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I could easily be the spokesperson for… diet dr pepper.

if i could be famous it would be for… my thrifting ability…I find the best deals!

I’m pretty good at… coming up with ideas and solutions to situations. ways i stay connected to my son… I talk openly and honestly with him on any issue we are visiting about. I also text him and if he is home, I leave him notes, and of course Facebook. my girlfriends give me… my womanly confidence, bring my silly back and make me feel young!

something i feel strongly about… being honest with my son. the tv show i never miss…

I love cop shows, my dvr is full!

I feel beautiful when… my husband smiles at me for no reason. a healthy snack/meal i can’t get enough of… hmmm, that changes all the time, but right now it’s grapes. Green, black, red…doesn’t matter…love ‘em all! every girl should have… a great leather coat. There’s something about a leather coat that makes you feel, sexy, strong and confident. if i had $500 to shop in one store in town it would be… this one is tough… but I would go directly to T.J.Maxx…I love that place!

I would describe my parenting style as… Brian and I had a pretty open parenting style with Dustin; we had to because of the dysfunction that was my family. Dustin was exposed to pretty crazy things as a young child, but being honest and open about life and all it has [good and bad], got us all through it and Dustin turned out better than I could have ever hoped for. He is a pretty great guy.

I once re-gifted…

I don’t think I have done that before. I usually donate instead.

I always have extra… hangers.

five things on my bed stand…

1. a sister plaque from my youngest brother Roger.

2. my Jenny Craig blue ribbon [6 inches long: a reminder I am successful] my profession gives me… happiness, pride, satisfaction. if i could have one parent do over it would be… to spend more time with Dustin and work less. something my husband has done or given me that i treasure most… he loves me for me, doesn’t ever try to change me. three blogs i read daily… blogs? No blogs, but I read AOL, MSNBC, and of course I look at PEOPLE .

3. a red treasure box I got from a friend to hold keepsakes.

4. alarm clock [always set 5 minutes fast].

5. my night light.

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