6 minute read
Ahead of the Heard
By Joe Hill, BFO President info@ontariobeef.com • www.ontariobeef.com
Relationships Have Made All The Difference
It is hard to believe that my tenure, serving nine years on the BFO board, including the last two as president, has come to an end. Shortly after I first arrived at the board table, funding for the Risk Management Program (RMP) was announced and I was able to witness the development of that program first-hand, along with the ongoing work required to keep it alive. Currently we are working with OMAFRA to tweak the program to fit the government’s desire to include more insurance-based principles. This should lead to their promised increase to the annual RMP budget of $50 million to be shared across the enrolled commodities. Once completed, the new RMP should become stable and no longer require constant lobbying just to ensure its existence each year, although nothing should be taken for granted and regular reminders to government of its importance to our industry will still be required. I had hoped that this file would be closed by the time I stepped down from the board, but working at the speed of government I should have known better. As I hand this file to the next president, I know that there has been some real progress made and the hard work of those that came before me is paying off.
During my tenure, BFO lobby efforts secured an increase to the feeder finance loan program, increasing the amount from $90 million to $130 million, and then again to $260 million. Increases to the individual loan limits were also made, along with administrative changes. We have worked with the co-op leaders to develop a more structured and sustainable governance model. This program is an important and effective tool for our members who use it.
We also developed ‘Beef North’, although specifically targeting northern Ontario because of land values and volumes, our overall goal is to grow the provincial cow herd across the province. The hard work, tools and website that BFO developed as part of the program have introduced cattle farming in northern Ontario to people who never would have considered it a decade ago. The results are paying off, while growth has been slow, producers are moving into the north and are successful. Unfortunately, growth in the north has only been able to offset continued cow herd reductions in other parts of the province. The real catalyst for significant herd expansion still remains access to crown land. This is an underutilized provincial resource and as long as we continue to pave over one million acres of southern Ontario land each decade, the need to develop this resource will eventually become obvious to those in control. It will require a level of leadership rarely achieved. It will require multiple ministries to work in collaboration on an outcome that will not yield measurable benefits before the next election. And it will have some vocal opposition from voters within city limits.
Most recently, with the implementation of our check-off increase, BFO has undertaken a dramatic increase in our producer engagement and education activities, with a significant emphasis on youth. We are investing in consumer outreach at modest, yet unprecedented
BFO BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2019 Joe Hill (Feedlot Director) - President Phone: 519-843-3202 • Email: joe@roberthillfarm.ca Rob Lipsett (Background Director) - Vice-President Phone: 519-371-9850 • Email: lipsettrob@yahoo.ca Don Badour (Cow-Calf Director) Phone: 613-762-2161 • Email: don.badour@ripnet.com Jason Reid (Cow-Calf Director) Phone: 807-935-3224 • Email: reidridgefarm@tbaytel.net Craig McLaughlin (Cow-Calf Director) Phone: 613-646-7820 • Email: cmblackhorse@gmail.com Mert Schneider (Feedlot Director) Phone: 519-343-2849 • Email: nschneider@wightman.ca Jack Chaffe (Feedlot Director) Phone: 519-348-4607 • Email: jdchaffe@quadro.net Jason Leblond (Northern Director) Phone: 705-724-1887 • Email: jsacres5@gmail.com Dave Cavanagh (Eastern Director) Phone: 705-740-5212 • Email: homestead_herefords@msn.com Ron Stevenson (Southern Director) Phone: 519-887-6677 • Email: ron@metzgervet.com Dan Darling (Director-At-Large) Phone: 905-375-4019 • Email: dmdarling13@gmail.com Jordan Miller (Director-At-Large) Phone: 289-686-1124 • Email: b.jordan.miller@gmail.com
BFO STAFF Executive Director Richard Horne • richard@ontariobeef.com Executive Assistant Jill Smith • jill@ontariobeef.com Senior Advisor, Special Projects Dave Stewart • dave@ontariobeef.com Manager of Policy and Issues Katherine Fox • katherine@ontariobeef.com Senior Policy Advisor Angela Rouillard • angela@ontariobeef.com Policy Advisor Jessica Schill • jessica@ontariobeef.com Manager of Communications & Marketing LeaAnne Wuermli • leaanne@ontariobeef.com (on maternity leave) Senior Communications Specialist Jennifer Kyle • jennifer@ontariobeef.com Communications Coordinator Bethany Storey • bethany@ontariobeef.com Market Information Coordinator Jamie Gamble • markets@ontariobeef.com Accountant Amber McIntyre • amber@ontariobeef.com Office Administrator Tammy Purdham • tammy@ontariobeef.com Manager of Producer Relations Dan Ferguson • dan@ontariobeef.com Producer Relations Specialist Jaclyn Horenberg • jaclyn@ontariobeef.com Check-Off Inspector Chris Millar • chrism@ontariobeef.com Provincial Supervisor, Ontario Feeder Cattle and Beef Breeder Co-op Programs Cheryl Russwurm • crfeederfin@wightman.ca Water Quality Specialist Chris Attema • chris@ontariobeef.com
levels for our industry. We are all aware of the constant barrage of misleading, incomplete and often false information that has been deterring people from eating beef. We are finally able to start pushing back. Working with the public and stakeholder engagement division of Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) and Canada Beef we are finding allies in environmental groups and nutrition experts who are lending their voices to our message. This is incredibly important work. The bulk of the revenue from the check-off increase is dedicated to fund the joint marketing committee. This initiative, with participation from the Ontario Cattle Feeders’ Association (OCFA), will drive demand and increase value for Ontario beef by supporting Ontario branded beef programs in domestic and international markets. This committee
will also be leading the way to ensure that Ontario beef can meet the quality assurance requirements of our customers. These are a few of the highlights from my years on the BFO board. I think we have made progress in so many areas. What I am most proud to have been a part of is the growth in the relationships with other organizations. The BFO and OCFA are now at a point where we stand together and push in the same direction, benefiting our industry and producers. It took leadership from both organizations for this to happen and I would like to personally thank all those involved. I also need to make note of the level of collaboration that has been happening with CCA. Lobby efforts for transportation regulation changes and the eastern Canadian processing capacity shortage have been high priorities for the CCA. Recently there has been a level of cooperation at both the board and staff levels that I have not seen before. Our relationship with Canada Beef is also now moving in the right direction. I can’t leave without acknowledging the hard work of our dedicated staff at BFO. The average producer who hasn’t had the chance to work with them can’t truly appreciate all that they do for us.
And finally to all of my fellow board members who have come and gone over the years. I can’t find the words to adequately express how much I value each of you and the time we spent together.
Thank you to my wife Jennifer, and kids Kaleb and Miranda, for supporting me through this journey. And, thank you to the producers who encouraged and challenged me.
I wish for nothing but good times and great prices for the new board. OB

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