March 2019

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Issue 53 March 2019

Raising awareness of what’s on & where to find things locally Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages


Welcome To the March issue We hope everyone enjoyed half term and had some well earned rest. We've seen lots of you off skiing, enjoying the sun and snow. You've probably noticed how much lighter the evenings have been getting recently, hopefully most of us will be heading home from work during day light. Congratulations to everyone who completed the Baldock Beast at the end of February! It's a real challenge even for the avid runner, with the all the hills and rough terrain. Later on in the year the Baldock Rat Run 5K returns for it’s second year organised again by Samantha of Sports Therapy. Last month our youngest joined the delivery team with a friend to start earning a bit of pocket money. It ended up being one of the coldest weekends of the year, but they both powered through and made it home for hot chocolates and a warm up in no time. On Tuesday 5th March pancake day will finally be here! Perfect excuse to get creative with your toppings, last year our girls ended up combining Nutella, marshmallows and whipped cream for their ultimate pancake feast. Mother's Day May be at the end of the month but it's comes round faster than you think so don't leave it too late to plan something special - whether that's a meal at one on the many restaurants we have in the area or a beautiful bouquet from Blooms of Baldock.

Unfortunately Ernie the dog is still missing. By now you've probably seen or heard about Ernie through social media or the various posters around town. Please do keep an eye out for him and report any sightings to Jo on 07961564508 and help bring Ernie home. We had a huge response for this months ‘Gallery’, sorry if we have not included your photo we had too many to choose from. Until next month

Paul & Jacqui Jacqui Calver 07973 788418

Disclaimer All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however On Our Doorstep Baldock cannot take any responsibility for the content of adverts or services provided by the advertisers. Reproduction on whole or in part of this publication without prior permission from the publishers is strictly prohibited.




OUR 700lb JANUARY! Dear On-Our-Doorstep, Wow! We're only a few weeks into 2019 and it's been a whirlwind of success for members at Slimming World in Baldock. 700lbs, that equates to 50 stones has been lost by the members in just the first month of the year. As the Consultant for all the groups here in Baldock I honestly couldn't be prouder. For many that walk through our door, ge ng off to such a great start to the year will be life changing stuff and being a part of that just makes an already fantas c job even more worthwhile.

At Slimming World we know how very important those early weeks are, you are learning new habits around food, making changes to old grooves and establishing new ones. Life can get in the way, and if you've ever tried to lose weight on your own then I'm sure you will agree with me that we 'tend to give up at the first hurdle, beat ourselves up about it, and then eventually pick up the courage to start the whole process all over again', and that's a miserable cycle. Well at Slimming World, you have me and all the other members looking out for you. Giving you prac cal hints and

ps for those new food grooves, sharing how you can s ll enjoy all your favourite meals, and if you hit a bump in the road, we're all there to pick you straight back up and get you going again right away. That's what sets us apart from other weight loss organisa ons out there, the support. Personally, I know I would never have finally lost weight without it and now I make it my mission to support others. There's a saying “when you find a job you love, you'll never work another day again!”, so lucky me! I can't thank the Team at On-OurDoorstep enough for how this publica on helps me to spread the word locally that we are here, in Baldock. I always ask members to let me know how they found us when they first join and in 2018 over one third cked that they had seen an advert or ar cle about us in this magazine. So it's a massive THANK YOU to On-OurDoorstep, and I'm looking forward to helping even more people find their healthy, happy weight in the months to come, “Thank you, On-Our-Doorstep!”

Sandra Lloyd x




BALDOCKS 5K RAT RUN On 8th September The Baldock 5K Rat Run returns to Baldock for the second me, a 5K trail through beau ful Baldock. Last year was a huge success and raised £1,220 for the fantas c Garden House Hospice Care!

Organised again this year by local lady Samantha Holland and her team from Sports Therapy 4U. Online registra on is now open at Come and take part in the Rat Run 2019, run, jog, walk or simply join us for some family fun including: *bouncy castle *BBQ *charity raffle *live music *sweet cart *And more! We will keep you up to date with the latest news.

Magic Moments The new children and new staff have already se led in extremely well at Magic Moments and the fes ve theme has run into 2019 with some Sco sh dancing for Burns night and Dragon dancing to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

A generous dona on from Hartsfield fireworks commi ee was a lovely surprise which enabled us to replace some broken table and tuff spot trays. We are looking forward to experiencing living eggs for the first me in March. If you would like more informa on about Magic Moments Pre-school for children aged 2-4, please visit www.magicmomentspreschool.c or call 07709 618434.

Microchipping If you make one phone call today let it be to your pets microchip company to check the chip has been registered. Implemen ng the microchip law was never going to be easy but if the public are holding their end of the bargain up (most of them!) then the rest needs to follow suit. Far too many dogs being picked up chipped but not registered. Dig out your dogs chip number and make the call.




MARCHING ON We are here at last, out of the dark into the light. Its officially spring. I'm so over the cold now. I'm looking forward to longer warmer days with less mud and more bird song. We all get out in the gardens and start to furiously plant stuff; well you do. I can just about mow the lawn in straight lines. I can tell a Rose from a Snowdrop but that's about it with my gardening prowess. Spring is tradi onally a me for a good house clean and some DIY. You've spent the winter months looking at that backroom, thinking about colours and wallpaper, its me to convert thought into ac on and crack on. I do love a bit of DIY. I've wallpapered, painted doors, led kitchens and bathrooms, built walls, laid crazy paving, plumbed in a kitchen and wired light fi ngs. I will have a go at anything, I'm not par cularly good at it, but I'm good enough for me. My problem is, I'm a huge procras nator. I will look at a job for many weeks, years some mes before I get so fed up with it, I do something about it. On the odd occasion I am forced to do a job in a hurry, when I moved into my house some ten years ago, it was newly plastered throughout. The council had replaced the odd skirt or door, so I had to do all the woodwork too. I had a week to decorate before I moved in. That was a tough week. Now, me and paint don't make good bedfellows, I can look at an unopened n and get covered in it, and gloss paint! Just don't get me started. In my hair, in my ears, down my cleavage, and does it come off? Does it bugger, it's there for weeks. I learned a valuable lesson once… never use red gloss. I could have audi oned for a role in The Walking Dead.

If I'd had dragged my leg and dribbled a bit, I would have got the part. Not too dissimilar to a Saturday night in the White Lion really. This month is all about the girls. Mother's Day and Interna onal Woman's day. We also have Pancake day to look forward to. Nom nom. I do love a pancake or two, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who indulges more than once a year. You know you do too. I can't remember the last me we had to wait un l March for this auspicious occasion. Can you image my absolute shock and horror when Paul (You know him, he's the guy that puts all this together every month) told me this devasta ng news. He didn't even sugar the pill, just came out with it! Nicky, he said, Pancake day is march fi h this year. That was harsh, there is no need to be so cruel. But I won't cheat, I will be strong. I can do this. Ever since my kids could talk, cries of “makeuspancakus” have greeted me on my return from work on Shrove Tuesday. I prepare properly for this event. I actually do a special pancake shop to get all I need and have to get a new frying pan every year. I never buy the packet stuff or measure anything and two eggs are always be er than one. There is much jubila on and celebra on if I manage to get the first one on the plate without scrambling it. My favourite filling would be black cherries, ice-cream and chocolate sauce. Some folks prefer a savoury do. What's that about? It's just not right. There's nothing be er than slapping a big dollop of ice cream in the middle and watching it

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melt in a glorious parcel of yumminess, then scoffing it all up. I can't see any pleasure in a mincemeat pancake, yuk! We have to wait un l the end of the month for Mother's day. We only get two days a year when the focus is on us mums (never quite works like that though does it) If you have young kids they are allowed to present you with a home cooked breakfast of salmonella on toast which you have to eat because they are watching every morsel of food go from plate to mouth, and if you don't do the nummy noises a er every intake, there will be tears. The beverage served with breakfast is on either end of the spectrum; either Vesuvius hot or so cold a Penguin would consider it just right. Weaker than a new born ki en or strong enough to stand a spoon in. I miss those days. A home-made card and a droopy daff. When breakfast is done, they can get back to ignoring you unless they need something. I expect I'll be showered with all sorts of wonderful gi s and trinkets then lunched at the Savoy. When I get home, the whole house will have been cleaned, all washing done and put away in the wardrobe. Oh, hang on, sorry I dozed off there for a moment. I must have been dream wri ng. My reality is this… a Facebook message on the family group chat. Maybe a giff. No, I didn't misspell it you read it right, a giff or if I'm lucky a meme. All hail the modern age. They have no excuses this me as it conveniently falls on payday, I can only hope for a lazy pub lunch but suspect a quick trip up the Serves for a Maccy D's is more likely.

Diary management Telephone and email assistance Ofce administration Data entry

T: 07929 276639 E: W: MARCH



Holly 18th March

Happy Birthday

Mazza Lots of Love The Calvers

16th March

Happy Birthday


All the best From down the road 11th March

Happy Birthday

Bryan Travers ‘Pops’

Lots of Love from all the family

5th March

Florrie Jones

From Holly 24th March 10



Parents Adore the New Monkey Music Classes in Baldock! Parents adore the new Monkey Music classes in Baldock! “Monkey Music delivers so much more than the typical baby music offering. I found the variety of ac vi es pitched perfectly for my child's age. The real gem to this though is your child being led by a professional musician. I found the class genuinely enchan ng and my child was very engaged too. I would highly recommend Monkey Music!”

Monkey Music classes designed for babies from 3 months rising 4 years within age-specific classes is proud of it's

mul -award winning curricula. For 25 years, over 20,000 families across the UK a end the weekly classes, comforted that their li le one's are a ending a fun and inspira onal, educa onal music class that supports all areas of their child's development. We teach 'real' music classes using quality instruments and props, and through our progressive curricula, prepare children to learn an instrument by the me they start school. By then they will have learnt nota on, rhythms and many important listening, speech, social, motor and language skills. Katherine, who owns the local franchise, and teaches at The Baldock Community Centre every Friday morning, (as well as Letchworth, Sto old, Hitchin, Knebworth, and Biggleswade) knows too well how regular structured music classes can benefit babies and children. As a professional musician from The BBC Symphony Orchestra and early years teacher for 20 years, Katherine feels

passionate about making music fun and en cing for children. To book a free taster class visit: h ps:// or email: or Tel: 01462 626735





Gong Hei Fat Choi It’s been a very busy half term at Weston Primary and Nursery School. Our Year 4s, 5s and 6s are studying the Shang Dynasty. The children had a lot of fun celebra ng Chinese New on February 5th, the year of the Pig. They embraced the day and the stories behind the Chinese culture. The children excelled themselves with their ability to learn to speak and write in Cantonese. We spent the day making Chinese dragons, tas ng noodles and rice using chop s cks, and ribbon dancing. The food tas ng really did reflect the year of the Pig!! Gong Hei Fat Choi Our Early Years con nue to learn about animals. They have been looking at jungle animals and made many out of salt dough. They have extended their cooking skills to make delicious pizza! Our next Open Morning for any prospec ve nursery parents is Tuesday 13th March, 9.30-10.15am. Please call the school office on 01462 790317 if you would like to join us.

Thank You! Back in November we told you about li le Violet Childs from Baldock and her sponsored hair ‘chop’, for The Li le Princess Trust. Well at the beginning of February her hair was finally long enough to donate. Along with her mum, Laura, they set a target of £200 and by the me the big day arrived she had raised a massive £1210! Local lady Tracy Brady performed the ‘chop’ and Violet took the whole experience in her stride. Thank you to everybody who sponsored Violet, she was blown away by the generosity.

Hi, It was agreed at yesterday's Highways cabinate panel to proceed with a lorry ban of over seven and half tons from Clothall Rd / Sta on Rd / North Rd / to Baldock services roundabout. A great result for Baldock. Also Throcking Rd to Warren Lane in Co ered. As a member of the highways commi ee officers at the previous commi ee mee ng was only sugges ng the ban though Co ered, This I could not support and said so and the whole commi ee back me. I am very please that highways officers reconsidered they recommenda ons yesterday. Kind regards Michael. Cllr Michael Muir. North Herts District Council and Herts County Council.





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The Pursuit Of Happiness Most people say they want to happier. Give out surveys to people in wildly different countries and they'll s ll put happiness at the top of their list of goals. Yet we consistently look for happiness in the wrong places, money, fame, power and beauty. And though they might make us a bit happy at first, they're not the key to happiness. There are probably 100 things we could do to become happier and most of them are pre y obvious: A lot of what makes us happier is under our control! It involves how we think and behave in our daily lives. Are we trying to be grateful for what we have, or are we comparing ourselves with others? Are we forgiving?

Do we invest a lot in our rela onships or not? There are plenty of strategies we can take. There was an experiment untaken at Coca-Cola in Madrid – a group of employees were asked to become Givers, they chose three colleagues from a list and did something nice for them. The recipients of these unexpected acts of kindness became happier right away, but the Givers' happiness lasted even longer. Everyone in the workplace became kinder to everyone else, so it affected the whole environment. This posi vity was s ll evident two months a er the experiment was over. Even though we know what to do to be happier, it's not always easy to put it into prac ce, it's like losing weight – you have to begin a programme to change yourself and then maintain it, probably for the rest of your life – it's not just two weeks and you're done!

Hypnotherapy can help to reframe and change the way you think, recognise unhelpful thinking and changing it into a more posi ve way of thinking, we o en think OK I'll try to be more grateful/posi ve but a er a few weeks we stop, if you don't want to be happier that's fine, but if you do then with effort and a bit of work along with the support of a hypnotherapist you will soon have a happier and more posi ve outlook on life. Kim Holloway






As we move towards Spring Baldock Rotary Club has started the year in a typically ac ve manner with a fundraising and sponsorship event. Also, planning is now underway for forthcoming community ac vi es and social events which will take place over the coming weeks and months. The first fundraising event of the year was in January, when members of the Rotary club undertook a collec on at Tesco's on behalf of Macmillan Cancer Support. This is an annual event for the club, co-ordinated by Rotary member Ray Bethell and he and the club would like to thank everyone for their generosity. The club collected in excess of £600 on behalf of this very worthwhile charity. The photograph shows Ray during the collec on. Also, the club was recently involved in the sponsorship of Knights Templar School student Ethan Robins. Ethan competed in the District Round of the Rotary Young Chef Compe on. Contestants are required to cook a healthy three course meal for two, cos ng no more than £20 and present it to a high standard. Ethan served a homemade paneer starter with a chilli, garlic and coriander dressing, followed by Cod Fillet Keralan Curry served with naan bread and fragrant green rice and, for dessert, a Chocolate and Irish Cream Fondant served with toasted almonds. Well done Ethan!” The photograph shows Ethan collec ng his Young Chef cer ficate from District Governor, Dave Ford. Upcoming social events for members of the Rotary club will include a trip to Lisbon in March, a visit to our partner Rotary club in To lund, Denmark in May and a more local trip to Waddesdon Manor also in May. These trips give members and their partners me to relax, socialise and build friendships as well as visit places of interest. The club's next major fundraising ac vity is the Rotary Open Gardens event which takes place on the a ernoon of Sunday, 19th May, as part of the Baldock Fes val. Pu ng on Open Gardens takes a significant amount of effort from the members of the club, however the funds generated enable the club to make dona ons to worthwhile community causes. Baldock Rotary would like to a ract new members, so if you are the type of person who would like to “give something back” to the Community, we would love to hear from you. If you are interested in what Rotary has to offer please contact us on our website, address below, or call Keith Bri er 01462-896189 or e-mail keith@thebri Rotarian - Paul Lucke 16











Baldock Town FC





The Orange Tree

Norton Roa d

Baldock Rotary News



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News from Baldock Town FC Since our last bulle n we have managed to find ourselves in the final of The League Challenge Trophy and also the Premier Division Cup! These will be in held in April and May but no dates have been set yet.

Photo - Beth Watt

Baldock Town FC have had a good run of form of late, drawing 2 games and winning 9 in a row of 11 games. Baldock home grown player, Lewis Barker, has been team captain for a few months now and has really taken the role on with a

great a tude. Lewis has come through the ranks of youth football and to see him playing so well in his new role as captain has been very pleasing. To date he also has 8 goals this season. He is a great favourite with the local boys who always want to lead out with him when they mascot! We have recently been filmed by Two Men in Search of the Beau ful Game (@beau fulgame15) so look out for that! We have some tough games coming up and of course we never take anything for granted. We are always happy to have any li le ones come and lead out the teams, just turn up at the game in a football kit and make sure someone tells Pinky so that she can make sure they get to enjoy walking out on the pitch with the team member of their choice. However, we do need some help. We are really struggling with ge ng some volunteers to help us out! Do you have any spare me to help us? It doesn't have to be every week, just a couple of hours on a home match day. We are looking for someone to man the turns le on match days and at evening games. We need a couple of lads

to collect our footballs for us and Barry needs someone who can make some tea and coffee, to help in his tea bar, But most important of all we need someone to manage our website. The lovely gentleman that was doing our website has had to give it up due to family and work commitments. Our website hasn't been updated for ages so we are really desperate! We also have an online program now that is very easy to update and load online but really we need someone to take over that as well. If there are any budding reporters who would like to write some match reports, maybe for a DofE project or similar reason, we would love to meet you! Baldock Town FC are a growing club once more, we are having some great success which will all help towards ge ng our new ground built in a couple of years. (Planning permissions have been approved it's just where it's actual loca on is going to be that we are now wai ng on). So, why not come and join us for the last few months of the season and maybe see if you like it enough to come back next season!




Baldock in Blm Building upon the great success of last year's ini a ve to get more flowers in Baldock High Street and White Horse Street, the Baldock Fes val Commi ee, Baldock Beer fes val and Baldock Events Forum are joining up with Tapp's Garden Centre to provide an opportunity to extend this across the whole of Baldock. The idea is to add some real colour and brightness to the streets of Baldock, enhancing pride in our lovely town and ge ng as many people and businesses involved as possible. Who knows we might even be in for a chance with the Britain in Bloom na onal compe on!! We are asking businesses and residents to consider installing hanging baskets outside their homes and business premises for the benefit of everyone. Graham Tapp, of Tapps Garden Centre has offered to provide the baskets, brackets, soil and plants at a reduced price and we are also looking for sponsors.

If you feel able to provide any sponsorship money, please contact Stuart Ma hews on 07782285546 so that we can discuss with you how this will work. If you wish to install a hanging basket, please order via Tapps Garden centre, Wallington Road, SG7 6RS. Baskets will be ready for collec on around the 17th May 2019. We do hope that you will express an interest in this ini a ve and join us in our efforts to make Baldock a more wonderful place to live and grow up in. For sponsorship enquiries please contact: Stuart Ma hews 07782285546 To order a basket please contact: Tapps Garden centre on 01462 896302

R.H GARDEN DESIGN The Garden Specialists Some of our many services offered include: T: 01462 612033 M: 07738 246568


Regular maintenance Garden Make-overs Jungles tamed Patios Fencing Turng Planting Articial grass Decking Driveways Pressure washing of patios and drives






Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp

St Johns

Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre

February 2An often asked question I get, perhaps weekly, is can you tell me how to get more produce from my raised beds? The answer is usually more difficult than they would imagine. I will often ask them to sit down with me while I ask them some questions; sometimes we will determine between us that their beds are highly inefficient. Some gardeners I speak to are spot on in many details and ideas and will not be able to increase production without diminishing a return on investment, some will have to work a bit harder, why will become evident as we progress. Sometimes we discover that the growing media is usually ordinary garden soil and used over and over every year, sometimes its compost but the wrong type and again used many times. Most peoples expectations of a raised bed are so much more than it can deliver, an essential question for the amateur is why do you want to use raised beds rather than the soil they sit on? Most people can't answer or will give all sorts of reasons, unless you are unable to reach down to your soil or it is in an irreparable state may be contaminated, you will always get the best and cost-effective results from planting directly into the ground. Sometimes I am told that the person just wants raised beds and that's a good enough reason, we will then discuss the basics of the particular choice of crop, it's needs, rotations, nutrition, water requirements etc. Each plant will need a very different environment, but what they all need is light, sunlight. Sunlight is the one resource we cannot turn up, increase the supply or the intensity, we can reduce it by shading with netting, and we have to do that quite often especially in greenhouses. Because plants need sunlight to convert the nutrition we give them through photosynthesis, it is evident then that trying to push up crop returns by an increase in fertilisers or by early planting and late harvesting will not work unless you have vast knowledge on varieties or on-demand feeding, Ph and of course pest and disease control. To get maximum harvest weight from every square metre of your raised beds, you need to be someone with lots of time on your hands and great skill, well beyond that available to the average gardener. Raised beds then, will not grow anything with superior quality, better flavour and will give no increase in health benefits for you, what you will find is that it will cost you a lot of money and time compared to growing directly into the soil you have in the garden or your allotment. If you are a learner, you are best to stick with growing directly into the ground you have, leave the expense until later. Remember that a poor gardener is a poor gardener, an average gardener is an average gardener, a good gardener is a good gardener, and a professional gardener is a professional gardener. You won't jump a skill level by putting expensive wooden sides around bits of your patch, the only way you get better is putting in the time hard work and learning. Now let's step back a bit and look at nutrition, this will be the fertilisers that are available you can use all sorts of soil conditioners, manures straits, compounds and foliar feeds.

Soil conditioners do just what it says on the tin, in our case bag, and are very important if you are working with clay soils or soil that has become compacted or exhausted through overuse. The medium you intend to grow your plants in needs to be open and friable, if you take a hand full and squeeze it into a ball you should be able to crumble it easily into small pieces but not dust, generally with the medium being too dry and dusty you will need to add water before testing for friability. The simple way to check for correct moisture is to wrap some newspaper around a finger push it into the soil count to four and pull it out if it comes out wet then it's too wet. If it comes out as it went in it is too dry, the paper should come out mottled or damp. When the moisture is correct, and you are unable to get the ball to break up, you will need to add a sandy/gritty soil conditioner. If it falls apart without being able to stick together, then you need a high organic content soil conditioner, in this context "organic" means high in recycled plant material (Humus) not what is nowadays used to describe a no chemical regime. Your soil or growing medium should have small spaces within it known as AFP air-filled porosity essential for gas exchange and also the ability of the soil to hold water which will also contain dissolved nutrients. If it's over wet, then there will be no air/oxygen, if dry then no water and so no dissolved nutrients. Ph of the soil is critical for what you feed your plants with, allowing it to be available to them. Very important for plants that are Ericacious they need a low Ph, they are not suitable to grow around here as our soils are chalk based with ver y high Ph. Being able to grow Ericaceous plants would be one reason we would use raised beds or even sunken beds with a membrane essential here in North Herts. Nutrients are supplied in various ways and could be liquid or dry, powdered or granular. It now gets more complicated. You can purchase straits or compounds; straits are a single type of fertiliser, for instance, Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potassium, Magnesium etc. A compound would be a mixture of any or all of them. You will most likely see the makeup expressed as units or %, for instance, growmore is a 7-7-7 a balanced general purpose fertiliser Fertiliser recommendations for growing individual crops can be found in many specialist books or online if you are not sure or don't understand, please call into our garden centre and ask for me and I will explain. There is a lot more to this, and I have run out of space on the page, so I will explain a bit more next time, in the meantime get planning and planting but don't expect miracles the first time. Happy gardening Cheers Graham. MARCH



MARCH MOVIES MARCH 1st - FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY Born into a tight-knit wrestling family, Paige and her brother Zak are ecstatic when they get the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to try out for the WWE. But when only Paige earns a spot in the competitive training program, she must leave her loved ones behind and face this new cutthroat world alone. Paige's journey pushes her to dig deep and ultimately prove to the world that what makes her different is the very thing that can make her a star.

MARCH 1st - THE HOLE IN THE GROUND Trying to escape her broken past, Sarah O'Neill is building a new life on the fringes of a backwood rural town with her young son Chris. A terrifying encounter with a mysterious neighbour shatters her fragile security, throwing Sarah into a spiralling nightmare of paranoia and mistrust, as she tries to uncover if the disturbing changes in her little boy are connected to an ominous sinkhole buried deep in the forest that borders their home.

MARCH 8th - KINDERGARTEN TEACHER Writer-director Sarah Colangelo's sophomore feature film is based on the 2014 Israeli film of the same name. Maggie Gyllenhaal plays a forty-year old married kindergarten teacher living in Staten Island who is terminally bored with her banal middle-class existence. When she becomes convinced that her five-year-old student is a budding poetic genius, she decides to nurture his talents in a reckless and questionable manner. Rotten Tomatoes

MARCH 22nd - THE INFORMER Recruited by the FBI, ex-con and former special operations soldier Pete Koslow uses his covert skills to try and take down the General, the most powerful crime boss in New York. When a sting results in the death of an undercover cop, Pete suddenly finds himself caught in the crossfire between the mob and the FBI. Forced to return to prison, he must now come up with a plan to escape from the clutches of the law and the General to save himself.



This is no longer our planet. Set in a Chicago neighbourhood nearly a decade after an occupation by an extra-terrestrial force, Captive State explores the lives on both sides of the conflict - the collaborators and dissidents. The film follows the life of Chicago Police Officer Mulligan, who is tasked with uniting the world against the extraterrestrial enemy. He recruits Gabriel, the young son of a fallen soldier who joined a rebel group called Phoenix

MARCH 29th - DUMBO Holt was once a circus star, but he went off to war and when he returned it had terribly altered him. Circus owner Max Medici hires him to take care of Dumbo, a newborn elephant whose oversized ears make him the laughing stock of the struggling circus troupe. But when Holt's children discover that Dumbo can fly, silver-tongued entrepreneur V.A. Vandevere, and aerial artist Colette Marchant swoop in to make the little elephant a star.




Call Jacqui 07973 788418

Answer-phone on both numbers & will return all calls

Ctrack Plug and Play from Zest Tracking Vehicle Tracking Gadgets - Part 1 In the last issue, I talked about a very cool gadget that when plugged into your cars OBD2 port, allowed you to display detailed informa on about your car in real- me. This month is the first of two reviews looking at some vehicle tracking solu ons which again plug into your vehicles ODB2 port, but this me are primarily aimed at companies looking to track their fleets of vehicles. The first of these devices is the Ctrack Plug and Play Vehicle Tracker kindly supplied to me by Zest Tracking. The Ctrack tracker is a very compact device which plugs into your vehicles onboard diagnos c port, the device is designed to monitor the vehicles use and with the combina on of both GPS and Cellular data (in the form of a built-in SIM card). The preconfigured device is simply plugged into the vehicles OBD2 port and immediately begins logging the posi on and speed of the vehicle. It also detects if the device becomes unplugged and if so, will con nue to monitor the posi on of the vehicle using an onboard ba ery. As well as tracking the vehicle, other informa on is also sent to Ctrack's servers, informa on such as overrevving, over-idling, heavy breaking is logged as well as warnings such as speeding and the likelihood of the

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vehicle being towed or transported. The Ctrack is aimed specifically at businesses who want to monitor their vehicle assets and of course, driver behaviour can affect the value of these assets if vehicles are not driven appropriately or respected, so it provides a cost-effec ve solu on to protec ng vehicle investment.

At the business end of the system is the extremely detailed repor ng systems. I have been tes ng the Ctrack for some months and I am able to see how many miles I have driven over that period, mes when my vehicle has been overrevved, the maximum speed I have driven during that period and my average speed. The repor ng system displays a breathtaking number of reports that I can run to analyse the drivers within my fleet from 'Speed Viola on' reports right through to 'Movement Reports', which shows when vehicles exceed rev limits, freewheel, harsh accelera on, engine

stop etc. For a business running a fleet of vehicles, this will provide them with enormous amounts of data which will very quickly highlight when a vehicle could be over-used, under-used or sadly misused. Although the device could be used as a stolen vehicle tracking device, this isn't the primary aim. Such trackers are normally hidden deep inside a vehicle in order to stop thieves discovering them. In this case, the device is simply plugged into a very accessible OBD2 port, such that a would-be thief would simply unplug it and throw it out of the window! Instead, this is a low-cost device aimed specifically at the companies looking to manage their vehicles and as such, it seems to do a great job! The back-end management system is very comprehensive and thus quite complicated, but the data displayed in the repor ng is surprisingly detailed and certainly made me think about my driving style over the me I've been tes ng it. If you have business running vehicles and might consider such a system, I would recommend contac ng Dominic or Reg at www.zes Next month, I will be looking at Quar x Vehicle Tracker. Ma Porter - The Gadget Man

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n O s ’ t a h W Positive Moving Class Every Wednesday Afternoon 2pm -3.30pm, Holy Trinity Church, London Road. Improving mobility in older People The cost Is £4 followed by tea & biscuits for more info contact 01462- 678804

Letchworth Parkrun A free 5km run every Saturday at 9am, Grange Recreation Ground, SG6 4PN. Very welcoming for new runners - see for details

FABULOUS GLAMPERVAN Just pick up and go – The motorhome is fully equipped ready for you to start your holiday. Available for short breaks and longer holidays all year round.

Community Choir Every Wednesdays - at Baldock Community Centre 7pm 9pm for more info contact Ruth on 07916798655

Baldock Country Market Every Friday morning until Christmas - The Victoria pub Sun Street Baldock 9.30am - 12pm

Monkey Music Classes Every Friday various classes running from 9.30 at the Baldock Community Centre contact Katherine Mayes on 01462 -626735

5k Fun Run Every Saturday at 9am - Two lap course on Norton Common Letchworth for more information contact North Herts Road Runners

Dinner Jazz and Dance

Tel: 01462 491035 / 07985315632

Friday 1st March - 7pm, The Fox, Willian. 3 course dinner followed by lots of dancing to the 5 piece Jazz band.

Live Music - Connor Wells Pop/Folk/Rock Singer Sunday 3rd March 2pm- 4pm Stylus Lounge The High Street Baldock Comedy Night Thursday 7th March at The Bushel and Strike, Ashwell. Tickets are £6

Weston Hills Conservation Day Sunday 10th March- Friends of Baldock Green Space 10am -3pm everyone welcome hot drinks provided for all the volunteers

Coffee Morning Saturday 9th March 10am - 12pm - Baldock Methodist Church come and join us for tea/ coffee and cake

Quiz Night Baldock Allotments and Leisure Gardeners Association Date 9 March. Time 7.30pm at St Mary's Church Hall. Entrance fee £5. Table snacks and pay bar. Tickets available from Baldock Community Centre, BALGA shop, Football close Sunday's 10-12 or on the door.

St Patrick's Day Party Sunday 17th March 6.15 -11pm The Engine - Baldock Diamonds Road Show Disco If you would like to have your event included FREE in the next issue please email us at by 15th March 2019 24





5 minutes with... ... Simon Walton from *Tell us about Charter Whyman Jonathan Charter and Andrew Whyman established Charter Whyman five years ago. Their mission: To get back to the basics of good solid customer service, a en on to detail and selling rather than just promo ng their client's proper es. They secured one of the best posi oned offices in the centre of the town, a racted a local, knowledgeable and experienced team and set about offering a very high standard of service. *And why did you join Charter Whyman? I'd seen how Charter Whyman had become a leading estate agent in the area and liked what I had seen of them in the market place. So, intrigued to know how they had achieved this, I called them. I already knew Andrew and Johnathan and it was great to meet up with them and be introduced to the team. Just sat having a chat and a coffee in the office, it was obvious straight away how they had achieved what they had, the team were all on the phones making calls, smiling clients were coming into the office and there was a genuine sense of the team enjoying what they doing. It was clear to me, I wanted to be part of Charter Whyman. *What if I want to sell with you? Just call in for a coffee and a chat about your property plans, anyone in the team will be happy to help. If you are looking to buy in the area, we'll take the me to learn about what it is you are looking for. If you are looking to sell, I'll arrange to come over to your home, where I can bring you up to date with our experience of the market and how best to get you moving.

*What proper es do you market? Our levels of service and the a en on we give to both buyers and sellers, appeals to everyone across all levels of the market. Clients appreciate and find our honest advice and guidance refreshing. Because of this, we look a er the sale of proper es at all levels. We are proud of the reputa on we have with our clients at the upper level of the market. It's always exci ng and rewarding to sell the more individual proper es, both in the towns and surrounding villages and we do get to see a number of really lovely houses. Ul mately, we care for all our clients with the same level of a en on. *Is there a house you have sold that you would have really liked? We recently sold a lovely, older property in Letchworth on a big plot. A big old rambling house, super gardens, needed some work, oh and it was on the market at £1.25m. So, a bit out of reach but one to dream of! *What do you enjoy most about your work? Helping make people's property dreams come true and I am always enthusias c about telling new clients about the Charter Whyman experience. *What makes Charter Whyman stand out from other agents? Our brochures are professionally prepared and we promote our proper es on all the major websites. More importantly, the thank you cards we receive always comment on the knowledgeable and informa ve members of the team that accompany our buyers on viewings and guide our clients through their sale.





Back Pain and the Spring Clean At last, spring officially starts this month! Winter seemed to last forever, and it now feels like we are finally se ling down from the very many strains it can bring. Not only financially but also emo onally and physically, winter has us rushing around in freezing temperatures trying our hardest to keep family, friends and loved ones happy. Now it's me to start thinking about the dreaded 'spring clean'! For already red bodies, how can we help ourselves stay pain free and benefit from it? You will naturally start to feel be er Simply put, the end of winter and beginning of longer, brighter days has a real biological impact on our bodies that puts many of us in the mood to get those chores underway. Our greater exposure to sunlight in the spring causes the brain's pineal gland to produce less melatonin – a hormone that causes drowsiness – than it did during winter. As a result, most of us find we have more energy and a greater desire to “get up and go” than we did in the darker, colder months.

Get ac ve Being physically ac ve helps you lose weight, strengthen your muscles and ward off preventable diseases, all of which are important factors in keeping you free of back pain. It also allows your body to pump up produc on of feelgood endorphins that improve your mood and energy, helping you avoid the interrelated symptoms of depression and back pain. You'll burn calories too! Household chores like vacuuming, mopping and sweeping the floor actually help you burn off those extra calories at a rate of up to 50 per every 15 minutes. If you're working in the garden, you can do even be er, with chores like mowing the lawn burning as many as 100 calories in just 20 minutes! That's fairly efficient exercise that can help you manage your weight – which in turn reduces the load on your back muscles and lessens your chances for back pain. Just remember to prac ce proper body mechanics such as li ing (or pushing) with your legs and

avoiding awkward twis ng and excessive reaching movements. And always, ALWAYS stretch and warm your muscles prior to ge ng down to work! Get some treatment If you haven't started the spring clean yet and are already experiencing back pain, it is vital that you get this checked out by a specialist first. They will thoroughly assess and treat any issues as well as provide advice on correct movement and posture. Sports therapists specialise in so ssues so are the perfect solu on to prepare you for an increase in ac vity and ensure your weaknesses are addressed and you stay injury free. So there you have it – spring cleaning can be good for your body as well as your spirit. By declu ering your house, ge ng a workout doing chores, you'll get your house in order while ge ng fi er and healthier! Samantha Holland BSc (Hons) MIPTI MSTO MSTA – Sports Therapy 4U




LAST CALL!! "Please don't forget the Local Plan consulta on on the Inspector's modifica ons. The period for the consulta on has been extended to 4th March. The schedule of Main Modifica ons, is available to view: Ÿ on the NHDC website: Ÿ at the Council Offices during normal opening hours; and Ÿ in Baldock Library . Ÿ Local residents' websites and contain some veiws on the changes and how to submit your comments.

Bouncy Castle Hire




Slimming World Recipe Sandra Lloyd Supplied by

Spicy Indian Mince This warm and filling dish can be enjoyed with rice or topped with potato for a cottage pie with a kick!

Ingredients Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Low calorie cooking spray 450g lean beef mince (5% fat or less) 1 onion, diced 1 garlic clove 1 tsp turmeric 2 tsp chilli powder 1 tsp garam masala 400g can chopped plum tomatoes 200g frozen peas 1 tsp ground coriander 1 tsp salt

Method 1. Spray a non-stick frying pan with low calorie cooking spray and brown the mince with onion and garlic. Add salt, turmeric, chilli powder, garam masala, and stir in. 2. Add tin of tomatoes and stir well. Half fill the tomato can with water and add this to the pan. Add the peas and stir well. 3. Bring to boil and simmer for about 45 minutes. Add more water if necessary. 4. Remove from heat. Add ground coriander and stir. Tip: Enjoy with a home-made raita of chunky chopped cucumber, fat-free yogurt and mint.



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Busy Baldock Beavers The beavers have been very busy over the last two months, with the many ac vi es they have done and badges they have completed. They started by sharing their various hobbies; it amazed us all at how many different ac vi es they do in their free me. These included football, electronics, gymnas cs and building Lego, to name a few. Also, the beavers have learnt about endangered animals and all coloured in a mask of the animals they learnt about.

The Beavers always have lots of energy and love games, so a visit to laser quest in Stevenage was perfect for them to use all that energy and excitement. They le all the young leaders pan ng a er both games

and all had a great me playing laser quest. To celebrate the end of term and Christmas, both Tuesday and Wednesday beavers joined together to have a party, where two bronze awards, the highest badge a beaver can achieve, were presented, many games played, including a massive game of the beaver's favourite game, dodgeball, and lots of jelly eaten. It was a great end to the year at 1st Baldock Beavers and was lots of fun for the beavers, young leaders and leaders alike. So far in the new year the beavers have learnt a lot. They started with astronomy and road safety and all made colourful booklets about the solar system, as well as making constella ons out of marshmallows. Also, we have been learning about healthy ea ng and exercise, with everyone making fruit salads and learning how to use a knife safely. As the weather gets warmer we look forward to doing more outdoor ac vi es in the coming months. Luke Young Leader - 1st Baldock Beavers


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Well done to the 120 KTS students, from Year 9, who successfully completed the Bronze expedi on training in February. The training covered all aspects needed to stay safe on expedi on. Friday night saw groups cover First Aid principles and emergency procedures. On Saturday, groups covered what to wear and take on an expedi on, what to eat and how to cook on an expedi on, route planning and route card wri ng. All groups walked routes between Pirton and Pegsdon on Sunday, prac cing naviga on skills and learning about the Country Code. Despite the wet weather and very muddy condi ons, groups approached this very posi vely! The next stage is to complete a prac ce expedi on in March, followed by the qualifying expedi on in the summer term.

Everyone at Key Conveyancing is committed to making the experience of moving house as simple and straightforward as possible.


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KTS Gold Award Holders Visit the Palace In February, 9 former KTS Students received their Gold DofE Awards at a ceremony, hosted by Prince Edward, at St James Palace. One of the expedi on team, John Inman, was also able to a end as a marshal and was very surprised and honoured to receive a long-service cer ficate for his volunteering with the award through Knights Templar School. They received their awards from author and TV personality Gyles Brandreth. He spoke about three of the points from his book ‘The Seven Secrets of Happiness’ linking these to the DofE award scheme and what the award helps young people develop. The three points were the importance of cul va ng a passion for something, being

Happy 18th Birthday


Lots of love Mum, Dad, Jeri and Lily Happy Birthday involved in the community and not being too introspec ve. Although most of the students had only le KTS last summer, there were 2 award holders, Harrison and Jemima, who le in 2017 and 2016, proving that it’s never too late to get the Gold award finished and get the reward of a day in London.

Next copy Deadline

10th March


Rupert Pryor Lots of Love Beki, Samuel and Sophie Happy Birthday Glenny 3rd March

from Belly & EE

Harley Ranson 16 office: 01462 892714 mobile: 07818 005773

Lots of love Mum, Dad, Ronan and Joe xx 31st March




Buying a Puppy Get puppy smart So you’ve decided to buy a puppy? How exci ng for you and your family to be making the long-term commitment to get a dog. Have you thought about what type of dog is right for your lifestyle yet? Please take a look at our advice that may help you figure out what kind of dog would suit you and your family best. Buying a puppy from a breeder Dealers are using the internet to their advantage when it comes to adver sing and selling farmed puppies. 87 percent of puppy trade calls we get are about animals bought over the internet. Be sure to follow our ps for spo ng a puppy dealers advert. Always make sure you see mum and her pups together, and never buy a puppy if you have doubts about the breeder or situa on - buying the puppy will only fund their illegal opera on. Check out our top ps on finding a good breeder.

‘Help your pets stay in shape for 2019'




The Puppy Contract can help you avoid becoming another vic m of the puppy trade. Have you considered adop ng a puppy instead? So many puppies and dogs in our care are looking for loving homes - and we’ll help match you with your perfect dog! Taking your new puppy home When you’ve chosen your puppy, you’ll need to get everything ready at home. Taking care of a puppy can be a bit daun ng, but it can also be incredibly fun! To help ensure that you can relax and enjoy your me with your playful companion the RSPCA have put together a guide to your puppy's first year,



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Here at St Mary's Infant School we have had a busy first half of the Spring Term. The children all took part in Safer Internet Day on February 5th and listened to an assembly all about the need to be kind and considerate when online. We had M&M Theatre Company come into school and performed Jack and The Beanstalk! It was very entertaining and everybody joined in the fun and games. The Year 2 children have been learning all about the tale of 'Jack o Legs' through their topic 'Beau ful Baldock'. They have really enjoyed learning about their own town which included ge ng out and about.

The PTA ran a very successful BINGO night last week and we are looking forward to more events coming up to raise funds for the school. The School Council organised a 'Bring and Buy Sale' and chose to donate half the proceeds to Children in Need and half to the school. Thank you to Lucy for the idea.

COMMUNITY WORK Countryside & Rights Of Way Service. On cold and frosty Thursday in February, volunteers returned to Weston Hills in Baldock where our work for the day was to push back scrub encroaching on to important areas of chalk grassland habitat. As well as cu ng mature scrub with hand tools, a couple of the guys also operated brushcu ers to remove young dogwood and bramble which was is also star ng to colonise in parts. All of the arisings generated as a result of the volunteer team's hard effort was removed to the designated fire site where a roaring blaze was soon underway, tended by Alison and Nathan, and helped to keep us all warm during our short breaks for tea and lunch.

Thanks to the whole group for a fantas c day's work and a very valuable contribu on to site management!!




‘WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT* your existing home insurance renewal quote in the SG postcode.’ For most people their home is the biggest investment they will ever make and the things they keep in it are their most prized possessions. As your local broker our role is to select the policy most suited to your individual needs. Ensuring peace of mind for our customers is at the heart of what we do. To make sure your most treasured possessions are properly covered contact the Emperor of insurance. QUOTE REF: DOORSTEP





Please send your local snaps new or old to our facebook page or email

March Gallery

Weston Woods at sunrise Paul Dixon

White stag and hinds shelter in woodland at sunset -Simon Holtom

Snowdrops in Radwell - Judy Bartlett

Emily Herbert

Snowy Ivel Springs Debs Knight

Misty morning at Radwell Village - Matthew Bartlett

What are you doing down there mum - Carolyn Rutherford

Stunning shot of a Starling Margaret Dellar

Royston Road, Baldock - Christina Madigan Putman

Red Kite above the garden -Amey Felce Radwell Lake Kat Bingham

Ted, Tilly and Osca Mia Lloyd

Lovely misty morning -Laura Sims

KTS1st XV Team

Gate into winter Jonathan Richard

Belated Happy Birthday Eileen





Useful numbers Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice Samaritans

03444 111444 0300 300 8136 116 123

Councils North Hertfordshire District

01462 474000

Doctors Baldock Surgery

01462 892458

Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery

01763 313869

Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut

0800 111 999 0800 7838838

Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH

01438 314333 01707 328111 111

Library Baldock Library

0300 123 4049

Police Police

01707 354000

Schools Knights Templar Hartseld St Johns St Marys Brandles

01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189

Travel Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line

08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608

Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre

01462 895579

Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round

01462 892172 01462 896322

Play Groups Magic Moments Merry Go Round

07980 400690 01462 896322

Do you need to make a Will or revise your existing Will? We offer a FREE initial appointment to discuss your circumstances, offering advice on Wills including ringfencing your home from care and guidance regarding inheritance Tax Nill Rate Bands. HOME VISITS ARE AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE WITHIN A 5 MILE RADIUS OF BALDOCK. SATURDAY MORNING appointments available on the following dates* 9th and 23rd MARCH 2019 FREE WILL SERVICE for the over 55's through the Cancer Research Free Will Scheme For more information please contact:FISH HILL CHAMBERS, 2-3 FISH HILL, ROYSTON, HERTS, SG8 9JY Tel: 01763 241 121

Plumbers Maben PE James

07949 120911 07816 586777

Window & Door repairs JML Windows Repairs Warrens Windows

01438 906300 01462 261401

Florist Blooms of Baldock

07747 195325

Barbers Micks of Baldock

01462 895002

Locksmith Lock and Glaze


Airport Taxi Greenacre Transfers

07555 707848

Mobile Hairdresser Hair by Jacqui

07973 788418





Come along and view our full range of products on display in our new show room. Kindlelight’s friendly staff will be on hand to assist with any queries. Everyone is welcome. Ample parking and refreshments available.

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