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february events
3, 10, 17 & 24
Car Seat Safety Check
701.234.5570 www.north.sanford.org
Are your car seats installed correctly? Don't take the chance! Make an appointment be at the Safety Shoppe [601 39th St N, Fargo] between 1:30pm–4:30pm. This is a free event, but registration is required. Also note that it takes a minimum of 30 minutes per car seat per car.
Go Red Day www.gorednd.com
Heart disease kills 1 in 3 women in North Dakota, but it is highly preventable. Support a heart healthy lifestyle and wear red all day!
Kid Quest Go-Go Gadget Printmaking
701.232.3821 www.plainsart.org
In honor of our Vermillion Prints Collection exhibition and printmakers everywhere, you will stamp out a unique abstract design using nuts, bolts and other oddities at the Plains Art Museum from 10:00am–Noon. This Kid Quest will make you think about how everyday objects can make a mark in your life. This is a FREE event, but preregistration is required.
9 & 17 Leap Frog
701.277.9240 www.redriverzoo.org
Visit the Red River zoo to learn some fun-frog-facts & discover some of their slimy relatives! For ages 4–6. Starts at 10:00am on February 9th or 2:00pm on February 17th.
Sweetheart Ball
701.232.3980 www.rmhcfargo.org
Support the Ronald McDonald House of the Red River Valley at the Holiday Inn with an evening of featuring dinner, a live & silent auction and dancing. Tickets are $75.
Happy Valentine's Day Chocolate, flowers & your sweetie... Good Times!
Basic Training for New Dads www.innovishealth.com
This one-time evening class is designed for 'dads to be'. Dads with new babies are encouraged to bring their baby along with them and to share their "words of wisdom" with others. An experienced dad leads the class. Topics discussed include adjustments to fatherhood, what to expect from a newborn baby and how to support mom during this time. Class is from 6:30pm–8:00pm.