2 minute read

rad dad braddejong age41,westfargond

I am most fearful of… while I really don’t like mice and snakes, I would say my only real fear is not being around to watch my kids grow up and start their own families.

I wish i knew more about… growing grapes and making wine! someday i would like to experience… if i could change anything about myself it would be… be a little more patient. my biggest claim to fame is… the last time i was shocked… that would be at the birth of my daughter, Carolyn, now 3. After three boys, we were blessed with her on St. Patrick’s Day, and the joy in my wife’s voice when she realized it was a girl was awesome. a family meal i have mastered…

I enjoy traveling and know that there are several places I would like to go to. Having the ability to travel overseas with my family is a goal that I hope we all can enjoy. I would love to invent… anything that would make life easier—but I don’t know what that would be! the sport that best describes me… football. I enjoy being in the middle of the action with a team and playing aggressively. the funniest person i know… my son John is always good for a great laugh; he is the character in the family.

I would say that I truly am always having fun or looking to create fun. I love planning get-togethers with family, friends and coworkers.

I love to grill and think I do a pretty good job at it. My favorite meal is ribs and crab legs; its part of our family’s Christmas tradition.

I wish i had more time for… fishing and hunting with my kids, Dad, brother, and nephews and nieces. of all my kids, the one most like me is [and why]…

I see something in all of them, Christian is goodnatured and sensitive like me, Joseph is outgoing and always having fun, John is easy going and goes with the flow, and Carolyn wants to be involved in everything and typically can be found at the top of the heap when we’re wrestling most nights in the living room! in a bookstore, the section you would most likely find me… fiction spy and espionage books. a tradition i would like my family to experience… we are pretty big on traditions already. The one that I think is the most important is making sure we continue to get together every year for a vacation somewhere. Our most recent trip was to Yellowstone National Park with my family, my parents, and my sister’s family. the one gadget i can’t live without… my most enjoyable hobby… doing something with the family; doesn’t matter what. the most romantic thing i have done for my wife… it would have to be the night I asked her to marry me in Monterey, California. Although the rain spoiled the walk on the beach on the way over to our dinner reservation, we had a wonderful night and a great dinner.

I’m not much of a gadget man, I don’t use the ones I have anywhere close to the level I could.

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