wires and cables are high enough that the rabbit can't chew them or kept covered. Rabbits prefer lower temperatures to people. This should be kept in mind when choosing your rabbits' areas. 4.Food and Water - Fresh water should always be readily accessible from either a bowl or bo le. Rabbit's teeth grow con nuously throughout their lives. They must be provided with plenty of hay and grass to wear down their teeth. If their cheek teeth do not wear down correctly they can develop 'spurs' which can cause damage to their tongue and cheeks. The teeth may also be pushed backwards into the sockets, causing damage to the jaw, abscesses and eye problems. Front teeth can dig into their lips and face and cause trauma if allowed to become overlong. Dental problems require Veterinary treatment. As well as hay and grass, which should make up the majority of your rabbit's diet, small quan es of pellets, fresh fruit and vegetables may be given. Pellets should be a nugget variety rather than a 'muesli style' as the muesli mix can lead to selec ve feeding, meaning the rabbits may miss some vital nutrients from their diet.

5.Veterinary Care - This is essen al for the health and well being of your pet. As previously men oned, rabbits can suffer from dental problems. Rabbits are also suscep ble to 2 deadly viruses, Myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD). These viruses can prove fatal for rabbits but can be vaccinated against with a single annual injec on. Obesity is a common problem. This can o en be corrected with dietary changes and exercise. Obese, elderly and sick rabbits are o en not able to groom themselves properly. This can lead to them becoming ma ed and not able to keep themselves clean. Flystrike is a problem during warmer weather. Flies are a racted to rabbit's dirty bo oms. They lay their eggs on the rabbit which hatch into maggots. Maggots burrow through the skin causing catastrophic damage. This damage can prove fatal to the rabbit. Rabbits should be checked twice a day for signs of flystrike.


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Baldock School Wins Good Diabetes Care Award Hartsfield JMI School has been awarded one of Diabetes UK's Good Diabetes Care in School Awards, a new recogni on scheme introduced by the charity in September 2015 to raise the profile of schools across the UK that are providing good care and support to children and young people with Type 1 diabetes. The school was chosen by an assessment panel which included parents and representa ves from Diabetes UK. It has been recognised for the support it provides to ensure children with Type 1 at the school are fully included in all school ac vi es and receive the care they deserve. On Monday 25th April, Hartsfield JMI School was presented with the special award by Jo Cloughton from Diabetes UK. Sharon Roberts, Diabetes UK Eastern Manager, said: “Hartsfield JMI School is providing outstanding care and support to children with Type 1 diabetes which is why it has become one of the first schools in the country to receive our Good Diabetes Care in School Award. The fact that Hartsfield is doing such a fantas c job of suppor ng students with Type 1 diabetes shows that good care is achievable in all schools.” For more informa on on the Good Diabetes Care in School Award visit: www.diabetes.org.uk/school-award





5 minutes with... Colin James from *Tell us a bit about - Construc on 11? Construc on 11 is a local building company offering building services to Residen al, Commercial, Industrial and Public Sector clients. *Who are Construc on 11? Myself, Colin James, and Bryan Travers grew up together in Baldock and have been friends since primary school. A er leaving Knights Templar, we worked together in a joinery shop before eventually taking different career paths within the construc on industry. Bryan moved into commercial office interiors working for the likes of Bupa, Mercedes and McLaren whilst I pursued a career in Architecture and Building Surveying. We have now combined our wealth of knowledge and experience gained over the last 30 years in residen al, commercial, industrial and public sector works within Construc on 11. *What type of building services do you provide? For our residen al customers we can offer a full refurbishment service or a new build service, from extensions, garage & lo conversions to a new bathroom or kitchen. We also work very closely with a window & door manufacturer and can provide a very compe ve replacement service. This is by no means a complete list though, so we would be more than happy to hear from anyone wan ng advice or a quota on for any project they may have.

Construction 11

*Can you provide a full Design and Build service? Yes we can. Being able to offer a complete Design & Build service using our in-house design team means that our clients can benefit from a single point of contact for their en re project. We can also offer either design or building services separately depending on your needs. Having the flexibility to offer our clients a complete start to finish service or for them to choose which parts they would like us to undertake helps them achieve their project goals. *What services do you provide for your commercial clients? We listen closely to our clients brief and develop space planning designs which then move on to project cos ng and delivery to site. We can provide complete office interior solu ons including par oning, suspended ceilings, flooring, electrical and data installa ons. We also provide ad-hoc or planned maintenance and undertake dilapida on projects. *Where is the company based? Having grown up in Baldock, it seemed right that the company should be based there. However, we also offer our services to customers within the Herts, Beds and Bucks area and will undertake projects in London if necessary. *How do I get in touch? If you would like a quota on or need advice, you can contact us through our website at www. construc on11.com, via email info@construc on11.com or give Bryan a call 07787 544144.




a p p s Our pick of this month’s must have downloads Air me - IOS 7+, Android This is the best way to stay close to your friends any me, anywhere. Up to six people can video chat as a group at the same me. You can also watch videos and listen to music together while cha ng. The Infinite Arcade- IOS 7+ Dream, design & play your own video games. Start quickly with a classic game to build on or invent your own! Create levels with obstacles, hazards, enemies, and more. You decide how many lives they get. BBC iPlayer Kids - IOS 7+, Android The app asks for your child’s name and age. This is used to showcase the most suitable content for your child from CBeebies and CBBC. You can also download contend to watch offline to help transform long journeys. The Rock Clock - IOS 7+, Android A mo va onal alarm clock, enter a personal goal, set your morning alarm and wake up every day with a new message from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. It’s me to get up and get a er your goals. No excuses. Mush - IOS 7+, Android The new, free way for mums to meet other local mums with kids the same age. Make connec ons, message & organise meet-ups. Read our guides for daily inspira on tailored to you - ie. how to be a breas eeding ninja.










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'Beavers Got Talent’

Once the half term had finished, the eager Beavers met back up again to make gi s for Mother's Day. These presents were plant pots that the Beavers decorated with vibrantly coloured ssue paper, accompanied with the usual PVA glue nightmare. The end products did look incredible though! Undeterred by the gluepocalypse, the Beavers marched back into the arts and cra s ba leground to make some clay models, kindly donated by our resident cra s expert Jenny. Some amazing crea ons were made, from quirky faces to cute hedgehogs or worryingly detailed skeletons. A huge lump of clay had been given to each beaver, along with a small amount of coloured clay which, despite looking like play-doh, unfortunately didn't taste like it… The next week we embarked on an alphabet walk around Baldock, where we tried to find things that began with the le ers of the alphabet. You would think that with so many shops, cars or objects in town that this task is rela vely simple. Well, next me you're out and about, I ask you to find anything that begins with a 'U'. The highly an cipated 'Beavers Got Talent' took place the next week. Each Beaver had prepared a special item to bravely perform in front of their friends and parents. Acts included standup comedy, dance rou nes and some musical recitals along with a memorable lightsabre fight between two aspiring Jedi. For the final mee ng before the Easter term, we visited our local Tesco Extra for an indepth look at what happens behind the scenes. A er an introduc on to the fruit and veg aisle, we discovered how the bakery works and how Tesco manages to produce such a large amount of fresh bread a day (it's with a lot of flour and a ridiculously big oven). Next we watched as a rainbow salmon was gu ed in front of our eyes… needless to say the Beavers loved it! The last tour was of the click and collect centre at the back of the store where we went inside a walk-in arc c freezer (at a cool 18°C) and watched as the next day's deliveries were prepared. Thank you to Tesco for providing an interes ng end to this term of Beavers! Sam Collins

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IS IT TIME FOR A FITNESS UPGRADE? June is always an exci ng month. The sun is shining, mornings and evening are lighter for longer and it's well and truly holiday season. To add to this excitement, June also marks the big reveal of our very own transforma on. Since opening in 2014 we've been known as CrossFit LGC but to reflect a new team and an incredibly exci ng future we'll now be known as CrossFit Beowulf. Embracing change is important, so if you're looking to take your workout to the next level or purely want to try something new then CrossFit is definitely for you. Designed for every body, the 38 movements that make up CrossFit will push you out of your comfort zone but make you a stronger, fi er, leaner person. Incorpora ng a mixture of gymnas c skills, cardio and strength training, CrossFit provides you with everything you need from a workout. It challenges you both physically and mentally but is also hugely rewarding. Recording finishing mes and weight that you're li ing means that you can visibly see and feel when you're ge ng faster and stronger, and all over a short period of me. The workouts are performed at rela vely high intensity as this is what gets results, but each one is scalable to allow you to work at a level that suits you. CrossFit is an all-round workout that builds you up as a person within a group-training environment. You'll always be working alongside your fellow CrossFit comrades, but the only person you truly go up against is you. Your teammates are there purely to get you across the finish line. CrossFit really encourages and supports team spirit and you'll feel as though you belong to your very own fitness family. So, what are you wai ng for? Sign up to a training programme that will help you become a bolder, braver, be er version of you.




JUNE MOVIES JUNE 3rd - THE NICE GUYS “The Nice Guys" takes place in 1970s Los Angeles, when down-on-his-luck private eye Holland March (Gosling) and hired enforcer Jackson Healy (Crowe) must work together to solve the case of a missing girl and the seemingly unrelated death of a porn star. During their investigation, they uncover a shocking conspiracy that reaches up to the highest circles of power.

JUNE 10th - MOTHER’S DAY Sandy (Jennifer Aniston) is a stressed-out, single mom who learns that her ex-husband is marrying a younger woman. Her friend Jesse (Kate Hudson) is a fitness freak who doesn't tell her parents that she has a family. While Miranda (Julia Roberts) is too busy with her career to worry about having children. When their respective problems start coming to a head, the Mother's Day holiday takes on a special meaning

JUNE 17th -


Calvin and Angie have merged the barbershop and beauty salon into one business. The days of male bonding are gone as the crew must now contend with sassy female co-workers and spirited clientele. A different kind of conflict has taken over Chicago. Crime and gangs are on the rise, leaving Calvin worried about the fate of his son. Together, the friends come up with a bold plan to take back their beloved neighbourhood.

JUNE 23rd - INDEPENDENCE DAY 2 We always knew they were coming back, the next epic chapter delivers global spectacle on an unimaginable scale. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defence program to protect the planet. But nothing can prepare us for the aliens’ advanced and unprecedented force. Only the ingenuity of a few brave men and women can bring our world back from the brink of extinction.


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Taking place in a Manhattan apartment building, Max's life as a favourite pet is turned upside down, when his owner brings home a sloppy mongrel named Duke. They have to put their quarrels behind when they find out that an adorable white bunny named Snowball is building an army of abandoned pets determined to take revenge on all happy-owned pets and their owners. From the humans behind ‘Despicable Me’


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Great Wall Of China Challenge In October my friend, Sue Hutchinson, and I will be leaving the comfort of our homes and trekking along the Great Wall of China in support of the Alzheimer's Society. Between us we hope to raise over £10,000 through sponsorship and various fund raising events.

We decided to take part in this challenge for Alzheimer's Society because Alzheimer's is directly impacting the lives of people we know and care about. More and more of our friends and family are either suffering themselves or caring for people with Alzheimer's. I have an excruciating (sometimes paralysing) fear of heights and neither of us are particularly fit. Like a lot of people we talk about going to the gym more than we actually get there! The trek has many hills, lots of steps, and will take us through some tough terrain. However, whilst we know it will be a tough challenge it's also great to know that we will be providing funds to help this charity and raise awareness of the amazing work they do. To support us please visit our fundraising pages at www.justgiving.com/Lisa-Mcgown or www.justgiving.com/Sue-Hutch




‘You don’t have to go to the Chelsea Flower Show’

Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp

Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre

June 2016. After a very strange autumn, when nothing wanted to go into dormancy or in other words shut down for winter. Leaves seemed to be stuck onto to trees and shrubs and some plants were flowering well past their allotted time. We then had a cold, then warm then cold then warm again winter, when the weirdest weather was thrown upon us. The season went from being about a month ahead of the norm, with buds swelling and looking as if they were about to come out in leaf or flower extremely early, to actually ending up more than two weeks late with nothing wanting to wake up. Now, I have recently observed something at the garden centre that in my sixty one years involved in horticulture and farming I have never ever seen or heard of, we have three trees that came out in full leaf but only on the south facing side and at best only one third, the rest of the tree was completely dormant and was in closed bud, showing no sign of any leaf what so ever. One is a beach tree about seventy feet high, shown in the photograph taken 05/05/2016, the others are a twisted willow about thirty feet high and a silver birch about forty five feet high. It seems that this phenomena is called “Partial fulfilment“ and is likely to be seen more often in years to come, a sign I’m afraid of global warming, something I personally have been cautious in admitting was it or wasn't it happening. What has happened in our trees evidently, is that the trees have not had enough cold temperature, either a short length of extreme low temperature or a long length of normally cold temperatures, this is very important in fruit trees to enable them to bear fruit. Our trees have had a warmish winter and also had early warm periods that almost caused bud burst but not quite, it seems that in early May we had a sudden very warm spell but more than that the light levels were abnormally high and the sun being low in the south is what has caused the effect on that side of the trees. Simple if you know what research papers to look up. Evidently this is becoming observed much more often in North America and Norway and now its been seen in Baldock. Scientists state that Globally April 2016 was the warmest April ever recorded and predict that this May will also be the hottest, some are predicting a record hot summer, this is based on the finishing cycle of el nino and the discovery that CO2 numbers in the Southern hemisphere have reached the symbolic milestone of 400 parts per million. I have been reading scientific papers on this subject on and of for years and have not been convinced until now, when your trees start giving you messages then you need to take notice. I know what your thinking! The trees are not talking to me yet and I’m not talking back to them, so not completely mad for the moment. Back to the present, as we approach the end of May I have reports of patchy plum pollination, masses of aphids and powdery mildew. Seed germination has been largely better than last year when we had to sow some varieties multiple times. I’ve also been watching the Wallington road allotment holders rushing about with watering cans so its now obvious that transpiration and evaporation have overtaken precipitation, meaning that natural rainfall is now probably lower than the amount of water being used and will be that way here well into autumn, so keep up the good work. Weeds are now growing very quickly and I for one can’t keep them under control, same story for the grass, we were laughing to our selves a few weeks ago and had only had our mower out once but my word its working overtime now, I love the smell of fresh cut grass it reminds me of many the hours driving my Dads tractor up and down the rows of his apple orchards, very carefully between the lines of trees , some times concentration would wander and the mower would catch a tree trunk and whip it out of the ground, would I get into so much trouble, even worse some times I would catch one of our hundreds of bee hives, I can assure you a Massy Fergusson 35X tractor can’t outrun a few thousand angry honey bees, or my Dad. Having said that the wood peckers still did more damage to our hives than I ever did. We used to have four or five bee hives here at the Garden Centre but we had to stop that lark as our customers didn't take kindly to being buzzed by them. Its nearly time for Pims so keep gardening. Cheers Graham.

Top 10 jobs for the garden in June 1. Hoe borders regularly to keep down weeds

6. Mow lawns at least once a week

2. Plant out summer bedding

7. Prune many spring-flowering shrubs

3. Pinch out sideshoots on tomatoes

8. Stake tall or floppy plants

4. Harvest lettuce, radish, other salads and early potatoes

9. Be water-wise, especially in drought-affected areas

5. Position summer hanging baskets and containers outside

10. Shade greenhouses to keep them cool and prevent scorch




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Councillors Public Meeting

Our new Bunnery is now open for bookings

As you may be aware, in September 2014, Baldock Town Councillors called a public mee ng to ascertain what people in this area felt about proposals to allow developers to build up to 14,200 new homes in the North Herts area between 2011 and 2031, with around 4,500 sites being in the Baldock area. The Baldock Councillors listened carefully to what was said at that mee ng and other public mee ngs held to discuss and debate the issue. Overwhelmingly those mee ngs felt that, while development was a good thing, it had to be properly planned, use of the green belt should be kept to a minimum and relevant infrastructure should be a key element of the plan, not an a erthought. Lobbying by local residents reduced the number of sites for the Baldock area to almost 3,600, but it was s ll felt by the people of Baldock that this was far too many houses for Baldock to assimilate and that so many sites would destroy the unique character and nature of the town. Notwithstanding local feeling and the opposi on of local councillors, the plan was accepted at a full council mee ng on 27 November 2014 and sent for public consulta on between 18 December and 5 February 2015. The council officers then looked at the 8,500+ comments from residents and eventually will put forward a dra Local Plan at a full council mee ng on 20 July 2016 at North Herts Leisure Centre, commencing at 7.30pm. Your councillors feel that it is important for local people to have the opportunity to be in possession of the facts, so we are calling another public mee ng on Tuesday 12 July 2016, at the school hall of Knights Templar School, Baldock. The mee ng will start at 7pm and the councillor in charge of the plan, David Leve , will give a presenta on of the plan and its possible impact on Baldock. Following his presenta on, there will be an opportunity to ask him ques ons. If the Dra Local Plan is adopted at the council mee ng on 20 July, it will go to public consulta on again and then the Dra Plan, as adopted on 20 July, along with comments submi ed during the consulta on period following its adop on will be sent to the Planning Inspector, who will decide if the Plan is to be adopted. This is your chance to have your say in something that will materially affect our town. All the councillors will take into account your views, which will affect how they vote on the Plan on 20 July. We want to make sure that we are following the wishes of the people who elected us in this most important vote, having considered all aspects of the Plan and its impact, both locally and in the larger environment. Jim McNally - Councillor - Baldock Town Ward North Herts District Council




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MERRY GO ROUND Flexible use of government funded sessions. Including all day sessions for all 3 & 4 year olds and eligible 2 year olds. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

High ratio of staff to children Safe, stimulating and fun environment Early drop-off, lunch club and late pick-up sessions available Two redeveloped, all weather outdoor play areas The Mobile, Hartsfield School, Clothall Road, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 6BJ 01462 896322 info@merrygoroundunder5s.co.uk

Courtlands Riding Stables & Pony Club Centre Always fancied horse riding but don’t know where to start? Why not come down and have a chat and see what we have to offer Our friendly staff and clients are always around Saturdays and Sundays 9am -12pm

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The children's enthusiasm for the theme 'things that grow' and 'flowers' has not wilted! They have been making full use of the recent sunshine and using our windows as greenhouses. All the children have been watching the beans that they have placed in plas c bags and some wet co on wool, sprout and grow. They have also been crea ng bright flowers using seeds. These have added a touch of spring to our walls. The nursery children have been exploring the theme in a li le more depth and understanding a li le more about the life cycle of plants and how to look a er them. The staff have used this theme both indoors and in our garden. We have a permanent mud kitchen in the garden, this is a resources that is in constant use and creates so much fun for the children. We have also created and outdoor flower shop for role play and encouraged the children to tend to the plants and flowers we already have in the garden. The children have also been fascinated by all the bugs and mini beasts they have found in the garden. We had a wonderful day at the Baldock Fes val Street Fair. It was lovely seeing lots of our children and their families. As always we are so grateful for your generosity and support. If you are looking for either a pre-school or nursery place for your child from September 2016 then please contact us. ·Nursery children are guaranteed a morning session ·Flexible use of government funded hours including All Day ·Lunch Club ·Access to Hartsfield facili es


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U14 Templars League Cup Glory A great win for Baldock U14 Templars at the weekend for winning the Royston Crow League Cup Final. This was held at The Bury in Bun ngford. It was a 3-1 victory for Baldock, bea ng Stevenage Borough Bluesox Wanderers, a er it being 0-0 at half me.

Baldock went down to 10 men a er one of the boys got injured, they was then spurred on when the first goal went in, this was scored by Antonio Marra. The second was scored by Cole Butler who headed it in from a corner kick, the third was blasted in by Daniel Maher. It was a great game to watch with the weather being so kind. A massive well done to the boys this season who finished 3rd in Division 1 and won this League Cup on Sunday. Manager Tony Marra and Coach Sam Goodman were so pleased with the teams performance on the day and their season as a whole. Well done guys.

6000 Leaflets Delivered £150* 2 6



Apple iPhone 6s Plus...

...The phone that wants to be everything! The Apple iPhone 6s Plus is a VERY big phone, in fact it falls into the 'phablet' size, such that it's bigger than a phone but smaller than a tablet, this market has been dominated by the Samsung Galaxy Note range for a number of years, but with two handsets currently available Apple are certainly trea ng the format seriously. I've been tes ng the iPhone 6s Plus which has a number of performance and func onal improvements over the standard 6 Plus, namely the faster A9 and M9 processors and Tap c Engine display with 3d Touch screen func onality. The screen remains at Full HD or 1080 resolu on with Apple choosing not to up the resolu on of UHD along with it's rival Samsung or even to 4K which can be found in the Sony Xperia Z5 Premium. Instead they s ck with the tried and tested 401ppi density 1920 x 1080 display, this actually gives it a performance lead over the higher resolu on devices because it doesn't need to paint as many pixels for each frame of video and it's very difficult to tell the difference unless you use these devices in a VR headset such as Google Cardboard where you are looked at the screen millimetres away from your eyes. The screen is very bright with excellent colour balance, it is coated with an fingerprint smear coa ng which works surprisingly well. The case is fashioned from a single block of aluminium and feels very comfortable to hold. My device was 'Space Grey' and although quite heavy to hold compared to my current Samung Galaxy 6 Edge, felt really sturdy and nowhere near as slippery as other devices. The fingerprint login worked flawlessly, although being an Android user, I did miss the 'Back' bu on. So ware wise, the iPhone is loaded with lots of useful apps, my only cri cism is the inclusion of the Android Watch app which you can't help but assume was included as a 'nag' to buy their watch. Apps run very quickly and graphics hungry apps are no match for this brute. It's not surprising that everything runs flawlessly due to Apple's strict rules, but it's s ll amazing to see mobile apps running on a phone but matching the graphics and sound quality of dedicated gaming devices. The phone comes with a Lightning charger cable, UK plug and Apple Headphones. The sound quality from the external speaker is excellent and the same can be said for the headphones. You will be heavily locked into Apple iTunes and App Store, however I am a subscriber to Google Play Music and was able to run this app along with Google Play Movies that I have purchased over the years, so I didn't feel that these services were completely locked out anymore, you can even download Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to use as web browsers as an alterna ve to the included Safari browser which I found useful as I was able to share my bookmarks from my Android phone, PC and iMac.

The front and rear facing cameras are excellent as you would expect from an Apple device, the 12mp rear camera (upgraded from 8mp) now supports 'Live Photos', these are photos that contain a short video clip, so they come alive when viewing them in the gallery, this isn't a new idea as it was previous found on HTC devices as 'Zoe', but is a good addi on all the same. If you want to shoot video you can now do this in 4K at 30fps with Op cal Image Stabilisa on. If you want slow mo on video, you can shoot at 240fps and 720p resolu on. I freely admit, I love the size of the phone, I previously owned a Galaxy Note 3 which is similar in size and I felt right at home with the enormous display. If you are ready to upgrade your phone and are prepared for a higher price contract that usual, the iPhone 6s Plus is definitely worth looking at.and find me at www.thegadgetman.org.uk. - Ma Porter


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Letchworth Tag Rugby Holiday Camps Letchworth Rugby Club are to run Tag Rugby Camps during the school holidays, star ng in this year's summer holiday. The camps offer the opportunity to have fun, keep ac ve, improve rugby skills and make new friends. The camps are aimed at children aged 6 – 12 and NO previous rugby experience is necessary. Tag Rugby is a non-contact sport that will help your child develop their rugby skills, improve confidence and puts the FUN back in the fundamentals! The days will be full of enjoyable games, all under the watchful eyes of DBS checked, RFU qualified coaches. All profits from the camps will be used to help deliver coaching in local schools and to provide rugby scholarships. Costs are £60 per player per 3 day camp. To book a place contact Richard Sell t: 07919 216806 or e: richardsell@b nternet.com

Welcome to our Gym




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Are things a little slow? Its easy to advertise in On Our Doorstep Call Jacqui 07973 788 418 or


2 8



07720 882611

Slimming World Recipe Supplied by Sandra Lloyd Roasted Vegetable And Lemon Cous Cous With Pomegranate A taste of the Medina and a wonderful rainbow of colours for a summer supper with a difference.

Ingredients Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

1 each of red, green and yellow peppers, deseeded and roughly chopped 3 red onions, roughly chopped 1 aubergine, cut into small chunks 6 baby courgettes, halved lengthways 6 garlic cloves, roughly chopped Low-calorie cooking spray Salt and freshly ground black pepper 300g plain dried couscous 4 Belazu preserved lemons in brine from a jar, flesh removed, and peel and pith roughly chopped Juice and finely grated zest of ½ orange Juice of 1 lemon 100g pomegranate seeds

2 4 1 8 7

Method 1. Preheat your oven to 200°C/180°C fan/gas 6. Place all the vegetables and the garlic in a roasting tray. Spray with low-calorie cooking spray, season and toss well. Roast for 35-40 minutes, or until tender and lightly charred. 2. Place the couscous in a heatproof bowl, pour in enough boiling water to submerge the grains, cover and leave to stand for 10-12 minutes, or until all the liquid is absorbed. Fluff up the grains with a fork and turn out onto a large serving dish. 3. Add the preserved lemon peel and pith to the vegetables with the orange and lemon juices. Season and toss well. Spoon onto the couscous, then scatter over the orange zest and pomegranate seeds to serve. Tip: Preserved lemons add a salty and sour zing. Buy them in brine and just use the peel and pith, not the flesh. You'll find them in major supermarkets or from souschef.co.uk



2 5 9 4 2

6 7 9 7


3 7 9

9 4 8

8 1 9




A TOUCH OF GLASS Do you need to make a Will or revise your existing Will? If so, please take advantage of our reduced rate wills offer. Please note that reduced rate wills will be available every week day from 8.00am until 6.00pm, and on Tuesday evenings until 8.00pm,by appointment only. Also on the Saturday mornings of 4th & 18thJune 2016, again by appointment only Reduced rates are:Double Wills - £250.00 plus VAT Single Will - £130.00 plus VAT HOME VISITS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE WITHIN A 5 MILE RADIUS OF BALDOCK. For more information please contact:FISH HILL CHAMBERS, 2-3 FISH HILL, ROYSTON, HERTS, SG8 9JY

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Back to Netball Shoots Into Baldock! Running for almost a year, the Back to Netball groups in Baldock are the busiest they have ever been however there are s ll spaces for new people to come along and give it a try! Lucy Pon ng (Netball Development Coach for Her ordshire) said 'All of our Back to Netball sessions are aimed at beginners and provide a gentle re-introduc on to netball, the emphasis is very much on having fun whilst learning the basics and ge ng a bit of exercise at the same me! Most people who come along haven't played for a number of years, usually since school, and new players are always very welcome! The par cipants in Baldock are so friendly and we have such a lot of fun at the sessions. It's great to see the ladies of Baldock ge ng ac ve and trying a team sport'. These sessions are led by qualified England Netball coaches. We currently have 2 Back to Netball groups at Avenue Park, Baldock and a Walking Netball session at North Herts Leisure Centre in Letchworth (which all run term me only): Back to Netball Wednesdays 10-11am £2 Back to Netball Thursdays 7:30-8:30pm £3 Walking Netball Thursdays 1-2pm £3 For more informa on about Back to Netball or Walking Netball, please contact Lucy Pon ng 07834 500189 / lucy.pon ng@englandnetball.co.uk

12th June On the High Street

Tickets from the Community Centre


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Recipe by Ed Loftus

This retro remake is the perfect end to a big summer feast. And what’s more, you get the hard work out of the way the day before!

Ingredients 750ml bottle of Prosecco 50ml lemon juice, (from about 2 1/2 lemons) 9.5 x 15g leaves of gelatine 250ml Elderflower cordial 500g plums and seasonal berries, plums destoned & halved 4 sprigs of fresh mint, plus extra leaves to decorate edible flowers, to garnish (optional) pouring cream, to serve

Start your jelly the night before. Pour the Prosecco into a large mixing bowl, along with the lemon juice. In a separate bowl, leave the gelatine to soak in ice cold water. Set both aside. Warm the Elderflower cordial in a pan over a medium heat and, once hot, take off the heat to cool slightly. Squeeze out the excess water from the gelatine leaves and add it to the warm cordial, stirring until the leaves have completely dissolved. Add the gelatine mixture to the Prosecco and stir very gently with a spatula or large spoon until completely combined. Place the mixture in the fridge and give it another stir every 15 minutes. You want the jelly to be almost set but still liquid, this is so the fruit doesn’t float to the top when you add it. Reserving 100ml of the jelly, pour a quarter into a 1 litre jelly mould, then stud with a quarter each of the fruit and mint. Repeat three times. Heat the reserved jelly until liquid, then pour over the top; this will create a flat base, so the jelly sits nice and flush. Set overnight in the fridge. To remove the jelly, dip the mould in warm water for 30 seconds. Gently release the jelly sides with your fingers, then invert the mould onto a serving platter and give it a wiggle. Decorate the jelly with flowers, if using, and extra mint leaves, then serve with lashing of cream.

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Gallery 1066 is delighted to announce outstanding gurative artist and iconographer Jen Allen will be in attendance on Thursday 9th June, 7-9pm.

Jen's unique portraits are highly collectable across the globe and her work is often auctioned after being created before a live audience. She has also painted portraits ranging from three royal portraits to the cast of 'Coronation Street' as a part of the show's 50th birthday celebrations. Please join us and experience Jen's speed painting skills during a live demo on the night. This is strictly an RSVP event so please contact the gallery to reserve your place on the guest list! 01462 896164 |info@gallery1066neart.com | gallery1066neart.com


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International Iconographer Jen Allen at Gallery 1066

What’s On Live Race Night - Baldock Rotary Club 11th June - 7.00 for 7.30pm start at St Marys Church. Fish & Chip Supper included - Tickets £10 availlible from Community Centre or Keith 01462-896189


Charity 80's Disco 11th June - 7.30 @ The Orange Tree in aid of Genesis Research Trust - DRESS TO IMPRESS - Tickets £6.50 for info call Ashlee 07944705688 or Jayne 07733331694

Baldock Big Lunch 12th June - High Street, Baldock - Tickets will be available from 1st June from the Community Centre Sandon Village Market 18th June 9.30am to 11.30am.at Sandon School Come along and browse our fantastic selection of stalls or simply relax with a tasty bacon roll and a coffee. The market is held on the 3rd Saturday of every month.

Fun Run (10km -5km-1km) Sunday 19th June from 10am at Sandon School 10k run starting at 10am; 5k run/walk for 8 years and over starting at 10.15am and 1k run for all the family starting at 10.30am. Entry £5 for over 11s and £3 for under 11s.

Baldock Cycle challenge 19th June - Baldock High Street - 2 routes to choose from starting at 10 am & 1pm. For more info www.baldocktown.co.uk

Open Garden - Sandon Bury 25th & 26th June, 2 - 5pm, Sandon Bury SG90QY. Adm : £4.50 Children Free

Heathlands Summer Dog Spectacular & Dog Show 26th June 11am-4pm Gravely Car Boot Site. Bouncy Castle - BBQ - Mega Slide - Craft & Retail Stalls and Lots more. Admission £2, Under 10's & Dogs free.

Regular events: Body And Soul - For Retired People, Gentle NHS exercise, Baldock Community Centre Wednesdays Baldock Rotary Club 12.15 – 14.00, Bowls Club West Avenue Baby Rhyme Time 10.30-11.00am, Library Senior Club, 2-4pm Community Centre Baldock and Letchworth 8.30-11pm Folk Club, Orange Tree Pub Toddler Tales, 2.30-3pm - Baldock Library Kingfisher Dementia Club, Community Centre Baldock Community Orchestra, KTS School Thursdays Baldock Country Market - 10am, The Cock Fridays 2nd Monday Alzheimer's Society Carers Support Group every month 10am-12pm Tapps Garden Centre 1st Weds every month White Lion Quiz Night, Baldock High Street Tuesdays

3rd Monday Baldock Branch Royal British Legion every month monthly meeting 7.30pm Orange Tree Pub, Norton Road. Non-members welcome. If you would like to have your event included FREE in the next issue please email info@onourdoorstepbaldock,co.uk by 15th June 2016 M A R C H 2016






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Charity Football Match in Loving Memory of Simon Wright




It's well over a year now since Simon sadly passed away and lost his short ba le with cancer. As a tribute and to raise money for Letchworth Hospice who cared for him and supported the family in the final days, there will be a charity match on Saturday 18th June, 3pm @ The Baldock Arena. There be a lot of old faces to knock a ball around, mixed up with some younger players made up of family and friends. £3.00 entry (children under 10 free) Bar open - Raffle and Auc on a er match. All welcome to support on the day.











Weston Hills cattle arriving earlier this year!


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Hopefully as you read this, there will be 5 new longhorn cows grazing contentedly in the northern fenced off compartment at Weston Hills (planned arrival date was Tues 24 May)- a couple of months earlier than previous groups. The reason for this is the hope that they will nibble down new dogwood shoots while they are s ll tender and tasty and therefore weaken and reduce the dogwood scrub, which if le to its own devices would quickly spread all over the hill. This would reduce biodiversity with many species of flower unable to compete with the shady dense thickets of dogwood (spot its beau ful red stems) and brambles if le unmanaged on the hill. Being a Nature Reserve, it is obviously much preferred to manage the area with animals and manual labour ( us

volunteers using non-power tools!) rather than chemicals or mechanical mowers. It is also very beneficial enabling people to have a closer link with and interest in their local natural environment. Countryside Management Services who organise this on behalf of NHDC will monitor the effect the ca le have for a few years to see how successful this approach is in this area. We know many people enjoy having cows grazing close at hand to Baldock and like walking through the enclosure having a look at them – so do keep an eye on our FaceBook page (Friends of Baldock Green Spaces) for names of the cows, stories from the volunteer stock checkers and news about the Meet the Ca le event at Ivel Springs (ca le due to arrive in July) and updates on the Gibbet Hill sheep (arrival a er the orchids have flowered!) You are also very welcome to join us on our monthly conserva on work par es on the 2nd Sunday of the month (apart from August) 10-3:30pm to join in or just have a chat about what we are doing. More informa on from Phil 07817 801616. Katrina Nice, Friends of Baldock Green Spaces

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Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice

03444 111444 0300 300 8136

Churches St Marys the Virgin Baptist church Roman Catholic Methodist Christchurch United Reformed Church

01462 892838 01462 893203 01462 893127 01462 895052 01462 232005 01462 619350

Councils North Hertfordshire District

Doctors Baldock Surgery

01462 474000 01462 892458

Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery

01763 313869

Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut

0800 111999 0800 7838838

Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH

01438 314333 01707 328111 111

Library Baldock Library

0300 123 4049

Police Police

01707 354000

Public Houses Engine The Cock The Old White Horse The Orange Tree The Victoria The White Lion

01462 896111 01462 892366 01462 893168 01462 892341 01462 893153 01462 893134

Vacuum Cleaners

Schools Knights Templar Hartseld St Johns St Marys Brandles

01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189

01462 895579

Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round

01462 892172 01462 896322

Play Groups Magic Moments Merry Go Round

07980 400690 01462 896322

Plumbers A.P Hughes

07949 120911

Window & Door repairs JML Windows Reapairs Warrens Windows


01462 228765 08701 201088 08457 484950 0870 6082608

Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre

Vacuum Bags

Vacuum Spares

Travel Taxi - A2B Taxis Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line

Carpet Shapooers

Spare parts for household appliances

01438 906300 01462 261401

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Appliance Spares




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Disclaimer All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however On Our Doorstep Baldock cannot take any responsibility for the content of adverts or services provided by the advertisers. Reproduction on whole or in part of this publication without prior permission from the publishers is strictly prohibited. JUNE



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