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what if?

“Finding out you have breast cancer is a very sobering moment for a woman of any age,” says Susan Berg, a nurse whose career included breast cancer patients. “I was shocked and felt vulnerable. After all I was the one who was supposed to care for people—not the one who needed care.” informed

For Susan, a regularly scheduled mammogram last winter led to the diagnosis. “That same day I was on the phone getting information,” she says.

Diagnosed with an invasive type of breast cancer, she wanted a mastectomy—and hoped breast reconstruction would be possible.

“It was an easy decision for me. I’m active and outdoorsy—fishing, hunting, horseback riding. I couldn’t imagine wearing a hot, uncomfortable prosthesis,” she says. “I viewed breast reconstruction as a natural part of getting back to normal. Why wouldn’t you replace a missing part?” who to trust?

Even if it meant driving many miles, Susan wanted a surgeon who specialized in breast cancer. Her research led her to Dr. Michael Bouton at Sanford in Fargo - 120 miles from her northern Minnesota home. She was relieved to learn he worked closely with a highly trained, experienced team of Sanford plastic and reconstructive surgeons including Dr. Diane Schmidt-Krings.

“Everything just fell into place,” says Susan. “I felt so fortunate to have found a team that really does work connecting

Susan decided to be open about her breast cancer. In turn she received fabulous support from her husband, her two grown sons and their families, and many others. She smiles when she describes her 16-year-old granddaughter’s thoughtfulness: “On Facebook she posted a picture of the two of us together with the words, “Cancer is not a death sentence, but rather a life sentence, it pushes you to live”

She felt embraced by her medical team, too. “We had hugs, laughs and lots of good moments,” she says. “Their warmth and caring turned a potentially negative experience into a positive one.” you’re worth it!

Today Susan is cancer free and feels great, with just a couple steps remaining in the breast reconstruction process. “I’m still a little tender, but there’s nothing holding me back,” she says.

A warm, September day. Sassy and fit, Susan jumps in her red ’95 Firebird, ready to head north to her log home. But wait, one more piece of advice:

“Early detection is really where it’s at,” she says. “Do your breast self exams, get your mammograms and take care of yourself.”

And that’s no movie!

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