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Baldock Branch of the Royal Brish Legion needs your support!
Like many other RBL branches across the country, they have seen a decline in membership and unless they can recruit new members will unfortunately have to close. This means that the Royal Brish Legion will no longer be represented in Baldock and will not be able to take part in the Remembrance Service.
As a priority, the Branch are looking for a new Chairperson and Secretary. If sufficient volunteers come forward, there may also be vacancies for ViceChair and a number of Branch Commiee Members.
You don't have to be part of the Armed Forces community to join the Royal Brish Legion, everyone is welcome.
Please join them for an informal meeng to find out how you can get involved.
Monday 20th March 7.30pm
The Orange Tree Pub Norton Road SG7 5AW
For more informaon email rblbaldock@yahoo.com or look for further announcements on their facebook page
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Baldock Rotary celebrated Burns Night in magnificent style exactly on the 264th Anniversary of Rabbie Burns's Birth. Forty Rotarians, partners, friends and guests enjoyed an excellent evening at Baldock Bowls Club.
Our diners were "piped in" by The Wintringham Pipers and the evening meal began with the Selkirk Grace immediately followed by a starter of the tradional cock-a-leekie soup.
The big event of the meal where, with tradional Scosh music, the haggis was "piped in" and was presented to the full approval of all present. And what a lovely big haggis it was too! Rotarian Gordon Brooks addressed the haggis with Rabbie Burns' words and then proceeded to make the first cut with a dirk in the tradional way. And as all present tucked in to the haggis, neaps and taes, what beer to drink with it but a wee dram (or two wee drams for some!).
Dessert was the tradional Cranachan made of oats, cream, raspberries and, wait for it, another wee dram in the mixture as well!
With diners replete aer such a meal the celebraon of Rabbie Burns connued with Rotarian Junior Vice President Garry Blyth giving an excellent speech for "The Immortal Memory", followed by a "Toast to the Lassies" proposed by Club Secretary John Prendergast and a "Response by the Lassies" given by Rotarian Janet Hammond.
Some of Burns' Poems were then read by Philip Belcher, aer which a raffle with many lovely prizes was run by Carol Brier. She always does a lovely raffle, does Carol!
Valenne Shanley, resplendent in an Irish kilt and naonal dress (shamrock and all) made a generous donaon to help the work of Rotary and this was received by President Thom Odd with much applause from all present.
This wonderful celebraon ended with the tradional "Old Lang Syne" and tradional pipe music by Sarah, Carolyn and Philip of The Wintringham Pipers. Everyone's thanks to VicePresident Keith Brier and Carol for all their good work to organise such a great evening and to Helen and her team for such appesing fare.