Vol. 39 - Issue 3
September 2020
2020 Ontario Sheep Annual General Meeting Production Insurance Feasibility Campaign for Wool
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September 2020
Features 10 Dairy Milk Worldwide 18 Financial Options for Ontario Sheep Farmers 39 Year in Review 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 38 39 40
Chairmans Report General Managers Report From the Editors Desk Market Report Bennefits of Attending Cover Crop Workshops – James Bryne OMAFRA Dairy Milk Wold Wide – Marlese Paibomesai OMAFRA Are Your Rams Ready For Breeding? Delma Kennedy OMAFRA The Relevance of AHEM Resources in COVID-19 Pregnancy Test Research Financial Options for Ontario Sheep Farmers – Eric Weber, OMAFRA Canadian Livestock Transport (CLT) Training Program Introduction to Small Ruminant Production Online Course – Madeline Colville, OMAFRA Production Insurance Feasibility Campaign For Wool – Matthew J. Rowe, CEO of The Campaign for Wool in Canada Genovis: Moving to a rolling base – what are the advantages – Amelie St. Pierre, Genovis Fall Speakers Series OSF 2020 Virtual AGM Wool Map Ontario Lamb Market Calendar Year in Review Genetic & Health Program Enrollment Listing Auction Markets and Abattoirs District Contacts Breeders Directory Year In Review Ontario Sheep 2020 Sponsors
COVER PHOTO: Jim Hayward DESIGN & LAYOUT: Prism Studios Advertising & Design Inc. DEADLINES FOR SUBMITTING TO ONTARIO SHEEP NEWS: March Issue - February 3rd • June Issue - May 4th • September Issue - August 3rd • December Issue - November 2nd ONTARIO SHEEP NEWS is the official publication of Ontario Sheep Farmers. Contents of this publication may be reproduced only by permission of the Editor and with credit acknowledged. Views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the publisher or Ontario Sheep Farmers. Ontario Sheep News is published by Ontario Sheep Farmers and is distributed quarterly to all registered farmer-members. Subscriptions are available by contacting Ontario Sheep Farmers’ office. Subscription rates - $20 +HST (one year); $30 +HST (two year). Cheques should be made payable to Ontario Sheep, 130 Malcolm Rd Guelph, ON N1K 1B1. Editorial and advertising enquiries are welcomed.
ONTARIO SHEEP FARMERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Provincial Directors Telephone District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8 District 9 District 10 District 11
Ed Post Jay Lewis Sandi Brock Marusha Kostuk Heather Little John Hemsted Marc Carere Gary Fox Chris Moore Lee Brien Colleen Alloi
(226) 781-0832 (519) 323-7439 (519) 319-1914 (519) 865-6874 (519) 843-1675 (705) 487-2466 (705) 324-2432 (613) 393-5258 (613) 913-4994 (519) 809-5332 (705) 248-3287
General Manager jmactavish@ontariosheep.org
Jennifer Johanson
Executive Assistant / Bookkeeper jjohanson@ontariosheep.org
Anita O’Brien
On Farm Program Lead aobrien@ontariosheep.org
Tom Lewis
Industry Relations Specialist tlewis@ontariosheep.org
Jan Smith
Administrative Assistant jsmith@ontariosheep.org
Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: ONTARIO SHEEP FARMERS 130 Malcolm Road, Guelph, Ontario N1K 1B1 Phone: (519) 836-0043 Fax: (519) 836-2531 E-mail: admin@ontariosheep.org Website: www.ontariosheep.org www.lambrecipes.ca Market Line: (519) 836-0043 Ext. 4 Publications Mail Registration Number: 40033529 ISSN 0844-5303 SEPTEMBER 2020 Date of Issue: September 2020 Photo submissions for use in publications (magazine, promotional/ education materials). Photo submissions are welcomed. Include the following information with your submission: name, mailing address, phone number, email address, expressed consent for Ontario Sheep Farmers to use the photo. If there are individuals in the picture, they should be identified and permission to print their picture must be secured either directly (if adults) or (if children) from a parent/guardian). Emailed photos must be a minimum of 300dpi and each photo should be clearly identified with the required information as outlined above. Photos will not be returned, and all submissions become the property of Ontario Sheep Farmers to be used or reproduced at the organization’s discretion. Wherever possible, credit will be given to the photographer if used.
Chairman’s Report
Marc Carere, Chairman
Clear, Concise, and Timely Communication
020 has been an unforgiving year. There is no doubt that we have all been impacted, both on a personal and on a business level. For me, it has been interesting, being Chair of a provincial organization, during a crisis that is impacting the organization and industry I lead, my business and my family. When I take a step back and look at what we have been able to accomplish, despite, or perhaps because of, what we have collectively been through, I am impressed and thankful. Thank you to my fellow board members who have been a source of support and inspiration over the past year. Your commitment to the industry and your leadership have been unwavering. Thank you for your patience as we all mastered zoom meetings, and your willingness to hop onto last minute conference calls and respond to numerous emails. Thank you to the OSF staff who were able to keep the operations going without skipping a beat. Countless times over the last few months I have been asked how the COVID-19 has impacted our industry. While
we may not have seen processing plants shut down like other industries, and we have not, to-date, had to manage our way through significant price declines, our industry and our organization have been impacted. COVID-19, along with the work have done on production insurance, has once again highlighted for us the need for better industry data. Therefore, in the coming year, you will see OSF dedicate significant time and resources into finding a way to collect data efficiently and affordably from our farmers and industry partners. This year has also demonstrated the need for clear, concise, and timely communication along the value chain. So, in addition to strengthening our relationship with Meat and Poultry Ontario, we have also re-engaged the Sheep Industry Advisory Committee. This kind of communication is also needed between our board and our districts. Which is why in the coming year you’ll see us working to ensure the district committees become a more integrated part of the OSF team, there will be increased communication with the office and we are planning to have a district policy day in the spring. As I write this we are in the middle of a very successful round of annual District AGM’s. Thank you to all that have participated in these events and I encourage all to become engaged and participate at the District level And, this year as shown us that our strategic plan, last revamped in 2013, is out of date. Our industry and the environment we work in has changed substantially in the last seven years, perhaps even more so now in the wake of COVID-19. It is important for the industry to be thinking of what the post-pandemic industry could look like – what will we need and what can we do to ensure the business of sheep farming is sustainable and resilient. At the AGM we will be launching our plan for building the next strategic plan and how you can have input in shaping the direction of your Board for the coming years. OSN
Editorial policy: Ontario Sheep Farmers welcomes and encourages letters to the editor and article suggestions from farmers and industry partners as a means of communicating with the Ontario Sheep Farmers board of directors and other farmers on issues of importance. Letters may be on any sheep industry topic, including Ontario Sheep Farmers’ policies, programs and procedure. Letters may address previous articles or letters to the editor, and the editor may comment on the accuracy of the information in letters. Letters should not exceed 300 words and may be edited for style and grammatical errors. When submitting a letter, please include the name of the author, address, phone number and/or email address (for verification purposes). Printed letters will include the author’s name. Potentially defamatory or libelous material, or personal attacks on individuals will not be permitted. If an author feels that the editor has inappropriately edited or not print a letter, a written request can be submitted to the board of directors for review to determine if there has been a violation of Ontario Sheep News’ editorial policy.
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General Manager’s Report
Jennifer MacTavish, General Manager manager@ontariosheep.org
Supporting Our Farmers and Advocating for Our Industry
n March, we had to adapt quickly to the restrictions that were implemented to slow the spread of COVID-19. In some ways, the adaptations that were made fed into our we do different philosophy and has allowed us to explore new, creative ways of supporting our farmers and advocating for our industry. As the COVID-19 pandemic began, the OSF had discussions about how the pandemic might impact our industry and what could we do to mitigate the risks. One key risk that was identified was the lack of communication and data sharing along the supply chain. As a way of mitigating this risk the OSF asked the Farm Products Marketing Commission to re-start the Sheep Industry Advisory Committee meetings. We also worked with Meat and Poultry Ontario on pandemic planning and are an active member of the Minister of Agriculture’s Working Group on livestock processing capacity. Additionally, we collaborated with other national livestock commodity organizations and expressed our concern to the federal government about the impacts of reductions in plant capacity or plant closures. Even though some days it felt like the pandemic was all consuming, we were able to work on some of our longterm lobbying efforts which include the provincial Risk Management Program. And, after years of lobbying for increased provincial investment into the program, I am pleased to report that the government did add an additional $50 million to the program.
and a mortality insurance project, but only if we have enough data. The lack of data across the industry continues to be a real stumbling block when it comes to being able to develop programs for, and provide resources (i.e., animal health products) to, our farmers. While many of our plans, such as GenOvis, Maedi Visna and On-Farm Euthanasia workshops had to be canceled, we have been able to increase the number of webinars we offered. Recordings of these can be found on our Ontario Sheep website. OSF has also created an educational platform on Thinkific which allows us to upload content and provide educational webinars for producers to use at their own pace. The first course that has been uploaded is the Introduction to Small Ruminant Production course. Heading into the fall, we had three Provincial Directors up for election and meeting restrictions enabled us to expedite the work we were doing to investigate electronic voting. OSF hired Simply Voting to conduct the voting for the Provincial Directors in District 3, 6 and 9. This did require staff to spend considerable time calling people and mailing out letters to update the membership lists for these districts. And yet, the lists remain inaccurate. Please if you received a letter or a phone call from our office, call us back. OSN
Nationally we continue to work with the Canadian Federation of Agriculture and the AgGrowth Coalition requesting changes to the national business risk management suite of programs, notably the AgriStability program. We also provided comments on the National Sheep Codes of Practice review, participated in the national transportation working group and the Animal Health Canada working group. The production insurance feasibility project wrapped up this year. It determined that it is possible to develop both a rate of gain insurance product, OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
From the Editor’s Desk
By Tom Lewis, Ontario Sheep News Editor tlewis@ontariosheep.org
Moving Further Into A Digital Wold - A Time Of Change!
to build on this course, and offer some practical hands on training for conducting fecal counts on your farm. For more details on OSF’s online professional development courses visit www.ontariosheep.org/programs.
Given the recent inability to hold in person meetings, and increased social distancing due to the global pandemic, OSF was forced to cancel our traditional annual AGM and Convention. We look forward to hosting this event every year, as we know many enjoy attending. This publication will provide some further details on how OSF plans to proceed with the AGM portion of our annual convention, and more information will come via The Messenger and on social media. This month’s issue of OSN provides further details on the digital OSF Annual General Meeting (page 28), and the fall webinar speakers series (page 27), which we look forward to hosting.
For several years, OSF and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs has for offered an Introduction to Small Ruminants Production course for Sheep and Goats. This course has traditionally been a full day, in-class course complete with a farm tour. The feedback from those who attended have always been positive and has provided applicable knowledge and training. Despite the success of the traditional course, the one downside has been that the course was offered on specific days, and not always when convenient for those interested in attending. This year OSF is proud to announce its move to an online, self-guided course that can be completed in the comfort of your home. More details on this course can be found on page 22, or by visiting our programs page on the above mentioned OSF website.
n the June issue of Ontario Sheep News (OSN), I spoke about some of the obstacles and hardships felt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no doubt that this pandemic has shaken everything up however, it has also presented opportunities. I know that better days are ahead, as we move forward into the new normal, and we hope that this issue of OSN finds you, your family, and friends well.
One notable change this year was the moving our traditional in person professional development courses to an online format. By doing this, OSF continues to be able to provide educational courses and share knowledge, which is key to successful sheep production and business operations. Earlier this summer, OSF presented a six-week Parasite Management course to assist producers to think beyond conducting fecal egg counts, and to work with their veterinarian on implementing a parasite management plan for their farm. The live online course ended in August, and will be offered as a self-guided, online course that can be completed at the participants leisure starting this Fall. It is our hope that next year we can offer fecal egg count labs
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ARE WELCOME The OSN welcomes letters to the editor. Please email: tllewis@ontariosheep.org or mail to: Ontario Sheep News, 130 Malcolm Road, Guelph ON NIK 1BI.
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Please continue to stay safe and take care of yourself, and each other - and as always happy reading! We hope you enjoy the September issue of OSN. OSN
Covid-19 is still a serious threat! Even though some restrictions are being lifted, we can't quit now. Protect yourself and each other. Keep physical distancing Keep washing your hands Wear a mask when physical distancing is not or may not be possible For more information visit https://www.ontariosheep.org/COVID19
The Ontario Market Report
ull market information can be found every week in the Ontario Farmer and online at www.OntarioSheep.org under “Market Information�. The graphs here show the trends in pricing and volume of the last six months in Ontario. OSN
You can also listen to the weekly information by calling 519-836-0043 and press 6 to go to the market line. Market information for OLEX, the Ontario Stockyards, Brussels and Embrun are recorded every week. You can also find archived weekly summaries on the Market page.
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The Benefits of Attending Grazing Cover Crop Workshops James Byrne, Beef Cattle Specialist, OMAFRA, Technology adoption
esearch by Gabre-Madhin et al, (2003) has demonstrated that there is a clear relationship between technology adoption by producers and increased farm profitability. Technology adoption includes using new physical tools, farming methods and ways to analyze farm performance that either directly increase farm output or improve productive efficiency leading to increased farm profitability. Adopting new methods and practices often have a bigger impact on improved farm profitability through greater producer efficiency than a new physical technology, whose benefit is often masked by the increased capital cost in acquiring the new technology in the first place.
workshops since 2017. The workshops provided attendees with the opportunity to see first-hand the benefits of grazing cover crops to livestock producers, how effective grazing can be carried out and some of the challenges encountered. The workshops provided an opportunity for attendees to discuss the practice with the host producers, other attendees and OMAFRA specialists.
OMAFRA in collaboration with Beef Farmers of Ontario and Ontario Sheep Farmers will be running a series of Grazing Cover Crop Webinars in November 2020 Each workshop involved an on-farm presentation by the host producer and technical presentations from OMAFRA livestock and crop specialists. As the presentations took place in the field, attendees could see, in-person, the cover crop, the cattle grazing the cover crop, grazing management, fencing and how water is provided.
Survey results from the workshops showed that about 70% of attendees have experience with growing cover crops but only 35% graze their cover crops. Of those producers who grazed their cover crops, 90% grazed with Fig. 1. Beef cows and calves grazing a cover crop, OMAFRA/BFO Grazing Cover Crop Workshop, beef cows, where the Elmwood, Ontario. intention was to extend (Photo credit - Andrew Barrie, OMAFRA) the grazing season as late into fall as possible. The remaining 10% of attendees grazed their cover crop with Grazing Cover Crop Workshops either weaned calves, dry ewes or dairy heifers. When asked Grazing cover crops is a practice that offers producers what producers planned to do after attending the cover crop the opportunity to increase farm profitability either through workshop, responses were split 50:50 between those who extending the grazing season and therefore reduce the amount hadn’t previously grazed their cover crops but planned to and of stored feed that must be fed or by providing livestock those who either plan to sow a cover crop for the first time or access to high quality pasture, at a time when high quality plan to expand the number of crops sown in their cover crop pasture may be in short supply. To facilitate and promote mixtures. the uptake of this practice OMAFRA, in collaboration with Beef Farmers of Ontario, have organized several on-farm 8
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Crop and Livestock Producer Collaboration Several livestock and cash crop producers at these workshops have indicated their intention to approach their neighbours to discuss the potential of forming a relationship whereby the cover crop grown by a cash crop producer would be available for grazing by the livestock owner. Given the amount of cover crops grown in Ontario, there is significant opportunity for collaboration between cash croppers and livestock owners on grazing cover crops to the mutual benefit of both parties. Collaboration allows the livestock owners to get access to an additional source of grazing to extend the grazing season and reduce winter feeding costs and the cash crop producer can cover the cost of growing the cover crop, have manure spread evenly across the field and have the cover crop partially terminated through the chewing action of the livestock. Provided grazing is well managed, there should be no detrimental effect on ground conditions and no impact on crop yield the subsequent year.
Upcoming Events OMAFRA in collaboration with Beef Farmers of Ontario and Ontario Sheep Farmers will be running a series of Grazing
Cover Crop Webinars in November 2020. More information on registration, agenda, dates and times for these webinars will be available shortly. These webinars will cover the benefits and challenges of growing and grazing cover crops directly from producers with experience of grazing cover crops and hear from OMAFRA specialists on how integrating grazing cover crops into the farming system can improve farm output, reduce costs and boost farm profitability. OSN
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Wet Nurse™ milk replacers are easy to mix at 40°C and contain high quality, spray dried milk products and a special blend of highly digestible micronized fats that readily disolve when mixed. It is fortified with optimum levels of water soluble vitamins, chelated trace minerals and organic selenium yeast to enhance development and the overall well-being of the young animal. Wet Nurse™ Milk Replacers - Providing options specifically designed to meet your every need!
1-800-299-7904 OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Dairy Sheep Milk Worldwide By Marlene Paibomesai, OMAFRA Dairy Specialist
heep milk products are gaining popularity in Canada with more selection of sheep milk cheeses, pasteurized milk, and yogurts at the grocery store. Worldwide sheep milk production has remained relatively constant over the past 5 years with approximately 10,161,633 tonnes and 10,631,057 tonnes fresh sheep milk produced in 2014 and 2018. In 2018, there were approximately 250 million sheep kept for dairy purposes worldwide. Sheep milk is known for its historical and modern-day influence on Mediterranean countries dairy products. The top 10 countries for sheep milk production are shown in Figure 1. Turkey produces the largest amount of sheep milk worldwide, followed by China and Greece (FAO, 2020). Many specialty cheeses made with sheep milk found in Canadian grocery stores including Roquefort, Feta, Peccorino Romano, Manchego, and others. There are number of sheep breeds that have been bred for dairy traits worldwide including the East Friesian, Lacaune, Sarda, Chios, British Milksheep, White Karaman, Awassi and Assaf. There are other breeds have been developed locally in countries around the world for dairy production with some cheeses only being made with milk from certain sheep breeds. The range of average days in a lactation, yield per lactation and milk components vary amongst these breeds. Days in milk can vary from 150 days to over 250 days in milk. Milk yield can vary from 100 to 700 litres per lactation between the different breeds. Sheep reach peak lactation 6- 8 weeks into the lactation. Breeds like the East Friesian and Lacaune have been bred for milk yield and persistency in lactation. Dairy sheep production systems worldwide include intensive, semi-extensive and extensive operations. France has well developed genetic improvement program which has been selecting for dairy traits since 1980’s. The first trait selected for was milk yield. Throughout the years there have
Figure 1. Top ten countries that produce fresh sheep milk in tonnes in 2018. The values represent both Food Agriculture Organization imputation and official data. Data sourced from: FAOStat http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QL.
been other traits selected for including mastitis resistance, female fertility, udder conformation and milk composition. There was a total of 860,000 ewes registered in the genetic improvement program in 2011. Artificial insemination programs are used on 30 to 80% of ewes on farm and vary depending on the breed. The main dairy sheep breeds in Ontario include East Friesian, Lacuane and British Milksheep. Dairy sheep farms represent less than 1% of milk produced in Ontario. The East Friesian breed was first brought to Ontario in 1994 as embryos. There is very limited collection of data on the number of milking sheep or the number of sheep milk operations in Ontario. More information is needed on the size of the sheep milk industry in Ontario. OSN
Master Shepherd’s Course Goes Virtual
ach module will consist of multiple webinars. Producers can still apply to enroll as full course (12 modules) participant for $1750, or for individual modules for $200. Module 1 Industry dynamics and governance topics include: Lamb industry – global, North American, Ontario perspectives; Lamb production systems; Lamb supply and price cycles; Sheep industry governance; Sustainable sheep production.
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Module 2-Flock productivity and reproduction topics include: Reproduction, seasonality of estrus, conception rates; Optimizing out-of-season breeding programs; ram management for optimal reproductive success; Culling strategies for improved productivity. Full details on OSF website /www.ontariosheep.org/mastershepherds-course OSN
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OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Are Your Rams Ready for Breeding? By Delma Kennedy, OMAFRA
ave you looked at your rams lately? Of course you have. But I mean really looked close. The farm is busy and sometimes breeding time arrives at times of the year when a lot of things are happening at the same time. Do you know what your conception rates are? I don’t mean that most of the ewes got pregnant. I mean, do you know what exact percentage of ewes became pregnant on the first heat and second heat in each breeding period and overall for the year? The table below shows average conception rates and excellent conception rates for in and out of season. Season
Average Conception
Excellent Conception
If these conception rates are not being met in your operation, you might want to take a closer look at your rams. If they are being met, you might already be taking a good look at your rams. In 2012, 897 rams from 35 accelerated lambing flocks in Spain were evaluated as part of an objective to improve farm productivity. It turned out that 16.7% or 1 in 6 rams were classified as unsuitable breeders. This mean’t that there were fewer effective rams for breeding than the farmers thought there were. Could this be happening on your farm? A closer look at your rams could either give you some peace of mind or point out some changes that should be made.
Ram Evaluation Prior to Breeding Breeding soundness should be evaluated at minimum on an annual basis and ideally two months prior to breeding season. You need to put your hands on each ram and determine if they are likely good breeders. A basic evaluation can be done which considers three main components: general health, body condition score and the condition of the genitalia.
Body Condition Score A low body condition score is an obvious sign that there is either a health problem or a nutrition problem with your ram. To be ready for breeding, rams should be in a body condition score of 3 or 3.5. This means that when you feel the short ribs in the loin area, you should be able to feel them and they should be smooth and well rounded. You should not be able to put your fingers under the short ribs. The spine over the loin should also feel smooth with the bones well rounded. It has been proven that rams with low body condition scores will have poor reproductive performance. Nutrition has a direct effect on the size of the testicles and the efficiency of sperm production. Rams fed a high diet versus a low diet for 9 weeks had testis with 86% more mass and produced 250% more sperm (Martin, 2010). It is important to note that sperm production in rams takes 49 days. This means that changes in nutrition need to happen at least two months before the ram is turned in with the ewes. Genital Examination The primary objective of the examination is to look at the scrotal circumference, check testicular tone and check for lesions. Scrotal circumference is a direct indication of how much sperm can be produced. In a ram, larger is better. The best way to decide if the testicles are big enough is to measure them with a scrotal tape. Some basic rules of thumb are that a ram greater than 70kg should have a scrotal circumference greater than 30 cm and a ram greater than 110kg should have a scrotal circumference greater than 36cm. The following table shows some suggested guidelines by ram age. Ram Age
Satisfactory Questionable
8-14 months
Ridler, 2012
General Health In order to ensure the ram is keen and ready to breed, he needs to feel good and be in good general health. Soundness of the feet and legs is important to ensure that the ram is ready and willing to mount as many ewes as possible. Limping is a sign that the ram is not pain free. Inspect the hooves and trim them if needed. The teeth should be checked to ensure that the teeth are in good shape and that they still meet the top pad well enough to eat efficiently. Also have a look for any other defects like impaired vision, parasites, pneumonia, abcesses or pink eye. Photo courtesy of Paula Menzies
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Photo courtesy of Paula Menzies
To check testicles, you should palpate the testes with two hands, one on each side at the base of the scrotum. Feel the spermatic cords between the thumb and fingers and gradually move down
the testis to the epididymis. You are checking the tone and for lumps or lesions. Testiclular tone should be firm if the ram is ready for breeding. A softness indicates a problem such as age, injury, infection, heat stress or lack of nutrition. Sperm are stored in the epididymis at the bottom of the testis until needed. A large and firm epididymis indicates good sperm reserves. Any lumps on the testes or epididymis is an indication that the ram may not be producing adequate sperm. The study in Spain also found inflammation and swelling associated with the prepuce and penis in 15.7% of 2-5 year old rams and 22% of rams greater than 5 years old. This type of problem could interfere with a rams willingness to breed even if he has good sperm reserves.
References: Martin GB, Blache D, Miller DW, Vercoe PE 2010. Interactions between nutrition and reproduction in the management of the mature male ruminant. Animal (2010) 4:7, pp1214-1226 Maurya VP, Sejian V, Kumar D, Naqvi SMK 2010. Effect of induced body condition score differences on sexual behavior, scrotal measurements, semen attributes and endocrine responses in Malpura rams under hot semi-arid environment. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 94: e308–e317. Ridler AL, Smith SL, West DM 2012. Ram and Buck Management. Animal Reproduction Science Volume 130: 180-183. Lynn Pezzanite et al. Breeding soundness examinations of rams and bucks. Perdue University extension. Accessed August 13, 2020. https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/as/as599-w.pdf
______L extra saleable milk ______kg’s increased growth ______ % average daily gain ______% less mortality
The annual flock health visit with your veterinarian is a good opportunity to discuss your rams and their breeding ability. Your veterinarian can show you how to assess your rams for potential problems. If you are concerned about the ability of a ram to breed, your flock veterinarian can do a full ram evaluation.
Conclusion It is easy to take rams for granted. They don’t need a lot of care and almost always get the job done. If you are using a group of rams, you may have some free loaders that aren’t pulling their weight. Take an hour, 8 weeks before breeding, and check out your rams. Aim for rams with a condition score of 3.5 with large, firm testicles who are fit and feel good when they are expected to work. OSN
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The Relevance of Animal Health Emergency Management Resources in COVID-19
OVID-19 has certainly demonstrated just how quickly life can change due to forces outside of one’s control. The uncertainty from day to day and for the foreseeable future remains palpable as the human pandemic response continues to evolve and adapt to new knowledge. In Canada’s livestock industry, lessons have been learned due to managing the unanticipated supply chain bottlenecks created by the pandemic’s impact on the agricultural workforce. New insights around the ripple effects from COVID on industry, as well as awareness of the parallel role of measures, like
movement restrictions and contact tracing, in a serious animal disease outbreak, are among the takeaways. Animal Health Emergency Management (AHEM) project spokesperson Mikki Shatosky said there is a growing recognition of the need for preparedness, be it to manage pandemic impacts or a serious animal health threat like Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). “Increasingly, people are actively seeking out ways to protect their animals, staff and livelihood,” she said. “A successful response to any emergency hinges on people being prepared and understanding what they are required to do, to effectively manage their operations.” Producers can have a better understanding of what may occur during a serious animal disease event by using AHEM resources. Developed with and for industry, AHEM’s suite of
SheepBytes ration balancer is web-based software designed for effectively managing nutrition for all types of sheep. Breeding flock owners, feedlot managers and nutritional consultants, across Canada, and internationally, are using SheepBytes to take the guesswork out of balancing cost-effective rations.
What are SheepBytes users saying?
By using SheepBytes, we saved $12-18 per finished lamb without sacrificing performance.
Since using SheepBytes, we’ve noticed an improvement in the overall health of our flock, with fewer disease outbreaks and deaths from unknown causes.
Learn more about what SheepBytes can do for your flock by visiting Easy to Use — Cost Effective — Developed and Used by Ruminant Nutritionists
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
NEW! Training Video! Learn to use SheepBytes Improve your skills in using basic and advanced features Fit lesson modules into your schedule Always available at no cost - anywhere, anytime
Managing nutrition saves money every time you feed.
resources are designed to help producers understand, prepare for, and respond to a major emergency event. The latest version of the producer handbooks are available online for downloaded at animalhealth.ca/ahem/project-resources The latest addition to AHEM’s resources is an online introduction to its popular serious animal disease workshops. A cross-country rollout of this free and informative hour-long webinar started July 28 and runs to September 8. The webinar showcases the AHEM producer handbook and association plan and the in-depth scenario exercises. The schedule is available at https://animalhealth.ca/ahem/workshops/ AHEM resources ensure a consistent approach to managing a major disease event from the grassroots producers and their provincial associations to national industry groups and governments. The goal is to enable a more coordinated response to unanticipated emergency situations, Shatosky said. And while an emergency might mean that little goes according to plan, the heightened awareness of proactive actions at the individual farm level found in AHEM webinars and workshops means producers can respond effectively. “Envisioning scenarios and “what ifs” in the webinars and workshops and discussing or role playing with other involved participants ensures that everyone understands their roles
and responsibilities — importantly who does what, when and with whom.” In addition to providing new resources and creating awareness of these resources, AHEM is developing industry protocols and offering online disease recognition and response training for veterinary professionals. The human pandemic has many familiar lessons for the livestock industry. Remember, all it takes is one sick sheep or pig anywhere in Canada to spark a serious animal disease outbreak that would put the livestock industry at a standstill, and it’s anyone’s guess for how long. The disruption to production cycles, shipments of animals and products, livestock in transit, the delivery of feed and other essentials would be reminiscent of the backlogs we saw with COVID-19 in processing plants. The AHEM project is part of ongoing joint efforts between industry and governments to strengthen and protect the 79,000+ livestock operations across the country and help to ensure a sustainable industry. For more information on the AHEM project, please visit www.animalhealth.ca/ OSN
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OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Pregnancy Test Research
Dr. Susan Markus, Livestock Research Scientist, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Seyed Ali Goldansaz, PhD candidate and research associate,University of Alberta and Olds College
ighly accurate and commercially viable pregnancy and litter size tests for ewes are not yet widely accessible nor affordable for all sheep producers. Currently, the gold standard and only available option for early ewe pregnancy detection is ultrasound. However, that may soon change. Research completed by University of Alberta and Alberta Agriculture and Forestry scientists, with funding from the Alberta Lamb Producers, Ontario Sheep Farmers, Canadian Sheep Breeders Association and Alberta Agriculture and Forestry Strategic Research and Development fund, has discovered and validated promising blood biomarkers. These biomarkers, detected through metabolomics technology, are predictive for both pregnancy and litter size at 50 days into pregnancy. Long story short, these results suggest that drawing a few drops of ewe blood, at least 50 days after breeding, can accurately detect absence or presence of pregnancy and the number of lambs to expect.
Potential Benefits of this New Technology As a flock manager, you know that fertility is of utmost importance as one open ewe, if undetected, can literally eat up the profits of several pregnant ewes in the flock. This is exactly why the research project was designed – to develop a test to detect at earlier than 60 days into pregnancy not only if an ewe is pregnant or not, but if she is, how many lambs she’s carrying. Ultimately, it’s the number of ewes bred and confirmed pregnant, the lambing rate and the survival rate of these lambs that are the most important factors in determining sheep productivity and the economic efficiency of a lamb production enterprise. By detecting and culling open ewes, or rebreeding them, and improving the nutrition of ewes that deliver more viable and healthy lambs, we anticipate flock profitability is increased by $2.5 for every $1 invested in ewe nutrition as a result of using this tool. In addition, feed costs are reduced by adjusting feed based on pregnancy requirements and preventing blind feeding of all animals with the same ration. Single lambs tend to have large birth weights with more dystocia issues while triplets tend to have poor birthweights with low survivability. Ewes giving birth to triplets have increased risks of pregnancy toxemia
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and hypocalcaemia, which result in high mortality rates in ewes. Knowing the litter size at early stages of pregnancy also offers the opportunity to maintain ewe health and welfare https://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/ since both over or site_images/article_thumbnails/reference_guide/pregnancy_ underfeeding can be tests_ref_guide/493x335_pregnancy_tests_ref_guide.jpg avoided. Moreover, epigenetics and nutrigenomics research have proven that adjusting maternal feed based on pregnancy requirements programs the progeny to be healthier and http://www.alcopro.com/images/products/1-dipping%20 ckpt%20muti%20in%20urine.JPG physiologically more sound than the average lamb.
Ewe nutrition in the last 8 weeks of gestation is critical as it impacts lamb survivability. Typically, 95% of singles, 79% of twins and only 67% of triplet born lambs survive the first week of life. Assuming variation in breed type and a 15% cull rate (Statistics Canada, 2020) 437 000 Canadian ewes are exposed to breeding in a year with 20% of these ewes expected to bear triplets or more lambs in one litter. Thus, 87 400 ewes at a cost of $961 400 ($11/ewe/year increased nutrition) will potentially yield 12% more lambs at weaning. Canadian lamb sales increase by $2.5 million if we can identify those prolific ewes at 50 days gestation and sort them into management groups for feeding.
Research Results The research team identified and validated 5 blood components that differentiated between ewes that were open and those that were pregnant. At day 50 of pregnancy, we were also able to identify if the pregnant ewe would deliver a single, twins or triplet lambs. If a farmer is interested in precisely knowing how many lambs a pregnant ewe will deliver, we can use 2 specific biomarkers to identify ewes with a single lamb and 6 different specific biomarkers to identify pregnant ewes carrying twins. All other pregnant ewes that do not test positive for these two sets of biomarkers would automatically be categorized as pregnant ewes carrying triplets or more. These results were identified and validated using a total of six different flocks, 4 in Alberta and 2 in Ontario. Comprehensive statistical analyses are currently being conducted and evaluated to confirm the accuracy of the statistical methods used. These results, though promising, suggest more work needs to continue to bring the tool to commercialization for industry use.
The Next Steps Once the prototype kit has been confirmed and replicated in field studies (under various management practices, different breeds, different environment conditions, and at different times of the year), the yet-to-be-developed test kit would be modelled after a human pregnancy test. In this case, you
would perform an ear pinch to collect blood. The blood sample would instantly react with the biomarker panel on the hand held, chute-side test to determine if she’s pregnant and predict with how many lambs, so she could immediately be sorted into management and/or feeding groups. Anyone could operate the device without needing any technical experience, scientific knowledge or waiting days for results. The cost of this test per animal would remain constant and independent of the location of the farm and the number of animals in the flock. Therefore, producers with any size of a flock can afford this service making this technology widely available. Whether you have five pregnant ewes or 500, and whether you’re located in rural areas or closer to the city, you’ll still be able to detect pregnancy and litter size in your sheep. The test kit is also expected to offer a similar consistency and accuracy of detection. We would like to acknowledge the central & southern Alberta and Ontario producers who have been collaborating on these projects, providing access to their animals and facilities. Furthermore, our relationships with various academic institutions including Guelph University, Olds College, Lakeland College and Laval University has made the sheep projects multidimensional. We hope these research efforts will soon make a difference on farm and enhance the growth of our sheep industry. Stay tuned for more exciting news on protype development as our research continues! OSN
Zuidervaart Agri-Import LTD 5259 HWY 8 NOK-1NO Mitchell Ontario E-mail zuid-agri@quadro.net Tel.: 519-393-8290
Ideal Sheep and Goat equipment Custom fabrication available! Visit our website for a complete product list for all your sheep handling needs
Selfclosing feedgate; Lambs can’t get through, no loss of silage and hay.
Feeding racks, hanging or attached on a wall
Crowding tub and work schute
Maternity fences with wood, mesh wiring and synthetic casing
Turning crate sideways for hoof trimming
Creepfeeder 2.45 mtr + 1.25 mtr with safety hurdle OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Finance Options for Ontario Sheep Farmers Eric Weber, OMAFRA
nderstanding how your farm business will be financed is an important factor to being successful. It is crucial when there are uncertain times that you have a full grasp on how your farm business is financed and what your financing options are if you need to access more capital. In this article we are going to examine what are some of your options are and how they can be used on your farm business.
Advanced Payment Program – Crop and Livestock
The Advanced Payment Program (APP) is administered by the Agriculture Credit Corporation and is used by farmers to help finance their crop and livestock input costs. The maximum loan request is $400,000 with the first $100,000 interest free and the remaining $300,000 at prime rate of interest. This program will provide funds up to 50 per cent of the market value of your crop or livestock. The APP loan is repaid once the crop or livestock has been sold. Due to recent changes, the maximum loan requests have changed based on what crop or livestock you produce, contact the Agriculture Credit Corporation for more details. For more information about the APP program, you can call 1-888-278-8807 or visit: https://www.agcreditcorp.ca/advance_payments_program
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Commodity Loan Program – Crop only
The Commodity Loan Program (CLP) is very similar to the APP. The maximum CLP loan is $750,000 with a prime rate of interest. There is no interest free component of the CLP loan. The value of the CLP loan is based on 75 per cent of the market value of your crop. Livestock is not eligible for the Commodity Loan Program. For more information about the CLP program you can visit: http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/ english/busdev/facts/commodityloanguaranteeprogram.htm
Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (CALA)
– Equipment, Building, Land, Refinancing The Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (CALA) is a government backed loan program provided by the federal government but administered through financial institutions. The program allows for government backed loans of up to $500,000 for farmers depending on the purpose of the loan. Interest rates can be cheaper than traditional commercial loans. For more information about this program and how and where you can apply, please visit: https://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/ agricultural-programs-and-services/canadian-agriculturalloans-act-program/
Lines of Credit
– Crop and Livestock A line of credit is used to provide funding to cover cash flow shortages, or inventory that would be sold within a year. Most lines of credit have variable interest rates depending on the contract. The payment terms of a line of credit are usually interest only. From a tax perspective, interest that was paid on a line of credit is fully deductible. Most financial institutions offer line of credit products to farmers.
Equipment Leases – Equipment only
Another financing option is to lease equipment. There are two main types of equipment leases: operating or capital. An operating lease is where you would pay monthly payments but do not own the asset. In a capital lease, there is a monthly payment as well as a buyout option at the end of the lease. If you choose to own the asset, you complete the buyout option which can be as low as a $1.00 payment, depending on the lease agreement. A capital lease would appear on your balance sheet, where as an operating lease would only show up on the income statement. Most leases that are used in the agriculture industry are capital leases. From a tax perspective, you do not own the piece of equipment, until you make use of the buyout option in a capital lease. Over the life of the lease (capital or operating), the monthly payments would be fully deductible.
Selecting the Best Option for Financing One of the most important factors that will need to be considered when looking at financing options is debt suitability. Debt suitability is ensuring that the terms of the debt are similar to the life of the asset. For example, using your line of credit to purchase a new combine would lead to a cash crunch in the future as the life span of a combine is longer than one year. But using the line of credit to purchase lambs would be more suitable as the timeline to raise lambs would be within that one-year period. Not matching the terms of the debt to the lifespan of the asset, increases the risk that a farmer will have to suddenly pay the remaining balance of the debt. In the case of purchasing a combine, a term loan or lease would be more suitable than using a line of credit. In conclusion, there are multiple options available to sheep farmers on how to finance various aspects of your operation. Talking with your lender or farm business advisors can help you determine what the best options are for your farm business. OSN
Term Loans
– Crop, Livestock, and Equipment Term loans are normally amortized over a period of one to ten years. Term loans are mainly used to purchase equipment, but can be used to purchase crop inputs, feed, or livestock depending on the length of the loan. Interest rates for term loans can be variable or fixed depending on the agreement. Depending on the loan, payments can be made bi-weekly, monthly, semi-annually, or annually. In addition, payment terms can be either blended payment (principal and interest) or interest only with the balance of the loan paid at the end of the term.
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Total Livestock Marketing OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
The National Farmed Animal Health and Welfare Council is pleased to announce the release of the new and improved Canadian Livestock Transport (CLT) training program The New CLT program content aligns with current best practice and evolving legislative requirements.
Program Specifics
The Canadian Livestock Transpo program aligns with our national Code of Practice for the Transport Poultry.
CLT is an easily accessible, standa humane animal transportation ce recognized throughout Canada a
Focussing on key topics such as a for transport, animal behaviour an regulations, and contingency man module training program provide certification for those with roles a animal transport.
The CLT course provides instructi transportation and handling of po of livestock species including catt bison and elk.
The training is beneficial for livest transporters, producers, handlers crews, receivers, dispatchers, regu involved in the production system
04.08.2020 2 0 OSN
September 2020
Please check our webs the CLT program! To le please visit www.lives
NEW PRICING! The Livestock or Poultry training is now priced at $200 and certification is valid for 3-years.
ort (CLT) certification standards of care, the tation of Livestock and
Two training programs â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Livestock and Poultry (livestock includes cattle, sheep, hogs, bison and elk). The poultry module now includes turkeys, chickens and ducks.
ardized program offering ertification that is and the United States.
animal welfare, fitness nd handling, laws and nagement, the sixes critical information and and responsibilities in
All training is fully accessible on a new and improved user friendly on-line learning platform. Use your computer or your smartphone!
ion and best practices for oultry as well as a number tle, sheep, horses, hogs,
tock and poultry s, catchers and loading ulators and others who are m.
Health of Animals Act Part XII
All participants who successfully complete the training will receive a CLT certification card that is valid for three years.
The Health of Animals Act Part XII outlines that training is required for all commercial transporters. All CLT training materials reflect the February 2020 regulatory changes to the humane transportation requirements under the Health of Animals Regulations. CLT certification is an essential investment for industry professionals who intend to transport animals between Canada and the US.
site for new program updates as we continue to enhance earn more about the program or register for training, stocktransport.ca.
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Introduction to Small Ruminant Production Course: New Format Now Launched
Madeline Colville, Small Ruminant Assistant, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
re you interested in getting started in small ruminant production? Or do you know someone who is? In an effort to facilitate education and knowledge transfer, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) in partnership with Ontario Sheep Farmers (OSF) is offering an online Introduction to Small Ruminant Production Course.
“The new online course features 16 different modules, with videos, handouts, quizzes, surveys and online farm tour suggestions. A course certificate is available once completing the course.” The course covers both sheep (meat, fibre and dairy) and goat (meat, fibre and dairy) species, providing an overview of each sector and introductory concepts. The new online course features 16 different modules, with videos, handouts, quizzes, surveys and online farm tour suggestions. A course certificate is available once completing the course.
Screen shot of the course, course instructor Delma Kennedy, OMAFRA pictured here
Screen shot of the course, course instructor Jillian Craig, OMAFRA pictured here
The new course can be completed from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. It takes on average seven to eight hours to complete and can be viewed in multiple sittings. The course was launched on August 20, 2020 and is now available to interested participants. The course is $30 per participant and pre-registration is required. Please note that no last-minute cancellations can be made once registered. To sign up for the course visit OSF’s professional development portal located at www.learning-ontariosheep. thinkific.com/ and select the Introduction to Small Ruminant course where you will be asked to create a new account for your student profile. On the registration page you will be able to make your payment for the course. Once this is done you will be registered and able to start the course. Should you have any questions or problems with registration do not hesitate to contact OSF at admin@ontariosheep.org or call at 519 836 0043. Online module topics include: 1. Introduction 2. State of the industry – sheep 22
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An example of a video excerpt from the health module. In this module, a handout of the slides is also available along with a wrap up quiz after the video is viewed
3. State of the industry – goats 4. Organizations and Legislation 5. Genetics and Selection 6. Health 7. Handling 8. Infrastructure 9. Reproduction and Production Systems 10. Pasture Management 11. Nutrition 12. Lambing/Kidding 13. Marketing and Processing 14. Economics and Record Keeping 15. Online Farm Tours 16. Wrap Up
Production Insurance Feasibility Study
arlier this summer, the Ontario Sheep Farmers (OSF), received the final report on the Production Insurance project that they had been engaged in. The project was designed to evaluate the feasibility of the development of an insurance program for sheep and considered several designated feasibility criteria including requirements for a potential program:
a result, considerable additional effort was expended to attempt to offer a pathway that could ultimately support a program for the benefit of Ontario Sheep producers. Based on many fundamental challenges to feasibility, production insurance for sheep is deemed impractical. The study found that mortality insurance could eventually become feasible if the following conditions could be met:
• Be ratable and operable in an actuarially sound manner;
1) Substantially greater volumes of mortality data were collected support ratemaking;
• Moral hazards must be avoidable or controllable; • Customers must not be able to select insurance only when conditions are adverse; • There must be enough interest for the risk to be spread over an acceptable pool of insureds; • There must be no potential for beneficial gain; and • The perils affecting production must be identified and categorized as insurable and non-insurable. OSF partnered with Watts & Associates (W&A) to conduct three on-site listening sessions throughout Southern Ontario sheep production regions in September of 2019. In the several months that followed, W&A made strenuous attempts to collect and obtain data to support evaluation of insurable risks. In addition to two separate OSF surveys, data were collected from OSF, Stats Canada, GenOvis, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and even individual sheep farmers in Ontario. When these data were found to be insufficient to support robust statistical analysis, additional inquiries and data requests were provided to all the afford referenced data sources. In addition to quantitative analysis, a thorough literature review was conducted to assist in the development of risk profiles and to differentiate potentially insurable and uninsurable risks. Based on stakeholder feedback, W&A worked to determine what types of production insurance garnered both producer interest and were potentially feasible. Ultimately, two primary classifications of potential sheep insurance programs were considered in detail; Production (average daily gain) Insurance and Mortality Insurance. Based on the simple consideration of the feasibility criteria, neither option meets the standard for feasibility at the present time based on several independent and confounding issues fundamental to the offer a viable insurance product. These issues are not unique to Ontario and indeed are present in livestock industries worldwide; no model for a successfully deployed insurance program for sheep production was identified anywhere. W&A does not believe a blanket infeasibility finding provides much value to the Ontario sheep industry. As
2) Participating sheep farmers commit to provide detailed production and mortality data on an ongoing basis to support future experiential ratemaking; 3) Program deductibles could be set to compensate only unusual losses; 4) Coverage cannot attach to lambs until they are 50 days of age; 5) Compensation levels for lost lambs be set below their actual market value; and 6) Farmers commitment to best management practices. Based on the findings of this project, the OSF has gone back to the producers who participated in the listening sessions to see if they would be willing to collect and provide data to the OSF. Participants came back and said yes, only if it DIVISION OF GAMBLE & ROGERS LTD. did not take too much time, and did not cost them money. Given this TUESDAYS feedback, the OSF 9:00 A.M. will be investigating Fed Cattle, Bulls & Cows affordable and efficient ways to THURSDAYS collect data from 8:00 A.M. producers. Drop Calves, Veal, Pigs,
Funding for this project was secured from the AgriRisk Initiative Program under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. OSN
Lambs, Goats & Sheep FRIDAYS 10:00 A.M.
519-887-6461 www.brusselslivestock.ca OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Campaign for Wool Matthew J. Rowe, CEO of The Campaign for Wool in Canada
ool is one of the most enduring fibres in human history. Since the stone age, wool has provided a natural and sustainable resource to shield us from the elements and bring warmth to our homes. It boasts an endless array of technical properties. Wool regulates temperature, inhibits the growth of bacteria, it resists flame, protects from UV rays, and is resilient and elastic. If wool was invented today it would be hailed as a miracle of modern science.
Ten years ago, HRH The Prince of Wales (Prince Charles) saw farmers around the world suffering from a prolonged depression in the price of wool and the rise of fast fashion with its reliance on cheap, synthetic fabrics. While synthetics made from petroleum products have been with us for a few decades, it’s only now that we are appreciating the dangers that they pose to us and our planet.
“Together we looked at whether it might be possible to start a Campaign to remind people of the absolute essential importance of wool - one of Nature’s great gifts.”
Beyond practicality, it’s also beautiful. Wool can be spun, woven and felted into an unlimited range of forms. It holds dye better than other fibres meaning richer, deeper colours while providing structure and durability. It’s no wonder that the finest suits, the choicest rugs, the coziest blankets are all made of wool. Yet despite all these strengths, wool has been struggling.
~ HRH The Prince of Wales For example, synthetic carpets and upholstery release noxious gases that have been shown to make people sick and synthetic clothing is often treated with chemicals that disrupt hormones. However, the biggest impact is turning out to be laundry. When we wash synthetic clothes, they shed tiny micro-fibres which pass through treatment filters and end up in our watersheds. It is estimated that over a third of all the microplastics in the oceans come from laundering synthetic garments. Wool also sheds fibres when washed, but those break down naturally and safely into the environment. The time was right for The Campaign for Wool, with the leadership of its Royal patron, to educate consumers once more on the benefits of wool and encourage them to choose natural fibres in all aspects of their lives. The Campaign was launched in Canada a few years later in May 2014 during The Prince and The Duchess of Cornwall’s visit to Pictou, Nova Scotia. Canada’s first wool week followed that Fall with events hosted by our founding retail partners Holt Renfrew, Pink Tartan & Joe Fresh. Since its debut, the Campaign has reached millions of Canadians with its message promoting the wonders of wool. Our partnerships have showcased Canadian fashion, art and design, educated through activations at the Royal Ontario Museum and the Royal Winter Fair and provided opportunities for Canadian sheep farmers to show-off their farms and flocks. The Campaign has worked with major fashion designers, woolgrowers, retailers, manufacturers,
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Ovis+aries is a work by Toronto Photographer Sage Szkabarnicki-Stuart and was shot with the support of The Campaign for Wool at Chassagne Farm in Puslinch, Ontario. Prints available from the Henderson Lee Gallery (https://hendersonleegallery.com)
artisans and interior designers from across Canada and around the globe to celebrate wool’s endless myriad of uses.
at Creative Matters of Toronto. The wool used comes from one of Canada’s last woolen mills, Briggs & Little of New Brunswick
Our mission has become even more pronounced in the age of Coronavirus as we all re-evaluate the ways that we’ve been living and strive for a life more in harmony with the world around us. In response, we’ve expanded our activities claiming all of October as Global Wool Month. Our projects include:
• In honour of the global Campaign’s 10th anniversary, we’ve commissioned Manitoba fibre artist Rosemarie Péloquin to create a sculpture bust of The Prince of Wales completely out of Canadian wool
• A renewed Holt Renfrew and Ogilvy designer capsule collection with garments created by Canadian labels Smythe and LINE, using fabric from iconic British mills Harris Tweed and Abraham Moon • Showcasing the beauty of Canadian wool with a collection of 100% Canadian wool, hand-knotted, fair-trade certified carpets designed by HGTV’s Sarah Richardson and the team
For the future we are looking to grow beyond media events and retail projects and develop a strategic plan focused on supporting Canadian woolgrowers while nurturing opportunities for adding value to Canada’s clip. We want your help to shape that future and welcome your ideas and enthusiasm. We are grateful to Ontario Sheep for being a partner of ours from the very beginning and hope to build a deeper and more engaged relationship as we build a woollier future for all. OSN OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
NEW: GenOvis: moving to a rolling base - what are the advantages? By AmĂŠlie St-Pierre, AHT, GenOvis users support and development, CEPOQ
he basis of a genetic evaluation program is to compare the performance of animals against each other to determine which ones have the best genetic potential. To do this, a genetic program must utilize a reference population. This population will be the starting point (value 0) of the breeding values. This value can either be fixed in time or on a rolling base. Each of these types has its advantages and disadvantages. A genetic program that always refers to the same animals to publish breeding values is called the fixed base. The reference base is usually set for a particular year (e.g. all animals born in 2010) and updated periodically (e.g. every 10 years). On the other hand, a genetic program that adds new or removes old animals at each evaluation or each year, is called the rolling base.
Fixed Base
The problem with a fixed base is that every 10 years, when the base is updated, large variations in breeding values of animals are observed due to the significant change in the reference population. If breeders increased 10 points in an index over 10 years, all animals would experience an average drop of about 10 points in their index value when the reference population is updated. These significant variations are difficult to understand for both breeders and buyers. The variations do not mean that the animals are less efficient. It is only that the index value decreases due to the fact that the animals are now compared to younger and better performing animals. The genetic gain trends show good improvement over 10 years, but the indexes and EPD values will be much lower when the reference population is updated. The decreases only happen at the time of the new reference population integration.
The fixed base shows the genetic progress made over a fixed period. The reference base is updated approximately every 10 years. The breeding values tend to increase over time since new animals, with better genetic potential, obtain better breeding values compared to the older animals in the database. Breeders and buyers can see the genetic progress made year after year by the increase in breeding values. When genetic selection is performed well, breeders can progress by about 1 index point per year. Over 10 years, this represents 10 index points.
Rolling Base
Graph 1: Significant variations in breeding values due to fixed base updated over a 10-year period.
Graph 2: Variations in breeding values under rolling base
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The rolling base allows comparison with more recent animals. The breeding values will increase slower, compared to the fixed base, as the reference population changes year after year to keep only the most recent animals. Although genetic gains are more difficult to observe on new animals when compared to a fixed base, the animals are compared to better performers since new animals are added and older animals are removed from the reference population each year.
Breeders and buyers will not see the EPD and index values increase as much as with a fixed base; however, they have the great advantage of not experiencing large variations in breeding values every 10 years. Annual adjustment of the reference population will avoid large variation in the breeding values (e.g. avoid a 10 index points loss when updating the reference population when using a fixed base (graph 2). The genetic gain trends show good improvement over 10 years, but the indexes and EPD values are much more stable when the reference population is updated. These decreases happen every year, at the time of the new reference population integration, but are very small. FIXED BASE
• Animal performance is compared to animals born in 2010.
• Animal performance is compared to animals born 10 years ago.
• As long as the reference population remains 2010, the average breeding values of new lambs tend to increase.
• When updating the base, breeding values will decrease a bit.
• When updating the base, breeding values of each animal will decrease significantly.
• Genetic gain will be less noticeable when looking at the individual breeding values.
• Updated every 10 years.
• Updated every year.
In order to prevent breeders and buyers from being disappointed by large variations in their animal breeding values every 10 years, the GenOvis program will move to a rolling base starting January 2021. Reference population in rolling base to be implemented in GenOvis YEAR
Thus, every January 1st, the reference population used in the calculation of breeding values will be moved by one year to always use animals born 10 years ago as a reference point. A variation in breeding values will be observed once a year in January, when the update is done, but the magnitude of change will be much less than updating the fixed base every 10 years. In addition, animals will now be compared with newer animals and genetic evaluations will better reflect the genetic potential of lambs born during the year. This will be a great improvement for users. OSN
OSF 2020 Fall Webinar Series OSF Annual Conventions is being replaced with a series of webinars this fall. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Neil Sargison. Neil is Professor of Farm Animal Practice at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He has substantial practical experience of farm animal veterinary practice, working with beef cattle and small ruminants in the north east of Scotland, New Zealand and Midlothian. Neil has developed a specialist interest in small ruminant health and production. He has written a textbook, ‘Sheep Flock Health - A Planned Approach’, which outlines a practical and rational approach to the diagnosis and management of sheep diseases, and has contributed papers to other sheep, cattle, animal welfare and veterinary parasitology textbooks. Neil’s principal research interests and primary undergraduate teaching responsibilities are in the field of veterinary parasitology, and he has published widely in this field. Neil stays active in veterinary professional development as well. He is president of the European College of Small Ruminant Health Management, former president of the Sheep Veterinary Society special interest division of the British Veterinary Association. Past Scientific organiser of the 9th International Sheep Veterinary Congress, 2017. In the Fall Webinar Series Neil will address the topic Can we use disease incidence to fine-tune our on-farm flock health management?
Other Fall Webinar Series Topics • Lamb Survival in Intensive Rearing Conditions • Improving performance & profitability with on-farm data, UK experience • Effective Management Options for Iceburg Diseases (Maedie Visna, Johnes, Caseous Lymphadenitis) Webinars will be held on Thursdays (noon or 7:30 pm) beginning the first Thursday in November. Look to the Messenger, social media, email, and OSF the OSF website at www.ontariosheep.org/events for full details as they are finalized. OSN
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
2020 Ontario Sheep Farmers Annual General Meeting Going Virtual in 2020 AGM Details
Fall Speakers Series
Due to the on-going Covid-19 situation, Ontario Sheep Farmers (OSF) Board of Directors made the difficult decision to cancel this years in-person Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Convention. This event was previously scheduled to be held over two days at the Nottawasaga Resort in Alliston, Ontario.
Even though the AGM was moved to an online format, the board still wanted to provide an opportunity for producers to take part in a variety of educational sessions on the topic of Animal Health. A decision was made by the OSF board to replace the convention component of the AGM with a webinar series of speakers held weekly, with some sessions in the afternoon and evening.
This year’s AGM will be held virtually over Zoom on Friday October 23rd at 12 noon and will last approximately 2 hours. This year the AGM will not be taking any resolutions at the virtual AGM however, resolutions are welcomed at any time during the year and may be sent to the OSF board via the district choosing to send them. Please see the draft Agenda below, more details will be share via The Messenger, on social media and hosted on the OSF website in the coming weeks.
At the time of putting together the September issue of this publication those details were still being finalized. More details on the fall speaker’s series can be found on page 27 of this publication or on the OSF website at www.ontariosheep. org/Fall%20Speakers. Final details will be announced over The Messenger, and on social media in the weeks to come. OSN
2020 Ontario Sheep AGM Draft Agenda • Friday, October 23rd, 2020 12:30pm
Welcome and Introductions
Convene Ontario Sheep Farmers Annual General Meeting • Adoption of agenda • Approval of 2019 annual meeting minutes
Amy Cronin, Chair, Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission
Chair’s report
Review of 2019/2020 audited financial statements • Approval of 2019/2020 financial statements • Appointment of auditors for 2021
Presentation of 2020/2021 budget • Approval of 2020/2021 budget
2019 Resolutions Report
Adjournment of annual meeting
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Ontario Wool Map A searchable database of wool producers, wool products and processing mills.
To be listed on the map visit www.OntarioSheep.org/wool.
Ontario wool, wool products, processing mills and more Search by county, breed, and fibre type, colour and form Search for mills to process wool
Resources for farmers - preparing, grading, and handling your wool
www.OntarioSheep.org/wool Ontario Wool Map Partners Shepherd's Hill Farm Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Consumption Preferences
Market Processor Needs
Public Auction Market Impact
Leg of lamb, stews and curries are in favour with the colder weather
Steady demand for heavier lambs/sheep with some Orthodox Christmas demand.
Lower market volumes generally.
Leg of lamb, stews and curries are in favour with the colder weather
Lower demand.
Lower market volumes and demand generally.
Easter holiday inventory buildup.
Growth in supply following winter, with Easter demand increase.
Roast lamb is a main festive meal for European (Italian, Portuguese, and Greek) heritages.
Healthy young lambs. (under 60 lbs live weight; ideally milk fed and fat)
Higher market demand in the 2-3 week period before holiday.
Numbers of lambs under 65 lb begin to increase in three weeks before Easter, and peaks during the week before Easter. Numbers of 65-79lb lambs will increase during this time as well.
Hint: check local auction schedules for ‘special’ Easter sale dates!
Traditionally must be processed under Kosher laws.
Healthy finished lambs. (up to 64 lbs live weight; ideally milk fed and fat)
Steady market. A limited influence.
Start of barbeque season which Is more frequently featuring Ontario lamb.
Moderate demand. Processors see an increase in barbequing lamb demand from May to August. This will push some demand from May through late July.
Commonly higher supply and slightly higher but still moderate demand. Later month leads into Ramadan commencement.
Easter Good Friday (Christian) 1 day April 10
A peak sale period in year.
April 8 to April 16
Passover (Jewish) 8 days
April 24 to May 23
Ramadan (Islam) 1 month (daylight fasting)
Some celebrations will occur prior to start of Ramadan.
Weaned market lambs (70 – 90 lbs live weight)
A moderate market factor for week leading into Ramadan.
May 24
Eid al-Fitr (Islam) Festival of Fast Breaking
Celebrations occur during the fast break period which will feature lamb products.
Weaned market lambs (70 – 90 lbs live weight) Lower demand for heavy lambs.
A moderate market factor for week leading into end of Ramadan.
Eid ul Adha (Festival of Sacrifice, Eid) (Islam) 1 day
Eid, the festival of sacrifice, is one of the most important observances in the Islamic faith.
Weaned market lambs (70 – 90 lbs live weight); heavier older lambs are also in demand.
High market demand in period leading up to holiday. Peak demand is in week preceding holiday.
(This may be referred to as Qurbani, though this refers to the act of animal processing.)
Lambs should be under a year of age and be unblemished. Blemishes may include open wounds, torn ears or other physical unsoundness. Wethers and lambs with docked tails may not be acceptable to some buyers.
Note: There is a high activity level of private holiday sales sought by families for this important celebration period.
Ending to barbeque season, leads into Eid holiday period.
Lower demand for heavy lambs. Lower consumer demand with end of summer barbeque season and lead-up to Eid.
Lower early demand for light and heavy lambs, will increase in 2-3 week period before Eid.
July 31
A peak sale period in year.
August Muharram (Islamic New Year)
The Islamic New Year is the first day of the Muslim calendar. Mutton is often served as the main course for this holiday meal.
There is no preferred weight for this holiday, although animals should appear healthy.
Steady market. A limited influencer.
August 20
September 19-20
Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year
Lamb is a tradition or symbol of a new beginning.
Forequarters from weaned market lambs (60 – 109 lbs live weight)
Steady market. A limited influencer.
Thanksgiving (Christian)
Not yet a tradition but lamb is a turkey alternative.
Steady demand with slow year over year consumer demand increase.
Steady market. A limited influencer.
Stew/casserole are growing in seasonal popularity.
Lower but steady demand during transition from Thanksgiving into Christmas period.
Lower market volumes and demand.
Chanukah (Festival of Rededication) (Jewish) 8 days
Traditionally must be processed according to Kosher law.
Healthy heavy lambs. (up to 100 lbs live weight)
Usually occurs close to Christian Christmas which leads to high demand.
Christmas Day to New Year (Christian)
Lamb is a feature at Christmas parties (lamb-pops, spiedini, roasts). Leg of lamb, stews and curries are food staples.
Lambs should be freshly weaned (milk fed), 80 lbs, and not older than 3 months of age. Out-of-season breeding is required to produce the favoured type of lamb for this market.
Higher market demand in 2-3 week period preceding holiday.
October 12 November
December 10 – December 18
December 25
A peak sale period in year.
Cull sheep are popular for stew and curry.
This calendar is also available on the OSF website at https://www.ontariosheep.org/religious-ethnic-market-calendar. 30
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Sign up for the Locator – a searchable database for Ontario lamb, mutton, specialty wool, sheep dairy products, breeding stock, and livestock guardian animals.
It’s FREE.
Sign up today To register, visit www.OntarioSheep.org or email admin@ontariosheep.org. PRODUCER/SHEEP OWNER LICENCE FEE REMITTANCE FORM (PRIVATE TREATY SALES)
Ontario’s 3,000 sheep producers are represented by the Ontario Sheep Farmers organization. With a focus on profitability and sustainability, the organization works in the areas of advocacy, industry capacity, research and market development. The organization is funded through a check off (or licence fee) on lamb and sheep marketed in Ontario. Representing the sheep, lamb and wool industries, it was established in 1985 under the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Act. A compulsory check off (licence fee) of $1.80 per head sold or slaughtered in Ontario is payable to the Ontario Sheep Farmers to fund projects and operations supporting the Ontario sheep marketplace. Visit our website (www.OntarioSheep.org) to see your licence fees at work. Auction markets, livestock agents, and processors are to deduct the check off fee from the proceeds payable to a seller, and processors must also assess the licence fee in addition to the slaughter fee. This fee is applicable to each sale or slaughter transaction. Private sales (i.e. a sheep owner to sheep owner sale, sales not done at an auction market, nor to an agent or processor) require licence fee selfassessment and reporting through this remittance form.
Ontario Sheep Farmers 130 Malcolm Road, Guelph, Ontario N1K 1B1 SHEEP/LAMB: FEE IS $1.80 PER HEAD PLUS 13% HST
Producer # __________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________ Prov.: _______________Postal Code: _______________________ Date of Sale: _______________________________
Date Remitted: _____________________________________
# of sheep/lamb sold: _______________________ Lic. Fees (x $1.80=) $ ________________________________ ___________________________________________ PAY BY PHONE USING VISA OR MASTERCARD 519-836-0043
HST# 107800823
Plus 13% HST
$ _______________________________
$ _______________________________
ASSOCIATION DIRECTORY PUREBRED SHEEP BREEDERS OF ONTARIO Joan Finlay, Box 364 Lucknow ON N0G 2H0 • 519-528-2620 • email: psbo.secretary@gmail.com OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Genetic and Health Program Enrollment Listing If you have questions, concerns, or would like more information about these programs please contact the Ontario Sheep office at (519) 836-0043 or email general@ontariosheep.org.
CURRENT PRODUCERS ENROLLED IN THE GENOVIS PROGRAM (AS OF AUGUST 28, 2020) 4S Maple Lane Farm • Kimberly Schneider • (905) 404-7811 5-Star Livestock and Farm Services • Jen & Chris Vervoort • (519) 993-6413 Allinbrook Farms • Neil Allin • (905) 983-5791 Breezy Ridge Farm • Philip & Elizabeth Smith • (905) 478-4280 Brubacher Ovine • Earl Brubacher • (519) 323-4152 Cedar Creek Charollais • Ted & Joanne Skinner • (905) 263-2102 Cedar Grove Farm • Quintin Mc Ewen • (519) 949-4130 Century Lane Farm • Robert & Shirley Graves • (613) 791-2656 Circle R Livestock • Ryan & Romy Schill • (519) 669-4146 Codan Suffolks • Bill & Lynne Duffield • (519) 899-2663 Craigmore Farm • Wayne Kreklewich • (416) 892-0664 Cursio Farms & Arkell Valley • Frank & Ned Cursio • (519) 766-3378 DP Farms • Neil Post • (519) 820-2810 Ewenique Farm • Nathalie Labelle • (613) 290-5405 Fare Vewe Acres • Mark & Betty Bearinger • (519) 323-1760 Jim & Wendy Driscoll • (519) 638-5703 G & L Brien • Gary & Luanne Brien • (519) 674-3846 Gollan Sheep • Tania Gollan • (226) 622-0887 Hutchings Farms • Kevin & Sandra Hutchings • (705) 437-4441 J & J Farms • Ross & Clementine Savasi • (705) 652-7477
Kettle Crest Farm • Art & Sandra Alblas • 519-317-9988 Lamb Lady Farm • Shelagh Finn • (647) 932-7102 Leahy Hill Farm • Clara Leahy • (705) 927-3545 Madertone Farm • Courtney Mader • (705) 313-5882 Maple Meadow Farms • Colleen Acres and Dwayne Bazinet • (613) 826-2330 Meadow Brook Family Farm • Steven A. Ernewein • (519) 392-8624 Our Farm CSA • Katie Ward • 613-797-0601 Prolific Acres Sheep Farm • Charlie Renaud • (705) 322-2140 Rising Oak Farm • Laura Gratrix • 705-305-9275 Schuyler Farms Ltd. • Brett Schuyler • (519) 427-9696 Shepherd’s Fold • Bethanee Jensen • (519) 887-9948 Sheperd’s Grove • Harv & Christine Breman • (519) 879-6579 Shillalah Farm • Florence Pullen • (519) 233-7896 Sloan Brothers • Jacob Sloan • (519) 379-1966 Stonehill Sheep • Paul Dick • (519) 794-3732 Todd Sheep Company Inc. • Keith Todd • (519) 528-2650 Tulach Ard Farm • Sean McKenzie • (905) 786-2476 Woodhurst Farm LTD • Tom Wood • 519-281-9829 Wooldrift Farm • Chris Buschbeck & Axel Meister • (519) 538-2844
CURRENT PRODUCERS ENROLLED IN ONTARIO SHEEP HEALTH PROGRAM (AS OF SEPTEMBER 2020) Asphodel Sheep Company • Todd & Jennifer Payne • (705) 875-5904 Birchgrove Farms • Jason & Kit Koivisto • (705) 782-2276 Circle R Livestock • Ryan & Romy Schill • (519) 669-4146 ITSA Breeze Farm • Tammy Trinkwon • (519) 843-4222
Kettle Crest Farm • Art & Sandra Alblas • (519) 637-0050 Lamb Lady Farm • Shelagh Finn • (647) 932-7102 The Greenhill Farms • Wietze & Leny Raven • (519) 928-2705
FLOCKS WHO HAVE ACHIEVED EITHER “A” OR “MONITORED, LOW RISK” STATUS ON THE MAEDI VISNA PROGRAM (AS OF SEPTEMBER 2020) Achor A Farms • Tim Thomsen & Allison Lange • (506) 538-2835 Autumn Ridge Dairy Sheep • Don & Travis Weber • (519) 573-0915 Beitz View Acres • Cory & Jennifer Beitz • (519) 367-2589 Cedar Creek Charollais • Ted & Joanne Skinner • (905) 263-2102 Century Lane Farm • Robert & Shirley Graves • (613) 831-2656 Cleon M. Martin • 519-323-3519 Hunterdown Farm • Gerald & Joanne Hunter • (613) 283-7565 Lamb Lady Farm • Shelagh Finn • (647) 932-7102
Mark Martin Dairy Sheep • Mark & Rosena Martin • 519 638 3644 Orchardview Farm • Gordon Walker • (519) 287-5085 Robert Pennie • (705) 859-2671 Rider Ridge Ranch • Jill & Tim DeClark • (519) 644-0766 Shepherd’s Fold • Bethanee Jensen • (519) 887-9948 Stonehill Sheep • Paul Dick • (519) 794-3732 Howard & Denise Wideman • (519) 335-6124
Shepherd’s Flock • John Stoltzfus • (519) 773-9569
FLOCKS WHO HAVE ACHIEVED “ENROLLED NEG” STATUS ON THE MAEDI VISNA PROGRAM (AS OF SEPTEMBER 2020) Anthony Numan • (519) 955-2466 Bojudabrook Farms • Robert & Judy Pringle • (519) 794-2579 4S Maple Lane Farm • Kimberly Schneider • (905) 404-7811
Rodney Weber • (519) 291-8801 Kettle Crest Farm • Art & Sandra Alblas • (519) 637-0050
SHEEP PRODUCERS ON THE SCRAPIE PROGRAM (AS OF SEPTEMBER 2020) Century Lane Farm • Robert & Shirley Graves • 1 Certified Codan Suffolks • Lynne & Bill Duffield • 1 Certified DP Farms • Lorraine & Neil Post • 1 Certified Lamb Lady Farm • Shelagh Finn • 1 Certified
Oak Glen Farm • Bridget & Peter Misener • 1 Certified Our Little Flock • Jaime Neeb • 1 Certified WoolDrift Farm • Axel Meister • 1 Certified
For more information visit scrapiecanada.ca/vsfcp/vsfcp-enrolled-producers/.
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Auction Markets and Abattoirs ABATTOIRS NAME Abattoir LeFaivre Inc. Afghan Halal Meat Suppliers Agram 2005 Meats Inc. Al Madina Halal Meat Packers Aman’s Abattoir Apple Meadows Premium Beef Bachert Meats Belle Vallee Meats & Abattoir Bentinck Packers Ltd. Beverly Creek Farm *Bilal Farms Inc. Birch Lake Abattoir Bluewater Meat Packers Brian Quinn’s Meats Ltd. Burt Farm Country Meats Caledon Halal Meat Packers Charles Quality Meats Ltd. Cloverbelt Country Meats Co-operative Cole Bros. Meat Processing Country Fresh Packers Creative Meats Desormeaux Slaughter-house & Meats Inc. Dresden Meat Packers Ltd. Elora Road Meats Ewe Dell Family Farm Farmersville Community Abattoir FGO Organic Processing Ltd. Gord’s Abattoir Ltd. Green’s Meat Market & Abattoir Ltd. Grey County Meats Hank De Koning Ltd. Hanson Meats Harriston Packing Company Ltd. Hastings Meat Market Hay’s Custom Cutting Ltd. Highgate Tender Meats Ltd. Highland Packers Ltd. Hilts Butcher Shop Ltd. Hunter’s Dressed Meats J.J. Meat Distributing Inc. Joe Savage & Fils Abattoir Inc. Johnson Meats Julius Meat Packers Inc. Kawartha Meats Ken R. Mogk L & M Meat Distributing Len and Patti Butcher Block Matar Meats McGarroch of Micksburg Custom Butchering Miedema’s Country Meats Miedema’s Meat Market Ltd. Millgrove Packers Ltd. Mr. Beef Inc. Mount Brydges Abattoir Ltd. Newmarket Meat Packers Ltd.
CITY Lefaivre Schomberg Georgetown Brinston Wellington Mount Forest Walton Belle Vallee Hanover Hamilton Clarence Creek Massey Wyoming Yarker Gore Bay Bolton St. Agatha Oxdrift Picton Tilbury Warren Crysler Dresden Mildmay Woodslee Athens Ingersoll Leamington Wingham Maxwell Port Dover Cayuga Harriston Stirling Campbellford Highgate Stoney Creek Norwood Dunnville Schomberg St. Albert Aylmer St. Anns Little Britain Tavistock Gilford Lindsay Osgoode Pembroke Exeter Embro Waterdown Pakenham Mount Brydges Newmarket
PHONE NO (613) 679-4698 (416) 894-1802 (905) 877-6082 (613) 652-1301 (613) 399-2173 (519) 323-3301 (519) 887-9328 (705) 647-7419 (519) 364-3538 (905) 690-8111 (613) 488-2268 (705) 865-3395 (519) 845-9999 (613) 377-6430 (705) 282-0328 (416) 999-9999 (519) 886-7931 (807) 937-6716 (613) 476-6955 (519) 682-2222 (705) 967-2006 (613) 987-2148 (519) 683-2585 (519) 367-2261 (519) 723-4456 (613) 924-0400 (519) 236-7717 (519) 326-2503 (519) 357-2912 (519) 922-2400 (519) 583-0115 (905) 772-5053 (519) 338-3330 (613) 395-0505 (705) 653-3388 (519) 678-3383 (905) 662-8396 (705) 696-2172 (905) 774-5900 (905) 859-1540 (613) 987-2070 (519) 773-9208 (905) 957-7162 (855) 786-9970 (519) 462-2280 (905) 775-6775 (705) 328-2100 (613) 821-7929 (613) 732-7181 (519) 235-4978 (519) 475-4010 (905) 689-6184 (613) 624-5222 (519) 264-1873 (416) 364-2671
ABATTOIRS NAME CITY Northern Meat Packers and Abattoir Ltd. Trout Creek Norwich Packers Ltd. Norwich Ontario Halal Meat Packers Inc. Milton Otonabee Meat Packers Ltd. Peterborough Palmateer’s Abattoir Ltd. Tweed Parkhill Meats Parkhill Peel Sausage Abattoir Drayton Penokean Hills Farms Bruce Mines Rainy River District Regional Abattoir Inc. Emo Ralph Bos Meats Ltd. Strathroy Reiche Meat Products Ltd. Pembroke Rua Meats Ltd. Foxboro Simcoe Street Meat Packers Oakwood St. Helen’s Meat Packers Ltd. Toronto Stayner Meat Packers Ltd. Stayner Taylor’s Custom Meats Roseneath Teals Pure Pork Sausage Waterford The Beefway Kincardine Thunder Bay Meat Processing Co. (1986) Ltd. Murillo Tom Henderson Custom Meat Cutting Chesterville Townsend Butchers Simcoe Vanessa Meats & Deli Vanessa VG Packers Simcoe Walkerton Meat Market Walkerton Wallace Beef Inc. Joyceville Wall’s Pork Shop Oxdrift Wayne’s Meat Products Inc. Hagersville Weiland Meats Ltd. Petrolia Willie’s Meats Ltd. Troy Windcrest Meat Packers Ltd. Port Perry Zehr’s Country Market Dashwood
Aylmer Stockyards Inc. Brussels Livestock Exchange D.H. Hickson Ltd. Denfield Livestock Exchange Inc. Embrun Livestock Exchange Ltd. Hagersville Auction Centre Kawartha Lakes Community Sale Barn Inc. Keady Livestock Market Ltd. Ontario Livestock Exchange Inc. Ontario Stockyards Inc. Renfrew-Pontiac Livestock Ltd. Temiskaming Livestock Exchange Vankleek Hill Livestock Exchange Ltd
AUCTION MARKETS 8933 Walker Road, RR 1 42857 Newry Road, RR 3 2508 County Road 8, RR 5 12952 Sixteen Mile Road, RR 2 1643 Salebarn Road, 97 First Line, RR 6 580 Woodville Road, RR 3 117012 Grey Road 3, RR 4 856 Weber Street N, 3807 Highway 89, 18156 Highway 17, RR 3 883006 Highway 65 E, RR 3 1239 Ridge Road,
PHONE NO (705) 723-5573 (519) 468-3617 (905) 875-0270 (705) 743-8547 (613) 478-3801 (519) 293-3000 (519) 638-3446 (705) 782-4224 (807) 482-3028 (519) 245-1574 (613) 732-3773 (613) 962-7915 (705) 821-3151 (416) 769-1788 (705) 428-3006 (905) 352-2367 (519) 443-8844 (519) 396-2257 (807) 935-2911 (613) 448-3471 (519) 426-6750 (519) 446-3897 (519) 426-2000 (519) 881-0781 (613) 536-6379 (807) 937-4357 (905) 768-3633 (519) 882-1215 (519) 647-3160 (800) 750-2542 (519) 237-3668
(519) 765-2672
(519) 887-6461
(705) 653-3660
(519) 666-1140
Greely Hagersville
(613) 821-2634 (905) 768-5601
(705) 439-4444
(519) 934-2339
Waterloo Cookstown
(519) 884-2082 (705) 458-4000
(613) 646-7335
New Liskeard
(705) 647-5415
Vankleek Hill
(613) 678-3008
* Bilal Farms – Always looking for quality lambs (70 – 80 lbs) and have a year round market. wzazay@hotmail.com or www.bilalfarms.com
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
District Contacts Look for your district news and events in the Messenger or on the website.
District 1
Counties of Essex, Kent, Lambton, Middlesex, and Elgin Director Ed Post Chair Lindsay Lackey Vice Chair Fraser Hodgson Secretary/Treasurer Hilary Huisman
District 7
226.781.0832 519.764.2442 519.786.4176 519.630.5016
District 2
Counties of Grey and Bruce Director Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer
Jay Lewis Jake Sloan Jay Lennox Olivier Garceau Petra Aeberhard
519.323.7439 519.363.5564 519.374.4055 519.477.1305 519.374.4055
District 8
519.263.2325 519.949.4130 519.625.8809 519.273.6980 519.284.0533
District 9
District 3
Counties of Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Oxford Director Sandi Brock Chair Quintin McEwen Vice Chair Lorraine Follings Secretary Bonnie DeWeerd Treasurer Rick Zimak
District 4
County of Brant, Regional Norfolk and Niagara Director Chair Secretary Treasurer
Municipalities of Hamilton-Wentworth, HaldimandMarusha Kostuk Chris Kyle Juliet Orazietti Monica Roberts
519.865.6874 519.588.7602 905.380.9095 519.755.7487
District 5
Counties of Wellington and Dufferin and the Regional Municipalities of Halton and Peel Director Heather Little 519.843.1675 Chair Anthony Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Atri 519.928.5709 Vice Chair Mike Swidersky 519.370.8586 Secretary Ryan Schill 519.669.4146 Treasurer Bill McCutcheon 519.928.9626
District 6
County of Simcoe, District Municipality of Muskoka and the District of Parry Sound Director John Hemsted 705.487.2466 Chair Grant Cowan 705.436.2236 Vice Chair Shelagh Finn 647.932.7102
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
City of Toronto, Regional Municipalities of York and Durham, City of Kawartha Lakes, and Counties of Peterborough and Northumberland Director Marc Carere 705.340.0759 Chair Ken Lamb 905.985.4247 Vice Chair Jeff Dejong 905-376-9969 Secretary/Treasurer Rebecca Parker 705.277.1711
Counties of Lennox and Addington, Hastings, Prince Edward, Frontenac and Leeds Director Gary Fox 613.393.5258 Chair Phil Botden 613.358.2676 Vice Chair Paul Corrigan 613.885.9301 Secretary/Treasurer Linda Huizenga 613.477.2314
Counties of Renfrew and Lanark, and the Township of West Carleton and the City of Kanata in the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton Director Chris Moore 613.913.4994 Chair Simon Deschamps simcor.contracting@gmail.com Vice Chair Sarah Loten 613.812.0438 Secretary Lyndsey Smith 204.807.5897 Treasurer Katie Ward Chiasson 613.797.0601
District 10
Counties of Russell, Prescott, Glengarry Stormont, Dundas and Grenville, and the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, except the Township of West Carleton and the City of Kanata Director Lee Brien 519.809.5332 Chair Ghislain Mayer 613.330.2856 Secretary Vanessa Durand 613.914.5755 Treasurer Brigitte Meunier-Grimes 613.989.5774
District 11
Counties of Kenora, Rainy River, Thunder Bay, Cochrane, Algoma, Sudbury, Temiskaming, Nippising and Manitoulin Director Colleen Alloi 705.248.3287 Chair Jim Johnston 705.647.7160 Vice Chair Mark Lenover 705.563.2966 Secretary/Treasurer Amy Oriet 705.563.9484 OSN
WANT TO PLACE AN AD? Call Ontario Sheep at 519-836-0043 for ad rates.
Orchardview Farm
Texel Sheep • Top Quality Rams & Ewes • Add Carcass to Any Breed • Maedi Visna Tested
East Friesian X Lacaune Dairy Sheep Continuous supply of breeder rams with high milk numbers and resistance to Maedi Visna & Scrapie. New Lacaune strain available. Maedi Visna A Status flock
Mark & Rosena Martin • 519 638 3644 markmartin@mwpol.ca
SHEARING & CONSULTING Shearing & Tutoring Available Phone (519) 348-4266 Cell (519) 274-2050
e-mail: peter_kudelka@sympatico.ca
Breeding Stock Available Gordon Walker & Family R.R. #2, Glencoe, Ont. N0L 1M0
Sheep and Goat Handling Equipment, Milking Parlours, Penning, Gates, Hay and Grain Feeders, Bale and Feed Carts, Waterers, Full Line of Fencing Supplies, Electric Hoof Trimmers. Enquire about delivery.
Premier breeder at the 2008 Royal Texel Show
DAVE or LIZ 21936, Cherry Hill Road, Thorndale, ON N0M 2P0 519-461-9331 • www.martinsagri.com
Thistlestone Farm
(519) 287-5085
JAKE & SAM SLOAN 501 CON 6 RR#2 CHESLEY ON • N0G 1L0 519-363-5564
TRADITIONAL STYLE DORSETS Featuring Australian, British and recently added ‘NEW’ New Zealand bloodlines. Keith and Mary Lamont 5074 Erin Fourth Line, Acton Ontario L7J 2L8 519-853-1975 • lamont@sentex.net
14 foot metal Smith trailer
Home of Registered Lacaunes Breeding Lambs and Ewe Lambs for Sale
Automatic milk feeders for lambs, kids and calves. New and used available. Parts in stock.
Contact Alvin Weber
Call Naaman Bowman
1 Row New Idea corn picker Large wool rack For more details call Bill (Codan) Duffield
519-291-5882 OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Classifieds EMKE LIVESTOCK Quality N.C. Cheviot & Charollais Sheep
WANT TO PLACE AN AD? Call Ontario Sheep at 519-836-0043 for ad rates.
Gollan Sheep British Milking Sheep
High Yielding and Prolific Great Mothering Instinct Fast Growing Lambs Breeding Stock Available
Breeding age N.C. Cheviot rams for sale Charollais rams available Aug/Sept 2020
Murray Emke & Family
849 25 S.R. Brant RR1 Elmwood, ON, N0G 1S0 Office Manager: Missy Emke-Wright m_wright17@hotmail.com
226-230-1433 www.emkelivestock.webs.com “QUALITY BREEDS QUALITY”
519 669 4146 www.circleRlamb.ca
Strong deep bodied maternal ewes Fast growing lambs High health status flock Meadi Visna A Status Flock Genetic Evaluations (BIO/GenOvis) circle.r.livestock@hotmail.com
Breezy Ridge Rideaus
Tania Gollan
Gorrie, Ontario 226-622-0887 • gollansheep@gmail.com www.gollansheep.com
BRITISH MILKSHEEP are a modern breed established in England in the 1980s. The breed averages 300% lambing and the lambs grow quickly to produce heavy weight, lean carcasses as currently in vogue. While being excellent dairy sheep, they are also effective meat flock improvers. In commercial flocks, half-breds usually produce 0.5 lamb per ewe more. Their milking ability ensures vigorous growth of the extra lambs. British Milk Sheep can increase the profitability of your flock. Available in Ontario from
E&E Bzikot, RR1 Conn Tel./Fax (519) 848-5694 E-mail: ee.bzikot@sympatico.ca
Wholesale and Retail Meats We buy Lambs & Sheep for Slaughter Contact: LOUIS KONTOS 801 DANFORTH AVE., TORONTO, ONTARIO M4J 1L2
TEL: (416) 469-0733 OR (416) 469-1577 FAX: (416) 462-1564
CEDAR CREEK CHAROLLAIS Rideaus Also Available Lower Your Feed Costs With Exceptional Growth Rates GenOvis Tested & Scanned for Muscle & Fat Depth We Have a Closed Flock, Maedi Visna Tested with “A” Status JOANNE & TED SKINNER 2910 Concession Rd. 7, RR 5 Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3K6 Phone: 905-263-2102 Email: charollais@live.ca
Rideau breeders since 1989
WOODEN SHEEP FEEDERS Selected for • Prolific • Hardy • Easy Care Sheep
More Lambs, More Milk, More PROFIT Ongoing Performance TestingPurebred and Commercial breeding stock.
Visit us at rideausheep.com Phil & Liz Smith and Sons, Sutton, ON 905-478-4280
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
FOR HAY OR GRAIN Size: 2ft x 4ft x 8ft Grade Suffolk Sheep • RR #4 Almonte, ON
Joe: 613-620-3258
SHEEP SHEARING Ruco Braat 30+ Years Experience Wool Depot for CCWG Call 705-939-2366 or Email: goldenfleece@nexicom.net
TOP GENETIC SELECTION • SFIP & EweByte based • Maintaining 3 ram lines HIGH HEALTH STATUS • Closed Flock since 1995 • Maedi Visna Status “A” • National Scrapie Program • Ontario Sheep Health Program GLEN & SHARON DUFF R R # 2 , R o c kw oo d, ON , N 0B 2K 0 519-856-9935 Email: rideausheep@sympatico.ca
CEDAR CREEK SCANNING Ultrasound Pregnancy Scanning for Sheep, Goats and Alpacas OLIBS Accredited REBECCA PARKER, VET TECH. 858 Hwy 7A East, RR#1, Bethany ON, L0A 1A0 Mobile: (905) 259-1102 E-mail: middlekingdomfarm@gmail.com
Best time to scan is between 45 and 80 days after introduction of ram.
Country Heart White Dorper breeders Fullblood and Australian lines Champion Ram and Ewes Daniel and Brigitte Martel
819-621-7059 Facebook Bergerie Country Heart
Red Maple
Looking to have your wool processed into a nice wool rug? For pricing and options contact us directly! • Small Ruminant Flock Health Veterinarians Dr. Haelzle and Dr. Topp. • Pregnancy Ultrasounding. • Ultrasounding aids in managing pregnant animal grouping and increases feed efficiency. • Available tools and protocols for Estrus Synchronization can maximize Ewe reproductive performance.
1010 Industrial Cres. St. Clements ON • N0B 2M0 1-800-663-2941 • linwoodvet@linwoodvet.ca
519.807.2295 @redmaplehomestead RedMapleHomestead www.redmaplehomestead.com redmaplehomestead@gmail.com
PUREBRED BREEDING RAM YRLGS: White Dorper (impressive bulk, rapid gain) and St. Croix (quadruplets, maternal excellence, parasite resistance, height/length/ smaller bone for higher meat yield). Commercial Feeder Lambs: Royal White – ready May 2020, robust, fast gain, large carcasses. All sound, UTD maintenance, excellent conformation, clean genetics | Monte Lake, BC | 250-375-2528 | www.harmonyfarmkennelandlamb.com |
• Breeding Stock & F1 Crosses • Closed Flock, Maedi/Visna-Negative • Prolific & High Yielding • Extensive Production Records • Semen and Embryos Approved for Export
Chris Buschbeck & Axel Meister R.R. #3, Markdale, Ontario, Canada N0C 1H0 Telephone (519) 538-2844 Fax (519) 538-1478 Email: wooldrift@bmts.com
Purebred Polled Dorset Stock Genovis Tested Australian and New Zealand influence Genetics designed to work in the pasture and the barn Quintin and Rachel McEwen 519-949-4130 info.cedargrovefarm@gmail.com OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
Rampart Farm & Wool Mill Starter flock imported from US with UK blood lines. BFL is an
Lamb Lady Farm * GenOvis “ TOP RAM 2013” Growth*, Purebred Rideau Closed Flock, GenOvis Ram average index, 97 growth/94 maternal, lambing percentage 2.8, average kg/ewe = 101.5, Maedi-Visna “A” status, Scrapie level “Certified”, OSHP, Vet Certified Breeding Stock available, priced for the commercial producer. Shelagh Finn, 9090 Five Sideroad Adjala, RR#1 Palgrave ON L0N 1P0, 647-932-7102, email: lamblady.finn@gmail.com
English long wool type sheep. The crossing results in hybrid with the strengths of each breed. Lidjia DeAngelis 519.239.4221 lidija.deangelis@gmail.com
BORDER CHEVIOTS J. & J. Farms - Ross Savasi, RR1, Warsaw, ON, 705-652-7477, rossano.savasi@rogers.com. Registered Purebred Stock from US breed lines (Misty Acres and J. Moore). Scrapie tested RR or QR, Vaccinated & GenOvis Performance monitored.
BRITISH MILKING SHEEP Gollan Sheep - Tania Gollan, Gorrie, Ontario. 226-622-0887 gollansheep@gmail.com
Duff Farms Glen & Sharon Duff, RR # 2, Rockwood, ON, N0B 2K0. 519-856-9935. rideausheep@sympatico.ca Top Genetic Selection - currently maintaining 3 ram lines, SFIP and ewebyte information-based. High Health Status - closed flock since 1995, maedi visna tested and participating in the Ontario Sheep Health Program. Golden Fleece Farms Ruco Braat. 171 Lakeview Rd., Bailieboro, ON, K0L 1B0 705-939-2366. goldenfleece@nexicom.net. Purebred Rideau Arcotts Closed Flock.
and East Friesian crosses.
Mulmur Vista Farm Bill McCutcheon, R.R.#2, Grand Valley, ON L0N 1G0, 519-766-7905, Email: wmccutcheon@sympatico.ca. Purebred Rideau closed flock, SFIP tested, Scrapie level certified.
Cedar Creek Charollais Ted Skinner & Sons, 2910 Conc. 7, R.R. #5, Bowmanville, ON,
Prolific Acres Sheep Farm MV Test-Negative. Registered. Excellent mothers, Year Round Breeding, Easy Lambing, Very vigorous newborns, Short-Tailed (no docking required), Shedding coat. Vasectomized ‘Teaser’ Rams and F1 Ewe Lambs (IDFxRV). Charlie Renaud, 2780 Flos Rd. 5 W., Phelpston, ON L0L 2K0. 705-322-2140, prolific_acres@outlook.com. www.prolificacressheepfarm.com
www.gollansheep.com MV tested, purebreds from a milking flock, high growth rates, great mothering, high lambing percentages. Ewe lambs and ram lambs available. BMS purebreds
L1C 3K6. Phone 905-263-2102 Fax 905-263-4388, charollais@live.ca. Heavy muscling, SFIP & MV tested. Increase your dressing percentage.
ILE DE FRANCE Prolific Acres Sheep Farm. MV Test-Negative. Registered. Well muscled, Excellent mothers, Out of Season, hardy fast growing meaty lambs, 180% Lambing Avg, Excellent Terminal Sire Rams & Dual Purpose Females. F1 Lambs (IDFxRV) available. Charlie Renaud, 2780 Flos Rd. 5 W., Phelpston, ON L0L 2K0. 705-322-2140, prolific_acres@outlook.com www.prolificacressheepfarm.com
SHETLAND SHEEP Chassagne Farm. The original flock for North America, imported directly from UK in 1980; available in 11 recognized colours; sheep, fleeces and yarns available. Contact: Carole Precious, Chassagne Farm, Puslinch, Ontario. c.precious@hotmail.com, home: (519) 651-2160, fax: (519) 651-0799.
Gordon Alblas 775 Sager Road, Branchton, Ontario N0B 1L0 Phone: 519-802-6411. Email: gordssheep@gmail.com 94% Ile De France yearling rams with high growth rates and out of
season breeding. Ready to work for you.
McBrien Livestock Rams and ewes for sale. 4-H lambs. All sheep are geno tested. Delivery available. Sean and Deena McBrien Ridgetown, ON 519.437.1874 mcbrien3@ciaccess.com
LINCOLN LONGWOOL ShadowRock Farm Ann Moffat. 5781 Second Line, RR#1 Schomberg. Rare breed, registered white and natural coloured quality breeding stock and fleeces. 2014 Royal: Champion Ewe, Champion Ram, Eph Snell Trophy for Champion Longwool Get of Sire and Reserve Champion Fleece. 905-936-4136. Shadowrockfarm1@gmail.com
POLLED DORSET Jameshaven Dorsets - Canada’s longest established Polled Dorset Flock. ROP and Scrapie resistance tested. Medium Frame, well-muscled purebred Dorsets selected for out of season lambing and maternal traits. Fall and winter born ewe and ram lambs available. New address, same reliable genetics. Shanna and Tyler Armstrong and Jenna James, 865 Garden of Eden Road, Renfrew Ontario K7V 3Z8 Ph. 613-433-8255 pinnaclehaven@gmail.com Century Lane Farm Robert & Shirley Graves, 8647 Flewellyn Rd., Ashton, ON, K0A 1B0, 613-447-2656, rgraves@storm.ca Breeding & Performance. Geared for the Commercial Producer, Registering sheep since 1967, ROP Tested Flock since 1976, OSMA Maedi-Visna Flock Project – ‘A’ Status, Participants on the CFIA Scrapie Certification Program – Level ‘A’. Visit us on Facebook at ‘Century Lane Farm’. Circle R Livestock Ltd. - Registered and Commercial Polled Dorsets. Medium frame Dorsets based from Western bloodlines. Maedi-Visna tested, accelerated lambing flock, high growth rates and lambing percentage with great mothering. Check website or contact for availability of breeding stock. Ryan & Romy Schill - 7489 4th Line RR#2 Wallenstein ON N0B 2S0, 519 669 4146 - circle.r.livestock@hotmail.com • www.circleRlamb.ca
OSN S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0
SUFFOLK Sunrise Farm Joel & Irene Thomas, 477285 3rd Line, Melancthon, ON L9V 1T5 . sunriseangus@xplornet.ca British type, Ram & Ewe lambs available with good performance. Bred for meat & milk. Please call 519-925-5661. Shillalah Suffolks Don & Florence Pullen Box 715 Clinton, ON N0M 1L0 519-233-7896. Bred for traditional meat type and high production. Several British bloodlines now available. Our stud rams carry the R gene for scrapie resistance. GenOvis performance tested. MV test negative. Closed flock.
TEXEL Orchardview Farm Gordon Walker & Family, R.R.#2, Glencoe, Ont. N0L 1M0. 519-287-5085. Texel Rams and Ewes for sale. Maedi Visna Tested. Mulmur Vista Farm Bill McCutcheon, R.R.#2, Grand Valley, ON L0N 1G0, 519-766-7905, Email: wmccutcheon@sympatico.ca. Texel Rams available from French and Dutch Bloodlines. Embryos available, closed flock, SFIP tested, Scrapie level certified.
TUNIS Comfort Tunis - Tunis sheep are a heritage breed that has lots to offer modern sheep production. This breed has so many strengths for any breeder who wants quality sheep on their farm. Our goal is to keep improving the good qualities of the breed: excellent growth rates, attractive muscling, high twinning with easy fleshing and a quiet temperament. Scrapie resistance tested. Mark and Bev Comfort, Cardinal ON. www.comforttunis.com 613-577-3263
2020 OSF Annual Review Doing Things Different in 2020 Advocacy • Successfully lobbied for increased investment of $50 million into the provincial Risk Management Program • Supported Ontario Bill 156 Security from Trespass and Food Security Act and working with the provincial government on regulations • Worked with other livestock commodity groups to provide feedback into the PAWS Act the new Animal Welfare Framework • Collaborated with other organizations on responding to the Freedom of Information request to OMAFRA
Industry Capacity • Created a COVID-19 resource page on the OSF website to assist producers looking for information and resources and increased communications such as The Messenger to weekly during the pandemic. • Started moving our Producer Education programs onto an online portal to assist with professional development and offer self-guided learning opportunities • Created a transportation manifest to assist with record keeping and movement reporting • Continued to support of industry programs – EweGrow, GenOvis, the Ontario Sheep Flock Health Program and the Ontario Maedi Visna Flock Status • Developed two new online producer education courses such as the Parasite Management and Introduction to Small Ruminant Production and will continue to offer both as selfguided online learning into 2021 • Provided a series of webinars on topics that covered benchmarking, transportation, genetics, financial management, and wool. Sessions are available on the OSF website under on the resource page.
Environment • Continued participation in EcoAg – a group of commodity organizations focusing on nutrient management and the environment • Continued partnership with Farm and Food Care on the Real Dirt on Farming such as the benefits of sheep grazing and other events • Continued partnership on the Timing Matters Nutrient Management awareness campaigns and initiatives • Co-Chair of the Ag Sector Working Group and a Member of the Soil Action Working Group
Market Development • Re-activated the Sheep Industry Advisory Committee meetings • Shared OSF’s Licensing Relations Officer position with the Meat and Poultry Ontario • Partnered with Meat and Poultry Ontario on pandemic planning and action • Member of the Minister’s Working Group on Livestock Processing Capacity
• Partnered with Mushrooms Canada and Durham Collage and various Ontario Collages for the annual Chef Challenge event. • Attended several taste of Ontario Premiers events showcasing and sampling Ontario Fresh Premium Lamb • Participated in Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show
Nationally • Continued to build partnerships with Alberta and Quebec sheep farmers supporting the National Sheep Network with other provincial organizations and national commodity organizations • Lobbied for a review of the national Business Risk Management suite of programs • Actively participate in the national transportation w orking group • Provided comments on the National Sheep Codes of Practice review • Active member of the Animal Health Canada Working Group which is tasked with the development and implementation of alternative governance models for animal health in Canada
As we begin the 2020-2021 year the Board of directors are hard at work • Overhauling our strategic plan with direct producer input and participation • Examining the committees and their role to ensure there is board-based grass roots input • Tackling the issue of the lack of data in the industry
2019-2020 By the Numbers • Issued nearly 200 market reports by tapeline recordings; 300 through the OSF website; links to the market reports are also provided in The Messenger (electronic newsletter). • OSN circulation over 3000 four times per year • The Messenger circulation to over 1,102 every week • @OntarioSheep followers over 2,367 • Invested over $20,000 in memberships with industry organizations
Communications • Increased circulation of The Messenger OSF’s digital newsletter to weekly during the COVID-19 pandemic. • Updates to the new producer and farmer wellness pages on the OSN website • Updates to the new producer page on the OSN website • Continue to move online educational resource page on the OSN website • Transition of OSF in digital format in addition to hardcopy • Hosted and continue to host webinars for producers • Created a webinar library on the OSF website to show previously held webinars OSN
Thank you to OSFSponsors 2020 Sponsors 2020 OSF
For a complete list and links to their sites visit www.ontariosheep.org/Industry%20Supporters
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