Issue 45 June 2018
Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages
June 2018
Welcome To the 4th anniversary issue of On Our Doorstep. Wow, where did those 4 years go! It's not all been plain sailing, especially as we started from scratch with no real experience. But we’ve learnt a lot and met loads of great local people in the process. We are always looking for new ideas or features and would love to hear from you. May finally bought us a bit of sunshine (and the end of a long snowy winter). The sun definitely had its hat on for the Baldock Festival as it took over the High Street. This year was another great success and a fantastic achievement for all the volunteers who have helped to organise this year. The amount of work that goes on behind the scenes is phenomenal! The Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had the whole town out and celebrating. It was great to see so many familiar faces wandering around the town and soaking up the atmosphere, especially those of you who had dressed up for the occasion, including Rob from The Orange Tree who transformed into Baldock's very own Prince Harry (take a look at our gallery page). The classic car show grows more popular every year with car enthusiasts coming from all over to show their beautiful vehicles, the MG on this month's front cover travelled down from Duxford – isn't she a beauty! Massive congratulations to the whole Baldock Beer Festival team, what a great job again this year and all in aid of charity. The same team are organising Baldock's OktoberFest later this year, which promises to be another
show stopper. Tickets for the event are £12 & available from the Community Centre. We hope that all the secondary school students made it through their GCSEs smoothly, it's nearly time for you to all enjoy a long summer break. June sees the start of the AS and A level exams too, we have our fingers crossed for each and every one of you, we can still remember our eldest daughter sitting them just a few years ago. Kicking off summer in true Baldock Town style is The Big Lunch! Another excuse (that we didn't need) for us to eat and drink a little too much in the beaming sunshine. Tickets are available from the Community Centre now. Middle child and I are heading off to Italy in June to watch the Italian MotoGP, her treat to me as part of my year long celebrations for my 50th. Until next month, look after yourselves
Paul & Jacqui
Jacqui Calver 07973 788418
Hartselds New Walled Garden Thanks to some very kind volunteers and generous dona ons from TAPPs, we have set to work on our new walled garden here at Hartsfield. A er receiving some generous dona ons from Tapps Garden Centre and me given to us from two wonderful volunteer parents here: Nicky & Billy Gough, work has begun. It took them all day under clear blue skies to clear the site and prepare it ready for the new plants which will get planted by the Year 1 & 2 children during the next couple of weeks. The aim of the garden is to enhance learning by taking the skills gained in the classroom in all subjects, outdoors. We will be plan ng vegetables, flowers and herbs in recycled pallets. We will also be se ng up a science zone to explore weather, wildlife, rainfall and much more. We all need to be teaching our children about the importance of nature in order that we can look a er the world around us. We are looking forward to this exci ng new venture and will keep you up to date with progress in due course. Philippa Smith - Head teacher
Patio Awnings with Anthracite Grey hardware now available
Baldock Beer festival – By the community, for the community May is a busy month in Baldock, especially for those involved with the fes val. But we managed to catch up with Tara Geere, chair of the Independent Baldock Beer Fes val Charitable Trust, who along with the rest of the Beer fes val commi ee and an army of volunteers runs the amazing community event that kick starts the two week fes val. Tara is also on the commi ee for the main fes val, so you may have seen her helping out at some of the other fes val events, pouring your wine, whiskey or Gin! 'It's been an amazing fes val this year. The Independent Beer fes val was the biggest and best yet. Star ng on Friday May the 4th (be with you!) gave us our Star Wars themed glasses, which everyone loved. The weather definitely helped, it was the ho est weekend in our 11 years. Everyone seemed to be out suppor ng us and enjoying the glorious sunshine. Which contributed to the astounding volume of drinks served. We es mate we served 6,740 pints of real ale, 2,800 pints of lager, 2,600 pints of cider, 260 bo les of wine (1040 glasses) and 1,740 shots of Gin. An amazing 14,920 alcoholic drinks served, alongside all the so drinks. We have a huge number of people to thank for helping us run this event, especially all the volunteers who gave up their me to serve behind the bar. Because people give up their me, it means we can raise more money to donate. We also need to say a massive thank you to North Herts. CAMRA who support us with s llage, and some of the local brewers and cider makers such as Bun ngford Beer and Apple Co age Cider for suppor ng us over the weekend. Alongside thanking some of the local publicans who helped us out when we were running out of beer on Sunday a ernoon! We also need to thank the folks from Baldock Tesco's. All the bread for the 1,600 burgers and hotdogs over the weekend was donated by them, free of charge. Which obviously helps to increase the money we can raise. However, it does raise a few eyebrows when we go in to collect them! Last year we were able to donate over £17, 000 pounds, so once the accounts are completed we will let you know how much we have raised and how much we will have to donate. We do know that we raised £735 for our chosen charity MIND, through the raffle and buckets that went round over the weekend, alongside the £622 raised by Emma Edwards through selling her amazing waffles via the Waffle shack. A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the total of £1,357 raised. We are also indebted to Worldpay who used the beer fes val to pilot a new version of contactless payments over the weekend. This was the second pilot, the first having been at Twickenham. It worked really well with lots of posi ve comments from everyone who used the new technology. It also put Baldock on the map to be compared to the hallow grounds of Twickenham! As we have said before not bad for a group of friends, who were challenged to run an event as part of the main two week Baldock fes val. To date we have donated £60, 000 into our great community. This year as well as the May beer fes val, we are going to run our first Oktoberfest event with three different sessions. The first on Friday evening, 26th October, and then two sessions on Saturday 27th October (a ernoon and evening). We have an Oompa band for each of the sessions and they will
also be joined by 'G' La Roche (Balstock organiser). The strictly over 18 year olds only, tradi onal Oktoberfest will be a cket only event. The ckets priced at £12 ckets (available from the community centre, or in person from 18, Pembroke Road, Baldock) includes entrance, your first pint of pilsner beer or glass of wine and a tradi onal pretzel. Unlike the May beer fes val there won't be a range of beers. We have already been approached for dona ons for this year and once we know amounts we will keep you all updated. Sneak preview for on our doorstep readers, we are working with Baldock Rotary to see what we can do with the main fes val commi ee to update and replace some of the Christmas lights. Not what people want to be thinking about in June!! And Tara's last words 'Thank you Baldock, see you in October and then again Friday May 3rd 2019.'
Get your tickets early to avoid disappointment available from Baldock Community Centre
Shhh... it’s
Summer’s Birthday on 17th June
Lots of Love Mum & Dad
Becky Thomas ‘Baldocks very own Mary Berry’
Lots of Love Dave Mary & Daisy xx
6th June
Kelly Hanrahan
15th June
Happy Birthday 22nd June
Edna Luya Lots of love Jacqui & Summer 2018
News from Weston Way We now have a Facebook page giving out informa on about the nursery and showing some of the ac vi es, during the day and a er school, that we offer to the children. Look for our logo when searching for us. Remember to like and follow us to see what goes on at the nursery. This month we have been taking a close look at various science experiments. We had a visit from Professor Peewee (Einstein's Entertainers) who showed us lots of scien fic experiments and encouraged the children to ask ques ons. Ÿ What do you think will happen? Ÿ How does that happen? Ÿ Why does that happen? The Professor was very entertaining and had the children's a en on from start to finish. We have booked the Professor to deliver an a er school club in 2019 as they are fully booked for this year. The children were ac vely encouraged to par cipate in the experiments and there were plenty of willing volunteers. We followed up the visit with lots of experiments of our own, to include: Ÿ Exploding coke and mentos Ÿ Colourful carna ons Ÿ Rainbow ski les Ÿ Jumping raisins, many of which you can see on our Facebook
We have introduced a new Lego a er school club. The children have been using their crea vity to build a variety of different models and construc ons. When I observed last week the children were so engaged in what they were doing you could have heard a pin drop! Premier Well-being are delivering a 6-week programme all about healthy ea ng and exercise. Last week we looked at the importance of ea ng a healthy breakfast before coming to nursery. This week we looked at dairy products, we made fodder for the cows and prac sed our milking techniques using a rubber glove! Lots of fun was had by everyone. Jane Mille - Head Teacher
Deb’s Dirty Cookers We clean cookers, extractor fans, microwaves. Spring cleaning & cooker repairs also undertaken Friendly Reliable Service Treat your cooker today
Please contact Debbie 01438 215172 07983 577803 MOT
Baldock MOT Centre 01462 895933
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Due to our own success we are still expanding and have positions available for dog walkers and boarders
Join the Team Franchise opportunities available across the whole of the UK Enjoy the fun and exibility of running a business by starting your very own Hopes Happy Hounds franchise. Ÿ Have a passion for animals? Ÿ Want to be your own boss?
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Stress in Cats If your cat shows persistent or significant behaviour changes, think about taking them to the Veterinary Surgery as Illness may be the cause of the stress and any medical issues should be ruled out first. Then if your cat has a clean bill of health, you will need to look in to different reasons for their behaviour. In order to solve behaviour problems it is necessary to understand what causes stress in cats as well as what reduces stress in cats. Stress is a cri cal factor in most behaviour problems, whether the problem is inappropriate elimina on, destruc ve scratching, over-grooming, excessive vocaliza on, aggression, or a variety of other unse ling behaviours. Aggressive behaviour towards people can be a sign of stress. Knowing the cause of aggression (stress) helps you choose the proper solu on. Dis nguishing between a truly aggressive cat and one that may have medical problems is necessary. One of the most common problems cats suffer from is idiopathic Cys s, which is highly associated with increased stress levels, fortunately medica on is available for this condi on and it can be cleared up quickly when iden fied. Cats can also get very stressed when new pets are added to their environment, also loud noises, or the owner moves house. If you have to take your cat anywhere in the cat basket, always be aware that some cats may soil in their basket, become very vocal or even vomit, which is not pleasant for anyone. Pop in to the Surgery to get a spray that you can use in the basket prior to use to help keep your cat calm for transporta on.
Top ps to make the trip to the vets easier are:Ÿ Leaving the carrier out so the cat sees it rou nely, and leave either food or treats in there so they can retrieve them without being shut in Ÿ Have a basket which the top can be taken off, so the cat can be examined while s ll in the base as they might feel safer that way Ÿ In the car make sure the basket is secured with a seat belt and place in the back seat, due to the air Ÿ bag possibly infla ng in the front seat Ÿ Take your cat on small journeys that are not associated with the Surgery so they don't have a nega ve associa on with going in the car Ÿ Cats don't like to be in the carrier on the ground, so put the carrier on a bench/table while wai ng, and also put a blanket on the carrier as that will make your cat feel safer Ÿ Please contact us to get medica on to reduce vet visit related stress If you have any problems that you think is stress related then please book an appointment with one of our vets at either our Royston branch on 01763 242221 or our Baldock branch on 01462 895579
‘Keep Your Pets Stress Free'
St Mary's Infant School On the 4th of May we had a wonderful a ernoon as the school took part in the Her ordshire County Council campaign called 'It's Never too Late to be Ac ve'. This involved the children invi ng an older adult they knew to run, jog or walk The Daily Mile with them at a one off family event. This could have been an older family member, a family friend or a friendly neighbour. Parents and carers were welcome to a end too. The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part and I think the adults did too! The children take part in The Daily Mile at school and we hope this campaign will inspire older adults to move more too and help all ages feel the benefits of regular ac vity and having fun together. The “Never too Late” campaign is part of Her ordshire's Year of Physical Ac vity. We are also saying a fond farewell to Mrs Hazel Stuart, our Office Manager, as she re res a er 36 years of working at the school. She is an amazing lady whose work and impact on the school is immeasurable. I am sure I speak for the whole school community in saying how much she will be missed and in wishing her a fun filled re rement. Claire Gunn - Head teacher
Baldock Youth Warriors Baldock U10s football team won their second trophy in six weeks when they defeated Sto old Youth Blacks U11s by 9 goals to 2 in the final of the Kim Bailey Trophy at The Bury, Bun ngford on Sunday 13 May. The result brought Baldock's tally for their five cup matches in this campaign to a remarkable 51 goals scored with only 2 conceded. The icing on the cake to a great season which has seen the boys promoted, in November, from the Royston Crow U10s Azure Division to the Under 11s Burgundy Division then, by February to the Under 11s Azure Division where they, comfortably, finished the season in the top half of the table. Congratula ons to all the boys and all of the backroom staff, especially “Li le” Dave McAdam and “Big” Dave Joy, who were involved in this incredibly successful season. Stats by Trevor Keates
01462 892041 JUNE
a p p s Our pick of this month’s must have downloads Ge y Unshu ered- IOS From the J Paul Ge y Trust, comes an app designed to teach and inspire fledgling photographers. The app will deliver weekly lessons and challenges as well as community cri que to help one improve their work. Eloquī- IOS A mixture between an object-recognizing AI camera and a translator. So, you can immediately find the foreign word for an object by just poin ng your phone at it. GoArt - IOS & Android An app that turns your photos into pain ng-like images. We've seen this before, but what makes this special is it supports high resolu on output images — up to 2,880 x 2,880 pixels, ideal for prin ng purposes Drivy - IOS and Android Discover Drivy, a peer-to-peer car rental service, 100% insured. Rent a car near you from only £15 OR rent out your own car when you do not need it. Drivy is leader of peer-to-peer car rental in Europe. SpeechBlubs - IOS and Android A voice-controlled speech therapy app designed to help your child learn new sounds and words, and prac ce speaking. 1500+ ac vi es to trigger sound and word produc on in toddlers, late talkers.
IAN SIMPSON Carpentry and Joinery All aspects of carpentry work undertaken Kitchen, Bedrooms, Doors, Windows 25 years experience Free estimates Please call 01462 851695 or 07967162448 E-mail
Karen Perry 'Custom Fit Supportive Orthotics’ Home Visits or Baldock Surgery
Window Cleaning 20 years experience Reliable and efficient Fully Insured & Uniformed staff
01462 629302 07970 406926 152 Hitchin Road, Stotfold
This is Rugby!!! When you think of Rugby, what do you think about? Do you immediately go to the default thinking that it is a violent game full of Neanderthal thugs and the ladies that play all butch and manly? If you do, I'm here to get you thinking about it in another way. Let me tell you a story… When my son was 14/15 we lived on the grange, he was just star ng to hang out with his friends in the evenings. Those of you that have sons/daughters this age will know the fear of not knowing where they are or what they are doing. Reports on the parent grape vine told me that he was hanging at the shops. This is enough to send any conscien ous parent into a downward spiral of dark thoughts. Drugs, sex, shopli ing, fights. All of that and more made my mind go crazy with worry. He was playing rugby at school at the me and asked me if he could join Letchworth Rugby club as his mates at school played for them and he enjoyed it and wanted to do more. Oh bugger! I thought, the kids going to get beaten up every week and break bones and look like a prize fighter on Monday mornings. But I relented, had to really. I can't tell you how sick I felt the first me I watched him play. I wouldn't go at first, I was so worried. But he asked me if I'd watch him play, so I went. I can never fully convey the fear in me as I watched him in that first scrum, the relief when I saw him get up dust himself off, laugh and then get going again. Wow! I started to see changes in him, he stopped hanging at the shops. Started to grow, not just physically (he was such a scrawny kid) but mentally, he started to grow up. Think more, he developed a certain pride, maturity. I changed too. I worried less about where he was, because I knew he was with his brothers and absolutely knew he was safe. I don't use the word brothers lightly here. He had found a family, his rugby family. These guys have each other's backs in everything they do. I was going through a divorce when he was 17, bad mes for us as a family, but I can't count the mes that his mates, his coaches, the club, saw him and us through the crap that entered our lives at that me. I know, that if he had been hanging with the shop crowd at that me, he would be into all sorts of serious trouble, I just know it. As we all went to the club on a Sunday, my daughter (10) thought she'd give it ago rather than hang about watching her brother. Boy oh boy, what a woman she has turned into, sassy, brave, so beau ful with not a hint of butch about her. My youngest boy (9) gave it ago too. So, we basically turned into a rugby family with just my middle boy not interested enough to play (family sloth). So, there is my story. This is what rugby has done for my family. This is the power of the game. The coaches at Letchworth, don't just teach rugby, they teach life skills. They take them on tour. Parents are encouraged to go with them. You will never know fun un l you
have been on a rugby tour. I kid you not. Un l the dreaded Under 17's tour, when you leave your child's (because they are s ll a child) life in the hands of a bunch of bigger children. And you spend the weekend petrified that your precious son will end up naked, ed to a lamp post and smeared with heaven only knows what. And when they come back, they are dirty, knackered, probably s ll drunk but so full of energy, So enormously happy. Prac cally high on life. Such I sight to behold. I have now watched 3 teams of teenagers (approx. 90 kids) grow up to be gentle, bold, considerate, funny, mindful, energe c, I could use endless posi ve adjec ves to describe the amazing adults they now are, but you get the picture This is rugby, this is what it gives to us, to our children. A sense of belonging. A band of brothers, a family. I don't see that any other sport gives families this. Yes, they are team sports and teach team play. But they aren't family sports, not like you get in rugby. So, if you are a li le worried about the direc on your teenager's life is going. try rugby, take them up to Letchworth on a Sunday morning and give it ago. You won't regret it, and neither will they. Maybe you might even join in. There is so much that you can help with. Organise a tour, fund raise or just sit back and watch as your slightly wayward teenager grows into an amazing adult, with the world at their feet and an army of brothers and sisters to help them reach their goals. by Nicky Hughes
Baldock MOT Centre 01462 895933 JUNE
JUNE MOVIES JUNE 1st - THE BOOK CLUB Diane (Diane Keaton) is recently widowed after 40 years of marriage, Vivian (Jane Fonda) enjoys her men with no strings attached, Sharon (Candice Bergen) is still working through her decades-old divorce, and Carol's (Mary Steenburgen) marriage is in a slump after 35 years. The lives of these four lifelong friends are turned upside down after reading the infamous "50 Shades of Grey," catapulting them into a series of outrageous life choices.
JUNE 6th - FALLEN KINGDOM, Jurassic World The film follows fifteen-year-old Charley Thompson. He wants a home, food on the table and a high school he can attend for more than part of the year. As the son of a single father working in warehouses across the Pacific Northwest, stability is hard to find. Hoping for a new start they move to Portland, Oregon where Charley takes a summer job, with a washed-up horse trainer, and befriends a failing racehorse named Lean on Pete.
JUNE 15th - HEREDITARY When her husband suddenly dumps her, longtime dedicated housewife Deanna turns regret into re-set by going back to college - landing in the same class and school as her daughter, who's not entirely sold on the idea. Plunging headlong into the campus experience, the increasingly outspoken Deanna -- now Dee Rock -- embraces freedom, fun, and frat boys on her own terms, finding her true self in a senior year no one ever expected.
JUNE 22nd - OCEAN’S 8 After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry's hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste. Searching to regain his spice for life, he must battle ninjas, the yakuza, and a pack of aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavour finding a new taste for adventure.
JUNE 29th - SICARIO Board the Millennium Falcon and journey to a galaxy far, far away in 'Solo: A Star Wars Story,' an adventure with the most beloved scoundrel in the galaxy. Through a series of daring escapades deep within a dark and dangerous criminal underworld, Han Solo meets his mighty future copilot Chewbacca and encounters the notorious gambler Lando Calrissian, in a journey that will set the course of one of the Star Wars saga's most unlikely heroes.
JUNE 29th - ADRIFT Shy sixteen-year-old Rhiannon falls in love with A, a mysterious spirit who inhabits a different body every day. Feeling an unmatched connection, Rhiannon and A try to find each other on a daily basis, always unsure of what or who the next day will bring. Soon, the realities of loving someone who is a different person every 24 hours starts to take its toll, leaving Rhiannon and A to face the hardest decision either has ever had to make.
Call Jacqui 07973 788418
Answer-phone on both numbers & will return all calls
George's Day Parade Hosted by First Baldock
As the days have been ge ng warmer and lighter, the beavers have been venturing out of the safety and warmth of their hut and exploring their local environment. Learning the Green Cross Code is an important part of learning to be a responsible person, so the beavers combined this with an 'Alphabet Walk' where their eagle eyes had to spot something beginning with every le er of the alphabet; Quashqais and Xsaras were very useful cars to see parked on the street! This year the annual Letchworth and Baldock District St. George's Day parade was hosted by First Baldock. The beavers were honoured to lead the parade right along the length of the High Street, carrying their flag with enormous pride. Their conduct was wonderful and they were such a credit to themselves, their colony and their parents. In April, the beavers went further afield, to LEGOLAND! Despite the weather being damp, chilly and somewhat overcast, the beavers' spirits were not dampened! Great fun was had by all and a big thank you to the wonderful leaders for giving up their Saturday to take the beavers on such a fun day out. Con nuing the outside theme, we had our own sports evening in the magnificent stadium se ng of….Park Drive play area! Tension was high as eggs were carefully balanced on spoons,
bean bags perched on heads and ankles ed together with neckers. A new sport, yet to be introduced to the Olympics and to which there was a mixed reac on from the beavers, was the balloon-popping race. To earn their Hikes Away badge, the beavers had to walk part of the Greenway from Standalone Farm to the Grange. The weather was incredibly kind with beau ful views over our countryside. However, the beavers were encouraged to pay close a en on to cyclists on the path; some were be er than others at ge ng out of the way! Thank you to all the leaders, with the support of parents, for con nuing to give the beavers such fun experiences. John Goward, young leader.
Bouncy Castle Hire
Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp
Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre
June 2018. Summer seems to be here at last, after a very wet and cold winter and a dreadfully wet start to spring we now have sun shine and warmth, the growing season started very slowly and it was the general consensus that we were at least four weeks behind, a lot of us had plants stored in places they should never have been because it was to wet and cold to get them out side, we had tomatoes showing very severe yellow mottling as we had to keep them dryer and cooler than they would like but that was the only way we could slow them down enough, they now look as though nothing had happened and by the second week of May, had produced two flower trusses, I hope yours are doing as well. My earlier fears about my fruit trees, not pollinating due to the cold weather proved unfounded this year as just at the critical time we had two weeks of fantastically hot weather unfortunately I didn't see many bees about but we did have lots of different types of insects that seemed to be fussing about doing the job and what a job they have done, my trees are smothered in baby apples, pears, cherries and plums, if they don't run off a bit we may have to hand thin them or we will get over cropping and the subsequent bi-annual bearing where the trees will crop every other year but with lots of small fruits. The 21st June is the longest day of the year and when you should be starting to get some good yields of soft fruit coming through, you won't be the only one looking forward to a cheeky strawberry or two, just about every bird or animal in North Hertfordshire will be looking for a quick meal of your produce so get everything netted over as soon as you can, don't forget Wimbledon starts on the 2nd July so make sure that you have plenty of strawberries ready. I have seen lots of systems for growing strawberries, some more complex than others, the traditional way is the simplest so just plant them into the well-worked soil and use straw underneath to stop the berries getting dirty and allowing air around them to reduce disease infection, make sure you keep them fed and watered and you will be amply rewarded and will guarantee a reasonable crop. Raspberries should be tied in and de-suckered by now, you won't need to tie in your autumn fruiting varieties as they don't need it as they are self supporting and won't yet have grown high enough as it's the new canes you need for the fruit unlike summer fruiting varieties that bear fruit on last years canes and will need the support, if you get them muddled up you will still get fruit off the autumn fruiting but not very much from the summer fruiting varieties as you will have cut off the fruiting stems, its been done by the best of us. The raspberry canes will need a good hefty pile of FYM spread over them through the winter just after pruning and on poor soil will need a sprinkle of general purpose fertiliser in late June this will help the summer fruiting canes recover and put up next years canes and the autumn fruiting canes will get a boost to help them carry a fruit crop. Some people with clay soils may find this year that their canes are looking poorly, yellow and maybe with brown edges to the leaf, this is due to the very wet winter season, they dislike sitting in any waterlogged ground, if they sit in it continuously they will gradually die. Through June you will have to watch out for sawfly on gooseberries, a nasty pest that will eat the leaves of off your plants, they can literally be stripped down to bare wood overnight. Caterpillars on your fruit trees may be a problem, fruit trees should have their glue bands fitted by now to stop the nasty critters climbing up the tree onto the embryo fruit and laying eggs which will hatch out dig into and crawl around inside your apples, pears and plums waiting for you to bite into it.
We had a frost on the night of the 16th May causing some damage on the hardier plants and have had reports that it killed beans and some tender bedding, severely burning potatoes in the process, we have had frosts here at the Garden Centre as late as the 12th June, please be aware and keep the fleece ready to cover up your vulnerable plants. Things to keep an eye on as the growing season progresses are powdery mildew on roses and Apples, Downy mildew on roses, verticillium wilt in cucumbers, marrows and courgettes, they suddenly die looking like they need water, lots of other plants can suffer from a range of wilts, bacterial and fungal, too many to mention here. Bacterial Canker is rife in the North Herts area and is something to watch out for on many stone fruits if you see curled blackened and browned leaves with yellow gooey amber like substance running down the branches you will most likely have bacterial canker and it will eventually kill the host tree, it will certainly reduce flowering and cropping, try not to prune after the trees have flowered better not to prune at all, unfortunately, we don't have anything on the market available to cure or prevent it at the moment, cross-contamination can be reduced by wiping/cleaning your cutting tools with methylated spirit or soaking them in hot water for two minutes at a minimum of sixty degrees centigrade, do not use boiling water as it will likely melt any plastic parts. If you have any questions about anything I have written here you can always visit Tapps Garden Centre for further advice, I'm there most times and available for a question time. Enjoy your gardening, Cheers Graham. JUNE
n O s ’ t a h W Baldock Police Surgeries
Every Wednesday 10-11am at the Community Centre
Letchworth Parkrun A free 5km run every Saturday at 9am, Grange Recreation Ground, SG6 4PN. Very welcoming for new runners - see for details
Baldock Floral Society - Flower Arranging Demonstration Thursday 7th June at 7.30pm.- Lesley Sturdy 'Changing Times' - Baldock Community Centre.
Positive Moving Class Every Wednesday Afternoon 2pm -3.30pm. Will be running improving mobility in older people followed by tea & biscuits cost Is £4 For more Info Contact 01462- 678804
Monnay's Charity Netball Tournament Saturday 2nd June at Knights Templar Sports Centre 10.30am -1pm, cake sale and refreshments available to register visit
Royal British Legion - Beer, Band & BBQ Saturday 2nd June 4pm - 8pm The Orange Tree Baldock - an afternoon of music, food hosted by rob & his team - tickets for non members £7.50 for adults & £3.50 for children
Sandon Fields Festival Saturday 9th June - Sunday 10th June, Poplars Farm Roe Green, Sandon SG9 0QG
Live Music - The 142s Band Rock/Pop 4 Piece Band Sunday 10th June 3.30pm - 6pm - Hen & Chickens Baldock. Check Out Lemonrock Gig Guide for more events through out June
Run Round The Garden Sunday 17th June 9.30am The Event Is Organised By North Herts Road Runners Letchworth Town Centre For More Info Contact
Live Music - Freddie Mercury Tribute Saturday 23rd June 9pm - Midnight Templars Hotel Baldock - G LaRoche
Geronimo Festival Saturday 30th June - 1 July - Knebworth House. Children & family festival, an amazing fairytale experience enjoyed by children and parents tickets required please contact
Live Band - Rickshaw Rock/Pop Saturday 30th June 9pm - 11.30pm - The Boot Baldock -
The Big Lunch 3rd of June from 12pm (food from 12.30pm), High Street Baldock. Full details on page
Baldock Cycle Challenge Sunday 15th July 2018, info If you would like to have your event included FREE in the next issue please email us at JUNE
d l r o W g n i m m i l S -It’s not just for Girls Sandra Lloyd, Slimming World Consultant for Baldock talks to Daniel Loriot, about his amazing journey. Achieving a 5 stone weight loss this May to reach his personally set target of 14 stone in just 20 weeks. S: So Dan can you recall what the 'trigger' was to want to make a change and lose weight? D: I think the picture I have provided you with was the turning point. A few pre-Christmas beers down the White Lion last December. In the photo I look happy enough, having a good me, but I really didn't like the way I looked and didn't feel confident at all.
S: How were you feeling about your physique and fitness before you joined Slimming World. D: It had been playing on my mind that my weight was ge ng a li le out of control and I knew it was affec ng my general health and fitness. In November we got a puppy (Alfie), and I was struggling to walk him, ge ng out of breath, I knew something had to change. I had no energy, and I felt sluggish, lazy and uninterested in doing anything much. I was embarrassed of my body and always covered up in baggy clothes. S: Why did you choose Slimming World? There are many diets and other organisa ons out there …. Why us? D: My partner had been a member before and had done really well, so I knew it worked. I had heard good things about Slimming World, I have a really big appe te so the fact you could actually eat loads of food without weighing, measuring or being restric ve was really appealing. S: How did you find the ea ng plan? Was it easy to follow? D: At first it was a li le strange and I had to make some big changes, especially lunches at work. I used to eat stacks of scooby snack sandwiches but now I take a massive box of cooked pasta and other healthy snacks to eat through the day. This is where the group came in so handy, it really helps you get your head around it all. S: Do you happily talk to work mates and other friends about Slimming World. D: Yes, I do. I've even got a few of the boys ea ng the same as me at work!
S: I truly believe group is the key to success, what would you say? D: I found I got a lot of mo va on from group. Every week I felt as if I had something to aim for, you get so many ps from others and in turn give advice to other members who are struggling. No one judges at group. I always felt really comfortable right from the first day, as it's such a friendly environment and actually we do have a laugh! S: So how do you feel in yourself now you've lost weight? D: Really confident. Happy to wear fi ed clothes, and I feel like I've found my voice again! I feel fit as a fiddle, and I am wan ng to do more all the me. I've recently joined North Herts Road Runners. In less than five months my whole life has completely changed for the be er. S: Last ques on … can you share your favourite meal please? D: My favourite meal has always been burger and chips, and it s ll is, just now I have it the Slimming World way using Aldi low fat burgers, bread roll and cheese out of my Healthy Extra daily allowance and Slimming World chips that are cooked with fry light instead of oil. And as it's all free food I can have a double stack if I want to. S: Thank you Dan, I am super proud of what you have achieved, and I am sure you are going to go on to inspire others to make a change too!
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Slimming World Recipe Sandra Lloyd Supplied by
Big Daddy Burger! This mighty, meaty burger meal with spicy potato wedges will satisfy the biggest appetites, and with Father's Day on 17th June this could definitely be a hit at your 'Dad's Day BBQ'.
Ingredients 900g baking potatoes, scrubbed and cut into wedges Ÿ 2 medium eggs, separated Ÿ ½ tsp dried red chilli flakes Ÿ Salt and freshly ground black pepper Ÿ ½ tsp paprika Ÿ Low calorie cooking spray Ÿ 500g lean beef mince (5% fat or less) Ÿ 1 small red onion sliced into thin rings, rocket leaves and 4 level tbsp tomato ketchup, to serve For the coleslaw Ÿ 200g white cabbage, finely shredded Ÿ 1 carrot, peeled and coarsely grated Ÿ 1 small dessert apple , left unpeeled, cored and coarsely grated Ÿ 3 tbsp fat-free natural yogurt Ÿ 1 level tbsp extra-light mayonnaise Ÿ A small handful of spring onions, green, tips only, roughly chopped to garnish. Ÿ
Method 1. Preheat your oven to 220°C/200°C Fan/Gas 7. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Parboil the wedges for 6-8 minutes until just tender. Drain well and leave to cool for a few minutes. 2. Lightly beat the egg whites in large bowl with half the chilli flakes, until frothy but still transparent. Season, add the wedges and toss to coat well. Transfer the coated wedges to the baking tray in a single layer. Sprinkle over the paprika and spray with low calorie cooking spray. Bake for 20-25 minutes, turning once after 10 minutes and spraying with more low calorie cooking spray if needed. 3. Mix together the beef mince, egg yolks and remaining chilli flakes. Season well and divide the mixture into 4 portions. Using your hands, shape each portion into a burger. Place a frying pan sprayed with low calorie oil spray over a medium-high heat and cook the burgers for 5-7 minutes on each side until cooked through. 4. To make the coleslaw, put the cabbage, carrot and apple in a bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the yogurt and mayonnaise, then stir into the cabbage mixture. Season and garnish with the spring onions
Baldock MOT Centre 01462 895933
FABULOUS GLAMPERVAN Just pick up and go – The motorhome is fully equipped ready for you to start your holiday. Available for short breaks and longer holidays all year round. email:
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Happy Birthday
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GREGOR PARRY Lots of love Mum, Dad & Callum
June 16th
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WarrensWindows 26th June
We don't tell you that something needs replacing if it doesn't and there's no hard selling!
we hope you have a lovely day Mummy, Venkat and Rueben
Happy 6th Birthday
summer haer 19th June
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To our amazing Summer. Happy 6th Birthday. We love you very much, Mum, Dad, Jayden and Aaron. Aaron. 30
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Overcome the Fear of Flying 'Summer is just around the corner and we are star ng to think about our holidays but for many people it causes anxiety as fear of flying is one of the most common phobias, with an es mated one in 10 people experiencing flight anxiety. To those who do not suffer from anxiety, this may seem like an irra onal fear. But, our mind will create feelings of anxiety when it believes we are in danger. Protec ng us is the primary func on of our subconscious mind, so if something is seen as a threat, ac ons will be taken. Fear of flying is on the increase, fuelled by high profile plane crashes and terrorist a acks. It may not be ra onal – studies have shown that more people are hurt falling
out of bed each year than from flying – but it's a phobia that can nevertheless ruin a holiday and business trips not taken. Despite flying being proven to be one of the safest ways to travel, the fear s ll grips much of the popula on. While sta s cally, flying is safer than driving a car or crossing a road, it is a fear that can interfere with daily life. Fear of flying can affect anyone regardless of age, status, gender and intelligence. Here are my top ps for the fearful flier. 1. Don't conceal it. Tell the flight a endant when you board that you may need support during the flight. 2. Treat the turbulence like bumps in the road. Don't tense up, instead let your body sway with the aircra movements. 3. At check-in, ask for a seat at the very front of the cabin as possible. Turbulence is usually much greater in the back of the aircra . 4. Keep distracted. Watch the movie, read a book or do a crossword puzzle. Do anything that keeps your mind occupied. 5. A popular treatment method for fear of flying is hypnotherapy, which works to connect with the unconscious. It aims to change our thoughts and behaviours associated with flying, making it a more posi ve experience. Re-evalua ng the reac on our unconscious mind creates can o en help us to regain control over a fear and feel more at ease when anxious feelings arise. 6. Avoid coffee or other caffeine products as an overly hyper state of mind will only exacerbate your anxiety. But drink other liquids, as dehydra on only contributes to the fear process. 7. Listen to peaceful and calming music. Your mind tends to wander and hear sounds that either don't exist or are perfectly normal flight noises. 8. The rubber band technique. Wear a rubber band around your wrist and if you feel yourself becoming agitated, snap the rubber band against your skin. Apparently, the pain is a reality bite. 9. When an air disaster does occur, avoid the graphic details and overplay in the news media. 10. Breathe deeply as o en as you can, and remember that the sick bag in front of you can be used as an an hyperven la ng device as well. Kim Holloway - Total-Therapy JUNE
Sponsored Easter Egg Hunt Merry Go Round has had a very busy and exci ng few weeks. We held our annual sponsored event which involved all the children collec ng mini Easter eggs le in our garden by the 'Easter Bunny'. The event raised a fantas c £902 which will be used to purchase new resources and storage. Many thanks go to the families and friends who generously donated to this event and for their con nued support. The Nursery children and staff had a great me at Shepreth on a beau ful sunny day at the beginning of May. It was made all the more exci ng as we all travelled by train. Shepreth staff remarked on how well behaved our children were. This week the children have been celebra ng the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. They have had lots of fun learning about the royal family, dressing up as brides and grooms and making crowns to wear. We are very much looking forward to welcoming our new Nursery and Pre-school children who will be star ng with us in September. We will be holding a Meet and Greet session on Friday 29th June from 1.30pm to 3pm. If you are looking for a Pre-school place for your child for September 2018, please call 01462 896322 or email
Do you need to make a Will or revise your existing Will? If so, please take advantage of our reduced rate wills offer. Please note that reduced rate wills will be available every week day from 8.00am until 6.00pm, and on Tuesday evenings until 8.00pm,by appointment only. Also on the Saturday mornings of 2nd & 16th JUNE 2018, again by appointment only Reduced rates are:Double Wills - £280.00 plus VAT Single Will - £150.00 plus VAT HOME VISITS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE WITHIN A 5 MILE RADIUS OF BALDOCK. For more information please contact:FISH HILL CHAMBERS, 2-3 FISH HILL, ROYSTON, HERTS, SG8 9JY
Tel: 01763 241121
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Courtlands Riding Stables & Pony Club Centre Always fancied horse riding but don’t know where to start? Why not come down and have a chat and see what we have to offer Our friendly staff and clients are always around Saturdays and Sundays 9am -12pm
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01438 355121
Courtlands Riding Stables, Old Chanrty Lane, Todds Green, Stevenage, Herts, Sg1 2JE
Lower Back Pain….
What is Kinesiology tape? Could this be the cause? A er having seen so many people for lower back pain due to ghtness and weaknesses around the hip; we looked into exercises that would strengthen the glutes (bu ocks) thus reduce injuries from glute weakness and lack of ac va on. Why is it important to have strong glutes? The glutes are a key muscle in stability and gait pa erns. The most common exercise to strengthen the glutes is the squat it is known as a compound exercise. What is a compound exercise? Compound exercises are mul -joint movements that work several muscles or muscle groups at one me. What are the benefits to squats? Strengthens core- the abdominal and back muscles are needed to ac vate and stabilise when squa ng Ÿ Increases flexibility- The hip, knee and ankle joints are flexed during a squat. Ÿ Prevent injuries- From both increasing flexibility and strengthening the core both will combine to reduce chances of injuries. Ÿ Upper body workout- by adding weights to your rou ne u engage muscles of the upper body. Ÿ Func onal exercise- Help your body perform be er in real life ac vi es The good thing about squats is you can do it near enough anywhere, you do not need any equipment as body weight may be enough ini ally for beginners. The evidence: A er looking into some case studies into the squat exercise, there has been many posi ve outcomes and conclusions. In one ar cle which used female football players they discovered that athletes with ght hip flexors exhibit less gluteus maximus ac va on and lowers its co-ac va on with the bicep femoris (hamstrings) while producing similar hip and knee extension moments. This in turn causes individuals with hip flexor ghtness to use different strategies to control lower extremity mo on. An example of this could be using the lower back muscles to extend the leg backwards rather than ac va ng the glutes and hamstrings which both specialise in that range and plain of movement. Interes ng fact: On 8 October 2011, Jonas Rantanen of Finland performed a squat with a weight of 575 kg (1268 lb) at the Bullfarm Powerli ing Championships, bea ng the previous record by Donnie Thompson (USA) of 573 kg (1265 lb). What you can do: Book an appointment to assess the firing pa ern of your glutes and determine if this is contribu ng to your back pain. You dot have to be an athlete to benefit from our therapies, it is par cularly beneficial for anyone suffering from so ssue injuries or general discomfort and for those interested in maintaining healthy aquarium. Aaron Plummer-Hall BSc (Hons) MSTA – Injury rehabilitator at Sports Therapy 4u
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We recently had a stall at Baldock Street Market and it was wonderful to see so many friendly faces and also to make new friends. We had a range of ac vi es to complete and we were able to show people photos of what we have been ge ng up to. We have been talking a lot about travel and transport. The children and adults wrote down the names of the places they have visited and we have scratched them off of our map. We have a li le more exploring to do. Our topic about travel has allowed us to focus on speaking different language and the children have been prac sing their French. Some of the older children have been doing some excellent wri ng in French. At the beginning of June our Year 5 and 6 pupils will be visi ng Belchamps Scout Ac vity Centre in Essex. They will do lots of exci ng physical ac vi es and prac se their team build skills. At school budgets diminish we are always looking for exci ng ways to raise much needed funds. Mrs Gilbert ran an excellent scheme several years ago called 'The Pound Grow.' It was such a success last me around that we have decided to run this scheme again. FOSS, our PTA have leant a pound to all of the children in school and we have challenged them to invest their money in order to provide a product or service. We are going to have a mini market during the school day and also children will be able to provide their product or service at our next Village Market on 16th June. Emma McGill - Headteacher
Baldock Town FC News The season finally came to an end in the first week of May for Baldock Town FC Senior and what a high it finished on! The team won the Herts Senior Centenary Trophy and also finished second in the League which will see them promoted to the Spartan South Midland Premier League along with their ground share hosts, Arlesey Town who have been relegated from the Evos k league. This season has been so full of ups and downs, mainly ups, there has been the viral tweet, the madness of that which catapulted us to strange heights! The telephone calls that came from BBC Wales, Sky Sports and various radio sta ons all wan ng to talk to us – the tweet even appeared on Ques on of Sport! The club progressed further in the FA Cup than they had ever done before. Then the signing of young Alfie that plunged us into the headlines for the wrong reasons. We stood by our decision and he has been a real asset to the team. Out of 38 League games the team only lost 2 games. They remain unbeaten in the league at home since 2nd January 2017 – so that's quite amazing by itself! The latest special achievement was by our very own First Team Striker Harry Holland. He was one of the players picked by the FA to have his name on the ball that will be used in the FA Cup final. He was one of 137 other footballers who scored in the FA Cup contest and as it is 137th Final all these names were printed on to the ball! Harry scored 23 goals during the season. Of course, being promoted will mean more work for the everhardworking commi ee. If anyone thinks they could spare a few Saturday a ernoons to help out at our home games, we would love to hear from them. It doesn't have to be every game, even 1 or 2 would help! We have many things from turns le a endant, making refreshments for our visi ng officials at half me in the board room, being a match day steward, tannoy announcing, match ball retrievals. We are going to incorporate the Youth Teams within the senior website, if any budding web masters out there want to have a dabble and sort this out for us we would be very pleased to hear from them. I hope you all sign up to be members of our club, you can do this on our website. We also run a lo o scheme which is only £4 a month and this is drawn every month and we have 2 super draws every year! You can find out about this on the website, or as usual you can always contact Pinky! The winners for 2017/18 season Player's Player – Lewis Barker, Manager's Player – Alex Coppin, Supporter's Player – Myles Lee, Clubman of the Year goes to two amazing people – Doug McClure and Beth Wa . We also had our first ever award for Our Young Player of the Year and it went to Joshua Coley – he really is a special talent and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for him! Next season I already know that the Reserve Team will need some new players as will the U17's so please contact us – all our details are on the website. Have a lovely summer and enjoy the World Cup! Pinky - Secretary 36
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Celebrating the Feast of Pentecost
‘WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT* your existing home insurance renewal quote in the SG postcode.’ For most people their home is the biggest investment they will ever make and the things they keep in it are their most prized possessions. As your local broker our role is to select the policy most suited to your individual needs. Ensuring peace of mind for our customers is at the heart of what we do. To make sure your most treasured possessions are properly covered contact the Emperor of insurance. QUOTE REF: DOORSTEP
This month the children at St John's Catholic Primary School have been celebra ng the Feast of Pentecost. The whole school, a ended Mass at Holy Trinity and St Augus ne's Church to mark the fes val as part of the wider Parish which is a wonderful way to involve all the pupils, including those who are not Catholic, in our wider community. In class the children have been learning about Pentecostal people, which means anyone who lives the values that we promote at St John's Catholic Primary. These Pentecostal people come from all backgrounds, religions and walks of life, but what they have in common is that they are caring, kind and look a er their fellow humans, amongst other chris an values. The children interviewed different people from the community to understand how different faiths, from Hindu to Catholic, might have different viewpoints on issues, but ul mately they all place an importance on looking a er each other. By speaking to ordinary people the children also learnt that you don't have to be famous, or a Saint like St Peter and St Paul, to be a Pentecostal person. We work hard at St John's Catholic Primary school to ins l these values into all of our pupils, whatever their religious background as children will thrive in an environment where kindness is at the forefront.
Cub Scouts Campaign for Mental Health Cub Scouts of First Baldock Knights Pack have been learning about mental health. We have been ďŹ nding out about how to care for our own mental health and how to support others. We have joined the Scout Associa on ini a ve in partnership with MIND promo ng mental wellbeing and resilience. This is part of the campaign, A Million Hands big moment, s cking up for mental health. We have heard that mental health problems are common and that two thirds of people in the UK with mental health problems do not get the help they need. The Pack have created a le er together and sent it to our MP Oliver Heald at the House of Commons. We asked what is being done in North Herts to make the support available for mental health equal to the support already available for physical health. We all signed the pe on using plaster s that we had decorated. At the end of the mee ng we posted the le er. We are wai ng for a response.
5 minutes with... ... Rachel Law from *What do Key Conveyancing Solicitors do? At Key Conveyancing Solicitors, all we are is houses – that is what we are about, whether you are buying, selling, remortgaging, taking a name off the property or adding one on, we can help; and if we can't, we known trusted people that can. *Where can we find you? We are in a fantas c loca on right in the heart of Baldock, we are located next to the old Barclays bank at the top of Whitehorse Street, surrounded by free parking. We are also available on the phone (01462 862221) email ( or if it is needed we can come to you to help you, or a family member through their transac on. *How long does the legal process take when selling or buying a house? The na onal average is 8-12 weeks, however this is dependant on if you have a mortgage, if you are buying leasehold, freehold, shared ownership or using things like Help To Buy – it is also massively dependant on everyone else involved on the chain and how long your chain might be, everyone has to agree to finish at the same me and some mes something can happen that is not related to your sale or purchase but that will have a knock on effect to it – We will keep you in the loop every step of the way so you are never le wai ng and have plenty of me to prepare for you new house.
*My Bank has just Offered me Free Legal Services…! While this can seem very appealing at the me, the o en unfortunate fact of this is that your transac on can take longer, we pride our selves on giving you, our client, the service you are paying for – we are a dedicated and knowledgeable team, that are local to you, and accessible if you need us – most free legal firms only operate over the internet and struggle to return calls or keep you updated due to an excessive work load – we may charge you, but we promise to be dedicated to you and there for you every step of the way when you need us to be. *I can just do it myself, can't I? While everybody has the right to carry out their own conveyancing, it is not that simple, you would s ll have to instruct a solicitor to handle the money to comply with the government regula ons on An -Money Laundering; if you were obtaining a mortgage the lender would require you to obtain and pay for legal representa on to protect their interest in the transac on. So in the long run it can cost more that seeking professional legal help from the offset *What's Next? Give us a call or drop in any me between 9am and 1730pm, or call or drop an email to us and we will be happy to answer any ques ons that you may have and provide you with a no obliga on quote; we also offer local residence a £100 discount on their legal fees.
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Call our dedicated team on 01462 892221 for a free quotation 3b Whitehorse Street, Baldock. SG7 6PX JUNE
R2-D2 from Sphero
the ever faithful Star Wars droid in the palm of your hand.
I'm a big fan of Star Wars, so I have to admit I was a bit starstruck when I realised just how good the Sphero R2-D2 really is and at the current price of under £95, it feels like good value for any of fan Star Wars. It should also be noted, that along with Sphero range of robots and droids, R2-D2 is fully compa ble with Sphero-Edu which gives budding young coders the opportunity to learn about programming using their favourite Star Wars character. Ma Porter - Presenter of The Gadget Man As featured on on BBC Radio Suffolk
Baldock Town FC
The Orange Tree
Norton Roa d
Having reviewed some of Sphero's line of robots over the past three years (including the amazing gravity defying BB-8), I was absolutely made up when R2-D2 dropped onto my desk a few weeks back! For those of us who haven't been near a movie theatre of television for the last 40 years, R2-D2 is character from the enormously popular STAR WARS movie franchise, appearing in 9 of them (so far!). The droid (robot) is portrayed as a skilled mechanic, fighter pilot's assistant and has many hidden skills which have been gradually revealed over the course of the movies. Sphero have clearly made sure that their version of R2-D2 is as authen c as possible and it is absolutely crammed with technology which mimics the character from the movies. With front and rear LED lights, rota ng head, integrated speaker and most amazing of all ar cula ng legs, which mean when Artoo is sta onary, his legs are posi on straight down and he stands upright. As soon as he is commanded to move, the middle leg drops down and moves forward, his side legs then move backwards to form a tripod (as he does in the films). Artoo is controlled using Sphero's Droid App (iOS or Android), a er scanning for the app, you are presented with a selec on screen showing the available droids within Bluetooth range, a er selec ng R2-D2 from the list he suddenly lights up and chirps. The app screen then shows controls for moving the droid and also for triggering his signature moves. These moves really make the whole experience authen c as they mimic scenes from the film, such as when the Jawas disabled the droid and caused him to fall on his face in A New Hope. There are simply too many to detail here, but you could recreate pivotal scenes from Star Wars using these moves alone. Aside from these features, the app also allows for Holographic Simula on and the ability to explore difference places and ship interiors from the Star Wars galaxy. It also supports Droid to Droid experience, where R2-D2 will interact with other Sphero Star Wars droids. There is a 'Watch With Me' feature was one of my favourites, which allows you to select a movie from the Star Wars saga and R2-D2 will react to difference scenes, such as ac ng scared when Darth Vader appears on the screen and much more. Charging the droid is done using the included stylised USB cable and will give over 1 hour of full use between charges.
Hitchin Street
FREE RE-TEST 74 Icknield Way, Baldock, SG7 5AN
01462 895933
June Gallery
Please send your local snaps new or old to our facebook page or email Tara Gere taking a deserved rest
Ivel Springs -Debs Knight
Baldock’s very own Prince Harry
Hartsď€ eld School children Maypole dancing
May the 4th #StarWarsDay - Beer Festival
Another stunning photo - Maragret Dellar
Dancing in the High Street - Sarojini Ellis
The Chiltern West Gallery Quire
St. George's Day parade Becky Wheeler
Prince Harry and the Archbishop award Best dressed stall joint winners
Special guest Arch Bishop
Punch and Judy on the High Street
Classics on the High Street
Bunters Tour to Italy, a few familiar Baldock Faces
The lovely WI Ladies
A Packed crowd at the Beer Festival - Peter Alan Gill
Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice
03444 111444 0300 300 8136
Churches St Marys the Virgin Baptist church Roman Catholic Methodist Christchurch United Reformed Church
01462 892838 01462 893203 01462 893127 01462 895052 01462 232005 01462 619350
Councils North Hertfordshire District
Doctors Baldock Surgery
01462 474000 01462 892458
Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery
01763 313869
Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut
0800 111999 0800 7838838
Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH
01438 314333 01707 328111 111
Library Baldock Library
0300 123 4049
Police Police
01707 354000
Public Houses Engine The Cock The Old White Horse The Orange Tree The Victoria The White Lion
01462 896111 01462 892366 01462 893168 01462 892341 01462 893153 01462 893134
Schools Knights Templar Hartsď€ eld St Johns St Marys Brandles
01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189
01767 317429
Travel Taxi - A2B Taxis Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line
01462 228765 08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608
Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre
01462 895579
Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round
01462 892172 01462 896322
Surprise someone special with a FREE Birthday message in the JUNE issue Email us the details at and we will do the rest.
Play Groups Magic Moments Merry Go Round
07980 400690 01462 896322
Plumbers A.P Hughes
07949 120911
Window & Door repairs JML Windows Repairs Warrens Windows
01438 906300 01462 261401
Disclaimer All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however On Our Doorstep Baldock cannot take any responsibility for the content of adverts or services provided by the advertisers. Reproduction on whole or in part of this publication without prior permission from the publishers is strictly prohibited. JUNE