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Baldock Issue 9 March
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Welcome Welcome to the March issue of On Our Doorstep. Considering February is just a few days shorter, the month seemed to fly by this year. Nether less there have been plenty events to keep us busy. Once again the Baldock Beast was a huge success pushing many runners to their limits in the muddy conditions. The team from Amber Health were on hand offering free massages to participants and all donations were forwarded to the Garden House Hospice. 5 minutes with... Tim Moynihan, founder of the Amber Health in this month's issue makes an interesting read and tells you more about the great work they do. One of the children's (and adults) favourite days of the year, Shrove Tuesday prompted an impressive number of local businesses to come together for the Baldock pancake race in the High Street. For those of you who made pancakes at home we hope you had more flips than flops, unlike our household. Despite the weather, this month also saw a phenomenal crowd of local residents and business owners unite in a march through Baldock protesting against the proposed housing development. Looking forward, March brings the hope of some cheerier weather and the brightness of the daffodils that will be blooming as the month progresses. Mother's Day falls on the 15th this year (don't forget I've learnt the hard way), so why not pop down to
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Tapps Garden Centre for a lovely Get in tou ch gift or a spot of afternoon tea. March will also see our eldest daughter (middle child) turn 18, it seems like just yesterday that she was sat on the tank of my motorbike racing down the road or singing along to S Club 7. As always we would like to say a massive thank you to all the advertisers who have helped to support us in publishing this month's issue. Equally, we would like to say a huge thank you to the whole delivery team who do such a fantastic job. If you would like to get involved please do contact us and don't forget to follow us on Facebook or Twitter. Best wishes info@onyo urdoorstep
Paul & Jacqui info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk
Jacqui Calver 07973 788418 Email: info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk
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Barbers of Baldock
Micks OfBaldock
@baldockbarbers #HaveItOff @ Micks
LATEST FROM SAVE RURAL BALDOCK Around 500 people turned out on Saturday January 31st to protest against council plans for 3,500 homes in Baldock and thousands more in local Green Belt. The marchers proceeded from Simpson's Drive in Baldock, up the High Street and through Pinnocks Lane, returning via Clothall Road, Whitehorse Street and the High Street. Many of the cars which were stopped to allow safe passage hooted their support. The demonstra on was organised by SRB and was joined by all five of Baldock's NHDC Councillors and Sir Oliver Heald, M.P. for NE Herts. Sir Oliver said that the district should approach housing in two phases, using brownfield sites in the first ten years and building a new Garden City in the second. He is joined in this view by M.P.s Stephen McPartland and Peter Lilley. His en re submission to the Council can be read on the SRB website along with SRB's own official submission. SRB were very pleased with the turnout at the march which was well organised and was accompanied by local police and St John's ambulance officers. Happily there were no incidents other than a mely snow shower which merely added to the feeling that it was a special occasion. Indeed it was special as the rally showed the strength of feeling amongst the local popula on who do not think the council has thought this plan through. Following the March the consulta on closed on Friday February 6th and now there will be a long period of wai ng un l around August for the results of the Consulta on. In a recent television programme which featured Councillors from NHerts, the Government Minister for Housing, Brandon Lewis, said that it was not for councils to second-guess the inspectors by passing housing plans they might otherwise have rejected.
Many Baldock and Letchworth residents hope that the Inspector will reject THIS housing plan. Please keep up to date with all the latest news on www.saverualbaldock.co.uk including a recent ar cle from the Guardian where Lord Ma hew Taylor suggests that " the current planning system is flawed because most new development is based on building around exis ng communi es, predominantly on the green spaces at the edge of a town that are valued highly by local people. The resul ng high land values can lead to developers building higher-density, lower-quality houses, leading to a nega ve cycle in which local opposi on to new development escalates. The increase in the value of the land goes to the landowner, leaving less money remaining to pay for vital infrastructure and ameni es." Follow the link on the website to read the full ar cle. We must not let them catch us napping!!
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First Baldock Beavers
This has been another ac on-packed half term. As part of the friendship challenge, the beavers inves gated Brazil: its rainforests, flag, scenery and language (the beavers are all now fluent in Portuguese….). We were very lucky to have Chris, our local Police Community Support Officer visit us and talk us through all the equipment a police officer carries about his/her person. This included the radios, baton, handcuffs, stab-proof vest, torch and of course the hat which the beavers were very excited to be able to try on. There was also a ques on and answer session and we could have put money on the first ques on to be asked….'How many robbers have you caught?'. Thank you Chris for a very informa ve evening. As part of the healthy ea ng badge, the children made their own sandwiches and fruit salads. That was the easy bit. We forgot to explain to them the difference between a J-cloth and tea towel when it came to washing up…oops. To finish this badge, we had a
fantas c evening at Tesco where we were taken behind the scenes to see the bakery (and eat bread), visit the cheese counter (and try toffee-wensleydale) watch a fish being gu ed (we didn't eat that), see the warehouse and put the beavers in the freezer (temp ng to leave them there??) and finally be sent home with a yummy cookie. Thank you to Brian and Gemma for your hospitality. The highlight of this term was our Space Camp at Wymondley Wood. 'Vulture' organised a fantas c camp, which included a visit from Letchworth & District Astronomical Society where the beavers compared the size of our solar system to familiar objects and learnt all about the planets. Best of all, it was a lovely clear evening so they viewed the full moon through a telescope, seeing all the craters. The next morning they made their own models of the solar system to take home as a memento. We then landed our spacecra and went home, red but happy. I said it had been busy! Susannah Goward
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GET YOUR WELLIES ON Flexible use of government funded sessions. Including all day sessions for all 3 & 4 year olds and eligible 2 year olds. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
High ratio of staff to children Safe, stimulating and fun environment Early drop-off, lunch club and late pick-up sessions available Two redeveloped, all weather outdoor play areas The Mobile, Hartsfield School, Clothall Road, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 6BJ 01462 896322 info@merrygoroundunder5s.co.uk
We have had an amazing February. Our Winter Extravaganza was a great success. The children enjoyed face pain ng, gli er ta oos, ice treasures, snow at Elsa's Ice Palace and having their photo taken as Elsa & Anna. The Annual Wellie Walk allowed the children to follow a fabulous nature trail where they could count squirrels, measure trees, make a bark rubbing, dig up vegetables from the mud, find insects in the leaves, splash in puddles and find woodland animals in the tree ( a big Thank You to Jenny & the lovely ladies at Wool-N-Things to allowing us to borrow their beau ful kni ed animals). As always we would like to thank all our families who con nue to support us without them, our dedicated commi ee and wonderful members of staff we would not be able to hold such events. With Spring in the air our themes at Merry Go Round have turned to Mother's day and Easter. Our Easter Egg Hunt is always so popular. The Easter Bunny will visits our redeveloped garden to leave eggs for the children to find. All the children will be making a
New Fabric Collec tions Now In
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very special gi for their Mum's. Our Friday Parent & Toddler group is going from strength to strength. Our themes during March are: 6th March - Spring : growing cress & finger print sheep 13th March - Mothers Day :making a special card & present for Mum 20th March - Dressing Up Day : come in fancy dress and make a crown 27th March- Easter : Easter egg hunt, make an Easter bonnet and co on wool tail rabbit. Alongside our themes we have messy play ac vi es and as the weather get be er access to our garden. Every term- me Friday 1:30pm – 3pm. £2 per child with refreshments for parent / carers and drink & snack for children. All children under 5 welcome. Last month we men oned an Igloo the children and staff had been making with empty milk bo les. Please see the photo of their masterpiece.
Weston Way Nursery Aesops' Travelling Theatre visited the nursery school recently. This has become a regular event at the school for the last 5 years. They have performed: The Ginger Bread Man, The Hare and the Tortoise and this me they performed The Not So Ugly Duckling.
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One of our classrooms is transformed into a theatre with a c o l o u r f u l b a c kd ro p a n d a n abundance of props. The actors are very talented taking on the role of numerous characters. The children are always ac vely involved and encouraged to par cipate. A er the performance the children are involved in a wide variety of ac vi es linked to the theme of the story. Many of our displays reflect the various ac vi es undertaken.
We are planning to have our large climbing frame and slide replaced during the Easter holidays. So hopefully we will be able to show you some photographic evidence in the coming months. Just a reminder that the on-line nursery school applica on system has opened for places in September 2015. If you need any addi onal informa on please call the school on 01462 892172. Please take a moment to look at our very informa ve website to see some of the provision we can offer to your children. www,westonway.herts.sch.uk Jane Mille - Headteacher 10
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Baldock Tae Kwon-Do: Training Fri 7pm & Sun 10am Knights Templar Sports Centre, Weston Way, Baldock SG7 6EY CRB POLICE CHECKED, FULLY QUALIFIED BLACK BELT INSTRUCTORS
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Find an activity you love to help you spring into action Spring has to be one of the best seasons of the year. It stays lighter for longer, the sun's shining, the birds are singing and you feel so much be er than you did in the winter. You're not reaching for warm, comfor ng, stodgy food and you're more willing to get the family together for some outdoor fun. Which is what fitness should be – fun. It shouldn't be something that you begrudge doing, it should be something you enjoy and look forward too. Making a fitness date should be as fun as a date with your partner or your mates. It doesn't have to revolve around being indoors with sweaty, smelly people but then you don't have to be pushing yourself to complete a challenge that you just feel that you have to do. The brilliant thing about fitness is that it comes in different guises. It can be an extra long walk in the woods with the dog. It can be the decision to cycle to work instead of taking the bus. Or it can even be jumping up and down on the trampoline in the garden with the kids on the weekend. As long as you're moving, you're grooving! Your ul mate goal should be to move a li le bit more, that li le bit more o en. Do something that will raise your heart rate and leave you slightly out of breath, even if it's star jumps in the kitchen while you're wai ng for the ke le to boil! Li le changes make a big difference and there's so much stuff you can do for free that's available all around you. If you want to get your mates involved and treat it like a jolly then look for a fitness class that appeals to you and your personality. Or if you're really struggling to get mo vated and get moving, then enlist the help of a personal trainer, or book a tour at your local gym and see
what they have on offer there. At Fitness Hub we're proud to be a local community gym with a warm, friendly and invi ng environment. Our instructors and personal trainers are there to put you at ease and help create a programme that works for you, performed at a level that you're capable of working at. We even have a metable that's jam-packed with a huge variety of fitness classes to suit even the most discerning taste buds! Whatever type of exercise works best for you, if you choose something you enjoy then it'll never feel like a chore.
Baldock Community Centre Come and donate blood between 13:45 and 15:45 or 17:00 and 19:30....
5th March 2015
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5 minutes with... Tim Moynihan from AMBER HEALTH Amber Health in Baldock, led by T i m M oy n i h a n t h e p r i n c i p a l Osteopath and founder of the clinic, is celebra ng its 4th birthday this March. Along with our day to day expert care in most complementary medical fields, this month we are co-ordina ng a free health screening for Year 10 students at Knights Templar School. A former KTS pupil himself, Tim has twins currently in year 11. He has been an Osteopath for over 24 years.
*Why do you think this health screening is important for young people? During my me in clinic I have seen many students suffering from spinal posture problems, o en associated with long periods of si ng, gaming or carrying heavy school bags. Also a number of students suffering from skeletal issues like flat feet, scoliosis (curvature of the spine), leg-length discrepancy or previously unresolved injury from sports or accidents. We appear to heal well when we are young but we don't always heal correctly leaving us at risk of complica ons later in life. If injuries or structural problems can be resolved before bone 'end plates' fully fuse (at between 18-21 years old) the risk of future problems or injuries will be drama cally reduced hence the reason we are offering a preventa ve health screening programme. Our team of Osteopaths and Chiropodist will also hand out sensible ergonomic, postural and exercise advice sheets and send the students home with their screening results. *Amber Health offers many complementary treatments alongside Osteopathy why is this important? People o en lose sight of the fact that we all func on as a combina on of body and mind. We are not just a 'back pain' or a 'Headache' etc. It is therefore important to treat people as a whole and having a range of experts in different fields means we can offer pa ents mental as well as physical wellbeing – head to toe treatment in other words. We place importance on ge ng teeth regularly checked and most of us clean our teeth twice a day to stop decay but how many of us have a spinal MOT or do regular stretches to prevent degenera on? Osteopaths take care of spines and all other parts of the skeleton that can become injured or misaligned, this in turn can cause imbalance and compensatory pain elsewhere in the body.
I o en refer pa ents to our podiatrist for insoles to correct foot posture and leg length - this can make a huge difference to pa ents. Acupuncture also sits nicely beside osteopathy for releasing tensions and for chronic problems like tennis elbow or shoulder tendoni s. Some mes a good Sports Therapy Massage can really help to loosen up the muscles before or a er sport or p hys i ca l a c v i t y l i ke ga rd e n i n g . H y p n o t h e ra py a n d Psychotherapy can help pa ents relax and reduce anxiety. *You sponsored the Baldock Beast run in February? Why did you do this again? Our business is a local one, so ge ng out into the community to help and educate people on the benefits of Osteopathy and all that we do here at Amber Health is one we want to take as o en as we can. (Amber gave the compe tors free massages at the end of the 13 mile race and any dona ons were forwarded to the Garden House Hospice). I am all for people exercising and keeping fit as this promotes wellbeing, independence and prolongs life expectancy. Amber is also dedicated to helping people live as healthy and pain free as possible. Too many people live in pain and it is unnecessary, even if a problem is not 'curable' making it 10-20-30% be er is s ll an improvement. *What makes your job worthwhile? Primarily helping people understand why they are in pain and finding a solu on is what really ma ers to me. Sadly we can't yet offer a fully free service but changes to the NHS structure may make this a future possibility however pa ents can always get free advice from us. As the pressure on the NHS mounts Physiotherapy and musculo-skeletal services seem to take the brunt of the cuts. This makes the me and exper se we can offer our pa ents excep onal value for money. I also like developing and mentoring newly qualified Osteopaths and others who may be interested in becoming physical therapists. Pa ent care and safety is of upmost importance to us so developing skills and confidence and the ability to listen really ma ers. This way others can look forward to a long and truly rewarding career such that I enjoy and will con nue to do so. to Wantin r r ou appea
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Baldock Festival
Friday 1st May – Sunday 17th May 2015
For a rela vely small town Baldock has a lot going on throughout the year mostly organised by local volunteers working quietly in the background. As always the Baldock Town website; www.baldocktown.co.uk, maintained by James Lunnon of the Baldock Town Partnership, is the main portal for event informa on and also has links to the websites and Facebook pages created and maintained by the various groups organising events including; The Baldock Fes val Commi ee, The Independent Baldock Beer Fes val, The Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre (the old Town Hall!) and Balstock. This year will be The Baldock Fes vals 32nd year and it runs from Friday 1st May to Sunday 17th May. There will be 60 plus wide ranging and different events over the two weeks, some cketed, some not, and the inten on is that there should be something for everyone across all sec ons of the local community. The big non- cket events this year will be: Baldock Beer Fes val (Fri 1st May – Sun 3rd May); see www.baldockbeerfes val.org, Sounds of Baldock (Fri 9th & Sat 10th May), the ever popular Street Fair (Sat 16th May) and the rela vely new but fast-growing Classic Car Show (Sun 17th May); see www.baldockfes val.org Whilst programmes will be delivered as usual during March, you will be able to see more detailed informa on and or changes to the programme on the website and Facebook pages as they become available, for example, bands playing during the Sounds of Baldock and updates on the scale of the Classic Car Show (which, by the way, will be bigger and be er than previously, given the support of the towns well known classic car specialists and car show event organisers).
The Street Fair remains one of the main family orientated a rac ons as it brings the centre of Baldock to life on Saturday 16th May. Its success relies upon par cipa on by local organisa ons, businesses and chari es and provides those groups with an opportunity to both promote themselves and market their wares etc. If you represent one of those groups and have not yet thought of booking a stall for Street Fair day, please pick a form up from The Baldock Community Centre or see them at; www.baldockfes val.org. Lastly, all the volunteer groups and commi ees would welcome new ideas and support and if it's something you are interested in, please get in touch with their respec ve contacts. Brent Copsey - Baldock Fes val Chairman 2015
Open during school holidays everyday except Wednesdays New Inn Road, Hinxworth, Herts. SG7 5EY
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By n O roops s ’ P t e a r h a W Cl Baldock Floral Society, Thursday 5 March - 7.30pm Community Centre AGM plus entertainment and nibbles
Christchurch Baldock Jazz Evening Friday 6 March - 7.30-9pm , Knights Templar School Hall
Tickets 01462 895460 Icknield Quilters Monday 9 March,7.45pm , Baldock Community Centre AGM and details of 2015 challenge. Visitors welcome
Hairdessing Demonstration Thursday 12 March - 7.30pm Baldock and Clothall WI, Community Centre
St Patricks’ Night Dance - Letchworth Rugby Club Friday 13th March - 4 Course Dinner – Irish Whiskey Toast and Music From Gor Jus Wrex £35 per head or £300 per table of 10
Mothers' Day Pamper and Gift Evening Friday 13 March 7-10pm - Baldock Arts & Heritage Centre (Old Town Hall), High Street: for tickets call 07757357980
“An Evening At The Music Hall” Ashwell Theatre Club Saturday 14 March - 7.30 Ashwell Village Hall Tickets £8 which includes a light supper Tickets available from Rhubarb & Mustard, and Ashwell Post Office or email tickets@ashwelltheatre.co.uk
Weston Flower & Vegetable Society Spring Show Saturday 14 March - 7.30pm , Weston Village Hall More details from David Ginn Tel: 01462 790417
China Delights – an illustrated talk by Carole Ann and Neil Brown. Thursday 19 March - 8pm Baldock Society, Community Centre, Visitors welcome.
Sandon Village Market Saturday 21 March - 9.30–11.30am, Sandon JMI School Lots of gift ideas and delicious food available.
Ashwell Flea Market Saturday 21 March,9.30-1pm The 14th , St. Mary's Church. Baldock Musuem & Local History Society Thursday 26 March, 8pm , Community Centre Norton Manor Court Records: Talk by David Croft of Norton Community Archaeology Group
Regular events: Tuesdays Wednesdays
Thursdays Fridays
Quiz Night, 8-10.30pm, Orange Tree Pub Baldock Royal Chartered Market, High Street Baby Rhyme Time 10.30-11.00am, Library Senior Club, 2-4pm Community Centre Baldock and Letchworth 8.30-11pm Folk Club, Orange Tree Pub Toddler Tales, 2.30-3pm - Baldock Library Baldock Country Market - 10am, Community Centre
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If you would like to have your event included in the April issue please email clare@nattyneckwear.com by 15th March 2015 Please mention On Our Doorstep when responding to adverts
Now Booking for
Mothers Day Afternoon Tea Special Sunday 15th March 01462 896 302
plants tea room
gift shop ďŹ reworks
Baldock Gardens By Graham Tapp
Tapps, The Baldock Garden Centre
This Month. Something different,
I've just had an interesting conversation with a very dear friend, who would like to encourage wild birds onto the balcony of her flat, we thought a blue tit nesting boxes would be a good starting point, what we want to do is bring nature nearer, a move recently from a house with a very nice garden full of birds to the flat, has proved to be frustratingly sterile. We've had very good results with blue tits in the garden centre, they are not as shy as you think, several of our tit boxes that should have been for sale have been hijacked and turned into homes over the past few years, hundreds of customers walking past a few feet away from them has not caused abandonment of their family nests or young. Robins are another of our success stories, we have had at least two that would feed out of our hands over the years, one would sit on my shoulder and ask for his dinner, before we had the tea room we would eat our lunch out in the plant area on nice days and the robins would get closer and closer until they would steal crumbs off our plates, from that point it was easy to encourage them onto our hands by using live meal worms ( Yuck ) one of our Robins was so territorial that it would drive our old Collie away if he tried to get a fed. You will have noticed that they will come and see what you are up to when you are working in the garden, it is very easy in the spring to encourage them a bit closer and a bit closer until you can become friends. Gardening is not all about the plants, trees, shrubs ,fruit and veg, etc. try sitting quietly for a while and see what comes to see you, even in North Herts you will see grass snakes, rabbits, frogs, toads, hedge hogs, birds of allsorts and many different insects - good and bad, we even have dragon flies around the Garden Centre. Try enjoying the often not seen part of nature for a change, it puts a different perspective on your garden.
Free Plant Surgery at Tapps In The Garden. We have a wide range of:
One of our resident Robins- Photo by K P.
Bird tables Bird boxes Bird Feeds Birds to see Plenty of Advice
Things to do in March Ÿ
Writing this at the end of February the weather is so cold and wet that March is going to have a very disappointing start compared with last year, and it could still snow. As I have indicated before keep away from your open ground and lawns if it stays bad or you will be doing irreparable damage. Look at the mower then put it back in the shed for now. You will see lots of Garden programmes and you will read many Garden books, they are not written just for Baldock and not current, so while you should do what they say, look at the weather and season stage before you do anything.
Open every day, just bring your problems in for us to advise on
When dry enough start preparing your lawns, feed with a fertiliser only product, the reason for this is that the weeds will not be growing very much if at all and you will be wasting your money, if you get the grass growing quickly before you kill the moss it will not be able to regain a foot hold if it turns wet and cold again. Use Weed feed and moss killer towards the end of the month, two small feeds will give a lovely lawn. Finish any pruning and cut down any over wintered perennial stems, but not too low, no lower than a clenched fist. Get your potatoes chitting if you want, I never bother nor do thousands of farmers. Start your seeds off on your window sill, back bedroom or greenhouse if you have one. Spray ( carefully ) any drives or patio’s you require to keep plant free with a soil persistent weed killer, if you are organically minded wait until the end of the month and then burn them off with a weed wand. As a you will have already guessed a late start always means hard work later on, the season will catch up so enjoy your rest, don’t start until you see tractors working the land.
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Nissan Leaf - No Oil, No Noise and No Emissions Are you looking for more affordable and prac cal electric car? Well, Nissan may have the answer for you in the guise of the Leaf which is the result of a $4 billion investment in the electric vehicle market, it's an enormous amount of money, but it this investment seems to be paying dividends for the car giant as they have sold in excess of 100,000 vehicles since produc on began and they own 45% of the world wide electric car market.
The Leaf is from the ground up an electric car, not a petrol or diesel that has been retrofi ed with a ba ery and motor. This is a fully fledged EV. Nissans' current Chairman, President and CEO; Carlos Ghosn very publicly pointed out that this car was to be very different from what we were used to, he didn't want to use oil, it needed to be zero emission and he wanted zero noise. The zero noise is very important when driving an electric car, because you get next to no engine noise at all when driving, so the next noisiest parts of the car are tyres and wind. This car has incredible
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Vehicle Accident Repair Specialists
aerodynamic proper es and everything is sleek including the lights and the alloy wheels. Apparently it is one of the most aerodynamic cars around. I was using the Tekna edi on, which had heated seats steering wheel. It has a 7" colour screen which displayed a 360 degree view around the car by combining several camera views to produce an image as it hovering over the car. Great for maneuvering the car in ght spaces and satnav. It's a very nippy car u lising a single forward and reverse gear set up which makes accelera on very quick indeed, not quite in the Teslas league, but s ll pre y decent. Heavy footed drivers will soon realise however that the range of the car reduces dras cally if you are gunning it around and I also experienced 'Range Anxiety', where I was concerned that I was in danger of running out of juice. When I did get close to deple ng the ba ery, the car was very helpful in finding me a car point, but none the less I was concerned. Nissan say that they are not interested in producing an electric car with massive range at the moment. More range means more weight which requires more power, so they believe the 75 - 100 mile range is what the car is aimed at. This isn't going to be a rep's car, but if you are doing under 60 miles a day and remember to plug in to charge when you can or overnight, the car should do you well.
Currently the UK government will offer you a grant of up to £5000 towards and electric car and you should also be able to get a proper charge point installed at home for free. If you register with Ecotricity or Source East, you can use their charge points for free. If you want to find out more about the vehicles I have been reviewing, you can find out more on
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Booking Deadline for the April issue 16th March
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MARCH MOVIES MARCH 6th - Kill the Messenger Based on the True story of Journalist Gary Webb, who uncovered the CIA's past role in importing huge amounts of cocaine into the U.S. Despite enormous pressure not to, Webb chose to pursue the story and went public with his evidence, publishing the series "Dark Alliance". As a result he experienced a vicious smear campaign fuelled by the CIA.
For those smaller jobs 40 years in the trade Small Extensions & Porches Small patios Garden Walls Brickwork repairs Re-pointing General maintenance
MARCH 13th - Top Five Though he began in stand-up comedy, Andre Allen (Chris Rock) hit the big-time as the star of a trilogy of action-comedies about a talking bear. Andre is forced to spend the day with Chelsea a writer for the New York Times, whose film critic has just panned Andre's passion project about the Haitian Revolution.
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MARCH 20th - Insurgent One choice can transform you, or it can destroy you. But every choice has consequences, and as unrest surges in the factions all around her, Tris Prior must continue trying to save those she loves and herself. War now looms as conflict between the factions and in times of war, sides must be chosen, secrets will emerge, and choices will become even more irrevocable.
MARCH 20th - Home When ‘Oh’, a loveable misfit from another planet, lands on Earth and finds himself on the run from his own people, he forms an unlikely friendship with a girl named Tip who is on a quest of her own. Through a series of comic adventures with Tip, Oh comes to understand that being different and making mistakes is all part of being human.
MARCH 27th - Seventh Son John Gregory, who is a seventh son of a seventh son and also the local spook, has protected his country from witches, boggarts, ghouls and all manner of things that go bump in the night. However John is not young anymore, and has been seeking an apprentice to carry on his trade. Most have failed to survive. The last hope is a young farmer's son named Thomas Ward.
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a p p s Our pick of this month’s must have downloads Microso Outlook - IOS 7+, Android Just a “preview” for now, this is Microso ’s flagship email so ware made mobile, with a slick app that gives Gmail and other rivals a run for their money. It works with many of those rivals too: Gmail, Yahoo Mail etc Snapchat - IOS 7+, Android Enjoy fast and fun mobile conversa on! Snap a photo or a video, add a cap on, and send it to a friend. They’ll view it, laugh, and then the Snap disappears from the screen – unless they take a screenshot! DropBox- IOS 7+, Android The OFFICIAL Driving Test Success app - We've helped 5 MILLION learners prepare for their tests. Contains every OFFICIAL revision ques on, answer and explana on from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) 36Picks - IOS 7+, Android Thanks to the likes of Facebook and Instagram, many people don’t bother prin ng their smartphone photos any more. 36pics aims to reverse that trend: an easy way to choose 36 pictures and order prints to be delivered. VRSE - IOS 7+, Android An expanding universe of Virtual Reality experiences. Viewable with or without Google Cardboard. Fully immerse yourself in 3D and full screen 360 curated video with dynamically changing direc onal binaural sound.
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A TOUCH OF GLASS Men's Grooming Salon Appeals to the Brave for Red Nose Day Quality UPVC Windows, Doors & Conservatories
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A local salon for men is looking for people to try something a li le different and have their nostrils waxed to raise money for Red Nose Day 2015. Nobody likes to see protruding nose hair, so Gorilla Warfare in Sto old con nues on its mission to transform apes into gentlemen whilst also raising funds for this year's Comic Relief appeal. Whilst pulling out one nostril hair feels like you're pulling your brains out through your nose, waxing all of the hair in one fell swoop is actually pain-free. The wax gives an amazing, clean finish and takes just ten minutes to complete. Sarah Panter, of Gorilla Warfare, is offering a free nostril waxing service in exchange for a small dona on to Comic Relief all week from 9th to 13th March, from 7am to 9pm. To book your slot, call or text 07968 051257 or book online at www.gorilla-warfare.co.uk For every set of nostrils waxed, Gorilla Warfare will also give £1 to the Red Nose Day appeal. Those who are not yet ready to have their nostrils waxed can s ll donate by visi ng h p://my.rednoseday.com/sponsor/gorillawarfare Gorilla Warfare is a salon exclusively for men in Sto old. Salon owner, Sarah Panter, has over 7 years experience in providing waxing and holis c treatments for males, and has a wide client base stretching across Her ordshire and beyond. For further informa on, please visit www.gorilla-warfare.co.uk
Get in touch info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk
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Discover a new younger, slimmer you! How Does our Skin Age? Hyaluronic acid is an essen al component of human skin. Like a sponge, its main func on is to bind moisture, causing skin to plump up. Hyaluronic acid ac vates fibroblasts, which produce the body's own natural collagen and elas n, giving the skin its tone. Hyaluronic acid holds many mes its own weight in moisture keeping the skin smooth and fresh looking. By the me we reach the age of 25, our natural produc on of hyaluronic acid has already begun to slow down. As a result, our skin becomes less elas c and its capacity to store moisture decreases, as does its ability to combat the harmful free radicals caused by smoking, alcohol consump on, stress or exposure to sunlight, for example. This accelerates the deple on of the body's natural supply of hyalronic acid, and in turn the produc on of natural collagen and elas n slows down. The skin then ages visibly, losing tone and volume and wrinkles form. The BYAS Face Li er offers you professional-class technology in skin rejuvena on in a mobile, hand-held device which you can use comfortably and highly effec vely at home. It has 4 phases: Phase 1 - Cleansing & preparing The skin undergoes intensive cleansing which reaches into the pores through iontophoresis. At the same me, moisture lost during cleansing is replenished. The cleansed skin is perfectly prepared to absorb the highly effec ve ac ve ingredients Phase 2 - Nourishing & smoothing Special an -aging ac ve ingredients, such as the innova ve hyaluronan-amino complex, are conveyed through iontophoresis gently yet effec vely into the lower lying layers of the skin without damaging it. There, they trigger their special firming and regenera ve effect. A er only a few weeks, your skin appears youthful and radiant; it is toned and incredibly so . Phase 3 - Firming & sculp ng Electrical muscle s mula on (EMS) results in the targeted strengthening and development of facial muscles. This causes the skin lying over the muscles to become firmer. The thermal effect of radio frequency waves s mulates the metabolism of fa y ssue and thus the break-down of small pads of fat in the chin and throat area. The hea ng also causes the collagen fibres in connec ve ssue to contract. This also contributes to the firming of the overlying skin Phase 4 - Protec ng & renewing With their special marine algae-based formula, BYAS Day Cream and BYAS Night Cream supply the finishing touch for the upper layers of skin. Also available the BYAS Body Li er, a simple, highly effec ve and completely safe home device that promotes the breakdown of fat, elimina ng problem zones, strengthens the deeper muscle fibres and builds up muscle so that your body becomes ghter and stronger and regains its natural outline. For further informa on contact The Wyndham Centre on: 01462 893586 or pop in and see us in Pinnocks Lane.
Are things a little slow? Its easy to advertise in On Our Doorstep
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All of the above can be achieved with the BYAS System! A simple to use, highly effective, hand held and completely safe home decice
Yore Stuff Antiques & Collectables www.yorestuff.com Baldock based antiques dealer
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Please mention On Our Doorstep when responding to adverts
Slimming World Recipe Supplied by Sandra Lloyd Speedy Salmon Curry
youAdverti r bu se sine ss
£ 1/ 20 16 p
With 85 stones lost already this year by Slimming Members in Baldock, this quick and easy recipe is great for your waistline and great for your health. Current advice is that we should have at least two portions of fish every week and one of those should preferably be an oily fish such as salmon.
Ingredients Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
1 large onion, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 tsp ground ginger 1 tsp Korma curry powder 400g can chopped tomatoes 300mo boiling vegetable stock salt and freshly ground black pepper 500g skinless salmon fillet, cut into chunks 500g frozen broccoli florets small handful of finely chopped fresh coriander
Method 1. Spray a large non-stick frying pan with low calorie cooking spray and place over a high heat. Add the onions and garlic and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes, then add the ginger and curry powder and stir-fry for 1 minute. Stir in the tomatoes and stock, bring to the boil and cook over a medium heat for 6-8 minutes. 2. Season the salmon pieces and add to the pan along with the broccoli. Cook for 5 minutes or until the fish is cooked through. 3. Serve with rice and top with the freshly chopped coriander.
9 4 4 8
8 5 2
2 3 4 1 2
6 5 1
3 9
7 6 2 4
2 1 8 9
If you would like to advertise, write an article or a letter to the editor please email: info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk WEDNESDAY BALDOCK
Courtlands Riding Stables & Pony Club Centre Always fancied horse riding but don’t know where to start?
Why not come down and have a chat and see what we have to offer Our friendly staff and clients are always around Saturdays and Sundays 9am -12pm
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Get in touch : info@onourdoorstep.co.uk
TYNEHILL Do you need to make a Will or revise your existing Will? If so, please take advantage of our reduced rate wills offer. Please note that reduced rate wills will be available every week day from 8.00am until 6.00pm, and on Tuesday evenings until 8.00pm,by appointment only. Also on the Saturday mornings of 14th & 28th MARCH 2015, again by appointment only Reduced rates are:Double Wills - £250.00 plus VAT Single Will - £130.00 plus VAT HOME VISITS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE WITHIN A 5 MILE RADIUS OF BALDOCK. For more information please contact:1-3 Lower King Street, Royston, Herts SG8 5AJ
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Planning Permissions & Building Regulations
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Jim Caddy did a brilliant job on my hedges, trees and shrubs. I would recommend him to anyone wan ng some tree work etc done. Kind regards Jennifer Nevison I was very happy with the job J-Clean carried out cleaning my lounge and stairs. The carpet has never been as clean as it is now - extremely pleased. J Brown We have recently used Legacy Cleaning Company, out standing service. This is the 4th business that we have used from your magazine 10/10 keep up the good work. P. Thompson Hi, I would like to recommend Glenn from Smart Domes cs, we have used him on several occasion and he always provides a great service and nothing is ever too much trouble. Regards Mr E Clapp A er a li le bump in my car, I contacted Crashcare, who advised me what I needed to do regarding the insurance & quotes etc. They carried the repair and you can’t see that I have ever had an accident, thank you. J.C - Choice Graphics Hi, just wanted to congratulate you on ‘On Our Doorstep’, we look forward to it dropping through the door each month. We have now used several of the companies that adver ses in the magazine and we have always been pleased with the work carried out. Love reading the ar cles about about the local schools. Feb issue was the best yet R. Harwood If you have used one of the businesses or services that adver se in the magazine please get in touch & let us know how you got on.
Get in touch info@onourdoorstepbaldock.co.uk
JUSTIN COLOURS LTD. Building Finishers
The perfect finish every time Phone 07947 396 341
Painting interior & exterior Wall coverings Plastering Renders Dry lining All aspects of finishing trades Ÿ Tape & jointing Ÿ Coving etc
Office 01462 734 509
66 Astwick Road, Stotfold, SG5 4BQ 32
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The March Hare! The Hare was so surprised, When the tortoise won the race he'd devised! “The tortoise took the bus, And caused all the fuss, So the result should now be revised!”
We Need Your Support
Alongside all the Baldock housing-development pressures, your readers may have seen some significant coverage in the Mercury in recent weeks about an applica on for a waste transfer and waste recycling site at Bu ermilk Hall Farm, which is on the A507 which connects Baldock, via Co ered to Bun ngford This proposed development is not, we fear about dealing with our local waste but seeks to import, sort and then transfer on waste from all over Her ordshire and possibly beyond on a site that is not in the Coun es Waste Development Framework. Waste, if this proposal is allowed may well come from all the major towns such as Hitchin and Letchworth, both men oned in the applica on and be driven through your town and our village and then return the same way again and again every day of the week. Anyone who travels on the A507 is aware of its narrow and twis ng nature and the difficult bo le neck of bends that bracket the stretch through either end of Co ered Village. Many will also be aware of the Deaths and serious accidents . Increasing the amount of HGV movements and given the increasing domes c traffic which will come from the proposed new housing can only make this worse and increase the risk. This Applica on isn't expected to be considered by the Development Control Commi ee un l at least mid-March, and so every objec on le er received by Herts County Council will be read right up to the last minute, contribu ng to the report that Council officers will submit to the Commi ee. We've been so pleased to have the support of Bun ngfords Mayor Graham Bonner, as well as some of the East Herts District Councillors and Sir Oliver Heald MP who met with members of our group in Baldock recently. Our hope would be for more elected representa ves to get behind these campaigns and do something to help us live safely, which a er all should be our right. Co ered and Throcking are delighted that some people from Baldock have already objected to the applica on, but there could be many others who also will feel strongly about it once they see how all these developments effect each of us. We have been told that piles of objec on le ers really influence Herts County Councillors so we do hope some more of your readers would feel moved to write in about this issue. Alan Weston - Co ered resident Waste? NOT! Want? NOT! Group. saferA507@gmail.com
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Useful numbers
Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice
08444 771600 0300 300 8136
Churches St Marys the Virgin Baptist church Roman Catholic Methodist Christchurch United Reformed Church
01462 892838 01462 893203 01462 893127 01462 895052 01462 232005 01462 683355
Councils North Hertfordshire District
01462 474000
Doctors Baldock Surgery
01462 892458
Dentist Mews House Surgery Baldock Dental Surgery
01462 894400 01462 892374
Laptop & Desktop Repairs Hardware & Software Upgrades Virus & Spyware Removal Data Backup & Recovery Secure Wireless Solutions For ALL Your I.T Needs
01462 676 519
Emergency Utilities Gas Emergency Electric power cut
0800 111999 0800 7838838
Hospitals Lister Hospital Queen Elizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH
01438 314333 01707 328111 111
Library Baldock Library
*£45 IRS REPSA tore
0300 123 4049
*In only Labour
Police Police
01707 354000
Public Houses Engine The Cock The Old White Horse The Orange Tree The Victoria The White Lion
01462 896111 01462 892366 01462 893168 01462 892341 01462 893153 01462 893134
to Wantin r r ou a e p p a
NEsuXeT? iset in touch G
01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892189
Travel Arriva Buses National Rail Enquires National Bus line
We clean cookers, extractor fans, microwaves.
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01462 892172 01462 896322
Please contact Debbie 01438 215172 07983 577803
07980 400690 01462 896322
Disclaimer 07949 120911 07968 791441 07456 559756
Lock Smith Gearing Locksmith
Deb’s Dirty Cookers
Plumbers A.P Huges A.D Taylor Nick Sayer
01462 895579
Play Groups Magic Moments Merry Go Round
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Spring cleaning & cooker repairs also undertaken
Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round
08701 201088 08457 484950 0870 6082608
Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre
2 The Cottage Pixmore Avenue Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 1JS
Schools Knights Templar Hartseld St Johns St Marys Brandles
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