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parent resources for the fargo-moorhead area
DivorceCare for Kids 13 week session for kids ages 6 and up at Hope Lutheran South Campus – Call for session dates 701.235.6629
Up With Downs Supporting families of Down syndrome. For more information, contact Kara Jones, 701.526.3240 or karaljones@gmail.com, or Liz St. Louis, 701.212.7877 or estlouis4@gmail.com
Red River Moms Of Multiples 2nd Tuesday of each month. For more information visit www.rrvmothersofmultiples.org
Adoption Play Support Group For more details call 701.200.3285 or email shellemoran@yahoo.com
Compassionate Friends 2nd Thursday of each month, 7:30pm at Faith Lutheran Church, 127 2nd Ave E, West Fargo. Offering grief support after the death of a child. For more information patkylene@hotmail.com or 701.282.4794
Tender Transitions Every Tuesday and Friday from 12:00pm to 3:00pm at Essentia Health South University
6th Floor Conference Room. For all new moms in the FM area. For questions, call 701.364.8066
SHARE: Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Group 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm at Faith United Methodist Church [19th Ave. N, Fargo]. This nondenominational group offers support to those whose lives are touched by the tragic death of a baby through early pregnancy loss, stillbirth or within the first few months of life. For more information call 701.234.7500
Autism Support Group 2nd Friday of each month from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at Triumph Lutheran Church in Moorhead. For more information call group contact Rachel at 218.287.1184
DMF Lend A Hand Offers resources and matching funds to improve volunteer efforts that benefit people experiencing a medical crisis. Learn more about current efforts and/or to make a tax-deductible donation go to www.dakmed.org/lendahand
Fargo-Moorhead Home Schoolers Christian home schooling Moms who want to network ideas and provide support to homeschooling families. For more information contact Karen - jkisgrig@msn.com or 701.967.8990

HOPE, Inc. Provides a year-round sports and recreation program for children and young adults ages 2-23 with mobility challenges. We are family-centered and provide extra equipment so the ENTIRE family can play! Contact Adair at 701.866.9002 or agrommesh@cableone.net for more information or visit www.hopeinconline.org
Breastfeeding Support Group Meets once a month from 6:00pm to 7:00pm at Essentia Health. Call 701.364.8100 or visit www.innovishealth.com for more information and other support group opportunities
Rape & Abuse Crisis Center Crisis intervention, advocacy, and counseling services to all persons who have been victims of domestic violence or sexual abuse. Volunteer or donate. Call 701.293.7273 or visit www.raccfm.com
Rainbow Bridge Visitation & Safe Exchange Because of dedicated individuals who volunteer their time, Rainbow Bridge is able to meet the ever increasing visitation needs of our families. For more information visit www.rainbowbridgekids.net or call 218.299.7694
FirstChoice Clinic Provides pregnancy confirmation and counseling, prenatal and parenting classes, community referrals to help individuals make life affirming choices. Call 701.237.5902 or visit www.firstchoiceclinic.com. Volunteer or donate at www.teamfirstchoiceclinic.com
Survivor of Suicide Loss 3rd Thursday of each month. Provide a safe, accepted and supportive environment and opportunity to talk openly. For more information contact Mary at 701.219.4110
PATH of North Dakota An organization offering a more personalized approach to foster care. For more information www.pathinc.org or 701.293.9968
FirstLink Provides telephone support including information and referral of local non-profits, listening and support, crisis intervention and suicide intervention 701.235.7335

Hospice An end-of-life care that provides comfort and support for patients and their families, Hospice also provides support groups for adults and children grieving the loss of a loved one. For more information or to make a donation, visit www.hrrv.org
Cullen Children’s Foundation Provide financial resources to organizations that support children’s healthcare needs, with an emphasis on cancer. For information on volunteering, being a part of a committee or to make a donation, visit www.cullyskids.com
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch Offers a year-round opportunity for volunteers [individuals, groups/ part-time, full-time] for its thrift stores. To volunteer call 701.277.9424
Basic Training for New Dads With an experienced dad leading the way, new dads discuss adjusting to fatherhood, what to expect from a newborn baby and how to support mom during this time. For more information visit www.innovishealth.com
For more listings, visit www.OnTheMindsOfMoms.com/support. To submit a group or resource for consideration to be posted on our website, email information to info@onthemindsofmoms.com.

OTMOM does its best to keep information accurate, but organizations are responsible for providing updated information. It is always a good idea to call ahead to confirm the information provided.