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tame the to-dolist

story by | laura sokolofsky

I’vealways thought the vehicle you drive is a reflection of your personality. The color, make and model all say something about the owner. I’ve driven a 67 Mustang, a Mazda MX6 sportscar, a Honda Accord, and a Jeep Grand Cherokee all dark and sleek in color. My self-reflection…sporty. An avid sports fan ready for any game, a summer sunroof open sun-worshipper, and usually with the pedal to the metal with the need for speed racing to the next event.

I like that reflection. But as more responsibilities get added to my grown up life [pets, children, toys, car seats, strollers, activities and sports equipment] my reflection HAD to adapt. After loading the Jeep for a camping trip, we could hardly find our children in the back seat! Tent, sleeping bags, coolers, food, toys, pillows, clothes and chairs were piled high and even strapped on the roof! All this for two days of camping and we didn’t even bring the dog and kennel! The conclusion… we needed more room!

So what’s bigger than a Jeep? Hmmm…a Tahoe, a Suburban, an Escalade, a Hummer, all still sporty but out of our family’s budget for gas alone much less the actual price tag. What gets better gas mileage and still has more room? Dare I say it…a minivan...NOOOOO!!!!!

I’ve said many times in life “I never want a minivan”. What is it about a minivan I was so against? Everyone I talked to said once they had one they loved it. I was not sold. I had to do some soul searching and some pros vs. cons thinking. The result…it was the reflection.

No minivan turns heads or gets the “sweet car” compliment. I would not feel cool, sassy or sporty like with my past cars. The salesman did not help my falling ego either as he told me, “The next age group that buy minivans the most are senior citizens, because it is easy on their hips to get in and out of.” Not the selling point I needed to hear. My reflection isn’t old lady with bad hips! Remember I’m sporty!

But, I am very practical and the positives; great gas mileage, travel space, fold down seats, carpool capabilities,

what’s on your mind?

Yes I really, really do like my black, fully loaded minivan and I discovered a strange phenomenon no one previously mentioned with minivan ownership. While I don’t feel I look “cool” driving it, for some reason my husband looks very cute, loyal and committed to his family and that is HOT to this 35-year-old mom! Bonus!

Right now my life does revolve around my kids, their activities, and our family’s comfort. The ol’ minivan is the right mode of transportation to keep this family rollin’ to the next softball game, little league, flag football game, hockey practice, dance performance or music class. My sporty is now reflected in being the coach, cheerleader, action photographer, and equipment manager.

auto sliding doors, leather captain chairs [aka no sibling touching feature], cup holders galore, comfortable, and affordable all outweighed this one con…my new reflection.

I am now a new member of the ever-so-practical minivan mom club. The seemingly last and ultimate sacrifice a mom makes for her children, because stretch marks you can hide, a minivan you cannot.

Someday I know my true car reflection will return, but for now the minivan is just right and worth the sacrifice of looking sporty or cool…for now.

This section is dedicated to capturing your mom thoughts. Want to share what’s on your mind? Submit your article idea to info@onthemindsofmoms.com along with a short bio for consideration in an upcoming issue.

701.730.2196 natalie@growingyoungmindstutoring.com www.growingyoungmindstutoring.com

story by | melissa fluge

WhenI think of fashion I think fun, flirty, fabulous, sophisticated, sexy and stylish. As a first time mom of a 1-year-old, this past year has taught me to rethink my fashion needs. Since my beautiful baby entered the picture I have less time to get ready and I have witnessed my body change from head to toe!

I can’t just stand in front of my closet and try on two or three different outfits before leaving the house like I did before having a baby. And while I use to know my size in my favorite brands, today I really struggle to find “my size” again. Well, ladies, it’s time to love your clothes again!

First, put your size concerns aside because it’s not about the size of the clothes and shoes, but how they fit. Then make sure you have these mommy must haves at your fingertips so you can just get dressed and go and still know you are fashionable and ready for the day.

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