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big kids [6–9

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Hygiene is an important part of our daily lives… forever! Now is the time to teach our big kids why we do these daily tasks so we can insure they grow happy, healthy and are never known as the smelly kid!

clean 101

So, you’ve been at this proper hygiene for a few years now, but now you need to really teach your big kid the hows and whys:

• the germs Now is the time to talk about germs. Explain that germs try to get into our bodies and make us sick and proper hygiene helps us keep these tiny invaders away.

• the wash Washing our hands is the best way to combat germs. Explain the importance of washing if he coughs or sneezes, before eating or preparing foods, after using the bathroom, after playing outside or with an animal and after visiting someone sick.

• the antibacterial Over the course of the last few years, we all should have had stock in the numerous hand sanitizers and other antibacterial products on the market. It’s important to let your big kid know these items are an appropriate alternative to hand washing, but good old soap and warm water are the best option.

• the example The best way to teach proper hygiene is for you to be a model of good behavior. Remember your kiddos are ALWAYS watching and learning how to navigate this world by studying you.

Resource For You

The market is full of personal hygiene products for you and your kiddos. Are they all safe? Every mom should bookmark www.cosmeticsdatabase.com. This is the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep cosmetic safety database. They score cosmetics and personal care products on a scale of 0–10 [the lower the score, the safer the product]. You can search by ingredient, company or product. It’s easy to get sucked into marketing campaigns and product labels, but this site helps you get through all of that and find the safest products for you and your whole family. years] you like short shorts?

As your tweener dives into puberty there are numerous milestones achieved by each gender, but boys and girls alike with inevitably embark on… unwanted hair!

Today there are lots of options to remove unwanted hair. You’ve got waxing, plucking, creams, lasers and what not. Well, we’re going old school and talkin’ razors. Here are some shaving tips for your tweener:

• timing for her Your tweener might be ready sooner than others to shave her legs especially if her hair is dark rather than blonde. for him When your tweener begins to grow hair on his face, he will probably want to start shaving as soon as it begins to bother him or you!

• the blade for her & him Options, options, options…and more options when it comes to razors for your tweener. Let your tweener help pick their blade of preference and other accessories such as shaving cream.

• the lesson there are over 250,000 sweat glands in our feet—producing up to ½ cup of sweat a day you smell dat?

· for her Now, your tweener thinks she knows everything, so don’t be surprised if she doesn’t ask you for the how-to. If she does ask, keep it simple. Let her know to shave in the direction the hair grows and to take her time and the importance of shaving with water and a good lather, whether it is soap or shaving cream. for him When your son first starts shaving, he probably won’t need to do his whole face. Starting out, he should shave in the direction his hair grows [with the grain]. Later, he can get a really close shave by going against the grain. Your tweener should shave about half an inch, rinse the razor and repeat until finished. And mom, we know you want to take care of your little boy, but there is no shame in asking a trusted male in your life to offer his expertise in this area.

Picture it…You’ve been gone for the afternoon. You return home, open the front door and there it is! Something horrible has happened…a squirrel, rat or other small, but larger than wanted, rodent must have died in the house while you were away. The smell is atrocious, but wait…no…it’s his shoes…AAAAHHHHH [bags dropped, hands to the face as you belt out your best psycho scream]!

If you want to describe something that smells really bad to someone, just say it smells like feet and you will immediately get a scrunched up nose. Nasty! Your maturing teen is sweating more, which can include his feet. Here are some tips to keep your teen tootsies as sweet smelling as possible:

• wash ‘em up If they stink, wash your feet. Your teen should be showering at least once a day and make sure he uses an antibacterial soap and don’t forget to scrub between the toes.

• keep it dry Excessive perspiration and moisture create a breeding ground for bacteria and are the top cause of smelly feet. Keep his feet as dry as possible by changing socks as needed and doing your best to dry out shoes before wearing again. Opt for white, cotton socks rather than other colors. Some dyes can cause feet to smell as well.

• powder & spray it Try an over the counter foot spray or powder. These are designed to keep feet dry and kill fungi.

• ditch it When you have washed and dried and sprayed and the shoes still cause a gauging reflex, throw them away!

It’s important to know that anxiety and different skin conditions can also be a cause of smelly feet. If you have other concerns, it is always a good bet to talk with your trusted physician.

Who is Sally?

She is our quintessential, “do-it-all” mom and friend who reminds us to remember the woman behind the mom.

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