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Budgets, Traceability and Lobby Work
Springmade a brief appearance a couple of weeks ago with summer-like temperatures, but as I write this, the weather forecast is now calling for heavy rain and single-digit temperatures. Fingers crossed, we will see our yards, fields and pastures dry up shortly so the growing season of 2023 can begin. With the weather in flux and planting on pause, it’s given me a bit more time to focus on BFO activities over the last while, including a lot of windshield time to think about plans for the year ahead.
In March, the Government of Ontario released their 2023 Ontario Budget, which included a commitment to increase veterinarian capacity and incentives for northern, remote and underserviced regions in the province. In particular, we were very encouraged to see support for the Collaborative DVM in Rural and Northern Community Practice Program that will see 20 additional veterinarians trained annually with targeted recruitment from northern and rural areas, a program we’ve expressed strong support for. More details on BFO’s involvement in building veterinarian capacity in the province can be found in the Beef Beat column on the next page.
Following the release of the provincial budget, the federal budget was released one week later. Along with the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA), we were grateful to hear of the Government of Canada’s commitment of $57.5 million over five years to fund a Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccine bank, and support for the development of emergency response plans related to the devastating animal health disease. We and our allies across the Canadian cattle sector had been calling on the federal government to invest in this critical response measure for the better part of the last two years, and are extremely appreciative of the announcement. In addition
Bfo Board Of Directors 2023
Jack Chaffe (Feedlot Director) - President
Phone: 519-301-3034 • Email: jdchaffe@quadro.net
Craig McLaughlin (Eastern Director) - Vice President
Phone: 613-504-1863 Email: cmblackhorse@gmail.com
Don Badour (Cow-Calf Director)
Email: don.badour@ripnet.com
Don Hargrave (Cow-Calf Director)
Email: dchargrave@gmail.com
Jason Leblond (Cow-Calf Director)
Email: jsacres5@gmail.com
Joost van der Heiden (Background Director)
Email: jcvdheiden@hotmail.com
Joe Dickenson (Feedlot Director)
Email: joe@dickensonfarms.com
Jairus Maus (Feedlot Director)
Email: ellengowanfarms@gmail.com
Jordan Miller (Northern Director)
Email: b.jordan.miller@gmail.com
Ron Stevenson (Southern Director)
Email: ron@metzgervet.com
Jason Reid (Director-At-Large)
Email: reidridgefarm@tbaytel.net
Kim Jo Bliss (Director-At-Large)
Email: kimjobliss@gmail.com to the FMD commitment, Budget 2023 also promises to provide farmers with an increase to the interest-free limit for loans under the Advance Payments Program (APP) from $250,000 to $350,000 for the 2023/24 program year. It is our hope that the increase in the interest-free portion of APP loans will be continued beyond 2023/24, something we’ve been actively advocating for in partnership with CCA.
Another file we will be watching closely is traceability. In March, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) released proposed amendments to Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations (Identification and Traceability) to enable a more effective and timely response to disease outbreaks and food safety issues, and improve support for disease surveillance activities. Over the last decade, industry and government representatives have been working on this file. BFO together with CCA have provided comments throughout the consultation process and will continue to do so on behalf of our members. Currently, there is a 90-day comment period (will close on June 16th) for industry to respond to the draft regulations. BFO will be preparing comments on behalf of the beef sector after review and discussions with our Board of Directors and Cow-Calf and Feedlot Committees.
In April, I was invited to attend a Beef Day event hosted by the Beef Farmers of Cochrane District to share an update on BFO activities and speak about my operation at home. The event was well organized and attended and I appreciated the time to meet with folks in northern Ontario. In my opinion, the future of our sector is bright based on the attendance and engagement at this meeting.
Bfo Staff
Executive Director
Richard Horne • richard@ontariobeef.com
Manager of Policy and Issues
Thomas Brandstetter • thomas@ontariobeef.com
Policy Advisor
Darby Wheeler • darby@ontariobeef.com
Policy Advisor
Evan Chaffe • evan@ontariobeef.com
Director of Communications
LeaAnne Wurmli • leaanne@ontariobeef.com
Manager of Public Engagement and Digital Strategy
Jennifer Kyle • jennifer@ontariobeef.com
Communications Specialist
Bethany Storey • bethany@ontariobeef.com
Market Information Coordinator
Jamie Gamble • markets@ontariobeef.com
Amber McIntyre • amber@ontariobeef.com
Office Manager
Tammy Purdham • tammy@ontariobeef.com
Manager of Producer Relations
Dan Ferguson • dan@ontariobeef.com
Senior Producer Relations Specialist
Jaclyn Horenberg • jaclyn@ontariobeef.com
Producer Relations Specialist
Robert McKinlay • robert@ontariobeef.com
Check-Off Inspector
Chris Millar • chrism@ontariobeef.com
Provincial Supervisor, Ontario Feeder Cattle and Beef Breeder Co-op Programs
Cheryl Russwurm • crfeederfin@wightman.ca
That same week, BFO Directors Craig McLaughlin, Jason Leblond, Jason Reid along with CCA Director and BFO Past President Matt Bowman travelled to Ottawa to meet with Senators and MPs as part of our regular lobby activities with CCA. The focus of discussions was on Bill 282, beef sustainability and the Advance Payments Program. More details on the discussions can be found within the CCA Update on page 26.
Speaking of CCA, I was recently honoured to be offered the position of CCA Officer At-Large and will join CCA President Nathan Phinney, Vice President Tyler Fulton and Past President Bob Lowe in this executive role for the upcoming year. I look forward to the new challenge, with my first assignment beginning in May where I will attend the Livestock Markets Association of Canada Annual Meeting and Convention in Olds Alberta on behalf of CCA.
Lastly, BFO Executive Director Richard Horne and I visited Queen’s Park in late April to meet with a number of MPPs, including Minister Thompson and Parliamentary Assistants Rob Flack and Trevor Jones. We had some good discussions throughout the day on a number of topics from amendments to the Beef Cattle Marketing Act, the Risk
Management Program to the PAWs Act and land use. This leads me to remind our members of the importance of meeting regularly with elected officials so they have the opportunity to hear our concerns and issues facing farm businesses and families. Shortly, MPPs will be returning to their constituency offices for the summer break, which presents the perfect chance to meet one-on-one, or invite them to your farm for a visit. BFO staff would welcome the request to assist you with background information and leave behind materials for any meetings you arrange.
Wishing you a favourable growing season, and remember to take the time to be safe on the farm and road when working with cattle and equipment this spring. OB