Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency, 130 Malcolm Road, Guelph, ON, N1K 1B1 www.ontariosheep.org Tel: 519-836-0043
Inside This Issue
OSMA Board Hires New GM Board Decisions / Actions Programs Religious & Ethnic Holidays General Interest Programs / Workshops Upcoming Events District Information Other District Organizations OSMA Reaching Out
Photo Contest Winner
“So This is What Happens When Old MacDonald is Away” Taken by Julie Groot
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
February 2013
May 29 July 10
August 21 October 9
OSMA Board Selects A New General Manager The Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency is pleased to announce that Jennifer MacTavish will be joining us as General Manager effective April 1, 2013. Jennifer has been Executive Director of the Canadian Sheep Federation since 2004 and brings significant expertise and knowledge of the Canadian sheep industry. Her experience working with industry and government organizations is a strong asset that will enable her to provide the leadership for Ontario sheep industry.
BOARD MEETING – January 9 CSF held a governance meeting in early December as part of the renewal process going forward.
encouraged to provide their Provincial Directors with ideas and proposed direction.
Resolutions were reviewed from the OSMA AGM and action has been taken on several. Please see the minutes on the web site for more details.
The OSMA Board has committed to participate in a National Research Cluster with other provincial members.
OSMA will continue to be present and support the OASC meetings for RMP discussions.
Tim Nelson gave a presentation on the availability of personal protective equipment in case of a disease outbreak.
The Board is planning on reviewing and updating the strategic plan at its March meeting. Producers are
The OSMA AGM will be in Guelph at the end of October, 2013.
PROGRAMS RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR SHEEP Ontario’s Risk Management Program (RMP) helps producers manage risks beyond their control, like fluctuating costs and market prices. 2013 Premium Rates Category Lamb
Unit $/lb.
80% $0.0478
Coverage Level 90% $0.0713
For more information contact Agricorp at 888-247-4999 or visit their website at agricorp.com
100% $0.0951
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
February 2013
Canada-Ontario Forage and Livestock Transportation Assistance Initiative Producers may qualify to help offset the extra transportation costs incurred to feed livestock. The initiative provides up to $2.4 million to producers of eligible breeding stock in Ontario (including beef cattle, sheep, goats, horses, deer or elk) who live in these areas of extreme drought: Brant, Bruce, Grey,
Haldimand-Norfolk, Halton, Hamilton, Huron, Lanark, Niagara, Ottawa, Oxford, Perth, Renfrew, Waterloo and Wellington. More information on this initiative is available through Agricorp (1-888-2474999)
RELIGIOUS & ETHNIC HOLIDAY’S For more information on the Holidays please click the link below to go to the OSMA website: Religious & Ethnic Holidays - http://www.ontariosheep.org/ - Market Information – Market Reports
GENERAL INTEREST OSMA Twitter Account OSMA has a new twitter account that you should visit. https://twitter.com/OntarioSheep https://twitter.com/OntarioLamb
PREDATION AND WILDLIFE DAMAGE For more information on Predation and Wildlife Damage and the program application form visit the OMAFRA website at: http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/livestock/predation.htm
AGPAL An On-line Information Source for Government Programs and Services Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) recently launched AgPal, a web-based tool to help producers and others in the agriculture and agri-business sector find the federal, provincial and territorial programs and services that specifically apply to them. Currently, the site has information on 169 different programs including AAFC programs, Farm Credit Canada programs, programs from Nova Scotia, and
Ontario’s Growing Forward programs. It is expected that additional information will be added to the site over the coming months. AgPal can be accessed through the ministry’s Growing Forward web page http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/about/growin gforward/2011-index.htm or directly at http://www.agpal.ca AgPal is part of Growing Forward, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
February 2013
SHEEP INDUSTRY’S PROGRESS TOWARDS MANDATORY RFID TAGS Sheep producers are allowed to transport sheep and lambs bearing Ketchum Kurl-lock tags past December 31, 2012. Producers are encouraged to apply RFID tags however they may use up their existing stocks of pink Ketchum Kurl-lock tags until a future date is established. The tag revocation date
will be established when CFIA audits show that less than 10% of the sheep and lambs on offer on a consistent basis bear Ketchum Kurl-lock tags. The revocation date will be communicated to producers and industry partners in a timely matter.
ADD NEW VALUE TO YOUR BUSINESS The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs have developed a number of products to help you turn your business ideas into reality. These
resources are designed for farmers and rural business owners interested in adding value to their business. For information on video, workshops and e-learning resources go to
http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/busdev/diversifyfarmbus/valueadded.htm Exploring Value Added Opportunities - Webinar When: Wed, February 27, 1:00 – Thu, February 28, 4:00 Where: Webinar Description: For further information and to register, call 1-877-424-1300 or email: ag.info.omafra@ontario.ca The two-part webinar will be held in the afternoon on Feb. 27 & 28. Further information is available at http:www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/busdev/diversifyfarmbus/valueadded.htm
AGRIWEBINAR – LEARNING WITHOUT LIMITS Presented by The Canadian Farm Business Management Council. Date
February 13, 2013
Kevin Hursh Hursh Consulting & Communications Inc.
February 18, 2013
March 18, 2013
Yvonne Thyssen-Post President Thyagrissen Consulted Ltd.
Jean-Phillippe Gervais Senior Agricultural Economist FCC
Topic FCC Presents: Making more money from the same production base Expansion aside, how do you make more money from the farm? Do you concentrate on production, cost control, marketing or the deployment of your human resources? The answer is likely to be a little bit different on every farm. Getting the Most Out of Your Business Plan Some business owners feel the only purpose of a business plan is to secure financing. However if one goes through the process with the premise that it is for them, not for the lender, you will see it as a valuable tool for business management. Yvonne Thyssen-Post will review the business planning process and how you can make it step practical so it can help you make better business decisions. Good information is an essential element to making good decisions. FCC Presents: Canadian Agriculture and the World How is Canadian Agriculture performing on a global scale and what can we learn from other countries?
Visit the website to access over 100 archived webinars, and to subscribe to their mailing list. Website: http://www.agriwebinar.com/
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
February 2013
ADVANTAGE ON-FARM FOOD SAFETY WEBINARS The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) will be hosting 9 webinar sessions on Good Agriculture Practices for your farm, available at no cost.
food safety and develop an action plan to ensure your operation is meeting the best practices. This module is interactive and uses computer resources to assess your risks. Webinar -Thursday, February 28, 2013, 12:00 pm (noon) – 12:45 pm
3-2-1 Assessment of Your Farm Operation for Food Safety Asses your present farm practices for Register online at http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/food/foodsafety/producers/webinars.htm Registration closes the day before each workshop. A confirmation email will be sent following registration with the workshop teleconference/webinar details.
GROWING FORWARD A commitment by Canada's federal, provincial and territorial government that supports the development and implementation of best practices in four key areas: 1) 2) 3) 4)
Environment and Climate Change Business Development Food Safety and Traceability Biosecurity
For more information: Call 1-888-479-3931; e-mail growingforward@ontario.ca Or visit their website by copy and paste of the following link: http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/about/growingforward/2011-index.htm
ONTARIOFRESH.CA Ontariofresh.ca 2.0 is live on the web! The website serves as a valuable economic tool among food service businesses and food producers to help meet the growing demand for Ontario food. The new, optimized version of Ontariofresh.ca website allows local food buyers and sellers to search for products, announce the availability of seasonal products, and
post contract opportunities by using a sophisticated search function. You can register your business’ profile at http://www.ontariofresh.ca/ or by calling 1-888-2499399 or 647-426-8420.
UPCOMING EVENTS For more information on any upcoming event please visit the OSMA website at: Events (http://www.ontariosheep.org/Events.aspx)
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
February 2013
DISTRICT 10 SHEEP DAY February 16th in the Drummond Building on the Spencerville Fairgrounds Some of the topics are: Managing livestock guardian dogs; Introduction to Bioflock; Pasture vs confinement; Maximizing forages using technology; Incorporating corn grazing into a pasture system; Contributors to post weaning lamb mortality; Breeding parasite resistance in sheep; Panel on experiences with parasite resistance. The cost is only $25 and this includes refreshments during the day and a hot lunch. If you need more information contact Gary Lapier at 613-989-2792.
PROFITABLE PASTURES Mon, 4 March, in Napanee, ON at the Strathacona Paper Centre Tue, 5 March, in Drumbo, ON at the Drumbo Agricultural Hall The cost is $40, includes hot roast beef lunch. Registration deadline: Feb. 25th. Call Ontario Forage Council to register: 519-986-1484 or 1-877-892-8663, Visa/Mastercard accepted. Make cheques payable to the Ontario Forage Council.
NORTH WELLINGTON SHEEP DAY 2013 Saturday March 9 from 8 am to 3 pm at the Mount Forest District Sports Complex. Topics include: Alternative forage crops; Q fever; Biosecurity; How to keep my feed cost under control; Parasite management; 2000 pasture days out of 1 acre; Panel – Keeping cost of production under control and Marketing strategies RSVP by March 6 – Contact Sarel, Mary Lynn, or Doris North Wellington Co-op at 519-323-1271 or sssmit@northwellington.ca
DISTRICT INFORMATION Note: For further information and details about your District please contact your District Secretary
District 1: Please contact your District Secretary for date and location of your next District meeting District 1 Website: www.OSMA_district_1.tripod.com Contact: District Secretary: Michelle Prudom at 519-845-3998
District 2: Meetings usually held the 1st Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm.
Contact: District Secretary - Kyle Harrison 519334-3928
District 3: Contact: District Secretary - Neil Mesman 519504-3089 or email: neil.mesman@me.com
District 4: Last Saturday of every month: Monthly Producer Breakfasts at 9 am at Boston Common Restaurant, 2619 Cockshutt Rd. Waterford. Contact: Rob Scott 519-209-3944 e-mail bcf_222@hotmail.com. Join us for sheep chat, good people and good food.
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger Feb 26: at 7:30 pm District 4 meeting at Ancaster Fairgrounds (Up stairs in Merritt Hall). The speaker for the night will be Christoph Wand and the topic will be "Feed Resource Efficient Nutrition of Your Ewe Flock." Feel free to bring feed samples (hay etc.) for analysis. Address: 630 Trinity Road RR#1, Jerseyville Contact: Rob Scott 519-209-3944 Contact: District Secretary - Sharon Petheram; 519443-5844 or email: petherdale@gmail.com
District 5:
February 2013
District 8: Contact: District Secretary – Linda Huizenga phone: 613-477-1393
District 9: Contact: District Secretary – Allan Burn Email: cairnfarm@hotmail.com or phone: 613-812-8407
District 10:
Meetings are usually last Wed. of every month, Location TBA Contact: District Secretary - Dawn VanKampen phone: 519-940-2202
District 6: Contact: District Secretary – Grant Cowan phone: 705-436-2236 or e-mail: gcowan@gtcnet.ca
District 7:
Feb 16: District 10 Sheep Day in the Drummond Building on the Spencerville Fairgrounds. The cost is only $25 and this includes refreshments during the day and a hot lunch. If you need more information contact Gary Lapier at 613-989-2792. District 10 Website: www.osmadistrict10.ca/ Contact: District Secretary – Gary Lapier phone: 613-989-2792
District 11:
Contact: District Secretary – Doug McCubbin phone: 705-793-1589
Contact: District Secretary – Debra Garner Email: bill.debgarner@gmail.com phone: 705-563-2761
OTHER DISTRICT ORGANIZATIONS Victoria County Sheep Producers. Third Wednesday every month starting at 7:30 Sunderland Co-op Boardroom at Oakwood Location Membership is $20 per farm per year. Contact: Doug Walden - 705-324-7478 Southwestern Sheep Farmers Formerly known as Middlesex Sheep & Lamb Producers
Chair – Wendy McGowan, 519- 657-5197, Vice Chair – Geraldine Pennings, 519-764-2455 Secretary/Treas – Marilyn Walker, 510-287-5637, Grey Bruce Sheep Management Club Location: Grey Gables in Markdale Western Ontario Lamb Producers District 2 and 3 area Ontario Suffolk Sheep Association
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
February 2013
OSMA REACHING OUT OSMA Website – www.ontariosheep.org Have you visited OSMA’s website. If you haven’t, please take a few of the things you will find. About Ontario Sheep Programs, Services Market Information Sheep Production Information Current Initiatives Research Projects News Events
moment to check it out. The following are just a Messenger OSN Locators – Lamb, Guardian Animals, and Breed Lamb Nutrition and Recipes Virtual Farm Tour Links and Videos Kids Corner
OSMA MARKET APP Get the latest market information directly to your smart phone. The app lets farmers make marketing decisions on the go. See the September 2012 issue of Ontario Sheep News for instructions to download the app to your Smartphone. Visit the following websites to download the app. Blackberry - OntarioSheep.org/BlackBerry.php Android -
Apple - OntarioSheep.org/Apple.php
OSMA and the Industry – Messenger
February 2013
HELP US KEEP YOU INFORMED To keep you up to date on current events by phone and email please make sure that we have your current information. TELL YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND NEIGHBOURS TO UPDATE THEIR INFORMATION Contact us by calling 519-836-0043 or emailing admin@ontariosheep.org