On Q Financial Social Media Marketing Playbook

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Your Game Plan For Social Medi a


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WHAT’S ALL THE HYPE ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA? In today’s market- the era of smartphones- buyers, sellers, realtors, lenders are all connected through social networks. According to the 2014 NAR Buyer Behavior Study, 89% of homebuyers use the Internet to find a new home – that’s the same number as use a real estate agent. 92% of those potential buyers have a Facebook account.

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of Internet users search online before making a purchase.



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MILLENNIALS HAVE NEVER KNOWN LIFE BEFORE COMPUTERS. The term “Millennials” applies to individuals who reached adulthood around the turn of the 21st century, broadly consisting of individuals born between 1980 and 2000. They are the last generation born in the 20th century. Millennials grew up in an electronics-filled, increasingly online and socially-networked world.* *Source: Pew Research If you’ve come across any stories mentioning Millennials and homeownership, you’ve likely heard this refrain: Young people just aren’t very interested in buying a house. Instead, the story goes, they want to rent a cool apartment, live in a city, and walk to coffee shops- forever. However, if you dig a little deeper, this generalization turns out to be largely untrue. A

number of surveys have shown that the vast majority of Millennials would love to own a place of their own. So if young adults want homes more than previous generations, why is their homeownership rate at a historic low? The answer is that Millennials are getting married later in life, and not having two income streams makes it much harder to put together a down payment. Many Millennials have already accumulated substantial student loan and other debt. The evidence suggests that once this generation begins to tie the knot, they’ll be buying homes at least as frequently as older Americans once did. In fact, there’s some evidence that homeownership is more important to Millennials than it is to Gen Xers or Boomers.

Millenials There are ~76 million Millennials in the United States. 50 percent of Millennials consider themselves politically unaffiliated. They have the highest number of Facebook friends, with an average of 250 friends. They send a median of 60 texts a day. Millennials age 22 to 34 are actually more eager to own a home than older Americans.

WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? Yes... those numbers are staggering, but you’re probably wondering if it’s really worth your time. Here are 5 ways social media can help you build your business:


STAY IN FRONT OF POTENTIAL BUYERS & REFERRAL PARTNERS. Timing is everything. Be present when they need you.


Everyone does business with people they like and trust. Engaging in social networks is like a 24/7 cocktail party. Work the room!


You are an expert in your industry and in your local market.



68% of potential customers will search your name before doing business with you for the first time.

Generate calls, emails and leads- build your database of prospects so that you can engage with them through other marketing channels.

1 2 3 4 5

So let’s get your gameplan together! -7-

Create Your Social TRAINING CAMP Facebook

Set Up Business Page (must have personal profile first)

FIRST DOWN Share your business page on your personal page and invite others to like it


Set up LinkedIn Profile

Import contacts from Outlook and invite business associates to connect


Create Zillow Profile

Share your profile on all of your social media sites


Set up and verify your Google+ Page

Twitter YouTube

(Must have a Gmail account)

Set up Twitter account

Set up Channel (Must have a Gmail account)

Invite friends, family and business contacts into your G+ Circles Follow everyone you knowat least 50-100 people, companies or news sources Schedule a video training session to get equipment and shooting guidelines

Timeout! Make sure all photos, posts, -8-

Media Gameplan RED ZONE



Begin posting- include blogs, flyers, testimonials, photos and more

Like and share posts from your friends and business partners

Set up an advertising campaign to create more likes or drive traffic to your website

Optimize your profile with skills, endorse others and join groups

Post weekly and like, share and comment on other’s posts. Engage in group discussions

Set up a lead-generation campaign

Incorporate a request for reviews in every closing

Incorporate reviews into your website

Create incentives and contests for customer reviews

Post weekly- G+ has easy and fun posting tools for polls, videos and events

Like, share, and engage with contacts in your circles

Submit reviews (3-5 stars) for the contacts in your circles

Start tweeting by retweeting other people’s posts

Create your own tweets and share photos, pictures, news and blogs

Set up linking between Facebook and Twitter

Start filming videos (FAQs, tips, interviews, testimonials) and get approval

Post your videos to YouTube, cross promote on your website and other social profiles

Set up email campaigns to gain subscribers to your show or your channel

and updates on social media are compliant! -9-

Down! brand logos in vector fo oadFirst 200,000+ TIPS TO BEGIN BUILDING YOUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY


On your personal Facebook page, you connect with “Friends.” On your business Facebook page, you create “Fans” when individuals “Like” your page.

Invite your Facebook friends (from your personal page) to like your page.

Share your business page link on your personal page monthly, with new and interesting messages.

Consider a paid marketing campaign to generate “Likes.” We will create the ad, post it, and monitor it for you. You determine the budget.

“Like” a minimum of 100 Facebook pages that are relevant to your market. This can be realtors, title companies, chambers of commerce, professional associations, builders, movers, contractors, lawyers – anyone with a business Facebook page. This will create a “Newsfeed” from which you can engage.

KEEPING SCORE CHECK YOUR INSIGHTS FOR REAL-TIME STATS The Insights Tool can help you see which posts are working and which are missing the mark. Find out demographics about your fans, when they’re online, and when they’re most active so that you can adjust your posting schedule.


Facebook in 5 Minutes a Day You’re busy meeting with clients and working on loans- you don’t have a lot of time to deal with your Facebook page, right? With this plan, you’ll need just 5 minutes per day, 6 days a week to create an engaging, successful Facebook page.

Be sure your posts go through Compliance!

Schedule 2 Posts for this week (2 min) Use approved posts from On Q Direct or create your own! Mix it up! Share personal activities or events, industry news, thoughts, your team’s activities, a loan signing celebratory photo*, share a testimonial, or ask an open-ended question and invite a response- ALWAYS include a photo!

Scheduling a Post is Easy!

1. Create your post and choose your photo/graphic/image. 2. Click the drop down menu next to Post and select “Schedule Post.” 3. Select the desired date and time and click “Schedule.”

Connect with Your Fans & Followers (1 min) Like and reply to every relevant comment, post, or message, and use the person’s first name — even if the comment was negative. You’ll be surprised at how quickly this will build a rapport with your fans.

Share the Weekly On Q Blog from Your Personal Branded Website (1 min) Every Wednesday your weekly featured blog article is published to your website. Share the blog so readers can click through directly to your website! On Friday, the News You Can Use blog post is published to your website, containing the top 3-5 industry news headlines of the week. Use this to start a conversation on a timely topic and shine as an industry expert.

Sharing an Article/Blog is Easy!

1. Go to the Blog section of your Personal Branded Website. 2. Copy the page/article link and paste into the Facebook Status Update. 3. Write or copy and paste the “Suggested Status Update” then click “Post.”

Work the Room (1 min) Social media is a cocktail party- work the room! Scroll through your Facebook news feed and: - Like at least 10 status Newsfeed updates. - Comment on 2-3 interesting posts. - Share 3-5 posts on your page that you find interesting. Have fun with it and be social! *You must have written permission from a client to post their photo on social media.

extra point! PAID MARKETING ON FACEBOOK Social media enables your advertising to reach people based on their profile, location, age, profession and things they like. Identifying “affinity” groups (such as common interests and lifestyles) enables you to target your audience with a relevant message to which they are most likely to respond.

Create multiple ads to help build an audience for your page. Use the targeting options to show your ads only to people you want to reach. See which versions of your ads work best. Set daily, weekly, monthly, or total budget. You can set your max price per “click.”

SAMPLE FACEBOOK “LIKE” CAMPAIGN TARGET/PROFILING: MILITARY COMMUNITY Serving our Veterans A VA Loan is a powerful tool for purchasing or refinancing a home.

As an On Q Financial, Inc. Mortgage Consultant, I’m honored to have the opportunity to serve veterans with their home financing needs by providing VA Loans. Some of the highlights of our program are: up to 100% financing, 15 or 30 year fixed rate loan periods, no mortgage insurance, refinancing up to 100% of the value of the home, and more! If you’re a veteran, currently on active duty, a National Guard or reserve member, or spouse of a veteran, contact me today to see if you’re eligible for a VA Loan or refinance. This program is only available to qualified borrowers. Programs are subject to change without notice. VA Guarantee fee may be added to the loan amount.

# of Likes: 66 people – Total Investment: $84.02 – Cost per Like: $1.27 RESULT: Increased from 8 to 150 Likes in 2 weeks

SAMPLE PERSONAL BRANDING FACEBOOK CAMPAIGN TARGET/PROFILING: LUXURY HOME OWNERS Impressions: 3,970 Total Investment: $34.14 Cost per Click: $.55 RESULT: 62 people clicked through to his website



Email MarketingTeam@OnQFinancial.com


If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, stop what you are doing right now! Go to www.linkedin.com and set one up. If you already have a profile and just want to learn how to use it to help build your business, read on!

GROW YOUR DATABASE LinkedIn is a professional social networking site. It is ideal to build your credibility as an industry expert. It is the go-to social media platform for connecting with business professionals and growing your database of referral partners. Below is an example of how to connect with Realtors, builders, title officers, attorneys, financial planners and others.


500 connections WITHIN 30-60 DAYS.

Use the search bar to type in the names of all of your current colleagues, referral partners, friends, and other business associates to build your base of “connections.”

To make new connections, click “advanced” next to the search bar to bring up the advanced search options.

Enter “Realtor” (or other title) in the title text box.

Select “located in or near” in the location drop box.

Enter your postal code, and select 50 miles in the “within” drop box.

Click Search.

You’ll now have a list of all Realtors within 50 miles of your postal code. Click “connect” next to each name with a goal to connect with 100 Realtors – that’s 10 pages of results!

JOIN LINKEDIN GROUPS One of the best ways to connect with realtors and other industry professionals is to join their LinkedIn groups. Find out what information is most important to them, what their biggest challenges and opportunities are, and then address those topics in your status updates. By giving people value-added information, you’ll be keeping yourself on the minds of those most likely to use your services in the future. Joining and participating in LinkedIn groups is easy and can help you connect with thousands of like-minded professionals. There are numerous local groups, but here are 5 you should

join right now: The Real Estate Networking Group – 482k+ Members Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) – 53k+ Members Mortgage Professionals – 42k+ Members Real Estate Industry Professional Network – 7k+ Members Local Groups! Search for (Your City) Real Estate and Join

Optimize Your ProFILE 3 easy ways to get your LinkedIn noticed. GET RECOMMENDATIONS.

You can request recommendations from colleagues, management, business associates, vendors or customers. Best practice is to have at least 3.





Optimize your profile by adding key terms with which you want to be associated- for example: your summary, specialties, job title, career history, and personal interests.


You add “Skills” to your profile, then people within your network can endorse you. These one-click acknowledgments show your expertise and boost your results when people search for pros with your skills.

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T H E L AW O F R E C I P R O C I T Y It’s one of the oldest social norms in human history: scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. The best way to get your profiles full of glowing recommendations and endorsements is to first go and help others do the same. Find a respected colleague or referral partner with whom you’ve done business, visit their profile, and give them praise in the form of a recommendation.


Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140 character messages called “tweets.” More than any other social network, Twitter is used for posting, sharing, and reading news, quick updates, and trending stories.

BE AUTHENTIC It’s important in all of social media, but especially on Twitter to be authentic. Strive to be approachable, friendly, and relatively informal. Provide interesting and entertaining content with your own unique twist and voice.

3 Quick Steps to Following People on Twitter Once your profile is created, Twitter will suggest people and companies for you to follow. You can do that or skip right to people. You can search and find companies and individuals to follow on Twitter. Start by following at least 50 people to get a good feel for how Twitter works.




In the “Who to Follow” box, click “find friends,” and allow Twitter access to your address book.

In the “who to follow” box, click “view all,” and click “follow” on any people or company that interests you.

Search Twitter for names, companies, or keywords that interest you using the search bar at the top of the page.

5 Ways to Quickly Get Involved in the Conversation Once you’ve followed 50+ people, your homepage will quickly fill up with tweets. See something you find interesting? Retweet it to people following you!


If you see a tweet that you enjoy, but don’t necessarily want to share it with others, you can “favorite” the tweet. This is the equivalent of “liking” a post on Facebook.

Dive in and share your weekly news blog or other industryrelated news. Simply post your link and add a short description or insight in the message and click “tweet!”




Twitter has a feature on the top of your home screen called “discover” that will show you relevant news that is tailored to you, based on who you follow.

Curious what people are talking about in the mortgage industry? Search #mortgage or any other keyword in the search bar.


The Twittersphere 284 million

monthly active Twitter users

500 million

Tweets are sent per day


of users are between the ages 18 to 29


of users learn about products and services via Twitter


of users retweet because they like the content shared from a business



of users said they have purchased something because of Twitter

PUBLISHING TO TWITTER FROM FACEBOOK AND LINKEDIN Did you know that you’re able to publish your Facebook and LinkedIn updates to your Twitter accounts automatically? You can share your content as widely as possible without having to rewrite the same message! LINK FACEBOOK TO TWITTER

1. Log in to Facebook. 2. Open a new tab or window and log in to Twitter. 3. Open Facebook and visit www.facebook.com/twitter. 4. Select “what you’d like to share,” including status

updates, photos, and events.

5. Click “link my profile to Twitter.”


1. Log in to LinkedIn. 2. Open a new tab or window and log in to Twitter. 3. Click “edit profile.” 4. Click the “contact info” button and

add your Twitter information.

5. Share an update. 6. Click “share” from the drop-down list

then select “public” and “Twitter.”

It’s that simple! Your Facebook and LinkedIn accounts will now automatically post to your Twitter whenever you post on your connected Facebook and LinkedIn profiles.


Zillow is a home and real estate marketplace dedicated to helping homeowners, homebuyers, sellers, renters, real estate agents, mortgage professionals, landlords, and property managers find and share vital information about homes, real estate, mortgages and home improvement. Sites like Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor.com are transforming the way consumers make home-related decisions and connect with realtors and industry professionals.

Zillow averaged 78 million monthly unique users in 2014.

ONE SURE-FIRE WAY TO GET MORE ZILLOW REVIEWS Ask! You may not receive any reviews if you don’t proactively ask your clients and referral partners to give them. Make reviews part of your daily business and closing process. Here’s a sample message you could send your borrower when they’re cleared to close:

Good news, you’re cleared to close! Shortly the loan documents will be prepared and sent to title for signing. I’ll keep you posted on any important information that might be helpful as we near completion on your home loan. Thank you for choosing On Q Financial to assist in making the most of your housing investment! If you feel like I’ve exceeded your expectations I would love your feedback on Zillow and to connect on Facebook. <Zillow Link> <Facebook Link> As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Co-marketing with your Referral Partners You may get asked by your referral partners to co-market with them on Zillow. This can drive traffic from their profiles to yours as you’ll appear as their Preferred Lender on their profile. The cost can vary and is based on which zip codes you’d like to appear in. Keep that in mind as you’re evaluating each proposal to co-market and determine if the cost is worth the reward. As with any co-marketing program, be sure to coordinate with Compliance to ensure you are following RESPA guidelines.

How to engage with local consumers on Zillow Not only is it important to get reviews on Zillow, but it can also be advantageous to be active in the Advice and Discussions section. Potential borrowers are frequently asking others for advice on financing in these sections. Check in regularly to see what is being discussed in your local market. You can also set up email alerts and be notified when relevant questions are being asked. Readers will appreciate your expertise and involvement in these local and important discussions.

Want to go even further? Add an incentive! You’d be surprised at how many more client reviews you’ll receive when you add a potential prize. Work with marketing on setting up a campaign to get client reviews by entering every customer into a drawing to receive a price when they give you a review. You can offer anything from a Starbucks gift card to an iPad depending on how much you’d like to spend.


Starting a library of video content on YouTube may sound like a daunting task, but you shouldn’t let your fear of the unknown prevent you from giving this powerful channel a try. The key to successful YouTube videos is having an understanding of who your audience is and what they find valuable.

Here’s how to start


You will need a Google account to create your YouTube channel.


Fill out a profile and create your channel.


Select a channel name, icon, and add your “about” section.

Lights, Camera,

Action! It’s time to make some videos! There is video production equipment in branch offices- but for short videos, using your smartphone or webcam will work just fine. Video is a great way to visually connect with and entertain viewers by showing them the personality behind the business. It also helps you develop an online industry voice as an expert. Whether you’re filming your bio or intro video, talking about an industry topic, or interviewing someone, remember to keep it short and sweet. Most people have limited attention spans, think of your video as ‘snackable content’: bite-sized information that viewers can easily and quickly retain. Research shows that 50% of viewers stop watching a YouTube clip after 1 minute and 60% after 2 minutes! Even more important is that longer videos won’t get watched at all. Shorter videos are more engaging than longer videos, but there are other unexpected trends: the average 30-second video was viewed 85% of the total video, while the average 2-minute video was viewed on average 50% of the total video. That is a very fast viewership drop-off.

Youtube by the numbers YouTube is the

number 2 search engine in the world. 1 billion users visit YouTube each month and watch 6 billion hours of video.

74 of all internet traffic will be video by 2017. Video is shared

1200 more times than links and text combined.


Google Plus is currently running neck-and-neck with Twitter to be the number-two social media site in the world behind Facebook. Now is the best time to sign up for a Google Plus page, and start using it to improve your online visibility!

3 Reasons Why You Should Create a Google Plus Page




Posting on Google Plus is similar to posting on Facebook.

Your Google Plus profile will show up in Google search results for your name.

Google Plus’s 45-54 age demographic has increased 56% since 2012.

Setting Up a nd Posting on Google+

1. Create or log in to your Google Profile. 2. Visit plu s.google.com. 3. Set up your profile and add a p rofile picture 4. Visit you . r page and select “peopl know” to e you may add friends. 5. Share p hotos, links, o r a text pos “share w t in the hat’s new. .” box.


PROMOTE YOUR SOCIAL PROFILES Promoting your social media profiles on emails increases email campaign open rates by 158%. Your social icons can be included with your email signature in Outlook, email marketing system, and on your website, flyers, postcards, OSI, etc.  Promote your social media accounts with every email you send! You can access all of the social media icons on On Q Direct that can be hyperlinked to each profile. By incorporating them into your signature line they’ll be easily found by all of your contacts to help you connect with more people!  Make sure to let us know which social media sites you have and we’ll incorporate them into your personally branded websites. This is just another way to legitimize yourself and drive people to your social sites.  Our CRM system will also allow you to incorporate all of your social media sites. Be sure to get them linked so your email recipients can view all of your social media sites to like, follow, and review you!




Not sure if it’s okay to post? Reach out to Compliance Marketing or the marketing department when you’re unsure of something. We’l be able to quickly let you know if it will get flagged.

It’s better to be safe than sorry! You’ve studied the playbook and you’re ready to start posing on social media sites! There are a few important rules that you need to be aware of in order to stay compliant. Follow these simple Dos and Don’ts when using social media to make sure you don’t fumble. DO send in a request to Compliance Marketing to review your post if you’ve created the content yourself. Send all requests with the Compliance Marketing Worksheet to ComplianceMarketingReview@onqfinancial.com and allow at least a 24-hour turnaround time to get an approval or revisions back. DO post blogs, videos, flyers and images that the Marketing Department provides in the Social Media Content Library on On Q Direct. That content has already gone through Compliance and is approved to post!

DO ensure Marketing helps you create compliant social media profiles. DON’T ever advertise on your personal Facebook page. Feel free to post personal things on your Business page but keep your personal page strictly personal. DON’T ever post sensitive borrower information, including photos, unless you have approval from them first.


overtime THE 80/20 RULE In social media, the less you sell, the more you sell. People want to be social! Your followers don’t want to be subjected to a constant online sales pitch; you need to provide them with something of value, something different- something that makes them say “Aw!”


of your posts should include interesting, relevant, likable, shareable content.

This content doesn’t focus on you or what you’re selling. Dedicate 80% of your posts to providing quality, compelling content on the way you do business, what’s going on in the industry, inspirational messages, and interesting photos and video. Keep in mind the WIIFMYour audience wants to know “What’s In It for Me?”


of Posts Include Persuasive Call-to-Actions

This content should include information that benefits your audience while integrating a clear call-to-action that inspires your followers to learn more about you and On Q.

SHOCK AND AWE MAKE CONTENT SHAREABLE Isn’t that kitten, puppy, baby

Awwe! the cutest thing? Awe! That photo or video was awesome! was really interesting and exactly ahhh... That what I wanted to know.


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onqfinancial.com 1-800-onq-easy

On Q Financial, Inc. is an equal housing lender. NMLS #5645. © 2015, On Q Financial, Inc., No part of this document may be reproduced or redistributed without the express written consent of On Q Financial, Inc. On Q Financial is a registered trademark of On Q Financial, Inc. All other trademarks, servicemarks, registered trademarks, and registered servicemarks are the property of their respective owners. 068i0000001tgN6 © 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Google, the g+™ logo, YouTube™ logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc. © 2015 Twitter, Inc. The Twitter name, logo, Twitter T, Tweet, and Twitter blue bird are registered trademarks of Twitter, Inc. © 2015 Facebook, Inc. The Facebook logo is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc. © 2015 Zillow, Inc. Zillow.com, the Zillow logo, and Zillow are registered trademarks of Zillow, Inc. © 2015 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo and the IN logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation.

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