Baldock, Ashwell, Weston and surrounding villages Issue 95 September 2022to find things locally Raising awareness of what’s on & where

Summer is drawing to a close, after more than a few heat waves I'm sure lots are looking forward to things cooling down a bit. We hope you've all managed to enjoy some time off with friends or family. The pair of us squeezed in a few days in Sardinia this summer. A beautiful island and well worth a visit. We also had a couple days away in one of the Kerb 2 Coast campervans. We drove down to Durdle Door and pitched up on top of the cliffs overlooking the sea, priceless.Examresults came rolling in last month, we hope everyone got the grades they were hoping for. As we're writing this it's a few days before our youngest is due to receive her GCSE results, fingers crossed all her hard work has paid off. Looking forward to September and we have a few exciting events coming up. The Baldock 5k Rat Run is back on 4th September. Organised by Sam from Hollinton Health, this event is raising much needed funds for the Garden House Hospice. You can walk, jog or run the 5k! The following weekend sees the return of Balstock. Our ordinarily quiet town will transform to host Hertfordshire's biggest free music festival. 200 live bands will perform across 3 days and 16 venues. As with every Balstock or 07973 788418
All adverts and editorial are printed in good faith, however On Our Doorstep Baldock cannot take any responsibility for the content of adverts or services provided by the advertisers. Reproduction on whole or in part of this publication without prior permission from the publishers is strictly prohibited.
Welcome to the September issue!


32022SEPTEMBER festival, all funds raised will be donated to charity. If you're looking for something different the Baldock Cycle Challenge is taking place on 18th September. As always there will be 2 loops to choose from, 25 miles or 30 miles, or if you're up for the challenge you can tackle both! The courses are friendly to all ages and abilities so why not make a day of it with the whole family. And finally, for all the fish and chip lovers out there, Maltings Fish and Chips are offering 25% off with a voucher in this months issue. You can find it on page 28.Until next month
Paul & Jacqui

Letchworth made a good start to the 2022/3 campaign by retaining the Hitchin 10s Tournament trophy last Saturday . A er a shaky start the Ladies also won their compe on bea ng Cheshunt who they had previously lost to in the final with a really determined display to gladden the hearts of coaches Nick Winwood and Danny Ryall. It was also gladdening for President Brian Burke to have two nieces playing for the Lionesses .This was the ladies first major trophy since their forma on in 2020. Letchworth men were dominant in all games including a nine try romp authority on every game . Congratula ons to the host club Hitchin and Adam Shaw for hos ng such a well organised tournament . Legends now face several tough warm up games against Ampthill next Saturday and Harlow Wednesday week before their season opens away to Thurrock on September 3rd . The first home game will be at legends Lane on Saturday, September 10 against all rivals Brentwood kickoff at 3 o'clock all welcome to a pre-match lunch three courses wine et cetera for £25 contact Brian Burke on (07768) 274037….. here's hopes for the 99th Season !against Royston . Despite losing a touch game to Datchworth Legends made the final without conceding a try bea ng Bedford Queens in the semis The final was again fought against Cambridge side Cantabs but a li le more one sided this year with a four try to one score including a great break from flying winger Ta enda Gurure set free by Josh Sharp on the half way line . Cantabs scored a consola on right at the death It was fi ng that the Graham Walker trophy for player of the tournament was won by Letchworths talented fly half Josh Sharp who stamped his

Letchworth Legends & Lionesses Triumph! ‘NewSummer FabricCollectionsNowIn’ The Triumphant Legends and Ladies Teams on Saturday


On hearing Corinne's name, Mary said something along the lines “Ooh the only Corinne I ever knew was when I was 7 and lived in Barnet. We used to walk to school together” Well you know the rest of this story! Corinne is the very same person that Mary used to walk to school with 70 years ago (in Barnet!!!). They clearly have a lot of catching up to do!!!
BALDOCK BEATS WASTE will have a stall at the Letchworth Green Fes val on September 10th so come and chat and tell us your other ideas for comba ng waste and helping the environment.Wearejoining the Baldock and Clothall WI for a li erpick on Sunday Sept 25th star ng from the Orange Tree pub. We also hope to hold talks about sustainable fashion and cooking low-cost meals in the autumn. And we intend to hold our now annual EcoFest on May 20th as part of the Baldock Fes val 2023 so put it in your diaries. We are always looking for more volunteers to help the group carry out its work of informing about the environment, reducing waste etc and some mes to take a turn at manning our stalls which is really Weenjoyable.wouldalso welcome some extra commi ee members especially those with IT or organisa onal skills or perhaps you love designing posters or just have great ideas? All welcome – just contact as above!

Let's celebrate all the non-public places in Baldock where people are trying to help nature! Baldock Beats Waste propose to organise a relaxed walk around naturefriendly gardens to share ideas on how to help nature with ponds, areas of wildflowers, non-mown lawns, hedgehog houses etc. But we need to know where those gardens are. Could you help by offering to have your garden included? You may only have a couple of features to show off but that's enough – every li le helps and we propose to offer the walk in early spring so there's plenty of me to add some more if you want. We all need to prepare our gardens and the wildlife in it for possibly another hot dry year in 2023.Ifyou are interested in this idea please email us baldockbeatswaste@gmail.comat or contact us through our website look out for our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Photo Laurence Browne Baldock & Clothall WI have had a few new members over the last year or so and have been working hard to get people to know each other. One way is our monthly lunch club, which is run via a WhatsApp group. This month's lunch had 12 a endees and Mary & Corinne happened to be si ng opposite each other. Mary is a long standing member and Corinne is rela vely new so they introduced themselves to each other.

Still Working from Home? Sunday
Ÿ Your screen is at eye level. Your screen is arm's length away from you, if the screen is to far back on your desk your neck will begin to creep forward at the day goes on! Your forearms can rest on your Althoughdesk. having your worksta on set up correctly is an important part of reducing the strain on your body, the most effec ve way to help reduce tension building within your body is to move. Taking frequent breaks from si ng not only helps to reduce incidences of pain and improve posture but it also helps to increased energy, li s your mood, and improves focus. If you wait for the pain to kick in before you change posi on, it's too late! If you're suffering from daily discomfort when working why not book in with one of our Osteopaths today to find out what is causing your pain. Amber Health Team 01462 490141 18 September 2022
Ÿ Your back is supported in the chair.
Ÿ Your feet are flat on the floor.

Most work-related MSDs develop over a period of me and can develop because of; unsupported posture, repe ve movements, force being concentrated on small parts of the body such as wrists and hands. Checking your worksta on for the following can help to reduce the strain placed upon your body.

Ÿ Your knees are either at 90o to your hips or just below, if you cannot adjust your chair si ng on a cushion can help to achieve this.
Since the start of the pandemic na onal sta s cs have shown a rise from 5.1% of the UK popula on working from home to 46.6% in 2020. Alongside this 81% of employees working remotely during the first lockdown reported back, neck or shoulder pain, this has largely been a ributed to makeshi worksta ons. As working from home is becoming part of the normal working balance, it is important to create a suitable home working environment to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). MSDs are injuries which effect the body's movement and can occur in any area of the body. The most common MSDs associated with office-based work include carpel tunnel syndrome, tennis and golfers' elbow, neck pain, tension headaches, and lower back pain.
25 miles, 30 miles or 55 miles You choose your distance! Sign up and more info Tips to improve you home ergonomics

While attending a conference in Istanbul, Dr.Alithea Binnie happens to encounter a ginie who offers her three wishes in exchange for his freedom.This presents two problems: first, she doubts that he's real, and second, because she's a scholar of story and mythology, she knows all the cautionary tales of wishes gone wrong. But the ginie pleads his case by telling her fantastical stories of his past. Speeding through the Moroccan desert to attend an old friend's party, wealthy Londoners David and Jo Henninger are involved in a tragic accident with a local teenage boy.Arriving late at the grand villa, the couple attempts to cover up the incident with the collusion of the local police. But when the boy's father arrives seeking justice, the stage is set for a tension-filled culture clash. The film follows Wren Butler, a recent University of Chicago graduate who accompanies her best friend Lily to a post-graduation jaunt to Bali. Lily's abrupt decision to marry a Balinese local triggers her parents to try and stop her from repeating their mistake from 25 years ago. Wren stays in Bali for the engagement/wedding festivities and, in the process, finds her own love with a local doctor.
Three Thousand Years of Longing THE forgiven ticket to paradise Out 2nd September Out 2nd September Out 16th September Screen this months new releases Certificate RunningTime18 108mins CertificateRunningTime18117mins Certificate RunningTimePG 130 mins August‘From2021 we are shutting the doors in Mansfield Road and will be working from 16 Hurst Close, Baldock SG7 Appointments6TLonly’ Please 07938509672callformoredetailsandtobook ‘For all yourrepairsalterations,and 1:1 sewing classes pleasetophone/textbook Please 16 Hurst Close Baldock, SG76TL16 Hurst Close Baldock, SG76TL16 Baldock, In 1950s London, a widowed cleaning lady for the rich, falls madly in love with a couture Dior dress, deciding she must have one of her own. She scrimps, saves and slaves away to raise the funds to pursue her dream, she embarks on an adventure to Paris that will change not only her own outlook, but the very future of the House of Dior. mrs Harris goes to paris Out 30th September Certificate RunningTimePG 115 mins 1 12022SEPTEMBER

Answer-phone on both numbers & will return all calls

1 2 2022SEPTEMBER Compliant with Government guidance on managing the risk of Covid-19 UNIT 12 BONDOR BUSINESS CENTRE, LONDON ROAD, BALDOCK. SG76HP


Saunders Close, Green
I am wri ng this on what is promised to be the last day of the great 2022 heatwave. I don't know about you but there have been days these past six weeks where I've lived my life akin to a Vampire, heading out only as the sun dips past the horizon. The dog has shed his body weight in hair on a daily basis and to be honest, I'm well over it. Bring on the lovely Bri sh Autumn. That's two major heatwaves I've seen now and quite frankly 1976 was so much be er. As a feral child, I roamed barefoot and free around the streets of Baldock, unhindered by the swarms of black flies, followed by the days of greenflies, then finally the nasty bitey ladybirds. We basked in the joy of our long scorching summer and played games of Bri sh Bull Dog, Go to Coventry and Short Cricket in the Rec and garages around my home. Not a bo le of spring water insight, not one bo le of sunscreen between me and my mates. The state of the country or how the Farmers were struggling didn't enter out heads. It was a carefree heatwave for us. Apart from the occasional barefooted walk in the evening with Ed, this is not the same. I've had to endure this one as an adult. Not just an adult, an old, fat, grumpy adult. I've had to close my blinds to keep the room cool for Eddie, in the mornings the sun poured through the front window, in the a ernoons, the back. I hate blocking the sun out, we get so li le of it, it seems a shame to forbid it entry when it does show its smiley face.Idon't want to put the fan on because of the cost. The aircon in my car has been on sparingly because I keep watching the fuel gauge descending into the red (What a wonderful inven on that is. I recall a few days in '76 when us and the cousins piled into a couple of cars just to sit in a traffic jam on the way to Great Yarmouth, it wasn't pleasant at all). I nearly had a connip on the other day when my eldest used the tumble dryer, if I’d had the energy to get up, I'd have slapped him round the head and hung him on the washing line. As an adult I have spent this summer worrying about sunscreen, water, electric bills, food bills, Farmers, Pigs (yes, I worry about sunburnt Pigs) wildfires, Hedgehogs, petrol prices and a whole bunch of important and inane associated flotsam. Quite different from the heady days of my childhood, when all I needed was my friends, bare feet, and a free reign.Ihad an interes ng phone call with my lekky supplier the other day. They sent me an email telling me they were increasing my bill by over 100%. They wanted me to pay them one hundred and fi y quid more each month. A er I'd picked myself off the floor and blown into a paper bag for about twenty minutes, I called them to tell them that they have got to be joking. Turns out, they were. The nice chap on the phone actually asked me how much I would like to pay! I managed to get the cost reduced significantly and weirdly felt like I'd won. So, just a li le advice from me to you. If your Lekky company send you a demand for more money, pick yourself up, slug a glass of something medicinal and call them. They seem to be making their prices up on the hoof and it turns out that you don't have to sell a kid or a kidney in order for your son to use the tumble dryer in a ninety-degree heatwave a er all. Last night I wasn't sleepy, so I took myself outside with a glass of wine at about 1am to watch the Perseid Shower, every year I try to do this and every year I never see a thing, not one Meteor whizzes over my head as I sit there, In past years I've taken the kids for a midnight ride to some darken field to watch, but a er ten minutes they've wanted their beds (philis nes) I sat listening to the sounds of the night in hope that this year I would get lucky. My word, it was like si ng in the middle of a war zone, trains, plains, and automobiles filled the air with the sounds of their engines and horns. Neighbours were partying, figh ng, and other unmen onable stuff that no one wants to hear. The local wildlife joined in too. So much for peaceful star gazing. A er an hour I gave up and just as I was ge ng up a shoo ng star flashed into my field of vision. I wished that everyone would shut up and trundled off to my extremely muggy bedroom. What a waste of a wish. 10am-4pm Lane, Letchworth

Open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm Saturday

1 4 2022SEPTEMBER LAWN CUTTING HEDGE PATIOSLANDSCAPINGCUTTING ASHWELL WESTON Happy 21 Birthdayst Lots ofLove Allison Rebecca DayRebecca Day 28th Sept Happy 30th Birthday Nathan Brown Love you loadsMum, Andy &all the family x 8th September Happy 60th Birthday Richard Cole-Mackintosh Love from Lucy,Chris, Wills & Ollie September 14th Happy 13th Birthday Maisy Butts Love mum, Dave & Norman xx 28th September Lisa Nichols Happy B thday Best wishes from Paul xx

Omnidirec onal picks up sound from all direc ons and Cardioid only picks up sound from the front of the mic, both work incredibly well and is easily controlled using an onboard switch.
The microphone comes with a stand for res ng in on a surface or a aching to a microphone stand, it also comes with a colour-coded 'pop filter' which limits the puffs of air from your mouth hi ng the microphone during recording.
The Wavo POD also comes with a 3.5mm latency-free headphone monitoring port, which is a great way of monitoring your voice level during recording allowing you to make real- me adjustments without that jarring delay you some mes pick up on other devices.
The microphone body is compa ble with both 3/8'' and 5/8'' threads, using the adapter included, to fit most boom arms.So,down to business, se ng up is a breeze and the microphone can be plugged into your laptop or PC via the USB-C / USB cable or to your smartphone via the USB-C / USB-C cable (both of which come with the device).
07572 532618

JOBY Wavo POD with Dual Use

USB Microphone
In order to do this, you need to train the system by reading around 10 minutes of pre-wri en text and then uploading it to their servers. The voice is only going to be as good as the quality of the recording, so I took the opportunity of recording a new 'voice' with the JOBY Wavo POD, to see how it came out? I spent a bit of me ensuring the microphone was in the correct posi on and distance from my mouth and I was si ng comfortably and calm. I began recording the audio and a er 10 minutes, I submi ed it to Descript for processing.Acoupleof days later, I was informed it was ready and was absolutely staggered by how good my synthesized voice sounded! Although credit for this has to be given primarily to the Descript Overdub system, it would only have been able to work with the source audio I provided, so hats off to JOBY for a nicelooking, easy-to-use device. The Joby is available for around £89 at their website h ps:// or scan the QR code WWW.THEGADGETMAN.ORG.UK Matt
This week I have been reviewing a new product from JOBY in the guise of a super useful microphone ideal for live streaming audio and podcas ng.
Audio levels are easily managed via a mul func on knob which changes colour when pressed. Headphone volume is blue, Gain adjustment is purple, and Mu ng of the microphone is red. It's easy to follow, once you get used to it.
A aching it to a smartphone was a great idea and makes mobile interviews really easy, but it comes into its own when connected to a laptop or PC.
I have been using some special so ware called Overdub which synthesizes your voice and allows you to convert wri en text into audio files spoken in your own voice.
The Bright Red JOBY Wavo POD is a USB-C-connected large diaphragm microphone which is both simple to use and gives great results in either solo or interview recordings. It comes with a 'pa ern' switch which allows the user to choose between Omnidirec onal or Cardioid use.

1 6 2022SEPTEMBER Please call 01462 851695 or 07967162448 E-mail Allaspectsofcarpentryworkundertaken Kitchen,Bedrooms,Doors,Windows 25yearsexperience Freeestimates IAN CarpentrySIMPSONand Joinery 'CustomFit SupportiveOrthotics’ Supportive'CustomOrthotics’FitOrthotics’ Chiropodist Home Visits or Baldock Surgery Karen Perry ACCSLtd Window Cleaning 20 years experience Reliable and efficient Fully Insured & Uniformed staff 01462 629302 07970 406926 152 Hitchin Road, Stotfold 4 Sun Street, Baldock. Sg7 6QA 2c St Francis Way, Shefford. Sg17 5DZ Curtains, Duvets & bedding

2022Nissan Qashqai e-Power

Nissan claims the e-Power produces 119g/km of CO2 while it manages 53.3mpg, which is be er than any other Qashqai in the range. Whether the lower road tax or the increase in miles per gallon is enough to tempt you, given plug-in hybrids o en have figures in the hundreds (not to men on two-digit CO2 figures), remains to be seen.

The regenera ve braking in the e-Power (known as the e-Pedal) is fierce when dialled up to maximum, but it's predictable once you get used to it. Nissan doesn't adver se a figure for the all-electric range; in any event, the e-Power will likely manage less than two miles. But it's not intended for that purpose.Youtend to pull away with the electric motor only, which will bring the engine to life when needed. However, it's not par cularly no ceable, and the petrol unit remains quiet unless you floor it, helped by soundproofing and noise cancella on technology.
The Qashqai glides smoothly over creases on uneven road surfaces and is decent at motorway cruising. But the car is s ll nimble enough to be very good at driving around town centres.
Small, family SUVs are all the rage these days. But one of the first to begin the transi on away from the previously tradi onal family hatchback was the Nissan Qashqai. It is a veteran of the field, as proven by its con nued popularity. Now in its third genera on, the new Qashqai got an overhauled interior last year, as well as an improvement in its drivability, with much keener handling. But now, the e-Power has been added to the range. And many years a er the Qashqai was first unveiled, it marks the beginning of Nissan's move away from the petrol engine. The e-Power is somewhat unique in the world of hybrids. Strictly speaking, it's an all-electric car, as the only thing driving the wheels is an electric motor. But what's keeping the motor's ba eries topped up? A 1.5-litre petrol unit.The engine isn't connected to the wheels. Instead, it acts merely as a generator supplying the electric motor, and, in that respect, the e-Power is unique.While this means it isn't truly an allelectric car, it doesn't need charging off the mains, so it's not a plug-in hybrid. And, although the petrol engine means it charges itself, it can't be classed as a self-charging hybrid, either.
Ÿ Engine layout: 1.5-litre threecylinder turbo petrol hybrid1
Ÿ Max Power: (PS): 190 Ÿ CO2: 119g/km Ÿ Price: £32,950 Fast Facts
The Ultimate Crossover
2022 Nissan Qashqai e-Power : Max Speed: 105mph Ÿ 0-62 mph: 7.9 seconds Ÿ Combined mpg: 53.3mpg (WLTP)
Nissan's stance is that it's a “plug-in hybrid for people who don't want to plug their cars in”. The e-Power is intended to bridge the gap between a conven onal petrol vehicle and an all-electric car. It is a way of easing customers into the future without replacing the fuel-filling with home charging. But is it any good? Well, because the wheels are driven purely by the electric motor, the power delivery is prompt. And although the Qashqai lacks the outright pace of some electric cars, it nevertheless pulls away enthusias cally, ge ng from 0-62mph in 7.9-seconds. In terms of handling, the latest genera on is be er than its predecessor, with sharpened agility in the corners, making driving more fun. Indeed, despite the added mass of ba eries and an electric motor, it doesn't appear to nega vely impact the car's handling characteris cs much.

The crops, when composted down by the natural bacteria within the digester, are left as a by-product a natural fertiliser called digestant. The digestant is then separated into fibre and liquid; the fibre becomes the basis for the high-quality compost, and the liquid becomes plant feed.

holes are small enough to control the plant's roots from growing through so they don't block up. We have been unable to use sand beds before because the hard water from the mains water system or the borehole would have blocked the perforations with chalk and dissolved minerals, preventing water flow to the pots. The stored rainwater will not cause this blocking.Newfertiliser injecting equipment for the irrigation system will be the next thing on the list, probably to be installed over the winter.
Injectors are very complex and accurate bits of equipment. They have to mix fertilisers into the water precisely. I won't try to explain how they work here.
1 92022SEPTEMBER company that has been working on this problematic product for years. This company is a prominent farm that grows products organically as approved by the Soil Association. Their crops are harvested and used to feed a bio-gas anaerobic digestion system that produces natural gas. This gas is pumped directly into the national gas grid powering 8000 homes daily with green energy.
A huge problem we share with many of our fellow growers is what to do about the restrictions on using peat-based compost. We have been trialing different types of peat-free compost for growing our plants. Some have hardly any ability to hold water or nutrients; others hold too much water and so stay cold for a long time and are useless for seeds or young plants. Most of them are unable to hold water, so it is impossible to keep them wet, and of course, any dissolved nutrients will just run off with the water. The biggest problem, as I see it, is that many of the retail composts you might be invited to purchase for use at home are made using coir. Coir is a waste product from the coconut industry high in sodium, potassium and chloride salts. They must be leached or washed out before being used for making compost, requiring an enormously high volume of water. It must then be re-dried before being transported halfway around the world, so not a low-carbon footprint product. Other peat-free composts sold into the retail market contain a high percentage of wood fibre, bark and household waste. Without going into vast detail, they also do not hold water or nutrientsand, in our trials, have not performed well. We have finally found a British September 2022 So another summer is almost over, probably the driest I can remember. I am writing this on the 6th of August, a month ahead of when you will be reading this. The forecast is for some showers but no appreciable rainfall for another couple of weeks, so possibly dry up until you readHavingthis. now jinxed it, we will have rain until Fortunately,Christmas.wehave a reasonable reserve of water in the aquifer below us. Our borehole still shows the water level is just above what we expect at this time of an average year. We started in the spring, with the water level being almost a metre higher than it had ever been. As I am informed, the situation appears to be much the same across the Affinity water area. Hopefully, we won't have any immediate hosepipe restrictions as long as we are all sensible with our water use. Fortunately, we installed a rainwater harvesting system so we could collect the rain off our considerable roof area and store it in a huge tank. We still have some left in the tank, but it is getting low. We are urgently installing water-saving systems at the moment, sandbeds for the nursery and garden centre. Sandbeds are made of plastic sheets that seal the bottom and sides of a bench or low bed on the ground. Thirty millimetres of sharp sand is placed on the plastic and levelled out. Then this is covered with a special black plastic sheet that is microperforated at eighty thousand holes per square metre. Our automatic irrigation system will fill this bed with water through micro pipes and trickle systems. The water seeps into the sand and stays between the plastic layers. The plants growing in their recyclable pots are placed on top of the black perforated plastic. They will then draw water by capillary action as needed through the perforations. These beds will reduce our water requirements by at least half. Incidentally, a narrower version of this perorated plastic is what we use to line our hanging baskets to stop them from drying out while avoiding flooding.
The Graham
Baldock GardensBy Graham Tapp
The fibre digestant goes through more varied processes to turn it into the type of compost required for the different jobs in the garden, these being soil improver, mulch, lawn feed and dressing, ericaceous compost, multipurpose compost, seed and cutting compost, and tomato planters and more. The liquid from the digestant is bottled and will make when diluted 125 watering cans. To compliment all this, they have a wildflower seed mix, especially for Bees. We will be stocking this for retail sales and for growing our vast selection of own grownSomethingplants.else to look out for from the spring will be our new tea garden, where you will be able to sit out and enjoy our perennials and shrubs at your leisure. We are hoping to entice more wildlife than we have already into it. I will go into what we have in the way of bugs, moths, butterflies, birds and other animals next month. We've been doing some camera trapping and filming to see what's around. We have a new employee who is highly qualified in the identification of insects and bugs, something I've never done. I'm excited to see what we have and can encourage into the garden centre grounds.

Bouncy Castle Hire

2 0

That '7- Year' Thing What does it actually mean?
The 7-year rule where Inheritance Tax is likely to be due This is where it gets a bit more complicated; understandably people who have a lot of assets want to avoid their family ending up with large Inheritance Tax bills a er they're gone. Small gi s are allowable from an Inheritance Tax angle (visit the A R K website for a factsheet lis ng the amounts that can be info@arkpowers.com746977LapleaseinformAssets'.seenand(bearingInheritancewherelegiIt' edforgi sabovethethresholdsoutinthegi inglegisla on,therulewillapply(seetheARKablogwhichwillexplaininmoredetailSummaryabitofafinelinebetween matelygivingassetsawaythereislikelytobeTaxtoworryaboutinmindthe7-yearrule),alsomakingsureitwouldn'tbeasa'DeliberateDepriva onofIfyou'dlikeanymorea onaboutthissubject,docontactusatARKs ngPowers&Willson01438oremail
Most people have vaguely heard that if you make large gi s, you then need to live 7 years -but a er that, understanding of the rule is o en confused. Luckily, it is rela vely easy to clarify what the '7-year rule' is all about and when you need to worry about it. It might be less o en than youThethink!good news is that if it is unlikely there will be Inheritance Tax to pay when you die then the 7-year rule is irrelevant to you. Gi what you like from an Inheritance Tax angle as there wouldn't be an issue with this, and therefore it doesn't ma er how long you live a er making large gi s. Apart from Inheritance Tax what else needs to be considered?
If there is no Inheritance Tax to worry about (as a star ng point everyone can currently leave £325,000 tax free) you may think you can just give as much away as you like. If you see family members struggling, you might want to help them if you are able to. Although you can do what you like with your assets and money from an Inheritance Tax angle, it's not the only considera on. If, as me goes on, care is needed, a local authority will assess your assets when calcula ng how much you need to contribute towards care costs. If you've given assets and money away prior to needing care, it can be deemed to be a 'Deliberate Depriva on of Assets' and local authori es can try to get assets/money back – regardless of how long ago they were gi ed!

Living 7 years a er gi ing doesn't come into it at all!

2 2 2022SEPTEMBER Vehicle Accident Repair Specialists Ti: 01462 441 686 E: W: Ÿ All Types of UndertakenBodywork Ÿ PAS125 Accredited Ÿ Insurance Approved Bodyshop Ÿ Restoration Project Specialists Ÿ Resprays Ÿ Paintless Dent Removal Ÿ Smart Repairs Ÿ Wheel Refurbs Ÿ Collection & delivery Crash Care Centre Hitchin Ltd 07901602227/0176707759106803306179For all enquiries please contact us: Fencing Patios Driveways D TIMMS & SON BUILDING SERVICES All Boiler Maintenance, Serving & Repairs

Neighbourhood Team joined colleagues from se le housing, the Nigh ngale Park Associa on and HACRO, for a clean-up event in Baldock on Monday 15PCsAugust.JaneKea ng and Natasha Redman, and PCSO Frankie Mitchell, braved the heat to help clear brambles and hedges and give the area a general dyPCup.Kea ng said: “This park is an area where there has been an issue with an -social behaviour (ASB) so I decided to contact our partner agencies and organise a project where we could target areas such as this one. it appealing for parents and local residents to use, which we hope will help prevent ASB occurring, along with SNT patrols. This is our pilot area for the project, and if it is a success, we plan to target other areas in North Herts in the same way.” You can use our community voice pla orm ‘echo’ to let us know what you think we should be priori sing in your area. Your feedback will help towards shaping our local policing priori es, ini a ves and campaigns.

Cleaning up in Baldock BodySoul&

Body and Soul is a weekly get together for re red people regardless of age and background. Star ng at 9 45 we have coffee, biscuits and chat. Then we sing songs we all know, do chair exercises with a fully qualified instructor, have a thought for the day and play HOY. What is HOY? Come along and find out, our happy and friendly group would love to see you. Baldock Community centre every Tuesday morning, just come along, or ring Chris ne to find out more 97840127619.


of being pain free and taking control of the situa on. This type of session can help you to understand that you can do something about your chronic pain and that things can improve. The hypnotherapist will also ask the client to describe their pain, if it is a hot, burning pain visualisa ons will be used soothing imagery and colours usually associated with coolness, blue, turquoise, silver, white etch whereas a client describing their pain as a dull, con nuous ache might relate be er to warming imagery and associated colours, red, yellow, orange, gold etc
Kim Holloway
It is thought that the number of chronic pain sufferers in the UK runs into the millions, at great cost to the economy in terms of days lost at work, increased reliance on state benefits, and the substan al financial burden on the NHS. However, the personal toll on the individual chronic pain sufferer is even more difficult to quan fy. Acute pain is usually characterised by its sudden onset and short dura on, however chronic pain persists for several months, years, or in some cases, pain that can last a life me, it is a complex, debilita ng and lifechanging condi on. It can cause depression, lack of self-worth, lack of confidence, a breakdown in rela onships, a sense of hopelessness and increasing socialChronicisola on.paincan be managed by powerful medica on or even surgery but there are alterna ve ways to manage pain and the use of hypnotherapy is an effec ve alterna ve. If anyone is considering a hypnotherapist their chronic pain condi on should already have a formal diagnosis from a doctor as a hypnotherapist is not qualified to make such a diagnosis.
Hypnotherapy has several tools in its armoury to support chronic pain clients and what one client finds useful may not necessarily work for another, the chronic pain client is also likely to benefit from a holis c approach to their condi on. The interrelated issues of anxiety, sleep disturbance, lack of confidence and low self esteem are all condi ons that can affect chronic pain clients and these issues should be addressed as part of the hypnotherapy secessions in an a empt to improve quality of life and well-being.
Hypervigilance is common in chronic pain clients, meaning clients become extremely aware of painful sensa ons, and this focus on pain makes pain worse. This can o en lead to pain catastrophizing meaning clients are worrying about their pain excessively. These nega ve percep ons and emo ons about chronic pain can reinforce to our brain that it needs to con nue producing pain messages, therefore perpetua ng the pain cycle and even worsening it. They can also be very distressing feelings to live with. By addressing these nega ve emo ons and reducing fear, a clients quality of life can be vastly improved and their pain levels considerably reduced. Some clients may benefit from hypnotherapy sessions which replace self-doubt and feelings of helplessness with feelings of confidence and empowerment. In this case, the therapist may guide you through visualising situa ons which you usually find difficult and pain inducing, for example. They may help you to replace the expecta on of pain and the feeling that you are not able to do anything about it, with a feeling
2022 Campervan Weekly Hire Rates MAR, ARP, MAY JUN, JULY, AUG SEPT, OCT, NOV DEC, JAN, FEB Spring Summer Autumn Winter £885 £705 £705£580 Contact us for weekend rates and Where Will The Road Take You? Hypnotherapy and Chronic Pain Management


2 6 2022SEPTEMBER Did you know we can deliver your leaflets inside this magazine 07973 788418 info@onourdoorstepbaldock Prices from £35 per 1000 Contact us now ADVERTISEHERE FOR ONLY £20

The Baldock 5k Rat Run is a community event that began in 2018 and, in that me, has raised almost £10,000 for the Garden House Hospice! This is a charity close to our hearts, and since one of our organisers, Carl Holland, spent his last hours in the wonderful hospice in September 2020, the Rat Run is now dedicated to him as we honour his life and legacy. This year, we hope to raise even more for this wonderful charity by offering a fun-packed morning that all the family canTheenjoy!RatRun route takes us through North Baldock, a tunnel under the railway bridge and onto the beau ful Ivel Springs. This is a road and trail route with gates and stairs to contend with! We have received many great reviews over the years from people who enjoyed the scenery and admired our fantas c ‘Rat Run Team' of marshals and organisers, which can be seen on our Facebook page. Just search for Baldock 5k Rat Run. Each par cipant receives a medal, and we have trophies for the first, second and third male and females, age categories and family runners (yes, we even have mums and dads running with their children on their shoulders!). In addi on, we have chip ming for those who like to beat their scores and welcome all to join in the beau ful route, including walkers, joggers and runners. We also have our mascot 'Timmy the Rat' running the course…can you beat him?? There will be: Ÿ 5k fun run Ÿ BBQ provided by Baldock Scouts Ÿ Children's pay barn Ÿ Face Pain ng Ÿ Sweet Cart Ÿ Kids Games Ÿ Charity Raffle The whole family are welcome to come and enjoy the fun, even if you are not taking part in the run itself! We support 'Baldock Beats Waste' to make this event as Green as Therefore,possible.wewillbe providing compostable cups and water dispensers. We will also have bins for food waste and plas cs to ensure we recycle everything we can and do our bit for the environment. We always seek extra help on the day, so why not contact us if you can sponsor or marshal? You can contact us,you can help us raise as much money as possible for a local charity that assists the local community in their me of need. Garden House Hospice Care provides a wide range of services for pa ents, their carers, and families facing a life-limi ng illness. Free specialist pallia ve care is provided for over 500 adults a year living with advanced Cancer, Motor Neuron Disease and other life-limi ng illness in our community. The Garden House Hospice needs to raise £3,000,000 every year to run its services. So many of us have experienced someone close to us or someone we know that has used or is Thank you to all the people that have recommended me as their personal estate agent in Baldock. I love working here and the town has always held a special place in my heart, it's just great!! 20 years 5k Rat Run


experience selling homes locally Baldock


2 8 2022SEPTEMBER ROGERSONS REMOVALS someone we know that has used or is using the services of this fantas c charity. Here's our chance to give something back and have fun at the same me. This event is organised by Hollinton Health, Whitehorse Street, Baldock and supported by the Baldock Events Forum. “For those seeking a enjoymentexperiencecommunity-orientatedfun,focusedonandsmiles,you can't beat the Rat Run!” Join us: Sunday 4th September 2022 at 9 am in Whitehorse Street, Baldock. 07957 544054 07957 544054 COPY DEADLINE for the 16th16thissueissueOctoberOctobertheisisSeptemberSeptember


3 0 2022SEPTEMBER 07572 532618 Your Local ImprovementHomeSpecialists QUOTE REF: DOORSTEP *T&CAPPLY For most people their home is the biggest investment they will ever make and the things they keep in it are their most prized Aspossessions.yourlocalbroker our role is to select the policy most suited to your individual needs. Ensuring peace of mind for our customers is at the heart of what we do. To make sure your most treasured possessions are properly covered contact the Emperor of insurance ‘WE GUARANTEE TO BEAT* your existing home insurance renewal quote in the SG postcode.’ Summer Drought! Baldock’s favourite for 30 years We're back 6.30 sellers, 7 am buyers See you there! If you ask my wife, she says I'm a fool, In the recent drought,I bought a paddling pool! Had friends round, 'Pool Party at Ours!' The lawn was brown, with wilted flowers. As the drink started to flow, Into the pool, Me, they did throw! As I went in, the walls went 'pop' all our friends laughed non stop. A tidal surge caused by one man, One way to beat a hosepipeBaldockban!Bard

1. For the sauce, start to soften the onions, garlic and ginger. Then add curry powder, turmeric. Allow to sit on a low to medium heat. Add the our, cook for 1 minute with the spices. Add the chicken stock slowly, followed by the 100ml coconut milk. Add pinch of sugar, salt and dash of soy sauce.

2. Split chicken llets in half and coat in our. Soak each one in egg, then dip into breadcrumbs. Make sure all sides of the chicken are covered, then put into the pan. Cook llets until golden 3.brown.Strain curry sauce through a sieve, a little bit at a time. 4. Slice the chicken into lengths and plate up next to the rice. Add salad, or wok-fried greens to the plate alongside, then drench in curry sauce. Serve hot and enjoy!
3 12022SEPTEMBER 07860 950 957 For the sauce: 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 onion, nely chopped 1 garlic clove, crushed 2.3 piece of ginger, peeled and 1gratedteaspoon tumeric 2 tablespoons mild curry powder 1 tablespoon plain our 300ml chicken or vegetable stock 100ml coconut milk 1 teaspoon light soy sauce 1 teaspoon sugar, to taste The dish: 120g rice (any type) Katsu carry sauce (see above) 2 skinless chicken breasts 50g plain our 2 eggs, lightly beaten 100g panko breadcrumbs 75ml vegetable oil, for deep frying Chicken Katsu Curry

March jewellery clinics at the Baldock Community Centre are 7th & 21st of September from 11am -2 pm


The latest phase of the Church Restora on has started! The scaffolding is up around he East end of the church and a temporary roof structure is in place over the chancel. More scaffolding round the side of the South aisle porch will allow essen al masonry repair to the turret adjacent to the porch. All this work will enable us to have a fully water ght church by the me the scaffolding is removed. This we hope will happen by the end of October. Disrup on to worship and to other Church ac vi es will be minimal during this phase of the restora on project. This work is expected to cost around £230,000 plus VAT and we send our hear elt thanks to everyone whose generosity has enabled this to happen. Watch this space for more updates as the work progresses! With grateful thanks Friends of St Mary's Commi ee Advertising from £20 per Issue what’s on & where find things locally Weston and surrounding totoRaisingRaisingawarenessawarenesswhat’s&wherewhat’s&wherefindthingslocallyfindthingslocallyRaisingawarenesswhat’s&wheretofindthingslocally Baldock, Ashwell, and surrounding villages find things locally locallywherewherewhere

3 32022SEPTEMBER Advice Citizen’s Advice Bureau Trading Standards Advice Samaritans Councils North Hertfordshire District Doctors Baldock Surgery Dentist Victoria Place Dental Surgery Emergency Utilities Gas ElectricEmergencypowercut Hospitals Lister QueenHospitalElizabeth 2 EMERGENCY HEALTH Library Baldock Library Police Police Schools Knights BrandlesStStStHartseldTemplarJohnsMarysInfantsMarysJuniors Travel Arriva NationalBusesRail Enquires National Bus line Vets Baldock Veterinary Centre Nurseries Weston Way Nursery Merry Go Round Peanuts Preschool Play Groups Magic MerryMomentsGoRound Plumbers PEMabenJames Window & Door repairs JML Windows Repairs Warrens Windows Campervan Hire Kerb2Coast Locksmith Lock and Glaze Mobile Hair Dresser Hair By Jacqui Funeral Directors Shires - CPJ Field Baldock 03444 111444 0300 300 8136 116 080008000176301462014621234740008924583138691119997838838 01438 314333 01707 328111 111 01462 620700 01462 895267 01462 892478 01462 892347 01462 892156 01462 892189 01707 354000 08701 201088 03457 484950 0870 6082608 07709 618434 01462 896322 Useful numbers 07949 120911 07816 586777 01462 640307 01462 338676 07973 788418 01462 491149 01438 906300 01462 261401 01462 892172 01462 896322 07736 124327 01462 895579 0300 123 4049

3 4 2022SEPTEMBER3 4 2022AUGUST September GalleryPlease send your local snaps new or old to our facebook page or Young Nazar making friends while out cycling The amazing MAGPAS air ambulance that landed on the Baldock Rd, Recreation Ground - Allen Churchyard Red Sky in the morning Shepherds Warning Drew Harrington A Blue Adonis taken In Ivel Springs - Darren Armes Taken in our garden in Clothall Common. A Hummingbird Hawkmoth. Tim Felce Dan Goodwin A very rare view of a local combine working away Alan Jackson Alan Jackson The stunning Sun Flowers at Newham Lovely view over the trees to St Marys Marc Abbis Early morning walk Weston hills nature reserve - Soe Harrington Judy bartlett Terence Ryan