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Pilates at Home
self-defence instructor for detecves in Scotland Yard. As World War 1 broke out Joseph was held in Knockaloe internment camp on the Isle of Man. Here he spent the next four years refining his exercise system with fellow internees.
What is Pilates?
Pilates is made up of 600 different exercises and variaons and is a method of whole-body exercise. Although there is an emphasis on core work, core strength alone is not the end goal of Pilates, but rather using the core strength to develop funconal and sustainable movement paerns throughout the body.
What are the benefits of Pilates? Pilates has been show to have a posive effect on depression, stress and cognive funcon, reduce lower back and menstrual pain, increase core strength, balance and posture, prevent injury, increase energy levels, mood and movaon, improve flexibility and mobility, boost immunity, enhance sports performance, strengthen bones and help improve the quality of your sleep.

We are now offering a rang of Pilates classes from beginner to intermediate levels which you can do in the comfort of your own home at your own pace. If you would like to know if this would be suitable for you and safe, please phone the clinic on 01462 490 141 for advice or follow the link on our websitewww.amberhealth.co.uk
The Amber Health Team