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Our Social Impact
AsI mentioned in my February column, our communications team has been busy over the last several months embarking on a brand refresh for the association. The most significant component of the process was an update to BFO’s website (ontariobeef.com), which was launched on May 3. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, I would encourage you to do so. There is a lot of great information on our government relations and advocacy priorities, resolutions responses, comment and submission papers, research projects and the most popular - our market information section. A new page on our site can be found under About BFO, which speaks to our social impact as an association. The same information can also be found on our consumer website (ontbeef.ca). I can admit that we aren’t always great at talking about the good things we do, mostly because we believe it’s fundamentally just the right thing to do. But, we need to do a better job of sharing the causes we believe in and support, which demonstrates our values with our members and consumers. This leads me to provide you with an update, which hopefully in turn, you will share in conversations with neighbours, friends and family.
Close to a decade ago, BFO met with the Ontario Association of Food Banks, now known as Feed Ontario, to talk about how we could help children and families in Ontario who were struggling with hunger. In the fall of that year, the BFO Board of Directors committed $40,000 to support the development of our Ontario Beef Program, which continues to provide Ontario ground beef to food banks across the province. Since then, we have provided over 750,000 servings of ground beef to 537,000 adults, children, and seniors in need. Our total financial contribution is just over $320,000 since 2014. We have been recognized on a couple of occasions for our work in this space, having received the Paul Mistele Memorial Award most recently in November at Farm and Food Care Ontario’s annual Harvest Gala. In addition to our work on the provincial level, we can’t forget about the work of our local associations and their commitment to their local food banks. Over the last couple of years, we have started tracking food bank donations through BFO’s Sharecost Program, and in 2022 our local associations provided close to $30,000 in support of beef donations to local food banks.
The other area we continue to invest time, resources and energy into is youth support and engagement. We launched the Ontario Beef Youth Alliance two years ago, and continue to find ways in which we can support this impressive group (192 and growing!). BFO is also a dedicated supporter of 4-H Ontario and has been a long-time partner of their Discovery Days program, and new this fall we will be supporting their Impact Conference, which will focus on career development. For the last two years, we’ve also been a partner of the Ontario Legislature Internship Programme, which is a non-partisan program that pairs 10 selected interns with backbench Members of Provincial Parliament. The interns are provided with 10 months of practical experience with the Ontario Legislature, the opportunity to supplement their university training, and the chance to gain valuable insight into the provincial political process. Through this program, we have been given the opportunity to meet with the interns to talk about beef production in Ontario and the issues important to our sector. In June of this year, the interns will be getting their boots dirty with a field trip to the Ontario Beef Research Centre and a couple of beef farms to experience life on the farm. Lastly, in an effort to help address the shortfall of large animal veterinarians in Ontario and build a strong pipeline of veterinary leaders, BFO established two scholarships for students enrolled in the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph who are pursuing a career in large animal health and welfare.
Islay Lena 36j
Top Selling Bred Heifer at Blue Water Sale 2022
Her mother sells along with all our very attractive and productive cows from 3 to 7 years old at Glen Islay, in the Heart of The Herd sale part of the Blue Water Sale on Oct 14.
Most of the cows are genomically tested 9 or 10 for tenderness. 10 is the highest score.
Thank you again to all our bull customers from 3 provinces this year. Only 2 left.
No one ever regretted buying quality. DON & JEANNETTE CURRIE
2234 Conc. 11, R R #1, Nottawa, Ontario L0M 1P0 Phone/Fax: 705-445-1526
Cell: 705-715-2234 • Email: doncurrie@glenislay.com
Food literacy is another important area of work for BFO, and finding ways to connect with teachers, students and classrooms across the province. For the last several years, we have been strong partners of AgScape, an organization that strives to bring agriculture and food education into all Ontario classrooms. Using experiential and science-based programs, AgScape works to inspire youth and educators from all walks of life to see their own role within the food system, which is a vehicle for social, economic and environmental impact. For the past couple of years, we have significantly increased our support to expand beef-specific programming, as well as to ensure that resources are available in French.
Lastly, as an association we remain committed to supporting diversity and equity in our communities, and finding ways for us to be more inclusive to our members and the public. Our new website includes an extensive section on the work we have done in this space to date, but we embarked on a journey not a destination, so we continue to actively look at our association and current activities to see where we can do better, and how we can weave education and advocacy around diversity, equity and inclusion into existing activities and programming.
In addition to all of the work we do, our local associations do a great job of engaging with the public which helps to maintain the trusted status of farmers. Many associations will be gearing up for community barbecue season. As a reminder, if you need Ontario-branded napkins, placemats or promotional materials, get in touch with our team. Happy grilling! OB
The Genetic Advantage
Because of their balanced profile of calving ease, growth and carcass quality, Canadian Angus cattle work well in both purebred and commercial operations. Use Angus bulls to make top performing feedlot steers and beautiful replacement females. Visit the Ontario Angus Association website for more information: www.cdnangus.ca/ontario-angus-association
Cairnlee Acres
Victor, Yvonne & Andrew Richardson 6193 Walkers Dr, Strathroy, ON Vic Cell: (519) 871-4240
Cambray Livestock Company Luke, Matt, Joe and Carl Jewell 1153 The Glen Road, Woodville ON 705-934-2853
Fallis Land and Cattle
Mike, Lisa and Cole Fallis 1273 6th Line, Selwyn, ON K9J 6X5 705-740-4878 | sunsetacres@nexicom.net
Gilchrist Farms
Brad & Kristie Gilchrist 1269 Grey Ox Ave RR#5 Lucknow, ON N0G 2H0 519-440-6720 | brad@gilchristfarms.com
Glen Islay Angus Don Currie 2234 Conc 11, Nottawa, ON L0M1P0 705-715-2234 | doncurrie@glenislay.com
Loval Farms
Scott & Sandra Honey 127 Honey Road, Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0 705-924-3809 | lovalfarms@gmail.com
Harprey Farms
Allan Hargrave/Don Hargrave 307483 Centre Line A Proton Station, ON N0C 1L0 Allan 519-375-5541 | Don 519-375-1500 harprey@gmail.com
Maple Line Farm
Ian & Tim Rudkin 3320 Bradburn Road, Blackstock, On L0B 1B0 Ian 905-718-5331 | Tim 905-213-6518 maplelinefarm@hotmail.com
Meadow Bridge Angus
JJ Deslippe 922580 Rd 92 RR # 4, St Mary’s, ON N4X 1C7 519-275-1739 | deslippe@quadro.net
Rob Roy Angus
Don & Betty McNalty 634514 Road 63 RR#2 Singhampton, ON N0C 1M0 705-446-4740 | robroyangus@gmail.com
SCOMAC Livestock
Scott & Elizabeth MacDonald 4169 Highway # 6 Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 Scott 519-820-1272 | Elizabeth 226-971-0015 scomaclivestock@gmail.com
Silver Springs Farm
James, Joan and Robert McKinlay 609027 12th Sideroad RR#1 Ravenna, ON N0H 2E0 519-599-6236 | jmckinlay@bmts.com
Tullamore Farms
Bill & Sylvia Jackson 260 Regional RD 39 Zephyr, ON L0E 1T0 Home 905-843-1236 | Cell 647-990-2697 tullamore.angus@gmail.com
Whiskey Lane Livestock
Scott, Paula, Jason & Shelby Cornish 2295 Hwy 7, Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 705-341-3220 | wll@nexicom.net
Windcroft Farms
Darcy & Courtney McMorris 573333 Boot Jack Ranch Road Priceville, ON N0C 1K0 226-203-4506 | windcroftfarms@gmail.com
Worth-Mor Cattle